Why see dead kittens in a dream? Interpretation: why do you dream about a dead cat?

Seeing a dead kitten in a dream does not always mean giving up or giving up. On the contrary, dream books promise that the enemies will soon be destroyed and the dark streak will end. To more accurately determine why a dead animal is dreamed of, it is worth remembering the location of the incident and the small details of the dream. Much depends on who dreamed of the cat and what color it was.

Miller's Dream Book with his predictions

At Gustav Miller's dead kitten in a dream symbolizes getting rid of complexes and prejudices. It’s especially good if he was dreamed of by a woman who has long wanted to break off ties with an annoying person.

In addition, the psychologist in his dream book describes in detail not only the very fact of why a strangled animal is dreamed of, but also where he happened to see it:

  • on your hands or knees - to the dying off of old connections, the emergence of new opportunities;
  • in front of the threshold of the house - to changes in family relationships;
  • in an apartment - you will have to confront difficulties;
  • in a puddle, in the mud - to resolve everyday, financial problems;

Expect positive changes

If you dreamed that a dead kitten came to life, be prepared for good results from your labors. The black stripe will abruptly change to white if you happen to dream that a small representative of the cat family has risen before your eyes and started purring. This gentle creature, according to Vanga’s dream book, will bring changes in family and personal life.

The healer interprets even more interestingly why a woman dreams of a dead kitten. The dream means that the annoying boyfriend will finally leave behind and make room for more worthy admirers.

Help will come!

In Nostradamus's dream book, significance is also attached to the color of a dead kitten in a dream. If you dreamed that a cat gave birth to black babies, it means that financial problems will soon be resolved. In addition, you will be able to win all property disputes.

But why you dream that a cat gave birth to red, white, ashen babies and immediately strangled the offspring is worth considering in more detail. Seeing not only black, but also multi-colored animals, even dead ones, is a good sign. The dream means that in a difficult moment a person from whom you never expected such a step will come to your aid.

Carelessness can ruin plans

Negative interpretations of sleep are given by some traditional dream books. They claim that strangled cats in their sleep pose a danger. If a person happened to see that he accidentally crushed a small animal, in real life he should become much more careful, be sure to play it safe and not take on other people’s problems.

In night dreams you can see very strange pictures, they can shock and leave behind a persistent feeling of fear and hopelessness. The average person doesn’t often dream of dead people. Sometimes in a dream you may dream of a dead cat, and you will find out why you see it later.

Prophecies of interpreters

Dead cat in reality

I dreamed of a cat that was already dead: seeing such a dream is sad and depressing. However, it doesn’t just come to you in a dream; perhaps your pet wants to warn you of impending danger. In reality, be careful, be vigilant.

Your living cat dreamed of being dead - postpone planned activities or abandon them completely. Also similar dream indicates the good health of your pet.

It is possible that you dreamed of a cat that had already died, bloodied and dying - in reality, it is necessary to refuse communication with unfamiliar people, you don’t need to reveal your plans, feelings or ideas to them. This applies not only to the dreamer himself, but also to his close people.

Dead kittens in a dream

Dead kittens promise only a successful resolution of cases. For the prisoner - early release, for the sick - a speedy recovery, for pregnant women - an easy release from the burden.

If in a dream you saw that little kittens drowned in the water - it promises good luck at work, bonuses, promotions, financial well-being, execution of plans.

Black kittens symbolize the end of a bad streak of bad luck and the beginning of a new one. If you yourself drown kittens in a nightmare - The fate of your loved ones and colleagues at work is in your hands. But you will cope with all the difficulties and find a way out of the situation.

Killing a small kitten with your own hands - in You will solve problems on your own, without anyone's help. If at the same time the kitten bites you, there is a liar in your environment.

Why do you dream of dead Kittens in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about a dead kitten indicates a lack of teenage gullibility; all decisions are made by you thoughtfully and carefully. You are capable of standing up for yourself.

Dead little kittens symbolize the successful solution of material difficulties, as well as the successful completion of complex affairs that haunt you. The death of a kitten portends deliverance from something oppressive, recovery from a long-standing illness, and a solution to long-standing problems.

What does a dream with kittens mean?

It's hard to find one like this strange man, who would not be touched by the mere sight of adorable kittens.

Cute, fluffy babies evoke so many pleasant emotions! But in the world of dreams, the opposite is often true, and phenomena that we are accustomed to consider good and nice in reality may not mean something not entirely favorable.

