State support programs for beginning farmers. Who is covered by government support? Basic requirements for farmers to receive subsidies

To understand what a peasant farm is, let us turn to the Federal Law of June 11, 2003 N 74-FZ (as amended on June 23, 2014) “On Peasant (Farm) Farming”:

  • Article 1. The concept of a peasant (farm) economy - A peasant (farm) economy (hereinafter also referred to as a farm) is an association of citizens related by kinship and (or) property, having property in common ownership and jointly carrying out production and other economic activities (production , processing, storage, transportation and sale of agricultural products) based on their personal participation.
  • Article 3. A farm carries out entrepreneurial activities without education legal entity. TO entrepreneurial activity farming carried out without the formation of a legal entity, the rules of civil legislation are applied, which regulate the activities of legal entities that are commercial organizations, unless otherwise follows from federal law or other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation or the essence of legal relations.

In other words, a collective farming enterprise is a duly registered association of citizens who:

  1. are related;
  2. have common property (land, buildings, poultry, livestock, equipment, machinery, inventory, etc.);
  3. take personal part in joint economic activities, the subject of which is agricultural products.

Peasant farms can be established by:

  1. Russian citizens;
  2. foreigners;
  3. stateless persons.

All members of a collective farming enterprise must have legal capacity. The law imposes some restrictions on the composition of peasant farm members:

  1. spouses can only involve their parents, grandparents, as well as children, grandchildren, sisters and brothers who have reached the age of sixteen to participate in the business;
  2. the household cannot contain representatives of more than three families;
  3. as an exception, it is allowed to involve in participation in the activities of persons who are not related to the head of the peasant farm. There can be no more than five such citizens.

The composition is not constant. A citizen who meets the requirements of the law can be accepted as a member of a collective farming enterprise by mutual consent of its founders. To leave a peasant farm, it is enough to submit a written application to its head.

What can a peasant farm do?

The subject of activity is agricultural products. The farm has the right to produce, process, store, transport and sell it at its own discretion. Peasant farm enterprises can engage in:

  1. livestock farming;
  2. agriculture;
  3. field farming;
  4. forestry, etc.

A collective farming enterprise has the right to use road transport. It can transport goods necessary for carrying out business activities. The law does not prohibit transporting:

  • stern;
  • fertilizers;
  • seeds;
  • raw materials;
  • manufactured products;
  • equipment and spare parts;
  • other goods needed for the household.

How to register a peasant farm

A collective farming enterprise is considered open from the date of state registration. Only after tax registration does it acquire legal personality and can carry out economic and other legal activities. Legal system allows registration of a peasant farm in the form of a legal entity, but most often its head is registered as individual entrepreneur.

To complete the registration steps, you will need to collect a package of documents. The head of a peasant farm can personally submit papers to tax office at your place of residence. This will avoid the cost of notarizing signatures.

The list of documents required for registration includes:

  1. application form p21002;
  2. agreement on the creation of a collective farm;
  3. receipt (check) for payment of state duty;
  4. a copy of the passport of the head of the peasant farm and the original for verification;
  5. notification of the transition to the selected tax regime (if necessary).

Attention should be paid to drawing up the constituent agreement. It needs to spell out in detail all the main issues regarding the functioning of the future business entity. According to current legislation, this document must contain provisions defining:

  • members and head of the peasant farm;
  • management procedure and powers of the head;
  • rights and obligations of members;
  • the procedure for the formation of a property fund, as well as legal relations of property;
  • rules for accepting new members and leaving the collective farm;
  • the procedure for distributing income and products received in the process of activity.

The agreement must contain information about the date and place of conclusion. At the end of the document, all founders put their signatures.

Registration takes no more than three working days. After this period, you will be able to pick up the following documents:

  1. certificate of state registration;
  2. certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  3. extract from the state register.

You should definitely open a bank account. It will be needed for non-cash payments, including for making mandatory payments to budgets and off-budget funds. Registration of peasant farms with the Pension Fund of Russia and the Social Insurance Fund occurs automatically. Relevant notifications are sent by mail to the address of the head of the household.

