Cherno and Oganesyan: history of relations. “I knocked a proposal out of him for a long time”: Sasha Cherno about her love for Joseph Oganesyan, losing weight and a difficult relationship with her mother. The positions of Sasha Cherno and Oganesyan on the project seem unshakable, which is why the guys in love are

Fans of the show “Dom-2” are only discussing the news about the upcoming wedding of Sasha Cherno and Joseph Oganesyan. Mendelssohn's march in their honor is scheduled for December 29.

“It’s finished! And we are happy! – the bride wrote on her Instagram page. – Our celebration will take place on December 29. Nobody is going to run away. Finally, my man found a compromise, I wanted children now, my man wanted them after the wedding. The compromise is a wedding this year and immediately children. Now we are actively starting to monitor our health, seek treatment somewhere, get rid of bad habits, lose weight, work on your psyche and relationships somewhere.”

Just recently it seemed that all the obstacles to the wedding of Sasha and Yossi had been removed. The cornerstone issue was the blessing of the parents. To receive it, Joseph personally went to his beloved’s parents.

“The trip to Businka’s family was a success,” Joseph said in September. “The family approved our Union, which means there will be a wedding!”

However, as soon as the couple moved from words to actions and submitted an application to the registry office, the parents of the newlyweds, it seems, again began to put a spoke in the wheels. They can be understood: each of them wishes a better fate for their children.

“Lord, there are so many problems in my head...” Cherno shared with her subscribers. – And only 2 months to solve everything. I feel like my head is about to explode. A lot of problems with the family, on my part and on his part...”

In an effort to drive Joseph Oganesyan into long-term dependence through marriage and “making children,” Sasha Cherno let slip that he had a carefully hidden secret. What is Joseph Oganesyan hiding from the viewers of House 2? After all, something worries him very much, but the bride and groom are in no hurry to admit it. Or is Yosya looking for something under yet another headdress and losing the remnants of his hair, as in the daytime broadcast on October 24, 2018.

All family secrets seem to have already been spilled. Oganesyan hastily closed the comments, since users in response to his good news, the softest response sounds like “condolences.” Changes in appearance and attempts to physically fight off Sasha Cherno behind the canopy directly indicate that Iose has something to hide. Or he is not happy that not only he, but also his bride, was eliminated from the “Man of the Goal 2018” competition, which you can read about in the shloka.

Wedding marathon or attempt to survive?

Having entered into a wedding marathon with Chernyavskaya, which began on the television project House 2, Iosya is already risking the remnants of his health. Sasha writes that everything is very complicated with the parents, obviously they will not be at the wedding, that is, Joseph’s relatives are not going to recognize the newly-minted potential family.

Of course, all the brothers were mentioned, they could hardly bear the desire for fame and earnings for the youngest. Isn’t Oganesyan’s step towards marriage just a fright in front of the blackmailing Cherno, since the secret that Iosya is so protective of will definitely be revealed? Well, he doesn’t hide it under his hats?

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Before you start talking about the relationship between these two strange characters from the reality show “Dom-2,” you need to immediately warn, you know, as they say on cigarettes, “life-threatening.” Or like in the same films using the tricks “Do not repeat! Done by professionals!”

One bad thing is that the guys themselves sometimes play around so much that sometimes they themselves begin to believe in what is happening.

For example, it happened quite recently when, unexpectedly for everyone, she announced that she wanted a child. And here and now! In their relationship, you can’t have a dog, let alone a small defenseless person!

But let's take things in order. Let's remember how it all began. Alexandra Cherno appeared on the project on March 22, 2017. TV viewers often select these kind of freak clowns to increase ratings scandalous show. So the very insecure, fat, puppy-eyed Sasha Cherno appeared on the project.

At first she wore baggy men's shirts and had her hair cut bald. Completely unprotected and harmless. For this, she was loved in the team, where feminine beauty and love reign.

