Scenario of an accordion narrator at an anniversary. Scenario for an extracurricular activity “my distant shore of childhood, where the accordion sounds.” The track “Jury Presentation” is playing

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education children

"Dobryansk Children's Art School"

“We play the button accordion because we are Russians.”

Scenario development class hour for students in grades 1-5 of the folk instruments department of the children's art school.


department teacher

folk instruments

1 qualification category,

Mikova Zulfiya Minnurovna.

Dobryanka, 2013


Provide information to parents and children about the history of the button accordion and accordion, and use a presentation to show and talk about the successes of class students based on the results of participation in competitions and concerts.


Consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during lessons in a special accordion and button accordion class.

Give each student the opportunity to play a musical instrument and show their success.

Hello, dear parents and dear children!

Today we have gathered to remember once again and introduce first-graders to the history of the origin of the button accordion and accordion.

The purpose of our meeting: to give each student a chance to speak and show their successes in front of their parents and children.

The birthplace of the accordion and button accordion is the city of Tula. An accordion appeared here in the 30-40s of the 19th century. Later, improved by Tula masters, it gained exceptional popularity.

True, not everyone welcomed the spread of the harmonica. Many spoke of it not too flatteringly, calling it “a terrible instrument of torture.” It must be said that there were reasons for such an opinion. The instrument remained imperfect for some time, sometimes with an overly harsh sound, the playing technique was not thoroughly developed, as for example, for ancient instruments, and most amateurs handled the harmonica so ineptly that musicians with sophisticated hearing could only plug their ears.

One July day in 1830, Tula gunsmith Ivan Sizov, while at a Nizhny Novgorod fair, heard the sounds of an unprecedented instrument (it was a harmonica). The delighted master bargained for a “Wonderful Thing” from an overseas merchant, not sparing forty rubles for it. Having brought home - to Chulkova Sloboda on the outskirts of Tula - a precious purchase, Sizov decided to try to make the same one. Making all the parts of a simple toy, such as the harmonica was then, was not particularly difficult for the craftsman. This is how the first Tula harmonica arose. In Tula there were people who immediately made similar instruments, first for themselves and then for their friends. The demand for harmonicas increased. Simultaneously with the increase in demand and the development of production, the distribution of Tula harmonicas is expanding. They could already be found in Nizhny Novgorod, Tver, and Yaroslavl provinces. We see the instrument of that time in Venetsianov’s painting “Girl with a Harmonica,” painted by him in the Tver province. The first harmonica performers appear in front of the public. But the primitive design did not allow the harmonica to become an instrument for musical performance, but rather an instrument for mass entertainment. The harmonica becomes indispensable at folk festivals and holidays. Something like folk competitions were organized - who could play or sing better to her accompaniment. Currently on Channel 1 television is the program “Play Accordion”. The variety of performances of famous ditties determined the musician’s skill.

But it was the harmonica master Nikolai Ivanovich Beloborodov who in 1870 created a two-row accordion, which was the prototype of subsequent, more advanced instruments, in particular the button accordion. And foreign guests often visited the master with an offer to sell the secret of making the instrument. To which the master replied: “He was born on Russian soil and let him serve Russia.” And she went, ever since then, to walk like an accordion across the Russian expanses! It still pleases and surprises us with the beauty and soulfulness of its sound. People in Rus' have always been able to sing. Selflessly, vociferously, with choruses and jokes. They sang alone, in chorus.

We have a tradition of calling only an instrument with a piano keyboard an accordion. right hand. In world practice, our button accordions are also called accordions. Only accordions have keys like pianos, and button accordions have buttons. Here’s an interesting detail: such an instrument was first made not in the West, as many believe, but in the city of Yelets. The Yelets harmonica was called a piano, because its right keyboard was similar to the keys of a piano with the same alternation of white and black keys. It turns out that the Russian accordion came to us from afar, and the accordion was first born in Russia.

In 1891, the Bavarian Mirwald improved the harmonica design. The right keys began to be arranged in three rows, like a modern instrument. The left keyboard of Mirwald's harmonica still consisted of only major chords. Then the Bavarian used the experience of the Russian master-inventors of the Liven harmonica, and created an instrument on which the same sound was produced with one key when moving the bellows in one direction.

The Italians improved the left keyboard by arranging the keys in three rows of twelve each. The first row contained basses, the second row contained major chords, and the third row contained minor chords.

True, the instrument with a piano keyboard acquired its modern form much later and not here.

But gradually the instrument improved, acquired euphony, and found its outstanding performers. The voices of the opponents were few - little by little they died down and completely fell silent when the button accordion appeared.