How to get subsidies

The state implements various programs to develop agricultural business. Measures aimed at supporting farmers are being taken at both the federal and regional levels. After opening a peasant farm, you can apply for assistance from the state.

In the regions, competitions are often held to distribute funds among farms. Those wishing to participate in them submit applications to the competition commissions in advance. The rules generally provide for the subsequent filing of reports on the expenditure of government assets.

In order to improve solvency in the agricultural sector, the state provides subsidies to repay obligations on investment loans. The selection of winners is also carried out on a competitive basis after consideration of submitted applications.

The implementation of projects to provide financial support to farmers is entrusted to relevant government agencies. Limit levels, types of assistance and rules for participation in programs change annually. You can keep up to date with the latest information on the websites government agencies, working with business in the field of agriculture.

Where to get land for peasant farms

This question usually arises before every beginning farmer. The most suitable options:

  • rent private land;
  • rent a plot of land that is municipally owned.

Last option most suitable for newly opened peasant farms. Renting municipal territory is sometimes much more profitable than private territory. But we don’t always have to talk about buying a plot. And it's not even that it's expensive. It’s just very difficult to find a suitable plot of land for sale.

Local governments have the right to allocate plots of agricultural land to collective farms. Such territory can only be used for its intended purpose (for crops, pastures, etc.). Land belonging to other categories may be allocated for the construction of buildings and structures.

First, you should check with the local administration about the availability of free land, and only then choose from the proposed options. Having considered the application of a potential tenant, the local government body makes a decision on concluding a lease agreement or refusing to provide the land.

What taxes will you have to pay?

Various tax regimes provided for by law are available to peasant farms. The most popular are:

  • general tax system;
  • single agricultural tax (USAT);
  • simplified taxation system (STS).

If the tax office does not receive a notification about the transition to one of the special tax regimes within a month after registration of the peasant farm, then the general procedure applies. The tax system can be changed once a year. The selected mode will be applied from the beginning of the next calendar year.

A collective farming enterprise that uses a common taxation system separately pays all established taxes and fees and submits appropriate reports. The use of the Unified Agricultural Tax and the simplified tax system provides for exemption from payment of:

  1. corporate income tax or personal income tax;
  2. property tax;

Other taxes, fees and insurance premiums are paid on a general basis. The Unified Agricultural Tax regime was developed specifically for peasant farms. It provides significant relaxations and benefits for agricultural producers, so it is reasonable for a farmer to choose this particular tax system.


I think that collective farming is a very convenient form small business organizations for people who are accustomed to working on the land and living by their labor. After registering a peasant farm, you can count on financial assistance from the state. Preferential loans are available for the purchase of equipment, equipment, agricultural raw materials, etc. There is a special tax regime with a small rate and no paperwork.

Peasant farming (peasant farming) is usually organized according to family kinship. This form of business organization represents a commercial organization that produces agricultural products for sale. A farm is an enterprise in which 70% of its profit comes from the sale of agricultural products. Peasant farms must be located on land owned by farmers or received from the state. The state implements programs designed to support and develop farms. For farmers there are tax benefits. Such support makes farming a very promising type of entrepreneurship in Russia. In this article we will look at how to open a farm from scratch.

General legal features of opening a peasant farm

The Law “On Peasant (Farm) Economy” is the main document containing information on the procedure for forming farm property. According to Article 3.1 of the law on peasant farming, any capable citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as a foreigner or stateless person, can open and register a peasant farm. In addition to the law “On Peasant (Farm) Farming”, the activities of peasant farms are regulated by: the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Land Code and the Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities”. individuals and individual entrepreneurs."

According to Article 3.2 of the law on peasant farms, the organization may include:

  • One person (analogous to an individual entrepreneur);
  • Close relatives of the organizer of the peasant farm: spouses, parents, grandparents, sisters, children, brothers, grandchildren (the peasant farm may include up to 3 families). Grandchildren, children, sisters, brothers, upon reaching 16, can become members of the farm;
  • People not related to the organizer of the peasant farm (up to 5 people + an agreement on joint activities according to Article 4 of the Law on Peasant Farms).

