Luxor performer biography. The rapper from Buryatia gave an interview to the glossy magazine SNC. Cutting hair - to increase livestock, things and money

Participant name: Artur Shmygin

Age (birthday): 26.12.1990

City: Ulan-Ude

Job: rapper

Family: married

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Arthur Shmygin, aka rapper Luxor, was born in Buryatia in the city of Ulan-Ude on December 26, 1990. His father was a military man, and therefore he grew up in accordance with strict rules and discipline. We got up at 8 a.m. and had to go to bed before 12 p.m.

But his father always welcomed Arthur's passion for music. It seemed to him that it was better for his son to spend time being creative than to get involved with bad company, which would lead him to problems.

Growing up

IN school age Shmygin went in for sports. He did not think that he would become a rapper, since he was not particularly interested in music. Only after graduation, he became a student at VSTU with a degree in real estate appraiser and discovered the work of rap artists: “50 CENT” and “Eminem”.

He began to practice using their example and soon wrote his first texts. Only after some time he plucked up courage and showed the work to Alagui Egorov, who is his longtime friend. He appreciated them and wrote music for them.

In his childhood, Arthur played football and did not think about being like anyone. He managed to live here and now, without thinking about the future. He speaks excellent Buryat, Russian, and English.


Arthur Shmygin and Alagui recorded their debut album in six months. Only then did they realize that it was not worth releasing it into circulation. The second attempt was more successful. They published more than 200 copies of the album, which they bought in 1 day.

Luxor performed in clubs at this time. In 2015, his online track “You’re Under the Influence” became very popular. Following this, he released several more songs and history repeated itself. In 2015, the video “My Brother” was released.

4 days later he released the track “Impulse” with Alaguy and presented the track “XXX” and shot a video for it. The year was very fruitful, Luxor continued to delight fans with its creativity, filmed videos and released songs.

Today Luxor is still in demand. He presented a video for the tracks “LUV” in 2017, as well as “Big Massacre”, published the video “Goddess”, released the songs “Outro” and “Networks”.

At the beginning of 2018, Luxor presented a work with Alaguy “Fashionable”, “Balenciaga”, in March presented the tracks “Brunette” and “Jolly and Drunk.” Now Luxor is busy working on an EP, which should have been released much earlier, but Arthur delayed it a little.

He calls the most difficult thing in his work the ability to turn off the phone, forget about the world around him and gather his thoughts to write new poems. He draws his inspiration from creativity, admitting that for him this activity brings incredible pleasure.

Personal life

It is known that Arthur is married to a girl named Alexandra. Their wedding took place on August 19, 2017. He doesn’t often give interviews, and he doesn’t particularly like to share news from his personal life, but he once noted that he was very lucky to have the love of his life next to him.

Alexandra accepts him as he is, turning a blind eye to financial problems, because a lot of money has to be invested in creative development.

Hobbies and interesting facts

  • Arthur believes that when he earns enough money that he realizes that there is already enough of it, he will build a shelter for dogs, since he has always been partial to them.
  • He considers the leader of the group “King and the Clown” M. Gorshenev to be his favorite performer.
  • He prefers to spend his free time relaxing. He sleeps until lunchtime.
  • He imagines his ideal vacation next to his wife at the sea with a glass of Bacardi Black and mango.
  • Arthur admits that he tries to stay away from people who pretend to be something more than they really are. He never understood those who play someone else's role, abandoning their own “I”.

Wednesday, January 29

5th lunar day with the element Wind. Day favorable for people born in the Year of the Mouse, Cow, Dragon, Dog and Pig. On this day, you can order a prayer service, attend the khural, perform the rituals “Hulde Duudaha”, “Dallga Abakha”, “Zhabtuy”, study and comprehend science, open a bank deposit, build a house, make medicinal compounds, start treatment, bring your daughter-in-law, making new friends, making friends, sewing and cutting clothes for good causes.

Unfavorable for people born in the Year of the Snake and Horse. Funerals and memorials cannot be held. Hitting the road means bad news.

Thursday, January 30

5th lunar day with the element Fire. Day favorable for people born in the Year of the Tiger, Rabbit, Monkey and Chicken. On this day it is good to order a prayer service, attend a khural, pacify the enemy, go to court, order “taban kharyuulga”, “zhinserig”, for a tough solution to some issues.

Adverse day for people born in the Year of the Cow, Dragon, Sheep and Dog. Funerals and memorials cannot be held. Going on the road means loss and theft.

Cutting hair means increasing livestock, things and money.

Friday, January 31

6th lunar day with the element Earth. Day favorable for people born in the Year of the Horse, Sheep, Monkey and Chicken. Today you can perform virtues, make offerings to the datsan and lamas, ask and honor the God of Wealth - Namsarai, perform the rituals “Hulde Duudaha”, “Dallga Abakha”, arrange a holiday, play a wedding, register a marriage, wear new jewelry, new clothes, pacify the enemy, order “taban haryuulga” for a tough solution to some issues.

Adverse day for people born in the Year of the Tiger and Rabbit. You cannot lend your things or lend money. Going on the road means loss and theft.

