Why do you dream about the beach and the ocean? Miller's dream book is a lucky coincidence. Why does a girl or woman dream about

The article on the topic: “dream book about swimming in the ocean” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Do you often see the ocean in your dreams and want to understand what this dream could mean? You can find out why you have such a dream using a dream book. Interpretations differ depending on the state of the water.

Seeing the ocean in a dream almost always signifies upcoming serious life changes. In this case, we can even talk about a real turning point in the dreamer’s fate. This prediction should be taken as seriously as possible. By noticing the signs sent by fate in time, you can change your whole life for the better.

The women's dream book says that the ocean and small waves predict the coming of a good time not only for you, but also for your loved ones. Swimming in calm and quiet waters in a dream means good luck, which will help you in all your endeavors and undertakings.

If during a swim you hear waves crashing noisily against the side of a nearby ship, get ready for noisy family quarrels or to serious problems at work. To find out why you dream of a sea or ocean, either shallowing or again filling with seething water, you can also refer to the women's dream book. He warns that your life will be either difficult and bitter, or calm and prosperous.

According to Freud's dream book, swimming in the ocean in a dream means getting new pleasure from your sexual life. A man will discover new possibilities as a lover, and a woman will experience an exciting date with a person she likes.

If you dreamed of an ocean with fish at night, then real life You are facing a serious need. It will take quite a long time to get out of it. Another explanation of why you dream clean ocean, gives dream book XXI century. According to him, an incredibly prosperous and happy time will soon come in your life, unclouded by any worries and sorrows.

But what does it mean if a person who does not know how to swim and is afraid of the depths dreams of the ocean? In this case, this is an alarming omen, promising mental anxiety and a certain internal discomfort.

What does the ocean mean according to Miller's dream book

As in other sources, serene, clear waters predict good luck, love and luck. For a sailor, such a dream promises an upcoming successful voyage. The meaning of such a dream for a business person is success in concluding deals and material well-being. If a young man saw a similar plot, then in real life, as the dream book says, he will enjoy the love of the girl he likes.

Seeing an ocean in a dream, the waves of which are rapidly rushing against each other, while standing on the shore, means an easy victory over your rivals. Most likely, you won’t even have to make a lot of effort to get rid of various unpleasant enemies. Everything will happen naturally and in the best possible way.

To find out what a raging ocean means in dreams, you can also refer to Miller’s dream book. For married couples, this can spell trouble marital relations, which can even in some cases end in divorce. For lovers, such a dream predicts a revival of former passion. At the same time, complete mutual understanding will come in a love relationship.

Seeing an island in the ocean in a dream promises the emergence of some unconscious hope in reality. If you are sitting on this island alone, then, according to the dream book, in real life you will have to be left alone for some time.

Swimming in the ocean brings remorse. You have probably done something bad at some point and still regret it. It is also important what kind of water you swim in. Pure and serene promises success in any endeavor and financial well-being. Dirty and muddy warns of possible problems and troubles.

If a seriously ill person sees the ocean shore in a dream, he will soon be healed. A walk along the shore means longing for travel or homeland. Standing on the shore and watching the ship sailing means worries and doubts about reality. The dream book says exactly what the blue ocean means in dreams. Such a dream predicts a very happy and blissful period in life.

Dream Interpretation. Ocean: meaning and interpretation of dreams. Why dream of swimming in clear water?

Every night a person dreams about 5-8 dreams. Usually, when we wake up in the morning, we don’t remember anything from our dream. It seems to us that there were no visions. But there are dreams that shock you with their scale or the strength of the evoked feelings, unusual emotional coloring. The next morning we remember these visions and try to understand them. A dream about the ocean is, without a doubt, one of the brightest and most memorable.

You may not have seen it with your own eyes, but even in a dream, the power of water excites and shocks. Undoubtedly, like a real ocean, a vision about it is also a phenomenon that foreshadows something large-scale, strong, and unusual. To determine in detail and accurately what information a dream about the ocean carries, you should refer to various dream books, giving interpretations to the dream. Now let's look at different options.

Interpretation of Catherine

Let's open Catherine's first Great dream book. The ocean, if it is calm, according to this interpretation means well-being in business, and for an enterprising person - the successful implementation of plans.

Perhaps there were troubles and problems, but now they are left far behind, as if you had sailed away and left them. A calm ocean also means various auspicious life situations. But if the waves hit the sides of the ship you are sailing on, then you should prepare for unpleasant surprises. It is quite possible that something will not go as planned: a conflict with loved ones or a mess in business.

Freud's dream book: ocean

Swimming in the ocean means that your sex life will give you new joys. Perhaps it will be an exciting relationship, perhaps some new sensations from an already known partner, or just a date with someone who has long been liked. The ocean is endless. And therefore love can also become an endless positive experience.

Magic interpreter

What does the magical dream book tell you? The ocean symbolizes good experiences and achievements. If he is calm, then everything will be fine. But if the waves are strong and noisy, then you should think about your material well-being.

It’s very sad that if it becomes small before your eyes, it means that your income will melt and decrease. Wandering the ocean always means a long journey. But sailing through a turbulent body of water means having great difficulty maintaining your life in its current state.

Russian interpreter

Now let's look at the Russian dream book. The ocean is clean - there is every chance to be happy and, of course, calm. Such water always means peace, happiness, love, good luck. This will be the case in everything – in your personal life, business, work and travel. According to the Russian dream book, the ocean promises new achievements, knowledge and victories.

Interpretation of Phoebe

What does Phoebe’s dream book say? The ocean dreams of fulfilling desires, of dreams come true. And to see the island is the realization of some hope. But if you see only yourself on an ocean island, even the most beautiful one, be prepared for a long period of loneliness in life. Often I dream not only of the ocean surface, but also of a ship. If he floats away into the distance, and you remain on the shore, there will be sadness and parting. It’s bad when the ocean or sea is dreamed of by a person who cannot swim. His fear of water and depth means in a dream some kind of mental problems, anxiety and despondency. You need to understand your life: is everything really going well in it?

Perhaps the ocean is not empty in a dream - it is full of life: fish swim, algae quietly move. Well, this only means one thing - a difficult period in life begins. There will be material problems, tension with family, and conflicts with others. Dealing with these negative phenomena will take a long and difficult time.

Does a sick person have a dream about the ocean? Then, probably, the long-awaited recovery will soon occur. Water symbolizes purification on all levels - physical, mental, and moral.

Miller's opinion

Let's open Miller's dream book. The ocean in a dream, according to this book, has a double interpretation. Which one exactly? What does the dream book say about this? The ocean raises waves, the water makes noise, rages - a similar vision for married couples may end sadly. At the very least, problems in relationships cannot be avoided. But for lovers, the restless ocean brings passion and intensity of emotions, stormy confessions and sexual trials.

Interpreter of the subconscious

The dream book interpreting the manifestations of the subconscious gives a lot of information. Water, the ocean symbolize the mother as a parent or as mother nature. It is believed that such a dream is extremely intuitive; it predicts the future with high probability. Some experts even believe that the ocean seen is a form higher power, a single natural consciousness. Much depends on how exactly he appeared in the dream.

