Yulia Baranovskaya left the reboot. Yulia Baranovskaya and Inna Zhirkova about female friendship: “We tested each other over the years, and with money, and with ups and downs.” All presenters of "Reboot"

Yulia Baranovskaya leaves the “Reboot” show on TNT. The last few episodes of the show with her participation will be released this spring. “I am very grateful to the TNT channel for these two years. It so happened that my personal reboot largely coincided with the time that we were doing this project. Two years ago, the channel’s management and the creators of the program entrusted me, who was then taking my first steps on TV, role as the host of this show. I learned a lot during this time. Thanks to the channel, thanks to the team, thanks to my co-hosts, thanks to our heroines and, of course, to all the viewers who watched, wrote and supported me! new profession TV presenter. But life does not stand still, we must move on,” Baranovskaya is quoted as saying in “7 Days.”


Interestingly, Julia did not leave the program alone. Her co-hosts, makeup artist Yuri Stolyarov and hair stylist Evgeniy Sedoy, left with her. “It’s very cool that “Reboot” brought us together. Yura and Zhenya and I became not just colleagues, but friends outside of filming and like-minded people in life. For two years we helped the heroines of “Reboot” change their lives and their appearance, and now we want to do this is beyond the scope of television,” Baranovskaya announced.

    Yulia Baranovskaya left the TNT channel, the show Reboot will not be shown from May 2016. Yulia leaves along with her co-hosts: Yuri Stolyarov, makeup artist, and hairdresser Evgeniy Sedym. They became friends and are now ready to travel around Russia and give master classes for women in the regions, change their appearance and decide psychological problems.

    Yulia Baranovskaya is really leaving the TNT channel. She decided to leave the Reboot program because she wanted to build a career and move forward. She did not leave the project alone; Yuri Stolyarov and Evgeniy Sedoy left with her. They are going to hold master classes all over the country together. We can only wish them good luck!

    Apparently, the TNT management considered that the Reboot program, hosted by Yulia Baranovskaya, had exhausted itself and would no longer be produced on the channel. That's why Yulia leaves TNT.

    Yuri Stolyarov (program makeup artist) and Evgeniy Sedoy (hair stylist) are leaving with her.

    Julia herself says that she will continue her activities together with her colleagues beyond the project:

    Indeed, Yulia Baranovskaya is leaving TNT.

    Will be released this spring latest issues with her participation in the show Reboot.

    Together with Yulia, her co-hosts Yuri Stolyarov and Evgeniy Sedoy also left.

    The reason for leaving was the decision to transform people outside of television.

    Together, these presenters will travel around the country and conduct master classes.

    Most likely the show Reboot will no longer exist.

    Or maybe another project will appear with different presenters.

    They write on the forums that the Reboot program has exhausted itself and, apparently, they are going to close it. This is precisely why Yulia Baranovskaya is leaving TNT. The girl is definitely not left without work (Gordon will help if anything, and Channel One will not remain on the sidelines). The only pity for the fans is that the Reboot program still had them. However, the program is already in the past - we need to move on.

    Yulia Baranovskaya leaves the Reboot show on TNT. This spring you can still see Yulia in the last few episodes with her participation, where she worked for two years. Together with Baranovskaya, her co-hosts, makeup artist Yuri Stolyarov and stylist Evgeniy Sedoy, also left the project.

    In the near future, Yulia Baranovskaya and her former partners in the show, Reboot, intend to hold a series of master classes around the country.

    The bright presenter of the TNT channel Yulia Baranovskaya, as well as her co-hosts Yuriy Stolyarov and Evgeny Sedoy, are leaving the TV project Reboot. So Julia, the hairdresser and the stylist leave to create more large-scale show with travel throughout the country. Rumor has it that Yulia will soon appear on Channel One, hosting the Male and Female program.

    Most likely, Yulia Baranovskaya’s departure from the TNT channel was due to the closure of the Reboot program, whose permanent employees were Evgeny Stolyarov and Yuri Sedoy, who were involved in makeup and hairstyles for the participants - the hairdresser and makeup artist left along with Yulia. And Yulia has been working successfully on Channel One for quite a long time in the program Male and Female, which she co-hosts with Alexander Gordon.

    So Yulia received an offer from Channel One, and that’s where she went. She hosts the program Male and Female with A. Gordon.

