Olga Buzova: personal life, latest news, video with Jeremy Meeks. Biography: Olga Buzova - from student to socialite

Olga Igorevna Buzova. Born on January 20, 1986 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian TV presenter, radio host, model, actress and singer.

She became widely known as a participant and then the host of the television project “Dom-2” on the TNT channel. Since December 2008, chief editor of the magazine “World of Reality Show. House 2"...

Father - Igor Dmitrievich Buzov.

Mother - Irina Alexandrovna.

She grew up sociable and sociable, in high school she worked as a counselor in kindergartens. summer camps. From the age of 15 she worked in a modeling agency.

I studied well. She graduated from school with a silver medal. She entered St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Geoecology and Geography.

In 2004 she appeared on the TV show “Dom-2”.

Spent four years on the project as a participant, based on the results audience voting recognized as the best participant in the entire history of the television project.

At Dom-2 she met with Roman Tretyakov.

Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov

In 2007, wax figures of the most popular participants of “House-2” Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov appeared in the Moscow Wax Museum.

During her four years of life in “House-2” as a participant, Olga Buzova wrote two books "Romance with Buzova" And “It's about the hairpin. Tips from a stylish blonde".

In 2007, together with Roman Tretyakov, Buzova published the book “A Romance with Buzova. Love online."

After breaking up with Tretyakov, whom Buzova, according to Roman, abandoned because he was unable to provide her with a luxurious life, she had a relationship with Stas Karimov.

And after breaking up with Karimov, Olga Buzova started an incomprehensible affair with Alessandro Materazzo.

Materazzo himself subsequently stated that the relationship was staged. In addition, he made it clear that Buzova is the mistress of Alexei Mikhailovsky (producer of the project).

That's what he said Materazzo "Express newspaper" in its scandalous interview about Olga Buzova:

- Sasha, our readers are wondering how your relationship with the show participants is today?

There are almost no adequate people left in the “House”. With people like Buzova, what to talk about? She is the “six” of the project’s producer Alexei Mikhailovsky. He does whatever he wants with her. He can grab any place in front of people. And nothing. Maybe he sleeps with her, who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case. Such rumors have been circulating for a long time. Buzova is ready for anything and with anyone. If only they paid money.

- It seems like you were once connected by good feelings?

- We had a purely gaming relationship. The producers, of course, wanted something serious to happen between us. Mikhailovsky set up every day: “Alex, it’s time to move on to active action! Get Buzova to say “yes” in front of the camera, and a salary of five thousand dollars is guaranteed to you!” I had to look after her. For fun, of course.

- Did the courtship lead to anything?

- Once I took her to a nightclub. Buzova drank quite a bit there and became soft. Let's go to my house. Olga went to take a shower, I went to the kitchen. Then I go into the bathroom. I see that she is no longer there, and extremely unattractive black panties are hanging on the dryer. Buzova dresses at flea markets. I'm going to the bedroom. And there Olya lies ready. Completely naked. Lord, I don’t think I need such happiness. If anyone could see her pimply body, it's disgusting! And I went to sleep in another room. It always seemed to me that Buzova was madly in love with me. But Mikhailovsky kept pumping her up: “Materazzo doesn’t love you. He only needs money.” Olga herself screamed furiously about this. She even wanted to leave the project. Although the producers promoted her as much as possible. Mikhailovsky never hid his attitude towards Buzova : “She’s mine and only mine!”..." He almost called Olga his own thing. But when she was made the host, all the participants were outraged. She can’t put two words together.

During her stay on the Dom-2 project, Olga participated in several media projects as a presenter.

In 2005-2006, Olga, together with Roman Tretyakov, hosted the youth talk show “Roman with Buzova” on the TNT channel. Radio "Popsa" invited them to host their own talk show on the radio every Saturday with the same name - "Romance with Buzova."

On May 31, 2007, on World Blonde Day, Lyubov Voropaeva, producer of the Golden Person award, presented the award to Olga Buzova as the most stylish and vibrant blonde in the country.

Since September 2007, she has become the host of her own column “Beware, stylists!” in the program “Morning on TNT”.

Olga Buzova also acted as the host of a TV show in computer game"Black Mark".

Since December 2008, the host of the reality show “Dom-2” and the chief editor of the magazine “World of Reality Show. House 2".

In 2007, Olga was the host of the 7th international competition beauty "Miss Russian Radio 2007".

Olga Buzova about love

Olga Buzova took part in the filming of other TNT TV programs, such as “Cosmopolitan. Video version”, “Attack of the Clowns”, “Robot Child”, “Taxi”, “Battle of Psychics”. She has repeatedly become a guest on television programs of other TV channels - First Television, MUZ-TV, MTV, NTV and others.

In August 2008, Olga Buzova made her debut as an actress in the series “Univer” on the TNT channel in the role of an online friend of Eduard “Kuzi” Kuzmin.

Since November 2008, Olga began solo activity, tours throughout Russia and neighboring countries. Her songs are presented in the album “Stars House 2. Laws of Love.”

As part of the popularization of the volunteer movement in 2009, Olga was the leader and participant in the special campaign team “Youth Train” under the auspices of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation.

At the end of 2009, Olga entered the top three best TV presenters countries.