In 1905, Yakov Fedorovich Orlansky - Titarenko, shared with the harmonica master Pyotr Egorovich Sterligov the idea of ​​a new instrument. The idea inspired the master, and in 1907 an instrument was built that had more than four octaves for the right hand, and a set of basses and chords for all keys without exception for the left hand. In honor of the legendary ancient Russian singer and storyteller, he was named Bayan. The laurels of the inventor of the button accordion belong equally to the musician and the master. Together they created an instrument so perfect from the very beginning that, in principle, it has not changed to this day. But ready-made chords hampered the growth of accordion players' performing skills, as they impoverished and to some extent distorted the original compositions written for other instruments. The desire to rid the instrument of this shortcoming led to the creation of a new button accordion, in which the left keyboard has the same principle as the right one, that is, each key corresponds to a specific sound.

In 2012, the accordion turned 105 years old! Do you remember last year the class hour “His Majesty is a button accordion!” was dedicated to this date.

Class concert program

“We play the button accordion because we are Russians”

The accordion (accordion) is an unprepossessing thing,

Furs and a waist belt,

But a world of amazing sounds

Hidden under a carved plank.

    M. Krasev “Christmas tree” Spanish. 1st grade student Misha Trukhanov.

    Az.Ivanov “Polka”, 2nd grade student Misha Kashipov.

    Children's song "Cornflower" 1st grade student Yaroslav Limonov.

    Russian folk song“Like under a hill”, student 1st class. Farkhutdinov M.

    S. Bredis “One and two and” polka” 2nd grade student Ilya Farkhutdinov.

I am for a soulful song

Took the green whisper of the forests,

And the Volga has a mid-day heat

The dark streams were overheard by a murmur;

I took the bad weather from autumn,

Spring has a fragrance;

I took the people's happiness

And immeasurable suffering.

(Spiridon Drozhzhin).

There are concert performances by students.

    Az.Ivanov “Like under an apple tree” r.n.p. » 2nd grade student Starikov Kostya.

    N. Koretsky “Curly Katerina” » r.n.p. » 2nd grade student Ilya Musikhin.

    I. Kravchenko “Nightingale Don’t Fly” U.N.P. 3rd grade student. Farkhutdinov Timof.

    Stoyanov “Kryzhachok” b.n.t.executive student 3rd grade. Vakhlamov Misha.

    R.N.P. "Stripes" used for 4th grade. Orlov Semyon.

    V. Lakom “Kachucha” folk dance performed by 4th grade student Leontyev Danil.

The accordion player plays songs

Songs of my homeland

Oh, there is nothing more wonderful in the world

Russian songs, more fun.

There are concert performances by students.

    V. Basurmanov “Russian ditty”, 2nd grade student. Kabanov Marat (O.H.P)

    A. Averkin “Dear Mother” 5th grade student Ilya Merkushev. (O.E.O.)

    S. Bredis “Sad motive” 5th grade student Antipv Danil (O.H.P)

    D. Samoilov “Dunya held the transportation” r.n.p. Spanish duet of accordion players Danil Leontyev and Semyon Orlov.

    R. Grechukhina “Like ours at the gate” r.n.p. Spanish duet of accordion players Mikhail Vakhlamov and Timofey Farkhutdinov.

I am your traveling companion.

On the road without me

Nothing will work out.

Friends are with me

You are always interested.

Did you find out who I am?

Well, of course, (Song).

There are concert performances by students.

    V. Bukhvostov “Forget-Me-Not” and A. Spadavecchia “Good Beetle” from the movie “Cinderella” performed by accordionists Starikov Kostya and Farkhutdinov Ilya.

    At the end of our concert, I want to congratulate you all on the upcoming Christmas and New Year's holidays I wish, first of all, health, happiness, prosperity, mutual understanding, success: to parents in their work, and to students in their studies.

    P. Pierpont “Ringing bells” Spanish. accordion ensemble Danil Leontyev, Timofey Farkhutdinov, Semyon Orlov, Mikhail Vakhlamov will help them with Starikov Kostya and Ilya Farkhutdinov on percussion instruments.

At the end of our meeting, I propose that you, dear parents and dear children, guess the riddles. There's a prize for whoever guesses it!


Wrinkled Tit

It makes the whole village happy. (Harmonic)

The box on its knees dances, then sings,

Then he cries bitterly. (Harmonic)

He has a pleated shirt

He loves to dance in a squat position,

He dances and sings -

If you get your hands on it,

Forty buttons on it

With mother-of-pearl fire

A merry fellow, not a brawler

Black-toothed, white-toothed

Sometimes he is affectionate, sometimes he is rude.

