Tatiana Tereshina and Slava Nikitin. Vyacheslav Nikitin: biography, television career and personal life. The singer published a sad message on her microblog, from which it follows that her relationship with her common-law husband and the father of her daughter has come to an end.

Former common-law spouses, singer Tanya Tereshina and TV presenter Slava Nikitin still cannot cool off towards each other. But, alas, the couple is not connected by warm feelings. The day before, the singer said that she was afraid for her life and health, because threats and insults were being poured into her address from ex-lover Nikitina. According to the artist, for a long time she did not want to publish personal correspondence with her ex-husband, fearing that their common daughter Aris would read it, but she simply did not have the strength to endure humiliation any longer. “You rotten homeless people, I will break your f*** and take your daughter! Shame on me that I lived with you, tearing up your f***!” - the TV presenter writes in personal messages to Tereshina.

I didn’t do anything bad to him and I don’t understand why he humiliates me like that. What nasty, vile words he says to me, how he insults me. We broke up a year ago, but kept in touch all this time because we are raising a common daughter. When Slava found out that I had a boyfriend, he immediately began writing nasty things, threats that he would hurt us. That he won’t allow my happiness and will take my daughter away,” Tatyana Tereshina shared.

Slava Nikitin himself in such unflattering messages addressed to his ex-wife sees nothing bad and considers them well deserved.

I never text her first. She still can’t cool down towards me, forget about me. He writes to me all the time, of course, sometimes I lose my temper. But in this situation I don’t feel guilty,” Nikitin said.

Let us remind you that Tanya Tereshina and Slava Nikitin divorced about a year ago, the artist herself announced this in in social networks. The couple has a two-year-old daughter, Aris. Currently, Tatyana has a new lover. Young man younger than the singer for 13 years, but this does not prevent the couple from being happy, going on holidays together and planning for the future.

Last week was marked by a major event. One of the brightest couples in show business, Tanya Tereshina and Slava Nikitin, announced the end of their relationship. For fans of this union, the news came as a real shock. After all, just recently Tereshina and Nikitin published joint photographs in which they looked quite happy, getting real pleasure from communicating with each other.

The ex-soloist of the Hi-Fi group and her chosen one, the VJ of the RU TV channel, were considered a very harmonious couple. Both are cheerful, open, lively, stylish. At all social events where Tatyana and Slava appeared, they instantly became the center of attention, infecting those around them with their positivity.

The future husband and wife met in 2011 at a party dedicated to the day the birth of the RU TV channel. Tanya was then attracted fiery dances Vyacheslav and his cheerful disposition. They immediately liked each other and after a while they were already dating. Tereshina is eight years older than Vyacheslav, but this circumstance never bothered them. Many of the singer’s acquaintances were surprised to learn that she was having an affair with an unknown and poor young man, because the recognized beauty was always surrounded by very wealthy fans. “The main thing is love, and the rest will follow,” the singer explained her choice in an interview. – It has always been important for me spiritual development person."

Slava and Tanya decided to live together, and in December 2013 they became parents. A girl named Aris is a small copy of her dad. It must be said that neither motherhood nor years, and Tereshina turned 36 in May, could turn Tanya into a kind of lady of strict rules. She is still daring and unpredictable, loves to change and cause provocations. Subscribers to the singer's microblog watched Tereshina posing without underwear, wearing only a jacket draped over her naked body. Then the reason for heated discussions on the Internet was the appearance of Tanya Tereshina at a party in a skirt with a thong print. And not so long ago she shocked the public by publishing a photo with her bare breasts. Slava Nikitin had nothing against his common-law wife’s love for such demarches. On the contrary, he supported them.

It seemed that these two understood each other perfectly and were far from any prejudices. While vacationing in Bali last winter, Tanya and Slava visited a magical place - the Git-git waterfall, around which there are a lot of legends and beliefs. For example, you cannot come to Git-Git in pairs. If lovers visit the waterfall together, they are destined to separate. But Tanya Tereshina was not afraid and, taking her beloved husband by the hand, she boldly went to the waterfall. “We don’t believe in omens, especially strangers,” the singer explained. “Love still conquers all!”

