Essay on the topic: Growing up. Essay - reasoning "What is adulthood?" Consequences of bad parenting

How do people become adults? This question is asked by L. Leonov.
The problem considered by the author is relevant because it concerns each of us. Indeed, every mature personality goes through a stage of growing up. It goes differently for everyone. Someone realizes the wisdom and laws of life spontaneously, without direct influence from the outside. Others find themselves in military conditions and become adults realizing the value human life, camaraderie, love. And some find themselves in situations that test their strength of spirit and require responsible decisions. The main character grew up precisely because of last scenario.
The author is concerned about the problem of people growing up. He believes that growing up is, first of all, about acquiring the willingness to be responsible for one’s actions, to accept responsibility not only for oneself, but also for other people.
I agree with the author's position. I also believe that an adult is an individual who is independent in his actions and responsible for his actions.
Let us recall the work of M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”. The main character of the work, Margarita, is capable of deep, devoted, selfless love, for the sake of her chosen one, she goes through all the tests that the devil himself, Woland, arranges for her. Only a selfless, adult person is capable of such an act.
One of the criteria of maturity is responsibility for one's actions. And they are not necessarily moral. For example, the son of Taras Bulba, Andriy, in love with a Polish beauty, renounces his homeland, relatives, comrades, and voluntarily goes over to the side of the enemy. This is his independent choice, the choice of an adult, albeit an immoral one, for which he paid with his life from a bullet shot from his own father’s arquebus.
Thus, in order to become an adult, you need to go through the school of life, in which you will have to make responsible decisions and take deliberate actions.

The text on which the essay is written:

(1) Polya’s inflamed state, and most importantly, her confused, ambiguous speech - everything suggested the worst guesses, much more terrible than even Rodion’s captivity or his mortal wound.
(2) “No, this is completely different,” Polya shuddered and, turning to the wall, took out a crumpled, over-read triangle from under the pillow.
(3) Subsequently, Varya was ashamed of her initial assumptions. (4) Although rare transit trains did not stay in Moscow, the stations were nearby, and Rodion knew Polina’s address. (5) Of course, the command might not have allowed the soldier to leave the train for the Blagoveshchensk dead-end street, then why didn’t he at least write a postcard to his beloved one on his way to the active army?..
(6) So, this was his first news from the front, more than two weeks late. (7) In any case, now it will become clear with what thoughts he went to war. (8) Varya impatiently unfolded the piece of paper, which was all pierced with a pencil - apparently it was written on her knee. (9) I had to go to the lamp to make out the dim, half-finished lines.
(10) Varya immediately came across the main place.
(11) “Perhaps the only reason, my dear, why was he silent all the time?
this time - there was nowhere to settle down - Rodion wrote briefly, with unexpected completeness and straightforwardly, as in confession. (12) – We are still retreating, retreating day and night, occupying more advantageous defensive positions, as the reports say. (13) I was also very sick, and even now I haven’t fully recovered: my illness is worse than any shell shock. (14) The most bitter thing is that I myself am quite healthy, completely intact, there is not a single scratch on me yet. (15) Burn this letter, you alone in the whole world can tell me about this,” Varya turned the page.
(16) The incident happened in a Russian village, which our
part of it was in retreat. (17) I was the last in the company... and maybe the last in the entire army. (18) In front of us on the road stood a local girl of about nine years old, just a child, apparently taught at school to love the Red Army... (19) Of course, she did not really understand the strategic situation. (20) She ran up to us with wildflowers, and, as it happened, I got them. (21) She had such inquisitive, questioning eyes - it’s a thousand times easier to look at the midday sun, but I forced myself to take the bouquet, because I’m not a coward, I swear to you by my mother, Polenka, that I’m not a coward. (22) I closed my eyes, but took it from her, abandoned to the mercy of the enemy... (23) Since then, I have kept that dried broom with me constantly, on my body, like a burden of fire in my bosom, I order it to be put on me in the grave, if anything happens. (24) I thought I would bleed seven times before I became a man, but this is how it happens, dry... and this is the font of maturity! - (25) Then two lines came across that were completely illegible. - (26) And I don’t know, Polenka, whether my whole life will be enough to pay for that gift...”
(27) “Yes, he has grown a lot, your Rodion, you’re right...” Varya said, folding the letter, because with such a line of thinking, it is unlikely that this soldier would be capable of any reprehensible act.
(28) Hugging, the girlfriends listened to the rustling of the rain and the rare, fading beeps of cars. (29) The topic of the conversation was the events of the past day: what opened on central square an exhibition of captured aircraft, an unfilled crater on Veselykh Street, as they were already accustomed to calling it among themselves, Gastello, whose selfless feat resounded throughout the country in those days.