Hair cutting - for improvement appearance, to confidence.

From childhood, the young man was accustomed to discipline and determination, as he grew up in a military family. At the age of 17, an interest in rap music appeared. The young man is inspired for his own creativity by such popular rap artists as Eminem and 50cent. But the decision was not made immediately musical career, after graduating from school, Arthur even went to university to major in real estate appraiser. Only years later, Arthur decides to show the texts to his close friend, Alagui Egorov. The composer appreciated his friend’s work and began writing music for the lyrics. This is how joint creativity begins.

First steps in creativity

Thanks to the young man’s determination, the work process is quickly gaining momentum. Already, in the first six months, an album is being recorded, but after listening, a decision is made not to release it. This fact does not at all affect the young man’s passion and later the first record is released in 200 copies. All CDs are selling out like crazy!

Arthur gives performances in various clubs and at one of his performances attracts more than two thousand spectators. The first song “Under the Influence” appears on the Internet on April 4, 2015. The work continues to be in full swing, and in the same year a number of more fruits of the joint creativity of this team are released:

  • "Running Away"
  • “I would like to see her”
  • "Wings"
  • "Pulse"
  • "Don't deceive"
  • "VIP"

Releases are coming out for video clips: “My Brother”, “XXX”, “Asian”. In 2016, a video clip for the song “Save Baikal” was released. He gained fame thanks to the video “Demons”.

Personal life

Arthur prefers to keep the details of his personal life secret. And only in one of his interviews in 2009 did he admit that he had met a girl who understood him. But since then, perhaps a lot has changed. We can only make assumptions, since there is no information on this issue did not appear in the press.

Modern sound

At the Big Rap festival in Moscow, Luxor performed on the same stage with Russian rap artists such as Kasta, 25\17, Noize Mc, ST and others. It seems that the work of the talented performer is gaining momentum in Russian show business. More than one album has been released and our own corporate style has been finally formed. The track “LUV” appeared in rotation on Love radio. It has a laconic style, combining lyrics and brutal delivery.

For lately A number of tracks have been released:

  • "Great Slaughter"
  • "Goddess"
  • "Networks"
  • "Fragors"
  • "Fashionable"
  • "Brunette"
  • “Jolly and Drunk” and others.

In his interviews, Arthur says that creativity is an indescribable thrill for him and the main thing here is not to copy anyone, but to remain yourself. There is no competition for a musician, since everyone has their own individual style, everyone puts a piece of themselves, their thoughts into creativity. Everyone's success, he says, lies in self-expression. He respects the creativity and success of his colleagues.

In his interview “A Minute from Life” he says that he does not believe that he has talent and that it is just painstaking, daily work. When asked about the possibility of a duet with any performer, the rapper replies that he would like to record a remix of the song “Snow” by Philip Kirkorov and is a longtime fan of the talent of the late Mikhail Gorshenev, lead singer of the group “Korol i Shut.” IN at the moment Arthur is working on the release of an EP, which is a little delayed. Also, according to Arthur, he is looking for new more original ideas for his video clips, as he counts all his latest clips a bit of the same type.


Many guys dream of writing their own tracks and performing in front of thousands of fans, but only a few achieve such a result. A striking example is one of the domestic performers. Our hero was born far from the capital of Russia in Buryatia. Despite this, he managed to glorify given name throughout the country. Let's talk about the success story, features of Luxor's biography and details of his personal life, which he diligently hides from the public.

Biography of the singer

The hero of the article is a popular domestic performer in the direction of rap music. He became known for his special style of performing tracks and the deep meaning in each of his lyrics. Each of his compositions is filled with motivating appeals. In a short time, he gained great popularity among listeners throughout the country. But few people know that at a young age he did not even think about performing on stage in front of thousands of fans, but was going to become an ordinary worker or office worker. But at one point his life changes dramatically and turns in a completely opposite direction.

Only an endless love for music, hard work and strict discipline led him to the top of Olympus. Now all his new records are instantly sold out and do not linger on store shelves. To get to know the musician better and find out the features of his path to success, let's go back in time, to the day when our hero was born.

The real name of the talented performer is Arthur Shmygin, after he started writing songs, he came up with stage name Luxor. In fact, this nickname describes a whole group of guys. The future rapper was born in 1990 on December 26, cold winter in Ulan-Ude in the distant Republic of Buryatia. About parents young man there is no reliable information, all that is known is that the father held a military position, which greatly affected the boy’s childhood. At home there was an atmosphere of rigor and discipline; every day of the young man was planned down to the minute, like in a real army.

His father’s influence left a strong imprint on his character and life; in one interview, he said that he was eternally grateful to him for the good moral education and instilling a sense of justice. Despite the severity, our hero’s dad was democratic about his every serious step; he did not object when the guy chose a musical career.

It often happens that the son of a military man follows in his footsteps and devotes his life to defending his homeland, but this did not happen with Arthur. The guy did not plan to put on a military uniform and grew up as a pacifist. While studying at high school our hero was actively involved in sports and tried to participate in every event in life educational institution, went to training camps and competitions. He spent all his energy on achieving athletic results, instead of wandering the streets and associating himself with bad company. In addition, the guy showed himself excellently in his studies and never missed lessons.