The first theatrical debut took place in September 2010. Olga Buzova replaced actress Maria Kozhevnikova in theatrical production"Gorgeous wedding."

In October 2010, she hosted 3 issues of Cosmopolitan. Video version" on TNT together with Dmitry Olenin.

Olga Buzova has released several clothing collections together with the S&S brand.

Since 2011, Olga also began active musical activity. The singer’s first single was the song “Don’t Forget,” performed in a duet with rapper T-killah. In addition to singing, Olga also DJs.

In 2012, she took part in the show “Dancing with the Stars”, her partner was Andrei Karpov.

She has released several clothing collections together with the S&C brand.

In 2016, Olga Buzova’s perfumed book entitled “The Price of Happiness” was published.

Also in 2016, she tried herself as a singer, recording the song “To the Sound of Kisses.” At the beginning of 2017, the single “I’m getting used to it” was released.

In November 2017, it became known that Olga Buzova would host the program “ Babi revolt"on Channel One. Her co-hosts were Elena Abitaeva. The daily information talk show “Baby Riot” is a woman’s view of everything that happens in the world.

Personal life of Olga Buzova:

Wedding of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

In the fall of 2016, it became known about a crisis in the couple’s relationship. First, they stopped posting pictures together on social networks and appearing in public, then Dmitry Tarasov began to make harsh statements about Olga (for example, he called her an “alcoholic”). Buzova and Tarasov also began to live separately. Thus, it became clear that the couple was on the verge of breaking up. As Olga Buzova made it clear,...

On November 29, 2016, Olga Buzova filed for divorce at the Meshchansky registry office in Moscow. became known after hackers hacked the personal correspondence of the TV presenter.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

Filmography of Olga Buzova:

2008 - Univer - cameo
2011 - Elena from polypropylene - cameo
2012 - Zaitsev+1 - cameo, friend of Olya Sautkina
2015 - Bartender - Vika
2016 - Take the blow, baby - classmate of Sveta Bogatyreva
2016 - Poor people - cameo
2017 - - news announcer
2017 - - cameo

Dubbing by Olga Buzova:

2015 - Fashionable thing (After the Ball) - Kate

Singles by Olga Buzova:

2016 - “To the Sound of Kisses”
2017 - “I’m getting used to it”

Olga Buzova about her height 179 cm:

“My height is really tall - 179 cm. By the way. This is another problem with the complexes of many girls who are born tall, then begin to feel shy and slouch. You should always walk with your shoulders back, because tall girls are wonderful.”

Olga Buzova about her first size breasts:

“Yes, small. But natural. It seems to me that natural breasts are always more beautiful than silicone... I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t understand women who pump up their breasts or lips. I believe that you can resort to silicone only if you are not very comfortable something is interfering with my life. Why would I spoil what was given to me by nature?! My upper lip is not very big, but I really like it! I’m like a fish.. "

Olga Igorevna Buzova is a former participant and now the host of the reality show “Dom-2”, an actress who starred in the series “Poor People” and a number of other television projects, a writer, singer, fashion designer and businesswoman. Her Instagram is one of the most popular in the Russian segment.

Olga Buzova's childhood

Olya was born in Leningrad, in the family of military men Igor Dmitrievich and Irina Aleksandrovna Buzov. The girl learned to walk and talk very early, and by the age of three, having already learned to read and write, she began to study English.

When Olya was five years old, her mother, who believed that her daughter was growing up to be a child prodigy, sent her to school. At first, little Buzova found it difficult among her seven-year-old classmates, and some subjects were difficult, but thanks to her perseverance and sociable nature, the girl quickly became an excellent student and the life of the party.

Buzova’s parents were real intellectuals: most of the family budget was spent on education and travel, and one day Olya, who dreamed of new outfits and jewelry, was given a piano for her birthday.

Olga Buzova earned her first money at the age of 13 - she worked part-time as a camp counselor. Already at the age of 15, the girl got a job in a modeling agency. Buzova later shared that she spent the first 2 thousand rubles she earned as a model on red velvet jeans and proudly wore them to school.

Since childhood, the girl dreamed of acting career, but the parents strictly said “No.” In 2002, Olga Buzova graduated from school No. 631 with a silver medal and entered the Faculty of Geography of St. Petersburg State University.

Olga Buzova and Dom-2

Contrary to popular belief, Olga Buzova was not a participant in the reality show “Dom-2” from the very beginning - she came to the project about a week and a half after the start, on May 22, 2004. To participate in the project, the girl took an academic leave from the university (at the age of 24, the girl still received a honors diploma from St. Petersburg State University).

The charming blonde, who had barely reached adulthood, easily joined the team, received the cute nickname “Buzenysh” and soon formed a couple with Roman Tretyakov. Their relationship lasted three years, the Buzov-Tretyakov tandem was recognized as the most romantic couple of the first season of “House-2”, along with Alena Vodonaeva and Stepan Menshikov, Olga Nikolaeva and May Abrikosov.

During the eighth season of the show, which started in December 2006, Roman Tretyakov left the project, saying that he was “tired of aquarium life.” He settled in Moscow, thought about what to do after the project, and waited for Olga, but she was in no hurry to leave the sidelines of “House”. As a result, Buzova chose to continue her career as a reality show star, and the relationship came to an end.