Also, the question of why kittens dream may have unexpected answers. Cats are generally a symbol of mysticism, the other world, and magic.

It is believed that cats live simultaneously in real world, and in the astral. So the symbol is complex, ambiguous, mysterious.

What do dreams say?

Kittens in a dream often symbolize something unfavorable, but not at all terrible - minor illnesses, small, insignificant quarrels or passing difficulties.

What exactly a “cat” dream means depends on the nuances. For example:

  • You just saw one kitten in a dream or many of them.
  • Animals in a dream can be beautiful and fluffy, or, on the contrary, skinny and tattered.
  • Sometimes you may dream about a dead baby.
  • A cat with children visited your dream.
  • You could stroke them in your dreams.
  • Play with them, caress them.
  • You were scratched by a kitten in a dream.
  • You bought a furry animal.
  • It was given to you.

It’s also worth taking into account the cat’s color, as well as who is having the dream: a woman or a man, a girl in love or a mother. Taking into account all these nuances, you can correctly interpret what kittens mean in dreams and draw conclusions.

Just to see the kids

If in your dream you did not touch the kittens, but only looked at them from the side, remember your dream and what one or more babies looked like in your dream. It's them appearance plays main role in deciphering the vision.

1. One little kitty, which you saw in your night dreams, promises a small, but still profit. Perhaps this will be associated with some small troubles or fuss, but nothing global. You will receive a reward or a small bonus.

2. Here’s a frequent question: why do you dream of little kittens if there are a lot of them in your dreams? If you see a bunch of furry creatures, expect trouble.

But don’t be alarmed, they will be small and will not ruin your life, but will only temporarily add trouble. Perhaps minor ailments will come instead of minor problems, so take care of your health.

3. For a woman of any age, a dream in which she sees many kittens is interpreted by the dream book as a warning. A trap awaits you on the way, someone is laying treacherous nets - and if you are gullible, you will regret the consequences.

Be especially careful when communicating with the opposite sex. Don't believe everything you are told and remain vigilant.

4. For lovers, as the dream book says, sleeping with furry babies means difficulties in relationships, conflicts, mistrust or suspicion.

A difficult period is coming - and the dream book warns you to try to prevent problems in advance and avoid them. Otherwise, the relationship may simply collapse.

5. If in your dreams you saw a dirty, skinny, street kitten - this is the advice that is being sent to you higher power. Don't buy into the external glitz and tinsel, look inside, don't trust the first impression when you meet someone, otherwise you will have a lot of disappointments. This especially applies to a woman who had such a dream.

6. Also, many people ask the interpreter, why do newborn kittens dream - just tiny ones that have not yet opened their eyes?

This may be a symbol that you are now going through a period of helplessness and feel like a blind kitten, cannot make a decision and do not know what to do. Try to gather your strength.

7. Fluffy, beautiful and well-groomed, especially purebred babies in a dream are a good sign. Such a dream promises you a gift, good luck, and pleasant emotions.

But be careful - perhaps these pleasant moments will be somehow associated with an insincere or selfish person. For example, you might be given a gift by someone who expects something in return. Be careful.

8. A very unpleasant dream in which you had to see a dead kitten that died without your participation, nevertheless, carries a good sign.

Dead kittens are a symbol that your troubles and minor everyday problems will soon be resolved. And they do it themselves, without your active intervention. Your life will become much easier.

9. The dream book will answer why you dream of a cat with kittens - it doesn’t matter whether you saw her on the street or in own home. Seeing a mother cat with a litter in a dream is a symbol of offspring, care, and family. This is a favorable sign, indicating that you will have harmony and order at home.

Play, pet, or...

The meanings of dreams in which you had to not only look at furry animals, but also come into contact with them, are more intense. Remember what exactly you did in your dreams?

1. Do you pet a kitten in your sleep? Look around, somewhere nearby there are insincere, flattering people who pretend to be your friends.

2. Killed a kitten? This also happens in dreams, and this is a favorable sign - you will soon cope with your troubles and solve the problems yourself.

3. If a good, fluffy and cute little cat cuddles up to you and purrs, this promises you a pleasant romantic acquaintance, flirting and dates.

4. Playing with a kitten in your dreams, especially if it clawed you during play, is bad sign, an indication that a person close to you has dark thoughts, a bad conscience, and is dishonest with you.

