Anna Pletneva. Biography. Photos. Musical group Vintage: the composition of the group and its history

The girl that millions dream of, Anna Pletneva, during her career, has already managed to visit two legendary bands and earn yourself a good reputation. Now Anna will continue to try herself in various projects, including solo ones, and is successfully recording new compositions and entire albums, which are selling instantly. In addition to musical talent, the girl has real maternal talent, which she shows while raising her three children.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Pletneva

Young and eternally beautiful, Anna has always had a special appearance. She has been recognized more than once as one of the most beautiful and sexy, and this title is well deserved. The girl is quite petite, although not all men like long-legged women and as Eva Longoria says: “Dynamite is stored in small boxes.” With a height of 153 cm, Anna weighs only 46 kg. Petite, fragile, but very beautiful and sexy, Anya has already reached the age of 40, but this does not stop her from remaining beautiful. Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Pletneva? This question will always remain relevant among the girl’s fans.

Biography and personal life of Anna Pletneva

The girl Anya was born on August 21, 1977 in the capital of Russia, Moscow. Not much is known about her childhood and youth. The girl studied at a school with a choreographic focus, so from childhood she prepared herself for the stage.

An interesting story is her childhood love for singer Igor Nikolaev. Anna kept his autograph under her pillow and did not attend all the concerts. All her childhood she dreamed of a joint duet with a singer. And when Anya became an adult and popular, she finally fulfilled her dream when she and Igor attended an evening together. There was nothing left of that childhood love, but the idea of ​​singing with the singer did not leave the girl for many years.

Anna became famous after she started singing with the popular group “Lyceum”. The girl worked with this group for 8 years, but then realized that she needed to do something solo career.

Such attempts to start a solo career led to the creation new group“Vintage”, which still exists today. It was here that Anna managed to discover her individuality and reveal own style execution. Although not so long ago Anna left the group and is now completely devoted to a solo project.

The biography and personal life of Anna Pletneva is very rich and is constantly changing. The girl has a lot of fans, she does not hide this. And she herself, one might say, provokes such a stir by participating in candid photo shoots For men's magazines. And the girl’s personal life is also no less interesting. She has already been married twice and successfully the second time; the couple is now together and raising three children. Although, in order to find such happiness, the couple had to wait 15 years from the day they first met until the wedding day.

Family and children of Anna Pletneva

“A talented person is talented in everything”, given catchphrase very succinctly describes Anna herself and her life, including her personal life. Although it is worth saying that she had to go through a lot before becoming truly happy. The first divorce was very painful for Anna; after everything she went through, she lost as much as 10 kg. And she remained alone for a very long time. And only one fateful meeting and incredible accident allowed the singer to find out what real happiness is. Now Anna Pletneva’s family and children are in first place for the singer and, despite her busy work schedule, she pays maximum attention to her family.

Son of Anna Pletneva - Kirill Syrov

Anna Pletneva’s son, Kirill Syrov, is the youngest in the family of a mother with many children. Anna is one of the mothers of many children in show business and it is worth saying that she copes well with her role. The girl manages to promote her career and develop her children. Sometimes, when there is very little time, the singer can easily take one of her children with her to various ceremonies or events. Star children have long been accustomed to the fact that persistent paparazzi are interested in their lives, so they are not afraid to go out with their mother.

Daughter Anna Pletneva - Varvara and Maria

Anna Pletneva’s daughter, Varvara and Maria, despite having different fathers, are very friendly. Varvara eldest daughter Anna, so she has full responsibility for looking after her younger brother and sister. Although, Maria is no longer so small, but at the moment she is already 11 years old. Anna's family is exemplary not only for the star element, but also for parents around the world. The young girl manages to take care of her career, family, and, of course, does not forget about her beloved husband. At the same time, at 40, after the birth of 3 children, the singer continues to look as if she was 18 and boasts of her athletic, fit and slim body, starring in candid photo shoots.

Former husband of Anna Pletneva

In 2003, Anna gave her fans a reason for happiness and at the same time a reason for envy. The news of her wedding to a man who was not known in any way among the stars spread throughout Russia. That same year she gave birth to a daughter, who was named Varvara. But the happiness did not last long. Almost immediately after the birth of their daughter, the couple decided to separate, as the singer herself comments that this is all for the sake of their common child and no one needs constant stress in the family. Ex-husband Anna Pletneva was not ready for fatherhood, and all this was expressed in constant discontent.

