Seeing church candles burning in a dream. I dreamed of a cellar in a dream. Dream book for the whole family

If you see a burning candle in a dream, you will soon meet old friends. This dream can also foreshadow new opportunities and new meetings.

Several candles burning with a bright, clean flame portend happiness and mutual understanding.

A candle blown out by a gust of wind symbolizes the appearance of ridiculous rumors around your name.

If you blow out a candle in a dream, get ready for unpleasant events.

Light a candle in a dream - you will get the pleasure you have dreamed of for so long. True, for this you will have to make some effort.

A candlelit dinner is a hint that you need to be a little more liberated sexually. It's good if your partner is attentive enough and understands you.

A flickering candle flame means that excessive irritability and intolerance can ruin your relationship.

If in a dream you lit a candle in church for someone’s health, then you are in vain counting on the support of your friends. And the point here is not at all that all your loved ones are traitors and selfish: it’s just that each of them has their own concerns.

According to Nostradamus, a candle is a symbol of faith, comfort, romance, feelings, and asceticism. He interpreted dreams about a candle as follows.

The light of a candle in a night window - in your declining years you will be no less loved and long-awaited than in your youth.

They picked up wax candles scattered along the road - disaster might happen.

If you see a glow reminiscent of candlelight, be prepared to take any surprise for granted.

Having acquired new knowledge, use it to help those who need it.

A procession walking with candles is a harbinger that misfortune will happen in the spring.

We walked along the street illuminated by candles - your love is yet to come.

If you received as a gift a candlestick with countless candles burning on it, your spiritual teacher will not leave you at a difficult moment and will help you concentrate not only your own energy, but also that of heaven.

If you dreamed of a gust of wind blowing out all the candles, some evil will interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Unsuccessful attempts to light a candle are a sign of danger that will haunt you at every step and take you by surprise at the wrong moment.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about a candle as follows.

Seeing a burning candle in a dream - good sign. Such a dream foreshadows the long-awaited peace and quiet in the family.

If you saw the light of a candle in a night window in a dream - you are under the protection higher powers that will help you cope with any, even the most complex, tasks. IN real life this patronage is expressed in the face of a very influential person, which tirelessly monitors all your actions and actions, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of its existence.

Putting out a candle in a dream is a prophecy of bad news. You will receive news of the death of someone close to you and will very much regret that you did not spend the last hours of your life with him.

Seeing a lot of scattered candles in a dream is a terrible prophecy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Candle

Seeing a burning candle in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows long-awaited peace and quiet on the entire planet. People will live in harmony and prosperity, there will be no evil rulers, no bad people, neither poor nor rich.

Seeing the light of a candle in a night window in a dream is evidence that you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any of the most difficult tasks. In real life, this patronage is expressed in the person of a very influential person who tirelessly monitors all your actions and actions, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of his existence.

If in a dream you, despite all your attempts, cannot light a candle, then, unfortunately, in real life you are destined to cause the death of a person. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you will not interfere in any way with terrible crime, in which a person will die.

Putting out a candle in a dream is a prophecy of bad news. You will receive news of the death of a person close to you and will very much regret that you did not spend the last hours of your life with him.

If you dreamed that a candle went out before your eyes, then an imminent illness awaits you. It may be a serious illness that you can still prevent now.

Seeing a lot of scattered candles in a dream is a terrible prophecy. The times will come when people will turn away from God, they will become cruel and unmerciful, and they will invent a new religion that preaches violence and death. The Lord will be angry with his servants and will send a terrible fire to the Earth.

If in a dream you saw a lot of people walking with candles, then soon you will be overcome by old problems that you put aside, thinking that they would never remind you of themselves. Such a dream suggests that the work started must always be completed.

Interpretation of dreams from

Elderly and spiritual people often wonder why candles are dreamed of, because they attach a special mystical meaning to this image, coming from God. For many, this is like a sign from above to further actions and thoughts, some do not attach importance to dreams at all. But for people who are not constrained by religion and strict rules, would it be interesting to know what candles mean in dreams? What does this dream mean and what to expect in the near future?