5. If you bought a kitten in a dream, then this is a warning - you are at risk of fraud, some kind of financial fraud, you may be deceived with money. Be careful.

6. And if it was given to you in a dream, then this speaks of your loneliness, which has either already come or will come soon.

Red, white, striped...

The color of the animals you dream about plays an important role in the interpretation of the dream, so do you remember what color the furry creatures were in the dream?

1. Red kittens in a dream promise profit, a reward, a pleasant cash surprise.

2. Smoky, gray kittens, especially fluffy and well-groomed ones, are a symbol of family hearth, comfort, and well-being. If now everything is not in order in the house, soon the situation will change, and peace and order will come.

3. Charming white kittens in night dreams promise the sleeper a pleasant acquaintance with someone. They certainly promise romance and dates, perhaps you will meet and make a new friend.

4. Black kittens are messengers of the hidden ones magical powers, they promise you help from above, some kind of presence of mysticism in your life.

5. A tabby kitten carries a warning to those who see it in a dream. This is a sign of deception and betrayal that may occur. Be careful, don't trust everyone around you.

6. Multi-colored kittens tell you that you are not far-sighted enough, you are easy to deceive, because you too quickly take for granted everything that you see or hear around you. This can lead to deception and disappointment.

Dreams involving kittens very often warn of something. If you receive a signal from a dream book about danger, deception, or problems, do not wait for them, but try to take any action to prevent troubles.

After all, that's what dreams are for.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about kittens?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Kittens

Seeing kittens in a dream. If a girl or woman dreams of a beautiful snow-white kitten, then she needs to be careful, as her enemies will try to lure her into cunningly placed nets with lies. She must trust her intuition and common sense.

If you dream of unclean, multi-colored, or red or thin kittens, then in real life she will become a victim of her indiscretion.

Saving a kitten in a dream can portend you wealth and prosperity in life. Also, a dream about rescuing a kitten means that all your problems will be successfully resolved.

In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreams about kittens mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see kittens in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Do you dream about Kittens? Tell me your dream!

Dream interpretation kitten black

Why do you dream about a black kitten in a dream?

Usually a cat seen in a dream is considered a symbol of some troubles, especially if it meows loudly. Dreams in which kittens appear are interpreted in a similar way, but in this case one can expect minor troubles that are not capable of radically changing the work that has been started, but at the same time can significantly spoil the mood. A particularly alarming signal are dreams about black kittens, which symbolize not just failures and problems, but the machinations of enemies, gossip, deceit and betrayal. At the same time, you do not know who your main enemy is, and it is possible that you consider him a friend. If you dreamed that the kitten was not only black, but also very thin, then in the near future you will receive bad news regarding one of your friends. A good sign dreams are considered in which you manage to defeat a black kitten - drive it away, throw it out of the room, or even kill it. Such a plot means that you can cope with all troubles.

Dead kittens

Dream Interpretation Dead Kittens dreamed about what you dream about dream Dead kittens? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Dead kittens in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dead

A dead man seen in a dream foreshadows a completely unexpected ending to your love affair.

Seeing a dead child in a dream means worry and disappointment in the near future.

A dead actor or actress in your dream foreshadows the collapse of plans as a result of a tragic event.

Seeing a dead person in a dream is a sign of health and longevity, if this person is actually alive and well. If the dead person seen in a dream actually left this mortal world long ago, such a dream predicts a change in your affairs for the worse.

A dream in which you see a person hanged or hanged is a harbinger of insults and insults that you will hear from loved ones. Seeing a drowned person means you will face a desperate struggle for your rights, which they will try to deprive you of in real life.

Seeing a mummified corpse in a dream means that a serious illness will ruin your plans. Seeing in a dream how the body of a deceased person is embalmed predicts imminent changes in your situation for the worse. If you are embalmed or mummified, in reality your friendship with a loved one will be unhappy, bringing a lot of troubles at work and at home, as well as a deterioration in your situation in society.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person in your apartment in a dream foreshadows discord in the family due to drunkenness or debauchery.

A talking dead man seen in a dream means vile slander and malicious slander against you. If he asks you for a drink, then you need to pray properly for the repose of his soul and light a candle.

Lying on the floor dead man predicts shame or serious illness in the near future. If you trip over it and fall, in reality you will receive news of the death of someone very close to you, loved ones.

