Rituals for an adult woman's career development. For a salary increase and a monetary position. Spell on a scarf

You are looking for a job, you are being forced out of work, you cannot find a job, you want to move up career ladder, you are going for an interview, you cannot wait for the long-awaited salary increase, then perhaps you will find here exactly what you need to successfully resolve your situation. Proven conspiracies that work 100 percent.

Conspiracy on icons Holy Mother of God and Christ the Savior, to find a good job

In the church, buy an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior, two thick ones church candles and collect holy water from the church. Before going to bed, place an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior on the table, place candles in front of the icons, light them, and between the candles place a ceramic cup, maybe a clay cup with holy water from the church. Cross the water three times and say:

After this, drink three sips of holy water, and wash yourself with what remains. This job search ritual should be done for three days in a row.

Spell for a piece of incense and a candle

In church, take a small piece of incense and a candle. Closer to midnight, take a sheet of white paper, turn off the light, light a candle, put incense on the paper and read the plot:

After reading the plot, wrap the incense in paper and carry it with you for nine days in a row. After nine days, burn the paper with incense so that the smoke from the paper goes out the window.

This ritual is performed on the first night of the waxing moon.

Take a ceramic or clay bowl, put a couple of bay leaves in it (you can add sulfur from matches). Take a green candle, on the top of the candle, use a knife to cut out the name of the job you would like to get a job for, and under this name, cut an arrow with the point down. Below the arrow, cut out a dollar or euro sign. Under the dollar or euro sign, cut out another arrow pointing down and write your name underneath it. Anoint this candle well with pine oil or bergamot oil. Concentrate your thoughts on exactly the job you would like to have. Take a small piece of white paper and write down the amount you would like to earn (within reason). Then place a piece of paper under your candle (it should be placed under the candle). Light your candle, look continuously at the flame for a couple of minutes, concentrate on your job, which you would like to have, get it. Then say:

Let the candle burn out completely, burn a piece of paper in a clay plate where you burned bay leaves. Wrap the remainder of the candle, the wick from the candle, the ashes from the plate in a small bill and always carry it with you as a talisman. The best day to look for a job will be Wednesday.

Spells for a successful interview

Before you go for an interview, and you want this interview to end in your favor, use these conspiracies.

Plot before going for an interview

Take a pinch of salt and pour it into left palm, cross yourself three times with your right hand, and say three times:

Repeat the spell during baptism with your right hand. Then pour salt into your shoes and go to the interview. Read before going to the interview.

A conspiracy to accept a positive result when applying for a job

Before you get ready to go get a job, tie a knot in a thread with the words:

Tie three knots, and as you tie each knot, recite the spell. Place the thread on the threshold of your house, close the door, cross the threshold (just don’t step on it), and go get a job.

Before leaving home, when you go to get a job, you need to kiss a loaf of bread and say:

To avoid being rejected at work

Lying in bed, before going to bed, take off your pectoral cross and cross yourself with your cross 3 times and read the spell three times:

Charms and spells for a new job

These conspiracies will help you settle down in your new job.

After you have been hired, go to church and light a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ.

Amulet for work

Pinch off a piece of birch bark from the birch trunk with your left hand so that there is more white, and at sunrise, speak into the birch bark seven times:

Wrap the birch bark in cloth and let it always be at your place of work.

Conspiracy at a new job

Before the first day of work, at sunrise, bow to the east, then to the west, then to the south and north and say:

Amulet for work

Write it on a piece of paper and carry it with you always.

Conspiracies that will help with ill-wishers at work, so that you don’t get fired from work and if you survive from work

If you are trying to survive from work, you are treated with prejudice, if you are threatened with dismissal, these conspiracies will help you stay in your job and find mutual language with your colleagues.

Conspiracy if they survive from work

You need to come to work earlier than other employees, go to the toilet and say:

Conspiracy to avoid getting fired from your job

Go to the threshold of your boss's office, raise your right hand and say:

Conspiracy against ill-wishers at your work

On Wednesday, buy a glass of honey; you should not bargain with the seller. On the first day of the new moon, stir honey in a glass of warm water and say:

Wash your face with this water for 12 days.

Conspiracy against envy at work (envious people)

Before going to work, sit down at the table, put your hand on the table (up to the hand) and say:

A conspiracy to find a common language with your colleagues

Prepare the pie; when you cook, read the plot three times:

Treat all employees.

