5 romances and their composers. Sheet music, chords - a collection of ancient Russian romances - piano. City and gypsy romances


  • And in the end I will tell…(A. Petrov - B. Akhmadulina)
  • Oh, why this night...(Nick. Bakaleinikov - N. Ritter)
  • Oh those black eyes


  • White acacia fragrant clusters- music by an unknown author, words by A. Pugachev (?). Published in 1902.
  • Bells- music by A. Bakaleinikov, lyrics by A. Kusikov.
  • Past joys, past sorrows


  • In the garden where we met
  • At the hour when the flicker
  • (gypsy waltz by S. Gerdal)
  • You don't understand my sadness
  • Come back, I will forgive everything!(B. Prozorovsky - V. Lensky)
  • evening call, evening Bell- poems by Ivan Kozlov and music by Alexander Alyabyev, -
  • (N. Zubov - I. Zhelezko)
  • In the moonlight (Ding-ding-ding! The bell is ringing, words and music by Evgeny Yuryev)
  • Here comes the postal troika
  • All that has gone before(D. Pokrass - P. Herman)
  • You ask for songs, I don't have them(Sasha Makarov)
  • (M. Lermontov)


  • “Gas scarf” (Don’t tell anyone about love)
  • Gaida, three(M. Steinberg)
  • Eyes(A. Vilensky - T. Shchepkina-Kupernik)
  • Looking at the purple sunset beam
  • Burn, burn, my star- music by P. Bulakhov to words by V. Chuevsky, 1847.


  • Two guitars- music by Ivan Vasiliev (to the tune of a gypsy Hungarian woman), lyrics by Apollon Grigoriev.
  • Day and night the heart sheds affection
  • You made a mistake(unknown - I. Severyanin)
  • The Long Road- music by B. Fomin, lyrics by K. Podrevsky
  • Weeping willows are dozing
  • Duma


  • If you want to love(music: A. Glazunov, lyrics: A. Korinfsky)
  • More than once you will remember me


  • (M. Pugachev - D. Mikhailov)
  • My joy lives on- based on the poem by Sergei Fedorovich Ryskin (1859-1895) “Udalets” (1882), arr. M. Shishkina

Lark (M. Glinka - Puppeteer N)


  • For a friendly conversation (He came to us, he came to us)
  • Stars on the sky (I dreamed of a garden in a wedding dress) (V. Borisov - E. Diterichs)
  • Winter road- poems by Pushkin, music by Alyabyev."


  • Emerald


  • How good
  • Gate(A. Obukhov - A. Budishchev)
  • Capricious, stubborn
  • When you have a premonition of separation...(D. Ashkenazi - Y. Polonsky)
  • You are my fallen maple (Sergei Yesenin in 1925)
  • When with a simple and gentle gaze
  • Red sundress


  • a swan song(music and lyrics by Marie Poiret), 1901
  • Calendar sheets
  • Only the moon will rise (K. K. Tyrtov, dedication to Vyaltseva)


  • My days are slowly passing by(music: N. Rimsky-Korsakov, lyrics by A. Pushkin)
  • Honey, can you hear me- music by E. Waldteifel, lyrics by S. Gerdel
  • My fire is shining in the fog(Ya. Prigogine and others - Yakov Polonsky)
  • Furry bumblebee(A. Petrov - R. Kipling, trans. G. Kruzhkov)
  • Flies like black thoughts(Mussorgsky - Apukhtin)
  • We went out into the garden
  • We only know each other(B. Prozorovsky - L. Penkovsky)


  • On far shore(words - V. Lebedev, music - G. Bogdanov)
  • Don't wake her up at dawn(A. Varlamov - A. Fet)
  • Don't scold me, dear. Words: A. Razorenov, music: A. I. Dyubuk
  • Don't tell me about him(M. Perrottet)
  • Spring will not come for me- based on the text of the poet A. Molchanov, created in 1838 in the Caucasus, music. and words by N. Devitte.
  • Don't fool me
  • Don't awaken memories(P. Bulakhov - N. N.)
  • Don't leave, my darling(N. Pashkov)
  • Don't go, stay with me(N. Zubov)
  • No, he didn't love it!(A. Guerchia - M. Medvedev). A translation of the Italian romance, performed with great success by V. F. Komissarzhevskaya and introduced into the play “Dowry” by A. N. Ostrovsky on stage Alexandria Theater as Larisa's romance (premiere September 17, 1896).
  • No, it’s not you I love so passionately (poems by M. Lermontov)
  • I don't need anything in the world
  • Beggar
  • But I still love you
  • Crazy nights, sleepless nights(A. Spiro - A. Apukhtin)
  • The night is bright(M. Shishkin - M. Yazykov)
  • The night is silent(A. G. Rubinstein)