The industries falling under the activities of peasant farms are as follows:

  • livestock: goats, pigs, cows, horses, sheep, rabbits;
  • poultry farming: ducks, broiler chickens, laying hens, turkeys, ostriches, geese, pheasants;
  • fish farming: carp, trout, sturgeon, silver carp, carp, catfish, pike;
  • beekeeping, etc.

The field of activity of the peasant farm includes: breeding, growing, production, transportation and sale of agricultural products of this site. You can grow the following types of crops common in Russia:

  • berries and fruits: melons, watermelons, pears, apricots, strawberries, apples, cherries, cherries, plums, prunes;
  • vegetables: tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, pumpkin, peppers, carrots;
  • greens: dill, onion, parsley, garlic;
  • grain crops: oats, wheat, rye, millet, corn, barley, buckwheat, sunflower, etc.

One of the common types of agricultural business is growing green onions: →" ", →" ", →" ".

Additional activities

The advantages of farming include the possibility of additional income, which can exceed the main one. Examples additional types activities:

  • if your main activity is growing vegetables and fruits, then start producing frozen fruits and vegetables;
  • when breeding pigs or cows, set up production sausages, stews and other meat delicacies; if you raise cows, make a profit from the sale of dairy products: sour cream, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.;
  • When growing grain crops, organize the production of cereals, flour, open a bakery and sell bakery products.

How to open a farm: step-by-step instructions

Stage #1. Registration of peasant farms: paperwork

Registration of peasant farms is carried out in the same manner as for an individual entrepreneur (IP). The procedure for registering a farm is described in Article 5 of the law on peasant farms. Below are the registration instructions:

  • Agreement on the establishment of peasant farms. (required if additional partners are involved).
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (cost 800 rubles);
  • Certified statement of state registration of a peasant farm with a notary according to form No. P21001;
  • Application for transition to special tax regimes: Unified Agricultural Tax, simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • A copy of all pages of the passport.

When registering a peasant farm, it is recommended to immediately switch to special taxation regimes: Unified Agricultural Tax or Simplified Taxation System - this will allow you to save on tax payments and will simplify the tax payment procedure. If, when registering a peasant farm, an application for transition to preferential regimes is not submitted, then the application can be resubmitted only by the end of the calendar year (no later than December 31 of the year preceding the year) and taxes will be calculated according to general regime taxation.

Tax system— single agricultural tax (UST)

Tax rate — 6%

The Unified Agricultural Tax abolishes the share of agricultural production less than 70% and applies OSNO to the manufacturer ( general system taxation).

The video presents the features of the Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT).

If the system is selected taxation simplified tax system, then you need to choose a method for calculating tax rates.

  • by gross income (tax rate 6%);
  • on income minus expenses (tax rate 15%).

It should be noted that if under the simplified tax system (based on income minus expenses) a loss was incurred, then it is still necessary to pay the minimum established contribution in the amount of 1% of the income received.

Initially, bookkeeping can be outsourced to an accounting company.

Stage #2. Registration of peasant farms

Registration of a peasant farm can be carried out in person by submitting documents to the tax office (you must take the original passport), via the Internet using the online service of the Federal Tax Service or by mail. Sending documents by mail is the most difficult and time-consuming option. If documents are submitted by an authorized person, then a notarized power of attorney is required for all documents provided.

Comparison of peasant farms and other legal forms of agribusiness

The figure below shows a comparison of peasant farms with other forms of doing business: individual entrepreneurs and private subsidiary plots (personal subsidiary farming).

Features of marketing and sales of agricultural products

To run a business profitably, it is necessary to reach an agreement with possible consumers: processing and trading organizations, before producing products. There may be an oversupply of similar imported products on the market, which forces farmers to sell their products at reduced prices. Creating a sales network is a key factor in the success of running a farming business.