Conspiracy for honor and respect in your team

On Easter, in the morning, dry yourself with a towel and say:

After reading, put this towel on the table, eat a piece of Easter cake and a colored egg on the towel. The next day, you need to bring this towel to your work and wipe your workplace.

A conspiracy to prevent your boss from picking on you

Say to your boss’s back:

Conspiracy if you are afraid of your boss

Before entering the boss's office, say:

Conspiracy for promotion at work

These conspiracies will help you climb the career ladder.

Conspiracy to get promoted at work

Before talking about promotion, read:

Spells, amulets and rituals for work and career
You are looking for a job, you are being fired from work, you cannot find a job, you want to climb the career ladder, you are going for an interview, you just can’t wait for the long-awaited salary increase, then perhaps you will find here exactly what you need for successful resolution of your situation.

Spells for finding a job

Conspiracy on the icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Christ the Savior, to find a good job

In the church, buy an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior, two thick church candles and collect holy water in the church. Before going to bed, place an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior on the table, place candles in front of the icons, light them, and between the candles place a ceramic cup, maybe a clay cup with holy water from the church. Cross the water three times and say:

After this, drink three sips of holy water, and wash yourself with what remains. This job search ritual should be done for three days in a row.

Spell for a piece of incense and a candle

In church, take a small piece of incense and a candle. Closer to midnight, take a sheet of white paper, turn off the light, light a candle, put incense on the paper and read the plot:

After reading the plot, wrap the incense in paper and carry it with you for nine days in a row. After nine days, burn the paper with incense so that the smoke from the paper goes out the window.

Ritual for finding the right job

This ritual is performed on the first night of the waxing moon.
Take a ceramic or clay bowl, put a couple of bay leaves in it (you can add sulfur from matches). Take a green candle, on the top of the candle, use a knife to cut out the name of the job you would like to get a job for, and under this name, cut an arrow with the point down. Below the arrow, cut out a dollar or euro sign. Under the dollar or euro sign, cut out another arrow pointing down and write your name underneath it. Anoint this candle well with pine oil or bergamot oil. Concentrate your thoughts on exactly the job you would like to have. Take a small piece of white paper and write down the amount you would like to earn (within reason). Then place a piece of paper under your candle (it should be placed under the candle). Light your candle, look continuously at the flame for a couple of minutes, concentrate on your job, which you would like to have, get it. Then say:

Let the candle burn out completely, burn a piece of paper in a clay plate where you burned the bay leaves. Wrap the remainder of the candle, the wick from the candle, the ashes from the plate in a small bill and always carry it with you as a talisman. The best day to look for a job will be Wednesday.

Spells for a successful interview

Before you go for an interview, and you want this interview to end in your favor, use these conspiracies.
Plot before going for an interview
Take a pinch of salt, pour it into your left palm, cross yourself three times with your right hand, and say three times:

Repeat the spell during baptism with your right hand. Then pour salt into your shoes and go to the interview. Read before going to the interview.

A conspiracy to accept a positive result when applying for a job

Before you get ready to go get a job, tie a knot in a thread with the words:

Tie three knots, and as you tie each knot, recite the spell. Place the thread on the threshold of your house, close the door, cross the threshold (just don’t step on it), and go get a job.

Read this plot three times before going to work:

Conspiracy for hiring

Conspiracy for hiring

Before leaving home, when you go to get a job, you need to kiss a loaf of bread and say:

To avoid being rejected at work

Lying in bed, before going to bed, take off your pectoral cross and cross yourself with your cross 3 times and read the spell three times:

Charms and spells for a new job

These conspiracies will help you settle down in your new job.

After you have been hired, go to church and light a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ.

Amulet for work

With your left hand, pinch off a piece of birch bark from the birch trunk so that there is more white color, and at sunrise, speak into the birch bark seven times:

Wrap the birch bark in cloth and let it always be at your place of work.

Conspiracy at a new job

Before the first day of work, at sunrise, bow to the east, then to the west, then to the south and north and say:

Amulet for work

Write it on a piece of paper and carry it with you always.

Conspiracies that will help with ill-wishers at work, so that you don’t get fired from work and if you survive from work

If you are trying to survive from work, you are treated with prejudice, if you are in danger of being fired, these conspiracies will help you stay in your job and find a common language with your colleagues.