Finding a lifeless person in your bed means that you are guaranteed success in an almost hopeless case.

If a dead person comes to life in your dream, this means the return of what was once lost, which you have long stopped hoping for. Dressing a dead person in a suit means illness.

See a lot dead people on the battlefield - to a headache and a visit to the clinic.

Burying dead people in a dream means a fun occasion, while carrying wreaths of spruce branches means a severe hangover.

See in dead in my sleep your husband is a very bad sign, promising continuous troubles and disappointments. If you kiss him at the same time, this means a breakdown in affairs, poverty and the loss of your best friends.

A dream in which you see a dead nun foretells great despair due to adultery or betrayal loved one.

Seeing a dead shark in a dream means that after all the hardships and hardships you have endured, you will once again find long-awaited well-being and peace.

Seeing a bull slaughtered in a slaughterhouse or killed in a bullfight in a dream does not bode well - on the contrary, only sad events.

A dead dove in a dream predicts misfortune with a distant relative, to whom you will nevertheless have to go for help.

Seeing a dead rook means someone's illness or death in the near future.

A slaughtered goose is a sign of imminent losses.

A dead lark in your dream foretells injury from an accident.

A dead hare means the death or illness of one of your faithful friends.

If in a dream you see many dead snakes, it means that you will suffer from the base act of a hypocritical friend.

Stepping on a dead snake, which suddenly comes to life and attacks you, means victory over your enemies.

Seeing a turkey or turkey who has died from an unknown disease predicts that cramped circumstances will make your pride suffer.

A dead swallow is a sign of sad parting.

Seeing a dead swan in a dream means that in reality you will experience annoyance and disappointment, having minded your own business.

A fallen or shot horse means that you will soon receive sad news that will change all your plans.

Seeing a dead mule in a dream foreshadows a broken engagement and a deterioration in your position in society, which will be caused by your unworthy behavior.

Seemingly dead insects that suddenly begin to run away from you mean that you will damage your reputation by acting stupidly and imprudently.

A dead monkey seen in a dream means that your hated enemies will suffer complete collapse.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Dead - Unfamiliar - to a change in weather. Relatives and loved ones who are alive but dead in a dream - most often this is a warning to you to be careful. The relative himself is not in danger. Those who have died, but are alive in a dream: mother - to good luck; father - for support. Loved ones, friends, relatives - a call to think about the meaning of life. Friends - a blow to your pride awaits you. The dead are calling you with them - if you go, there will be trouble, illness, death; don’t go - be careful, you are in mortal danger, but it can be avoided, take action. They offer you food - you have a dangerous illness, you need to be treated. If you eat with a dead person, death is on your doorstep. It is better to refuse all offers coming from the dead, but alive in a dream. It is better to give yourself this setting in advance so that it works clearly in a dream. The dead come to life - amazing events, extraordinary adventures. Note: the dead themselves cannot appear in a dream. Their image is only a symbol. The information that we actually receive from the dead is received by us through clairvoyance through other images. The dead do not need to appear to us to guide us on the right path.

Dream Interpretation - Kittens

Unpleasant surprises; squabbles.

Dream Interpretation - Kittens

Minor troubles and irritation.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

If a person sees himself dead in a dream, it means that he has a long life ahead of him.

If a person sees a dead bull in a dream, it means seeing the defeat of his enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Seeing the Dead

dangerous disease

Dream Interpretation - Dead Swell

A mystical situation that will scare (shock).

Dream Interpretation - Dead Loop


Dream Interpretation - Dead City

A situation of existential or clinical depression, symbolism of the completion of one of the stages of individuation.

It is believed that even in a hopeless situation in such a city, one can find positive signs (light, sound, color of the sky), indicating a possible way out of the situation and prospects.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Why do you dream of dead kittens?