State support for agricultural business

The state provides loans for the development of agricultural business only to farms included in the agro-industrial complex development program. To receive a loan you need large number guarantors, which makes it difficult to obtain. You can contact the employment service by writing an application for inclusion in the self-employment program and receive a subsidy of 50,000-60,000 rubles from the state. to open an individual entrepreneur in the agricultural field.

Many people are of the opinion that life in the village and farming are irrelevant. But think about it - after all, every day on store shelves we see the products of small private farms. In rural conditions, it is sometimes easier to earn money than in the city. Combining different types agricultural production, you can get by with relatively low costs.

How to become a farmer? This business is not limited to simply raising pigs, chickens and cows and growing vegetables. It's a whole system. It implies having a farm business plan with official registration activities. In addition, there is a well-thought-out system for regulating expenses and income.

Farming from scratch: how to start?

As you know, a business always starts with an idea - regardless of the scale. Anyone who decides to open their own farm must first of all decide on suitable direction. On a farmstead you can engage in both crop production and livestock farming. The main thing is to think through everything correctly and create a successful combination.

That is why a thorough study of the characteristics of the production of various crops and raising animals will be required. Before becoming a farmer, you should learn about the incompatibility of individual areas. In particular, the cultivation of certain fruit crops is strictly contraindicated near areas where cattle are kept.

Having decided where to start farming, you will need to think about the material and monetary resources that the future business will require. Everything should be provided for - from initial financial investments to the arrangement of premises for keeping animals, the organization of the farm territory, the purchase of feed and fertilizers. In addition, future farming will require mandatory registration. Most often, such activities are carried out in the form of individual entrepreneurs.

Farming: types of activities

If you decide to open livestock farm, the farm will provide you with meat, milk, eggs and leather. In addition, no one will prohibit combining raising animals, crop farming, fish farming or beekeeping. The main thing is to remember that all animals will require care of the proper quality and adherence to sanitary standards.

Let's take a little closer look at exactly what directions can take place for an individual entrepreneur in a peasant farm.

We breed piglets

Pork is always in demand on the market and costs a lot. This business is quite profitable, because if you take this area seriously, you can, with good care, get up to 30 piglets from one sow within a year. Each adult pig is about 200 kilos of meat and lard.

For breeding, piglets are usually purchased at one month of age. They are less susceptible to disease and adapt well to new conditions. The room for them (pig sty) should be kept clean, insulated in winter and be sure to be equipped with vents. Crowding is contraindicated for animals. They are fed according to a schedule, with pauses not exceeding eight hours.

The food is greens (in large quantities), meat and dairy products and special feed for pigs. One pig can be purchased for an amount from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles. It depends on its breed, age and area of ​​animal husbandry. You can breed pigs by starting with purchasing a pair of healthy piglets.

Goats, cows, horses and sheep

In summer they are all able to feed on grass. They will need soft hay for the winter. good quality. For feeding, horses are given oats, and cows are given mixed feed.

The yield of a good dairy cow is up to 30 liters of milk daily. From one goat you can get from 5 to 8 liters, and the cost goat milk above, as it relates to delicacies.

Horses are most often used as draft power. Sheep are bred for their meat, which is also considered a delicacy. As for sheep, their wool has long been considered the most valuable material. Breeding both goats and sheep is one of the most popular and profitable types of business in agriculture.


Both fur and meat are obtained from them. At the same time, the animals are quite unpretentious in terms of keeping and breeding. A rabbit farm is a system of enclosures, cages, pits or sheds. The choice of premises for keeping is a personal matter for the farmer. However, certain conditions must be adhered to:

  • Protect animals from direct sunlight and drafts.
  • Provide adequate feeding.
  • Do not forget about timely vaccination.
  • Maintain cleanliness in the cages and provide the animals with high-quality drinking water on time.
  • Remember the optimal temperature regime.

The diet for rabbits combines a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in season with concentrated dry food. Hay and grass are quite suitable for feeding them.

