How to correctly tell fortunes using candles and wax. Fortune telling on a church candle

The magic of wax, candles and spells Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

Candle fortune telling for love

Candle fortune telling for love

In this chapter of the book we will talk to you about a question that probably interests many of you - how to tell fortunes on a candle for love? How to recognize the image of your betrothed, how to know who to choose if there are two contenders for your hand and heart? How to find out if you are getting married soon? And how do you know if you are destined to be together? Surely, these questions concern many of you. Therefore, in this chapter of the book we will look at five ways to tell fortunes on a candle for love.

The main thing in such fortune-telling is to carry out the ritual correctly and just focus on the question that interests you, and then the flame of a burning candle will lift the veil of your future for you and give you the answer to your question.

Method 1

For the first method of fortune telling with a candle for love, you will need a flat saucer and a candle. First you will need to pour water into a saucer and light a candle. Focus on the name of your chosen one or chosen one, and begin to drip melted wax from the candle into the water on the saucer.

When you stop dripping wax, you will need to wait until the wax in the water hardens. When the wax hardens in water, look at the shape it takes. The wax can take a completely different form, but if it takes the form of a wreath, then this is an omen that marriage will soon await you.

Method 2

In order to carry out the second method of fortune telling, you will need two wax candles. Please pay special attention that one of the candles must be white. In this type of fortune telling, the white candle will represent your chosen one, and the second candle will represent you.

First you will need to light the candle that represents you. Pay attention to how this candle will burn. If wax begins to drip from one edge of this candle, then this indicates that, most likely, you are a very impressionable person.

Thus, after watching a little how your candle burns, you will need to light a second candle, the one that is white and which represents your partner in this fortune-telling.

Now watch how his candle burns. If wax also began to drip from one edge of his candle, just like yours, then most likely yours will be very harmonious.

And if his candle burns quietly and without a crackle, then this tells you that you will live a calm and even life together, without loud scandals.

Method 3

And this method of fortune telling for love is suitable for those who have two candidates for their hand and heart, and at the same time you are experiencing great difficulty in choosing.

For this type of fortune telling you will need three wax candles. One of these candles will represent you, and the other two, therefore, will represent candidates for your hand and heart.

To perform this fortune telling, you will need to place your candle between the candidates' candles. Light the candles at the same time.

Focus on your question and watch your candle burn. If your candle very soon began to melt, while leaning towards one of the contenders, then, as you probably already guessed, it is your real betrothed.

But if your candle burns evenly, then for now it’s better for you not to rush into your choice.

Method 4

To carry out this method of fortune telling, you will need two candles and two mirrors.

For this fortune telling, it does not matter what size the mirrors will be, but it is very important to place or hang them in such a way that they are opposite each other, and at the same time multiply the reflections, creating the so-called “corridor”. As for the candles, you need to install them on the sides of the mirrors.

At midnight you will need to light the candles. When you light the candles, begin to peer closely into the corridor formed in the mirrors to see the image of your betrothed there.

Method 5

For this method of fortune telling, you will need a small sheet of paper and a wax candle.

Light a candle and write the name of your loved one on a piece of paper. Next, burn the sheet with the name written on it in the flame of a candle.

While the paper is burning, you will need to focus and ask if you and this person are destined to be together. When the paper burns out, collect the ashes formed from it, and at midnight pour it into your palm.

Then, go to the open window and put your hand with the ashes out. If he immediately rises into the air and flies away, then this means that you and the person whose name was written on the piece of paper are not destined to be together. But if the ashes remain in your palm, it means that you will not part.

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Classic Russian fortune telling with a candle is rich in Slavic traditions and have always been popular among Russian girls. By personally fortune telling for yourself or the future with a candle, you will receive the most accurate information from fortune telling.

1. Fortune Telling WITH A CANDLE AND SAUCER.

This fortune telling is quite simple, but the answers obtained with its help are quite correct. This fortune telling with a candle is used when a difficult situation arises that is difficult to get an answer to using Tarot or another type of fortune telling.

Working with a saucer is quite interesting. This is a kind of pendulum of the astral world and there are no restrictions on the use of this “device”. Fortune telling advises taking an ordinary, fairly flat saucer, as when used in a safe conduct, as well as a wax candle. Without reading a prayer, silently, with a burning candle, the symbol of an eight-pointed star is drawn on the saucer. The thinner the candle that stands on the central area, the more accurate information you will receive from fortune telling due to the potentially high sensitivity of the candle. The figure is drawn clockwise, then four drops of wax are placed in the center and a lit candle is placed. When asking a question when fortune telling with candles, you need to look at the base of the candle. The answers are obtained as in diagnostics, that is, by the crackling and smoking of a candle. After fortune telling, the candle is removed, the saucer is washed in hot water to remove wax. With a new fortune-telling, the procedure is repeated anew.


With the help of a candle, you can diagnose yourself, but not every day is suitable for this. You can diagnose yourself on any full moon, in the week between Christmas and Epiphany, in the week before Easter, in the week after Trinity, from June 22 to July 7 (on these days the Sun passes through the first half zodiac sign Cancer), two weeks before the Assumption (from August 14 to 28) and in the week after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (from September 21 to 28).
Fortune telling with a candle is as follows: at astronomical midnight (from one to two in the morning if the country is in “winter” time, and from two to three if it is “summer”), cover the table with a clean white tablecloth without a pattern (in extreme cases, a clean sheet ) and place a candle on a wooden stand on the table. Sit so that the fortune telling candle is at a distance of 25-30 cm from your eyes. Light it and watch the flame carefully for five minutes. Then note its appearance.
What does this fortune telling mean? A quiet, weak, but even flame means in the near future a quiet, calm life without worries and failures. A dim flame signifies an evil eye for good luck. A bright flame with a wink means a better life, and a very bright flame with a crackling sign means damage of any kind that has not yet had time to manifest itself.
Fortune telling also recommends paying attention to the color of the flame. Yellow is joy, yellow-red is profit, but smoky is damage, of any kind.
Look where the wax floats. If during fortune telling the candle floats smoothly in all directions, then nothing remarkable is expected in the near future. If it comes to you, fortune-telling sees luck in money or love. From you - damage or the evil eye on family happiness (for unmarried people - damage called the “crown of celibacy”). Moreover, in case of damage, the candle itself will bend while burning, but during the evil eye it will remain straight. If the candle floats to the right - to a profitable job, and to the left - perhaps this is an evil eye that will lead to failure in money matters.

