Factory for the production of sausages. Salting and maturing of meat. Costs and profits

IN lately There has been a certain growth in the domestic food industry, which has also affected the meat processing industry. More and more Russian entrepreneurs are turning their attention to production sausages, smoked meats, stewed meats, semi-finished products, frozen products.

Full cycle enterprises include:

Department of slaughter of livestock with cutting into carcasses, half-carcasses, quarters;
storage department for raw materials (beef, pork, lamb) in medium and low temperature chambers;
department of defrosting (defrosting) of raw meat;
department for deboning and trimming carcasses, half-carcasses, quarters with separation of meat by grade and refrigerators for storing bones;
minced meat preparation department;
product formation department;
product preparation department;
product storage department;
waste and bones processing department.

Let us dwell on the most common and characteristic production - the production of sausages.

The history of sausages dates back thousands of years: references to various types of sausages are found in the annals of Greece, Babylon, Ancient China. Among the Slavs, mentions of sausage first appear in the 10th century.

The term "sausage" appears to be derived from the Latin "flask" (round), or the Hebrew "kol-basar" (all kinds of meat), or the Polish "kielbasa". In Russia, the first workshops where sausage products were produced appeared in the 17th century. First in St. Petersburg, then in Moscow, Tambov and other cities. At the beginning of the 20th century, the largest enterprises were the Moscow factories of Miller on Tsvetnoy Boulevard and Volnukhin in Kadashevsky Lane.

In modern industrial production, the recipes and technologies of several hundred sausages and salted meat products are known. The most common boiled ones are: sausages, wieners and frankfurters; boiled-smoked; semi-smoked; raw smoked and raw-dried sausages; liver sausages and pates; jellies and brawns; blood sausages; meat loaves.

Salted pork products are divided (depending on the technology) into salted-cooked, raw-salted, boiled, boiled-smoked, smoked-baked, raw smoked and dry smoked.

When making sausages, the meat must be separated from the bones and chopped, while in the production of salted products, whole pieces of meat and parts of half-carcasses are used.

Meat raw materials can be supplied to sausage production in various forms:

From our own slaughterhouse: steamed, chilled, frozen, frozen;
from another meat processing plant (depending on the distance): chilled, frozen, frozen, block.

Naturally, fresh meat has the greatest nutritional value, but to take advantage of its benefits, prompt processing is necessary, since 3-12 hours after slaughter the characteristics of the raw material begin to deteriorate sharply.

In terms of technological characteristics, chilled meat is close to fresh meat, and in organoleptic characteristics it often surpasses it. That is why at meat factories the main part of the raw material (~80%) is cooled, after which a crust forms on its surface, preventing the development of microorganisms. At t = 0°C, the shelf life is 7-10 days. The temperature in thin parts of frozen meat is -4...-5°C, in thick parts +1...-2°C. The shelf life of such meat is 15...25 days.

For long-term storage, in order to accumulate raw materials, use frozen meat (-15°C and below). When frozen, up to 99% of the microflora dies, and the temperature range from -6 to -12°C has a particularly detrimental effect on it. During freezing and subsequent long-term storage There is some deterioration in its quality due to chemical changes in proteins and fats. The amount of vitamins also decreases.

For the production of sausages, such frozen meat goes through a defrosting (defrosting) stage, while trying to obtain raw materials that are closest in their properties to chilled ones. Defrosting can be carried out with air, a steam-air mixture, or liquid.

During air defrosting, raw materials thaw at t = 0...+20°C and humidity up to 92%. The duration of defrosting is 1-5 days. The process can be accelerated by supplying air at a temperature of 20-25°C and relative humidity up to 95% for 10-12 hours.

In a steam-air environment, meat is defrosted in 10...16 hours in chambers filled with steam at a temperature of 4-25°C.

Recently, a method using so-called “hot steam” (with elevated temperature) has also been used.

Meat packaged in film materials (block meat) is defrosted by immersing it in heated water or in chambers with elevated air temperatures.

After defrosting, the raw materials enter the deboning and trimming department, where on special tables - deboning and trimming tables - the pulpy parts of the meat are separated from the bones, the veins are separated from them, and they are separated by grade. This is where the carcass is divided into cuts.

When using block frozen meat, so-called “block cutters” are used to chop it. The block is loaded into the receiving hopper of the block cutter and crushed by rotating knives without defrosting.