Fish farming

These days this business is one of the most profitable. But doing it requires certain knowledge, as well as considerable investment. Agricultural enterprises such as fisheries are most often set up on the basis of artificial ponds, which can be different types. It depends on the volume of production and preferred types. Due to the need for a large area to construct a pond, the costs of this business may be prohibitive for a beginning farmer.

Who can you most often meet in an artificial pond? Carp, crucian carp, pike perch, silver carp, carp and tench. Although pond fish are able to provide themselves with food, they still cannot do without feeding. Bran, cake, and mixed feed are used as it.

Starting around May, the fish are fed on “feeding tables”, which are heavy square-shaped wooden trays measuring approximately 50 x 50 cm. Each hectare of pond will require at least four of these “feeding tables” for fish.


With the right approach, the profit from an apiary can be quite good. In addition, bees pollinate fruit plants. How are such agricultural enterprises organized? The location for the apiary is selected based on the principle of being deserted and remote from roads, close to the areas where honey plants are grown.

Then it is necessary to install hives with 12-24 frames, as well as an omshanik (winter hive). The beekeeper can buy hives or make them himself. To do this, the beekeeper will need a workbench, hand or power tools. Bees can be purchased both in bee packages and in full families.

Poultry breeding

It can be the most common - in the form of chickens, geese, turkeys and ducks. Or quite exotic for our area. We are talking about breeding partridges, pheasants, guinea fowl, peacocks and even ostriches. The choice of breeds depends on the market in which the farmer wants to establish himself.

Where to start farming if you decide to start poultry farming? Suitable as the most unpretentious option conventional cultivation chickens These birds are inexpensive and unpretentious. From them you can get environmentally friendly eggs and high-quality chicken meat. There is somewhat less demand for ducks, geese and turkeys, but their cost is several times higher.

If you are thinking about breeding guinea fowl, pheasants and peacocks, then know that this is quite an expensive activity, and you will most likely have to sell them to private buyers or restaurants.

To raise poultry, you will need to acquire an incubator, special winter-insulated enclosures, feeders, trays, as well as a certain space for walking. Most often, farmers purchase couples for divorce, or a certain number of young offspring, which are subsequently raised. Another option is to purchase eggs and put them in an incubator. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

To feed young chicks you will need cereals, boiled eggs, greens, cottage cheese, insects, as well as special feed mixtures. The diet of adults is almost the same. Their menu is dominated by grain - wheat, barley, oats. Vitamins and minerals should be added to the feed mixture.

Growing plants

Crop farming has always been and remains one of the current trends rural business. After all, vegetables, fruits and berries are an irreplaceable component in the diet of any person. In addition, it is quite possible to grow flowers in farm conditions. The flower business has high profitability (from 70% to 300%).

The approximate amount of initial investment is from half a million rubles. With them you can rent land, purchase cuttings, incandescent lamps for greenhouses, which must maintain a constant microclimate and have well-fertilized soil.

Returning to the cultivation of herbs and vegetables, it is worth noting that their choice for farming is very diverse. Unpretentious species, such as potatoes, beets, carrots, radishes, etc., do not require any special conditions. If you are planning to start growing herbs, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes and zucchini, you cannot do without greenhouses during the cold season.

Their construction, along with renting land, will require quite serious investments. The cost of seeds will be relatively small. In addition, in subsequent years you will provide them for yourself. The payback period for vegetable growing is quite fast. Already this year you can get your first serious harvest. If you can’t decide where to start farming, vegetable growing may be the best option.

We grow mushrooms, berries and fruits

For mushroom farming, the most unpretentious (albeit expensive) are truffles. And the most common are champignons and oyster mushrooms. Mushrooms are bred in a special room where an even microclimate is maintained, in bags filled with mycelium and straw. You will spend from one and a half to two thousand rubles on truffle seedlings. Much cheaper you can buy a base for growing champignons and oyster mushrooms.

If you are going to grow strawberries, you cannot do without greenhouses. A number of varieties are also grown in open ground. Such a business will require starting capital about 100,000 rubles. Add another quarter of that for monthly expenses.