If calm, it symbolizes positive relationships with others and inspires optimism. It’s good to swim in such an ocean, giving it your energy and receiving in return the energy of cleansing water. The dream book interprets this as being in the womb of the mother. But it’s very bad when the ocean overwhelms you, makes you choke on the waves, pulls you to the bottom, or simply scares you. Such a dream can determine the meaning of the maternal personality, which, unfortunately, is suppressive and too aggressive. Seeing a shipwreck in a dream is interpreted as a fear of losing something important to oneself, mental or material. It is important to pay attention to whether anyone managed to escape during the crash? Great value According to the Dream Book, the subconscious has the emotions experienced during sleep. Calm waters or swimming in them signify solace and finding peace. It was as if a person had returned to his mother’s womb and become a baby again.

Jewish dream book

The sea, the ocean along it indicate interest strangers to your business. This is especially true if in a dream you are sailing on big ship with strangers who are very kind to you. Someone is probably very interested in your affairs and finances.

Interpreter Akulina

According to Akulina’s dream book, the ocean is nothing more than the emergence of new interesting adventures in life, the cessation of routine. Perhaps such an adventure is what you need to make life a little richer and more diverse.

Star Interpreter

The star dream book states that the ocean in a dream means spiritual freedom and the protection of Neptune and Jupiter. All paths are open. Therefore, you can accomplish what you have planned for a long time.

What was the water like?

Having seen the ocean in a dream, you need to thoroughly remember all the nuances, reproduce them in your memory, and then check them in dream books. It is very important what you did and how you did it, what kind of water it was - clean or dirty, muddy, what the state of the ocean was - calm or stormy. These are all clues to the dream.

If in a dream you are swimming in the endless ocean, you should pay attention to the condition of the water - a lot depends on it. Clean water promises a successful completion of all sorts of affairs, calm water also promises all sorts of benefits, but dirty or stormy water warns of various troubles that await in the near future.

Emotions in a dream

But the feelings you experience during sleep are no less important, especially since the emotional component is also well remembered. If the next morning there is a feeling of complete rest, calmness, emotions are smooth and unstressed, then the dream does not bode well. Otherwise, if after the vision you are left with anxiety, a feeling of weakness and unfulfilled work, if you are tormented by sadness, such a dream definitely promises negative events and experiences.

Why do you dream about the ocean?

The ocean in a dream is a very important sign, which foreshadows serious changes and responsible decisions. The answer to the question of why the ocean is dreamed of largely depends on what it was like, what emotions it evoked and other related details.

Why do you dream about the ocean in a calm state?

A calm ocean is a harbinger of a happy and mutual love. This dream also speaks of inner strength and spiritual harmony of the dreamer. A vision in which you admired the foaming waves promises success and relief from problems. The calm, calm ocean also promises prosperity and a solution to material problems.

If you were on its coast and listened to the calm sound of the surf, then this is a sign that you need to be careful, since there is a possibility that competitors or rivals are plotting something against you. Try to be more restrained and not provoke enemies to take serious actions against you.

If you dreamed of a very shallow ocean through which the bottom was visible, then this states that prosperity and happiness in your life will always be replaced by poverty and sadness.

Walking along the shore and watching the calm ocean symbolizes the dreamer’s loneliness and his great desire to find a worthy mate.

Stormy ocean in a dream

A turbulent ocean predicts that you will need great efforts to cope with all the obstacles and difficulties, of which there will be many on your way.

A dream in which you saw the water level in the ocean drop sharply promises changes that will radically change your life and change your attitude towards the world.

If a sailor dreams of a storm, then this is a sure sign that the next voyage will be extremely successful for him.

An intimate dream book states that if a man dreams of a raging ocean, then he has problems in the sexual sphere. Perhaps this is why difficulties arise with my wife or girls. When a woman sees such a dream, it may mean that she does not trust her partner and cannot relax with him.

If you were shipwrecked in the ocean and thrown onto an unknown land, then this promises loss of friends and loneliness. Be patient and attentive to your loved ones so as not to lose them forever.

A bad sign is a dream where you drowned. This speaks of frivolity, irresponsibility and reluctance to start a family. That is why the dreamer faces loneliness, sadness and dissatisfaction with life. You need to change your attitude towards life, otherwise you will remain an unhappy person.

Watching large waves crash into each other in a dream foretells a quick deliverance from ill-wishers. Very strong waves are the personification of your worries and worries. Often such a dream occurs on the eve of taking a very important decision which can affect the rest of your life.

Why dream of sailing or swimming in the ocean

If you sailed in a dream on the ocean far from land, then this promises problems in professional affairs and misunderstandings in the family circle. A dream in which you swam in the calm waters of the ocean promises that you will live your whole life in peace and prosperity. Anyone who swam in the ocean during a storm in a dream should prepare for serious quarrels with relatives.

Sailing on the ocean surface with a fair wind is a good sign. After this dream, you will be able to achieve your goals and fulfill your desires. In addition, this promises success in love affairs.

A dream where you swam far on a boat and heard the waves hitting its side promises trouble in business sphere and conflicts with relatives. If a person who cannot swim dreams of himself swimming in the ocean, it means he has hidden fears. The dreamer cannot live in peace because he is afraid of everything.

If a person could not float on the water, then this means that in real life he is fighting something invincible. Being in the middle of the ocean and feeling great fear promises problems and difficult situations, in which you will need the help of friends.

A dream in which you went in your sleep to sea ​​voyage, prophesies a long journey in reality. If a sailor sees calm sailing, then in reality everything will be the other way around. Sailing on the ocean in a cozy liner and watching the ocean out the window promises a very stormy period of life, full of interesting and exciting events.

If you were surfing on the ocean, then this indicates an imminent romance with a passionate person who will cause you a storm of emotions. Unfortunately, this will not lead to anything serious, but it is guaranteed to remain in your memory for a long time.

If you swam in the ocean and got great pleasure from it, then this dream means that you are next to your loved one whom you simply idolize. For a girl, a dream is a harbinger of pregnancy. In addition, such a dream prophesies positive changes in all areas of life.

What a beautiful ocean in the photo, I really wanted to go there - to the sea and the sun

Yes, especially from our gloomy weather.

I wonder how to find out what exactly you are dreaming about... the sea or the ocean? To me sea ​​element I dream about it very often, maybe because there are two seas nearby?)))

Perhaps feel it. Probably anyone who has been to the ocean will understand.

Good Evening... Today I had a dream that I was running somewhere, and to my left it seemed like a gate was closing, it was closing in one direction, an automatic gate that closes itself...

And so I look to the left, and there was such beauty behind the gate, I saw the ocean, the water was so clean, clean, the color was light blue, it seemed to me like there was paradise there... I tried to run faster and faster to make it faster than the gate.....

I don't think I went there... But I managed to run faster than the gate... And then I don’t remember...

Please tell me the dream!

If the gate is closed, then in some direction you will not be able to continue your development. Moreover, somewhere nearby there is something (perhaps a person) that suits everyone, everything is fine and good, but again something is missing. There is something that makes you strive for something else, through this gate. There is a certain goal.