Anna Pletneva's husband - Kirill Syrov

A few years after her divorce from her first husband, Anna began dating businessman Kirill Syrov; in fact, their first meeting took place 15 years ago, when Anna Pletneva’s current husband, Kirill Syrov, dared to ask for her number, but due to the influx of fans, Anna ignored request. During this long period, Kirill himself managed to start a family and also get a divorce.

By fateful chance, they met on the road to Dnepropetrovsk, where Kirill decided, once again, to create a chance for a happy family with a beautiful and talented girl, and this time fortune was in his favor. young man and subsequently they began to live together, although at first, Anna in every possible way denied Kirill’s advances.

Now they have a happy family. Anna was very worried about the reactions of her daughter Varvara, but her fears were in vain. Soon the family grew by two people; Anna and Kirill had a son and a daughter.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Pletneva

Instagram and Wikipedia of Anna Pletneva are filled with high-quality and interesting information about the singer. On her Instagram you will see a lot of photographs of the singer’s children. Indeed, they are the light and the main stimulus of life for her. The girl loves her children very much and does not miss the chance to show her love. Anna's Wikipedia will help you find out about the albums that were released with the participation of this talented singer. And if you are interested in her biography then it’s time to start listening to her talent. And we advise you to start with her new products, which perfectly describe the mood and state of mind girls today.

Anna Pletneva is popular Russian singer and ex-participant famous group"Vintage". She was born on August 21 (Leo according to the horoscope) 1977 in Moscow (Russia). Her height is about 153 centimeters, and her weight reaches 46 kilograms.

Anna was born in quite ordinary family. In addition to Annie herself, her brother was also raised in the family. More from early age the girl showed great interest in the creative side of her life and even took ballet lessons. In addition, the school where young Anna studied had a mathematical and choreographic focus. Anna always dreamed of becoming a singer and for a long time dreamed that sooner or later she would be able to go on stage and sing her own songs, and then enjoy the applause of millions of fans. True, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., who was a real idol and first love for young Anna, also helped lead her to such dreams. As Pletneva herself recalls, she attended almost all the concerts of her dear performer and dreamed of someday singing with him in a duet, which eventually happened as soon as Anna managed to become famous.

Among other things, Anna for a long time kept under her pillow the autograph of Vladimir Presnyakov, which was given by her brother. Every night she took it out from under her pillow and dreamed of the life she wanted to devote herself to - a life surrounded by music.

The beginning of a musical career

Your first steps in musical career Anna Pletneva was able to produce in 1997, when she became part of the very popular Lyceum group. Then Anna came to replace Lena Perova. The singer worked in the team for eight years until she decided to leave and start a solo career. In addition, the girl at that time was able to graduate from the State Academy of Arts. Maimonides Faculty of Pop and Jazz Singing.

Despite the desire to become a solo singer, Anna Pletneva still continued to work in the group and became a member of Coffee with Rain. After this, she decides to create the Vintage group together with her friend Alexei Romanov. So, they begin to be active, tour the country, gain an army of fans, receive awards and release albums.

Further successes

In 2016, Anna Pletneva leaves the Vintage group and begins a long-awaited solo career. In the summer she releases her first solo work called “Strong Girl”. After this, Anna decides to sing in a duet with Marina Fedunkiv and release a rather comic video “Girlfriend”, which later became a hit for the singer and the soundtrack to the mini-series “Girlfriends”.

It comes out in 2017 new job entitled "Which Side Are You On?"


In 2003, Anna Pletneva tied the knot with a young man, whose identity is still unknown. IN this marriage They give birth to a beautiful daughter, Varvara. After some time, the couple divorced, as Anna considered it necessary to isolate her child from her husband, who was not ready to be a father.

What follows is a series of meetings with Kirill Serov, with whom Anna subsequently decides to connect her life. Kirill's persistent courtship could not leave Anna aside, and then she decided to live together. After that they start happy life, despite some feelings towards her daughter and her perception of her new father. In the future, the couple will have a son and a daughter. Almost every day you can see photographs of a happy family that Anna Pletneva posts on her Instagram page.


Many fans of domestic show business remember Anna Pletneva from her performances in the Lyceum and Vintage groups. But talented singer did not get lost even after the resumption of her solo career. She is also a happy mother who has managed to combine her personal life with her professional career.