Next, the meat, after deboning and trimming (or chopping on block cutters), goes for finer grinding in the so-called “grinder” or meat grinder. "Grinds" are equipped with a set of gratings with holes from 2 to 32 mm (in most models), with a larger diameter (~ 24 mm) used in the canning industry.

After grinding on grinders, the meat goes to a minced meat mixer, where the minced meat is prepared.

In the process of preparing minced meat, a very important step is the salting of raw materials. The concept of “curing” includes not only the addition of table salt to meat, but also the introduction of other curing materials (sodium nitrite, sugar, ascorbic acid, etc.), stabilizing and improving the natural color of raw meat, participating in the formation of smell and taste.

Familiar pink The sausage is given with the addition of sodium nitrite to the minced meat. During aging in salting, nitrite decomposes to form nitric oxide, which, combining with the iron of myoglobin, changes its color (and the color of the minced meat) to pink. Salting is carried out after mixing in a minced meat mixer in special maturing chambers at a temperature of 0...+8°C.

How more degree grinding meat during the salting process, the less time is required for the ripening of raw materials and the higher the moisture content in the finished sausage.

Boiled sausages have a more delicate structure, therefore, after aging in the maturation chamber, the minced meat is sent for fine grinding, which is carried out in cutters and colloid mills. The knives in these devices rotate at high speed, so the meat heats up. To prevent overheating of the minced meat, add to it during the grinding process cold water or flake ice. Ice is produced in ice machines of various capacities; as a rule, its temperature is -7°C.

To make minced semi-smoked, boiled-smoked sausages, grinding only on a grinder is sufficient. The minced meat prepared in salting is mixed with pieces of bacon and spices and sent to fill sausage casings. To cut the bacon, bacon cutters are used to obtain pieces of bacon of the desired size. The prepared minced meat is filled into the shells either through meat grinders with a tube attachment installed, or using special devices - syringes. Syringes can be of different designs: for filling raw smoked sausages, it is advisable to use hydraulic (piston) syringes; boiled, boiled-smoked sausages, frankfurters, sausages - auger or rotary.

The membranes can be natural (intestinal) or made from artificial materials.

Having filled the shells with minced meat, the loaves are tied with twine or metal clips are placed on its ends. The clips are applied using manual or pneumatic clippers, which work in conjunction with a filler syringe. A twine loop is made at one end of the loaf, by which the loaf can be carried and hung.

In some cases, minced meat after stuffing into a casing should be subjected to aging (sediment). You don’t have to do it for boiled sausages, but for boiled-smoked and raw-smoked sausages it is required. When settled, the minced meat becomes denser, the finished product becomes of higher quality, and its color improves.

The aging time for loaves of semi-smoked sausages is 1-6 hours, for raw smoked sausages - up to 10 days. It should be noted that holding (settling) must be done at t=0...+4°C.

To bring the loaves filled with minced meat to culinary readiness, they must be heat treated. The concept of heat treatment includes several technological operations: frying, cooking, smoking, baking, etc. Heat treatment in modern production carried out in universal heat chambers (electric, gas or fuel oil). General requirements to thermal chambers: they must be sealed, allow all of the above operations to be performed without opening the doors, and be equipped with sensors for “dry”, “wet” temperatures and the temperature of the core of the product. All heat treatment modes must be set from the control panel. Thermal chambers are equipped with smoke generators to produce a smoke-air mixture. Smoke generators can operate (depending on the design) on sawdust, wood chips, or beams (“friction”).

As a result of cooking the loaves in heat chambers, the product is brought to culinary readiness; this is achieved by heating the meat and reaching a temperature in the core of 68-72°C. At these temperatures, up to 99% of microflora dies.

If the finished product is not cooled quickly after heat treatment, the microflora will begin to develop rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly cool the products to 8...12°C. It is best to cool casing products, for example, sausages, at the first stage with water in the so-called. stifling chambers, then in air in medium-temperature chambers at t=4...8°С. Sausage production facilities, etc. are available. "intensive cooling chambers", where the process takes place in air at sub-zero temperatures and a certain humidity at more than short terms. After cooling, the products enter the storage chambers, where the temperature is 0...+8°C.

Delicacy meat and smoked pork products undergo the following technological operations: after deboning and trimming, intramuscular salting of the pieces of meat is carried out using syringe-injectors (single- or multi-needle), massaging and saturation of the meat with brine in vacuum massagers, aging in maturing chambers (this operation can be combined with massaging), heat treatment, cooling, storage.