After Roman, the girl had a short relationship with Stas Karimov and Alessandro Materazzo. In 2007, wax copies of Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov, as the most popular couple of “House 2,” settled in the Moscow Wax Museum.

Wax figures Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov

In December 2008, Olga Buzova announced her intention to leave Dom-2. The producers did not want to lose the last of the “golden cast” of “House-2” and invited the girl to become a co-host and provided her with the post of chief editor of the “World of Reality Show” magazine. House 2"

Olga Buzova outside “House-2”

Despite being busy at Dom-2, in parallel, Olga Buzova repeatedly took part in other TV projects. In 2005-2006, together with Roman Tretyakov, the girl hosted the talk show “Roman with Buzova” on the TNT channel. After him, Popsa radio invited the couple to host a program of the same name on frequency 102.5 every Saturday. Since 2007, Olya has hosted her own column in the program “Morning on TNT” called “Beware, stylists!”, and also tried herself as a TV presenter of the bloody show “Black Mark”.

In the show “Romance with Buzova” Olga became the host for the first time

The blonde has more than once taken part in TNT entertainment projects, for example, in the “Robot Child” program, Roman and Olya had to take care of a hyper-realistic interactive doll, in “Attack of the Clowns” the presenter Yegor Nekrushev famously acted her out, and Alexey Kulichkov took the girl around Moscow in the program "Taxi".

This is how Olga Buzova was seen by the audience of “House-2” in 2004

In 2010, Buzova became the heroine of the 4th episode of the 8th season of the entertainment show “Battle of Psychics”. Its participants were required to tell a strand of the presenter's hair about her fate. One psychic, Galina Bagirova, felt that the owner of the curl had recently moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow, works on television and writes books, adding that her childhood was spent under the harsh dictates of her mother. After communicating with the clairvoyant, the girl burst into tears, admitting that all the fortune teller’s words were true.

Olga Buzova at the show “Battle of Psychics”

In 2011, the girl came to Larisa Guzeeva’s studio to try her luck with the main matchmaker of Channel One. Three contenders competed for the girl’s heart: a banker, an oligarch and a DJ.

“Let's get married” with Olga Buzova

In 2012, Olga Buzova, paired with dancer Andrei Karpov, demonstrated flexibility and grace in the seventh season of the “Dancing with the Stars” project, but left it in hysterics, deciding that the competition jury was too biased towards the participants.

“Dancing with the Stars”, performance by Olga Buzova and Andrei Karpov

Olga Buzova – writer

In 2006, Olga Buzova’s first attempt at writing was published - a book called “A Romance with Buzova. The history itself beautiful love" Olga’s co-author was Roman Tretyakov, and the Book Business magazine recognized the book “ Best project– 2006.”

Olga Buzova at the presentation of the book “It’s about the hairpin”

In 2007, a sequel was released - “A Romance with Buzova. Love online”, as well as Buzova’s new work “It’s about the hairpin. Tips from a stylish blonde,” on the pages of which she shared her little secrets of success.

In 2016, the TV presenter presented new book“The Price of Happiness” – about happiness family life. Each page of the publication was perfumed with Buzova’s favorite scent. True, the publication was more reminiscent of a colorful album than a book - on each spread, readers were greeted with bright photographs of their idol.

Autobiography of Olga Buzova “The Price of Happiness”

Acting career of Olga Buzova

In August 2008, Olga Buzova made her film debut, playing herself in one of the episodes of the TV series “Univer,” finding herself on the same set with Andrei Gaidulyan and Vitaly Gogunsky.

Olga Buzova played a cameo in Univer

In 2010, Olga Buzova made her debut on the theatrical stage with leading role in the play " Honeymoon", in which, in addition to the host of the reality show, Anastasia Stotskaya and Tamara Tsatsanashvili took part - the trio talked about eternal theme relationships between men and women. In the same year, Olga Buzova replaced Maria Kozhevnikova in the play “Chic Wedding”.

Vitaly Gogunsky and Olga Buzova, filming the film “Bartender”

In 2015, the girl starred in the film “Bartender”, playing the role of the girl Vika and working with Yulia Parshuta.

In 2016, Olga Buzova, continuing to be the host of “House-2”, took part in the filming of the new series from TNT “Poor People”. The girl plays herself - in the story, Dmitry Lysenkov’s character works “ literary black"Olga.
In the same year, the TV presenter starred in Ara Hovhannisyan’s comedy “Take the Blow, Baby!” together with Mikhail Porechinkov and, as well as in Kirill Pletnev’s film “Burn!”

Filming the series “Poor People” with Olga Buzova

In 2017, the singer starred in the continuation of the popular series “Chernobyl. This multi-part fantasy saga takes place in parallel reality, where the USSR did not collapse - as a result, Olga Buzova does not present “Dom-2”, but news on the First Educational Channel of TNT.

Olga Buzova in the series “Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone"

At the beginning of 2018, Buzova became the heroine of a new comedy show“Roasting”, hosted by stand-up comedian Ilya Sobolev. As part of the project, participants in popular entertainment programs (“Open Microphone”, “ Comedy battle", etc.) were supposed to bombard a specific person with jokes. Almost all participants joked about Buzova’s relationship with her ex-husband Dmitry Tarasov and his level of football play.