Dreams come true

Anya was born in Moscow into an ordinary family. I went to school with in-depth study of mathematics and additional lessons choreography. In parallel with her studies at school, the girl danced in the Ostankino ballet.

From infancy, Anya had an idol - V. The girl considered him a role model, covered the walls of her room with portraits of the singer and tried not to miss a single one of his concerts. After one of her idol’s performances, Anna managed to get the musician’s autograph. She carefully unfolded the piece of paper with Vladimir’s signature every evening and kept it under her pillow until it turned to dust.

The cherished dream of young Pletneva was a joint duet with her idol. The girl's other idols were models Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss, as well as actress Kim Basinger.

The dream came true much later - one day Anna and Vladimir were flying on tour on the same plane, and the girl did not hesitate to approach her idol with an unusual proposal. Presnyakov turned out to be a sympathetic person and, together with Pletneva, sang the song “Zurbagan” at the evening concert.

Before this fateful meeting Anna managed to graduate from the Maimonides State Academy of Arts with a degree in pop-jazz singing and received a sculptor’s diploma in another educational institution- at the Ilya Glazunov Academy.

“Lyceum”, “Vintage” and solo career

The girl began her singing career in 1997, becoming a member of the popular youth group “Lyceum”. At that time, Lena Perova decided to leave the team, and Anna Pletneva came to replace her. The singer stayed at the Lyceum for eight long years.

Perhaps she would have sung in this group longer, but the contract was terminated after the singer refused to go on a tour in Ukraine in 2004 with the support of one of the presidential candidates. However, the singer is grateful to the Lyceum for good school, which helped her become a professional performer.

Dreaming about solo career, Anna Pletneva collaborated for some time with the group “Coffee with Rain”, with whose musicians she recorded the song “Nine and a Half Weeks.” Then I accepted the invitation good friend Alexei Romanof to become the soloist of the Vintage group. In addition to Anna and Alexey, this group also included dancer Mia.

In May 2007, a new single by the group called “Criminal Love” was heard on the radio. A year later, Pletneva, together with her, shot a video for the song “ Bad girl" The song itself topped many charts and won the prestigious MTV Russia Music Awards 2008.

The fall of 2009 presented fans of the Vintage group with a new album. The disc with the provocative title “SEX” includes the compositions “Bad Girl”, “Eve”, “Loneliness of Love” and other songs.

The performances of the band members in support of the new album were no less shocking. Anna and Mia appeared on stage in translucent dresses that could not hide the girls’ figures.

According to Pletneva, such “outfits” created a lot of problems at corporate parties, when tipsy listeners began to pester the girls, and they had to fight their way into the dressing room. Also in 2009, the editors glossy magazine“Maxim” invited the singer to a photo shoot and placed Anna in the Top 5 most sexy women Russia.

Interesting notes:

Another album of the Vintage group, Anechka, released in 2011, also turned out to be scandalous. The disc includes such popular compositions as “The Sign of Aquarius”, “Roman”, “Trees”. Around the video clip for last song a serious scandal broke out.

The fact is that the lead singer of the group in the video for the song “Trees” appeared in a crown of thorns. Some cultural officials saw a religious symbol in this image and accused the creators of the video of “traumatizing the consciousness of the younger generation” with their work.

In 2013, Vintage recorded another album, VeryDance, and a year later the group presented the digital release of the Decamerone disc. In 2016, the singer recorded last song as part of the Vintage team. And in August of the same year she presented her first solo song “Strong Girl”.

Pletneva left the group without a scandal, having amicably settled all the working issues with Romanof. According to Anna, at some point she felt cramped in the youth group format, which required a repertoire limitation.

Pletneva wants to sing lyrical compositions for that segment of listeners who do not go to fashionable clubs and expensive restaurants. In a new role, Pletneva recorded the single “Strong Girl” and together with Maria Fedunkiv she sang the song “Girlfriend”. The videos for both songs immediately became hits.

Matters of the heart

The singer’s personal life contains many moments that Anna does not want to remember. In the summer of 2003, Pletneva married a man whose name is still unknown. In the same year, the couple had a daughter (the girl was named Varvara), and Anna appeared on stage as part of the Lyceum group even in the late months of pregnancy.

