What does a bear mean in a dream. Why do you dream about a bear? Lunar dream book Why do you dream about a Bear?

The meaning of the dream Bear in a modern dream book

Bear attacker - strong enemy wants to destroy you. But if your actions are wise and judicious, you can avoid danger. Running bear - a dream foretells minor troubles that you can easily cope with. A bear that calls you to follow him, leads you somewhere, and at the same time you clearly see pictures of nature - a forest, a river, etc., your team will probably change, and they will try to “lure” you to another job. You can only agree if you are completely sure. Otherwise, you will lose your position, and the other one will not suit you.

Interpretation of the dream Bear in Miller's dream book

The bear is a sign of irresistible rivalry in a variety of matters. Killing a bear portends a way out of a difficult situation. A young woman who sees a bear in a dream will have a dangerous rival or some kind of misfortune.

Bear according to Freud's dream book

Hunting a bear in a dream means you are seeking the favor of that person who does not pay any attention to you, but this does not bother you at all. You often behave too aggressively and persistently. Moderate your ardor, otherwise you will completely scare this person away. Running away from a bear - you will have to have sex in a place where it is considered at least indecent. You will get a lot of pleasure from this, because often such experiments can be quite interesting, although not safe. Fighting a bear in a dream means you are under the influence of a complex of painful love for your own parents, which you transfer to your own partners. Seeing a wounded or killed bear in a dream means you are experiencing painful difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, which are difficult for you to overcome on your own. Try to find someone who will treat you with understanding and who can allay your fears.

Dream Bear in Vanga's dream book

A bear in a dream represents cruelty, deceit and malice. If a bear attacks you in a dream, it means that you will soon meet a person who will respond to your kindness with evil, and for a long time you will be wary and prejudiced towards others. In a dream, kill a bear - such a dream suggests that you are ready to respond to evil with revenge and cruelty, but such an embittered state will soon pass, and you will be ashamed of your thoughts. Hearing the roar of a bear - you will receive a warning about the danger that threatens you, thanks to which you will avoid trouble, but do not forget about gratitude, otherwise next time there will be misadventures.

The meaning of the dream Bear in Hasse's dream book

Seeing him is a win in the game; fall into his clutches - you will suffer big losses; to see someone dancing - you will receive a big loan; eating bear meat - a wedding in the family; bear hunting - avoid danger; polar bear - you are loved.

Bear according to L. Morozova's dream book

If you dreamed of a bear, it means winning the game; attacking bear - you have an evil enemy; falling into the paws of a bear in a dream means big losses ahead; dancing bear - get a loan; eating bear meat in a dream means a wedding in the family; hunt a bear - avoid trouble; if you dreamed of a dead bear, the enemy will move away from you.

Interpretation of the dream Bear in the esoteric dream book

The dream predicts that you will strengthen your household. He was aggressive, he attacked - everyday problems interest you too much, you, as they say, are rowing for yourself. Seeing a bear with cubs is a sign of prosperity, an addition to the household.

Bear in the English dream book

If you dreamed of a bear, serious troubles may befall you. Some domineering and powerful enemy can cause you significant harm. If you go on a journey, then its goal will be safely achieved, although severe trials are possible along the way. If you shot a bear, it means you will defeat an opponent who will be powerful and dangerous.

Bears are very beautiful animals. We see them in the zoo, in the circus arena and on TV. But, besides this, such a beast can also be seen in a dream. Why do you dream about a mother bear and her cubs? The interpretations of this dream may be different. Why is this happening? The point is in the details, who dreamed about it, how all its participants behave.

Dream Interpretation: she-bear with cubs

Why do you have such a dream? Let's figure it out. If the bear is affectionate with the cub and does not show any aggression, then soon the owner or mistress of the dream will have a big profit. For a girl who has not yet been married, this dream may foretell an acquaintance with a wealthy man. Why else do you dream about a mother bear and her cubs? To make all your dreams come true.

When a shaggy mother begins to growl and makes attempts to attack a person, in the near future an unwanted showdown or showdown will occur in one of the areas of life, either in the family or at work.