Fortune telling with a candle and paper.

A candle flame can be materialized on paper to tell fortunes. To do this, take a white sheet of paper and move it over a lit candle so that dark symbols are imprinted on the paper. This fortune telling operation with a candle can be performed several times. You may end up with concentric circles, starfish, wavy lines, and fantastic plants and animals. You can ask fortune telling a variety of questions. For example: What should I expect from a date? What are my chances in finding a job? Should you take a trip to visit? Fortune telling will answer.
Concentric circles mean change, turning in better side. But do not rely entirely on chance; changes must come from your initiative and enterprise. Don't be afraid of new things! Stars in fortune telling symbolize joy, positive emotions. The distant will seem close, and the unrealizable will seem real. Any of your actions will be regarded as adequate to the plan and purpose. Wavy lines indicate that the implementation of the plan is postponed indefinitely. So says fortune telling with a candle, but don’t let doubts take over you. Embrace a proactive approach to life. The image of fantastic plants and animals means that you can completely break away from real life. Your separation is fraught with financial problems. Try doing something specific.


For this fortune telling, you need to take 6-8 candles, arrange them in a semicircle and light them. Focus your gaze on one point of the flame and stare until you see a face, a circle, numbers. With such fortune-telling, you need to look at the candle for a long time. It is possible that you will not see anything the first time. In general, pay more attention not to what you see, but to the feelings or emotions that appear when fortune telling with a candle, at least at the level of like or dislike. A kind face can mean your early engagement. The appearance of a Circle during fortune telling symbolizes the fate of your family and friends. Their condition may improve. The numbers you see answer questions like “How many children (or husbands) will I have?” or "When will I get married?" IN the latter case the number means month.

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The meaning of the figures is the basic knowledge necessary to obtain a truthful result in fortune telling by candles. Once you can easily understand the interpretation of the resulting patterns, you will be able to make truly accurate predictions. important events in your life, as well as in the fate of any person who turns to you.

In the article:

Fortune telling by candles - the meaning of abstract figures

This article contains the meanings of figures that may be useful in candle or wax divination. It is much more convenient to print them out and keep them on hand while predicting the future. After you pour the melted wax into the water, begin to interpret the figure that you have created.

A straight line indicates that you will soon be working on a new project. Perhaps this is work-related, or maybe you will take up a new hobby. True, how successful your activity will be cannot be determined by this figure, but you can tell fortunes on cards or use other methods.

If you got a lot small dots, this portends you profit, success in finance. Moreover, the more points, the more money you will receive.

One circle hints that you are too focused on one issue. Sometimes this figure means stability, the absence of any changes. Elongated egg-shaped circles indicate new ideas or dreams; you may have to make an effort to realize them, but your ideas are worth it.

Sometimes letters or numbers appear instead of wax figures. Here the interpretation will depend on the question you asked the candle during fortune telling. They can indicate names and predict the approximate time of the event you need.

Fortune telling by candles - deciphering the figures of living beings

When fortune telling by candles, deciphering the figures is very important. If you correctly interpret what the wax is telling you, you will be able to find out your future. Here you can familiarize yourself with the generally accepted interpretations of wax figures. But there is also an intuitive approach to deciphering wax predictions, which you can learn about in the corresponding article.

Caterpillar, worm - beware of frivolity, especially in relation to close relatives.

Hedgehog, porcupine - problems because of your character, which is as prickly as the quills of these animals. You need to learn to be kinder to people.

Snake - enemies, illnesses, rivals in love affairs. However, the snake can also symbolize temptation, which is better not to succumb to. Sometimes a snake is interpreted as an approaching danger.

  • Cat - you cannot rely on your friends or the person you are fortune-telling.
  • Chicken - a favorable and calm life, marriage, pregnancy, cozy life.
  • Swan, duck - good news, happiness in your personal life, good luck.

Spider - your enemies use some kind of trick, and you will have to think for a long time how to get around this trap. Sometimes a spider means gossip, as well as dependence on something.

Ghost - news from the past or people you haven’t seen for a long time.

Fish - favorable circumstances, comfort and pleasure achieved success. But this prediction is true, if such a figure appears when divining for a new place of residence, then it means that the new housing will be better than you expect. In all other cases, fish means silence, which will negatively affect you. Try to remember what you left out and who might be offended by it. Sometimes this is not silence, but betrayal on your part, and fish can also be advice to keep everything secret.