After the birth of the child, Anna kicked her husband out the door. Commenting on her action, the singer is convinced that she did it for the sake of Varvara - ex-spouse He was not a good father for his daughter. Left alone with infant, Pletneva plunged into a state of depression, cried a lot and lost ten kilograms. But she was still able to pull herself together and return to creative activity.

Became businessman Kirill Syrov. Their acquaintance took place much earlier than the beginning of official relations in one of the Moscow clubs. Kirill asked the girl for her phone number, but Anna took it only as another fan’s advances. Three years after the first meeting, Syrov and Pletneva crossed paths again, but at that time the man had a wife and child.

The third meeting took place on the way to Dnepropetrovsk ten years later. Kirill approached Anna and asked if she remembered him, Pletneva nodded her head in the affirmative, just to get rid of her boyfriend. But Syrov turned out to be a persistent gentleman.

Having passed the candy-flower period, Anna and Kirill began to live together. The singer was worried about how she would perceive the new pope, Varvara, but all her fears were in vain. Now Varya also has a younger brother, Kiryusha, and a sister, Masha, whom Anna gave birth to from Kirill.

  • Pletnev willingly shares photographs of work moments and snapshots from her everyday personal life on the pages of the Instagram network. The singer’s verified account has more than half a million subscribers.
  • To maintain physical fitness Anna does not spend much time in the fitness room, and tries not to eat after six o'clock in the evening.
  • The singer does not consider herself a star and during rush hour, when there are heavy traffic jams in Moscow, she can take the metro.
  • Anna Pletneva’s height is 153 cm.
  • Among active types of recreation, Anna prefers sports games. She loves football, and also claims that no one has yet managed to win at least a game of table tennis against her. The singer has karate skills and can stand up for herself not only on stage, but also in a dark alley.

Anna was born into a family of musicians in Moscow. Since childhood, she dreamed of a brilliant career as a singer and strived for it, not noticing any obstacles along the way. Once Anna worked as a backup dancer for one group. After the next performance, the girl saw behind the scenes how Alla Pugacheva was preparing to go on stage and boldly approached her to admit how much she admired her work, and the Diva in response advised Anna to work just as hard, promising that then she would have everything in life it will work out.


The singer's career began in 1997 in the then popular group "Lyceum", in which the girl replaced the fired Lena Perova. To do this, Pletneva had to beat 80 contenders for this place. Eight years later, the artist left the group to pursue a solo career. This is how it appeared music project“Coffee with Rain”, in which Anna acted as a singer and producer, but a year later the project was closed. And in 2006, together with former member group "Amega" Alexey Romanov Anna created the group "Vintage". This time the attempt turned out to be very successful, largely thanks to the financial support of the singer’s husband, businessman and co-owner of the Domestic Medicines company, Kiril Syrov.

On May 7, 2007, the group’s first album, called “Criminal Love,” was released. In 2008, Vintage, together with actress Elena Korikova, presented scandalous video“Bad Girl”, which made the group famous and recognizable.

In 2009, in the fall, the Vintage group released another album with the provocative title “SEX”. Also in the fall of 2009, Anna Pletneva became a mother for the third time, giving birth to a son in a Swiss clinic. In the same year, the singer was included in the top five sexiest girls in the country according to MAXIM magazine.

In December 2011, Afisha magazine included the composition “Eva” in the list of the brightest and most memorable Russian pop hits of the last 20 years. On August 21, 2016, Anna presented her first solo single, “Strong Girl.” And she stated that she and Alexey would now appear on stage under the name Anna Pletneva.

Anna Pletneva has admitted more than once that she became a singer thanks to her love for Vladimir Presnyakov, the younger. He had been an idol for her since childhood; Anna went to all the artist’s concerts and in her wildest dreams imagined herself singing with him on the same stage. Her brother somehow got Vladimir’s autograph and gave it to his sister, and she kept it as a great value and even when she slept, did not part with this piece of paper.

The singer’s dream came true when she was lucky enough to go on tour with Vladimir. Anna told him about her childhood dream and that same evening Vladimir and Anya performed the song “Zurbagan” on stage.

This is what Anna Pletneva is all about. This girl is not afraid of anything and does not stop until she reaches her goal. She even prefers extreme sports; she prefers to drive a car quickly, but her favorite pastime is to endlessly shock the public.

The image of a “bad girl” was firmly entrenched in Pletneva, but only on stage.

In life, Anna is not just a singer, but also an exemplary wife and mother of three children, who manages to do everything in the world: tour, write songs, play the guitar, teach vocals, practice karate and even be a sculptor.