Soon there will be a baby

Why does a woman dream of a mother bear with cubs? If everything is fine in the family, but for some reason there are no children, then this dream means that very soon she will discover that the long-awaited event has arrived. A bear with her baby is a sign from above about a successful pregnancy and an easy birth, without complications for mother and child. And if a woman’s baby is sick, such a foresight in a dream speaks of his speedy recovery. This is what dreams of a mother bear and her cubs mean. Of course, every mother will like this vision.

A bear with a teddy bear? Any dream book will give the same answer to the question. This predicts an imminent marriage and the birth of a new life, because the animals are pure white, like the color of the bride’s dress and the angelically pure soul of the baby.

Interpretations in different dream books

Why do you dream about a bear and a bear cub? In Tsvetkov's dream book, this predicts friendship, and the girl - a groom. According to Miller's dream book, the interpretation takes on a different meaning. means a rival in love and failure in some business. According to Freud, this strong personifies sexual partnership. Moreover, if a woman dreams of a bear with a cub, then these contacts will not end well. Esoteric dream book the best in terms of positive meaning of interpretation. Here sleep is regarded as prosperity and an addition to the household, some kind of profit.

If the beast attacks...

I wonder what else is meant by dreams of a bear and a bear cub. They attack, behave aggressively, chase a person in a dream - this usually happens very rarely, but it’s worth thinking about the interpretation. If there is a fight, it will happen in reality, it is not necessarily a fist fight, because the beast is not just strong, it is also cunning. You should be very attentive to your surroundings; among your friends there is a dangerous and insidious enemy, acting on the sly.

In the forest

Sometimes whole events happen in a dream, interesting things unfold storylines. But since we are talking about the animal world, sometimes the kingdom of Morpheus makes you find yourself in your native environment, in the one in which various animals live. And if this happened, then why do you dream of a mother bear with her cubs in the forest, I would like to know. If a person follows a dreamed animal family, then this means a change of place of work. A forest with bright clearings, an easy road, beautiful weather - changes will happen for the better. The path is hard and thorny, it follows real life hold off on quitting or take the selection of a new job very seriously.

Saves kids

If you dream of a she-bear saving a bear cub from some kind of trouble, then this means that in reality the child is facing a disease, but it will go away quickly and easily, so the mother will now see a doctor in time, and together they will defeat the disease.

Dream about family

When we talk about a woman’s dreams in which animals are present, it is clear that we are talking about her family too. But why does a girl dream about a bear with cubs? Most likely, and so states Miller’s dream book, this means not only finding another boyfriend, but creating strong family relations with a big foundation for the future: the birth of a baby. But there is a small nuance here: you need to remember what kind of animal you dreamed about? Can he be evil and scary?

Then the dream is interpreted the other way around: you should not make far-reaching plans with this person. In almost all interpretations of girlish dreams, the presence of the taiga queen with her cub means changes in her personal life. Some dream books go further and predict a girl’s change of residence. This will happen after the marriage, which is also predicted in this dream.

Mother should calm down

There are many dream books, maybe there is still something new in the interpretation of the explanation of why a woman dreams of a bear with cubs? Mom often thinks about her children, takes care of them, she believes that it is difficult for them to adapt to this life, so the children receive excessive care. You should believe the dream and let go of all your fears, there is no reason to worry, children are comfortable in their environment. Excessive parental suspiciousness only interferes with the correct response to what is happening.

Other interpretations

Animals chase and run after a person - someone has encroached on someone else’s interests in the family or work. You should be prepared to stand up for them. The cubs not only play with each other, but also take into their game the one who has a dream - a unique opportunity in life will present itself in life at work, at work. The authorities will approve the project or But if the bear growls and gets angry, you should expect trouble. However, the same is true in the real behavior of a real beast. Will a bear growl when it is not angry and does not show any aggression? Some dreams need to be understood simply by comparing them with life.

The she-bear lovingly growls at her naughty cubs - the one who dreamed of this can rejoice at the big profit. The color of the animal seen in a dream has a huge influence. A brown bear means a fight with a rival, but it is difficult to determine in which area of ​​life this will happen: in love or at work. A person must analyze situations; a dream only gives a hint.