The range of meat department in any supermarket is impressive. It consists of smoked sausages, dry-cured meat and various meat delicacies. The country's leading meat processing plants are ready to offer thousands of products. But such scales do not always indicate high quality products. That is why even small private meat processing shops are able to compete with the giants of the meat industry.

Production of smoked sausages. Business plan

Meat processing - profitable business. There will be no problems with the market for the goods. Even small companies manage to quickly develop a base of regular customers who like unique recipes and the unique taste of finished products. Owners of small production facilities need to pay maximum attention to the quality of the meat they use. This is how they can attract the attention of a sophisticated buyer.

Initial capital is required for any business. Not every aspiring entrepreneur can invest tens of thousands of dollars. But this is not a reason to be sad. You can request a loan from a bank or attract investors. After the money issue has been resolved, it will be necessary to deal directly with the organization of the workshop.

First of all, you need to fill out a package of documents and obtain licenses. After this, you will have to search for premises for sausage shop, as well as the purchase of equipment for production. You also need to understand the quality of the meat you use as raw material. The meat processing business is rarely unprofitable, but it doesn’t hurt to understand the sales market in advance. To prevent competitors from overtaking it, it is necessary to combine quality with an affordable price. But first things first.

The main raw material for sausage production is meat of any kind. The recipe also includes fatty raw materials, eggs, protein additives of plant origin, starch, dairy products, flour, etc. Auxiliary raw materials - spices, salt, vegetables, capsule and bacterial preparations, sausage casings, drinking water, various materials for packaging and dressing. The main component of the minced meat of most sausages is beef. Pork is more tender in texture and contains more fat. It is added to minced meat to improve consistency.

For salting meat, table salt of at least first grade is used. Sodium nitrite for sausage must contain at least 96% nitrite. Spices must have a specific taste and aroma. Sugar should be white in color and not contain foreign impurities.

Sausage production involves the use of natural and artificial intestinal casings. Aluminum staples are used for sealing. Multilayer barrier films are also used. Sealing of products is ensured by means of a thermal seal. Hardwood sawdust is used to smoke sausages. Resinous tree species are undesirable because they produce a lot of resin and soot. They impart an unpleasant taste and odor to the final product.

By law, it is prohibited to use premises in residential buildings and once public places to organize a workshop or meat processing plant. It must be a separate building that can be adapted to all necessary conditions.

The requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station are such that the premises must consist of several blocks. Each of them undergoes the corresponding stages of sausage production. There must be tiles on the floor. Before starting production, you need to make sure that heating and ventilation are working properly. You cannot open a workshop without a supply of hot running water and good lighting.

Maximum profit can be obtained with production volumes of 1 ton per shift. To make this possible, a room of 100 to 200 square meters is required. m area. Accordingly, your expenses will be $7,000 per year.

Preparation of documents for production

The first thing you need to do is register entrepreneurial activity in the relevant authorities. All other permissions will follow later.

You will have to undergo control at the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, and also obtain permission to use mechanisms with a high degree of danger in production. To be able to work, you must be given a positive opinion. Another condition is admission to production by fire inspection services.

Registration is required in such authorities as:

  • Pension and other funds;
  • Veterinary supervision

In order for your meat processing plant to begin fully functioning, you need equipment. The quality of smoked sausage and the production capabilities of the workshop directly depend on the technical equipment. That's why you shouldn't skimp on equipment.

What you will need:

  • Refrigeration chambers. A minimum of 2-3 such units will be needed, which in price equivalent will be from 3 to 5 thousand dollars. Not a single sausage shop can do without them.
  • Special electric meat grinder. In common parlance it is called a top. The cost of the device also ranges from 2 to 3 thousand dollars.
  • Cutter for preparing minced meat. Can be found on sale for $3,000.
  • Minced meat mixer with a capacity of 150 liters. Its average cost ranges from 1 to 2 thousand dollars.
  • Band saw, set of knives for cutting carcasses, trimming meat from bones and trimming bacon. As a production owner, purchasing such equipment will cost you from 1 to 2 thousand dollars.
  • Thermal chamber. Ensures that the optimum temperature is maintained. The quality of the future meat product directly depends on this unit. The price of such equipment varies from 2.5 to 4 thousand dollars.
  • You won’t be able to do without a vacuum syringe, a pneumatic clipper and a hair cutter. To purchase them you will have to fork out another 5 thousand dollars.

What about raw materials? Quality meat is prerequisite sausage production. Most often, smoked sausage is made from beef or pork. Meat is purchased both from large livestock farms and on small farms. The main thing is to have a raw material quality certificate. To be sure that the meat is safe, it is better to send a request to the veterinary and sanitary laboratory. Specialists will conduct all necessary tests.