Business of Olga Buzova

Since 2013, Olga Buzova and her sister Anna Buzova have been the owners of the Bijoux jewelry brand and the Bijoux Room chain of stores. “A girl should be able to do two things – to be fabulous and stylish,” said the company’s concept.

At the same time, Olga Buzova became a creative partner of the fashion brand C&C and released clothing collections under the C&C by Olga Buzova label, but in the summer of 2014 the stores had to be sold due to declining profits.

Olga Buzova was a fashion designer

Personal life of Olga Buzova

After Olga Buzova lost her status as a participant in “House-2,” dozens of people stopped covering her personal life. hidden cameras, which, however, was only to her advantage. When in 2011 rumors spread in the media that Lokomotiv football player Dmitry Tarasov was divorcing his wife Oksana because of “ new girl", no one suspected that Olga Buzova became a contender for the athlete’s heart. However, the first confirmations soon appeared: the paparazzi often saw the couple in the city, and Dmitry and Olga did not seem to hide their feelings from others.

Olga Buzova and her husband - football player Dmitry Tarasov

Olga later admitted that at the time they met (Olga and Dmitry first met in one of the Moscow restaurants), Dmitry was married, but even the child he shared with Oksana did not save their marriage. However, according to the footballer, a breakup has long been on the agenda.

Just two months after they met, Dmitry realized that he wanted to create a real family with Olga. The marriage proposal took place during a joint vacation in Dubai, and the wedding of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov took place on June 26, 2012; The magnificent celebration was attended only by the closest people of the newlyweds - only 70 people. Among them were Olga’s colleagues from “House-2”, and Dmitry’s first coach Alexey Mitrofanov, and media persons, for example, an old friend of the girl and residents Comedy Club Gavr Gordeev and Oleg Vereshchagin.

Olga took her husband’s surname, but continued to conduct business under her old name, which by that time had already become a kind of brand. After the wedding, the nickname “Russian Victoria Beckham” stuck to Olga Buzova, but this did not upset the girl - she tried everything free time dedicate to creating home comfort and a strong family.

Unfortunately, even this a wonderful fairy tale was destined to end. In November 2016, reports appeared on the Internet about the breakup of Tarasov and Buzova. At first, Olga’s subscribers noticed that cute photos together had disappeared from her Instagram, as well as from her husband’s social networks. Then the injured football player thanked his mother for her support in difficult times, ignoring the efforts of his wife, who had previously been inseparable from him in such situations.

Dmitry Tarasov preferred Anastasia Kostenko (right) to Olga Buzova

Official comments from the former lovers soon followed. Dmitry responded cynically to the question about breaking up with Olga: “Olga likes to comment on everything, so let her comment.” Buzova’s colleagues at “House-2” said that Olga cries all the time and breaks down at the set workers. Tarasov’s neighbors claimed that they had seen him more than once together with the 24-year-old silver winner of the Miss Russia 2014 beauty contest, Anastasia Kostenko, even a couple of months before Dmitry’s scandalous statement. So as the most probable cause gap star couple The media called constant betrayals on the part of Tarasov.

After a difficult breakup with Dmitry Tarasov, Buzova decided to radically change her image and broke up with light color hair.

Buzova kisses Roman Gritsenko

Some fans of the diva are sure that her feelings for ex-husband have not yet cooled down - how else to explain the constant “injections” addressed to him? For example, on the wedding day of Tarasov and Kostenko (January 9, 2018), Olga posted a photo on Instagram in a negligee. In her hands she held Dostoevsky’s “The Idiot” - a work “about the unfortunate merchant Parfen and the kept woman Nastasya” (there is no need to explain who she meant).

Olga Buzova – singer

In November 2016, shortly after the breakup, Buzova suddenly began to sing - her single “To the Sound of Kisses” topped the Russian iTunes chart in a matter of days. Although many music experts were critical of vocal abilities TV personalities, the composition “I’m Getting Used”, released two months later, repeated the success of the first song.

Olga Buzova - I'm getting used to it

Soon the listeners were presented with the compositions “Few Halves” and “People Didn’t Believe.” Olga also sang a duet with Nastya Kudri (“We will be hot”). Then the girl appeared in the video “Great, Great” by the group “Degrees”.

In the fall of 2018, Buzova released her debut album “Take Me,” which included 14 songs.

Marry Buzova

By the beginning of 2018, Buzova, in her own opinion, became the most famous female brand in Russia and the No. 1 trendsetter. In addition to successful musical career, a number of business projects (including the BuzFood restaurant and the BuzCoin cryptocurrency), regular appearances on TV shows and YouTube channels of popular bloggers, the artist decided to create her own TV show. The format of the show “The Bachelor” was taken as a basis, where more than a dozen contenders compete for the heart of one person (in the Russian adaptation these were always celebrities like Yegor Creed or Alexei Vorobyov). At the same time, the creators of the program rejected comparisons with “The Bachelor,” emphasizing that the reality “Married to Buzova” is an original project.