A polar bear in some dream books foreshadows illness and worries. Sometimes this is a harbinger that the planned wedding will not take place, which is where the idea from the subconscious comes from this color. If the dream has reached its highest point, and the owner of the dream kills or injures the bear, the person will be surprised in the form of a gift from a loved one. Sometimes a woman sees herself in a bear's skin. There is a strong rival nearby, she is fighting for the chosen one and the person with whom the mistress of sleep is dating, so she needs to be strong and courageous, like a bear protecting her family.

What does a dream mean for a guy?

The man is a strong personality. But what problems of his are transferred to dreams, and why does a man dream of a bear with cubs? Bear cubs always represent rivals. If a man is engaged in business, then he has new competitors. You will have to fight for a contract or for clients. We need to prepare for this “battle.”

But some dream interpreters have a very good point for men. A she-bear with a teddy bear foreshadows a passing hobby. It’s good if a man is single, and this easy flirting of his will help create a new strong family. But a married person should think about whether it is worth starting dubious affairs. And in general, a bear in a man’s dreams, no matter what his character may be, means a struggle with himself. And which qualities will win depends on his willpower, spirit and upbringing. A dream only forces you to make a choice on which side a person is on, what will prevail: evil or good.

If a she-bear had one cub in a dream, it means that she will soon need to seek help from good friend. If there are several bear cubs, they are frolicking and playing, everything will be great. In reality, a person expects troubles for a pleasant occasion. If you manage to feed a mother bear or her cubs, it is a great success; meeting a person will change your whole life. In addition, a man can count on additional workload at his job, naturally with an increase in wages.


To understand why a mother bear and her cubs are dreaming, you need to try very hard to remember all the smallest details of what is happening in the dream, compare the interpretations of what you saw, different sources with your real reality. Perhaps all the explanations will help to understand the problem that has arisen and suggest a solution.

Some dreams can tell you how to behave correctly. Don't be softer. Therefore, a woman associates dreams with a bear more with her personal life, family, children, and loved one. She transfers all her experiences into sleep and consciousness, looking for clues in it. For a man, a bear in his night vision means more what is important to his subconscious: work, material well-being, jealousy of the object of one’s adoration. He manifests himself in a dream the same way as in life: a family man, a hard worker, a strong man.

Not every person is given the ability to remember their night visions. But if, after waking up, something obsessively does not leave your memory, it means that it is so important that it is worth analyzing what you saw.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Bears in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Bears?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Bears and what do they mean?

According to the dream book, seeing Bears - The appearance of bears in a dream is a clear example of the fact that dreams are determined by the characteristics of culture and national traditions. In dreams, it is also important how you feel about the bear. If you see a bear and are afraid of it, then it may represent a treacherous and evil man, enemy. If the bear in your dream is affectionate and you do not feel a threat from it, then such a dream may indicate that you have a high-ranking patron or friend from among powerful of the world of this, for more details, if you dream about Bears, see below.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Interpretation of the dream book: Bear - overprotection, since a bear protects its cubs for two years; a prank that could be dangerous; negative emotions that destroy creative efforts. Three bears (mother, father, cub) - three stages of growth (woman, man, immature qualities), this is how this dream in which Bears dream is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Bears?

Seeing Bears in a dream means - Bear - to a meeting with a rival or a rude person; killing a bear is a way out of a difficult situation, this means a dream that you had, for more details on why you dream about Bears, see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do women dream of Bears:

According to the dream book, seeing a Bear symbolizes the victorious power of feminine nature, as well as impulsive aspirations. Fighting a bear or running away from it means meeting a rude, ignorant person. For a girl: caressing a bear means marriage or dangerous relationships. Meeting a bear in the forest means you will repent of a stupid act committed out of stubbornness. A bear performing in a circus portends winning a game or lottery. A bear in a cage means that you will suffer great losses. Hunting a bear is a warning about the danger that awaits you. Killing a bear is a way out of a difficult situation

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why do Bears dream according to the dream book:

Bear - If you dream of a bear hunt in which you participate, this means that you are trying to win the love of a person who is completely indifferent to you. You tend to aggressive behavior, you often go too far. It is better to choose a less intrusive style of behavior, otherwise there is a high risk of causing hostility in this person. A dream in which you are running away from a bear means that you will have sex in an unusual place. You will enjoy it, although it will be risky. If you dreamed that you were fighting a bear, it means that you are choosing a partner who is similar to the parent of the opposite sex. A wounded or killed bear symbolizes the difficulties you experience when communicating with the opposite sex. You are in search of a person who could understand you, this is how the dream in which Bears dream is deciphered.