To purchase raw materials for the first time, you will have to set aside about 1.5 thousand dollars. As your business expands, it makes sense to think about your own farming. This way you will know exactly what kind of meat is at your disposal. In addition, you can save on transport for delivery.

Smoked sausage production technology

Let's consider the technological process in detail:

  • Meat sorting. Raw materials are divided by grade. Lean meat - best option for making sausage. It produces high quality products. It contains 30% fat. Bold meat can be used for homemade sausage of grades 1 and 2.
  • Processing of intestines. Small intestines are used to produce sausage. They are processed immediately after removal. The contents are removed from the intestine, after which it is placed in cold water. Next, wash the shell, turn it inside out and scrape it on a cutting board. Treated with potassium permanganate and used to make sausage. For raw smoked sausage, by the way, the casing must be soaked in salt water for 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Ground meat. For homemade sausage suitable meat various types. It is cut into large pieces and salted, after which it is left for a day to ripen. The meat is then ground into mince, spices, salt and garlic are added. Also an obligatory component is chopped bacon.
  • Injection. At one end the intestine is tied with a thread, at the other end the intestine is filled with minced meat using a wide funnel or a special syringe. The formation of voids and air cavities is unacceptable. Also, you don't need to stuff the gut too tightly. However, in in this case We are talking about smoked sausages, and therefore dense stuffing is possible; during the cooking process, their volume decreases.
  • Draft. Tied and filled sausages should be placed in a cool and dry room.
  • Heat treatment. Excess air should come out of the sausage. That is why it is pierced with a needle in different places. The finished sausage is cooled hanging in a separate room.

Opening a sausage production involves mandatory expenses:

  • registration – 700 USD
  • equipment – ​​8,000 USD
  • refrigerator – 4,000 USD
  • initial purchase of raw materials - 1,500 USD
  • rent for 2 months – 600 USD

It turns out about 15 thousand dollars to open your own sausage shop.

While you are working, you may incur expenses for repairs to the premises, these are not included here. Business profitability is at the level of 25%. The equipment pays for itself in approximately 3 months.

The 2019 online exhibition catalog contains sausage producers in Russia. The list includes 180 factories that supply their own brand. Own production, prices directly from suppliers. Companies that have received recognition from business and consumer representatives:

  • "Mikoyanovsky meat processing plant."
  • "Cherkizovsky meat processing plant."
  • "Dmitrov sausages"
  • Plant "Ostankino".
  • “Egoryevskaya sausage and gastronomic factory”, etc.

Popular sausages are doctor's, boiled, milk, smoked, wieners, servelat, ham, sausages, etc. The products are made from pork, beef, and chicken. Delicacies are also made from rare varieties of meat - venison, bear meat, dog meat, etc. The assortment is expanding. The products comply with GOST.

Domestic enterprises are switching to Russian suppliers of meat raw materials. The industry has overcome the troubles of 2014-2016. There has been an increase in production and consumption, and imports of sausages are decreasing. Companies are reducing costs, installing automatic equipment, and mastering the latest technologies.

Addresses, mail and telephone numbers are placed on company pages in the contacts tab. Sale of sausages wholesale in Moscow, Moscow region and regions. Delivery to the regions. We offer cooperation to dealers, discounts and promotions. To download a price list or buy goods in bulk, contact the organization manager on the website.

– a profitable option for private business. Sausages are popular. Due to the high demand for this product, sales profits soon cover the costs of setting up a business. The main thing is to monitor the quality of products, observing all the necessary requirements.

Business organization

The advantages of organizing a sausage production workshop at home are significant:

  • work at home;
  • ready-made premises without the need to rent;
  • independence from superiors;
  • minimum costs for starting a business.

Minimal cash investments will allow you not to worry too much about possible failures

Another option is to rent premises to open a specialized production line. In this case, the formation of a small business will require more serious investments.

To the article necessary expenses includes:

  • rental of premises;
  • purchase and installation of an automated production line;
  • purchase of necessary work equipment;
  • acquisition of raw materials (meat, casings, threads);
  • wages for hired workers.

A sausage production enterprise must comply with the requirements of the SES, veterinary inspection and fire service. This applies to the location of the production facility and its arrangement.

The premises must be non-residential. You can organize a private enterprise in your personal garage or rent non-residential premises located at a distance of no closer than ten meters from residential buildings.