Conspiracy if they survive from work

You need to come to work earlier than other employees, go to the toilet and say:

Conspiracy to avoid getting fired from your job

Go to the threshold of your boss’s office, raise your right hand and say:

Conspiracy against ill-wishers at your work

On Wednesday, buy a glass of honey; you should not bargain with the seller. On the first day of the new moon, stir honey in a glass of warm water and say:

Wash your face with this water for 12 days.

Conspiracy against envy at work (envious people)

Before going to work, sit down at the table, put your hand on the table (up to the hand) and say:

A conspiracy to find a common language with your colleagues

Prepare the pie; when you cook, read the plot three times:

Treat all employees.

Conspiracy for honor and respect in your team

On Easter, in the morning, dry yourself with a towel and say:

After reading, put this towel on the table, eat a piece of Easter cake and a colored egg on the towel. The next day, you need to bring this towel to your work and wipe down your work area.

A conspiracy to prevent your boss from picking on you

Say to your boss’s back:

Conspiracy if you are afraid of your boss

Before entering the boss's office, say:

Conspiracy for promotion at work

These conspiracies will help you climb the career ladder.

Conspiracy to get promoted at work

Before talking about promotion, read:

To move up the career ladder, sometimes all you need is luck. And sometimes it’s not so easy to attract her, especially if your colleagues use not very honest methods to build their careers. Magic will help you in this trouble.

If you are sure that someone is aiming for your place, write his name 9 times on paper, cross out each word three times, saying with each crossing out: “With a triple sign, a triple law, I restrain you and imprison you in the chains of deeds and thoughts. Let it be so". Roll the leaf into a tube and place it in glass bottle, pour vinegar, seal the bottle well, and throw it in a deserted place.

If you want to speed up your expected promotion, you can try making a “career love spell” yourself. But sometimes the situation develops in such a way that you know that the boss decides who exactly to give new position– you or another employee (and in this case you will have to be fired), do not engage in “self-medication”, it is better to trust an experienced magician. If the issue is less serious, you can try to “conjure” yourself.

So, you will need cinnamon powder, a small piece of sunstone, a sharp knife, a gold and white candle, neroli oil, 2 tsp. olive or almond oil, peppermint and mixing container (empty bottle).

Add a few drops of neroli oil to the olive (almond) oil and mix them (just roll the bottle between your palms). Imagine that the oil mixture is filled with powerful forces that do good. When you feel ready, take a white candle, light it, and spend a few minutes thinking about your upcoming career advancement.

Take a ballin and use it to cut out the number “7” on a gold candle, then treat the number with a mixture of oils from the bottle. If you want this spell to help you, keep the oil mixture in front of you. Stand in front of the altar (a table can serve as an altar), light a candle and say: “I ask you to change my life and make it much better! May new opportunities open up for me today. On this great and wonderful day I will rise above my former position. Thank you, my great Creator, for your support and favor! According to my word, so be it!” While the candles are burning, think that you have already had an opportunity for promotion, you have successfully used it and received enormous benefits. Magic ritual can be considered completed only after the candles burn to the ground. To enhance the ritual and get even more benefits, take 7 gold candles and light one on each subsequent day.

Remember, by performing independent magical actions you can harm yourself, so it is better to seek help from a practicing sorcerer.

A good job is a sign of prestige, a source of wealth and simply a goal for millions of people. In a crisis, skills, experience and charisma are not enough if the applicant does not have luck on the side, which a conspiracy to get a job will help attract. Trying to make your life more comfortable and your wallet fuller, you should not shun magic, because it can become a significant help in your life and career.

Good work is a sign of prestige and wealth

Find and get Good work It’s not easy, especially for yesterday’s university graduates, or for older applicants with strong experience and age behind them. A job plot can be yours best friend, if you, in turn, respect both the ritual and its rules:

  1. A prayer designed to help you find a new place will be effective if you check with lunar cycle. The waning moon is a symbol of loss and deliverance; reading a conspiracy at this time is tantamount to depriving yourself of the opportunity to increase your earnings. Another thing is the growing month, symbolizing acquisition, increase. The waxing moon will help you get the job you want.
  2. The spell to get hired works great on Saturdays (this day is chosen for the magic of changing fate). If you are not interested in finding a job, but want a salary increase, career growth, conspiracies are suitable for work, but perform rituals on Wednesdays (the day responsible for material well-being).
  3. Doubts about your abilities (both magical and professional), about the effectiveness of the chosen ritual, nullify all your efforts and not a single conspiracy that helps you find a job will work. The prayer is read in a confident tone, with complete faith in oneself.
  4. Do not reveal the secrets of the ritual even to your closest people. Prayer does not like publicity, magic does not like publicity. You need to talk alone.
  5. For magic to help you get a desired job, or help you avoid being fired, follow the given instructions exactly and do not make adjustments to rituals and conspiracies.