Indeed, I liked her precisely because she became a sort of “son of the regiment.” They laughed at her, but felt sorry for her. There was no need to feed. She always boldly went to the refrigerator herself. The voice of her stomach was always the strongest in her.

The poor, confused big girl from a disadvantaged family seemed very harmless at that moment. But it was only until one of the shows that it became clear that this fat girl was not so simple.

Having arrived from her small provincial town of Sergiev Posad, Chernyavskaya (this is her real name) worked for some time in an insurance company, where she carried out several scams. And then she added loans to them, which she persuaded several of her friends to take on.

At the time of her arrival, as a result of the exposure, she still owed 2 million for the project by court decision. And so it turned out that the snickering wolf finally emerged from the humble sheep! But somehow, after crying a lot, new member was able to soften the impression of herself and continued her existence at “House -2”. And what a one!

As for her personal life before the reality show, it cannot be said that our heroine had it. As she herself tells Dom-2 magazine, she was in a civil marriage with one of the young men for some time and even planned to get married. However, in just a couple of days the girl allegedly changed her mind and ran away from the wedding.

Cherno's second love was a man named Evgeniy. She was so in love that she flew to him in another city and gave him gifts. And it didn’t work out there. On the reality show, Sasha Cherno literally started attacking an intelligent guy from the very first days. By the way, he loved big girls.

But, as it turned out, not to such sizes and volumes. The poor young man was hiding in a clearing, running away from Cherno, who was pursuing him. The presenters put them in a separate room, but the guy chose to leave the famous television set.

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Sasha Cherno did not remain without a gentleman for long. Unexpectedly for everyone, and first of all for herself, a handsome man, singer, dancer came to the reality show “Dom-2”. He immediately indicated that he had come specifically to Cherno and, moreover, almost on the same night he literally took possession of the insecure girl.

What motivated the young man then? At that moment, we can say with confidence that Joseph really liked that Sasha Cherno! He had real and passionate feelings for her. After all, let us remember that then, despite her size, she was a very vulnerable, weak, insecure and touching participant. There are men who have a passion for precisely such objects of desire.

What is known about Joseph Oganesyan himself? Firstly, he has lived in Moscow for a long time. He has higher education. The young man is very talented and at that time was even quite successful. Oganesyan graduated from Moscow state university culture and art, theater and directing department. I have experience working in the theater. Unlike Sasha herself, who, apart from 9 years of secondary education, has nothing.

Going to the project, a young and quite promising person most likely dreamed of getting a foothold in a partnership with Sasha and developing creatively. He had long wanted media fame. In their case, we can say that Sasha Cherno and Joseph Oganesyan helped each other stay on the project.

But over time we got so carried away that we completely lost our bearings. They are completely out of touch with reality! And now we see a completely lost and depressed young man and the snickering, insolent, imagining queen Alexandra Cherno.

Professional psychotherapists can clearly name the diagnosis that this participant suffers from. But Cherno doesn’t listen to anyone. She only thinks about herself. And as a result, all her wishes come true at Dom-2!

With their stupid pity, from the insecure Cherno, they raised a real monster who devours Joseph, or rather, already eats him up, and gets to his frightened parents. After all, it’s one thing when their son secretly tells them, they say, everything is according to the script, I must behave in such a way as to receive a good salary, and another thing is to prepare for a wedding with the unbalanced Cherno!

But she has become so insolent that she is already yelling obscenities at Joseph’s parents! Not only is their son humiliated and trampled, but now this monster is creeping into their prosperous and decent family, and he also wants to gain a foothold in it by the birth of a child! Poor relatives have already been pecked to death in their homeland, where it is not customary for girls to behave this way!

But, it must be said that in the biography of Yosik himself, everything is not so simple. There is information in the ubiquitous world of the Internet that it turns out that he was previously married. Some of the participants in “House-2” saw a photograph where he, as a groom, is sitting in a car with the bride in his arms. They also say that the stamp seemed to be in the passport. Only then did she disappear safely somewhere.