Anna Pletneva: personal life

In the summer of 2003, Anna Pletneva married a man about whom no one still knows anything. From him she gave birth to a daughter, Varvara, and then filed for divorce, because she considered the child’s father not the most best example for children, and indeed for a family in general, he was not ready. The separation was not easy for the singer; Anna lost a lot of weight due to emotional distress and fell into depression, which, fortunately, did not last long. Soon the singer came to her senses and met a man who changed her life forever.

Anna first met her future husband Kirill Syrov in one of the Moscow clubs. The businessman approached the singer and asked for a phone number, but Anna did not pay attention to the next fan, and 10 years later fate arranged for them to meet again. This time it happened on a train on the way to Dnepropetrovsk. Kirill again approached the celebrity and asked if she remembered him, she answered positively, but it was a lie, if only the stranger would leave her alone.

The young man was very persistent. So the relationship began to develop rapidly, and they began to live in the same apartment. Anna's daughter and her lover quickly found common language, which was the most important thing for the singer.

Today Anna and Kirill are still together and love each other. Today they already have three children; the singer gave her husband two more children – daughter Maria in 2005 and son Kirill in 2009.

The name of the lead singer of the Vintage group is Anna Pletnyova. In modern Russian show business, she is one of the sexiest, most relaxed and charming women. Despite her age, and the singer is already 38 years old, she looks at most 25.

Childhood and youth

Little Anechka was born in Moscow. A joyful event occurred on August 21, 1977. Since childhood, the girl actively demonstrated her vocal abilities, so her parents sent her to school with in-depth study of musical and choreographic skills. At the same time, the baby danced in the Ostankino ballet. Higher education the future soloist of the Vintage group received her studies at the Maimonides State Classical Academy: she became a specialist in pop-jazz singing.

Young Anya was head over heels in love with the popular Russian singer. Being his avid fan, she did not miss a single concert of the performer. At one of these shows, Pletneva’s brother got her the idol’s autograph: the girl hid a piece of paper under her pillow and slept with it for many years until it crumbled into small pieces. As she fell asleep, Anya imagined how she would grow up and sing a duet with Presnyakov. The dream came true many years later: during a joint tour, the performers sang “Zurbagan” together.


The creative biography of the lead singer of the Vintage group begins with this project. She came to the “Lyceum” at a young age to fill the vacant position of someone who had been fired, in order to get into the famous and popular group late 90s, she went through a brutal and strict competitive selection. 80 girls applied for the coveted place, each of whom had good voice and good looks. But Anna turned out to be the best.

The girl gave 8 years of her life to the Lyceum. Her career here lasted from 1997 to 2005. During this time, she showed herself to be a true fan of her work: she always went on stage, even if she was feeling bad and the cats were scratching at her soul. The girl surprised everyone during her pregnancy with her perseverance and hard work. Being in an interesting position, she sang until last day, covering his stomach with a guitar. “Lyceum” became a kind of school of life for Anya, here she developed her singing talents, learned to be independent, decisive and purposeful.

Go to "Vintage"

After the Lyceum, Pletneva went on an independent voyage. She founded the author’s project “Coffee with Rain”, being both a producer and the main performer in it. The first single was called “Nine and a Half Weeks”, it was written for the girl by an old friend Alexey Romanov, author and composer, former soloist famous group "Omega". It was he who pushed Anya to the conclusion that “Coffee” was just a transitional stage, and we needed to think about creating something grandiose and innovative. This is how the “Vintage” group was formed, which, in addition to Pletneva and Romanov, included the dancer Mia.

In 2007, the first album entitled “Criminal Love” was released. He just blew the audience away. People and colleagues on stage paid attention to a talented woman who devoted herself entirely to her favorite work. The lead singer of the Vintage group not only sang well, she attracted public attention with her slightly daring behavior. In 2008, together with Elena Korikova, she presented the scandalous video “Bad Girl”, a little later she shocked with lesbian motifs in the song “Eva, I loved you”, dedicated to the singer Eva Polnaya. After this, the lead singer of the Vintage group finally became a scandalous girl for the public.

First marriage

While still a member of the Lyceum group, Pletnyova became pregnant and got married. For a long time, the cute curly-haired girl tirelessly traveled throughout the CIS and participated in numerous concerts. It should be noted that the 23-year-old singer, as soon as her rounded tummy was noticed, was immediately given a condition: either family or stage. It is clear that the woman chose personal happiness, sacrificing a brilliant career and resounding success for it.