  • Oh, at least talk to me(I. Vasiliev - A. Grigoriev), 1857
  • The bell rings loudly(K. Sidorovich - I. Makarov)
  • The month turned crimson
  • He left(S. Donaurov - unknown author)
  • With a sharp ax
  • Move away, don't look
  • (first romance by Nikolai Kharito, 1910)
  • Charming eyes(I. Kondratyev)
  • Black eyes- lyrics by Evgeniy Grebenka (1843), performed to the music of F. Herman’s waltz “Hommage” (Valse Hommage) arranged by S. Gerdel in 1884.
  • The golden grove dissuaded(based on verses by S. Yesenin)


  • A pair of bays(S. Donaurov - A. Apukhtin)
  • Under your enchanting caress
  • Lieutenant Golitsyn (song)- first dated performance in 1977.
  • Really, I'll tell my mom
  • Take a peek at me, my darling- music: A. I. Dyubuk
  • Confession
  • Farewell, my camp!(B. Prozorovsky - V. Makovsky)
  • Farewell dinner
  • Song of the Gypsy Poems by Yakov Polonsky
  • The lark's song


  • As she parted, she said
  • Romance about romance- music by Andrei Petrov, lyrics by Bela Akhmadulina, from the film “Cruel Romance”, 1984.
  • Romance(Words and music by Alexander Vasiliev)


  • White tablecloth(F. Herman, sample by S. Gerdahl - unknown author)
  • The night was shining
  • Random and simple
  • Nightingale- composer A. A. Alyabyev on poems by A. A. Delvig, 1825-1827.
  • Good night gentlemen- music - A. Samoilov, poetry - A. Skvortsov.
  • Among the worlds
  • Faceted cups


  • Your eyes are green Boris Fomin
  • Dark cherry shawl(V. Bakaleinikov)
  • Only time(words by P. German, music by B. Fomin)
  • (lyrics by Anatoly Adolfovich Frenkel, music by Nikolai Ivanovich Kharito)


  • On the high bank
  • Alas, why does she shine?- poems by Pushkin, music by Alyabyev
  • You are a true friend
  • Go away, go away completely(L. Friso - V. Vereshchagin)
  • Street, street, you, brother, are drunk- poetry: V. I. Sirotin, music: A. I. Dyubuk
  • Foggy morning(E. Abaza, according to other sources Y. Abaza - Ivan Turgenev)


  • The nightingale whistled to us all night- music by Veniamin Basner, lyrics by Mikhail Matusovsky. Romance from the film “Days of the Turbins”. 1976. Created under the influence of popular romance
  • old noble romance, music. Sartinsky-Bey, words by unknown author


  • Gull- music: E. Zhurakovsky, M. Poiret, lyrics: E. A. Bulanina
  • Circassian song- poems by Pushkin, music by Alyabyev
  • Black eyes. Words: A. Koltsov, music: A. I. Dyubuk
  • What is this heart
  • Wonderful rose


  • musical arrangement by Boris Prozorovsky, lyrics by Konstantin Podrevsky


  • Hey, coachman, drive to "Yar"(A. Yuriev - B. Andrzhievsky)


  • words and music by D. Mikhailov
  • I loved you- poems by Pushkin, music by Alyabyev
  • I met you(music by unknown author, edited by I. Kozlovsky - F. Tyutchev)
  • I was driving home(lyrics and music by M. Poiret), 1905
  • I won't tell you anything(T. Tolstaya - A. Fet)
  • I'll leave, I'll leave, I'll leave
  • Coachman, don't drive the horses- composer Yakov Feldman, poet Nikolai von Ritter, 1915
  • based on poems by A. S. Pushkin

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An excerpt characterizing the List of Russian romances