  • Elephant - wisdom, sometimes expectation. Perhaps you shouldn’t get into trouble, but rather wait and not waste your nerves.
  • Dog - good friends, their help. Perhaps you will find companions and handle the matter together.
  • Owl - difficulties, failures, illnesses.
  • - V difficult situations always hope for help from above, ask - and they will help you. Your faith will open any door for you.
  • - there will be a good time for reconciliation or to show the other person your good attitude to him.
  • Dragon - the situation you are predicting will require significant effort from you. If you can boast of willpower, you can easily cope with it.
  • A woman's silhouette is either a rival or a friend. In order to understand exactly what to expect in your situation, you can try to find out details about this person through other fortune telling. Perhaps it will suit you. But if a man is telling fortunes, a woman’s silhouette can be interpreted as a friend or lover.
  • Man - if a woman is telling fortunes, then a man means a friend, admirer or groom. If a man is guessing, then a male silhouette can mean both a friend and a rival or competitor.
  • Child - the silhouette of a small child predicts new projects and activities for you. Perhaps you will develop a new hobby. Sometimes pregnant women or those who are expecting pregnancy soon get this figure.

Fortune telling by candles - interpretation of inanimate objects

Arch - soon your life will become more eventful and interesting. Many adventures and unexpected plot twists await you. A new stage in life is necessary for you, you will learn a lot, despite the fact that both good and bad events will happen in your life.

Tower - a wedding or meeting a future husband or wife. Sometimes the tower symbolizes imprisonment, perhaps you will be bound by obligations and lack of time in the near future.

Fan, fan - frivolity will lead you to difficult events. You could lose your job, have a serious fight with your relatives, or destroy your family.

Wreath - for a man, a wreath means a meeting with his future wife. For a woman, a wreath symbolizes a happy girlhood, so perhaps marriage will not happen soon, but the rest of the joys of life are still available to you.

  • Rope and threads are problems.

Branches - if they are directed upwards, joy, success and happiness await you. If the branches hang down, for example, like a willow tree, this promises disappointment and sadness.

Eye - you are in sight of enemies. They are trying to watch you. Perhaps you have new ill-wishers. Or maybe the ones you already have will try to harm you. Another interpretation of wax eyes is deception or your reluctance to notice obvious things.

  • Mushroom - pleasant surprises.

House, building - if the building looks like a government agency, problems await you. If it looks cozy and like an ordinary house, such a figure foreshadows the coming good period in life. Unmarried people are facing marriage, and when fortune telling for a trip or trip - either failure, or leaving for a very long time, changing home. Sometimes figures in the form of houses appear when moving or buying your own home.

  • Stars, moon, sun - luck, success.
  • A book is a new stage in life, most likely associated with gaining knowledge or experience.
  • The cross is very bad sign, a whole series of problems await you. But if you cope with them, something good awaits you.
  • Ring - marriage, love or meeting your future spouse.
  • Crown - success.
  • Ladder - advancement in a certain industry, achieving success, most likely, this means work.
  • Mill - gossip.
  • Knife - quarrel, breakup, betrayal, betrayal.

Clouds, clouds - doubts, problems. Like the figure itself, its prediction cannot be called clear. Sometimes clouds symbolize a hidden future, the absence of any interpretation at all.

  • Glasses, binoculars - reconsider your attitude to the situation; perhaps you yourself do not want to notice that its solution is in front of your nose.
  • The loop means great difficulties, most often associated with debts and financial situation.

Fruits and leaves - material success, abundance and prosperity. When fortune telling for love it has good value- they love you, they are faithful to you, only pleasant events await the couple.

  • Horseshoe - good luck.

Rose - love. If you are not guessing for a chosen one, but, for example, for a job, a rose means clearly expressed sympathy.

But before you begin, you should know that fortune-telling by candles is not carried out on every day; full moons are best suited for this in the period between Christmas and Epiphany, in the week before Easter, in the week after Trinity, in the week after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (from 21 to September 28), 14 days before the Assumption (starting from August 14 to 28), and the period from June 22 to July 7 (during this period the Sun will pass through the constellation Cancer).

Fortune telling by candles is not a game; this method of prediction should not be abused, because a lit candle is equated to a call to higher powers, and they should be disturbed only as a last resort.

  • For each individual question, a new candle is used.
  • When doing fortune telling, never light a candle with a lighter; matches are used for this.
  • Before starting the process, you should relax and concentrate.
  • Thinking about the question, light a candle and observe the features that appear during combustion, and then study the interpretation of the answer.
Fortune telling by candles for the coming day
This fortune telling is intended to predict what the coming day will be like; if you want to know a long-term forecast, for example for a week, then it will not work.
Fortune telling on a candle should be done early in the morning. Take one new wax candle, hold it and think about your upcoming activities or events for today, then light it.
There are two ways to interpret such fortune telling by candles.

First way.
Light a candle and start looking carefully at the fire; if the flame twists in different directions and burns with a bang, then you shouldn’t expect anything joyful from this day. If the candle burns evenly, then this is a good sign, indicating a calm, prosperous day.

Second way.
Sit at the table and place the candle level, straight in front of you. Light it and see if the wax drips from right side, then today luck will be on your side, if it drips on the left, then it’s not your day.

Fortune telling by candles for the past, present and future
At sunset or sunrise, take any candle and place it strictly in vertical position, then light it and look at it, being at arm's length about 30-40 centimeters from the candle, so that the flame is at eye level.
So: to find out the present you should look at the candle - 1 minute, the past - 3 minutes, the future - 5 minutes. After the time you need has expired, extinguish the candle without blowing, and then carefully examine it and compare what you see with the values ​​below:

  • The candle smokes, crackles - there is damage or the evil eye
  • Unexpectedly, suddenly extinguished - to a serious illness or death.
  • The bed around the wick has burned out evenly and looks like a saucer - no special changes in life are expected in the near future.
  • The bed is burnt in one direction - expect changes.
  • If, during combustion, an influx of wax forms on the candle in the form of a visor, this means good luck (profit).
  • The influx formed a path of drops - to tears. Continuous straight line- your business will succeed.
  • The line is continuous, but not straight, winding - expect serious tests.
  • A short wick means difficulties, serious troubles; a medium wick means you shouldn’t expect any special changes, neither for the worse nor for the better; a long wick means good luck.
  • The wick leaned to the side - to unexpected news.
  • The wick bent and bent - to a chronic illness.
  • The wick is standing straight (evenly) - you are on the right track.
Fortune telling by candles for relationships
For fortune telling, you need to stretch a church candle through a wedding ring. Then place the candle in front of the photograph of your spouse and light it. Next, keep a close eye on the flame.