The show “Married to Buzova” was released in August 2018

The first episode was released on August 26, 2018 and attracted millions of viewers to their screens. Even those who were cool about the singer’s personality and work expressed interest in the program. Olga and 15 groom candidates - they were all of different ages and occupation - went to Italy. Each episode, the participants demonstrated masculine qualities - strength, dexterity, intelligence, caring. At the same time, the participants arranged unforgettable dates for Olga. Some of the participants gradually dropped out, others left on their own: they were offered a choice - to continue to fight for Olga’s heart or take the money (the amount increased with each issue) and leave. On October 8, the finalist was determined - cheese maker Denis Lebedev. Article found on uznayvse.ru

Name: Olga Buzova

Age: 33 years

Place of Birth: Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Height: 176 cm

Weight: 53 kg

Activity: Actress, singer, designer, writer, TV presenter

Family status: divorced

Olga Buzova - biography

Olga Buzova is a successful beauty and fashion model who became famous after the release of the popular television project “House 2”. There are no secrets or intrigues in her biography; her whole life is spent in show business. Having appeared on television screens in 2004, every day she only reveals herself more and shows all the facets of her talent.

Olga Buzova - Childhood

Olga was born in the beautiful city of St. Petersburg on January 20, 1986. Her father, Igor Dmitrievich, and mother, Irina Alexandrovna, were employees at that time. There is another child in the Buzov family, Olga’s sister, Anna. But as a child, looking at this small and modest girl, no one could have thought that in front of them was a future fashion model, television presenter, socialite. But already at the age of 3, Olya began to learn English.

Olya studied well at school, and there were no complaints about her behavior. In the 5th grade I began to study German, which she currently knows perfectly. Studying was easy for her, so there were no conflicts about this with teachers or parents. But she began to show her character even in childhood.

Olga Buzova - Education

Olga Buzova graduated from high school very successfully, receiving not only a good certificate, but also a silver medal. This allowed her to easily pass the exams and enter the University of St. Petersburg in the department of geography and geoecology. But this did not stop the girl from taking a make-up artist course to learn how to take care of her appearance: do her hair and apply makeup. By the way, this later came in handy for her in her creative career.

But not only study was constantly in the foreground for Olga Buzova. So, even at that time she began to sing, dance, and a new hobby appeared - learning the Italian language. Poetry was always Olga's friend, so she read books with pleasure. Olga Igorevna knows several languages: English, German and Lithuanian.

Olga Buzova - Career

Immediately after graduating from the institute, Olga Buzova decided to plunge into a new world for her - the world of show business. Unexplored, but so mysterious, he attracted her. That is why she came to the show “House 2”, of which she was the host at that time. The girl immediately showed herself to be a real blonde: a flirt, romantic and very emotional and sensitive.

She appeared on the project in 2004, and was there for four years. This project played a huge role in the biography of Olga Buzova. The relationships she tried to build on the project were sincere. It was clear that the girl was striving for love. Therefore, there were many fans: Roman Tretyakov, Stepan Menshchikov, Evgeny Abuzyarov and others.

The girl’s bright appearance and charming ability to present her opinion in such a way that it was impossible to resist were very soon noticed not only by television viewers. Participation in the television project “House 2” as a participant brought her popularity. Currently, she herself is the host of this project and, together with her, they conduct daily releases.

Already in 2005, the unexpected show “Romance with Buzova” was released, which allowed the girl to continue to advance in career ladder. In 2007, she already hosted her own column on the TNT channel, “Beware, Stylists!”, from which she moved on to the next one: “Black Mark,” dedicated to the glamorous female image.

In 2008, Olga Buzova became editor of the Dom 2 magazine. She also liked publishing, so she writes and publishes several books about how any woman can be beautiful, how to build the right and beautiful relationship with a man.

But personality is not limited to just television or publishing. So, she played several roles in films, in Timati’s videos, and tried herself on the theater stage. Currently, she is trying to prove herself not only as a fashion model, but also as a fashion designer, creating stylish clothes.

In an interview, Olga Buzova admitted that she has not yet implemented all her plans and she still has many desires. Since 2011, she has been singing and has already released several of her music collections. She opens new stores all over Russia and the number of orders from them only increases every day.

Olga Buzova - Personal life

The personal life of Olga Buzova has been constantly in the public eye since 2004. At first she tried to build her relationships with young people on television project"House 2", but despite great amount fans, envy and jealousy of the girls participating, her relationship was complicated and fragile. I remember the relationship between Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov, but they did not last long.

TV presenter, singer, actress, designer, entrepreneur, writer. Olga Buzova is an example of a person who develops in all directions and at the same time is incredibly successful and cool in each

Date of Birth: January 20, 1986
Place of Birth: Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR
Zodiac sign: Capricorn

She turned domestic show business inside out. There are people who love her, there are those who hate her, but no one is indifferent. Colleagues say about her that she is a very cheerful, positive, kind and very vulnerable person. Journalists call her the empress of views, the queen of likes and the goddess of stories.

“My purpose is to give myself and my love to my viewer and listener. I want to tell all young artists and all those who dream of something - the impossible is possible, you should never be afraid. You should always follow your dreams. And if you really want something in this life, then you will definitely achieve results.”

“I have a lot of goals. I see them. And I will implement them!”