He's silent on the sidelines

And you will start playing on it

You will stretch it, then you will compress it. (Accordion)

About half a hundred white buttons

On his shirt

But his soul is always

In the plowing song.

You take it in your hands,

You will stretch it, then you will compress it.

Have you recognized him yet?

This instrument is (Bayan).

He was born from an accordion,

Made friends with the piano

He also looks like a button accordion

What will you call him? (Accordion)

Youth from different countries

Dashingly dances to (Bayan).

Music flows like a river,

It winds like a line of notes.

Sounds of flood again

Swept us around

Goodbye, goodbye

Goodbye dear friend!


1. Ghazaryan S.S. “In the world of musical instruments”, publishing house “Prosveshchenie”, Moscow, 1989. 2. Mirek A.M. “From the history of the accordion and button accordion”, publishing house “Soviet Composer”, M., 1967.


Time: 15.00 h.

Sound engineer: ,

Assistance in carrying out: ,


The curtain is closed. A phonogram sounds - birds singing, a nightingale trilling.

After 20 seconds, the soundtrack “HARMONY TO THE BEGINNING” begins to play, and the curtain slowly rises. On the stage, the presenter sits on a chair with an accordion in his hands and pretends to play the instrument. After 40 seconds, he stops the game, but the music does not stop. (Viewers can see that this was just a picture of playing an instrument.)

Along with the tunes, the presenter reads a poem:

Play, accordion!
Play with excitement
About the vastness of the steppes and the silence of the forests,
About the free, native land
About the glory of grandfathers and fathers.
Play, accordion!
To be heard
You in the area and wilderness,
So that people come out to your voice
Dance and sing with all your heart!!!



Musical background “Harmony tunes”. (Always turns on at the moment the presenter comes out and announces the numbers)

Good afternoon, dear fellow villagers and residents of the Agapovsky district! Good afternoon, Dear friends!

If this were true, if it were true that I play musical instruments, I would be happy! In the meantime, I have to be content with what I can only portray!

But the people who will take part in our event today are real, recognized masters of their craft, connoisseurs of beauty, lovers of music and playing one of the most wonderful musical instruments - the Harmony!

Welcome to the regional competition of harmonica, button accordion, tag and accordion players “Play, accordion, darling - 2014”!

FANFARE. Pause for applause.

A month ago we announced a competition for playing the accordion, accordion, accordion and tatyanka. And it’s gratifying that so many people responded to our call and will play and sing today!

Dear friends! Today you will hear the best of the best! They came and came to look at others and show themselves. Well, since this is, after all, a competition, and we will need to determine the best of the best, then the jury will help us with this!

And I am pleased to present the composition of today's jury:

The track “Jury Presentation” plays.

- – Head of the Department of Culture of the Agapovsky Municipal District

- Musalyamov Faramraz Abdullovich - Director of the Agapov School of Arts

- – teacher at Agapov School of Arts


Traveled a lot around the world,
But today I will say, without hiding,
There is no sweeter land in the world,
What is my dear side!
Everything is painfully close, so familiar,
The voice of the wind, the whispering of the willows,
Forest and field, path near the house,
Our songs have a magical motive!
I am proud of my fellow countrymen.
That they live next door to me
For people who are beautiful in deeds,
Sing, accordion, sing, accordion!

Texts for announcing numbers.

The harmonica player takes the harmonica,
He leads the music quietly,
Slowly, little by little,
People are gathering.
Although the melodies are not tricky,
And they captivate everyone at once,
And to a local artist
It's not a sin to envy!
He doesn't need anything:
Neither praise nor blame,
He doesn't need awards
He plays from the heart!

So that the joy does not subside,
So that the ditties give laughter,
We invite a harmonica player,
We haven't forgotten about this!

You play, play, accordion -
Golden planks!
Harmonist, take it quickly
Sounding little Talyanochka!

Oh, ditty, oh, ditty - talk!
Oh, accordion, oh, accordion - overkill!
Without an accordion, our Rus' -
A song without a voice!
Take away the sadness quickly
In three drags!


Kind people! Our holiday is coming to an end, but the fun and prowess of performing the harmonica does not diminish, just as the people's talent does not diminish. Original craftsmanship does not age, does not become a thing of the past. It lives and decorates our lives. Just as streams feed rivers, so the Russian accordion will be a living spring to feed our character.

Thank you to everyone for participating, thank you to everyone who watched us, rated us and enjoyed it!

And now a 15-minute break is announced. The jury retires to the deliberation room to reach a consensus.


VED: Dear friends! The exciting moment of our competition has arrived. It is my pleasure to hand over the microphone to the members of our esteemed jury.