Raspberries are grown according to a different principle. Seedlings are purchased for it and the site is prepared. It is practiced in the summer season; in the winter, the bushes are buried in order to protect them from frost.

Cherries, sea buckthorn or apples are grown in specially designated garden plots. You will need to purchase seedlings and a special film for covering for the winter. You will receive a harvest from young trees in best case scenario for next year. The fruit and berry business is profitable at a level of about 60-100%.

How to register your activity

Where to start farming legally? Every business needs registration, and agricultural is no exception. The stages of the procedure consist of paying the state fee, notarizing the corresponding application, preparing and submitting a package of documents to the Federal Tax Service. Next, you should wait for the finished documents to be issued, go through the registration procedure with the necessary funds and receive a letter from Rosstat containing statistics codes. Of course, you should also take care of opening a bank account.

We rent land

Rent of a land plot can be arranged before the legal registration procedure. The rental application is submitted to the local administration. After the case is reviewed, you will receive information about where the proposed site is located. You will need to call representatives of the land management organization there. They will conduct land surveying and determine the exact boundaries of the site. Then the land is registered in the cadastral register and a corresponding passport is issued.

After this, the documents are again sent to the administration, which issues a decision on the transfer of the site. In addition, registration of the lease agreement will be required.

The state will help us

IN recent years Assistance to young farms is a priority for the state. Now it is easy to get a grant for the development of such a business, the amount of which can range from one to four million rubles. It may be intended specifically for the creation of a farm or have a lump sum payment for a household device.

This money is purposefully given to a beginning farmer to rent or purchase land, develop a project, purchase the necessary equipment, carry out the required utilities, as well as purchase materials for planting, animals, feed and fertilizers.

Who can claim such a payment?

Money is paid to citizens of the Russian Federation of working age, heads of farms and peasant farms whose registration period is less than 24 months. In this case, it is necessary to have education and at least three years of experience in the field of agriculture.

The package of documents that needs to be prepared consists of a business plan for the farm, a breakdown of expenses with prices. Size own funds that will need to be invested in this case must be at least 10% of the grant amount. The recipient is required to create three or more jobs and spend the funds issued within 12 months from the date of issue.

Grants are issued based on the results of competitions, during which young entrepreneurs must prove the profitability and relevance of their future business. Such support can be considered an excellent way to solve the problem of initial capital investment. If payment is refused, there are other options for assistance from the state - in particular, in the form of a farm loan. In addition, it is possible various options government subsidies.

Summing up

Modern business in the field of agriculture is not at all the same as the idea of ​​​​which is firmly rooted in the heads of many (a hard and dirty job, low-income and thankless). These days, farms are equipped with the most advanced equipment. The most advanced technologies are used in raising animals and plants. It is quite possible to maintain cleanliness and the desired microclimate in premises for breeding birds and livestock. Most operations can be automated, which will greatly facilitate farm work.

Financial support from the state is especially important in the current crisis. It allows farmers to develop their business. In addition, due to the widespread development of a network of cafes, restaurants and numerous private shops, as a rule, there are no problems with the sale of finished products.

The state strongly supports entrepreneurs who are engaged in agriculture, so this niche began to attract many newcomers. Farming has many advantages - wide markets, high income and quick payback. In this article we will tell you how to become a farmer from scratch in our country.

Development prospects

From scratch in Russia is one of the most promising areas of activity for newcomers living in rural areas. This is due to the following factors:

  • First of all, this is assistance from the state to farmers. Subject to certain conditions, any newcomer can receive a free subsidy, grant or tax breaks as support for his newly created farm;
  • Constantly rising food prices. This has a positive effect on the profitability of farms;
  • Farm products are always in demand in the market because they are essential goods;
  • Domestic producers do not experience any restrictions on access to the market;
  • New areas of activity are constantly emerging in this area, for example, breeding ostriches or pheasants;
  • Wide markets.

Business ideas 2019 with minimal investment in rural areas are an ideal basis for the development of a large-scale enterprise. If you take your work responsibly and are able to create a competent development strategy, farming will generate significant income.