Interpretations of fortune telling by candle:

  • The fire is calm and even - yours life together will be happy;
  • Wax drips from the candle - to quarrels and scandals
  • The wax from the candle dripped with a black tear - to divorce
  • The candle smokes and crackles - family life it will be very difficult
  • The candle burns out on one side - one of the spouses will prevail over the other.
Fortune telling by candles for fidelity
Take two church candles. Make one for yourself, one for the groom. When exactly midnight strikes, place the candles in glasses with salt, draw a circle around the glasses with chalk and say three times: “Let my candle go out if the servant of God (name) has another. Wax, fire and treasured candles, tell me the whole truth, don’t hide anything.”

Light the candles. If your candle goes out first, then your betrothed has another. If the candle burns, then there should be no cause for concern - your spouse is faithful to you.

Fortune telling with candles and paper

Fortune telling by candles for love
Write your chosen one's name on a blank piece of paper. Light a candle and burn the leaf. Mentally ask the question whether this person will be with you. Gently collect the resulting ashes into your palm. When it strikes exactly midnight, go to the window, stick your hand outside and open your palm. If the ashes rise and fly away, it means that you will not be with this person, or he will leave you. If the ashes are held in the palm of your hand, then you and your chosen one will never part.

Second way
You will need a thin church candle and blank slate paper. Write the name of your fiance or boyfriend. Light a candle and pour melted wax onto the paper with the name, saying “Candle-candle, light the heart of my dear, servant of God (name).” When the candle burns out and the wax hardens on the sheet, carefully wrap this ingot in paper and always carry it with you. The person you were wondering about will certainly reciprocate your feelings or will love you even more.

Fortune telling by candles for future fate
Light a candle and hold it over a saucer of water, making a wish for your chosen one in advance. The wax will drip into the water, forming a figure by which the future fate will be determined.

The figures can take different shapes: if a wreath is formed from melted wax, this means that you will soon get married, if you see a mill - for gossip, a horseshoe - for good luck, a snake - for illness, a crown - for success.

Second way
Take a clean piece of paper and move it over a burning candle, so that traces of the fire remain on the sheet. The procedure can be repeated several times. While asking a variety of questions, for example: “What is my prospects at work? What should I expect from a date? Should I go on a trip abroad? etc.

Look carefully at the resulting flame marks on the sheet and compare them with the values ​​below.
Concentric circles portend changes for the better. But this does not mean at all that you can calmly relax and completely trust the will of chance; changes in life should happen, but solely thanks to your initiative. Don't be afraid of new things!
wavy lines they say that it will not be possible to implement the plan in the near future. Don't let doubts take over you.
Stars- a good sign, foreshadowing joy, success, positive emotions. The distant becomes close, and the impossible becomes real. Any actions will bring you closer to achieving your cherished goal.
Drawings of fantastic animals and plants , you risk escaping into the world of illusions and illusory dreams. Don’t build castles in the air, this condition is fraught and can have a negative impact materially. Try to do something specific.

Candles come in different shapes and colors, this also plays a role special role in fortune telling. For example, twisted candles are used for fortune telling future life, since their shape represents the spiral path of life. Tower candles are more suitable for predictions about personal life. For fortune telling about the betrothed, as a rule, ordinary candles are used. Candles in the form various forms and figurines can be used to solve any everyday issues.

White candles are used for fortune telling for the betrothed. It is believed that the color white represents innocence, so fortune telling with white candles implies the purity of your thoughts and desires. Orange, bright yellow candles are usually used in fortune telling. long journey, or travel. Red candles are used when you need to make a decision or guide to action. That is, when you feel that those around you are waiting for you to take a decisive step.

Fortune telling with wax and water candles at home - it seems that it could be easier? Today the world has become technocratic and many do not believe in magic and fortune-telling, but once in your life it is worth feeling the influence of fate and its inflexibility, to see that our world is not as simple as it seems and our view is changing radically. All the rituals and fortune-telling become reality and, involuntarily, you begin to believe in all these intricacies. Our site is just for those people who have realized the limitlessness of existence and believe that everything is predetermined.

So how to tell fortunes with wax correctly? How to properly melt it, pour it into water and interpret the message frozen in white drops? Everything is very simple, the main thing is to strictly follow the sequence and believe that providence will open a crack for you, allowing you to look into the abyss of the future, clarifying at least a fraction of what awaits us. One more important point is wax: many use ordinary paraffin candles, but many sorcerers say that this is extremely incorrect and you should use only natural beeswax!

Attention! What you see may shock you or may not be what you expected. Before you start fortune telling, you need to have nerves of iron.

If all the preparations are done, the light in the room is dim, you have stocked up on an apron and scarf, clean wax and cold water, you can start.

Wax fortune telling

This method of divination is called seromancy. Among the many methods of prediction with candles, it is especially loved by women who want to know their future. Attention to seromancy is due to the energy-informational properties of wax, thanks to which it, like water, serves as an excellent conductor. This is the reason that predictions based on it are considered the most truthful. To enhance the effect, these two substances are often used together. Fortune telling with wax involves the interaction of a person’s subconscious with the substance used. Contemplating an exciting question, the magician receives an answer in the form of a frozen abstract silhouette. The result is information hidden in the depths of the fortuneteller’s consciousness. To correctly decipher the meaning of the figures formed during fortune telling on wax candles, you will need a little imagination.