*** ***

"Seeing a cat in a dream is a bad sign, a sign of a fight, quarrel; kittens - a sign of profit.
Caressing a cat means mistrust and doubt.
If in a dream a cat comes towards you, runs across the road - to a meeting with an enemy, an insincere person.
A caressing cat (cat) is unfortunately in the cat’s owner’s house. If she meows hysterically, this is a request for help that is difficult to fulfill.
“Hearing a cat meow means receiving hypocritical assurances of love. Hearing a cat meow without seeing it means deception.
“Being bitten or scratched by a cat means slander or resentment of its owners against you. Seeing how this happened to another means slight discomfort, your resentment towards this person.
"Catching a cat means opening up gossip. Cat games mean troubles in your personal life, identifying enemies; a cat fight means worries.
"Playing with a cat in a dream means infidelity. Seeing a black cat means evil from an unknown enemy, a dead cat means the disappearance of a person you dislike.
Seeing a strangled cat means your lifestyle will lead to bad consequences.
Causing harm or pain to a cat means you have a bad conscience.
“If a man dreams of a cat, this means that some girl is “hunting” him, and for a woman, it means the emergence of a strong rival.
“Seeing a cat catching a mouse means great profit and wealth.



I dreamed of a person I loved without reciprocation; he kissed and hugged me. Then I saw my grandmother, and on her lap stood a basket, from which three skinned, skinless kittens jumped out and ran away. The fourth remained dead in the basket. After that I cried and so did the young man.


I dreamed that I saw a gray kitten in a deep puddle on the road near the curb. Some children were running away. I pulled the kitten out of the puddle and tried to bring him to his senses. The water in the puddle was clean. This is all a dream...


Last night I didn’t have a dream that a cat gave birth to two kittens on my neck, and one on the floor. The kitten that was on the floor was dead, and I removed the other two from the neck and their intestines were sticking out of their stomach, I didn’t see how the cat gave birth


Hello, my name is Roman, I dreamed of a white rabbit, under her was a living white rabbit, and under them was one living and three dead (strangled kittens, I had a dream this morning, tell me what this means please.


Hello! I dreamed that I was sleeping somewhere in nature, when I woke up, I saw a black kitten with some colored spots. In a dream, I realized that he was sick, but very handsome, I wanted to take him for myself and treat him, but I was afraid that my husband would be against the cat in the house and did not take him. A little later I saw many dead gray kittens (already dried) with strings on their necks, as if they had been strangled. And then I saw the same gray cat, who, as it seemed at first, was strangling her kittens with such ropes, and then it would have become clear to everyone that she was walking them like that... (like on leashes)...
Thank you!


I don’t remember the whole dream well, but I remember a couple of moments well. I looked in the mirror, and as soon as I began to examine myself, a dead gray kitten appeared out of nowhere behind my right shoulder, its paws drawn up, as if it had died from the cold. I immediately turn around and grab him with my hands, like I’m catching him with my palms, so that he doesn’t fall. The mirror was intact and I was satisfied with my reflection in it. The kitten's eyes were closed. This happened 2-3 times in a dream. And on the latter case I woke up.
I don’t remember the rest of it well, I can say that throughout the dream I spent time with friends, and last meeting happened to the kitten before their eyes.


There were a lot of kittens that pissed at the gut, and among them were dead. The kittens were of a different color, more than three oily, and were already yapping


I caught kittens to feed. there were a lot of kittens different sizes and the colors were more gray, the kitten that I liked best was tri-colored, he ran away. when I entered the house they were all dead, they were killed by my relatives.


This happened in dark forest, first then the action moved to my grandfather's room. The kittens were alive and their mother cat was with them. Then I saw them dead, the nightmare also began to die and I suddenly woke up. the dream was black and white


In a dream, I brought many kittens to my apartment, but, apparently, afraid that they would scold me, I hid them in the oven. Afterwards, my mother went to the kitchen to cook and turned on this cabinet. I quickly ran and turned it off, opened it and I was horrified. All the kittens that were at the back wall were burned and died, but in the foreground they remained alive. I woke up from this sight. I inform you that I have never seen living dead kittens, so it’s very strange how colorfully I was able to see them in a dream.




I dreamed that I was at a friend’s house (her cat recently gave birth to kittens), and everything was fine, everyone was walking around the apartment, and then someone asked, Len, have you seen the kittens, and they are lying torn in the hallway, I saw only 2 heads in different places, and a mother cat who sat calmly in a box.


I dreamed that I was in an abandoned apartment. Everything there is furnished in a fairly civilized manner, there is no dirt, there is even a massage chair. And then it turns out that my friend and I need to throw out the corpses of some kittens. We threw it out, and after a while they brought us this bag of garbage, there were kittens in it. They weren't quite alive, but they weren't dead either. They moved like dolls and constantly fell, that is, it was impossible to say with certainty whether they were alive or whether these were death throes. My friend and I were very upset that we did not save the kittens that were alive until that moment. After that, I got dressed and left that apartment, then woke up.