The job search will be easier, you will be able to find “your” place that you dream of. Besides, career conspiracies useful not only for those who are looking for work, but also for those who want to grow professionally or increase their income.

Conspiracies will also help you climb the career ladder

So that work finds you

The initial step when you are looking for a good job is to search for interesting vacancies. A simple conspiracy will help you find your career place, which you need to read 3 times before going to bed:

Spirits of the saints, spirits of the righteous, I ask for your support and observation. I am conducting an important search, so that what suits me, what I want, does not flash past my gaze. Your strength and my efforts will give recognition, income and peace of mind. Amen.

In the next section you will find strong conspiracy from the famous Vanga, helping to overcome anxiety and attract good luck at an interview, find the desired job and the luck you need.

Successful interview

One of the brightest magical figures of our time is Vanga, whose recipes and predictions are still sold in thousands of copies - it’s not for nothing that Vanga’s skills in magic bring real results. The search for wealth has been relevant at all times, so Vanga also has several conspiracies that help you cross the threshold of poverty and find your dream job. You have found several vacancies, interviews have been scheduled for you - an exciting procedure when, like in a market, employers evaluate you and try you on for their company. Use Vanga’s advice so that this stage is completed perfectly, and your job search does not drag on.

Early in the morning, stand by the window, watching the day emerging, say:

I am endowed with youth and skill, I attract and restore luck. I want to find what I'm looking for. The owners smile at me and try to pick me up. There are no barriers to my desires - my work is valued and paid in hard cash. My curse is strong and cannot be broken. Amen.

According to Vanga, it is recommended to read this conspiracy immediately before the interview, as well as during the time while the employer is making a decision. When they call you asking you to leave new job, bow to all cardinal directions, light a candle in front of the icon, remember kind words Vanga's name.

Career success

Finding a job is half the journey, staying in it, earning the love of colleagues and superiors, this is where the main difficulty lies. The proposed conspiracy is no worse than the ritual from Vanga; it is best to use it in combination: after getting a good job, use it too. The prayer is read daily in the evening:

My prayer to you, O God, help people please, please the owners. I follow the path of labor without stumbling, without making mistakes, without getting angry. The consequences of mistakes avoid me, no one creates obstacles, my work is easy. Amen!

Like Vanga’s conspiracy, this ritual is aimed at facilitating the path up the career ladder, but you must remember that using rituals for evil leads to disastrous consequences that will affect you. A quick dismissal and a long job search in the future are also possible.

Fast career

Another recipe that works well in conjunction with Vanga’s spell. If you dream and see yourself jumping up the career ladder at incredible speed, use a prayer that gives the green light to leadership positions.


  • Holy water;
  • a new handkerchief;
  • 7 identical coins;
  • a handful of millet in cereals;
  • a secluded place where you can find a good, old birch tree.

Wake up early in the morning, wait for the traders at the bazaar to start working and buy a handkerchief from them. When purchasing, use a good, nice looking bill and don't take change. You need to wrap coins and millet in a scarf, go to a marked place in the evening and bury the scarf with its contents deeper.

Start reading the “Our Father” prayer, then say the conspiracy itself:

In the name of the Holy Spirit! Forest dwellers work from morning to night, just like I, servant of God (name). Let everyone see the consequences of my labors, celebrate and reward them according to their deserts. As my merits are noted, I will try harder to rise higher, for the glory of the Almighty. The truth is in my words. Amen!

Finding a job is a stressful situation for the vast majority, but when you have magic on your side, finding a place where you will enjoy working, where your income will satisfy you, is easy. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and pursue only bright goals, then luck will accompany you.

Dissatisfaction with the level of pay is typical for most people. Conscientious work, in the opinion of many bosses, is not a sufficient reason for raising pay or issuing bonuses. A conspiracy to increase wages can correct the situation.