The first step after renting is to carry out a number of works at the enterprise:

  • equip the production workshop with a ventilation system;
  • install sewerage;
  • tidy up the heating system;
  • allocate space for storage finished products;
  • establish a water supply, a bathroom and a washroom;
  • check working condition fire alarm and electrical wiring.

A working fire alarm can save someone's life

Dimensions and appearance The working premises must meet specific requirements:

  • total area - at least 60 square meters. m;
  • ceilings – from two meters in height with environmentally friendly coating;
  • The walls are tiled.

Production workshop, refrigeration and storage space must be separated from each other.

Registration of production

Before starting work on the production of sausages, you should start developing detailed business plan for the enterprise - to carry out detailed calculations of future production.

Then be sure to register your company with the tax office. To do this, you need to draw up documents giving the right to open of this business. Here it is advisable to take the help of competent lawyers.

Making sausage at home is registered as an individual business.

This design is inexpensive and does not involve serious accounting. The disadvantages of such registration are small volumes of products and a narrow sales market.

Company in the format of a Company with limited liability, otherwise the LLC must have a charter, authorized capital in the amount of ten thousand rubles and the name of the company. It has wider capabilities:

  • increasing legal rights;
  • receiving financial benefits from the state budget (subsidies);
  • preferential lending;
  • participation in tenders (competitive selection of commercial proposals);
  • access to a large product market.

After registering a private enterprise, it is necessary to obtain documents and permits from the following organizations:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • Veterinary supervision;
  • fire service.

To sell your product in the Russian Federation, you must issue a special certificate confirming its high quality.

The certificate is issued on the basis of a research procedure to ensure that the product meets all legal standards. To receive it you need to submit required package documents to Rostest.

Sausage production equipment

Special devices and equipment for producing sausage at home are selected taking into account the planned type of product and must be of high quality. It includes:

  • cooking oven - the main device; product quality depends, first of all, on its capabilities;
  • machine for mixing sausage mince;
  • cuttera - a powerful electric meat grinder;
  • – for storing raw materials and finished products;
  • cutting tables – separating meat from bones, packaging products;
  • several types of knives - for boning, cutting of different sizes;
  • vacuum fillers for sausage casings;
  • syringes for filling shells with minced meat;
  • various measuring instruments.

You should consider sanitizing the production area. To do this, you need to purchase various containers, gloves, sanitary products, and uniforms for workers.

Sausage production technology is carried out according to certain rules.

Before starting work, you should defrost the meat. Next, it is sorted into lean and semi-fat. Lean meat contains about 30 percent fat; it is used to prepare premium sausages. Sausages of the first and second grades are prepared from fattier varieties of meat.

Then the meat carcasses are cut up and the meat itself is separated from the bones. Sliced ​​into large pieces the meat is salted for a period of twelve hours to three days, depending on the thickness of the cut.

The meat is ground on a grinder. Then spices, garlic, salt are added to it and mixed with cooled bacon, which is crushed using a special device - a lard cutter.

For sausage casings, carefully washed intestines treated with potassium permanganate are used. The shells are filled with the resulting minced meat using a special syringe. When making meat loaf, special molds are filled with minced meat.

This is followed by frying the semi-finished products at a temperature of about 90 degrees. Then the sausages are cooked for 45 minutes. Meat bread is baked for three hours at a temperature of 110 degrees, laid out in molds and boiled for an hour and a half.

Ready-made sausages, wieners, sausages are hung and cooled to a temperature of no higher than four degrees. After cooling, the meat loaf is removed from the molds.

After quality control, the finished products are packaged, labeled and stored at a temperature of about five degrees: boiled sausage and meat loaf are stored for three days, sausages and sausages - 48 hours.

Homemade sausages

Sausage manufacturing technology

Selection and purchase of raw materials

Sausages are prepared from pork, beef, lamb meat, and meat by-products. From them they get minced meat. Top quality sausage consists of a minimum amount of products:

  • minced meat;
  • milk powder;
  • salt;
  • pepper

Starch, eggs, and a protein stabilizer are added to the composition of first and second grade meat products.

Products for sausage production, fresher and of higher quality, should be purchased from farms. For the supplied raw materials, including threads and intestines for casings, farmers must have quality certificates and a mark on meat inspection by veterinary control.

It is better to purchase raw materials in small quantities, so that it is easier and faster to check the product on the market in a veterinary laboratory:

  • carry out the necessary tests;
  • make a brand;
  • check quality documents for authenticity.

You can also organize your own laboratory at the enterprise to test raw materials.