Candle according to the dream book: symbolism

Romance and tender feelings, comfort and faith, mystery and higher powers - all this is symbolized by a candle. But at the same time, it is also a symbol of asceticism and self-denial from something important in life. The exact meaning of the interpretation often depends on the details of the dream: what the situation and atmosphere were, who manipulated the candle, and what was said. What emotions did you experience while looking at the candle? Perhaps there was some specific ritual or rite that would make the deep implications of the dream clear. All these small details play a significant role, so the meaning that the image of the candle carries will depend on them.

No less important are the people who dreamed with candles: they lit them or extinguished them, gave them as gifts or simply held them in their hands. These people are of particular importance to you and it is worth paying attention to your relationships, and the image of the candle will suggest which area to focus on more.

Why do you dream about candles in church?

Most often, candles, one way or another associated with the church, priests, churches and monasteries, portend little good because the candle is one of the attributes of the transition to another world, wandering in the darkness of ignorance and search spiritual path. Lighting a church candle is a dream about the illness of relatives or friends, but if it goes out at the same time, it is a very bad sign, it can be misfortune. If in a dream you dared to blow out a candle in a temple, especially near the images, be prepared: all your worst fears and fears will come out and cause you harm.

A temple full of burning candles with an even and beautiful light, which you admired in a dream, portends recovery after a long period of failures, illnesses or troubles. Your inner mental balance will be harmonized, which will make you even stronger in spirit and stronger in life’s ups and downs.

If you dream that the candles in the church are very melted and burnt, this symbolizes a strong life shock, during which there will be a feeling of complete helplessness and vulnerability in front of everyone. After this incident, life will no longer be the same, and your worldview will change once and for all.

According to the interpretation of dreams, a candle burning and floating on water foreshadows the death of a relative or a tragic incident, tears and sadness. If you dreamed that a lit candle in a church smoked a lot of black smoke, crackled and tried to go out, this is a sign of an evil eye or damage, thus your guardian angel is trying to warn you.

If you dream about wax church candles

The details of such a dream are important, which will indicate the correct interpretation:

If in a dream you carry a thin wax candle that has never been lit, this is a harbinger of unplanned waste, purchases or financial investments;

Church candles dreamed of by young parents indicate that in real life there will come a moment of pride in their child, who will do something significant for you or the world;

If you dream that someone brought a wax candle into your house and lit it, expect betrayal or a base act;

A dream in which you store many new ones church candles, portends an improvement in relationships - family or with people who were dear, but at some point these relationships were damaged; such a dream indicates the possibility of returning to former warm relationships; you just need to take a step forward.

If in a dream new wax candles were simply in sight, then this promises a sticky situation from which it will be difficult to get out. You need to use all your skill and prudence to remain unsullied.

A dream with burning candles on the eve of an important event foreshadows positive changes in life and success in the upcoming business. If no important event is planned, a dream with candles predicts it - the main thing is not to miss it and not consider it something unimportant. Be more attentive to what is happening around you - this is advice from sleep.

If the candle goes out

A dream in which all the candles went out in one fell swoop: a gust of wind, a draft, someone’s actions or inexplicable factors speaks of insidious attempts by the forces of evil to hinder your spiritual ascent and growth. They are looking weak point in your environment, to surreptitiously harm and turn you away from integrity. Unjustified rumors and intrigues behind one's back also apply to these intrigues.

Unproductive attempts to light a candle in a dream indicate an impending danger that may unexpectedly and at the wrong time arise on your way. You need to be prepared for all sorts of inconsistencies and inconsistencies in the near future, everything will collapse. There is also an opinion that such a dream predicts the death of a person, for which you will be guilty, and the feeling of guilt will haunt you for a long time - this could be a consequence of an accident or conscious inaction: you could have saved the person, but chose to remain indifferent. Reconsider your attitude towards people and moral principles before it’s too late!