Or maybe it was in vain that Tereshina neglected superstition? Indeed, a few months after this trip, the union, which seemed indestructible, fell apart. The singer herself announced the breakup in the microblog, citing the extremely unrestrained temper of her daughter’s father as the reasons for the breakup. According to Tereshina, Nikitin could flare up at the slightest provocation, and neither the presence of a child nor his mother-in-law stopped him. Apparently offended by these accusations, Slava Nikitin wrote a very emotional post. He did not mention the name of his daughter's mother. But it was clear that we were talking specifically about Tereshina. The essence of Slava’s claims against his wife comes down to her reluctance to engage in homework and love to constantly come up with some tasks for my husband.

Fans are worried about their favorite couple, but so far they are still hopeful that everything will work out in the family of Tanya and Slava. After all, quarrels are, in general, a common thing. Especially when there are two such bright people nearby. By the way, this is not the first time there has been discord in star couple. Last summer, Tereshina and Nikitin already broke up, but then reunited again. “Tanya just screwed herself up. This happens to us once every six months, she then writes in her feed that we are breaking up,” Slava Nikitin explained then. - This is what I have emotional woman, that’s why I love her.”

Tanya Tereshina and Slava Nikitinperfect couple(as the fans thought), they are leaving. Tatyana herself reported this on her page on social networks. And, despite the fact that divorces of stars are commonplace, the separation of this couple was unexpected, because Tatyana’s frank communication on the Internet about her relationship with her husband did not foreshadow anything like this.

Five years ago, Tatyana Tereshina, who had already made a career as a model and singer, and Slava Nikitin, who was starting her journey in show business, met. Despite the age difference (Tanya is eight years older), their sympathy grew into serious feelings. Each of them came into show business without patronage or star relatives, but only thanks to determination and courage.

Tatyana Tereshina came to Moscow from Smolensk. By this time she had already received her education at the Institute of Arts. The dream of becoming a model brought her to the capital. She was able to present herself at the castings in such a way that they paid attention to her and offered her a contract. She really liked the catwalk show. Tatyana was able to achieve success in this field: contracts with famous modeling agencies, participation in shows in different countries Europe. Understanding that this profession has age restrictions forced me to look for myself in other areas. Tereshina connects his life with music. At first it was Hi-Fi group, then solo performances, recording albums and videos, recognition from the public and professionals.

The meeting with Slava Nikitin took place at a social event. Their acquaintance grew into a passionate romance. The artist’s circle had no doubt that the relationship would not last long. The noticeable age difference and the guy’s lack of promotion in show business, as well as the lack of financial security, indicated that he would not be able to take the place of Tatyana’s boyfriend. A simple guy who came to Moscow from distant Novosibirsk, with only higher education and participation in the KVN team, a VJ starting his career, of course, could not offer the singer either a higher status or greater financial opportunities.

But, to the surprise of her friends, Tanya announced that they were made for each other, that money had never come first for her, that the age difference made it possible to share responsibility and behave more wisely in difficult situations. family relationships. After two years of living together, Tatyana became pregnant. For the 34-year-old woman, there was no choice whether to keep the child or not. This became a long-awaited event. Slava hastened to propose to his chosen one and just in live at the award ceremony. However, before official marriage it never came, although the young people planned how to organize the celebration. At first, this event, according to Tanya, was postponed due to pregnancy, and then no one remembered it at all.

The lovers constantly talked about their wonderful relationship, appeared everywhere together, sent love messages to each other via the Internet, convincing fans that they were happy. But, apparently, not everything was so rosy, because after the birth of her daughter, the singer carefully hinted that their relationship was saved by the child.