- Well, when to go, Your Excellency?
- Well... (Anatole looked at his watch) let’s go now. Look, Balaga. A? Will you be in time?
- Yes, how about departure - will he be happy, otherwise why not be in time? - Balaga said. “They delivered it to Tver and arrived at seven o’clock.” You probably remember, Your Excellency.
“You know, I once went from Tver for Christmas,” said Anatole with a smile of memory, turning to Makarin, who looked at Kuragin with all his eyes. – Do you believe, Makarka, that it was breathtaking how we flew. We drove into the convoy and jumped over two carts. A?
- There were horses! - Balaga continued the story. “I then locked the young ones attached to the Kaurom,” he turned to Dolokhov, “so would you believe it, Fyodor Ivanovich, the animals flew 60 miles; I couldn’t hold it, my hands were numb, it was freezing. He threw down the reins, holding it, Your Excellency, himself, and fell into the sleigh. So it’s not like you can’t just drive it, you can’t keep it there. At three o'clock the devils reported. Only the left one died.

Anatole left the room and a few minutes later returned in a fur coat belted with a silver belt and a sable hat, smartly put on his side and suiting him very well. beautiful face. Looking in the mirror and in the same position that he took in front of the mirror, standing in front of Dolokhov, he took a glass of wine.
“Well, Fedya, goodbye, thank you for everything, goodbye,” said Anatole. “Well, comrades, friends... he thought about... - my youth... goodbye,” he turned to Makarin and others.
Despite the fact that they were all traveling with him, Anatole apparently wanted to make something touching and solemn out of this address to his comrades. He spoke in a slow, loud voice and with his chest out, he swayed with one leg. - Everyone take glasses; and you, Balaga. Well, comrades, friends of my youth, we had a blast, we lived, we had a blast. A? Now, when will we meet? I'll go abroad. Long lived, goodbye guys. For health! Hurray!.. - he said, drank his glass and slammed it on the ground.
“Be healthy,” said Balaga, also drinking his glass and wiping himself with a handkerchief. Makarin hugged Anatole with tears in his eyes. “Eh, prince, how sad I am to part with you,” he said.
- Go, go! - Anatole shouted.
Balaga was about to leave the room.
“No, stop,” said Anatole. - Close the doors, I need to sit down. Like this. “They closed the doors and everyone sat down.
- Well, now march, guys! - Anatole said standing up.
The footman Joseph handed Anatoly a bag and a saber, and everyone went out into the hall.
-Where is the fur coat? - said Dolokhov. - Hey, Ignatka! Go to Matryona Matveevna, ask for a fur coat, a sable cloak. “I heard how they were taking away,” Dolokhov said with a wink. - After all, she will jump out neither alive nor dead, in what she was sitting at home; you hesitate a little, there are tears, and dad, and mom, and now she’s cold and back - and you take it in a fur coat right away and carry it to the sleigh.
The footman brought a woman's fox cloak.
- Fool, I told you sable. Hey, Matryoshka, sable! – he shouted so that his voice was heard far across the rooms.
A beautiful, thin and pale gypsy woman, with shiny black eyes and black, curly, bluish-tinged hair, in a red shawl, ran out with a sable cloak on her arm.
“Well, I’m not sorry, you take it,” she said, apparently timid in front of her master and regretting the cloak.
Dolokhov, without answering her, took the fur coat, threw it on Matryosha and wrapped her up.
“That’s it,” said Dolokhov. “And then like this,” he said, and lifted the collar near her head, leaving it only slightly open in front of her face. - Then like this, see? - and he moved Anatole’s head to the hole left by the collar, from which Matryosha’s brilliant smile could be seen.
“Well, goodbye, Matryosha,” Anatole said, kissing her. - Eh, my revelry is over here! Bow to Steshka. Well, goodbye! Goodbye, Matryosha; wish me happiness.
“Well, God grant you, prince, great happiness,” said Matryosha, with her gypsy accent.
There were two troikas standing at the porch, two young coachmen were holding them. Balaga sat down on the front three, and, raising his elbows high, slowly took apart the reins. Anatol and Dolokhov sat down with him. Makarin, Khvostikov and the footman sat in the other three.
- Are you ready, or what? – asked Balaga.
- Let go! - he shouted, wrapping the reins around his hands, and the troika rushed down Nikitsky Boulevard.
- Whoa! Come on, hey!... Whoa, - you could only hear the cry of Balaga and the young man sitting on the box. On Arbat Square, the troika hit a carriage, something crackled, a scream was heard, and the troika flew down Arbat.
Having given two ends along Podnovinsky, Balaga began to hold back and, returning back, stopped the horses at the intersection of Staraya Konyushennaya.
The good fellow jumped down to hold the horses' bridles, Anatol and Dolokhov walked along the sidewalk. Approaching the gate, Dolokhov whistled. The whistle responded to him and after that the maid ran out.
“Go into the yard, otherwise it’s obvious he’ll come out now,” she said.
Dolokhov remained at the gate. Anatole followed the maid into the yard, turned the corner and ran onto the porch.
Gavrilo, Marya Dmitrievna’s huge traveling footman, met Anatoly.
“Please see the lady,” the footman said in a deep voice, blocking the way from the door.
- Which lady? Who are you? – Anatole asked in a breathless whisper.
- Please, I've been ordered to bring him.
- Kuragin! back,” Dolokhov shouted. - Treason! Back!
Dolokhov, at the gate where he stopped, was struggling with the janitor, who was trying to lock the gate behind Anatoly as he entered. Dolokhov, with his last effort, pushed the janitor away and, grabbing the hand of Anatoly as he ran out, pulled him out the gate and ran with him back to the troika.