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Essay based on the text: “Poly’s inflamed state, and most importantly, her confused, ambiguous speech - everything suggested the worst guesses, much more terrible than even Rodion’s captivity or his mortal wound.” Leonov L. M.

L. Leonov raises the problem of a person’s moral maturation under the influence of extreme circumstances.

The text tells unusual story about how, during a retreat, a young soldier meets a little girl with “inquisitive and questioning eyes.” Seeing him as a valiant warrior of the Red Army, she hands the hero a bouquet of flowers, and this causes confusion in the hero’s soul. The writer explains Rodion’s anxious and painful state (“worse than any shell shock”) by the fact that for the first time he realized the fullness of responsibility for this child and for his native land.

I share the point of view of L. Leonov. Indeed, masculinity and adulthood are primarily moral categories.

I remember the novel by A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter", in which the main character goes through the path of spiritual formation. From the undergrown Petrusha, he grows into Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, not a boy, but a husband who managed to give a worthy rebuff to Emelyan Pugachev, who earned the love of the beautiful Maria Mironova and the blessing of the Empress herself. This process was, of course, accelerated by historical cataclysms, into the whirlpool of which a very young man finds himself.

The problem of moral maturation is also raised in M. Prishvin’s work “The Pantry of the Sun.” Nastya and Mitrasha, twelve and ten years old, were left without parents. At first, the entire village helped the common favorites, and then the children themselves learned to manage the household and became very independent. This is evidenced by their affectionate nicknames: “little man in a bag” and “golden chicken”...

Thus, difficult life circumstances (war, orphanhood, illness, etc.) are a catalyst for the moral development of a teenager’s personality, forcing him to say goodbye to his life ahead of time. carefree childhood and grow up.

(251 words)

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  • essay on the topic of growing up based on the text of parsnip

The word “growing up” according to Ozhegov’s dictionary means becoming an adult, more mature. So that it doesn’t turn out that “butter is buttery,” let’s look at the meaning of the word “adult.” An adult is a person who has reached adulthood. According to the laws of Russia, adulthood, that is, adulthood in our country begins at 18 years of age. When a person turns 18, he is considered an adult. But in in this case, this is defined by the document. The person in this case has become an adult physically and legally. But becoming an adult and growing up are two different things.

Recalling the numerous works of classics and others we have read, we understand that many of their heroes matured much before they came of age. This happens not only in books, it happens in life too. A person grows up when he finds himself in a particular situation. The growth of a person depends on the circumstances in which he finds himself.

Let's take examples from life first. Young men, after graduating from school, go to college. Among those who completed their studies at school, there are also some who go to serve in the army. Many of us have probably noticed that after the army, guys come back changed. We notice that they have become more mature, more serious, and more responsible. Many of them came to their senses after the army.

Or, for example, another example, not very joyful - death loved one. Such a loss has a dramatic impact on a person. For example, if after the loss of a loved one, the bereaved person finds himself responsible for someone else's later life(for example, a younger sister or brother). In such a situation, a person comes to understand that all responsibility now lies with him, and he is responsible for everything. He changes his lifestyle, adjusts it to new circumstances and his responsibility. In a word, he matures in consciousness.

Now I will give examples from the literature. The author L. Leonov wrote his work “Russian Forest” on the topic of growing up. The hero of his novel is a brave man, soldier Roman. He knows no fear of the battles in which he will have to participate. A bouquet given by a little girl helped him realize all his responsibility and the seriousness of life. It so happened that this girl remained with the enemies. The work shows that a person’s maturation can be influenced by the most insignificant events of his life.

The next example is the work of Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace”. It describes the growing up of one of his heroes, Petya Rostov. The circumstances of his life were such that he went to war very young. But, despite his youth, he did not let anyone down, but on the contrary, he gained strength of spirit.

From everything written, we can draw the following conclusion. Events and experiences that may play a role decisive role in the process of a person growing up, they can be very diverse. But the main factors influencing this are always the circumstances in which a person finds himself and the responsibility that falls on his shoulders.