Blowing out the candle yourself: the dream foreshadows the news of the death of a close friend with whom you spent many pleasant minutes. There will be a feeling of pity that you couldn’t say goodbye to him, but you need to understand that this is how the world works.

If you dreamed that a brightly burning candle suddenly went out before your eyes, this is a harbinger of an approaching serious illness, which could end very badly if no serious measures are taken.

Candle in a dream according to Freud

Sigmund Freud considered a candle to be a frankly phallic symbol: if in a dream a candle burns with an even and bright flame, everything is in order with libido and intimate health. If you saw candles of an unconventional shape in a dream, it means that you have a seething thirst for experiments and new sensations. Be careful with innovations!

If, in addition, there are a lot of candles in a dream, and they are different in color, shape and size, then you are too loving. Most likely, you have had too many partners, and you do not intend to stop.

If the candle goes out or, even worse, breaks, this is a warning about deteriorating health and future problems with potency. A candle that smokes dreams of something conflicting in a relationship: a quarrel or a breakup, this also foreshadows a flickering and trembling light.

If you dreamed that you lit a candle in a dream, it means that you are finally ready to enjoy an intimate relationship; you just need to make some efforts to agree with your partner.

If there are a lot of candles in a dream

Seeing a street illuminated by candlelight in a dream is a symbol that the love of your life is still ahead, and there is no need to be upset if the desired relationship does not yet exist. Be patient - and you will be rewarded!

Many candles burn with a bright flame - such a dream foreshadows success in business and prosperity in any endeavor, happiness and understanding in relationships. A dream in which you throw away a candle (or several) gives a warning: be careful in your actions, think about every step and word, otherwise fortune will turn away from you for a long time.

But in a dream, buying candles means misfortune and tears, especially if you paid with small coins, change, and not paper bills. If the purchase of candles was accompanied by paper money, especially a large denomination, such a dream foreshadows important news, long-awaited information or an answer to a request.

Nostradamus's opinion

If you believe the dream book of Michel de Nostredame (the real name of this famous astrologer), then a dream in which a crowd of people with lit candles was encountered on the way indicates a misfortune that will most likely happen next spring and will take many lives. If you dreamed of candlelight in a dark window, this is a symbol of the upcoming cloudless old age: you will be revered and loved for the rest of your life.

The healer Vanga had a different opinion on this matter: the light of a candle in the window indicated the protection of higher powers and invisible care for the person who dreamed about it. In life, this can manifest itself as a magical deliverance from a dangerous situation or the appearance in your close circle of a person who will play an important role in your life: this could be a patron or a loved one.

Nostradamus also considered a bad harbinger of a dream in which wax candles were scattered along the road, and a person collected them - this promised persecution and deprivation, often for life position, religion or moral values. Be careful and do not open your heart to everyone you meet, trust only time-tested people.

Candle in hand

A dream in which you made or were present during the process of making candles indicates that your hard work and zeal in your work will be rewarded. According to the dream book, a candle of an unusual, strange shape, no matter whether it is burning or not, indicates a person’s ability for mystical sciences and a subconscious craving for esoteric knowledge, which is constrained by the framework of society and its opinion.

Walking with a candle in your hands in a dream means failures of various kinds: theft or loss of money, leaving loved one or major problems at work. If in a dream you met people walking towards you with candles, expect the return of old problems of an extremely unpleasant nature that you put on the back burner without solving them.

If in a dream you saw a burning candle in a beautiful candlestick, this is a symbol of a wonderful future that is already close. It also promises good friends, a successful job or an improvement in your financial situation. If the candlestick is empty, it means that fortune will turn its back on you for an unknown period of time.

Why do you dream of candles in the hands of a dead person? This may foreshadow emotional experiences that will calm down, and if a candle was placed on the grave, some kind of cordial and tolerant act will do you honor.