Marya Dmitrievna, finding a tearful Sonya in the corridor, forced her to confess everything. Having intercepted Natasha’s note and read it, Marya Dmitrievna, with the note in her hand, went up to Natasha.
“Bastard, shameless,” she told her. - I don’t want to hear anything! - Pushing away Natasha, who was looking at her with surprised but dry eyes, she locked it and ordered the janitor to let through the gate those people who would come that evening, but not to let them out, and ordered the footman to bring these people to her, sat down in the living room, waiting kidnappers.
When Gavrilo came to report to Marya Dmitrievna that the people who had come had run away, she stood up with a frown and folded her hands back, walked around the rooms for a long time, thinking about what she should do. At 12 o'clock at night, feeling the key in her pocket, she went to Natasha's room. Sonya sat in the corridor, sobbing.
- Marya Dmitrievna, let me see her for God’s sake! - she said. Marya Dmitrievna, without answering her, unlocked the door and entered. “Disgusting, nasty... In my house... Vile little girl... I just feel sorry for my father!” thought Marya Dmitrievna, trying to quench her anger. “No matter how difficult it is, I’ll tell everyone to be silent and hide it from the count.” Marya Dmitrievna entered the room with decisive steps. Natasha lay on the sofa, covering her head with her hands, and did not move. She lay in the same position in which Marya Dmitrievna had left her.
- Good, very good! - said Marya Dmitrievna. - In my house, lovers can make dates! There's no point in pretending. You listen when I talk to you. - Marya Dmitrievna touched her hand. - You listen when I talk. You have disgraced yourself like a very lowly girl. I would do that to you, but I feel sorry for your father. I'll hide it. – Natasha did not change her position, but only her whole body began to jump up from silent, convulsive sobs that choked her. Marya Dmitrievna looked back at Sonya and sat down on the sofa next to Natasha.
- He’s lucky that he left me; “Yes, I will find him,” she said in her rough voice; – Do you hear what I’m saying? - She faked hers big hand under Natasha's face and turned her towards her. Both Marya Dmitrievna and Sonya were surprised to see Natasha’s face. Her eyes were shiny and dry, her lips were pursed, her cheeks were drooping.
“Leave... those... that I... I... will die...” she said, with an angry effort she tore herself away from Marya Dmitrievna and lay down in her previous position.
“Natalya!...” said Marya Dmitrievna. - I wish you well. You lie down, just lie there, I won’t touch you, and listen... I won’t tell you how guilty you are. You know it yourself. Well, now your father is coming tomorrow, what will I tell him? A?
Again Natasha's body shook with sobs.

Collection of ancient Russian romances

authors compiled by E.L. Ukolova, V.S. Ukolov
"MAI", Moscow, 1997.
Volume II
Romances of a Moscow reveler
(pdf, 51.1 MB)

The book “Romances of a Moscow Reveler” is part of the anthology “Collection of Ancient Russian Romances,” a publication begun by the volume “Romances of Pushkin’s Era.” The author-compilers, famous researchers and performers of Russian romance, present here for the first time the romance heritage (more than 100 romances) and the biography of the outstanding musician 19th century, “Moscow Frenchman” A.I. Dubuque (1812-1898) - a fascinating and dramatic story about fate and creativity talented composer, pianist, teacher, his friends and contemporaries.