Biography of Olga Buzova

Olya's parents were military personnel. She gets determination and strength from her mother, Irina Alexandrovna, and kindness from her dad, Igor Dmitrievich. Father and mother always supported their daughter in all her endeavors. Now her parents are divorced, but they continue to come to her performances, concerts, and performances together. Olga has a beloved younger sister, Anna.

Little Olga (right) and Anna Buzov

Back in the 10th grade, Olga got a job as a model, hiding it from her parents. And she began to earn her own living. Buzova graduated from gymnasium with a silver medal and entered St. Petersburg State University, where she studied geography and geoecology and graduated with honors.

Buzova and television

When Olya was 18 years old, her parents let her go to Dom-2, but only for three months: after all, the girl was studying at a university. As a result, Buzova remained on the show for many years. And she quickly became one of its popular participants.

In parallel with her participation in “House-2” on the same TNT channel, Olga hosted the talk show “Romance with Buzova” together with Roman Tretyakov, with whom she “built love.” Then she spoke about this program and about these relationships: “... I want our kids to look and point their fingers: “This is our mom and dad!”
Then this couple was invited to host a show of the same name on the radio. But the duo soon broke up, and Olga’s dream of having children together with Roman was not destined to come true.

In 2008, she decided to leave the reality show, but the producers invited her to host “Dom-2” (Olga is still one of the main presenters of the project). A year later, the website kp.ru chose the best TV presenters in the country: Maria Sittel took first place, Larisa Guzeeva took second, and Olya Buzova took third, ahead of her co-host on “House-2” Ksenia Sobchak and Ekaterina Andreeva.

Olga completed a make-up artist course. She knows a lot about cosmetics and beautiful hairstyles. Therefore, it turned out to be a very simple matter for her to conduct the column “Beware, stylists!” in the program “Morning on TNT”.

Olga participated in many projects of her native channel: “Cosmopolitan. Video version”, “Attack of the Clowns”, “Robot Child”, “Taxi”, “Battle of Psychics”. She was a guest on other channels: Muz-TV, MTV Russia, NTV and others. And in 2012 she participated in the show “Dancing with the Stars” on the Rossiya channel.

In 2017, she worked for some time as one of the four presenters of the “Baby Riot” program on Channel One, but left there with scandal and grievances.

From the point of view of media psychology, Buzova’s career is simply an ideal model: from an ordinary participant in a reality show to turn into the most sought-after star of the year!

Music career

Olga loved to sing since childhood and always dreamed of performing on stage. At the age of 13, she had her own group at school, called TIL. By the way, she started singing at “House-2”: the disc “Stars of House 2. Laws of Love” was released together with other participants.

When a person has a severe life situation, he needs, Olga believes, to remember his dream - and try to change everything with its help. Buzova has already demonstrated that she is capable of controlling her destiny. It is not surprising that she is now successfully singing on stage. And her first song, “Don’t Forget,” was performed and recorded in 2011 together with rapper T-killah. The first solo song was “To the Sound of Kisses.”

They like to gossip about Buzova, that she is capricious, that she has a difficult rider. In fact, apart from a clean dressing room with a mirror, a few towels, fruit and “lots and lots of water,” Olga’s rider doesn’t include anything else.

Actress Buzova

In 2008, Olga tried herself as an actress in cameo role in TNTshnom comedy series"Univer".

In 2010, he debuted on theater stage in the production of “Chic Wedding” at the Teatrium on Serpukhovka. So far, Olga has seven films in her dossier, but this clearly does not exhaust her potential.

We must pay tribute to Buzova, she knows how to laugh at herself and is not offended when someone jokes at her expense. You can verify this by watching the film “Zomboyashchik”, where Olga is hit on the head with a sledgehammer in the show “Hit Olga Buzova on the head with a sledgehammer”. Interestingly, Olga, without a moment’s hesitation, agreed to star in this frank banter.

Business of Olga Buzova

Olga is also a sought-after designer. Together with the S&S brand, she released several clothing collections. Now Buzova is producing clothes under her own brand: Olga Buzova Design. She has two BuzFood restaurants, the menu of which, as the owner herself assures, has all the dishes approved by a nutritionist. Here you can eat healthy, inexpensive, and most importantly delicious. In addition, Olga bought a bakery and also sells branded water (Buzaqua) and chocolate (Buzchocolate).

Recently, she even announced that she is ready to release her cryptocurrency BuzCoin.

But still, the lion’s share of her income comes from advertising on her Instagram account. After all, one post on this social network costs about 200-500 thousand rubles.

Olga Buzova - famous Russian singer, TV presenter, socialite, and aspiring actress. Everyone in Russia knows her last name, because if you use the Internet or watch TV, Olga is simply impossible to miss - she is everywhere. Users have completely different attitudes towards her work: some will say that she is mediocre, while others download all her hits and watch the clips to the “holes”, saying that Olga achieved everything herself. Despite the image of a not very smart blonde, Buzova stubbornly conquers television, stepping over haters with their ridicule and rude words. Despite this, the girl has a very vulnerable soul, and once she even burst into tears on air on a TV channel when journalists began asking her uncomfortable and provocative questions.