How to tell fortunes with wax

The best time for predictions is yuletide week. Rituals are also performed on other calendar days, but it is Epiphany and Christmas fortune-telling that reveals a more accurate future. For the result to be true, you should take into account simple nuances of preparation:

  • It is better to perform rituals using church candles; if this is not possible, purchase wax at a beekeeping store. Paraffin products are not suitable.
  • Fortune telling is done by candlelight at midnight.
  • The bewitcher must be absolutely alone; having a cat in the house is welcome.
  • It is necessary to dim the lights and ensure complete silence around.
  • If there are icons in the house, cover them with thick cloth.
  • You should not be wearing any encircling items: belts, bracelets, rings, hair ties, cross necklaces, etc.
  • Throughout the ritual, and deciphering the meaning of the symbols, abstract from unnecessary thoughts.
  • After fortune telling on wax, the resulting figures are not thrown away: the “good” ones are kept as a talisman, and the “bad” ones are buried in the ground so that the negative prophecy does not come true.

Fortune telling with wax and water

This ritual has various ways, they are all simple and have the same mechanism of action. Fortune telling on water with a candle is used to determine when the marriage will take place, how many children will be born, what kind of relationship awaits you with your spouse, and whether there will be prosperity.

You can cast a spell on yourself, as well as on friends or relatives.

For fortune telling for the future you will need to take:

  • deep container;
  • iron spoon;
  • cold (not ice) water;
  • small new mirror;
  • two twisted wax candles (one of them can be replaced with wax);
  • matches.

Fortune telling method:

  1. Place the mirror in the center of the prepared container.
  2. Think about a question that worries you and keep it in your thoughts throughout the ritual.
  3. Pour water into the vessel so that the stream flows onto the mirror surface.
  4. After removing the wick from one candle, roll it into a ball and place it on a spoon.
  5. Light the second candle and, placing a spoon over its flame, melt the wax lump.
  6. Pour the resulting liquid into the water (over the mirror).
  7. After waiting a little, take it out wax figure and try to understand what you associate its volumetric side with.

The meaning of the most frequently occurring figures can be found at the end of the article.

Fortune telling with candles and mirror

Such rituals are used to find out what is in a man’s heart, to find out what the relationship with a loved one will be like, and to satisfy curiosity about the betrothed. Conducted love fortune telling on white candles that have a regular shape, i.e. non-figurative.

Method number 1.

Appeared in Greece, it is used when you need to find out what kind of relationship your relationship with your loved one will have.


  • oval/round mirror;
  • wax candle;
  • a small sheet of paper;
  • pen/pencil;
  • matches.


  1. Place a mirror on the table and sit in front of it.
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Write the name of your chosen one on paper.
  4. Light the sheet over a candle flame and watch exactly how it burns.


  • It flares up and quickly burns out - the relationship will be passionate, but will fade away as quickly as it began.
  • Measured burning - to a strong union, harmonious relationships.
  • It quickly went out - this man will not be yours, love with him is impossible.

Method No. 2.

Used to look at the appearance of the betrothed. The ritual is not suitable for the faint of heart.


  • round/oval mirror;
  • two wax candles;
  • matches.


  1. Open the door slightly.
  2. Place the mirror so that you can see the reflected opening in it.
  3. Place candles on the sides of the mirror surface and light them.
  4. Say in open window spell: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me, show yourself in the mirror.”
  5. Sit in front of the mirror, intently peering into the reflection of the slightly open door.
  6. When you see the silhouette of the future groom, do not turn around.
  7. At the end, say “mind me,” cross yourself three times and extinguish the candles.

The procedure for fortune telling

Fortune telling with wax and water is one of the most truthful options for predicting the future. An accurate result is ensured due to the fact that such fortune telling uses two very strong elements - water and wax. They easily let any information pass through them. IN modern world there is even a science dedicated to the study of this type of fortune telling. It's called "keroscopy". The process of obtaining a “casting” itself will probably not cause you any difficulties, but the interpretation of the figures resulting from such fortune-telling is a whole science.

It is important to approach the process as seriously as possible, and you should start from the very beginning, with preparation for fortune telling.

Fortune telling with wax and water online

If you do not have the opportunity to do fortune telling “live”, then you can tell fortunes with wax online, it’s free and quite reliable way learn about the future. Fortune telling with interpretation of the results of the figures obtained as a result of fortune telling is at your service. Try it and higher powers They'll probably give you a sign!

Preparing for fortune telling

First, understand general principle: You melt a small amount of wax in a small container on a candle and pour it into water. The result will be an irregularly shaped wax cake, in professional jargon a “cast”.

Before casting, you need to carefully prepare for this process. What you need for wax fortune telling: let's take a closer look.

So you will need:

  • Large candle (if you are interested in love affairs, then buy a red candle, if material well-being– golden, health concerns – green);
  • Wax (preferably real beeswax);
  • Container for melting wax: a small coffee pot, large spoon, etc. will do;
  • The vessel for receiving the casting is best to give preference to a small white bowl or plate. Any other light-colored dishes will also work;
  • Water;


Water: What water should I use? If possible, you can take Epiphany water; fortune telling will then turn out to be the most truthful. If you don’t have such water, you can get simple tap water.

Wax: Wax from a church candle that has NOT been used and has never burned before is quite suitable.

Candle: wishes for the color of the candle are nothing more than just wishes. A regular paraffin candle will do just fine.

A day before the start of fortune telling, formulate in your head a question that is especially relevant to you. Remember that the more clearly you ask it, the more likely you are to get an accurate answer.