Grishkova Irina

The essay is an argument on the topic “What is adulthood?” The student notes in her work that adulthood is a multifaceted and individual concept and consists of several components. An interesting view on this problem is presented.



Growing up is a lifelong lesson
the ability to create a feasible world,
and those who have not built their own little world,
willingly reshape the world.

Igor Guberman

Where does adulthood begin? Adulthood is a multifaceted concept. For everyone, adulthood is something different, individual. For some, adulthood is when a mustache begins to grow or you can walk late into the night. Maybe it’s less free time or, on the contrary, the opportunity to do what you want, when you want...
“Growing up is the process of transition from a child’s worldview toworldviewto an adult, psychologists say. - This is very important stage formationpersonalities. Willingness and ability to take responsibility for one's ownactions, and fulfill the duties assigned to you - one of the most important criteria growing up."

“Choice”, “future”... Our parents and teachers constantly tell us about this: “We need to study, we need to finish school, go to college, find a job... Your choice depends only on you.” Yes, we will make our choice. We will choose our path, we will find our place in life.Growing up is facilitated by a person’s aspiration to the future: those who think about the future in a timely manner and make efforts take steps towards becoming an adult. Conversely, refusing to put in the effort to build your future looks like a conscious or unconscious desire to delay or delay growing up. A person’s strength lies in action, in the ability to achieve a goal. There is no life without struggle, difficulties, losses and compromises. And the task of adults is to form their own inner world, life values, ability to accept right decisions in hard situations,Taking life seriously begins with a conscious decision to take responsibility. We make this decision many times throughout our lives.. A responsible person is one who controls himself and his behavior. Therefore, each of you needs to learn to be responsible for your actions, actions, and behavior.

Among the components of responsibility is whole line other personality qualities and skills: honesty, justice, integrity. These qualities cannot be realized successfully if a person does not have developed emotional traits: the ability to empathize, sensitivity towards other people. The fulfillment of any duty requires the manifestation of other strong-willed qualities: perseverance, diligence, perseverance, endurance. Thus, responsibility manifests itself not only in character, but also in feelings, perception, awareness, worldview, different forms personality behavior...

I also believe that adulthood manifests itself in independence. The more you can achieve and do yourself, the more mature you are. And parents, when they say that you are an adult, mean that you can do something yourself. What is independence?It would seem that the answer lies on the surface, but we all understand it a little differently. Firstly, this is an action that a person carries out on his own, without the prompting or help of others; secondly, independence from the opinions of others, freedom to express one’s feelings, creativity; thirdly, the ability to set yourself tasks that no one has set before you, and solve them yourself. It is difficult to argue against these definitions. They accurately indicate a person’s independence and, by and large, the maturity of his personality.If we don’t learn this, then our lives will change according to the will of other people.

Thus, everyone's task is to become an adult, an independent person who know how to make decisions, be responsible for their actions, make informed choices and build their lives. Adulthood presupposeslife planning- subordination to a clearplan , caring about the future, thinking through the consequences of your decisions. Therefore, becoming an adult means clearly controlling your life, managing everything that makes up life, living not only for today, but also thinking about the future. Overcoming difficulties is growing up.

Here you will find the most actual problems relating to the process of growing up, from texts for preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. Selected for each of them literary arguments from various books. You can download a table with all of them at the end of the article.

  1. I. S. Turgenev in the novel “Fathers and Sons” touched upon the problem of the relationship between the old and new generations. Main character, the young nihilist Evgeny Bazarov, confronts the nobleman Pavel Kirsanov and his own parents. Pavel Petrovich actively defends the old foundations, while Evgeniy tries to destroy them in order to build new ones in this place. Representatives of different generations argue about literally everything. Evgeniy's parents are worried that they cannot find mutual language with son. When he died, they come to his grave and greatly regret the misfortune that happened, because no matter what the relationship, parents almost always love their children more than anything else.
  2. The conflict of generations can be found in the drama by A. N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”. The old ones include Kabanikha and Dikoy. To the new - Katerina, Varvara, Boris and Tikhon. Due to moral oppression from mother-in-law main character Katerina feels unhappy, lonely, tortured, and this depressed state pushes her to cheat. Her husband is weak, he has no willpower, so he leaves his wife alone with her problems, and he goes to the tavern. This only makes the situation worse for the young woman. Boris also turns out to be weak-willed, so he cannot take responsibility for love. Dikoy holds him tightly in a vice, not wanting to violate the old orders, namely, to keep the youths in strictness. The heroine, left alone, is unable to endure such a life, so she throws herself off a cliff. Tikhon only after Katerina’s death finds the strength to blame his mother for what happened. This example shows that both sides of the conflict are wrong, and it is very important to learn in time to realize that you are wrong and find a compromise.