Ancient dream book

Why do you dream and what does it mean to see Bears in a dream:

Bear - If you dreamed that you were hunting a bear, then this is a clear sign that in real life you are seeking the favor of that person who does not pay any attention to you, but this does not bother you at all. You often behave too aggressively and persistently. Moderate your ardor, otherwise you will completely scare this person away. And then, instead of a complacent man, you will see an angry bear.

Running away from a bear in a dream is evidence that you will have to have sex in a place where it is considered at least indecent. You will get a lot of pleasure from this, because often such experiments can be quite interesting, although not safe. IN in this case pleasure will overshadow all your worries about the decency of the perfect.

If you dreamed that you were fighting a bear, then in reality you are under the influence of a complex of painful love for your own parents, which you transfer to your personal partners. Try to distract yourself from thoughts about your parents, otherwise your partner will very soon “see through” your feelings for him. Seeing a wounded or killed bear in a dream is a sign that you are experiencing painful difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, which are difficult for you to overcome on your own. Try to find a person who will treat you with understanding and help dispel your fears. Together you will be happy

Summer Dream Interpreter

Why do you dream about Bears?

Bear - Seeing a bear in the circus arena is a waste of time.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Bear - Dreaming about a bear performing in a circus arena means a spectacular event, as it is said in the dream book about this dream, for details, if you dream about Bears, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do Bears appear in dreams?

Dream Interpretation: Bear - A symbol of struggle. If you saw an angry bear, it means that you will be able to find a way out of a situation that recently seemed to be a dead end. A young woman sleeps with a bear in leading role informs: she has a rival. The polar bear warns of possible deception - you risk being disappointed by wishful thinking. However, if you see the skin polar bear, which means you can defeat all enemies

Modern dream book

Why do Bears dream according to the dream book?

We saw a Bear in a dream - The Bear dreams of an insurmountable rivalry in a variety of matters. A young woman who sees a bear in a dream will have a dangerous rival. If you dreamed that in a dream you were hunting a bear, then in reality you are seeking the favor of some person. He doesn't pay any attention to you, but that doesn't bother you at all. You often behave too aggressively and persistently. Moderate your ardor, otherwise you will completely scare away the one you like so much.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what do Bears mean?

A bear’s den is a bear’s winter home, and the popular saying “to lie down in a den” means to hide. If you dreamed that you were in a den, then this means that you lack a sense of security, you are afraid of something and perhaps prefer passive behavior until the situation becomes clearer.

Summer Dream Interpreter

If you saw a den in a dream, it means meeting the right person.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Falling into a den in a dream means injury.

Spring Dream Interpreter

If you saw a bear in a dream - you will have bad consequences after visiting. To fall into a bear's den is to disgrace yourself in front of the guests.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream about Bears?

If you dream of a bear's den, this is a sign of failure and loss.

See also: why do you dream of a brown bear, why do you dream deep hole Why do you dream about sleeping for a long time?

interpretation of sleep bear

The appearance of a bear in a dream is a sign of indefinable rivalry in different areas of life. This dream indicates that in the near future an avid rival will appear in your life or some kind of failure will overtake you.

interpretation of sleep bear

A bear coming in a dream warns of an imminent encounter with evil, human malice and deceit. An angry animal signals to you that it is worth reconsidering your attitude towards yourself personally and directly towards others in order to avoid troubles, as well as eliminate the possibility of a collision with evil.

what does it mean if a bear is in a dream

Friendship, love relationship, the appearance of an eligible groom - this is what a meeting with a bear in a dream is about. Soon you will meet a man strong in spirit And healthy body, which will radically change your life. For a woman, this dream promises the appearance of a new gentleman.