Growing mushrooms

Experienced businessmen often have to answer the question of how to become a farmer from scratch and where to start. They advise that before choosing an idea, you need to highlight the main aspects:
  • Possibility of quick learning;
  • Minimum starting capital;
  • Fast payback;
  • Great demand for products.

Fits all these parameters. This idea has many advantages and allows you to get good profit. Mushrooms do not require special attention, so growing them will not take up much of your time.

If you have decided to become a farmer and are wondering where to start, then first of all you need to calculate future costs. The size of the starting capital largely depends on the scale of production, the variety of mushrooms you will grow and the cost of the seed. Let's try to calculate how much money will be needed for one cycle of champignon production in a small farm:

  • Production of 30 tons of compost – 20 thousand rubles;
  • Mycelium – 10 thousand rubles;
  • Heating – 50 thousand rubles.
  • Total: 80 thousand rubles.

From 1 ton of compost you can harvest 200 kg of champignons at 100 rubles per 1 kg. With 30 tons you will get 6 tons of mushrooms, worth 600 thousand rubles. If you are now interested in how to become a farmer from scratch without spending money, you can start growing mushrooms in small quantities, for example, in your country house or in the basement of a private house. Invest the money you earn in the development of your enterprise and over time you will be able to achieve great success.

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse

Everyone knows that the vegetables sold in stores in winter are grown in greenhouses. Such products are charged exorbitant prices, and the manufacturer receives the bulk of the money from their sales. Based on this, it can be argued that own greenhouse farming is great idea how to become a farmer from scratch in Crimea and get help from the state.

It is advisable that your farm is located close to markets, for example, in a nearby suburb. Do not forget to provide convenient access roads for the removal of finished products. You can learn how to build a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands for winter growing from specialists or from relevant literature.

Before you become a farmer from scratch in the field of vegetable growing, carefully consider where you will rent finished products. The simplest option is to sell the harvest through wholesale centers, but they offer low prices, so the profit from growing vegetables will be insignificant. Another option is retail. In this case, you will have to equip a retail outlet and hire a salesperson. Many farmers sell their finished products to restaurants and processing plants.

The profitability of this business largely depends on climatic conditions and choice of culture. It is most profitable to focus on expensive goods, since in the summer many vegetables are grown in open ground and their prices decrease significantly during the season. In this regard, your costs for greenhouse cultivation may not be recouped. Once you have a net income, you can think about how to become a vegetable farmer on a larger scale.

Production of organic products

IN lately The demand for organic products began to grow. Many entrepreneurs make good money from this. If you have your own plot of land and are interested in becoming a farmer from scratch, farming may be the perfect idea to get started. Its main advantage is its low barrier to entry. A small eco-farm can be organized on your own personal plot. This is the easiest way to become a novice farmer.

The production of organic products is one of the most promising niches on the market. If you are attracted to this line of work, you should not completely rely on your own knowledge and intuition. Before becoming a farmer in Russia from scratch in the field of organic farming, consult with a qualified specialist. He will tell you which crops are best to grow in your region and how to properly care for them. If you choose the planting time wisely, you can harvest two crops in one season. For example, first you sow radishes, which ripen in 40 days, after which you plant tomatoes or peppers in its place. Proper selection of crops will allow you to increase your income significantly.

Breeding Vietnamese pigs

Wondering how to become a pig farmer? This area of ​​activity has broad development prospects. High-quality fresh meat is always in demand on the market, so its prices are consistently high. Pig farming attracts many farmers due to its simplicity technological process. All you need to do is raise pigs and sell the meat. The only obstacle is large financial investments.

If you do not have a large start-up capital, start by breeding Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs. This breed has many advantages over ordinary white pigs:

  • Due to their high immunity, animals do not need regular vaccinations;
  • Vietnamese pigs are herbivores, so you don’t have to buy a lot of expensive grain feed to raise them;
  • Females reach sexual maturity at 4 months, and males at 6 months;
  • Great fertility.