Please tell me what this dream is about. I dreamed of a raging ocean with big waves. I am swimming and see boards, people, children floating past, I understand that there has been a shipwreck, but I don’t see the ship itself. I see one woman swimming, and a child (a girl) is sitting on her, it’s hard for her to swim, her strength is running out, I understand that the woman is about to drown and the girl, most likely, too. Here I swim up to the woman and take the child in her arms and begin to swim, I see a lot of people, panic, fear, I hear screams, but I swam to the shore, and I was saved, and so was the girl. Here I woke up, what is this dream for?

The dream may be about big quarrel plus there will be additional troubles that you will reluctantly have to pay attention to. The ending is favorable.

Tell me why I dream of swimming in a turbulent ocean, sailing on it and having fun, I saw waves to the side. And then I remembered that I’m a bad swimmer and started to drown, but I never drowned.

Alena, a dream can literally indicate excitement out of nowhere. It is possible that something may unbalance you and make you lose confidence. However, judging by the dream, everything will be fine, you will overcome difficulties.

Why do you dream about the ocean: is it time to set sail?

One can safely call the dream in which the big ocean. It’s pleasant and fascinating to watch him. In order to find out exactly what the ocean is in a dream about, you need to remember what kind of water was in it, and then turn to the dream book.

Why do you dream about the ocean: meanings in dream books

The most accurate interpretation of visions about the ocean is presented in Miller’s dream book:

  • calm surface - positive changes in life;
  • swim in the ocean - business will begin to develop rapidly, and personal life will improve;
  • swimming and at the same time fighting the waves - conflicts in the family and collapse in the business sphere;
  • look at it from the shore - envious people will stop plotting;
  • sometimes bottomless, sometimes shallow - a series of joys and sorrows in life.

Ocean in the dream book (video)

Why do you dream of an ocean with blue water, clean

A person who dreamed of a blue ocean, the beauty of which can be admired endlessly, promises a long journey and the accomplishment of serious deeds. And everything will be fine in your personal life, communication with a loved one will give you a lot of positive emotions.

A dream can be interpreted more accurately only after the key points of the dream are taken into account:

  • swim in calm water - all ideas will be successfully brought to life;
  • swim and experience positive emotions - peace, prosperity and tranquility will reign in the family;
  • experience fear at the sight of water - upcoming affairs cause certain fears in the dreamer, but nevertheless the meaning of dreams is favorable;
  • for a sailor - the voyage will be successful;
  • business people - making successful transactions and making significant profits;
  • for young boys and girls - feelings for another person will bring pleasure.

In all dream books, without exception, clean, blue waters promise good luck and unreal luck, a happy personal life.

Seeing the sea, the ocean in a dream, swimming, swimming in it

The meaning of dreams in which you only had to observe the ocean from the side can be quite varied:

  1. Peaceful and endless. Peace of mind will come, inner world will be in harmony. Life will become much calmer and happier.
  2. Huge. The man has incredible fortitude. This is the most favorable period for him to realize his potential.
  3. Raging. On the way to achieving your goal you will have to overcome many obstacles. The main obstacle will be the emotions of the dreamer himself. He should try to cope with them.
  4. Foam waves. The sleeper tries to restrain his emotions and does not let them out. It is necessary to at least try to manifest them, as they plague a person from the inside.
  5. So transparent that you can see the bottom. In the very near future, a person will experience real happiness and plunge into it headlong.

If you had a chance to not only see the ocean or sea, but also splash around in it to your heart’s content, then the meaning of the dream will be different:

  • diving - new romantic feelings. It is possible that this relationship will end in marriage;
  • swim calmly - a person has become wiser, knows himself and the world around him better;
  • swim underwater - in order for all things to be successful, you need to listen to your own intuition;
  • sailing in a boat - a high goal will soon be achieved. In achieving it, the main merit will be the dreamer’s perseverance and faith in his own strengths.

Why do you dream of an ocean with big waves?

Large waves are harbingers of problems that most often affect personal life.

  • For married couples, such dreams threaten not only the emergence of conflicts, but also divorce. But for young lovers this dream is not ominous. First of all, it symbolizes the fact that mutual understanding will finally reign between them.
  • Another meaning of raging waves in dreams is a turning point, which is characterized by sudden changes in joyful and sad events. It is possible that it is during this period that the dreamer will get rid of bad thoughts, and accordingly, life will begin to improve.
  • Dreams in which you had to sail on a ship on a stormy ocean and be shipwrecked promise a loss of trust among loved ones. It is worth treating them with increased attention and respect.
  • For representatives of the fair sex, such visions can be harbingers of romantic meetings with a person for whom they have the brightest feelings.
Large waves are harbingers of problems that most often affect personal life

If you had to watch the waves while standing on the shore, then you can count on the fact that soon the ill-wishers will stop disturbing the sleeping person.

Why does a woman dream about the ocean?

For a woman who in her dreams happened to watch the ocean with very small waves, the meaning of the dream is favorable. Positive changes in life will affect not only herself, but also those close to her.

Swimming in a huge ocean - no less good sign. Soon you can count on the fact that luck will not leave you in all your endeavors.

For a woman who in her dreams happened to watch the ocean with very small waves, the meaning of the dream is favorable

At the same time, a dream in which a woman was swimming and heard waves crashing against the side of a ship located not far from her, promises quarrels within the family and serious problems in the work environment.

How many people - so many dreams. How many dreams - so many opportunities, sometimes missed. The meaning of a dream is difficult to understand without taking into account all its aspects, the person's personality and the context. In order to find out what a dream REALLY means, write to a site expert, it’s free!

Of particular importance for a woman are dreams in which the ocean either suddenly becomes shallow or instantly fills with raging water. The vision warns her that life will change just as dramatically, sometimes frightening her with difficulties, sometimes delighting her with well-being.

Why do you dream of an ocean in which fish swim?

A dream warns against serious need, in which not only the ocean is imagined, but also the fish in it. In reality, it will take a lot of time to cope with problems.

If the fish do not scatter chaotically throughout the reservoir, but swim in a school, then you can soon expect an improvement in living conditions; there are no obstacles to achieving your goals.

Sharks symbolize the serious danger that awaits the dreamer.

Flying fish are of particular importance. Circumstances will develop in such a way that it will be easy to achieve not only success, but also stability in the financial sphere and personal life.

Unpleasant changes in life are promised to those who happen to see fish swimming at the very bottom of the ocean in a dream. All attempts to cope with problems will require titanic efforts and impressive financial investments. It is quite possible that the best solution will be to retreat. Let everything take its course

Visions in which dead fish are dreamed are also dangerous. It is quite possible that financial problems will soon arise and your health will deteriorate. During this period, it is worth avoiding unplanned expenses and reviewing everything necessary expenses. Perhaps some of them can be avoided. Recommended special attention pay attention to your health.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Ocean in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see the Ocean - The endless expanses of the ocean can be a symbol of the struggle against the insurmountable that you wage in real life.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about the Ocean in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Ocean - represents the subconscious and superconscious areas of the mind; water means the spirit of life, the ocean becomes the greatest source of spiritual life. Mysteries of the depth of consciousness; emotions overflowing, as the dream book - predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about the Ocean in a dream?