The flickering and weak light of a candle symbolizes spiritual quests that have not yet found their core and stable position in life: the soul rushes from one refuge to another, not finding its corner. You need to understand yourself: to honor the spiritual or psychological literature, contact a specialist for advice or try to meditate, because, as they say, in meditation a person comes into contact with God and learns his true essence.

Why does a woman dream of candles?

If a young girl dreamed that she was lighting a candle, this prophesies a secret relationship with a man whom her parents did not approve of, and if in the dream the candle was already lit in her hand, there would be an official engagement. A candle flame that burns you in a dream hints that you are too frivolous and do not see the essence of things.

A dream in which you dreamed of a small candle faintly illuminating a large darkened room means that the planned meeting will not take place: no one will come, and if in a dream you were telling fortunes by candlelight, this indicates that in real world You won’t be able to predict the course of events, you don’t even have to try.

If you dreamed of a romantic dinner by candlelight, this is a hint from the subconscious that you are too constrained in relationships and intimate life: you should try to become more relaxed and natural in your desires. Also, one must not forget that guesses and doubts are not best way To build strong, trusting relationships, you need to openly express your desires to your partner.

A dream in which a woman removes carbon deposits from candles foreshadows tears and disappointments, but if a small extinguished stub remains from the candle, this is a sign that you can’t count on the generosity of loved ones and you will have to solve your financial problems yourself.

If you dream that a candle flutters in the wind but does not go out, such a dream suggests that the events that bother you or troubles in life have no basis, you should not pay attention to them and continue to enjoy life.

Why do you dream about candles according to the days of the week?

  • Sleep from Monday to Tuesday: Church candles in such a dream foreshadow the help of higher powers in the upcoming vicissitudes of life.
  • If in sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday there were vain attempts to light candles - be careful: danger is on your heels and will lie in wait in the most unexpected corners and turns. You must be extremely careful, otherwise she will take you by surprise.
  • Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are considered empty, you should not pay attention to them. The only exception: recurring dreams, which are considered prophetic.
  • Friday dream, in which the candles have gone out, promises great troubles and unfulfilled desires.
  • If in a dream from Saturday to Sunday If you dreamed of a brightly burning candle in your hands or in a window - there is no need to worry about the future: a cloudless old age awaits you in the company of your loved one and loved ones.

It is also believed that dreams during the Christmas holidays, as well as on the eve of major Christian holidays (Easter, Annunciation, Trinity, Protection of the Holy Virgin) are prophetic: you need to listen to them and draw the accompanying conclusions, without ignoring the clues of fate and the subconscious.

Church candles are one of the most important symbols of the Orthodox faith. It is not surprising that dreams associated with them make us worry. In some cases, it does not foretell anything bad, but sometimes such a dream can warn us of danger.

Many people do not give dreams special significance, but sometimes they warn us about important events. Dreaming of church candles can foreshadow both joyful and sorrowful events, since the interpretation of this dream in modern dream books completely different. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the details of your dream, only then will you be able to find out what it promises you. Sometimes in similar dreams there is an important meaning hidden, and in order to avoid trouble, you need to unravel it as soon as possible.

Why do you dream about burning candles?

If you dreamed of burning candles, it means that you have to engage in spiritual quests. Perhaps situations will soon arise in your life that will force you to look at the world with different eyes. There is a possibility that you will have to accept important decision, which will be the envy of your life.

If on the eve of any special event you dreamed of a burning church candle, it means that after this event your life will change for the worse or for the better.

If you dreamed that you were in a church and candles were burning around you, it means that you will soon have to make a choice between good and evil.

Admiring burning candles in a dream means calm and tranquility. Soon your fears will leave you.

If in your dream you are trying to light a candle, but it falls, it means that soon all your efforts will collapse.

Lighting a candle near the icons - to family comfort. Perhaps your family lacks your attention, and this dream encourages you to communicate with loved ones.

Why do you dream about an extinguished church candle?

If church candles go out due to wind or draft, it means that a dangerous enemy will soon appear in your life.