Award ceremony. /TUSH for awards/

The harmonica competition “Play, Harmony, Darling” is over! I express my deep gratitude to everyone who took part! Please don't be upset for those who didn't take prize place, because, as everyone knows, the main thing is not victory, but participation!

May you all be healthy and happy, play the accordion, accordion, and other instruments, and may everything be fine with you!! Until we meet again, dear friends, all the best to you!

IN Everyday life Modern schoolchildren, in our opinion with O.N. Fattakhova, a school counselor, have very few thematic school holidays in which children could show their abilities and capabilities to each other and simply relax their souls. And in the city there are numerous clubs and organizations, whose members are ready to bring culture to the masses and perform in front of any public. Accordingly, there are many talented people living in the city different ages and professions. School student Elizaveta Ustyuzhantseva is one of the activists school museum I met a resident of the city - the Seversky harmonica player Vasily Ivanovich Iglakov and wrote about him research work, and also composed a story about his talent in poetic form. Holiday "Play, accordion! Ring, ditty!" became a further continuation of the work mentioned above, that is, its “product”. This holiday promotesand revives among schoolchildren interest in the folk instrument - the accordion, accordion players, and develops respect for accordion players - fellow countrymen. Its contentstalks in a creative way about folk instrument, beloved at all times;introduces students and all guests present at the holiday to the accordion players of the city club “Play Harmony!”; tellsabout how accordion players raised the spirit of Soviet soldiers during the war; showsthe beauty of singing to the accordion;gives children the opportunity to show their musical and dancing abilities;creates a festive atmosphere;It gives everyone present the opportunity to relax their souls and spend their leisure time interestingly and profitably.



School holiday

“Play, accordion! Ring, little ditty!

dedicated to the folk instrument – ​​the harmonica.

Compiled additional education teachers

MBOU "Secondary School No. 84" in Seversk, Tomsk Region

Nikienko A. A. - head of the school museum "Origins",

Fattakhova O.N. - senior counselor.

March 2018

Target: propaganda and revival of interest among schoolchildren in the folk instrument - the accordion, accordion players, instilling respect for accordion players - fellow countrymen.


▪ tell in a creative way about a folk instrument, beloved at all times;

▪ introduce students and all guests present at the holiday to the accordionists of the city club “Play Harmony!”;

▪ show and talk about how accordion players raised the spirit of Soviet soldiers during the war;

▪ show the beauty of singing with an accordion;

▪ give children the opportunity to show their musical and dancing abilities;

▪ create a festive atmosphere;

▪ give everyone present the opportunity to relax their souls and spend their leisure time interestingly and profitably.

Hosts of the holiday- two people: girl - D

Guy - Yu

There are buffoons working at the entrance to the hall, they shout “barkers”.

Children and guests enter the hall; each person entering is given colored tokens.

At the same time, the melody of the song “Zavalinka” sounds.

As soon as all the guests have gathered in the hall, two presenters in folk costumes come out.

A song or dance is performed.

D: Dear guys!

Yu: Dear guests!

Together: You are welcome!

YU: Hurry up and take your seats!

We welcome you with joy, let the holiday begin!

D: Where there is a sweet wind in the grass, where there is a wall of forest behind the field,

We have collected for you puzzles in a birch bark box.

YU: She has her whole soul wide open, and even though she has buttons, it’s not a shirt!

Not a turkey, but inflated! And it’s not a bird, but it’s pouring!

She has fur, but not a fur coat! Losing weight and getting fat!

D: She is loud, elegant, Russian, two-row!

It will play, just touch it. What is her name? ... GAR-MON!

Harmony - what a name, it contains youth and antiquity!

YU: We want to meet! Thank you for putting things off

The harmonica called you on a date today!

An accordion plays.

YU: Ah, accordion, accordion-delight! Oh, you Russian soul!

How good you are, accordion, in every sense!

D: Our holiday “Play, accordion, ring, ditty!”declared open!

Be healthy and happy! Have fun and joy!

YU: We are pleased to introduce you to our honored guests, without whom the holiday could not take place. Who are they? Answer! There is a belt hanging on the shoulder, and a tool under the arm. Our Seversk artists are guys... accordionists. Our guests are Seversk virtuosos - accordion players, members of the Russian Harmony club, which has lived and operated in Seversk for 23 years.

D: Let's all get to know them together. This:

1. Club President –Iglakov Vasily Ivanovich.

2. Novoselo Nikolay Nikolaevich

3. Bushko Yuri Nikolaevich

4. ______________________________________________________________________

Let's, friends, greet the accordionists with friendly and loud applause!

YU: Accordion, accordion, accordion - Russian soul!

Touch her a little

Immediately cheerful music will flow, the bass will sing,

Good ditties, good songs!