Seeing the Ocean in a dream means - Ocean - glory, wealth. A calm ocean, with waves easily flowing onto the shore, is a sign of goodness, for a sailor - to a successful voyage, a businessman - to successful deeds, for a young man - to love joys. Swimming in the ocean and hearing the waves hitting the side is a sign of stormy events, a big scandal at work and at home. Looking from the shore at the waves crashing into each other means avoiding the machinations of ill-wishers. If you walk along the coastal strip and shallow places alternate with deep ones, a change of successes and miscalculations, joys and sorrows awaits you. Sailing on the calm surface of the ocean means prosperity in business; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does the ocean mean in a dream:

According to the dream book Ocean, to see what it means - Ocean - You have to go on a trip across the ocean long journey. The calm, serene surface of the ocean is favorable circumstances in all matters. A rippling ocean means that you are entering a transition period when joys and sorrows, losses and gains will alternate. A storm breaking out in the ocean means getting rid of the burden of heavy worries and gloomy thoughts about the sad past. To be shipwrecked in the ocean is to act unfairly towards friends

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Ocean according to the dream book?

Seeing the Ocean in a dream - If similar dream dreamed of by a man, this means that he has problems in his sex life. For example, it does not always come to sexual intercourse, but he quickly comes to his senses and can continue what he started. He should learn to delay the moment of ejaculation in order to please his partner, otherwise he will not be able to avoid conflicts and quarrels. A woman who dreamed of the ocean is very worried about her upcoming date with a potential partner, as the dream book predicts.

Ancient dream book

What does it mean to see the Ocean in a dream?

According to the dream book Ocean - If you dreamed about the ocean, it means you will experience exciting events. You will soon meet a man whom you previously could only dream of. He didn't pay attention to you, which only fueled your feelings. Now everything that stirred your blood and excited your imagination will come true. Your date will remind you that nothing is impossible in life and if you really want it, you can achieve anything. Even meeting a person who previously had no idea about your existence. Everything will be wonderful for you, because otherwise your fairy tale would not come true

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about the Ocean:

Ocean (sea). — Seeing a restless, raging ocean in a dream means worry about your marital relationship with your wife.

Autumn dream book

If you dream about the Ocean, what is it for:

Ocean - Looking from the shore at a calm ocean means a calm, stress-free life, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Ocean, what does a dream mean:

Seeing the Ocean in a dream - You dreamed of a calm ocean - this good sign. A sailor will have a pleasant and successful voyage, a business man will have success in business, a young man in love will have a reciprocal feeling from his girlfriend. If in a dream you sailed very far on a boat and heard the waves crashing against the side, you have troubles ahead in your business life and quarrels in the family. A dream in which you watch from the shore as ocean waves roll over one another foreshadows imminent deliverance from the machinations of ill-wishers. The ocean, shallowing before your eyes, says that prosperity and well-being in your life will be interspersed with sorrows and difficulties. If a man dreams of the ocean, then his possibilities in sexual life are limited, although he does not even know about it. For a woman, the ocean means great excitement caused by an upcoming date with a person she really likes. D. Loff wrote: “The ocean is the cradle of all life on Earth. According to Jung, the ocean is a place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel their evolutionary belonging to the collective forms of life that originated in the ocean. In this regard, the influence of the ideas of Darwinism is easily traced. Moreover, this approach taken by individuals to dream interpretation is imperfect due to the insufficient number of connecting links between its components. For many people, the ocean is associated with types of entertainment such as ship cruises, yachts, and scuba diving that were not available to people of the past. Perhaps a person who sees the ocean in a dream associates it with entertainment and does not at all perceive it as a source of life and fertility. For some, especially if they cannot swim, the ocean carries a connotation of fear and ill omen. Its vast expanses, combined with the inability to float on water, can be a symbol of the struggle against the insurmountable that you wage in real life.”

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Ocean:

Ocean. Your enemy is gaining power, and you will feel defenseless against him. But you will still fight it, managing to overcome your horror.

Why do you dream about the Ocean?

American dream book

A quiet, calm ocean indicates enormous inner strength, as well as emotional and spiritual balance.

A stormy, restless ocean requires great courage from you to embark on a journey to calm waters through emotional storms.

English dream book

Contemplating a calm ocean in a dream is good; if the ocean is stormy - such a dream bad sign.

To dream that you are sailing on a calm ocean surface with a fair wind is definitely a harbinger of achieving your goal, fulfilling your desires and getting what you passionately strived for. After such a dream you can expect happiness and satisfaction with fate; the dream also foretells success in love. For lovers, this dream promises a delightful period of courtship, leading directly and honestly to the haven of marriage. Your desires will coincide, and mutual and reciprocal affection awaits you. For a sailor it's the other way around; if he dreams of a pleasant sailing, in reality it will be full of dangers; if he dreams of a storm, this portends a successful voyage.

Ocean - life will be the same as the ocean seen in a dream.

She will be quiet and peaceful if the ocean is calm, restless if it is stormy.

Intimate dream book

If you are a man and you dreamed of the ocean, it means that your opportunities in sexual life are limited, although you don’t even know about it. Your sexual intercourse is fleeting, and sometimes it doesn’t even come to the point of intercourse. But you recover very quickly and are ready for the next “feat.” You need to learn to delay premature ejaculation, this will help prolong your pleasure and avoid future conflicts with an unsatisfied partner. Incontinence must be combated primarily with the help of special exercises. For a woman, the ocean means strong excitement caused by an upcoming date with a person she really likes.

Newest dream book

Ocean - you have the ability to engage in the occult.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Ocean - dark forces; moods and mystical energy of the psyche. Matrix of all creations. Chaos. Cold, cosmic unconscious.

The depths of the ocean are that which cannot be grasped or comprehended, especially the depths of the unconscious, but sometimes the depths of evil.

Family dream book

If you dreamed of a calm ocean, this is a good sign. A sailor awaits - a pleasant and successful voyage, a business man - success in business, a young man in love - a reciprocal feeling from his girlfriend.

If in a dream you sailed very far on a boat and heard the waves crashing against the side, you have troubles ahead in your business life and quarrels in the family.

The ocean, shallowing before your eyes, means that prosperity and well-being in your life will be interspersed with sorrows and difficulties.

Modern dream book

A quiet, peaceful ocean seen in a dream for sailors predicts a pleasant and profitable voyage; business people enjoy profitable deals. For a young man, this dream promises success in matters of the heart.

If you dream that you are far out on the open ocean and hear the waves hitting the side of the ship, in reality expect failures in commercial affairs, quarrels and worries in the family.

To dream that you are sitting on the ocean shore and admiring the foaming waves means that in real life you will barely escape the insidious machinations of your enemies.

Seeing the ocean so shallow that its bottom is visible through the thickness of the water predicts that prosperity and pleasure will be replaced by sadness and difficulties.

Sailing on a calm ocean means prosperity.