    For two years, Yulia Baranovskaya hosted the show Reboot on the TNT channel. She did not leave alone, but together with her co-hosts Yuri Stolyarov and Evgeniy Sedym. The reasons given are different everywhere: somewhere it is said that Yulia went to Channel One in order to become co-host of Alexander Gordon in the Male/Female program. Other sources write that Julia, together with her co-hosts on the Reboot program, plans to travel around the country to conduct master classes throughout the country. Time will tell which version is correct.

    This is so - Yulia Baranovskaya is leaving the TNT television channel, because at the same time she also works on Channel One, and it is more prestigious and therefore she does not lose anything.

    The management of the First could have set a condition for her not to work on other channels, this happens often. And now viewers are already watching the latest episodes with her participation.

    The fact is that every couple of years the management changes presenters in the program and stylists in order to update it, and this has also happened more than once.

    Two of its co-hosts also left the program, and now they say that they will travel around the country and work on transforming women in reality. And give your master classes on this matter.

Yulia Baranovskaya and Inna Zhirkova about female friendship: “We have tested each other through years, money, ups and downs”

HELLO.RU spoke with Inna Zhirkova and Yulia Baranovskaya about female friendship, the ability to be happy for each other and the cohesion of a special category of women, which are the wives of football players.

Inna Zhirkova has long ceased to be perceived simply as the wife of a famous football player. Formerly a model, and today the owner of her own studio, she recently released new collection clothes under the MiloMilo brand, in the lookbook of which she starred together with her friend Yulia Baranovskaya.

Inna, Yulia, how and under what circumstances did you meet?

Inna. We first met in St. Petersburg many years ago. I came to the girls’ restaurant before the game, where I was introduced to Yulia. I can’t say that we immediately became friends, but the first impression was positive. (Smiles). We began to communicate closer in London.

Julia. Today it seems like we have known each other all our lives. I probably won’t even be able to count how many years we’ve been friends... I think a total of eight years.

You are both mothers of many children, do you give each other advice on raising children?

Inna. We don’t give advice to each other unless one of us asks for it. But when Yura and I (Inna’s husband is a football player Yuri Zhirkov - Ed.) moved to St. Petersburg, we couldn’t do it without Yulia’s help, of course. After all, she lived there and knew everything. Yulia helped me find an apartment, advised me which school was best to send my children to, and most importantly, where to find a good pediatrician.

Julia. Inna and I are both mothers of many children, but we don’t give out counter advice - rather, being close, we adopt from each other some attitudes and experiences that are close to us. Of course, if one of us asks about something, then we help each other - in word and deed. But the phrase “I think you’re doing this wrong” has never been and will never be uttered. We are very different in matters of education. I think I'm tougher. But this does not interfere, first of all, with our children. They communicate well, they are always interested and have fun with each other. My Yana even went to the same kindergarten with Inna’s son.

Each of you has something to do with fashion: you, Yulia, are the host of a program where people change their appearance; you, Inna, are a former model who now owns her own studio. At what points in your life did you become interested in this topic?

Julia. For Inna, fashion is a profession, and I’m even in the program" Fashionable verdict"I act as a defender. Just like the heroes of our programs, I listen with pleasure to Evelina Khromchenko and Alexander Vasilyev when they give some professional fashion tips. I'm more of a fashion user. But I have had this since childhood, because my mother sewed, embroidered, knitted, and I watched. My mother instilled in me a love for stylish, interesting, beautiful things.

Inna. I have been drawing since childhood, participated in competitions, and have many certificates. It seems to me that I have not missed a single exhibition or competition. I studied at art school, where I really liked it, I often went out into nature with an easel. Like all girls, she probably dressed dolls to her own taste, and at school, during labor class, she sewed her first skirt, which she then wore to classes. I remember how I ruined my mother’s raincoat by cutting off the bottom so that there was enough material for a skirt. (Laughs). With the birth of my first child came my dreams of opening my own studio. It was the atelier - I didn’t want to just design clothes. When I was pregnant with my third child, my dream became a reality, I opened the MiloMilo studio.

Julia, you are a frequent guest of Fashion Week shows. How can you characterize our modern fashion business, which designers seem interesting?