But the fact that he didn’t always like exactly those large women- a fact and it cannot be hidden. After all, he had an affair on the project with. The girl had a fragile figure, but appetizing curves.

Is there a future for this couple? Of course not! Even if they sign, the union will exist exactly as long as they stay at “House-2”. And for others, watching this farce is simply contraindicated.

And remember! This embittered and narcissistic girl with an inflated ego will sooner or later leave the television project and come into our world.

The positions of Sasha Cherno and Oganesyan on the project seem unshakable, which is why the guys in love feel a certain permissiveness and allow themselves a little more than some other house members. Nevertheless, despite the fact that they are unlikely to be in danger of leaving the television set in the near future, the guys continue to frighten people with their departure from time to time.

So, over the last time, Alexandra Cherno has been jealous of Joseph for Ira Pinchuk, staging disgusting scenes of showdown over this, almost harming her chosen one in a fit of rage. However, Oganesyan himself is on the verge of a breakdown, but if a few days ago he was ready to easily part with Sasha, now there is no question of this, the site writes.

Joseph is not only not ready to part with Cherno, but also aims to do everything possible so as not to separate from his beloved. So, Oganesyan hastened to declare that he was ready to spend his personal savings on a ticket to Moscow, just to fly away with Sasha. Moreover, as soon as Buzova made it clear that no one was holding them, the young man hastened to put forward an ultimatum, declaring that he and Sasha would leave the television project together.

“Oh, of course, they will refuse such a “feeder”, there have been too many such applicants to count”, “They are only scaring in order to stir up interest in their person, but I doubt that they will voluntarily say goodbye to the TV set” - fans of the TV project “House 2” wrote.

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In an interview with the site, Sasha Cherno, a participant in the reality show “Dom-2”, spoke about who is in charge in her couple with Joseph Oganesyan, about the reaction of her parents to participating in scandalous project and about a bold experiment with your appearance.

For almost 14 years now, on the TNT channel, in front of the eyes of millions of viewers, love has been built, families are created and even children are born. Kisses and fights, happiness and disappointment, dreams and failures, sincere feelings and partings - everything here is real and honest. "Dom-2" is life as it is.

Our heroine Sasha Cherno is a real star of a television project, who has made a multimillion-dollar audience fall in love with her with her sincerity, honesty, and ability to stand up for herself and her loved ones.

Sasha came to Dom-2 in March 2017. A girl dressed in a swimsuit performed fiery dance for one of the young people. Then the girl was only 23 years old.

Sasha Cherno is one of the most prominent participants in the television project. The girl was remembered by everyone for her explosive character, lack of complexes and scandalous relationship with Joseph Oganesyan. We couldn’t ignore such a colorful participant in the project and asked her a few questions.

website: Sasha, what did you want to become as a child, and did your dream come true?

As a child, I wanted to become either a school teacher or a famous girl from TV. My dream has come true as you all can see.

S.Ch.: In 2015, I auditioned twice. They didn't take me. They said it was not formatted. I decided that this was probably not my story, since everything turned out this way. Then the “Million Dollar Wedding” competition took place, for which the children recorded a video. Among them was my sister. She asked to be brought to the shooting. Already there I met the Dom-2 team and literally the next day I came to the project.

website: How did your parents react to the fact that you became a participant in the TV show?

S.Ch.: Initially they reacted positively, but then very negatively. When they began to observe what was happening to me there, they changed their attitude. Like any parents, they worried about me. They didn't want me to have a dubious reputation. But over time, they still had to come to terms.

website: We heard that you had a difficult relationship with your mother. Has the situation changed now?

S.Ch.: Yes, I have a difficult relationship with my mother. Now the situation has not changed. It is located in places not so remote.

“To be honest, I don’t want to communicate with her in any format, because I believe that when you give birth to a child, you are obliged to invest in him, take care of him and raise him.”