When purchasing imported meat, you need to obtain permission to import it from a veterinary inspector.


Additional employees are needed for a company producing meat products for sale:

  • technologist;
  • workers;
  • cleaning woman;
  • manager;
  • forwarder;
  • accountant.

Financial expenses

When drawing up a business plan, enterprises for the production of sausages make mandatory expenses for renting premises, purchasing raw materials, wages to workers, as well as for registering the enterprise and paperwork. An amount of 15–20 thousand dollars will cover these expenses.

The optimal quantity of meat products produced daily is approximately 200 kg. It will take about 9 thousand dollars per month to produce sausage. Provided that the finished product is fully sold, the proceeds will be about 11 thousand dollars. Thus, the profit from the enterprise will be about 2 thousand dollars.

The most important thing is to find regular buyers for your products. According to experts, the production of homemade sausage is a very profitable investment.

Video: Do-it-yourself Doctor’s sausage

Source: based on materials from the “Meat Club” website

Technological process of sausage production
For long history peoples different countries have created a great variety of unique technologies for making sausages. Their characteristics, first of all, depend on the type of sausages being prepared, which are divided into boiled, semi-smoked, boiled-smoked, stuffed, raw smoked and dry-cured, as well as brawn, liver and blood sausages.
Despite such a variety of types of sausages, for most of them there is a general technological production scheme, characteristic of large sausage factories and meat processing plants.

Preparation of raw materials
To make various sausages in accordance with their recipes, meat from various types of animals is used: most often beef, pork, chicken, turkey, less often - horse meat, lamb, venison, ostrich, goose, etc.
After slaughter, the meat is quickly cooled in the thickness of the muscles to temperatures close to zero, kept in the refrigerator, as a rule, for a day or two.
Aging meat at the correct temperature and humidity conditions is especially important for beef, pork, lamb and other large animals with strong muscles. The meat softens and becomes suitable for subsequent deboning and trimming.
Bird carcasses are cooled as soon as possible after slaughter to maintain freshness.
It is worth noting the cooling with ice water, including in separate washing baths with salt, which allows you to obtain high quality poultry carcasses by washing out perishable salt-soluble proteins (residual blood, etc.), improving the sanitary condition of the surface of poultry carcasses and a slight weight gain due to cooling in saline solution.
Depending on the needs of the plant and the deboning scheme it has chosen, the chilled meat is separated from the bone and sent to deboning and trimming.
In Russia and the CIS countries, meat is divided into varieties most often depending on the degree of purification from connective and fatty tissues.
In foreign practice, as a rule, half carcasses are divided into cuts, and then up to 19 muscles are isolated from them, each of which is associated with the first or second grade depending on the content of connective tissue. The most valuable muscles (fillet, entrecote, etc.) are not put into sausages abroad, being sent exclusively to delicacies and smoked meats, as well as to the retail chain.
Also, muscles are divided into more or less fatty, calculated and suitable for production needs.
To regulate the fat content of finished products, additional beef and/or pork fat is purchased.
After deboning and trimming, depending on the method of preparing sausages, the meat can be coarsely chopped (meal) and pre-salted in a mixer, followed by placing it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days for salting in carts, the filling height of which is very important: what is this height less is better for even salting of meat. For standard floor trolleys with a capacity of 2 kg, it is recommended to fill them at 5% (no more than 1 kg.)
If there is not enough space for salting, it can be reduced or even eliminated, respectively, by increasing the aging of sausages before the precipitation stage, ensuring that the temperature is not too low (about 8-12 ° C) to increase the intensity of precipitation and the effectiveness of salting.
According to another technology, trimmed meat is frozen in special trays in a layer of no more than 1 cm in a freezer to a temperature of -5 (+/-2) °C in the thickness of a piece or block for 8-12 hours or on a unit for freezing meat and lard, followed by equalizing the temperature throughout the entire volume of the block to -3 (+/-1) °C in the storage chamber.
If previously frozen or purchased blocks of trimmed meat are used for processing, they are preheated to a temperature of -3 (+/-2) °C. Before heating, it is recommended to first pass them through machines for chopping frozen meat blocks into pieces approximately 3 to 5 mm thick (block cutter Magurit, Karl Schnell, etc.).

Preparation of minced meat
Depending on the chosen meat preparation technology, there are two main technologies for preparing minced meat.