Constantly keep this question in your head, scrolling through it throughout the day so that it is always first in your thoughts. This will allow you to best prepare for fortune telling. It is better to guess on wax in moonlit night, then the predictions are most accurate. You can carry out fortune telling, either alone or in company.

It is important that in your company that is going to guess there is not a person with a negative or skeptical form of thinking. Moreover, if a person envies you... in this case, obtaining information in the process will be difficult.

How to guess correctly?

Remember, the entire process should be as careful as possible. It is recommended to choose the time for fortune telling with wax after sunset. Turn off the lights in the room, you can light a candle that will burn during the fortune telling process. Notice how easily they light and burn. If it lights up quickly and burns brightly enough, then only good news awaits you.

A clicking and hissing candle is a sign that important news awaits you soon. If the candle burns weakly and is poorly lit, then the future does not promise to be the most rosy.

Stage 1: Preparing the wax

Warm it in your hands and roll the wax into a small ball to melt. If you use a church candle, do not break it or cut it with a knife! Knead with your hands, slowly and without rushing. Place the resulting lump in the container in which you will melt. Everyone chooses the volume of wax required for fortune telling for themselves, but keep in mind that a significant part of it will settle on the walls.

Stage 2: Melt

Light a candle on which you will melt the wax. Take a container of wax and start heating it on a candle flame. Always keep a question in your head that you want to know the answer to. Under no circumstances should you be impatient with the melting time, do not pick at the mass with anything, or try to speed up the melting time in any other way!

Stage 3: Making the casting

After the wax has completely melted, remove the container from the flame and, turning the container over, slowly pour the wax into the water. Don’t try to form some kind of figure yourself! Everything should go as naturally as possible.

From the first moments after entering the water, the wax will begin to quickly harden, taking on the shape of some figures. Concentrate as much as possible on the process. After all, frozen wax is the answer to your question that worries you most. After this, you can proceed to the interpretation of the resulting figure.

By the way, you can find out in a similar way whether damage lies on you. To do this, do the same as above, only take milk instead of water. If the wax figure turns out solid and clear, then there is no damage. If it is fragile and literally crumbles, then damage lies on you.

What to do with wax after fortune telling?

Fortune tellers are often interested in the question of where to put the wax after the fortune telling is completed. Experts advise saving figurines whose interpretation turned out to be positive for the next year. If the results were not the most favorable, then the wax figure should be thrown away, or even better, buried.

How to interpret figures?

When the wax is still pouring, you should pay attention to the resulting figures in the process and their flow into each other. It is important to note in what order they change each other, since in some cases, correctly seen and analyzed, they give a holistic picture of the development of the situation, allowing the fortuneteller to draw the right conclusions from this. After the wax is poured, the resulting fortune-telling is obtained, that is, what will happen at the end of the solution to the given problem. You can interpret what you receive in different ways: isolating individual figures, seeing a single picture, paying attention to abstract drawings and concrete images.

The correct interpretation of fortune telling largely depends on taking into account all, without exception, the elements that make up the overall picture.

During fortune telling on wax, the meanings of symbols can be interpreted differently depending on the specific circumstances, the things being wished for and the personality of the person doing the fortune telling. Some of the symbols are certainly general character and suits everyone without exception. But most of the paintings should be considered individually, especially considering this fact in situations where among the fortune tellers there are people of different ages, representatives of opposite temperaments, individuals with different social statuses etc.

Please also pay attention to the fact that the meanings of the figures can be two- and three-syllable depending on how you look at a particular picture.

Turn the resulting image over, look at it from the side or below, through a mirror. Perhaps in this way better options for its interpretation will be found. The most common designations for wax figurines are given below. Abstraction, primitive elements:

  • Letters or numbers are symbols interpreted individually: they can mean important dates or serve as references to specific names;
  • Line, straight - the beginning of some important matter;

Period - material profit, unexpected money;

Living or mythical creatures, people:

  • Angel - help will come from above, no need to worry about anything
  • Caterpillar or worm - you should avoid frivolity, take care of loved ones
  • Dragon - circumstances require willpower, if you have it, then everything that is planned will come true
  • Hedgehog - excessive “prickliness” harms relationships, you need to learn to be softer
  • Woman - new girlfriend, homewrecker (depending on context)
  • Cat - betrayal of friends
  • Chicken - favorable family life
  • Leo – strength, reliability, confidence
  • A man is a new companion, friend or groom
  • The spider is a trick that you need to protect yourself from
  • Child - new affairs or projects, possibly the birth of children
  • Fish – complete adaptation to environmental conditions, comfort
  • Elephant - time-tested wisdom
  • Dogs are true friends and comrades
  • An owl is the worst sign, immediately foreshadowing illness, difficulties, failures
  • Duck - luck and luck in all matters.

Inanimate objects, things:

How to interpret the result of fortune telling?

In order for the result to be interpreted as accurately as possible, observe the wax from the very beginning of its casting. Look how it flows, what shapes are obtained at first, and then they flow into others and finally freeze. Only when all the wax has been poured into a container with water can you begin detailed decoding. Take a look at exactly what pictures come to replace each other - this is very important. Individual symbols may have the same push, but most of the pictures need to be viewed only individually.
Fortune telling on wax itself takes about 10 minutes; interpretation can take several days, depending on your mood and desire to know the result more accurately. The resulting figures can be interpreted in different ways. If there is not one, but several figures in a container with water, then you can consider it all as a single whole or decipher each figure separately. What's the best way to proceed? Act as your intuition tells you. In the process of such fortune telling, she will definitely not deceive you. Pay attention to all elements of the figures, making no exception even for the smallest and seemingly insignificant parts.