Dream book of the 21st century

If in a dream you saw a quiet, calm ocean, this is good sleep, promising you all the best, success in everything; slight disturbance on the water, waves colliding with each other - a harbinger of victory over an enemy, competitor, deliverance or counteraction to your enemies; a raging ocean is a symbol of obstacles, difficulties and stagnation in business.

Azar's Dream Book

The ocean is a huge insoluble problem.

Dream book for lovers

A dream in which you see a calm ocean portends peace and love. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows the enjoyment of communicating with each other.

If you hear the waves hitting the side of the boat in which you are sailing, this portends quarrels and disagreements in the family.

A dream in which the ocean either becomes shallow, like a river, or becomes deep, like an abyss, means that loneliness will alternate with periods of interesting acquaintances and hobbies.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Ocean - you should seriously think about those people to whom you entrusted your well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Ocean - symbolizes the sea of ​​life, your subconscious and the enormous intuitive power contained within you. It's time to delve into the primal wisdom that lives within you. Trust your intuition. The meaning of this sign may vary depending on the state of the water.

A quiet, calm ocean indicates enormous inner strength, as well as emotional and spiritual balance. The turbulent, restless ocean requires great courage from you to embark on a journey to calm waters through emotional storms.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing the ocean means business trips.

Sailing on the ocean on a ship in a storm - quarrels with loved ones and relatives will soon await you.

Dream book for a bitch

The ocean is calm - fame, success, wealth.

Sailing in the ocean means problems in business, disagreements and misunderstandings in family relationships.

Being on the ocean shore and watching it means that ill-wishers and envious people will leave you alone.

To see the bottom of the ocean - in your life, sorrows and joys will often replace each other.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The ocean in a dream symbolizes greatness. Perhaps you are on the verge of some very significant events.

Sailing on the ocean in a dream is a sign of great deeds and accomplishments.

Ocean waves - portend great excitement and experiences associated with some very important matters or events.

Seeing the ocean tide in a dream is a sign that something big and important is approaching.

Ocean low tide means that the expected event, which seems grandiose to you, will either not happen at all or will be delayed.

Dream Book of David Loff

The ocean is the cradle of all life on Earth.

According to Jung, the ocean is a place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel their evolutionary belonging to the collective forms of life that originated in the ocean. In this regard, the influence of the ideas of Darwinism is easily traced. Moreover, this approach taken by individuals to dream interpretation is imperfect due to the insufficient number of connecting links between its components.

For many people, the ocean is associated with types of entertainment such as ship cruises, yachts, and scuba diving, which were not available to people of the past.

Perhaps a person who sees the ocean in a dream associates it with entertainment and does not perceive it at all as a source of life and fertility.

For some, especially if they cannot swim, the ocean carries with it a connotation of fear and ill omen.

Its endless expanses, combined with the inability to float on water, can be a symbol of the struggle against the insurmountable that you wage in real life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Looking from the shore at a calm ocean means a calm, stress-free life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

The ocean - your enemy is gaining power, and you will feel defenseless in front of it. But you will still fight it, managing to overcome your horror.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

If a man had such a dream, it means that he has problems in his sexual life. For example, it does not always come to sexual intercourse, but he quickly comes to his senses and can continue what he started. He should learn to delay the moment of ejaculation in order to please his partner, otherwise he will not be able to avoid conflicts and quarrels.

A woman who dreamed of the ocean is very worried about her upcoming date with a potential partner.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a calm ocean in a dream is good news; a pleasant and successful voyage awaits the sailor. Business man- will be pleased with the progress of his affairs, and the young man will enjoy the charm of his beloved.

Sailing far in the ocean and hearing the waves crash against the side portends misfortune in business life and a stormy period of quarrels and reproaches in the home circle.

Watching from the shore how the ocean waves roll over one another - foretells your imminent deliverance from the machinations of ill-wishers.

If you dream that the ocean is shallowing like a river that can be forded - revealing a terrible abyss of the bottom when the waves recede - this means that prosperity and well-being will be interspersed in your life with sorrows and difficulties.

Sailing on a calm ocean always means favor in all endeavors.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you go on an ocean voyage, it means that in reality you will also have a long journey ahead, perhaps by land transport.

Seeing yourself in a comfortable cabin on an ocean liner, looking out the window at the endless expanses of the ocean, portends a turbulent period in your life.

The calm, serene surface of the ocean is a sign of favor in all matters. A turbulent ocean, making itself felt by intensified rocking, means that you are entering a transitional period, when joys and sorrows will intersperse with each other, just like losses and gains.

The element that played out in the ocean - to get rid of the burden of heavy worries and gloomy thoughts about the past, bright prospects. To be shipwrecked in the ocean and thrown onto an unknown land - by acting unfairly towards your friends, you will lose their support.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

The ocean is a very distant road, fame, wealth.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

The calm surface of the ocean in a dream - portends good times for everyone.

Sailing on a serene ocean always means success in all endeavors.

Sailing far from the shore and hearing the waves crashing against the side of the ship means serious problems in business life or violent quarrels and mutual reproaches in the home circle.

If you watch from the shore how the ocean waves roll over one another, this means exposing the intrigues of your ill-wishers, getting rid of their presence in your life.

If you dream that the ocean is becoming shallow, like a river, so that you can wade across it, then it reveals a terrible abyss of the bottom when the waves recede - this means that prosperity and well-being will intersperse in your life with sorrows and difficulties.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The ocean is a long road.

Freud's Dream Book

The ocean, like any body of water, is a symbol of pregnancy, birth or fertilization.

Traveling across the ocean on a ship symbolizes your fear of getting into trouble because of a woman, or even dying.

Surfing on the ocean waves symbolizes sexual intercourse.

If you save a person from the ocean, you want to have sexual contact with him, and if he is a person of the opposite sex, then you want to have a child with him.

If you swim in the ocean, you will enjoy the caresses of a person close to you, and for a woman this also portends a possible early pregnancy.

If you enjoy swimming in the ocean, you probably suffered from enuresis as a child, and perhaps you have not yet fully recovered.

If you are walking along the ocean, you are suffering from the fact that you have not yet found a suitable sexual partner.

If you see a stormy ocean, your relationship with your partner needs, at a minimum, correction; maybe you need to think about breaking up with him.

If you are drowning in the ocean, you do not want to have children and for this reason you strive to limit sexual contacts with your sexual partner or make them as safe as possible.

Universal dream book

Many of us have felt at some point in our lives that all our efforts towards something were in vain. Have you felt like just a drop in the ocean - would you like to have more influence on others?

How do you see the ocean in your dreams? - Is he calm or stormy?

If the ocean represents your feelings - what do you feel?

If you dream of ebbs and flows, it means that something is pressing on you. How do you behave in your sleep? Do you enjoy the ocean or escape from it?

If you are immersed in its waves, the dream suggests that you are surrendering to your emotions.

The ocean is also associated with endless space. What in your life has no boundaries? This applies to your friendship with anyone: it truly has no boundaries and you happy man?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, the ocean in a calm state promises you happiness in love.

You are sailing along it and it is very far from land - problems will arise in business and misunderstandings between relatives.

To be on the ocean coast and listen to the measured sound of the surf - be careful, your competitors are plotting something against you, and you may suffer greatly.

