Dream Interpretation - long-awaited meeting. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a Meeting?

Today, very often people meet on the Internet, and some acquaintances develop into something more than simple entertainment. And if you are invited to a meeting, then you need to prepare for it. And an even greater task falls on the guy’s shoulders: after all, he must organize this very meeting and make sure that everything goes well. The most important thing is not to be nervous or worry when meeting your loved one. And you should be prepared that real life you don't like the person, and then your communication will stop.

There has been a lot of debate about whether there is love on the Internet, and we will not touch on this topic in this article. After all, people will still stand their ground, and if you tell them that all this is nonsense, they will refuse to listen to you. It cannot be denied that dating on the Internet is ridiculous, because some people meet there and build good relationship and then good families. Also, after a real meeting of “Internet friends”, the impression of him may be better or worse.

Dating on the Internet

Not every person succeeds in meeting people on the Internet. After all, in virtual world It’s much more difficult to feel a person than in real life. After all, here you can communicate only with words, if in real world you can play with feelings. After all, a person cannot feel a person’s emotions and reaction to a particular message in a letter.

You can only show your emotions with the help of emoticons, but such “emotions” can be faked and then it’s difficult to understand what a person really thinks. And the most important thing is that a person will not be able to understand how another reacted to his appearance.

Only thoughts come into contact here; online you can’t feel any smells, touches, or smiles. It is worth noting for yourself that a person thinks much faster than he speaks.

Meeting with a guy from another city

People communicate, meet, fall in love and get married. Many people have probably gone through this. happy couples. But today virtual communication is popular, which has two peaks of romance: first, when communicating, people try to please each other, and then after the meeting, the guy begins to court the lady. Of course, if they are from the same city, then meeting them will not be a problem.

The merit of the Internet is that it introduces people who in real life could hardly not only meet, but even get to know each other at all. But the Internet is the World Wide Web, and people can meet from cities thousands of kilometers apart. But such relationships can be called time-tested, since not every person can be at such a long distance and continue to love their companion. So, when people from different cities meet, the first question in their mind becomes: who to meet in the city? Who should come to whom first?

If you want to achieve with your Internet boyfriend serious relationship, then they should give him the opportunity to prove himself and invite him to visit you. Of course, if there is somewhere to place him, and if you have nowhere to receive a man, for example, you live with your mother or in a rented apartment with a girlfriend, then it is better to go to him yourself and at the same time see how he lives.

Even if a man doesn’t have money or doesn’t work anywhere, you shouldn’t offer him your money, he’s a man, and he must find the money himself for travel and for a gift to you - that’s where it all lies masculine essence. The man, in turn, must take all the initiative into his own hands and create a comfortable and romantic atmosphere when meeting a girl. You need to amaze her at first sight and surprise her so that she thinks how caring you are.

A man must show his essence and prove that he can overcome all obstacles in order to achieve the girl he loves. But it’s worth giving advice to girls that, by the way, you shouldn’t invite a stranger to your home. After all, you don’t know that person. Suddenly he turns out to be unpleasant to you, and then you will not be able to get rid of him. The ideal option is to rent an apartment for a day or a month, where you will meet your friend from the Internet.

First meeting with an Internet friend

If you and your online friend have been communicating for a long time, texting, calling each other, talking on video calls and exchanging photos, then you probably want to meet him in person to understand whether you should continue communicating or not.

The first date should not be long for two reasons.

1. So that no one gets tired.

2. To create a desire to meet again.

You should not make conclusions about a person after the first date, since appearance and first impressions can be deceiving. If you are interested in a girl, then you need to meet her again to find out more about her. It is worth considering that the date did not go as you expected due to the girl’s shyness and awkwardness.

It is worth understanding for yourself that you need to meet a girl only in daytime. If you invite her on a date late in the evening, she may get scared and not only not come to the date, but also stop communicating with you altogether.

Choose a meeting place

But to organize the first meeting with your loved one from the Internet, you will have to work hard. First of all, you need to choose a place for your first date. Of course, the first meeting with your loved one is an exciting moment and you need him to make an impression on the lady. It is best to choose a romantic atmosphere and not a noisy establishment. You should not go to crowded places, because you need time to talk with the girl and find out about her interests, and very noisy companies will distract you from this, and you will not be able to concentrate on your companion.

But you don’t need to choose completely deserted places, good option for the first meeting is an embankment or a park. You need to think through the route of your walk in advance so that there are no questions about where to go. But this route needs to be agreed upon with the girl. You can ask her if she minds if we take a walk in the park and sit on a bench and try some delicious ice cream? By the way, you need to rehearse all your phrases in advance so as not to get into an awkward situation.