D: Play, play, harmonica! Golden planks!

Harmonist, quickly take the ringing talyanochka!

Some melody is played on the accordion.

YU: The sound of the instrument is melodious, mischievous, dashing motive,

It will spin you like a whirlwind, captivating you with a quick dance!

The poem “I am proud of my fellow countrymen!” is performed.


The cheerful dance “Wonderful Neighbor” is performed.

D: We will find a place for songs, we will not hide them in reserve,

No one will be bored with our harmonica!

YU: They say that accordions are not in fashion, electronics are in fashion!

D: Stop joking: the Russian harmonica lives among the people!

I know for sure - there was a time when all holy Rus' played accordions!

Let us all make sure that our accordion is alive!

YU: The Russian accordion is a domestic shrine that people have loved for a very long time. More than one million human destinies are connected with harmony. She cheered on holidays, helped on weekdays - she supported, raised spirits, and brightened life.

D: New recruits were escorted into the army with harmony, new cities were built, new settlers developed unplowed lands. Soldiers treated the accordion with incredible trepidation during the Great Patriotic War, when they had a free moment.

At a rest stop.

The poem "Grandfather's Accordion" is performed.


Here is the accordion - it lies in a case,

In a wadded old blanket.

All worn out, burned,

It is the memory of the war.

YU: The Russian accordion is our faithful friend and eternal companion.

For many people, harmonica music sounds like a story, carrying memories and a charge of joy.

D: An accordion is not just a musical box,
She is the keeper of Russian antiquity,
Folk wisdom unique source,
Cultural heritage countries!

An accordion melody is played.

Installation in progress.

3 come out person and read poetry:

1. After work, during leisure hours or at an idle table

Harmony is a beloved friend, she was a faithful companion to us.

2. She not only entertained and called into the alarming distance.

The accordion helped to survive in the midst of indifference and evil.

3. She has accumulated the energy of people for centuries

And I very carefully preserved the motives of my side.

4. When the turbulent years came, the smell of war was in the air

The young guys took the accordion with them to the front.

5. Having rushed tens of miles in tanks, passing through thousands of obstacles,

The accordion in the trenches and dugouts treated soldiers with music.

6. And raising infantry into battle against an angry enemy,

She has become dear to us, like a mother, close and dear.

An accordion sounds.

Grandson: “Grandfather, ah, grandfather! There will be a concert at our school, and we were told to invite our relatives to take part in it. Could you, grandfather, perform at this concert?

Grandfather: Of course, grandson, I will speak. Why let you down? But for this you and I must visit a music store..

Grandson: Grandfather, let's buy a handsome button accordion, it has the most buttons, and it is the most elegant.

Grandfather: Yes, a great accordion. You can play any melody on it, even classical. That's why it was called bayan - in honor of the legendary storyteller and singer Bayan. But I don't need him.

Grandson: Grandfather, maybe we can buy this accordion, with the raspberry trim? Look, it has buttons and keys!

Grandfather: Nice accordion, made with taste. But I don't need him.

Grandson: I don’t understand you, grandfather! What do you want? And this one is not the same, and this one is not the same! So you won't buy anything! You will let me down, grandfather. By God, you'll let me down!

Grandfather: Here it is, the Tula two-row. You see, she has right side two rows of buttons, that’s why it was nicknamed two-row.

Grandson: Why did you buy some kind of accordion?! Couldn't you have chosen a more elegant instrument for the concert?

Grandfather: Eh, Seryozhka! Will you understand? Yes, such an accordion went through the whole war with me! And don’t worry about the concert, granddaughter!

Grandson: Grandpa, I’ll run early, and you’ll get there yourself. If you ask for the assembly hall, they will show you.

Grandfather: Dear guys, friends! I won’t talk about battles and victories, but I’ll tell you about how the accordion saved us. Once I noticed that as soon as I started playing the harmonica, it became quieter. One day the enemy did not give us a break for three days. But we ran out of ammunition, very few people were left alive. Then I took my friend - an accordion, played and sang last time before death. And suddenly everything became quiet. I sang and played for a whole hour. And the enemies remained silent for an hour, listening to music and song. Well, ours didn’t yawn, they sent us help. Since then we have a saying: “When the harmonica plays, the guns are silent.”

D: Play, accordion! Victorious, alive!

And bring us a song from that war.

The furs fly away, like those fireworks in May.

The accordion sounds - the queen of all Rus'!

A war song is performed to the accordion.

YU: Russia, Russia - dear lands! We, Russian people, have been living here for a long time.

We glorify our native expanses, we sing songs of freedom.