Height, weight, age. How old is Olga Buzova

As has already been said, you can love or hate Buzova, but not knowing her or being neutral about her is impossible! This is a truly strange phenomenon when so many jokes and barbs hover over a person, and at the same time 13 million users follow her on Instagram! Agree, not many performers in Russia can boast of such popularity! Even the popular Egor Creed today has 8 million, and Monatik and Lazarev have up to 3 million subscribers, and this despite the fact that they are guys, and we know that most often social network It’s girls who follow celebrities’ pages. In general, the Buzova phenomenon is purposeful, and therefore successful.

The network constantly comments on the singer’s personal life, her appearances, discusses new songs and news from concerts. Either Buzova’s concert in Makhachkala was boycotted, then she rode a horse onto the red carpet, then she put on a “naked” dress, in general, everything connected with the singer immediately appears on the Internet, and she herself posts a sea of ​​photos on her page every day . Fans are actively googling Olga Buzova’s height, weight, age, and how old she is. Today the performer is 32 years old, she is actively recording songs and releasing new videos, giving concerts throughout the country and abroad, where she already has an army of her fans. The artist’s height is 176 cm, and her weight is about 50 kg, while Buzova is not at all shy about going on stage and appearing at social events in high heels. As you can see in the clips, and in the girl’s life in general, she doesn’t have any complexes, maybe that’s why 13 million people love her?

Biography of Olga Buzova

The future actress was born in 1986 in Leningrad. Despite the fact that today the image of a blonde is firmly stuck to the girl, as a child Olya amazed with her mental abilities, and her parents were sure that the girl was growing up to be a child prodigy. Olga played chess well and even beat her relatives as a child. Whether the adults succumbed or not is not known, but it gave Olga an additional incentive to her self-confidence. At the age of five, the parents already sent the girl to school. Olya was the youngest in the class, and therefore at first her classmates made fun of her, calling her a little girl. However, it soon became clear that she was the smallest and most distant one in the class. Buzova solved difficult problems with ease, and was always the first to raise her hand when volunteers were called to the board.

The girls in the class were older, and therefore developed faster, and soon Ole began to have teenage complexes. Buzova covered up her “cons” and lack of breasts, like her classmates, with new and fashionable outfits, which she demanded at home for good grades. The girl was generally very smart and talented, and for one of her birthdays she was given a piano so that Olya could learn to play.

In general, today many people say that Buzova allegedly made it because of her appearance and lack of complexes, but this is not so. Since childhood, Olga knew for sure that everything would be fine with her; they say about such people that money just sticks to them. Olya earned her first finances at the age of 13. The girl got a job as a camp counselor and worked there all summer.

Already at the age of 15, Olga knew for sure that she wanted to become an actress... Or a singer... But certainly famous, and most importantly - to go to Moscow! The girl got a job at a modeling agency, fortunately her height and other parameters allowed her. When she received her first salary, she decided that hunching over just like that would kill the desire to work, so she rewarded herself for a month of work by buying herself fashionable red jeans. In these jeans, the girl then proudly walked around the school. After receiving a diploma of secondary education, Olga decided that she would definitely become an actress and really wanted to enter the art institute, but her parents did not allow her. Then Olga applied to the Faculty of Geography in St. Petersburg.

Although she graduated from school with a silver medal and went to university with honors, one day Olya realized that everything she was doing was not her destiny. She should be famous, and not sit out her “pants” at a university. Then Olga took an academic degree and went to Moscow for a casting for the television project “Dom-2”. The reality show had very mixed reviews, many did not understand how they could watch it, while others knew literally everything about its participants without missing a single episode. Buzova quickly joined the team of participants, and her life on the project began. Viewers followed the ups and downs of Olga’s personal life, conflicts, and romances on the project. Olya took the cute nickname “Buzyonysh”, by which many still remember her. After participating in the show, Olga was very quickly able to join the stream of success. She wrote two books in which she talked about life on the project and revealed tips for success. Already being a participant in the show, Olya showed herself so well that she was invited to host several television shows. Olya simultaneously worked as the host of a musical hit parade, and further starred in “House-2”.

After the show ended, Olga became even more popular. She appeared in different shows, was constantly a guest on programs, including the Battle of Psychics, and then gradually began to build her own successful career in the world of show business. Buzova appeared on the theater stage, released her own clothing line, and in 2011 she released her song for the first time. First musical creativity Buzova was not very popular, she performed with other performers, recorded duets, but she herself was not particularly popular.

In addition to her career, the actress and singer also built her personal life. In 2011, the media reported the news that a new couple of lovers had appeared in the world of show business: Olya Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov. The latest news for today says that the couple is no longer together, they broke off all relationships, although they had been married for 4 years before that. 2017 brought major changes in her career. Buzova changed her image, radically changed her style of music, released the song and video “Little Palovin,” which literally blew up the Internet. This composition is heard on all TV channels and radio stations, and Buzova does not stop releasing new hits.

Personal life of Olga Buzova

Very quickly on the show “Dom-2”, the main slogan of which was “Build your love!”, a new pair of lovers formed: Olya Buzova and Roma Tretyakov. They were very beautiful couple, and all television viewers followed the development of their relationship on the project, expressing the point of view that this couple is the most “real” and they are very suitable for each other. But soon the guy got tired of living like a monkey in a zoo, and he wanted to continue acquaintance with Olya outside the project, leaving the show. Buzova was in no hurry to leave television screens, she wanted to continue her career and “get hooked” on TV, and so the couple broke up. After the show, Olga married football player Dmitry Tarasov, and it seemed that the relationship of this couple would last a long time, but they divorced after 4 years.