bear in a dream

A bear symbolizes an enemy in a dream: a stupid one, eager for other people’s goods, sometimes a woman: unsightly, unkempt. This dream, depending on the behavior of the animal, the situation that developed in the dream, can promise: safety, forgiveness of sins, acquisition peace of mind, diversion from evil, a peaceful life, Allah's predisposition towards you.

interpretation of sleep bear

Meeting a bear in a dream describes your situation in reality, intimate relationships. This animal signals an imminent intimate relationship, which will not bring any benefit, but will only aggravate the situation and add new problems. Disappointments, showdowns, and rivalry await you. If you defeat the bear, it means that you will be able to achieve what you want: to win the heart of your partner.

bear according to the dream book

A bear appearing in a dream can portend both winnings and considerable losses. It all depends on the behavior of the beast and your disposition towards it in a dream. If you attack him, it means that you should avoid dangers in life; if you watch a cheerful bear, you will receive a long-awaited loan.

bear in a dream

Attraction, desire, developing into fear and uncertainty - this is what a dream about a bear promises.

bear in a dream

If you see a bear in your dreams, expect big troubles to come. Possible collisions with a wealthy person, a trip consisting of huge amount obstacles that can still be overcome.

interpretation of sleep bear

Seeing a bear in your dreams means fighting in real life. Troubles await you, a meeting with a crafty enemy, deception, rivalry, and the struggle for justice.

bear in a dream

A bear coming in a dream signals that in real life you should be wary of an evil, rich, wealthy, assertive enemy. This majestic beast promises you a meeting with dangerous person which will end well for you.

bear in a dream

A bear in a dream symbolizes a kind owner. An angry animal signals that you are too scrupulous about many things. everyday problems, attach excessive importance to them. A bear with small cubs promises increased income and improved business.

bear according to the dream book

A powerful force is foreshadowed by a bear that appears in a dream. It will benefit you if in your dreams you dominate the beast, otherwise you will face troubles, primarily related to the professional sphere and business.

  • The bear is a double symbol, and therefore at the same time it is the personification of strength and evil, cruelty, rudeness. The image of a bear that appears in a dream may be caused by the following popular expressions deposited in your subconscious: “The bear sucks its paw all winter” or “And they teach the bear to dance.” The first expression always comes to mind when in real life we ​​meet a person who is thrifty to the point of greed; we remember the second expression when we try to teach something to a careless person.
  • When deciphering the image of a bear that appeared in your dream, you should not forget the following folk wisdom: “A disservice” and “Sharing the skin of an unkilled bear.” Sometimes these are the ones famous expressions serve as a key to deciphering the dream.
  • Pretend to be dead in my sleep so that you are not eaten by a bear - a sign that in real life you are a very smart person, and therefore you can easily get out of any, even the most difficult situations.
  • If your friend is watching this scene from afar, then in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to your friend’s dishonesty. You need to draw a conclusion from the situation that happened, following one simple folk wisdom: friend is known in trouble.
  • Fighting a bear in a dream is a sign that you will soon face terrible injustice. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your enemy is much stronger than you, and therefore he can seriously harm you. If you managed to defeat the bear, then, thanks to your skill and intelligence, you will be able to defeat your enemy. If the bear has the upper hand over you, then in real life you will not be able to prevent the machinations of your enemy for a long time, and therefore you should be more careful.
  • Watching from afar a fight between a bear and another animal means that you will soon meet with a strong and very influential enemy who will try to prevent the implementation of your plans. You will have to use all your strength to defeat him.
  • Seeing a wounded bear in a dream is evidence that your honor will suffer greatly due to the gossip of evil envious people.
  • Finding a bear's den in a dream means big trouble. You will face the cruelty of someone close to you.
  • Watching a bear suck its paw in a dream is a sign that in real life you will be very surprised by the thriftiness of other people. Perhaps you will meet a very greedy person who will refuse to help you at a time when he could help you, and you really needed it.
  • Seeing a bear with cubs in a dream - such a dream means that you are raising your children incorrectly: you are very cruel and unfair with them.
  • Sharing a bear's skin in a dream is a sign that you will soon become a participant in a dispute that will arise out of nowhere.