D: May our holiday become brighter and more wonderful,

Friends, let’s all sing our favorite song together.

The song is performed by the whole audience

The lyrics of the song are on the screen.

Printed texts may be distributed.

YU: The accordion is alive, and thank God it does not let us lose heart.

And, getting ready to go on a journey, I speak loudly again.

Play, harmony, in spite of the elements! Fight for truth and goodness.

The soul of Russia lives in you, natural sounds are silver.

Dramatization of the poem "Harmonist"

Readers (girl and boy)

D: Ah, accordion, a miracle shake! Thumbs up and thumbs down.

Where there is an accordion, there is dancing.

What is life without dancing?

The dance “Valenki” is performed to the accordion.

D: He helped us out more than once - a quick Russian dance.

It’s not in vain that people say: over-dancing is still in fashion today.

That’s why it will sound for you at this hour!

Playing on spoons.

YU: Russian accordion! May it never fade away

You have neither prowess nor enthusiasm.

And cheer your hearts without getting tired with a mischievous ditty!

Ditties are performed to the accordion.


And beyond the river, beyond the river,
There's a melody across the river.
Submits call signs
Double row accordion.

We have a place for an accordion,
She started playing - just “Wow!”
Vasil Iglakov, finally,
Revives the Russian spirit.

Don't give me sweet gingerbread
Don't give me candy
Give me a two-row-
Trump authority.

Hey, laughing girls,
Sing some ditties.
Sing quickly
To please people!

Let's start singing ditties,
Please don't laugh
There are a lot of people here,
We might get confused!

We know a lot of ditties

Under the accordion spill,

We have verses in our heads,

Like being in a bag of potatoes.

We know a lot of ditties:

Both good and bad.

It's good for him to listen

Who doesn't know any!

Listen guys

I will sing awkwardly:

“A pig grazes on an oak tree,

There’s a bear steaming in the sauna.”

Look, guys!

What's happening on the roof:

The sparrow plays the horn,

He's holding on to a straw.

Early in the morning, in the evening,

Late at dawn

Baba was walking

In a chintz carriage.

Between heaven and earth

The little pig was rummaging

And accidentally tail

Clings to the sky.

To make the stove burn,
We need to turn up the heat.

So that the ditty can be sung better,
We need to help by dancing.

We are funny guys
We won't get lost anywhere.
If necessary, we will dance,
If necessary, we will sing.

I'll go out and go out and dance
In brand new shoes.
All the guys say
That I'm like a picture.

I'm stamping my foot

Let me stamp the other one.

Come to me, Vanyusha,

Come dance with me!

Our Vasya stood up on his toes.

And then on the heel,

He began to dance Russian

And then squat down.

Let's dance, Andrey!

Don't be sorry for your bast shoes.

Let's go and kick the bast,

We'll weave new bast shoes.

Top, top, top,

Hit it, shoe!

This way and that, this way and that!

That's it, that's it!

I didn’t want to dance, I stood there and felt shy,

And the harmonica began to play,

I couldn't resist.

Oh, the accordion is good,
Polka is good too

Feet dance to the accordion,
They don't cost anything.

I can't live without ditties
I can't live without songs
Without a groovy accordion.
The world seems small.

If there was no water,

I wouldn't even have a mug.

If there were no girls.

Who would sing ditties?

Oh, thanks to the accordion player,
He played well for us!
And thanks for that,
That he didn’t interrupt the game!

A true virtuoso
Virtuoso and nothing more
The accordion player never gets tired
Never, not at all.

For Russia harmonists
Can't collect, can't count,
Everyone in Russia

You have to respect it personally.

We sang to you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,
For you to clap.

D: The sun shines on us and brings us joy.

The accordion plays and amuses everyone.

Or maybe something else will play?Harmony melody.

Yu: Oh, how many songs have been sung about the accordion,
Can't count the poems written!
Well, tell me, it won’t touch the soul
The signature sound of deployed bellows!

D: The laughter of a mischievous, bubbly talyanka,

Merry showers silver tune

“Gypsy girl” was also given as “Dark-skinned girl”,

Warming your heart with your breath.

YU: Friends, since the Russian accordion has such power, let us preserve it for our descendants and continue the life of the magnificent Russian instrument!

D: In Rus' the harmonies will never be silent,

YU: Smile at the musicians. Call the accordion for an encore!

Performance by harmonists.

D: Let me remind you that today we were delighted by some nuggets - accordion players.




YU: Friends, let's redeem the accordion players with a friendly and loud ovation!

D: Glorified as it was famous long ago

Talented harmonists are our side.

People who are pure in heart, how are you doing?

Protect and enhance the beauty of the Earth.