In a dream, you bathe in its quiet waters - in reality you will live in prosperity and peace.

If it’s stormy while you’re swimming, get ready for serious conflicts with your household.

Seeing how the water level in the ocean is falling means changes are planned in your life in the near future, and not for the better.

Swimming in the ocean in a dream means in reality you will plunge headlong into problems that will fall on you from all sides; you will never know peace, neither at work nor at home. Therefore, it is important to prevent these troubles or normalize their negative consequences.

If you dreamed of a clean, calm ocean and its vast expanse, this is a sure sign that a serene period of absolute, unclouded happiness is beginning in your life. You can be confident in the well-being of tomorrow.

Blue water according to the dream book

Almost all nations associate water with the birth of new life, health and positive emotions. Therefore, when talking about dreaming about blue water, everyone implies its crystal purity. However, dream books recommend not to delude yourself. When interpreting why you dream of water blue, remember all the details you saw in the dream. It may happen that a dream warns you of danger.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing that there is clear blue water in the reservoir, you can count on the favor of heaven, Miller’s dream book predicts, explaining what clear water means in dreams. Receiving pleasure, joy, fulfillment of innermost desires - all this awaits the dreamer. And if you dreamed that you were splashed, then this means that a dizzying romance awaits you. It’s bad if in a dream you see yourself drinking muddy slurry - this means illness and difficulty.

Brief interpretations

You can study for a long time and in detail what blue water means in dreams. And you can get brief interpretations.

  • Crystal clear liquid is a sign of well-being.
  • To see in a dream how a mountain river carries its turquoise waters- to quick enrichment.
  • Drawing cold water from a blue pond means your self-control is admirable.
  • Seeing water the color of the sky evaporate from the lake - to increase your authority.
  • Water foams, bursting out of the ground - you will emerge victorious in the dispute.
  • The blue surface of the lake will blind you with its brilliance - do not believe the first impression of a new acquaintance.

Artificial reservoir - Success depends on effort

The interpretation of a dream in which you are swimming in a pool of blue water will make you think: if you want to achieve success, you need to try. Did you dream of a huge pool in which you swim from side to side? You will be able to find a use for your creative abilities.

But why you dream about a vision in which you happened to swim in a small pool should be studied more carefully. Eastern dream book suggests that your potential is too small for the heights you have set your sights on. A Lunar dream book suggests that such a vision promises only easily surmountable obstacles, nothing more.

Natural reserves, or Peace and relationships...

You will be pleased with the explanation from Pastor Loff’s dream book about why you dream of swimming in the ocean. Seeing this in a dream is a sign of harmony and “boundless” happiness. Did the ocean please you with very clear and calm blue water? This means that you will not be disturbed by any troubles or difficulties. But a raging ocean prophesies unrest and anxiety, as well as an exacerbation of “smoldering” conflicts.

Swimming in the sea in a dream with a very clear water, through which the sand at the bottom is visible - a symbol of “transparency” and sincerity in relationships with loved ones. But if you dreamed that the light surface of the sea became dark, this is a sign that some friend is not completely honest with you.

Temperature as a reflection of real events

In a dream, did you come into contact with very hot water? Avoid conflicts and clarification of circumstances. You are now in a state where, in a fit of emotion, you can say too much, suggests Modern dream book.

Did you dream about very cold blue water? This is a sign that you do not lose your composure even in the most heated argument. And if in a dream you plunged into warm and pleasant water, you are a very delicate person. This is one of those qualities for which your friends appreciate you.

Dream Interpretation Raging Ocean

Why do you dream of a raging Ocean in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream book interprets an ocean raging with high waves - a storm may also break out in your married couple, and family well-being will be in jeopardy.

sea ​​ocean water

Dream Interpretation Sea ocean water dreamed of why you dream about sea, ocean, water? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see sea, ocean, water in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sea (ocean)

Dark forces; moods and mystical energy of the psyche. The matrix of all creations. Chaos. Cold, cosmic unconscious.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean (sea)

Seeing a restless, raging ocean in a dream means worry about your marital relationship with your wife.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Contemplating a calm ocean in a dream is good; if the ocean is stormy, then such a dream is an unkind sign. To dream that you are sailing on a calm ocean surface with a fair wind is definitely a harbinger of achieving your goal, fulfilling your desires and getting what you passionately strived for. After such a dream you can expect happiness and satisfaction with fate; the dream also foretells success in love. For lovers, this dream promises a delightful period of courtship, leading directly and honestly to the haven of marriage. Your desires will coincide, and mutual and reciprocal affection awaits you. For a sailor it’s the other way around: if he dreams of a pleasant voyage, then in reality it will be full of dangers; if he dreams of a storm, then this portends a successful voyage.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Seeing the expanse of the ocean in a dream and admiring its grandeur means that big things and long roads await you. For lovers, such a dream predicts reciprocity and enjoyment of the company of a loved one. Sailing on a calm ocean in a dream means successful completion of what was planned. A low tide on the ocean in a dream and surprise at how little water is left in it are a harbinger of sadness and obstacles in business. See interpretation: waves, water, storm.

Ocean clear water

Dream Interpretation Ocean clear water dreamed of why you dream of an ocean of clear water? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Ocean as clear water in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Clean water (sea, ponds, lakes)

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Clean water


Dream Interpretation - I want to quench my thirst with clean water

Health and success.

Dream Interpretation - Swimming in clean water

Health and success.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

You dreamed of a calm ocean - this is a good sign. A sailor will have a pleasant and successful voyage, a businessman - success in business, a young man in love - a reciprocal feeling from his girlfriend. If in a dream you sailed very far on a boat and heard the waves crashing against the side , - ahead of you are troubles in business life and quarrels in the family. A dream in which you watch from the shore how the waves of the ocean roll over one another, foreshadows imminent deliverance from the machinations of ill-wishers. The ocean, shallowing before your eyes, says that prosperity and well-being in your life will be interspersed with sorrows and difficulties. If a man dreams of the ocean, then his possibilities in sexual life are limited, although he does not even know about it. For a woman, the ocean means strong excitement caused by an upcoming date with a person she really likes. D . Loff wrote: “The ocean is the cradle of all life on Earth. According to Jung, the ocean is a place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel their evolutionary belonging to the collective forms of life that originated in the ocean. In this regard, the influence of the ideas of Darwinism is easily traced. Moreover, this approach taken by individuals to the interpretation of dreams is imperfect due to the insufficient number of connecting links between its components. For many people, the ocean is associated with types of entertainment such as ship cruises, yachts, scuba diving, which were not available to people of the past Perhaps a person who sees the ocean in a dream associates it with entertainment and does not perceive it at all as a source of life and fertility. For some, especially if they do not know how to swim, the ocean carries a connotation of fear and a bad omen. Its vast expanses, combined with the inability to float on water, can be a symbol of the struggle against the insurmountable that you wage in real life.”