The biography of A.I. Dubuk “in the scenery of the century” is an unusually interesting, colorful narrative, replete with curious everyday details cultural life Moscow for almost a century.

A river flows through the sand. Words by N. Tsyganov
Unbuttoned sundress. Words by A. Lolezhaev
What are you, little nightingale? Words by N. Tsyganov
Was it not you, invisible, it seemed. Words by F. Blagonravov
Darling darling. Words by F. Blagonravov
I loved him. Words by A. Koltsov
Birdie. Words by V. Chuevsky
I love playful caresses. Words by V. Chuevsky
Dove Masha. Words by N. Tsyganov
The weather has picked up. Words by I. Lazhechnikov
He loved me. Words by I. Yavlensky
Not for the scattering of curls. Words by V. Chuevsky
I will love forever. Words by E. Rostopchina
Do you remember how it used to be. Words by A. Zharkov
There is a snowstorm and blizzard outside. Words by A. Zharkov
Black eyes. Words by A. Koltsov
The garden is blooming over the Don. Words by A. Koltsov
Flower. Words by A. Koltsov
Shut up, don't sing in vain. Words by E. Rostopchina
If I meet you. Words by A. Koltsov
Marriage of Paul. Words by A. Koltsov
Sadness. Words by M. Svoekhotov
Two goodbyes. Words by A. Koltsov
Darling. Words meizv. author
Happy hour. Words by A. Koltsov
Ah, frost, frost. Words by Vanenko (I. Bashmakova)
Oh, don't show a passionate smile. Words by A. Koltsov
Sit, stay with me. Words by S. Selsky
Life in the world is boring without her. Words by S. Sslsky
Here in warlike excitement. Words by V. Alferyev
It’s both painful and sweet. Words by E. Rostopchina
No no no! He does not love me. Words by A. Grigoriev
I'm a gypsy, be a princess. Words by S. Selsky
Rejuvenators. Folk words
The guys were traveling from Nova Gorod. Folk words
Bitter share. Words by A. Koltsov
I will fly into her arms. Words by A. Koltsov
Oh, I can’t sleep, I can’t sleep. Words by S. Selsky
Feel it, darling. Words by S. Mitrofanov
Not like that at all. Words unknown author
You are Nastasya, you are Nastasya. Folk words
Krambambuli. Words unknown author
Call. Words by Ya. Polonsky
How sweet my Manola. Words by N. Berg
I want to break out of the iron cage. Words by S. Selsky
Thought. Words by A. Koltsov
You and you. Words by P. Beranger, trans. D. Lensky
Your luxurious wreath is fresh and fragrant. Words by A. Fet
Divination. Words by Ya. Polonsky m."""
Rose. Translation from Persian by Vasiliev
Amber cup. Words by A. Lushkan and I. Bashmakov
Don't scold me, dear. Words by A.A. Batasheva
Serenade. Words by A. Fet
Oh, you years, my years. Words by L.A. Meya
Ah, love me without thinking. Words by A. Maykov
Heart, heart! Why are you crying! Words by A. Maykov
Willow. Folk words
Don't tempt me unnecessarily. Words by E. Baratynsky
Love me, my darling. Words by I. Yavlensky
Don't follow me. Words by N. Tolstoy
From under the mask the eyes are black. Words by B. Golitsyn
The heart aches and languishes. Words by D. Izhoshev
Fortune telling on cards on Christmas Eve. Words by A Fet
Lonely tear. Words by A. Maykov
It was not spring that breathed life then. Words by A. Koltsov
Three beauties. Words by Ya. Polonsky
She never loved him. Words by N. Ogarev
Look, my beauty. Words by I. Yavlensky
Hair. Words unknown author
How meek you are, how obedient you are. Words by N. Nekrasov
Drummer's song. Words by G. Heine, trans. A. Pleshcheeva
Kiss me, my darling! Sl, S. Pisareva
Street, street. Words unknown author
I'm walking between the flowers. Words by G. Heine
I'm cleaning my entire hut about someone. Words by A. Timofeev
Don't leave me, my friend. Words by V. Chuevsky
Kiss me to death. Sl, A. Andreeva
This is the life of a gypsy. Words by A. Andreev
Don't tell me why I'm looking at you. Words by P. Muratov
Don't lie. Words by G. Heine
Should I forget you? Words by N.D. Ivanchina-Pisareva
How sweet you are. Words by V. Chuevsky
My black-browed, black-browed girl. Words by V. Chuevsky
I miss you. Words by V. Chuevsky
All my soul hurts. Words by V. Chuevsky
The heart cannot love anymore. Words by V. Chuevsky
Tell me. Words by V. Chuevsky
No, you didn't love me. Words by V. Chuevsky
You are always incomparably good. Words by N. Nekrasov
Kumanechek, come visit me. Folk words
A lot of good fellows. Words by V. Sollogub
Believe me, love has no higher right than to forgive and forget everything. Words by A. Pleshcheev
Love while you can love. Words by A. Pleshcheev
Night serenade. Words by A. Fet
I hid behind a cloud for a month. Words by V. Chuevsky
Remember, in the grove. Words by N. Zverev
In the whole universe there is only you and me. Words by S. Spiglazov
I want to listen to you. Words by A. Beshentsev
Love, love, my child. Words by I. Yakunin
Render-vous, Words by A. Beshentsev
Flowers grow in the fields. Words by A. Komarov
No, I couldn't pray for you. Words by A. Grigoriev
Love me, for which you yourself don’t know. Words by N. Lebedev
Don't confuse me with fiery speech. Words by I. Yakunin
Ah, wormwood, wormwood grass. Words by Val. Anneyakova
I went to the forest to buy nuts. Words by T. Shevchenko
The moon floats high above the earth. Words by I. Turgenev

