Buzova complained to Baranovskaya that she had been made an outcast. Judoist Dmitry Nosov is outraged by the behavior of Olga Buzova on the show “Woman's revolt Interview of Olga Buzova with Yulia Baranovskaya

TV presenter Olga Buzova, who recently went through a scandalous and painful divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov, became the heroine of the “Male/Female” program on Channel One. Olga told presenter Yulia Baranovskaya about what she had to go through, who at one time also experienced a breakup with football player Andrei Arshavin. Also ugly and painful.

Olga came to Julia’s program in a formal dress, but with bright makeup. And in vain - Buzova could not cope with her emotions and burst into tears during the broadcast.

Photo Channel One

According to the TV presenter, she still hasn’t gotten over what happened. She found out that Tarasov had decided to get a divorce the moment he announced it, and was not ready for such a turn of events. Olga hastily, with the help of her mother, packed her things and moved to a rented apartment. Despite the fact that her favorite animals are waiting for her in her new home, Olga cannot be alone within four walls.

“I work until I run out of energy. Then I come home and fall off my feet. I still haven't gotten my sleep back. What day off?" – Olga exclaimed to Baranovskaya’s question. “I’ve taken so much on myself so that I don’t have to be alone for a second, it helps me a lot, otherwise I would have ended up in a mental hospital.”

The TV presenter admitted that she does not understand why she is being persecuted so much, because she simply does what she can, like other stars.

“I don’t understand why there is such a reaction. It's very easy to get bombarded with rotten tomatoes. But you can just come up and give advice. I’m alone, I don’t have producers, a team that runs after me like an entourage. I’m vulnerable, I’m offended, I do everything myself. I’m not taking away anyone’s concerts or time,” Olga cried. - When I performed at the Olimpiysky, and half of the stars whom I always loved and with whom we greeted pretended that they did not know me, it was very surprising for me. It amazes me what a cruel world we live in, you want to bury yourself in a pillow so that they feel sorry for you, but no one does this.”

“I could pretend that I don’t care. But I care, of course. It’s like I’m some kind of outcast,” Olga is surprised. - If you want people to write about you, insult Buzova. If you want her to pay attention, throw a stone at her.”

Buzova admitted that she was so worried about the betrayal that she could not talk about Tarasov with anyone.

“I hide what's inside me. But all people, everyone understands everything,” Olga is sure. “I don’t talk about it much, maybe that’s why it’s so hard for me.” Time must pass. It would be easier to say it. But for now, even with my mother, we are trying to avoid this topic.”

The TV presenter is not yet ready for a new relationship, but says that she has learned from her mistakes - she would like to hide her future relationships so that no one knows about them.

“I can’t immediately move from one relationship to another. There are plenty of examples, but I can't do this. I don't know if I can fall in love like that. This is not the first disappointment in my life. And every time I thought: that’s it. Have I become stronger, wiser? No. As stupid as she was, she still is. Just as I believed in love, I still believe in it. Just as I wanted a fairy tale, I still want it. I can’t say that I’m different and will never step on the same rake. I will fall in love again and lose my head. I loved, got high from us, from the picture. I was a million percent sure. My world collapsed in one day. In theory, I understand that I will have a man and I will love, but I don’t dare talk about it.”

Photo Channel One

There were many versions around the reasons for the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov. They talked a lot about the fact that Olga did not want to give birth to a child, but her husband dreamed about it. The TV presenter has said more than once that she wants children, but everything has its time.

“Giving birth to check a box for society? If I don't have a man, I won't have children. I want to have a full-fledged family - father, mother and child. “I myself was brought up in a full-fledged family,” Buzova snapped. - I don’t have a complex about the fact that I’m now without a relationship. I'm not ready for them, and I don't need them. It's a hackneyed phrase, but I'd rather be alone now. My man must accept me completely: with a pimple on his forehead, in a Cleopatra costume, tired, crying - anyone. A real relationship is when you are not told what you should be. I know that this happens, this is how my friend and mother love me.”

Surprisingly, after the divorce story, in which Olga was the victim, many friends suddenly turned away from her.

“I thought that they would go with me through thick and thin. I have always been very sociable, I was surrounded by huge amount people. But where are they now? No one explained the reasons, they simply erased me from life. It happens. For me, the words love and friendship meant a lot, and when this happens, you don’t know what to believe. My friend says: it’s hard to be friends with you. Not everyone can handle a public figure next to them.”

Olga’s relationship with her mother also turned out to be difficult.