1. Cooking minced meat in a mixer.
Minced semi-smoked and cooked-smoked sausages are best prepared in a mixer from previously coarsely chopped and well-salted meat, which goes into the mixer along with fat and other ingredients in a strictly defined sequence.
The minced meat is well kneaded (1-12 minutes), after which it is crushed on a grinder with the required outlet diameter of the grate (3-16 mm), after which it is fed to the molding department.
If there is a special attachment for the filler syringe in the form of a cutting knife-grid pair, intermediate grinding on the grinder is eliminated, which makes it possible to obtain a very high-quality cut of sausage by reducing friction and grinding of the finished minced meat on the auger or rotor of the filler syringe.
To obtain minced emulsion sausage products (cooked sausages, frankfurters, wieners, etc.), the finished coarse minced meat is ground on emulsifiers such as Karl Schnell, Inotec, etc.
The latter is distinguished by its ability to regulate the final temperature of the minced meat by changing the feed speed of the minced meat for grinding, eliminating its overheating.

2. Cooking minced meat in a cutter.
The cutter is the most versatile machine in the meat industry.
Modern cutters can easily make almost the entire range of sausages, thanks to a number of functions, such as:
. smooth change in the speed of rotation of the knives from up to 38 revolutions/second and higher (for pates);
. reverse rotation of the knives (mixing mode);
. work up to the set temperature;
. vacuum;
. choice of shape, number of knives, etc.
A technology that is well suited for the cutter is the use of frozen meat (technology No. 2), which, depending on the type of sausage, is pre-ground on a grinder (boiled sausages, frankfurters, wieners) or chopped directly into pieces to obtain beautiful drawing cut (salami, smoked and semi-smoked sausages).
Minced meat is prepared using cutters Cremer Grebe, Alpina, Seydelmann, etc.
The general rule for preparing minced meat in a cutter comes down to a two- or three-stage laying of meat, from less fatty to more fatty, in order to achieve uniform grinding of all fractions, since fatty raw materials are processed faster than lean ones.
The importance of correct selection of meat is on a par with the selection of functional and flavoring additives, which significantly affect the quality and yield of the finished product.
The end of the cutting process is determined by the pattern and temperature of the minced meat. Relatively equal-sized pieces of brisket or bacon should be evenly distributed in the minced meat in a size corresponding to each name of sausage. The temperature of the minced meat after cutting depends on the type of product: for example, for boiled sausages the final temperature should ideally reach +11.2 °C, and for smoked, semi-smoked sausages and salami it should be slightly below zero - -2 (+/-1) ° WITH.

Filling the casings with minced meat, sediment
The shells are filled with minced meat using automatic or semi-automatic filler syringes (Vemag, Handtmann, Risco, Frey, etc.).
To prevent air from entering the loaf with the formation of “lanterns”, it is recommended to vacuum each batch for 5-7 minutes. A large amount of air trapped in the minced meat during filling can be removed by the vacuum system of the machine, but not very effectively, since this function is not its main specialization.
The largest voids are removed by piercing the shell.
If there is a clipper and a marked shell, the shells are filled with minced meat, staples are applied to the ends of the loaves, while a loop is inserted under the clip. The loaves are hung on sticks, which are placed on frames or placed in horizontal position on special trays, which are a frame made of chrome stainless steel with cells. Trays fit into standard frames. When hanging on sticks, the loaves should not touch each other to avoid slipping, after which the frames loaded with loaves are sent to the draft.
The sedimentation of semi-smoked, boiled-smoked and smoked sausages is carried out for 5-7 days at an air temperature of +3 °C and a relative humidity of 87 (+3)%. Air movement speed during precipitation, 1 m/sec. The end of the precipitation is determined by the dried out casing, which tightly fits the sausage; when pressed, the minced meat is not pressed in and becomes elastic and bright red in color.
Leaning of cooked sausages is not necessary.

Cooking and smoking
After settling, most sausages are boiled and smoked in universal chambers (Vemag, FESSMANN, MAUTING, Autoterm, etc.) with smoke from hardwood sawdust (beech, oak, elm, etc.) for a specified time at a temperature of 2 (+2) ° C (cold smoking) or a significantly higher temperature (hot smoking) with a humidity of 77 (+/-5)% and an air speed of 2 to 5 m/s. The smoking process should be constantly monitored to avoid the formation of “temper” - a compacted surface layer.
In order to reduce losses, cooling of cooked sausages in casings is carried out first with water, and then with air or a combination of both.