I have a pregnant cat at home, she had a miscarriage, now she is pregnant again!!! I dreamed, “That she gave birth and threw the kittens into a dirty pit, then I see that one survived, I don’t accept him to her, at the end of the dream I see 3 very beautiful kittens!” All!


I dreamed of kittens with blood flowing from their throats. there were 3 kittens, and their mother was lying next to them, and for some reason I got the feeling that she did it.


I dreamed that I walked into the kitchen, and there were two light-colored little dead kittens on the floor, the third was still alive, but was convulsing, and a dark-colored dog was also struggling, and I suddenly remembered that I forgot to feed them, because of this they began to die, I tried to give them milk, but at that time my husband carried out my newborn son (my son is now 10 years old), but in a dream he was recently born, he did not cry, but I remembered that I had also fed him for a long time, and quickly began look for milk to feed my son


Sleep right in the morning. Short and colorful.
I go out onto the balcony - and there kittens crawled towards me from the neighboring one. Minimum 5 pieces. Moreover, they crawled over not because of a good life - they were ragged, some were wounded. Tricolor or smoky. There were no white, red or black people. And now I need a kitten. In life, not in a dream. I'm starting to take a closer look at whether to keep it or not. Think. The neighbor comes out and the kittens begin to return. Some move over, and one falls. Dark gray smoky. Moreover, the balcony is like in my parents’ apartment (3rd floor), but it falls like in mine (loggia on the 7th floor). Falls. I look at it somehow from a distance. That is. I understand that I have to reap him, I hope that he will survive, but I’m not trying to save him and in general I somehow don’t care that they are wounded. I haven’t spoken to my neighbor, but there is no hostility or condemnation with her that the kittens are tortured this way.
This is such a strange dream.


I went out into the yard of the house, saw a kitten, he was half dead, and two rotten sausages were lying nearby. For some reason I decided that if I fed him something, he would survive. I fed him and he survived. Then I moved on. , raised the curtain, and there were 2 dead kittens, one older and the other smaller.


for some time in my life I worked in a service that cleared blockages in the sewer system, I dreamed that we arrived at another blockage, I opened the hatch and there was a bag and 2 cats, one was definitely black and the second, I think, too, but I don’t remember exactly, I took a special shovel and I tried to get these 2 living adult cats out of the abyss of fecal matter and sewage, a real whirlpool, I got 1 and saved it, but the second one was pulled down, I tried to get it with a shovel and tore the bag that was floating there and in the bag there were several dead kittens, 3 or 5 . black and white. I got their bodies out of the hatch, but I didn’t manage to get them all yet, and one adult cat disappeared, this happened today at 6:30 in the morning.


I dreamed that I was riding on a bus and saw from the side three different doors, under each of them there were heaps of dead kittens, some not quite dead yet, some with their skin removed


My former classmate came and brought gifts to my children, but they were all torn apart, I didn’t care, I dreamed of two kittens, one of them was bleeding and gave birth to a dead rat, he felt very bad, I dragged the rat and threw it in the trash and he felt better .


my brother was bathing in the bathroom and 2 black kittens fell into it, they drowned and came to life. then a fat man came to us and crushed them, they died.


In the supermarket I saw a kitten (not small, 1.5-2 months old) with a pitiful appearance. I bought him sausages and fed him on the spot, and was going to take him home. At some point, I was at the cash register and asked for him, and the cashier pointed under the next counter where he was lying, looking as if he had come from the war or had been chewed by a dog. (It looks clean, but you can see places of torn skin, no blood). The store employees could not explain this in any way. They just packed the kitten in a bag so that I could take it away from them.


a car was driving, in the trunk of which there were many kittens, it tilted and the kittens fell out of the trunk straight into a deep puddle, I was driving behind this car, in my car at the wheel, I rushed to save them, but 3 kittens did not have time to sleep, they choked ( drowned red, black and gray)


I dreamed that there were cats (good, beautiful) living on the balcony in the apartment; there seemed to be two of them. but they had a lot of kittens, and I was very worried about it. where do we put them all? The cats and kittens were red. Then I saw that most of the kittens had died - how the butoh had become hard and mutilated. I felt great relief and joy.