I can't name myself frequent guest Fashion weeks. I'm interested in fashion more as a consumer - I have to change clothes often and a lot, given the number of shoots that I have during the day. There are stylists on each of the projects, and we often communicate, because as an interested and curious person, I want to know why this particular thing was chosen today, what the trends are, what it “breathes” new season and so on. As for the shows, I am happy to support Russian designers, I’m very glad that many of them are in demand. I want people to wear ours, and not stand in lines for some foreign brands. I really love Alexander Terekhov and Igor Chapurin - his clothes fit me perfectly. I love that he always makes such complex cuts. I love Arutyunov, Viva Vox, Natalia Garth and “Furs Ekaterina”. Yes, a lot of things, to be honest.

Inna, how difficult is it for a woman to break into this business? Who are your customers?

It is really difficult to break into this business, the competition is great, there are a lot of talented designers. But I’m sure that opening a atelier was the right decision - my employees can do everything: sew in, sew on, change the length, decorate an outfit or restore something. And most importantly, my brand’s clients can bring their ideas and ideas to life, ultimately getting the outfit of their dreams. Almost each of them knows what she wants, and, of course, at the same time we create new ready-made clothing collections, which are also extremely popular.

Do you have enough of an army of female fans who know your clothes from Instagram, or are you planning to expand your range of influence?

I admit, there are enough clients, and I am pleased with how the atelier’s business is progressing. Now I live in two cities, Moscow and St. Petersburg, so it’s too early to talk about expansion. But there is a full-fledged store in my native Kaliningrad. I have a lot of plans, I’m not going to stand still. There's going to be a show in Dubai soon, which is very important to me.

Does the success of each of you prevent you from being friends? Or maybe it even helps?

Inna. Yulia and I have been friends for a long time, since we were both wives and housewives. Everything that happened in our lives next, it seems to me, is only our merit. Our success in communication certainly doesn’t hinder us, because everything we have was created before each other’s eyes.

Julia. We met Inna when we were both married famous athletes. Then Yura and Andrey (Arshavin - Ed.) went to play in London, but in different clubs. And Inna and I crossed paths there. Now each of us is doing our own thing. We each grow in our own direction and are happy for each other, without copying or imitating. I am happy with what Inna is doing, that her dresses are popular, and I really like that if I go out somewhere in her dress, I get a lot of compliments. After a photo posted on social networks, I always receive questions in direct messages: “What kind of dress is this?” I think it's great sign that Inna is doing everything right.

There is an opinion that “footballers’ wives” are a special group, unlike other women’s groups. This is true?

Inna. There really is such an opinion; for many we are one whole. All it takes is for someone to do something wrong and they will say: “Well... These football players’ wives...”. But for me, many of them are true friends, our friendship has been tested over the years, and money, and ups and downs. Some husbands have not played for a long time, but our friendship does not depend on this.

Julia. This is a very funny question. I have not been a football player’s wife for 6 years now. But for some reason I still sometimes fall into this category. Is this a special party? Perhaps. There is even a special name - wife and girlfriends, that is, wags. In England, the wives of football players receive great attention; there are even fan groups where they collect all the photographs and all the news about them. This has always been the case, even when social networks were not so developed. So the peculiarity of this group, first of all, is the attention to it.

Spring is a time when stylists actively offer women changes. What will you never agree to?

Julia. Having by nature - as life has shown and the number of questions “What color do you dye your hair?” - wonderful hair color, it would be strange if I cheated on myself and radically changed the color just because the stylist suggested it. This is my hair and I love everything about it. It happens when I run into some salon to get my appointment. a quick fix, I hear women asking hairdressers: “Make me this hair color!” I am from that category of people who need changes within themselves, and as soon as they happen, I begin to look different without changing anything externally. Then the sun begins to shine brighter and the weather seems better.

Inna. They say that if you change something in yourself, your life will change. But I will support Yulia, the main thing is changes within yourself. Julia didn’t dye her hair or get short haircuts, but her life changed dramatically! As for me, outwardly I changed - I was now a blonde, now a brunette, and so on. But I did it only because I wanted to look a little different. Now I have matured and see no reason to change anything, this is precisely the reason why I don’t dye my hair, don’t get extensions, and have never had beauty injections, although there have been impulses. (Laughs). So the answer to the question is - it doesn’t matter what you are ready to change in your appearance, the main thing is to be in harmony with your inner world.