You will need:

  • three bills of different denominations;
  • needle;
  • pencil.

You need to set aside five to ten minutes, during which no one can interfere with the performance of magical actions. You should lay out the bills in front of you and imagine how their number increases every month. It is important to feel the joy and contentment that will accompany income growth. It is necessary to write on each money the desired size wages, then carefully pierce all the bills with a needle.

The ritual ends with the reading of the plot:

For a few seconds after speaking the words, you just need to sit in silence. The charmed bills should be divided: hide the first one in your workplace, put the second one in your wallet, place the third one under the rug. front door Houses. The ritual will work after three months. During this time, it is possible that the responsibilities that will be assigned to the sorcerer will increase: this is a good sign indicating the beginning of a restructuring of the person’s financial matrix. Gradually, the workload level will begin to decrease, and wages, on the contrary, will increase to the desired amount.

Conspiracy to get a promotion

Long-term work in the same company implies the employee's hopes for career. But often ambitions remain unfulfilled. If for some reason the desired position is out of reach, you can read a special conspiracy for promotion. The ritual is carried out exclusively in the workplace.

It requires:

  • paper clip;
  • green thread;
  • own hair.

It is necessary to make sure that none of the colleagues will interfere with the ceremony. You should wrap a hair clip around a paperclip with the words: “I conjure myself, I condemn myself to success.”

“Just as it is impossible to stop the growth of a tree, I have no obstacles on my chosen road. The sun will not have time to rise thirteen times in the sky, and I will take (job title). My work will be rightfully appreciated, I will achieve my goals, I will surpass my rivals.”

The spell is cast either out loud or mentally - this does not play a special role. After pronouncing the plot, you need to hang a paper clip on a thread and hide it in your desk or in your work things. The ritual will take effect for two weeks, unless the company has a position to which an employee can be promoted. Otherwise, you will have to wait: for example, someone will be fired or a new branch will open, and the sorcerer will be offered a more interesting and highly paid position.

Conspiracy to favor the boss

A person who knows how to find a common language with management has an easier time moving up the career ladder. They forgive him some shortcomings, more often offer him interesting business trips, and willingly let him go on personal matters...

You can achieve mutual understanding with your superiors using a simple ritual. It is necessary to prepare the following items:

  • own photo;
  • paper;
  • small mirror;
  • pencil;
  • matches.

The ritual is performed at home. You need to place the photo face up and cover it with a sheet of paper. You should write on it positive features, which seem most important in the eyes of the boss. For example, a director may value employees who stay late after work hours. In this case, it is recommended to indicate on paper - “works for a long time”, “conscientious”, “exceeds responsibilities”, etc. You can list any number positive qualities. The main thing is that they are all in third person.

Then you need to place a mirror with the reflective surface down on the written sheet. After three days, it is recommended to burn the paper, and carefully collect the ashes and bring them to work. It needs to be dispersed around the boss: sprinkled under the carpet in his office, in flower pots, in desk drawers, etc. Naturally, the invisibility of such events is extremely important.

A month after completing all the actions, the favor of management will noticeably increase, and relations will become consistently good. This does not mean that you can stop working efficiently, but it will be noticeably easier to work.

Conspiracy for good relations with colleagues

Making friends with colleagues isn't necessarily fun, but it's always useful. A friend's shoulder is useful in many situations, for example, when you need to hide a delay, help with completing a project, suggest contacts the right person... If you naturally establish a good relationship It didn’t work out with the team, you should turn to magic techniques. For the ceremony you will need:

  • seven feathers of any origin;
  • white candle;

At home you need to lock yourself in a room and open the window in it. Use a knife to make a horizontal cut on a lit candle and read the spell:

“Two swans-friends flew across the sky, magpies sat on a tree, chirped like nightingales, cooed like sparrows. Just as the birds were friendly, I will get along with my colleagues, I will find a common language, I will not offend anyone and I will not allow myself to be offended.”

Feathers must be carefully brought to the flame, making sure that they do not catch fire. During the day, it is advisable to take them to work and hide them there, Special attention devoting “habits” to unfriendly colleagues. After a couple of weeks, the situation will normalize and communication will become easy and relaxed.

Career success is achievable for anyone who is willing to put in a little effort. And not necessarily labor ones - it’s enough to use magical spells.