Of course, before the meeting, you can offer the girl several options for where to spend the evening, but it all depends on the man’s desire. Some people deliberately do not tell the girls the place of their date, because they want to arrange a surprise and pleasantly surprise their beloved.

Meeting at a cafe

If you decide to invite your companion to a cafe, then you need to calculate everything down to the smallest detail. First of all, if you don’t have a lot of money, then you should choose inexpensive establishments. You need to take as much money as possible with you in order to be able to pay for two, because you don’t know what your companion will want to order. Perhaps her goal will be to check your wallet - and she will give preference only to expensive dishes. You shouldn’t be surprised, there are such young ladies.

Be punctual

You shouldn’t be late for a meeting, especially if you promised to pick up the girl at home. This way you will immediately show your unpunctuality and lack of composure and scare the girl away from you. After all, she shouldn't wait for you. Remember that being late for a man is, first of all, indecent, because only a girl should be late for dates - this is where her highlight lies. It is better to arrive early for a meeting than to be late. If you arrive at your girlfriend's place on time, you will show her your good upbringing and also show her respect.

What to wear on a first date?

For the first date, everything should be perfect: this applies to both the venue and the clothing and demeanor of the “groom”. It is especially important to consider the selection of clothes, because people are greeted by their clothes. The first thing your date will notice about you is what you are wearing. It is best to appear before a girl in a business suit. On a date, you should not wear a tracksuit and sneakers - such clothes are suitable for get-togethers with friends. This way you will form the image of a “gopnik”, which the girl is unlikely to like.

You shouldn’t dress normally and drably; on the contrary, you need to choose an outfit so that it has some zest and some kind of individuality. Don't blend in with the gray mass. After all, this is your first date. If you are going to the theater, then you need to wear something formal, but for a walk in the park such an outfit will not work. For the park, you can wear jeans and a T-shirt or a classic shirt.

You need to choose clothes in such a way that when a girl sees you, she wants to smile and be delighted. She shouldn't regret going on a date with you. You need to remember that your appearance should be the same as in the photo. This is rightly important so that, firstly, the girl recognizes you, and secondly, she is not disappointed.

What to talk about

You need to come up with topics for conversation in advance. They should be so as not to embarrass you, girls, otherwise she will not want to date you again. It will not be so difficult to decide on the topic of conversation if you communicate for a long time, because you probably know about her interests and hobbies. If what your girlfriend does is unknown to you, you need to look about it on the Internet so as not to look ridiculous and stupid.

You need to prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to listen to your interlocutor, and not praise yourself. So the girl will think that you are a braggart and can only talk about yourself, not knowing how to listen to your interlocutor.

There is no need to talk about topics that are not interesting to the girl, these are, first of all, the following:



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Past relationships.

It is necessary to prepare in advance for the fact that a person who may come to your meeting is different from the one you communicated with on the Internet. After all, communication in the virtual world is different from that in the real world. And the way a person talked about himself may not coincide with what he is like in reality. The main thing is that you must understand that you are dating a person whom you do not officially know and therefore you can expect anything from him. And don’t worry too much if a person comes and doesn’t live up to your dreams. After all, you have to get to know the person again, as if you were meeting him for the first time.

How to behave?

It's not just girls who are shy. But very often, guys don’t know how to behave on a date with a girl, especially if it’s your first date and you’ve only seen the girl in photographs. But the most important thing is not to be nervous and not to worry, but to try to behave normally, without embarrassing your companion, because she, like you, is worried and worried.

On the first date, you need to smile at the girl as often as possible, since a sweet smile can instantly captivate any girl.

The guy must manage not only the relationship, but also be responsible for the entire meeting. It is worth noting that it is the guy who should invite the girl on a date, no matter how shy he is. You shouldn’t wait for an invitation from a girl, as you might not get one. And with your indecision you will ruin everything.

No need to delay meeting a girl from the Internet

If you met a girl on the Internet and started communicating, then you should not delay the meeting. After all, the sooner a girl sees her lover in real life, the sooner she will decide whether she wants to live with him. While a girl is waiting to meet her boyfriend from the Internet, she fantasizes and imagines him a lot. She may not imagine him as he really is. Therefore, the meeting of the couple should take place as early as possible so that, due to their fantasies, they are not disappointed by what they see. After all, we all want a handsome and successful person to come to meet us.

In other words, if you really like the girl you’re talking to, you have topics to talk about, and she’s easy to talk to, then don’t be shy, you need to offer her a meeting as soon as possible. You need to meet a person to understand whether you are suitable for each other, perhaps your further communication is completely unpromising and therefore there is no point in wasting time on each other.