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

The ocean is the cradle of all life on Earth. According to Jung, the ocean is a place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel their evolutionary belonging to the collective forms of life that originated in the ocean. In this regard, the influence of the ideas of Darwinism is easily traced. Moreover, this approach taken by individuals to dream interpretation is imperfect due to the insufficient number of connecting links between its components. For many people, the ocean is associated with types of entertainment such as ship cruises, yachts, and scuba diving, which were not available to people of the past. Perhaps a person who sees the ocean in a dream associates it with entertainment and does not at all perceive it as a source of life and fertility. For some, especially if they cannot swim, the ocean carries a connotation of fear and ill omen. Its endless expanses, combined with the inability to float on water, can be a symbol of the struggle against the insurmountable that you wage in real life.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Seeing a calm ocean in a dream is good news; a pleasant and successful voyage awaits the sailor. A business man will be pleased with the progress of his affairs, and a young man will enjoy the charm of his beloved. Sailing far in the ocean and hearing the waves hitting the side portends misfortune in business life and a stormy period of quarrels and reproaches in the home circle. Watching from the shore like ocean waves waves run over one another, foreshadows your imminent deliverance from the machinations of ill-wishers. If you dream that the ocean is either shallowing like a river that can be forded, then revealing a terrible abyss of the bottom when the waves recede - this means that prosperity and well-being will alternate in Your life with sorrows and difficulties. Sailing on a calm ocean always means favor in all endeavors.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Ocean - If you are a man and you dreamed of the ocean, it means that your opportunities in sexual life are limited, although you don’t even know about it. Your sexual intercourse is fleeting, and sometimes it doesn’t even come to the point of intercourse. But you recover very quickly and are ready for the next “feat.” You need to learn to delay premature ejaculation, this will help prolong your pleasure and avoid future conflicts with an unsatisfied partner. Incontinence must be combated primarily with the help of special exercises. For a woman, the ocean means great excitement caused by an upcoming date with a person she really likes.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

If in a dream you go on an ocean voyage, it means that in reality you will also have a long journey ahead, perhaps by land transport. Seeing yourself in a comfortable cabin on an ocean liner, looking out the window at the endless expanses of the ocean, foreshadows a stormy period in your life. The calm, serene surface of the ocean is a sign of favor in all matters. A turbulent ocean, making itself felt by intensified rocking, means that you are entering a transitional period, when joys and sorrows will intersperse with each other in the same way as losses and gains. The element played out in the ocean means getting rid of the burden of heavy worries and gloomy thoughts about the past, bright prospects. To be shipwrecked in the ocean and thrown onto an unknown land - by acting unfairly towards your friends, you will lose their support.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

If you dreamed that you were swimming in the ocean, then in the near future you will be advantageous offer. The proposal will be made soon after you wash your hands in the ocean. If you dreamed of a storm in the ocean, then in the near future you will be blackmailed. To avoid blackmail, you need to spend the whole night near the water.

Why do you dream about the sea or the ocean?


Elizaveta Sergeeva

sea ​​ocean your life, it is unstable because you are swinging on an air mattress - while everything suits you, fall from the height of hope for something


great prospects for the future and fulfillment of desires.

Olga Kushnerova

Harmony sexual relations, going headlong into these feelings is not good for your personality.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream about the Ocean in a dream?

What does the Ocean mean - Looking from the shore at a calm ocean - to a calm, stress-free life, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book

The ocean in a woman’s dream, why?

To dream about the Ocean - The calm surface of the ocean in a dream foretells good times for everyone. Sailing on a serene ocean always means success in all endeavors. Sailing far from the shore and hearing the waves crash against the side of the ship means serious problems in business life or violent quarrels and mutual reproaches in the home circle.

If you watch from the shore how the ocean waves roll over one another, it means exposing the intrigues of your ill-wishers, getting rid of their presence in your life. You dream that the ocean either becomes shallow, like a river, so that you can ford it, or reveals a terrible abyss of the bottom when the waves recede - this means that prosperity and well-being will intersperse in your life with sorrows and difficulties, as it is said in the dream book on about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family

Why do you dream about the Ocean?

Dream Interpretation: seeing in a dream Seeing the Ocean in a dream – Seeing the ocean in a dream – business trips. Sailing on the ocean on a ship in a storm - quarrels with loved ones and relatives will soon await you.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

Why do you dream about the Ocean:

Ocean - If you are a man and you dreamed of the ocean, it means that your opportunities in sexual life are limited, although you don’t even know about it. Your sexual intercourse is fleeting, and sometimes it doesn’t even come to the point of intercourse. But you recover very quickly and are ready for the next feat. You need to learn to delay premature ejaculation - this will help prolong your pleasure and avoid future conflicts with an unsatisfied partner. Incontinence must be combated primarily with the help of special exercises. For a woman, the ocean means strong excitement caused by an upcoming date with a person she really likes, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Ocean?

To see a dream about the Ocean - If you dream of a quiet, calm ocean, this is a good dream, promising you all the best, success in everything; slight disturbance on the water, waves colliding with each other - a harbinger of victory over an enemy, competitor, deliverance or counteraction to your enemies; a raging ocean is a symbol of obstacles, difficulties and stagnation in business.

Spring dream book

What does the Ocean mean - Your enemy is gaining power, and you will feel defenseless in front of him. But you will still fight it, managing to overcome your horror.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Ocean - Long road.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about the Ocean in a dream:

Ocean - Seeing a calm ocean in a dream is good news; a pleasant and successful voyage awaits the sailor. A business man will be pleased with the progress of his affairs, and a young man will enjoy the charm of his beloved. Sailing far in the ocean and hearing the waves crash against the side portends misfortune in business life and a stormy period of quarrels and reproaches in the home circle. Watching from the shore how the ocean waves roll over one another portends your imminent deliverance from the machinations of ill-wishers. To dream that the ocean either becomes shallow like a river that can be forded, or reveals a terrible abyss of the bottom when the waves recede - means that prosperity and well-being will intersperse in your life with sorrows and difficulties. Sailing on a calm ocean always means favor in all endeavors.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff

Why do you dream about the Ocean according to the dream book?

Seeing a stormy Ocean in a dream - The Ocean is the cradle of all life on Earth. According to Jung, the ocean is a place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel their evolutionary belonging to the collective forms of life that originated in the ocean. In this regard, the influence of the ideas of Darwinism is easily traced. Moreover, this approach taken by individuals to dream interpretation is imperfect due to the insufficient number of connecting links between its components. For many people, the ocean is associated with types of entertainment such as ship cruises, yachts, and scuba diving, which were not available to people of the past. Perhaps a person who sees the ocean in a dream associates it with entertainment and does not at all perceive it as a source of life and fertility. For some, especially if they cannot swim, the ocean carries a connotation of fear and ill omen. Its endless expanses, combined with the inability to float on the water, can be a symbol of the struggle with the insurmountable that you are waging in reality.

Azar's biblical dream book

Have you seen the Ocean in a dream?

Why do you dream about the Ocean - Huge insoluble problems

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dream Interpretation: Ocean in a dream

Ocean - A very distant road.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Seeing the Ocean in a dream

In a dream, what does the Ocean mean - A very distant road, fame, wealth

Vedic dream book

Dream Interpretation: Seeing the ocean in a dream

Ocean - Life will be the same as the ocean seen in a dream. She will be quiet and peaceful if the ocean is calm, restless if it is stormy.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about the Ocean according to the dream book?