After cooking and smoking, some semi-smoked and cooked-smoked sausages are dried to reduce moisture content to specified limits in order to give them a characteristic taste and texture, as well as increase shelf life.
Raw smoked and smoked sausages after pre-smoking are dried for several days in dryers at a temperature of 13 (+2) °C, relative air humidity of 81 (+2)% and air speed of 1 m/s. Further drying for smoked (raw smoked) sausages is carried out for 16-17 days at a temperature of 11 (+1) °C, relative humidity - 76 (+2)%, at an air speed of .5-.1 m/s.
The total drying time for raw smoked sausages is 21-26 days, depending on the diameter of the casing.

Packaging and labeling
Sausages, including packaged ones, are packaged in polymer reusable boxes in accordance with TU 1.1.1-4-89 or containers made from other materials permitted for contact with food products by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, as well as containers or containers equipped in accordance with TU 1.2 .7. 49-88. The container must be clean, dry, free from mold and foreign odors. Reusable containers must have a lid. If there is no lid, it is permissible for local sales to cover the container with wrapping paper, parchment, or sub-parchment.
Raw smoked sausages may be packaged under vacuum in transparent gas-tight films or bags made from it, when cut for serving (slices) with a net weight of 1 (+4), 15 (+4), 2 (+6), (25+6) g or net from 1 to 25 g when portioned (in whole pieces), in portions or whole loaves.
It is also allowed to produce for local sale whole loaves of raw smoked sausages weighing at least 25 g. In this case, the cut ends of the loaves must be wrapped in a napkin made of cellulose film, parchment, sub-parchment or other materials approved for use in the meat industry, and tied with twine, thread or rubber girth. The number of unwhole loaves should not exceed 5% of the batch. Sausages of the same name are packed in each box or container.
You have the right not to apply transport markings in accordance with GOST 14192-77 with the handling sign “Perishable cargo” on reusable containers with products intended for local sale. Markings characterizing the product are applied to one of the end sides of the transport container with indelible, odorless paint using a stamp, stencil or sticking a label indicating the name of the manufacturer, its location and trademark (if any); names of the product composition - date of manufacture, shelf life and conditions, nutritional and energy value of 1 g of product, net weight, designation of these technical conditions.
In addition, a label is similarly placed in each unit of container.
When shipping products for local sale, reusable containers do not need to be labeled, but be sure to include a label with the above designations in each box or container. In addition, a summary receipt indicating on each packaging unit of packaged products a label in the form of a print on film or pasted on the packaging is inserted into each unit of transport containers with packaged products. The marked casing must contain: the name of the manufacturer - its location and trademark; product name - designation of these technical specifications.

Production control
At all stages of sausage production, compliance with technological regimes is monitored. Temperature control inside block raw meat in carcasses and half-carcasses is carried out by a semiconductor temperature meter. The temperature of the minced meat in the cutter is measured and compared using a thermal resistance with a thermal indication. The number of revolutions of the cutter bowl and the duration of cutting - with a stopwatch or digital tachometer.
Temperature control in the raw materials and extrusion shops, in the precipitation, drying and finished product chambers is carried out using glass liquid (non-mercury) and alcohol thermometers in accordance with GOST 28498-9 with a division scale from up to 1 °C.
Control of relative air humidity in the sedimentation chamber, dryers, and finished product storage chambers should be carried out by psychrometers, aspiration hygrometers and metrological hygrographs.
In automatic thermal chambers, temperature and humidity control is carried out by automatic potentiometers or electronic bridges, which must meet the requirements set out in GOST 22261-82, GOST 9999-79.
The speed of air movement in sedimentary, thermal chambers, and dryers is measured by anemometers.
Weighing raw materials during salting and preparing spice recipes is carried out on general-purpose scales in accordance with GOST 23676-79, GOST 144-68 or weighing dispensers in accordance with GOST 24619-81.
Control dosing of sodium nitrite solution when salting raw materials or preparing minced meat is carried out according to its mass fraction in the finished product. It is recommended to use measuring plastic or bulk (non-measuring) stainless steel mugs to dose the sodium nitrite solution when salting meat or preparing minced meat.
It can be recommended to replace the sodium nitrite solution with a special salt containing sodium nitrite in various concentrations (1.5%, 3%, etc.).
Upon completion technological process sausages are checked organoleptically and those that do not meet the quality requirements of the technical specifications are rejected. Sausages with manufacturing defects (with gray spots, voids, etc.) are sent for the production of boiled-smoked, semi-smoked first-grade sausages in an amount of up to 3% by weight of raw materials, in excess of the recipe in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation. Rules for sampling and preparing them for testing, test methods, and frequency of quality control are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications for these types of products.