“She is a strict woman, but I recently began to receive tenderness from her. She was an unloved child. All my friends know this - I need love, I need to talk, give gifts, I can’t live without it. This is all from childhood. She herself says that this is a childish complex, she didn’t give enough, and now I draw from everything. Hearing a compliment from your mother is incredible. But now she said that she was proud of the way I handled this situation. She said she couldn't do that. He doesn't know where I get my strength from. They betray you, cheat you, deceive you, but you continue to trust people. Mom did a lot for me. I can imagine how hard it was for her to hold on”...

Now Olga is slowly getting her life back together. She admitted that she fell in love with staying at home and at the same time does not strive to post anything on Instagram.

“Friends often come to my house, we put away our phones, I appreciate it now, communication is not for the sake of photographs, but for communication. When you can sit at home with the dogs, eat hot sandwiches, chat. It’s not the picture that I value now, and that’s important to me.”

Buzova’s sincerity on the program is very touching: it is clear that Olga is not playing for the camera, but is really very worried hard times. Perhaps after this broadcast the attitude towards the TV presenter will change. In the meantime, she released a new video “I’m getting used to it” and collected a record number of views on YouTube.

At the beginning of September, there was active discussion on the Internet about the invitation of the 31-year-old Olga Buzova V new project on Channel One. The rumors were based on real events: in the summer of 2017, pilot episodes of a program with the participation of divorced women under the working title “Woman’s Riot” were filmed.

It was assumed that three divorced women would take part in the program. Olga Buzova - on behalf of those who trusted their spouse and signed marriage contract. The former wife of football player Andrei Arshavin, Yulia Baranovskaya, will represent single mothers with children. Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva - those who separated from their husbands in adulthood.

Representatives of Channel One refrained from officially confirming this information for more than two months. Recently it became known that the “Baby Revolt” project still received a “start in life”, but its format has been completely redesigned. Channel One posted an announcement on its website news program with the participation of five presenters, including Olga Buzova.

Olga Buzova in the announcement of the “Baby Riot” program

According to Channel One, five female presenters with different fates and with different views on life will gather at one table to see the most interesting and relevant in the news flow.

Yulia Baranovskaya, Sofiko Shevardnadze, Olga Buzova, Tatyana Vasilyeva and Elena Abitaeva together with the guests will discuss the program in live the hottest news, significant political events in Russia and in the world, will affect the most high-profile scandals show business.

The “Baby Riot” program will not only inform viewers about what has happened in the world, but will also explain the reasons for what is happening.

Announcement of the program “Baby Riot”

In September, Moscow dentist and owner of his own clinic, Igor Lemberg, participated as a guest expert in the filming of one of the first episodes of “The Woman’s Revolt.” The doctor shared his impressions on his blog. In his opinion, the project is a female response to the Spotlight Paris Hilton program:

“The leading ladies frantically and with their usual passion discussed political and world news with the participation of invited experts, specialists and, simply, twelve angry men. The pressure and energy of the leading ladies makes the format and style of the program unforgettable, and in some places hair-raising, which, it would seem, is only to my advantage, as a true expert in dentistry, but the number of global difficulties of our planet outweighed my reverent attitude towards the smile and related problems "(the author's spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - Ed.).

Lemberg revealed the plot of the episode in which he participated. According to him, most of all the public was interested in whether Olga Buzova felt any reaction from Philip Kirkorov when she sat on his lap during the concert. Lemberg ironically commented: “Stunning news! I wouldn’t have seen it myself, I wouldn’t have believed it, I’ll have something to tell my grandchildren. I will remember Philip’s eyes for a long time..."

A post shared by (@doc_lemberg) on ​​Sep 11, 2017 at 12:50am PDT

Igor Lemberg with Olga Buzova and Sofiko Shevardnadze

The first episode of the “Baby Riot” program will take place on Monday, November 27, at 12:15. In the future, the program will be broadcast on Channel One on weekdays.

Notorious ex-wife Lokomotiv Moscow midfielder Dmitry and Olga Buzova committed treason. However, we are not talking about personal relationships here, but about labor ones:

the TV presenter overshadowed the interests of TNT, thanks to which she managed to make a brilliant career in show business, and signed a contract with Channel One.

At her new place of work, the pop diva will host the informational talk show “Baby Riot” live. This program is designed to show “a female perspective on everything that happens in the world,” as reported in the announcement received by Gazeta.Ru.

After the official announcement of cooperation with First, Buzova hastened to reassure her loyal fans, saying that she would not leave TNT completely.