  • And in the end I will tell…(A. Petrov - B. Akhmadulina)
  • And I'm still waiting... ( K. Khmarsky)
  • Oh, why this night...(Nick. Bakaleinikov - N. Ritter)
  • Oh those black eyes


  • White acacia fragrant clusters- music by unknown author, lyrics - A. Pugachev (?). Published in 1902.
  • Bells- music by A. Bakaleinikov, lyrics by A. Kusikov.
  • Past joys, past sorrows


  • In the garden where we met
  • At the hour when the flicker
  • At the fateful hour(gypsy waltz by S. Gerdal)
  • You don't understand my sadness
  • Come back, I will forgive everything!(B. Prozorovsky - V. Lensky)
  • evening call, evening Bell- poems by Ivan Kozlov and music by Alexander Alyabyev, -
  • Evening romance ( K. Mikhailov-Khmarsky)
  • The look of your black eyes(N. Zubov - I. Zhelezko)
  • IN moonlight (Ding-ding-ding! The bell is ringing, words and music by Evgeny Yuryev)
  • Here comes the postal troika
  • This is what your songs have done!(M. Steinberg)
  • All that has gone before(D. Pokrass - P. Herman)
  • You ask for songs, I don't have them(Sasha Makarov)
  • I go out alone on the road(M. Lermontov)


  • “Gas scarf” (Don’t tell anyone about love)
  • Gaida, three(M. Steinberg)
  • Eyes(A. Vilensky - T. Shchepkina-Kupernik)
  • Have you forgotten (Looking at the ray of purple sunset)(Pavel Alekseevich Kozlov)
  • Burn, burn, my star- music by P. Bulakhov to words by V. Chuevsky, 1847.
  • Burn, my heart


  • Two guitars- music by Ivan Vasiliev (to the tune of a gypsy Hungarian woman), lyrics by Apollon Grigoriev.
  • Day and night the heart sheds affection
  • You made a mistake(V. Goloshchanov - I. Severyanin)
  • The Long Road- music by B. Fomin, lyrics by K. Podrevsky
  • Weeping willows are dozing
  • Duma


  • If you want to love(music: A. Glazunov, lyrics: A. Korinfsky)
  • More than once you will remember me


  • The autumn wind moans pitifully(M. Pugachev - D. Mikhailov)
  • My joy lives on- based on the poem by Sergei Fedorovich Ryskin (1859-1895) “Udalets” (1882), arr. M. Shishkina
  • Lark(M. Glinka - N. Kukolnik)


  • For a friendly conversation (He came to us, he came to us)
  • Stars on the sky (I dreamed of a garden in a wedding dress) (V. Borisov - E. Diterichs)
  • Winter road- poems by Pushkin, music by Alyabyev.