In 2006, he successfully passed the exams, and it was time to look for a new path to the world of the future. He decides to get higher education and easily enters the VSTU University, where he is enrolled in the specialty of real estate valuation. When he turned 17, he began to get involved in hip-hop music. Gradually the guy gets acquainted with famous foreign performers “50 Cent”, “Eminem”, who greatly inspire and motivate him. It was from this moment that he began to write poetry and lyrics, using foreign musicians as examples.

Arthur can no longer contain his creativity, he needed a surge, so he shows his work to a friend from an educational institution with similar tastes.

The friend’s name was Alaguy Egorov, he really liked Arthur’s work, after which he comes up with a backing track for the written poems. Thus, the first compositions of the young duet appear. At that time, it was just a passing hobby, and none of them imagined that it would turn into something more.

Gradually, young people appear new tracks that not only they, but also the people around them begin to like. As a result, they take it seriously creative activity, which leads them to high popularity. Currently, Luxor is a well-known and sought-after performer who has a tight tour schedule and many quality releases.

Personal life

There is no reliable information about the private life of our hero; he is used to not talking to the media and fans about his love relationship, but it's hard to hide information from curious fans. In 2009, he met his only girl, her name is Alexandra. Vivid feelings instantly flared up between the young people. Thus, they have lived happily for more than ten years.

In 2017, he pleased his subscribers with unexpected news: he finally married his beloved. In one interview, he said that he was immensely happy that he had found his soulmate who supports him in any situation.

The girl was able to accept his work, despite significant investments cash V concert activities. Currently, they continue to lead a joint lifestyle and try not to be separated for a long time.

Consider the series interesting facts from life young performer and his interests:

Songs and duets of Arthur

So, let's go back to the past, when our hero and a friend recorded his first track. From this moment his professional career begins. Thoughts and new texts began to flow like a river, and less than a year had passed since the guys released their first collection. But after listening to the compositions several times, they thought that the material was too crude and should not be put on sale. Therefore, the album suddenly appeared and also suddenly disappeared. It was a great experience that pushed them to work harder and develop themselves.

Soon after the unsuccessful release, they released a new record, this time they were satisfied with everything. After that, our hero releases it in 200 copies on media. According to Arthur, further events he was simply shocked, the collections sold out in just one day, there was not a single free disc left. Moreover, they were sold only in one place. At that moment, he realized that they had a serious chance to make themselves known.

They did not stop at recording musical compositions; regular concerts followed in hometown Ulan-Ude and Irkutsk. The audience was delighted rising star, as a result, rumors about them began to spread at breakneck speed throughout their native places. The concert at the club called “Panorama” was especially memorable for Arthur. That evening he gathered more than two thousand listeners in the hall. Success was guaranteed.

Soon they began to conquer the Internet space, the first song that appeared on the Internet was called “You are under the influence”, the track was released on April 4, 2015. This was just the beginning of gaining fans. After a while, a new composition is released - “Running Away”. In the summer of the same year, the track “I would like to see her” and “Wings” was released.

The next stage of his work greatly pleased fans with the release of the songs “Asian” and “My Brother”. After that, he and a friend create the track “Impulse” and “XXX”, which are released on the Internet in the winter from 2015 to 2016. On March 8, he decided to congratulate female representatives and give them beautiful gift in the form of the song “Don’t Deceive”. In August of the same year, a video clip for the song “Save Baikal” was released, which short terms dialed huge amount views in the network space. It was a kind of manifesto and appeal to people so that they would be more careful about nature and their home.

In 2017, they continue to release videos for their work, and this is how the video for “LUV” was released. But unfortunately, a full-fledged collection has never been published. The guys got into the habit of releasing their work in small portions - singles and EPs.

In the summer of 2017, the tracks “Big Massacre”, “Outro”, “Demons” and “Networks” were released. Each of their tracks is filled with enormous meaning and morality. During this period, the young musicians had already become known outside the immediate regions; the fame of the talented guys reached Moscow. With each new concert, everyone comes to see them larger number listeners.

Do not forget that the young performer actively collaborates with others famous rappers and musicians. Most recently, a common track was released by Luxor, Ix24, Emma M, Marie Crimebreri - Cold. Next came “Mannequins” with Marie, “Breaking the Rules” with Hannah, “No Cry” with Lyusya Chebotina.

One of latest works our hero “Merry and Drunk,” which delighted listeners with its light sound. Currently, he is actively working on new material and plans to release another EP in the near future, the name of which is still a secret. Now he travels all over the country as part of his tour, where he is warmly greeted by local fans. Now he often visits the capital of Russia, but tries to spend more time with loved ones at home.

The biography of Arthur Shmygin is the story of a strong and purposeful person, who has set himself a task and, despite everything, continues to achieve it, which pleases his fans. Currently, his name has become known throughout Russia, and his songs are on the playlists of almost every modern teenager.

His father's military discipline made him a confident musician. In each of his tracks he describes the theme of justice and morality. We can only wish him new achievements and more inspiration. Latest news and photos from his life can always be viewed on the official Instagram website.