“I am glad to join the Channel One family and become a part of it! The “Baby Riot” program is just the beginning, there will be a lot more interesting things coming soon!

I also want to immediately answer everyone about my favorite TNT channel: my life has been connected with this channel for 13 years. My family is here and I'm not going anywhere!

I love my job, I love Dom-2, I love my native channel. And the First is a new step in my career as a TV presenter!” - quote the words.

However, how ex-wife Tarasova’s ability to combine five-day live filming on one channel and regular hosting of a popular show on another remains unclear.

Media market experts suggest that breaking the contract with the previous employer is inevitable, and are already trying to guess the amount of the exorbitant fine that Buzov will almost certainly be forced to pay. According to media reports, the First managed to lure her away only by offering a salary of about 2 million rubles a month.

Buzova herself also seems to realize the hopelessness of the situation. On November 22, she posted a sad post on her Instagram, very reminiscent of saying goodbye to someone dear:

“It hurts,” said the heart. “You’ll forget,” time calmed down. “But every time I will come back,” the memory grinned...”

“And the brains were all silent,” the TV presenter’s “haters” sarcastically noted in the comments under this post.

Buzova also found many ill-wishers among the regular viewers of the First. Some accused the channel of “degradation” and began to appeal to its general director with a request to “come to his senses” and “not corrupt Russian youth.”

However, the audience’s ambiguous attitude towards the pop diva is unlikely to scare off the leadership of the country’s “first button” - rather, this will only be a plus, given the diverse and unusual line-up of presenters that was selected for the new women’s show.

There will be a 70-year-old actress, a TV presenter from a family of Georgian statesmen, and a radio presenter.

However, there is one character in the program whose fate is quite reminiscent of Buzova - this is ex-wife Yulia Baranovskaya.

She also broke up with the then successful football player (however, her civil marriage lasted almost twice as long as Buzova’s relationship with Tarasov) and began television career. It is curious that her first place of work was TNT - there she acted as a permanent relationship expert in a program dedicated to men.

Now Baranovskaya will team up on TV with Buzova to “discuss live things that women are not usually asked about.”

At least, that’s what Buzova herself promised in one of her interviews.

“Of course, we’ll talk about beauty, health, art and much more. We will invite only the most trendy and interesting people to the studio to discuss with them latest news", added the pop diva.

Baranovskaya promised that interesting guests would regularly come to the studio - “politicians, deputies and even football players - where would we be without them.”

While Buzova and Baranovskaya are conquering show business, they ex-husbands They are in full swing building family happiness with their significant other.

So, Arshavin recently made peace with his wife, who left him due to infidelity in mid-October. The couple has already gone on a joint vacation with the two children of the football player’s chosen one from his first marriage.

And Tarasov, according to rumors, is soon going to marry a 23-year-old model.

The girl has been wearing it for a long time gold ring on the ring finger right hand and at the beginning of November she posted a mysterious post on social networks: “In 36 days, what has been on my mind for the last five months will finally happen.” Fans of the couple immediately concluded that they were talking about marriage.

Olga Buzova gave an interview to Yulia Baranovskaya. The host of the infamous reality show “Dom-2” spoke about the marriage contract and children.

Perhaps it is Yulia Baranovskaya, more than anyone else, who understands and can appreciate the depth family drama, which unfolded in the life of Olga Buzova. At one time, football player Andrei Arshavin abandoned Yulia, who was then expecting her third child, and went to another woman. Therefore, Baranovskaya went to the meeting with Buzova not only prepared for the conversation as a journalist, but also with relevant life experience.

Olga took part in the program “Male/Female”. However, the shooting did not take place in the pavilion, but on neutral territory. Yulia and Olga sat opposite each other, separated only by a small table with cups of coffee and glasses of water. Baranovskaya came to the meeting in an oversized sweater and skirt, Buzova in a short dress simulating a two-piece and long over-the-knee boots without heels. Her look was completed with makeup, much brighter than Julia's.

However, Buzova shouldn’t have put on so much makeup, since she periodically shed tears during the interview. The conversation began with Baranovskaya appreciating the wild success of her interlocutor’s singing career and noting that many of Buzova’s show business colleagues, to put it mildly, do not approve of such popularity.

“I’m kind of an outcast. It’s really amazing what a cruel world we live in,” Olga admitted with tears. She did not hide the fact that she was hurt by criticism and anger, the dirt that poured on her from all sides. However, she is happy that she has many fans, they give her strength. By the way, it is work that saves Olga from despair after a divorce. “I took so much on myself so as not to be left alone,” said Buzova.