  • Emerald


  • How good
  • Gate(A. Obukhov - A. Budishchev)
  • Capricious, stubborn
  • When you have a premonition of separation...(D. Ashkenazi - Y. Polonsky)
  • Bells, bells(M. Steinberg)
  • You are my fallen maple (Sergei Yesenin in 1925)
  • When with a simple and gentle gaze
  • Red sundress


  • a swan song(music and lyrics by Marie Poiret), 1901
  • Only the moon will rise


  • My days are slowly passing by(music: N. Rimsky-Korsakov, lyrics by A. Pushkin)
  • Honey, can you hear me- music by E. Waldteifel, lyrics by S. Gerdel
  • My fire is shining in the fog(Ya. Prigogine and others - Yakov Polonsky)
  • Furry bumblebee(A. Petrov - R. Kipling, trans. G. Kruzhkov)
  • Flies are like black thoughts(Mussorgsky - Apukhtin)
  • We went out into the garden
  • We only know each other(B. Prozorovsky - L. Penkovsky)


  • To the far shore...(words - V. Lebedev, music - G. Bogdanov)
  • Don't wake her up at dawn(A. Varlamov - A. Fet)
  • Don't wake me up... (K. Khmarsky)
  • Don't scold me, dear. Words: A. Razorenov, music: A. I. Dyubuk
  • Don't tell me about him(M. Perrottet)
  • Spring will not come for me- based on the text of the poet A. Molchanov, created in 1838 in the Caucasus, music. and words by N. Devitte.
  • Don't fool me
  • Don't awaken memories(P. Bulakhov - N. N.)
  • Don't leave, my darling(N. Pashkov)
  • Don't go, stay with me(N. Zubov)
  • Bad weather(K. Khmarsky)
  • No, he didn't love it!(A. Guerchia - M. Medvedev). A translation of the Italian romance, performed with great success by V.F. Komissarzhevskaya and introduced into the play “Dowry” by A.N. Ostrovsky on the stage of the Alexandria Theater as Larisa’s romance (premiere September 17, 1896).
  • No, it’s not you I love so passionately (poems by M. Lermontov)
  • I don't need anything in the world
  • Beggar
  • But I still love you
  • Crazy nights, sleepless nights(A. Spiro - A. Apukhtin)
  • The night is bright(M. Shishkin - M. Yazykov)
  • The night is silent(A. G. Rubinstein)


  • Oh, at least talk to me(I. Vasiliev - A. Grigoriev), 1857
  • The bell rings loudly(K. Sidorovich - I. Makarov)
  • He left(S. Donaurov - unknown author)
  • With a sharp ax
  • Move away, don't look
  • Chrysanthemums have bloomed(first romance by Nikolai Kharito, 1910)
  • Charming eyes(I. Kondratyev)
  • Black eyes- lyrics by Evgeniy Grebenka (1843), performed to the music of F. Herman’s waltz “Hommage” (Valse Hommage) arranged by S. Gerdel in 1884.
  • The golden grove dissuaded(based on verses by S. Yesenin)


  • A pair of bays(S. Donaurov - A. Apukhtin)
  • Under your enchanting caress
  • Lieutenant Golitsyn (song)- first dated performance in 1977.
  • Really, I'll tell my mom
  • Take a peek at me, my darling- music: A. I. Dyubuk
  • Confession
  • Farewell, my camp!(B. Prozorovsky - V. Makovsky)
  • Farewell dinner
  • Song of the Gypsy (poems by Yakov Polonsky)
  • Pierrot/dedication to Alexander Vertinsky (K. Khmarsky)


  • As she parted, she said
  • Romance about romance- music by Andrei Petrov, lyrics by Bela Akhmadulina, from the film “Cruel Romance”, 1984.
  • Romance(Words and music by Alexander Vasiliev)


  • White tablecloth(F. Herman, sample by S. Gerdahl - unknown author)
  • The night was shining
  • Blue eyes ( K. Khmarsky)
  • Random and simple
  • Nightingale- composer A. A. Alyabyev on poems by A. A. Delvig, 1825-1827.
  • Good night gentlemen- music - A. Samoilov, poetry - A. Skvortsov.
  • Among the worlds
  • Faceted cups