YU : And also the following took part in our holiday today: (the names of the students and their leaders are called).

D: The idea and script of the holiday belonged to teachers of additional education: the head of the museum - Adexandra Arkadyevna, Olga Nikolaevna.

YU: Friends, we wish you all to be friends with music and sing songs -

Love Mother Russia!

D: We wish you to see beauty in the ugly,

And see the river floods in the streams.

Who knows how to be beautiful on weekdays,

Only that happy person!

YU: We tell you - goodbye, thank you for your attention!

Together: See you again!

The celebration lasted exactly 60 minutes

with collective singing after the main planned part!!!

(Scenario of a folklore festival)

(The soundtrack of the village sounds: dogs barking...). A guy comes out with an accordion. (The “Waltz” sounds; girls and boys gather in the background of the music, sit down, listen to the music).

In Rus' the harmonies will never be silent,



A soundtrack of birds singing, nightingales trilling, and accordion playing sounds. The curtain rises. On the stage on the right side is a folk ensemble

Play, accordion!

Play with excitement

About the vastness of the steppes and silence

About the free land,

About the glory of grandfathers and fathers.

Play, accordion!

To be heard

Dance and sing with all your heart.

The ensemble performs the melody for the song “OH, HOW I LIKE YOU.” Three dancing couples perform a dance on stage. At the end, they remain on stage, the song ___________________, choreographic composition plays.



Harmony, sighed gently, with overflow,

Like a stream, murmuring like a melody,

Piercing souls with trembling anguish,

And chopping in Russian, and from the shoulder!

Well, tear up my dear little Talia,

Wash away Russian hearts from grief!

Let all the bad things pass from our homeland

And the clouds of troubles will disappear from her face!

Drops are ringing over spring Russia,

Tearing snow bandages from the fields,

The accordion sings under the bright blue sky

And that means you and I will be together for a long time

To celebrate sunrises and sunsets

Thanks for everything to Him, the Creator!

The fatherland will be able to spread its wings

And my Motherland will rise!

The song “BALLAD OF A SOLDIER” performed by V. KAMANOV is played.

During the song there is a round dance in the background. At the end of the song, the girls line up on the steps.

And I want it to warm my heart

What kind of fire Gennady


Everywhere where I carried my

And they sang to the accordion and

danced -

Loved the two-row

worker - people:

Your affairs in a ditty

And no matter the song - life


1 VED. Good afternoon dear friends! For the fifth time, accordionists gathered on Tatar land to show themselves and watch others.

2 ACT. For the fifth time on this stage, representatives of almost all regions of the region, as well as lovers of the Russian accordion from the Omsk region, will compete in virtuoso playing on the most beloved folk instrument, in order to name the best of the best.

1 VED. Dear friends! Meet the participants of the fifth regional harmonica competition.


2 ACT. We welcome the accordionists of the Bagan region;

Barabinsky district;

Vengerovsky district;

Zdvinsky district;

Iskitimsky district;

Representative of Karasuk district;

Kochenevsky district;

Krasnozersky district;

Delegation of the Kuybyshevsky district;

Kupinsky district;

Ordynsky district;

We meet the accordionists of the Northern region;

Tatarsky district;

Representative of Toguchinsky district;

Ubinsky district;

Our neighbors Ust-Tarsky district;

Chanovsky district;

Chistoozerny district;

(The presenter introduces the program of the evening and announces its beginning).

INVITATION: Don't be shy, come on in


To our room, friends,

And capture the smiles

After all, it’s impossible to live without them!

I must confess from the bottom of my heart,

We've been waiting for you to visit for a long time,

You are a joy with your arrival

Brought to our bright home!

Here, without any doubt,

Fragrant tea is waiting for you all,

Until then, before the treat

We invite you to a round dance!


Our grandparents

Glorious Vyatka master!

Didn't know how to live without doing anything

Not a minute, not half a day!

Lace was woven in Kukarka,

The bodies were woven in Gontbe,

Even a bathhouse on a cart

They could have made it too!

Well, if it touches the dance,

Then everyone, beware

Seen dancing, as if in a fairy tale,

The whole character is fiery!

Who composed ditties for us,

Who actually composed them?

Now go and find out

Where was he and how did he live?

So live, ditty, whatever,

With a guitar and a string,

We need, friends, however,

Sing more than one ditty!

Come out into the circle more boldly,

So that there is a huge circle,

Come out in Russian dance,

Leading your friends!

Songs don't seem to get old,

We recognize songs everywhere!

So let's all the people

Let's sing about "Korobushka"!

This is how we always do things

It's been like this since ancient times,

We invite all people

Let's have a fun round dance!

Ah, accordion, a miracle shake!