If the candle goes out right in your hands, serious trouble awaits your loved ones.

If the candle goes out in your hands unmarried girl, which means she won’t get married for a very long time.

The candle near the icon goes out - to mourning.

What else do dreams about church candles portend?

If you buy a church candle, it means that major changes will soon occur in your home.

A candle breaks in your hands - to embarrassment.

If there are scattered between church candles gems or jewelry - to tears.

Seeing a candle placed on black velvet in a dream means illness.

If you pass the candle to another person, you will soon have to provide assistance, which will result in unpleasant consequences for you.

Dreams are the most honest predictors of the future, with their help you can avoid any troubles. Some dreams deserve special attention, and these include those that warn us about important events. We wish you good luck and prosperity, and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Dreams related to the church are always sacred and sometimes alarming. One can’t help but think: isn’t this a sign from above, a warning about some kind of trouble or, conversely, a symbol of happiness? Why see church candles in a dream? Dream books will give a comprehensive answer to this question.

If in a dream the candle is lonely

A lonely candle in a dream is interpreted in different ways, depending on many factors and phenomena occurring in it. So, a burning candle is a sign of rebirth and awakening; if it is in a candlestick, then your home will be visited by guests whom you have not seen for a long time. If she is standing on the floor or a chair, then expect trouble and be especially careful for a while after sleep: watch your words, do not drink a lot of alcohol, pay attention to your actions.

Seeing in a dream a lonely candle that dimly illuminates dark room, promises failed meeting. It will leave behind an unpleasant aftertaste and can even cause mental suffering. For a woman, a dream about one candle predicts good news, perhaps you will soon meet the love of your life or be proposed to. If you are already married, then a happy trip, a romantic or a successful business trip awaits you.

If a man dreams of holding a candle in his hand, then he will soon meet with an old friend, and the meeting will be pleasant.

Many candles in a dream

Seeing candles scattered around the house in a dream is a warning dream. Check the serviceability of electrical wiring and household appliances, and carefully ensure that you turned off the equipment when leaving home. Seeing a lot of burning candles or lighting them yourself is a sign of indescribable joy, a happy event.

If in a dream you are having dinner by candlelight, then expect a pleasant romantic meeting, trip or marriage proposal soon. For a lonely person, such a dream predicts an affair or fateful meeting. Walking down a street full of burning candles is a sign of great love.

Candles dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday are a very favorable dream, which means that peace and tranquility will soon come to the family, conflicts will be settled.

Why do you dream of church candles: other interpretations of dreams

The flame of a candle is also of great importance: calm and even means long-awaited meeting, joy, success, peace and in general - this is a favorable dream. A dim or dying flame means disappointment and missed opportunities. Carrying a church candle in your hand means the loss of a loved one or financial loss.

If in a dream the candles go out due to a draft, then in reality you will face troubles and disappointments. Seeing how a master makes a candle suggests that you will soon realize yourself in some business and find your calling.

Buying candles is joy and fun; any grand event can await you, be it a wedding, anniversary, or a noisy party. New candles always mean changes in life, prosperity and profit. Selling candles is not very good good sleep, it symbolizes losses and missed chances that were given by fate.

Lighting a candle for repose in a dream is a sign that you are afraid for a loved one, and are trying to ward off trouble from him and help. A candle for health means that you have true friends, they will always come to your aid and will not leave you in difficult times.

Seeing a church procession and people carrying many candles in a dream is a bad symbol. Old problems that you had already forgotten about, and that seemed to have been resolved long ago, will make themselves felt again. They will need to be solved quickly and without anyone's help.

If you approach the altar and candles are burning on it, then you are not paying enough time and attention to faith. Lighting candles is a good sign in any situation; it symbolizes a favorable and kind relationship with your significant other.

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David Loff is a professional psychotherapist who believed that dreams are the work of your subconscious, thanks to which you can catch signals sent by your consciousness in time.