  • Your eyes are green(words by K. Podrevsky, music by B. Fomin)
  • Dark cherry shawl(V. Bakaleinikov)
  • Only time(words by P. German, music by B. Fomin)
  • Shadows of the past...(lyrics by Anatoly Adolfovich Frenkel, music by Nikolai Ivanovich Kharito)


  • On the high bank
  • Alas, why does she shine?- poetry

Romance is a very definite term. In Spain (the birthplace of this genre), this was the name for a special kind of composition, intended primarily for solo performance to the sound accompaniment of a viol or guitar. As a rule, a romance is based on a small lyric poem of the love genre.

Origins of Russian romance

This genre was brought to Russia from France by aristocrats of the second half of the XVIII century and was immediately accepted by the fertile soil of Soviet poetry. However, Russian romances, the list of which is known today to every lover of classical song, began to emerge somewhat later, when the Spanish shell began to be filled with truly Russian feelings and melodies.

Traditions were organically woven into the fabric of the new song folk art, which has so far been presented exclusively by anonymous authors. Romances were re-sung, passing from mouth to mouth, lines were altered and “polished.” TO early XIX century, the first collectors of songs began to appear, driven by the idea of ​​preserving ancient Russian romances (the list of them by that time was already quite large).

Often these enthusiasts added to the collected texts, giving the lines depth and poetic power. The collectors themselves were academically educated people, and therefore, when going on folklore expeditions, they pursued not only aesthetic, but also scientific goals.

Evolution of the genre

Starting from the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, the artistic content of romance lyrics became increasingly filled with deep personal feelings. The hero’s individual world was given the opportunity for vivid, sincere expression. The combination of a high syllable with simple and lively Russian vocabulary made the romance truly popular and accessible to both the nobleman and his peasant.

The vocal genre has finally been reborn and mid-19th century has become an integral part of a social evening within the framework of the “languid” home music playing, beloved by all young ladies. The first romances also appeared. The list that compiled them song repertoire, contained more and more original works.

The most famous in the first half of the 19th century were such famous composers as A. Alyabyev and A. Gurilev, who played an invaluable role in the development of Russian romance and its popularization.

City and gypsy romances

Urban romance absorbed greatest number folklore motifs Russia XIX-XX centuries. Being an author's song, such a song, in its freedom of existence, resembled and was distinguished by its characteristic features:

  • the magic of details;
  • clearly defined images;
  • step composition;
  • powerful reflection of the main character;
  • the image of ever-eluding love.

The characteristic features of urban romance from a musical point of view are the harmonic construction of the composition with minor tones, as well as its inherent sequence.

The gypsy romance was born as a tribute to Russian composers and poets in the manner of performance of the same name, beloved by many. Its basis was an ordinary lyrical song. However, its lyrics and melody included characteristic artistic expressions and techniques that were in use among the gypsies. It’s not surprising to recognize such a romance today. Its main theme, as a rule, is love experience in various gradations (from tenderness to carnal passion), and the most noticeable detail is “green eyes”.

Cruel and Cossack romances

There is no academic definition for these terms. However, their character traits described in the literature quite fully. The peculiarity of cruel romance is a very organic combination of the principles of ballad, lyrical song and romance. Its individual features include the abundance of main plots, differing only in the causes of the tragedy. The result of the whole story is usually death in the form of murder, suicide or from mental anguish.

Homeland Cossack romance is Don, who gave lovers folk poetry the legendary song by an unknown author “Spring will not come for me...”. History also does not know the exact authorship of most highly artistic works that can be described as “classical Russian romances.” Their list includes songs such as: “Dear Long”, “Only Once”, “Eh, Friend Guitar”, “Come Back”, “We Only Acquaintances” and others, written in the first third of the 20th century.

Russian romances: list and their authors

According to one of the main versions, Russian romances, the list of which was given above, belong to the pen of the most popular at the beginning last century songwriters: Boris Fomin, Samuil Pokrass, Yuli Khait and others.

The most devoted connoisseur of classical romance in the 20th century was Valery Agafonov, who was the first to declare the high value of the cultural baggage leaving the Soviet listener. Russian romances, the list of which was compiled by Agafonov, owed their revival on new soil to the return to their homeland legendary performers- Alexander Vertinsky and Alla Bayanova.