My mother was busy with things that were more important to her. And now it’s not very interesting to me either. My mother is my grandmother. She raised me like her own daughter.

Little Sasha with her godmother (left) and mom (on right)

website: You decided on a bold experiment with your appearance. (For two months, nutritionists and cosmetologists helped Sasha transform - approx. website). Tell me, what became your motivation?

S.Ch.: If you are talking about “Reboot”, then for me it was just an experiment.

website: Did your boyfriend Joseph support you during the “Reset”?

S.Ch.: I was lucky with him. He supports me in all my endeavors and believes in me. Of course, he doesn’t always like everything, but he’s always on my side. Moreover, he gives me his all. This is very valuable...

website: What changed in you after this experiment, except for your appearance, of course?

S.Ch.: Appearance, to be honest, hasn’t changed much. But internally I became completely different. I gained a lot of self-confidence.

“I understand that I can do a lot. I expanded my boundaries and became a different person.”

I used to be very downtrodden, but now I feel truly beautiful, confident, sexy. I felt my strength.

S.Ch.: To be honest, it’s incredibly difficult! This is probably the first time I've encountered this. But she managed to overcome herself to some extent. I did it.

website: What do you think you lack to become ideal? Now we are not only talking about appearance, but also about character traits.

S.Ch.: I want a pear fuguru. Beyond looks, I need to be a little softer. For some reason I can’t reveal myself completely, show myself as a real girl, because they have caused me too much pain in my life. It is precisely gentleness and some kind of adequacy in some matters that I lack.

S.Ch.: Yes, it’s always different, it depends on the situation. The one who is smarter is the one who comes to reconciliation first.

. Would you like to change something about him, or do you think that if you love, you don’t notice the flaws?

S.Ch.: Of course, I would like it to have more of a masculine core. And if we talk about appearance, I would like it to be thicker, because Last year he lost 15 kilograms.

? Who takes it all important decisions?

S.Ch.: Of course, I will say that this is Yosya. We make all important decisions together, we have no other way.

website: How did you feel when Joseph made you a long-awaited proposal to marry him?

S.Ch.: I thought it was a joke and worried about this for quite a long time. It took me a long time to get this sentence out of him. I thought that it was not because of his desire, but because it was I who “blowed his brains out,” and that’s why he succumbed.

website: How did Joseph’s parents react to this, since, as I remember, they were initially opposed?

S.Ch.: At that time the reaction was not very good. But when they met me personally, they changed their attitude. Now Yossi’s parents are very positive, and we don’t have any problems with them.

S.Ch.: In a few years, I see myself as a wonderful wife and mother of our children with Yosya... A successful businesswoman with good income and a personal car. Something like this.

website: Do you accept each other’s interests and hobbies, or are you categorically against some of Joseph’s hobbies?

S.Ch.: You know, I used to be against it, but now this is no longer the case. He loves to dance. I accept this, but I think that it shouldn’t be your main job, only if it’s a hobby. It doesn't bring in a lot of money.

website: Do you think you have changed during your relationship?

S.Ch.: I think they have changed a lot. Yosya began to treat me completely differently.

“He used to be a freedom-loving boy, for whom it was important to just sleep with someone and eat delicious food. There was no respect, there was no family.”

Now everything is completely different. And I became more confident in myself and stood up very much in front of him.

S.Ch.: Yes, I believe. I believe that first passion arises between people, and then respect. Love is such a complicated thing... Passion, probably yes, lives for three years. And then another feeling appears.

S.Ch.: You know, I can say this: it is impossible to forgive betrayal. I don’t know a single person who would completely forget about this. When I found out about the betrayal, I almost went crazy. Everything changed in my mind.

S.Ch.: Outside the perimeter I have three best friends - Ira, Margot and Nastya. And on the project I consider Roma Kapakly and Marina Afrikantova, Vitya Litvinov and Tanya Musulbes as friends.