In his opinion, church candles are the personification of something mysterious, supernatural, unusual and romantic. And the meaning of the dream will depend on the circumstances occurring in the kingdom of Morpheus:

  • Do you see church candles in your dreams, the flames of which are simply huge - in real life they don’t happen like that? This means that you are safe - both are and feel so. There is nothing in your life that threatens your success, health, relationships with loved ones
  • If in a dream you did something magical rituals with candles: they told fortunes, cast a love spell or read a spell, this is very symbolic. This means that you have some magical abilities that have not yet been fully revealed.
  • Do you watch how in a dream someone you know in real life holds church candles in their hands? This means that this person has a great influence on you - you listen to his opinion, follow his advice

Loff believed that in most cases candles are a symbol of providence, security, some mystery and romance.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller is an American psychologist who has been studying dreams for a long time. He gives the following interpretations in his dream book:

  • Lighted church candles indicate that thanks lucky coincidence circumstances, you will meet old friends who now live far from you. You haven’t seen each other for a long time, and the meeting will bring joyful and good emotions
  • If you dream of many church candles, you will meet several people who will influence your life, will be very useful, and will help solve many current problems.
  • Several church candles, the flame of which is even and very bright, dream of mutual understanding with the other half and quiet family happiness
  • If you dream about lit church candles being blown away by the wind, this is an unfavorable sign. He prophesies that many unpleasant rumors will arise around you, which will be fanned by some ill-wisher

If you dream about blowing out a church candle, expect sad events that will upset and greatly upset you.

Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book is the most ambiguous. Its author, Anopova, has her own opinion about what church candles may mean in dreams:

  • A candle that burned and then went out is a dream of melancholy and sadness. In real life, you will have to experience precisely these negative emotions. But don't despair - sooner or later everything will change for the better
  • A lit candle in a dream means that in the near future you will really need help, and you will be provided with it. But your assistant will be completely different from the person you count on.
  • It is an unfavorable sign if you dream of a candle in a church or floating on water. Such a dream promises serious, difficult events. You will have to cry, lose someone close to you - this person will die
  • If you dream of a candle non-standard shape, it means that you have psychic abilities that you are not yet aware of. It's time to develop your magical potential, because your purpose is to help people with it

Watch the video to see what else church candles can mean in dreams:

Vanga's predictions

The most mysterious and ambiguous soothsayer compiled the following interpretations of dreams with candles. Very often, interpretations concern not only the life of the dreamer, but also humanity as a whole. Here are her predictions:

  • A burning candle symbolizes prosperity, peace and tranquility in the entire world around you. People will live in prosperity and harmony with each other, there will be fewer murderers, thieves and simply bad individuals who want to destroy rather than create
  • If in a dream you see not the candle itself, but a reflection from it in glass, a mirror or a window, this is a favorable sign. You are very strong and able to cope with any difficulties that arise in life. life path. You are under the protection of higher powers that patronize and help you through some earthly, very influential person
  • If you dream that you are trying to light a candle, but nothing works, this is very bad sign. You will commit some serious offense, perhaps even a crime, as a result of which an innocent person will die
  • And if you dreamed that you were blowing out a church candle, then bad news will soon overtake you - a person close to you will die. You will be covered with a feeling of guilt due to the fact that during your life you did not pay attention to him at all.
  • Do you dream that the candle was burning and burning and then went out? This is a sign of an emergency serious illness. The disease can be prevented if you consult a doctor in time
  • Do you see not one, but a whole bunch of candles scattered chaotically around the room? Such a dream has a very bad value- will happen in the world terrible tragedy or a global fire-related disaster. It could be a huge fire or a terrorist attack with explosions
  • Do you see in a dream how many people you know are holding candles in their hands? This means that in real life all these people are extremely negative towards you. They will try to create a lot of problems for you, be on your guard - there are a lot of ill-wishers and enemies

Don't be upset if the interpretation of your dream turns out to be unfavorable. Troubles can be prevented if measures are taken in time.