There was constant gossip around Olga's personal life. For example, in 2016, everyone wrote that a new couple appeared at a social event: Olga Buzova and Dmitry Nagiyev. The correspondence between the artists later even went online, and everyone said that Olya was trying to seduce an eligible groom. But this relationship did not grow anywhere beyond gossip, so everything was hushed up.

Recently flared up new scandal, the main characters of which were the stars Olga Buzova and Sergei Svetlakov. The comedian publicly ridiculed the singer, advising the football players not to marry Buzova, saying they don’t play well with her.

Family of Olga Buzova

The fact that Olga became a media person and famous person- only her merit. She was born into a family of employees, where it was always customary to earn and get everything with your mind, and not with your talents. As a child, the parents spoiled the girl a lot, took her abroad on various trips, bought fashionable things and taught her so that the girl could also earn money in the future.

Although Olga Buzova’s family was against the girl going to the Dom-2 project, she still did it her way. Olya took academic leave and went to Moscow. Despite this, the girl did not give up her studies, and soon received her honors diploma.

Children of Olga Buzova

While the singer was married, everyone was interested in the main question: when will the children of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov appear? The football player already had a daughter from his first marriage, whom he gave birth to ex-wife, gymnast Oksana, so perhaps he was in no particular hurry to have children with Olga. And the singer herself was making her own career at that time, so she didn’t think about procreation. Now Buzova is 32, and she is ready to become a mother. The girl says in an interview that she is ready to take responsibility for little man, is not afraid to give birth, and is already planning to have children soon. The actress would really like to give birth to a girl in order to teach her everything she knows, and for her to also grow up to be a real “princess.” True, the girl has no idea when Olga will give birth. She constantly has a lot of tours and concerts, she works a lot, and Olga plans to give birth to a child with her beloved man, who is not yet visible on the horizon.

Olga Buzova’s husband is Dmitry Tarasov. Wedding and separation of a couple

When Olga left the project, her life was in the shadows for some time, and no one knew what was happening in the personal life of the star. Many thought that she was still dating her colleague on the project, but the truth turned out to be more prosaic. Rumors have already spread in the media that the Lokomotiv team football player is divorcing his wife and leaving the child, since he met new love, but then no one knew who this girl was. It soon became clear that the athlete’s heart was stolen by the young star of Dom-2, and they began dating openly. In 2012, news broke: the singer got married, and new husband Olga Buzova - Dmitry Tarasov. The wedding and separation of a couple of a football player and a gymnast made a lot of noise in the media, many regretted ex-wife guy, and someone was happy that their favorite Buzova finally got married.

They lived in marriage for four years, and then after a loud marriage there was an equally loud divorce. At the same time, the newlyweds threw stones of guilt at each other. Dmitry said that Olga’s whole life is on show, and he doesn’t want to live in the light of television cameras, but wants a family. Olga claimed that her husband did not allow her to give birth to a child, and took a mistress, Anastasia Kostenko.

These scandals and mud-slinging continued until the divorce, and when the spouses divorced, they immediately crossed each other out of life. Today Olga’s heart is free, she is in search of her happiness, and Tarasov, apparently, is still dating Anastasia.

Naked Olga Buzova watch video

The Dom-2 project has become famous for scandals and intrigues during its existence. Everything that happened in the participants’ house was broadcast on TNT. Viewers could see how project participants eat, drink, swear, sleep and even change clothes, so many stars who started with this project have a lot of “naked” photos online. Take Elena Berkova, about whom they generally said that she starred in films for adults.

Olga also appeared in a couple of times during the project scandalous filming. For example, there is footage online of participants relaxing in a sauna, including a naked Olga Buzova. You can watch the video on YouTube, or even on “adult” sites on the Internet.

When it comes to popularity, a lot of offers immediately appear from magazines that would like to get racy photos. Olga herself is not shy about nudity, she gladly posts her own pictures in revealing outfits, short dresses, where you can see long legs, and in open swimsuits from vacation. In March of this year, the singer appeared on the cover for the first time men's magazine. A photo shoot for Playboy, where Buzova starred in black short shorts with straps and a rough cap, caused a storm of emotions among fans online.

Photo of Olga Buzova before and after plastic surgery

After Olga released her songs for several years, but they somehow didn’t “shoot”, the actress decided to radically change her image and start something new. From a long-haired blonde, Buzova turned into a brown-haired woman with a bob, began to wear more modern youth clothes, and revised her style. The fact is that before this the girl was successful, she has her own business, she writes books and is involved in producing. But it was not enough for Buzova to just be rich and successful, she wanted to be a famous singer.

In connection with the change in image, many fans immediately noticed that the performer had changed a lot in appearance, and photos of Olga Buzova before and after plastic surgery began to appear. The singer herself denies that she did manipulations with her face, but fans noticed that Olga pumped up her lips and did beauty injections in the area under her eyes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Olga Buzova