The process of growing up

  1. The process of growing up is well described in the story by A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. The main character, Pyotr Grinev, at the beginning of the work was an inexperienced boy. He started playing cards and greatly offended his mentor Savelich, who treated him like family. However, later Peter grew up and turned into a noble and strong man. Most of all, this was facilitated by feelings for Marya Mironova and the peasant war, in which it was necessary to make adult and responsible decisions. From a youth who only chased pigeons around the yard, he was forced to grow up, because the fate of Russia was being decided right in front of him, and his beloved woman also needed help. Under the influence of these circumstances, the hero remembers his father’s behest: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” Guided by them, he valiantly serves the empress and saves his love.
  2. The process of growing up is described in a series of epic fantasy novels by George R.R. Martin "A Song of Ice and Fire". One of the heroines, Sansa Stark, was naive and frivolous as a child. She dreamed of leaving her native northern Winterfell to the south, marrying a noble lord, prince or king. However, later the girl found herself surrounded by enemies and realized that the most important thing was family. Therefore, they, the northerners, need to stick together. After being married against her will twice, Sansa became strong and brave. She was even able to take revenge on her husband, who mocked her and killed her brother. This means that adversity forces people to grow up.
  3. Early adulthood

    1. The problem of early adulthood is addressed in the work of A. P. Platonov “Return”. Alexey Ivanov returns home after the war and sees that his eleven-year-old son Peter has taken the place of head of the family. The author notes that the boy seemed older than his age. He looked like a small, poor, but serviceable peasant. Life without a father taught him to be a support for his mother and sister. From this example it follows that early maturation is influenced by living conditions and upbringing. If the hero had not originally laid moral principles in the family, then his son, under the pressure of circumstances, would not have stood the test.
    2. The problem of early adulthood is described by JK Rowling in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The main character, an eleven-year-old boy, grew up without parents in the house of his aunt, uncle and cousin. They treated him like a servant and did not consider it necessary to please him with gifts. One day, Harry was given a toothpick for his birthday, but they didn’t even remember about his eleventh birthday. From an early age, the boy understood that he could only rely on himself. Thus, he matured early due to the fact that he was left without family of origin surrounded by people who are indifferent to him. However, it must be taken into account that Harry was initially raised correctly, so such circumstances did not break him, but strengthened his spirit.
    3. Consequences of bad parenting

      1. The problem of bad upbringing was revealed D. I. Fonvizin in the work “Minor”. The landowner-serf Prostakova is not at all involved in raising her son. Teachers are hired only for prestige. The mother does not care about her subordinates and treats them rudely, trying to marry her son profitably. Result: Mitrofanushka, at 15 years old, cannot read, write, count, or speak politely. He is stupid, just like Prostakova. The boy is poorly brought up, he is insolent even to his mother. Hence the famous phrase: “Here are the evil worthy fruits" The heroine herself behaved disgustingly and ignorantly, so her son absorbed only the vices inherent in her, and he had nowhere to take virtues from.
      2. The problem of bad upbringing touched upon Oscar Wilde in The Picture of Dorian Gray. Dorian met Henry Wotton, who gradually began to corrupt the youthful mind. Take a crooked path young man An unexpectedly fulfilled wish also helped - for the portrait to age over the years instead of him. Dorian gave in to temptation, did terrible things, and paid for it. And it’s all because of Henry Wotton’s rash advice. From this we can conclude that education plays an important role in a person’s life.
      3. Children's desire to grow older

        1. IN children's work“Warrior cats. The Sign of Three" Erin Hunter writes about the kitten Lion, who dreamed of growing up and becoming a squire. Later this happened, and he was given a new name - Lionpaw. He trained hard to become the best at everything. He ran, jumped, fought, practiced fighting techniques, tried to distinguish himself in front of his elders, and strived to make his parents proud of him. Little children also dream of growing up and getting prestigious profession. This is a normal desire that should not be criticized or suppressed. The main thing is that the child does not act rashly, imitating the wrong example.