To see a dream about the Ocean (sea) – To see a restless raging ocean in a dream is a sign of concern for your marital relationship with your wife.

Seeing water in a dream is a good sign. Since ancient times, such a vision has meant happiness and health. But the water must be clean and transparent. But muddy and dirty - bad sign. Let's figure out why the ocean is dreaming.

If a person looks at it in a dream and the water in it is clean and calm, then real life will be just as calm, without stress and unpleasant situations.

Female interpreter

IN women's dream book You can find other interpretations:

  • to see a calm ocean - to a happy and calm life (a vision in which a person swims in the ocean has the same meaning);
  • to see in a dream how a boat has sailed very far from the shore and the waves are knocking heavily on it means that real life will be stormy and disturbing, quarrels with loved ones may occur and;
  • if in a dream you watch waves rushing against each other, then perhaps in life you will be able to expose people who are plotting intrigues against you;
  • to see a shallow ocean that can be crossed like a river means that in life you can expect both prosperity and difficulties, but they will gradually replace each other.

Dream book for the whole family

Why do you dream of an ocean with waves? Let's figure it out now. This vision is a sign that you should expect a business trip and a promotion. career ladder. To dream of you sailing on a ship on the ocean in a storm means that quarrels with relatives and loved ones will soon await you.

Freud's opinion

The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud spent a lot of time interpreting dreams. What did he think about our topic? Why do you dream about the ocean?

If a man dreams of the ocean, then in real life, according to Sigmund Freud, he is experiencing problems in his intimate life. At the same time, he himself may not recognize the presence of difficulties, which in turn further aggravates the situation. Most often the core of the problem is in this case the psychologist sees the transience of sexual intercourse. The partner does not have time to enjoy herself, but the man thinks that everything is fine. This is what happens in relationships with women. To fix this, a man needs to change his views on sexual relations. It is best to contact a specialist. Problems exist, but they can be solved quite easily. Why does a man dream of a blue ocean - in this dream book it has the same interpretation.

If a woman dreams of him, then great excitement awaits her. It may be related to an upcoming date. At the same time, she has no idea how much she likes her chosen one. says that there is no need to worry - the date will end well and will be the beginning of a serious relationship.

Modern dream book

Why Let's look at the interpretations described in the modern dream book.

Seeing a quiet and calm ocean is a good sign. Something good will happen in a person's life. And success will accompany him in all matters. If there are light waves on the water, then in life you will be able to defeat your enemies, ill-wishers, and competitors. Also, such a dream means confrontation. It may also be a symbol that you will be able to get away with the intrigues that your colleagues are weaving. You should always keep such people at a distance and try to avoid conflicts with them.

And if the water in the ocean is very stormy, then you should expect obstacles in life. Perhaps some things should be postponed, otherwise difficulties may arise. Also, you should not open a new business or business. It is quite possible that it will fail.

Spring dream book

Why do you dream about the ocean? Let's look into the spring dream book

Seeing the ocean means losing your fortitude. While the enemies are gaining strength, this person will suddenly feel defenseless. It will be difficult to deal with the upcoming trials. But despite this, the dreamer must gather his strength. Only then will you be able to win.

Why do you dream of a clean ocean? There are other interpretations similar vision. For example, in the dreamer’s life a long journey awaits. This will be unexpected news. But he definitely has to agree. This will change his life for the better forever.

Since ancient times, sleep has been a mystery. There are some speculations about this process. But no one has yet been able to prove the truth. Many famous experts have tried and are trying to unravel the mystery of dreams. The famous psychologist G. Miller is no exception. Let's describe the interpretations according to his dream book. So, why do you dream about the ocean?

If a person sees a calm ocean in a dream, then this is a good sign. A sailor, seeing this, will rejoice at the good news. Also, a successful voyage awaits him soon. A person having own business Having seen the ocean in a dream, he will soon celebrate a profitable deal.

Love dream interpreter

Why do you dream about the ocean with waves? young man? True and passionate love awaits him in life. If he has a soulmate, then their relationship will be filled with love and passion for each other all their lives. Well, if a guy is free and in search of love, then very soon he will meet his fate. This relationship will be happy, and the love will be mutual.

Bad dream

If the dreamer has a dream in which he is sailing far in the ocean, the shore is nowhere to be seen and he is frightened by the sound of waves hitting the ship, then nothing good will happen in his life in the near future. Serious problems are expected in the business sphere. And in the family and with loved ones, quarrels and scandals will often arise. Therefore, in order not to aggravate the current situation, things must be suspended. And with loved ones, do not go into conflict, give in, and quarrels will not develop into scandals. The dreamer himself is advised to maintain inner calm.

Success or Trouble

Watching the ocean from the shore in a dream and seeing how the waves flow over each other means that in life the dreamer will quickly and easily get rid of ill-wishers. Among them there may be close people who are very jealous of him. Because of this, he may experience problems and failures both at work and in his personal life.

To understand why you dream of water, the ocean, you need to remember all the details of the dream. If the water in the ocean is clean and transparent, then this is a sign of success and good health. But if it is dirty and seething, then this means troubles, illnesses, problems.

When a person sees a dream in which he is sailing on a calm ocean, then for everyone it means well-being and success in all matters. Luck will accompany you in any endeavor. The dreamer will soon be able to realize his dream.

Dream Interpretation by D. Loff

Another dream book of the famous psychologist D. Loff interprets it in his own way, the ocean. Let's look at the interpretations.

The ocean is the embodiment of the cradle of all earthly life. Since ancient times, sleep has been studied by many minds of mankind. But the meanings of ocean, water, sea are similar. D. Loff's dream book explains the differences in the interpretation of such visions by the peculiarities of people's perception of certain phenomena and events.

Each person perceives the ocean differently. For some it is relaxation, luxury cruises, luxury yachts and ships, sports, extreme hobbies. Others see the mighty waters of the ocean as dangerous and a threat to life. Therefore, the explanation of the ocean to a certain person, according to D. Loff, will be purely individual. Everyone can decipher the interpretation, guided only by their own point of view, and compare it with events in real life.

It remains a mystery why a person sees this or that event or phenomenon in a dream. There are many theories about this. Everyone can choose what they believe in themselves.

The ocean is the cradle of all life on Earth. According to Jung, the ocean is a place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel their evolutionary belonging to the collective forms of life that originated in the ocean. In this regard, the influence of the ideas of Darwinism is easily traced. Moreover, this approach taken by individuals to dream interpretation is imperfect due to the insufficient number of connecting links between its components.

For many people, the ocean is associated with types of entertainment such as ship cruises, yachts, and scuba diving, which were not available to people of the past. Perhaps a person who sees the ocean in a dream associates it with entertainment and does not at all perceive it as a source of life and fertility.

For some, especially if they cannot swim, the ocean carries a connotation of fear and ill omen. Its endless expanses, combined with the inability to float on water, can be a symbol of the struggle against the insurmountable that you wage in real life.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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