But they continued to be a model family. Slava was babysitting his little daughter while the singer was recording an album. A two-week vacation in Bali with the whole family, where the couple rented two villas at once just because they couldn’t decide which one was better. It was decided to live on one, and then on the other for variety. Tanya and Slava were not afraid to go to the waterfall, a visit to which (according to local legend) will lead to separation of lovers. After returning from Indonesia, we bought a two-story mansion in the Moscow region, which we wanted to turn into a cozy family nest.

But nothing saved the family. Like a bolt from the blue, Tatyana’s message on social networks came that she could no longer live with her husband. Even more surprised by the reason for the separation. The woman claims that her husband’s incontinence in anger, aggressiveness, and inappropriate behavior in the presence of the child and Tatyana’s mother makes her fear for the lives of her loved ones. She unceremoniously calls Slava a psychopath. However, he does not explain the reasons for his anger. He also accuses Nikitin of not paying any attention to his daughter after the breakup. Even when he came to get his things, he pretended not to see the child, who happily ran up to him. At the same time, the singer rejects speculation about her husband’s infidelity, which began to spread in their environment. But in one of the singer’s messages the phrase was said that her husband left her.

Nikitin does not comment on his wife’s attacks, only once did he complain that it is difficult to live with a woman who gives orders all the time and is never satisfied.

Singer Tatyana Tereshina told her subscribers that decided to separate from her daughter's father. And although the couple’s fans are in no hurry to take the position of one of the parties, it is obvious that this is not an impulsive statement, but a deliberate act.

Having lived for more than four years and having given birth to a child together, the couple were unable to “get used to it.” Tanya points out that the main reason for the discord is the unbearable character of the chosen one.. She does not hesitate to directly call him a psychopath, unbalanced and very aggressive, not only towards her, but also towards the baby and the star’s mother.

Such unrestrained behavior cannot be explained by any circumstances, since it is systematic. To protect loved ones from the terror of a once loved one, there is only one way - to part with him.

She asked Slava not to bother her and not to speculate on the current situation, as this would not change anything.

Nikitin did not comment on his wife’s statement. He only complained that women do not know how to appreciate the attention and care of men.

Not all fans found this ending unexpected. The almost ten-year age difference, in their opinion, could not but affect the couple’s relationship. Although the woman is in excellent shape, they still look together like an adult son and a well-preserved mother.

It is quite possible that his irritability is due to the fact that his hobby has passed, and common life interests have not appeared.

I must say that scandals in their family are not uncommon and were never kept secret. More than once stormy explanations ended in reconciliation.

So, a few months after the breakup, the paparazzi took pictures in which ex-spouses together and looking happy.

Perhaps they really decided to reunite. But most likely the couple maintains a relationship for the sake of their little daughter Aris.

36-year-old singer Tanya Tereshina decided to break up with 28-year-old TV presenter Slava Nikitin.

Tereshina announced this on her Instagram, explaining her decision by Nikitin’s “psychopathy,” “imbalance,” and “extreme aggressiveness.”

“He is psychopathic, unbalanced, extremely aggressive, it’s even embarrassing to write how much! He is not at all stopped by the presence of a child nearby, an elderly person in the person of my mother and, of course, a once “beloved” woman. I’m just afraid for the health of my loved ones, including myself. I Many times I forgave a person for his terribly unrestrained behavior, but I ran out of patience,” said Tanya Tereshina.

"Unfortunately, people sometimes break up. I adult woman and my priorities are correct. For me, the most important thing is that my child is healthy, for his sake I live first and foremost, and in the current family situation, my daughter can get stressed because of her father’s dissolute behavior. This is my choice and my decision,” the singer added.

In addition, Tereshina appealed to Nikitin to behave in this situation with dignity and not to speculate on this topic.

Let us recall that the Tereshina-Nikitin couple lived together for four and a half years. They have a daughter, Aris.

Most recently, at the anniversary of the general director of the MUZ-TV channel Arman Davletyarov, they were seen together and, it seemed, nothing foreshadowed a breakup.