Thumbs up and thumbs down.

Where there is an accordion, there is dancing,

What is life without dancing?

The spectator will approach the stage,

Come out, artists!

The best harmonists!

(There is a harmonica competition going on.)

I believe in Rus' and that Rus' will get stronger,

Is it possible to abort the flight?

If songs are sung to the accordion,

So the bird will flap its wings!

Storms and blizzards will not break us,

No matter how scared or stranded!

This is why we started singing here today,

So that you can sing with us!

Our songs are amazing

Cheerful and beautiful

Our dances are fire,

Just touch it, just touch it!

Here the accordions began to play,

The accordion players came out

We won't sing quietly

It will be heard everywhere!

The guest is happy - that means everything is in order,

Harmony, what's the name?

There is youth and oldness in her.

And how many songs with accordion

We sang during that war?

And the accordion players deftly

They played for us on quiet days!

Part 3 . It is attended by groups and soloists performing songs of the war years.

There was an accordion in a gray overcoat

On the front road,

Snuggling close to the body

Warmed me up like fire!

For four terrible years

How many have you seen in total?

And in the heat, in the snowstorm, in the cold

It's as easy as a soldier with her!

Imperceptibly, step by step,

Made it to Berlin.

Ah, accordion, accordion-delight,

Oh, you Russian soul!

Part 4 . Accordionists - veterans of the Great Patriotic War, choirs and ensembles of veterans perform.

Oh, ditty, oh, ditty, -


Oh, accordion, oh, accordion, -


Without an accordion, our Rus' -

Quickly dispel the sadness

On three sides!

Quickly take the accordion

Grandsons, great-grandsons,

You touch the buttons with your hand,

Is everything okay there?

Part 5 . Performance by young harmonica players and creative groups.

Ah, accordion, accordion,

Cheerful basses,

And ditties without an accordion

It can’t be in Rus'!

Where, in what region was you born?

From what lands did you come?

Did you make it up, did you dream it,

And what was it like then...

Who is there on the first day or evening

He sang it to the beat of the drums,

Whether at an evening meeting,

Among friends and among girlfriends!

And the joke ditty lives on,

Calls to dance in a circle,

Listen for a minute

How the Vyatka people sing them!

Part 6 . Performance by ditties and dancers.

We will find a place for the ditty,

We won’t hide them in reserve,

No one will be cramped

Here at our holiday!

The instruments sound melodious,

A mischievous, dashing motive,

It's like a whirlwind will spin us around,

The quick dance will captivate you!

Show off your skill

Come out, friend, into the circle!

You know how to dance deftly,

Can a heel hit fractions?

Not by anyone's orders,

How it is done, from the heart,

Show yourself to us by dancing,

Don't be shy, show it!

At a certain moment, an accordion player comes to the center of the stage and sings (a paraphrase of the song “Everything froze again until dawn”):

Traveled a lot around the world,

But today I will say, without hiding,

There is no dearer land in the world,

What is my dear side!

Forest and field, path near the house,

Our songs have a magical motive!

I am proud of my fellow countrymen,

That they live next door to me

For people who are beautiful in deeds,

Sing, accordion, sing, accordion!

LEADING: In the 50 years that separate us from the victorious spring of 1945, in our Vyatka land, in our city of Kirov, many enterprises that were evacuated here during the hard times of war found their rebirth, factories and factories appeared where WWII veterans worked. And today a new generation is working, born after the harsh war years.

The city's accordion ensembles, the best ditty players, come out to the audience with cheerful tunes, songs, and ditties.

Dance melodies are heard, and members of creative groups involve everyone present in dances, round dances, and games.

The performances of the harmonists are commented on by the presenters.

Who composed ditties for us,

Who actually composed them?

Now go and find out

Where was he and how did he live?

So live, ditty, whatever,

With a guitar and a string,

We need, friends, however,

Sing more than one ditty!

The harmonica player takes the harmonica,

He leads the music quietly,

Slowly, little by little

People are gathering!


How good it is to fall in love and laugh,

How good it is to be sad sometimes,

How to meet and say goodbye well

And it’s just good to live in the world.

How good it is to wake up before dawn,

It's good that you have dreams at night,

How good it is that the planet is spinning,

How nice it is in the world without war.

We live in the middle Greater Russia,

We work, raise our children,

But we have, whenever asked,

A sword for the enemy, a hug for the friends.

We live in the middle of winter and summer,

And our address is quite simple,

We live in a country free from slander,

Among large and gentle birches.

The presenters announce the end concert program, invite everyone to take part in the dance, which will take place here on the square.

Used in the script Soviet poets

Editor G. Travitskaya