Then the conversation smoothly flowed towards Olga’s personal life. She said her marriage ended in a second. Her family tried to support her, cheered her up, and pretended that nothing had happened. Buzova noted that she and her loved ones try to avoid talking about her destroyed family life. “I’m in agony,” Olga said.

And yet, the presenter is still determined for the best. "As stupid as I was, I still am. in a good way. Just as I believed in people, as I believed in love, I still believe, as I wanted a fairy tale, I still want it,” admitted Buzova. She considers loyalty and devotion to be her distinctive quality. “I’m like a dog, faithful and devoted. In everything: in clothes, in restaurants, in people, in work,” Olga said.

Currently, the presenter of “House-2” is completely alone. She does not want and is not ready for a new relationship. “How can I fall in love with someone if I loved so much?!” – Buzova asked a rhetorical question. However, Olga believes that she will still have happy love. True, according to her, she will no longer agree to a marriage contract.

“Ol, well, a marriage contract! This is complete irresponsibility!” – Baranovskaya threw at her. Buzova replied: “In fact, it’s a piece of paper. You can sign contracts 500 thousand times, get married 500 thousand times, put stamps on yourself. It doesn’t matter. Human attitude is important.”

There was also talk about children. After all, the media persistently circulated rumors that Dmitry Tarasov left Olga Buzova because he wanted a “normal” family. Olga spoke on this topic: “From whom?.. To give birth in order to put a tick? For a society that needs me to give birth? No. If I don’t have a man, I won’t have children. Everything should be right here for me. If there will be a family, there will be a full-fledged family."

In conclusion, Olga admitted that she fell in love with staying at home. Moreover, she no longer publishes personal photos on her Instagram account, mainly related to work, based on her experience. Buzova said that her friends often come to her (who are lately there is very little left), they put their phones away and eat hot sandwiches. Life is gradually getting better.

31-year-old Olga Buzova got a job on Channel One, and now she, together with Sofiko Shevardnadze, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Yulia Baranovskaya and Elena Abitaeva, hosts the program “Baby Revolt”. On the air of the show, the hosts discuss current news in show business, politics, society and others.


Celebrities often become guests of the show. Dana Borisova and Prokhor Chaliapin have already come to the show studio. 37-year-old judoka Dmitry Nosov also took part in the filming of the program. On air, the presenters raised the topic of the scandal that erupted after Dmitry insulted Channel One presenter Yana Koshkina. Nosov called the girl on Twitter transvestite, but then still apologized.



On Instagram, Dmitry shared his impressions of the shooting. Nosov said that the presenters harassed him without even understanding the situation. "Took part in new program Channel 1 “Woman’s Riot”. We started talking about how medals were being taken away from Olympic athletes. What happened later shocked me. They tried to give me a public flogging because I allegedly earlier insulted Channel 1 presenter Yana Viktorovna Koshkina, they didn’t bother to fully understand the situation. Tried to act as judges! This begs the question, who are the judges? Olga Buzova? — Dmitry is perplexed (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Note edit.).


Nosov was most outraged by the behavior of Olga Buzova, who, according to the athlete, behaved inappropriately. “They started talking about plastic surgery, about who does their breasts, nose and other parts of the body, and all this with pictures, while Olga Buzova demonstrated clearly by putting breast implants under her dress, jumping with them around the studio and approaching the guest them into his hands. At some point, Olga Buzova forgot that she was on central television, it was clear that gatherings around the fire for several years had made themselves felt, where she had gone through fire, water and copper pipes, she felt her element here. Unfortunately, in my opinion, she cannot direct her popularity to convey the ideology of morality, due to its absence. The association of House 2 has already been formed about it. And this program turned into House 3,” said the judoka.


Dmitry admitted that he was shocked by what was happening on the show and the first thing he wanted to do after filming was take a shower. Nosov is upset that Channel One broadcasts such programs. “To be honest, I love Channel 1 dearly. I took part in different projects: Big races, Lord of the Mountain, etc., where we fought for the honor of Russia. In my opinion, Channel One is one of the main channels in our country. What are we seeing lately? There is an unfavorable trend that frightens me as a political and public figure. On the programs they discuss women's breasts, plump lips, etc. I have a question, what direction are we setting for society, what direction are we setting? to the younger generation? Where is the propaganda of human and family values? - Dmitry is perplexed.