To decipher a wax figurine you don’t have to be a psychic or a sorcerer. Use your imagination and intuition for this.

It’s good if the figure is clear and it’s easy to see a specific image in it. If you just can’t interpret the resulting figure, and its contours are blurry, don’t despair and don’t give up what you started. You need to rest for a few minutes, and you can continue to decipher the fortune telling.

Identification of received figures

In the process of fortune telling on wax, the decoding of figures can be different. It all depends on the circumstances, the personality of the person doing the fortune telling and the question that was asked initially. Some figures, of course, wear general meaning. However, most of the available symbols in such fortune-telling should be considered only individually. This is especially important when a group of people takes part in fortune telling, and they all differ in age, social status, character, temperament.

Pay attention!
It is interesting that the meanings of the figures can be two-syllable and even three-syllable. It depends on how you look at a particular figure. In one position it may look like this, but inverted - differently. In the process of deciphering, twist the figure, turn it in different directions, carefully examining each of them. You can even use a mirror for this purpose. All these methods will help you most successfully decipher the results of fortune telling.

The meaning of the most common figures

It's time to start deciphering the results of wax casting. Fortune telling on wax, the meaning of the figures can be different, arm yourself with patience.

Flower. The figure that was shown by fortune-telling on wax is a flower - your dreams and desires will definitely begin to come true in the near future. Changes will begin for the better. IN financial affairs everything will be just fine. You will also be successful in love. In this case, it does not matter which flower will emerge during the fortune telling process. This figure symbolizes the soul of the fortuneteller, the openness of his soul. If you get not just one flower, but several, this means that there are many good friends around you. If you are single and you get a rose, this means that great and bright love awaits you ahead.

  • Fish. If the symbol shown by fortune telling on wax is a fish, expect good news; most likely, it will be related to the water element. Fish can also mean a quick acquaintance with a foreigner. The silence of this figure symbolizes that in the near future you will meet a man of few words who can become your mentor and guru. Be sure to listen to his advice.

Bouquet of flowers. The figurine, which was shown by fortune-telling on wax, is a bouquet, most likely a symbol better life. Flowers are always a good sign! Therefore, if you see a bouquet during the decryption process, then expect only good news. You are surrounded by great friends.

  • Heart. If the symbol shown by fortune telling on wax is a heart, in the very near future your mind and heart will be occupied by great feelings. In this case, you will not be bothered by any problems. You will give yourself completely to the relationship. It is even possible to say that this love will be very mutual. You may not think that you will suffer from unrequited feelings. The shape of the heart itself says a lot. If the figure has clear boundaries, then happy love will certainly await you. If the figurine has veins, cracks, or an uneven shape, then this is not a good sign. Danger awaits you.
  • Bird. If the figure shown by fortune telling on wax is a bird, this is an unambiguous sign that news awaits you soon. If the bird is in flight, then good luck and good news await you. If you are concerned about some vital important question, then very soon you will receive an answer to it. For those who are working on any projects, the wax bird promises that all of them will be realized and will be well received by others.
  • Child. If the figurine shown by wax fortune-telling is a child, a new beginning awaits you or new project. The latter is relevant for those whose profession is related to creativity. This matter will be crowned with success. In some cases, a baby may be a sign of an imminent addition to the family.
  • Dog. The symbol shown by fortune telling on wax is a dog - a very faithful and devoted friend is next to you. However, you yourself know how to be a good friend and value your friendship. You strive to help people, come to the aid of loved ones at any time. You can count on the support of your friends in any difficult time for you. A wax dog may hint that it is time to gather the whole team. Together you can achieve a lot. If the dog stands on its hind legs, then one of your friends needs help from you.
  • Elephant. If the symbol that was shown by fortune telling on wax is an elephant, keep in mind that this figure is multi-valued. An elephant can mean that you are a very strong person with a lot of reserves inner strength and energy. However, if you are firmly on the beaten path, then it is time to notice those who surround you along the way. If this is not so, then luck will quickly turn away from you. An elephant can also mean that you have many well-wishers, and, if necessary, they are always ready to take a part of your problems onto their shoulders. A dream may warn you that it is important to exercise with caution physical activity. Otherwise, your health, which is excellent now, may deteriorate. The elephant is a symbol of strength, fortitude and strength of the physical body.
  • Wedding ring. The symbol shown by fortune telling on wax is a ring - this is a good sign for those who are worried about love affairs. You are either on the verge of some new relationship, or your existing relationship is about to reach new level. There are high chances of getting married in the near future. Please note that you should not confuse a ring and a circle!
  • Mushroom. If the symbol shown by fortune telling on wax is a mushroom, a very unexpected event awaits you. Its meaning can be interpreted by what symbols are nearby. For example, if you see not only a mushroom in front of you, but also a heart figurine nearby, then a new love awaits you, and you will see for yourself what it will be like.
  • Embryo. A fairly common symbol that shows fortune telling on wax is an embryo - it can symbolize that you have some kind of undertaking in your plans and very soon you will begin to develop it. Much less often, an embryo can become a symbol of an imminent pregnancy, and it’s not a fact that it’s all about you. A fetus can symbolize new friendships, new relationships, new beginnings.
  • Letter. If the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is a letter, then expect quick news. If the letter appears clearly, then the news will be pleasant for you; if the letters are unclear, expect not very good news. But if there are small dots next to them, then this means money.
  • Head. In the event that the symbol that was shown by fortune telling on wax is the head, very soon you will see true face one of your friends or you will find yourself at a new level of knowledge of the world, thanks to which you will encounter new amazing discoveries. The head may also mean that at work you will soon receive some new and promising position.
  • Tree. Very interesting symbol, which can show you fortune telling on wax: a tree - be sure to pay attention to how its branches are located. If they look down, then sadness and despondency await you. Branches looking up promise a cheerful and happy life. A tree can also mean that very soon you will have everything that you so desire. Some sources state that the tree can symbolize future new proposals that must be accepted.
  • Eye. If the figure that was shown by fortune telling on the wax of the eyes is a sign of this, then it would not hurt you to be more careful with your surroundings. Someone clearly set a goal: to deceive you. Take a closer look, maybe the deceiver is very close.
  • Dress. A rare symbol that you don’t often see when fortune telling on wax, a dress is an excellent sign that a magnificent celebration awaits you. This could also be a wedding, both yours and someone from your circle.
  • Track. If the symbol that was shown by fortune-telling on the wax is a warning that you need to be careful. Someone noticed you for the fulfillment of not the best intentions. The mark may also mean that a person of the opposite sex is interested in you.
  • Pegasus. The symbol shown by fortune telling on wax is Pegasus - this means that a circle of those who think the same way as you is gradually forming around you. With such people you can build a strong team and overcome any difficulties.
  • Whale. An excellent symbol that fortune telling on wax can show: a whale - it will most likely be so, no matter what plans you make for the future, you don’t have to worry: your rear is always covered by your reliable friends and partners.
  • Embryo. The figurine that the wax fortune-telling showed as an embryo is a very good sign, which is encouraging. You can quickly overcome all the difficulties that now stand in your way on your own. However, it is also possible that you will receive help from someone.