If you don’t know anything about pig farming, contact entrepreneurs who have been involved in this business for a long time. They will tell you how to become a farmer from scratch and what you need to do for this. Experienced breeders believe that breeding is more profitable than meat. All investments pay off literally after the first litter. Since piglets can be sold at 3-4 weeks of age, you will spend virtually nothing on their care. The most important thing is a responsible attitude and hard work; success is guaranteed to you.

Raising bulls for meat

Rural residents often ask how to become a farmer from scratch and whether they provide initial capital if they turn to the state for help. If you provide a competent business plan and can convince the commission that your activities will really bring benefits, in principle you can count on financial support. But this does not mean that you can start without having your own cash. Before becoming a farmer in Russia, you need to put together at least a small start-up capital or start with the most simple ideas, for example, from growing vegetables on your own plot.

Now let's talk about how to become a farmer from scratch in the field of livestock farming. For example, you can start breeding bulls for meat. If you have enough money to raise 10 heads, you should not chase high income and take 20 calves for fattening. Do not forget that young bulls cannot be kept without walking. When the animals become adults, it is better to keep them in a barn or under a shed, since grown bulls can pose a danger to others. In order for animals to quickly gain weight, you need to include succulent and grain feed in their diet. When the bulls gain a weight of 300-350 kg, they can be sold for 40-45 thousand rubles. As you can see, this is quite a profitable business, but before you become a farmer from scratch in the field of livestock breeding, you need to prepare for the fact that the business will take a lot of effort and time from you, since animals require care and attention.

Growing remontant raspberries

What to do in the village to earn money? A good business idea is growing raspberries. It is suitable for anyone who has a small plot of land. The amount of starting capital depends on the choice of raspberry variety. In any case, the implementation of such a project will not require large financial investments. True, such a business is seasonal, but if you work hard, you can get a good addition to the family budget.

- this is a simple but rather troublesome task. It is necessary to make trellises that will support the branches. In addition, you will have to regularly remove young growth and weeds. If you don't take care of your raspberries, they will start to grow wild. Income largely depends on both demand and the market price for this product. Raspberries can be delivered in bulk to stores and processing plants, or sold on the market at retail price. Or combine all these options for selling finished products.

According to experts, growing raspberries is the easiest way to become a farmer from scratch in the field of crop production. The profitability of growing remontant raspberries reaches 65%. All initial investments pay off in 3.5 years. If you want to increase your income, you can sell cuttings and shoots.

Geese breeding

A great idea on how to become a successful farmer from scratch in our country. This is a fairly profitable business that does not require significant financial investments.

Let's try to figure out how to become a farmer and where to start? First of all, you will need a room with an area of ​​150 square meters. meters. It can contain 1000 birds. It should be insulated, as geese can get frostbite on their paws or beaks. The construction of such a premises will be too expensive, so it is better to rent some abandoned poultry house.

The biggest costs are the purchase of young animals and feed. If you do not have your own funds, ask your local administration how to become a farmer from scratch and receive a subsidy from the state. Such financial assistance can be a good basis for the development of your business.

To summarize, I would like to note the following: if you have experience in the field of poultry breeding and have an abandoned poultry house in mind with an adjacent plot of land and a small pond, you can safely start breeding geese. This is one of the simplest and most profitable options on how to become a farmer from scratch in 2019.

Breeding laying hens for eggs

Let's think again about how you can make money in the village? There are many ideas that can be successfully implemented in rural areas. The simplest of them is raising chickens. If you create good conditions for laying hens, from a hundred heads you will receive 80–85 eggs daily. In addition, you can sell chicken manure. It is used as a fertilizer for plants. When the chickens begin to produce fewer eggs, they can be slaughtered and sold, and the proceeds can be used to buy chickens again.

It will not require any serious financial or time expenditure from you. The bird needs to be fed and watered on time, and droppings must be cleaned up after them. You will spend no more than two hours a day on all this. This is all you need to become a farmer in this area. There are usually no problems with the sale of eggs, since this product is always in demand on the market.