Despite all Anya’s efforts, her husband left her. It turned out that he was not ready for the birth of the baby. At heart, this adult man remained a small child, requiring constant care, not wanting to shoulder responsibility. In difficult times life situation got a future performer (group “Vintage”). The soloist, whose personal life was not going well, had a hard time coping with the divorce. Her little daughter, whom she named Varvara, brought her out of depression. Taking care of the girl, the singer gradually accumulated strength in order to again conquer not only the stage, but also men’s hearts.

Second marriage

After breaking up with her first husband, Anya tried in every possible way to find personal happiness. Paradoxically, she was destined to meet her fate when she least expected it. While having fun with friends in one of the nightclubs, the singer met a man there. He himself approached the girl and asked for her phone number. Anna never took such acquaintances seriously, so she deliberately gave the wrong number. She forgot this meeting within a few minutes, continuing to dance and have fun. Businessman Kirill Syrov, that was the man’s name, was unable to find the girl, so he married another woman, who gave birth to his baby. The relationship did not work out, so three years later he filed for divorce. At this time, he met Anya again, but she again ignored him.

The next meeting will take place in 10 years. Pletnyova met Syrov on the plane, which was heading to Dnepropetrovsk. And then the relationship began - in the sky at an altitude of a thousand kilometers. The couple could not decide to live together for a long time, for fear of hurting little Varvara. Nevertheless, after some time, the businessman and the lead singer of the Vintage group legitimized their relationship. The children born from this marriage are daughter Maria and son Kirill.

Always in shape

The lead singer of the group carefully monitors her appearance. “Vintage” can boast of a slender, beautiful and young performer. With a height of 152 cm, Anya weighs 47 kilograms. Having become a mother three times, she continues to shine in the bright light of the spotlight, causing the envy of her colleagues. Each time after giving birth, the woman quickly returned to her former shape. Pletnyova says that constant vocal and dance classes help her stay thin. The girl does not follow any special diets, but only tries to lead an active lifestyle.

In addition to singing and choreography, Anna loves skiing, so she tries to spend her holidays in the mountains. Here she fearlessly descends from the peaks, having fun and maintaining her slim figure. Pletnyova also knows very well numerous karate techniques - she is also actively involved in this martial art. A woman says that moving on stage also helps her lose weight. overweight. In just one concert she loses about two kilograms.


We all remember the girls from the Lyceum group. Their outfits were plaid shirts, jeans, and sneakers. Sometimes they appeared in rather revealing costumes, but usually the participants' clothes were unsightly and boring. Anya of this trio has always been distinguished by her desire to experiment with style. Therefore, after leaving the group, the lead singer of the group developed her own fashion: “Vintage” began to conquer the heights of show business not only with new hits, but also with bold outfits. Once the singer appeared dressed in Mickey Mouse ears and a dress from another - she surprised with a transparent robe made of chains and without lining.

In addition, everyone knows the girl’s love for accessories. She believes that these details can transform even the most ordinary-looking dress. Her personal collection includes a thousand straps, of different lengths and widths, styles and colors. Friends, knowing about this passion, once gave her a gothic necklace and black metal earrings. Anya was delighted, because such jewelry would go perfectly with both an evening dress and everyday wear.


Nowadays, a soloist often appears on television screens, on radio broadcasts and at social events. “Vintage” (Anna Pletnyova, Alexey Romanov and Svetlana Ivanova) is a modern Russian pop-pop group. Her music style is so-called Europop, mixed with electronics and dance motifs. It also contains elements of classics, as well as some nuances borrowed from the images of Sophia Loren, Madonna, and Michael Jackson. The group was even compared to the Pet Shop Boys - for their meaningful lyrics.

Interestingly, the name “Vintage” was invented by accident. During a conversation with Alexei Romanov, Pletnyova noticed that their creative union can be called historical, vintage. Before this, they planned to call the group “Chelsea” or “Dreamers”. Now “Vintage” can boast of 10 albums, two of which were released to the world in 2015: “Vintage. LIVE 1.0" and "VENI, VIDI, VICI". The discography also includes 24 singles, including “Bad Girl”, “Mama America”, “Sign of Aquarius”, “ Clean water"and other famous tracks.