Wax fortune telling: dog

The dog symbolizes a faithful comrade who is next to you. This fortune-telling result suggests that you also know how to make friends and highly value friendly relationships. You yourself always strive to help your loved ones, so in any situation you can safely count on support. The wax dog acts as a hint: it’s time to recruit a team (if you haven’t done so yet) - together you can solve many problems and achieve incredible results.

Wax fortune telling: fishFigure of a dog standing on hind legs, means that to some to a loved one your help is needed.


Having seen such a figure, you can safely prepare for good news, one way or another connected with water. In addition, after such fortune telling, meeting foreigners becomes more likely. A silent and mysterious fish also speaks of the presence or imminent appearance in your life of a slightly mysterious, taciturn and wise adviser or mentor. Even if it is not easy, it is still worth listening to his words and recommendations.

Wax divination: heart

The wax heart, of course, speaks of love. It is love that will occupy your thoughts in the near future, and no other problems will be able to bother you anymore. With almost one hundred percent probability we can say that your feelings will not go unnoticed and unrequited.

The shape of a cast heart can additionally tell a lot about love. A favorable sign predicting happy love, can be considered a distinct heart shape with sharp boundaries. If the heart is veined, the shape is unclear or consists of several parts - this is not a good, alarming sign, warning of possible danger.

Wax fortune telling: elephant

The wax figure of an elephant has several meanings. This symbol means that you strong man, having a significant reserve vital energy. You walk with a firm and confident step along the right path, but you cannot help but notice the people around you, otherwise luck may turn away from you. This sign also shows that there are well-wishers behind your back, that is, people who are always ready to help and support, shifting some of your responsibilities and problems onto their shoulders. In addition, a wax elephant indicates your excellent physical fitness and at the same time warns that intense and excessive loads are unacceptable and can cause harm, depriving you of all your former capabilities.

In a word, the elephant symbolizes strength, perseverance and confidence in the correctness of the chosen methods to achieve the goal. To avoid collapse, you should exercise prudence and avoid using your exceptional power to harm others.

Wax fortune telling: flower

If during fortune telling you saw a wax flower, this indicates the beginning of an extremely favorable period in your life, filled with a series of joyful events. Everything you have planned will certainly come true. The people around you will rejoice at your success, and you will definitely share a piece of your luck with everyone.

The flower also suggests that you may get married or meet a new and very reliable partner.

Flowers are a very favorable sign, symbolizing changes for the better, success in everything: dreams come true, sometimes even exorbitant ambitions are realized. Regardless of what kind of wax flowers you get during fortune telling, they always tell about your spiritual inescapable joy, which you easily share with the people around you. Flowers also show that you have many friends who are always happy to communicate with you. Flowers are a symbol of your wonderful and happy future.

If a girl does fortune-telling with wax, a rose may appear to her more often than other flowers. This speaks of love that already lives in the heart of the fortuneteller or will appear there in the near future. If you see a wax rose, do not be afraid to open your heart to a new feeling.

Wax divination: tree

A sign that gives hope, indicating the presence of a sufficient amount of internal resources to achieve your goals. You are strong in spirit, stand firmly on your feet, are open to the world around you and draw strength from it.

Reliability, stability, strength and fortitude will certainly help in your affairs and in solving emerging problems.

Wax divination: snake

The snake is a symbol that is interpreted in different ways: wisdom, strength, and also a sign of danger. On the one hand, this sign symbolizes wisdom and the ability to find a way out of difficult situations. life situations. On the other hand, the sign of the snake warns of danger, someone’s treachery, the target of which may be your personal relationships. The whole reason is the dangerous and insidious enemies around you.

Wax divination: embryo

The embryo speaks of some planned deeds and the desire to bring them to life.

A wax embryo can also mean pregnancy (not necessarily yours), as well as the birth of a new relationship, new job, new friends, new social circle.

Wax fortune telling: squirrel

Since the squirrel is a thrifty animal, its figure during fortune telling speaks of your love for everything material, as well as your tendency to predict everything and prepare for everything in advance so that difficulties do not take you by surprise. Such a habit in life can be very useful, and sometimes even life-saving.

Wax fortune telling: mermaid

The figurine of a mermaid warns of possible deception and temptation. You need to be very careful not to fall into the trap of cunning people.