The article described how to behave on a date with a girl from the Internet. And how to organize this date. You need to remember that you should always remain yourself, joke and smile in moderation in order to please a girl. Also, a lot depends on clothing and appearance guy. You should go on a date alone to spend time with just the two of you. There should be no girlfriends or friends on the first date of lovers.

Pages of articles about virtual love

Meeting in a dream- Meeting your grandparents in a dream means facing serious difficulties in real life, to overcome which you will need wise advice.
Meeting a predatory animal on your way in a dream means that you need to beware of competitors and spiteful critics in real life. They are very strong, you cannot defeat them.
Meeting people unfamiliar to you in life promises either good, if the person is outwardly beautiful and pleasant, or evil, if his appearance is repulsive.
Meeting with ex-lover in a dream- dreams can come true if you put all your effort into it.
Meeting with a prisoner in prison- family quarrels, scandals and litigation.
Meeting with one of the relatives, with parents- the dream promises a pleasant surprise, receiving an invitation to a wedding or name day, or the appearance of a newborn child in the family. A long-awaited meeting with classmates or old friends in a dream - in the real world you need rest, support, attention and approval.
Meet someone on the road- in life you will have to solve your long-standing problems, and if you meet a friend or relative, the problem will be solved successfully.
Meet someone at a train station or airport- to a cooling of feelings between lovers, to betrayal in a married couple.
To interpret the dream in which you had a meeting, you need to explain what kind of meeting was in your dream.
If in your dream you meet an acquaintance and are having a pleasant conversation with him, then you can be happy: things at work will go uphill sharply, and those with whom you live will not cause you any hassle or trouble.
If you dreamed of a date with your significant other, this, oddly enough, indicates your cooling in your relationship with this person.
If you dreamed that you were participating in a business meeting, it means that you are in for a downturn in business. various fields life, there may simply not be enough time for some worries.
If someone interrupted your meeting in a dream, it means that in reality you may make some hasty and rash move that can lead to bad consequences.
If in a dream you dream of meeting an enemy or your enemy, it means you will receive bad news.
If you met your good acquaintance or friend in a dream and talked with him on friendly topics, it means only good things. Pleasant news or an event may await you. Your relationship with your family and friends will improve, and everything will be calm and good.
If the meeting you dreamed left an unpleasant aftertaste, or the dream took place in such a way that it was completely inconvenient for you to come to this meeting, you will experience pangs of conscience for the actions that you took, knowing full well that they were not entirely legal. And by the way, these actions will most likely become known to those around you.
If it's a stranger, it will cause you a lot of trouble.
When in a dream you meet a person whom you have not seen for a long time, it means that in reality you will have a date with someone who greatly irritates you.
Chance meeting in a dream- to a change of plans, a change in weather, news or an unplanned purchase.
A dream in which you meet with the management of the company you work for means lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities, fear of seeming unprofessional.

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Anchor points:

Our meeting was a mistake...

A dream where you are not happy to meet, or they were unpleasant people, means trouble. An ill-wisher or enemy whom you had to meet indicates your scandalousness. Meet an animal frightening you means that your frivolity will cause big problems.

Long-awaited meeting

You have been waiting for a long time and preparing for the meeting - yours family life will be filled with joyful events. Seeing salt also means pleasant troubles. In the case where the meeting was accidental, you will have an emotional showdown with your other half.

New acquaintances

Meet on various issues with strangers and enjoying communication means a joyful event awaits you.

Love dates

Meeting your lover in a dream threatens to deteriorate your relationship. If this was the first date, in reality you will break up with a loved one.

Business meetings

To see that you have met with colleagues, or partners and clients - a dream warns of problems arising in the professional sphere.

Meet visitors

The train station or airport where you met someone symbolizes an unpleasant surprise. If these were relatives, then soon you will have to take care of someone close to you.

Dead people you met in your dreams

You lack communication with relatives if you met a dead person in a dream.

The meeting did not take place

Such a dream warns that you need to take decisive action to change your life for the better.


You received guests in your home - you are making enemies with your behavior. Have you met anyone? Wrong decision made will negatively affect relationships with friends. A meeting on neutral territory foreshadows a new acquaintance.

Relatives or not?

A meeting with relatives warns of the possibility of an accident. Friends symbolize your loneliness. Meet classmates or classmates - you miss the past times. Meeting a celebrity means unexpected news.

New Year is in a hurry! Meet us!

Dreaming about the festive New Year's Eve indicates harmony between spouses. At this moment you were having fun - a pleasant surprise.