I dreamed about dead kittens, and at first they were alive, and then they died (not before my eyes). I tried to eat one dead kitten in a dream...((


The dream is quite strange. I saw the kitten and decided to pick it up, but it didn’t budge. I took an empty pan and put food in it, he jumped into the pan, and I turned it over, and took the kitten out of there and put it in my back pocket. Then I went with him to some kind of feast, sat down and crushed him. It was sad.


My husband and I were walking through the forest and suddenly I saw a kitten entangled in the roots of a tree, under this kitten trying to get out, another dead one was lying. I told my husband, let’s take him home, but at first my husband did not agree, saying that we already have a cat, but I said: “look how good he is and how he looks like a little tiger cub (the kitten was three-colored red-gray-white with a characteristic tiger painted) besides, he decided on his brother,” and then the husband agreed, and the living kitten seemed to be older than the dead one, the dream was black and white, but the red stripes of the kitten were colored. I don’t know if it matters, but I have two sons, the eldest was born in the year of the tiger.


I dreamed that I was walking along the road at night, a car was driving towards me with its headlights on, and when they shone on the road, I saw a small kitten right as big as my palm, the car missed him under the bottom, I immediately ran towards him, then another car rushed by when I finally ran up to him and took him in my arms, I noticed that one of his front legs was broken or dislocated, I brought him home (now I also have a cat at home and in my dream he was there too, nothing special, just like part of my Everyday life if it matters, the cat’s back leg is now broken) I fed my cat from a bowl, then the family began to say why did you bring him, he’s not a purebred ordinary mongrel, I told them that he needed care and that he was almost crushed by a car and that I don’t care about him I’ll leave it, to which they said through gritted teeth, okay, leave your business if you want.

[email protected]:

I dreamed that I had fluffy, beautiful kittens in a rabbit cage on the street, and in the same cage there were rats. The Kryas seemed to want to harm the kittens. Then I dreamed that I was killing rats, I saw it clearly, and then I saw a mountain of dead kittens and blood on them.


I dreamed that some unfamiliar cat gave birth to kittens, they were alive and good, and then she turned away from them, I turn around and the one to whom I seemed to visually pay more attention is dead. and such scenes were repeated many times in a dream, only in different places and with different cats and kittens


Hello! I dreamed that a cat gave birth to kittens, and one of them only turned out to be alive. They left it for their parents. All kittens are black.


We have a cat, at night she meowed and it was like a dream in reality that she crawled under the sofa and I saw little kittens to yell at her. No. live fluffy brindle and 2 dead. My cat itself is brindle, but the color is gray


I just remember very well that I saw a dead gray fluffy kitten at my work near the refrigerator


My friends and children and I went on vacation in the summer. There was a clean pond, beautiful meadows, wooden benches, tables and cabinets. First I opened one cabinet and saw a black, dead cat with open eyes. Then a second one, and there were two black dead kittens. I was very scared.


Hello, last night I dreamed of unborn kittens, in my dream I saw them in the mucous membrane, when I picked them up they fell apart in half. And yesterday I dreamed of an accident and then they wanted to kill me and I woke up in fear.


Hello! Today I dreamed that I was entering a house where no one had been for several days, and a meowing cat was running towards me, and then I walked further and saw a dead little kitten on the table, I walked further and on some surface (I don’t remember which one) another dead kitten lies.


I was walking home after school and it was dark. My mitten fell and I bent down to pick it up and noticed something black in the snow, I picked up the mitten and a black spot, it turned out the black spot was a kitten, I picked it up, it was made of stone and wasn’t breathing. The kitten was so small that it fit in one palm, I covered it with my other palm and began to breathe on it in the hope that it would come to life. I ran home as quickly as possible. I washed him in warm water, then I wrapped him in a warm scarf and put him on the radiator and went to bed. At night I heard a squeak, it was my kitten. I gave him warm milk. He felt better and was already running, the kitten and I played a little and I took him to bed with me under the blanket. The kitten grew and grew every day, it became bigger and bigger. Finally, the kitten grew to his limit; he was a little larger than an ordinary cat. But the black kitten didn’t stop there; it grew and grew without ceasing. In a year, he grew to the point of being unrecognizable, the black kitten became twice my size. It turned out it was not a black kitten, but a large black panther.

Lyudachka Sologub:

I was walking around in some room, at first it was beautiful, and then there was some noise, I got up and started walking around the room, opened some kind of door and there were kittens there, they were strangled, closed the door and turned around and there were dead kittens everywhere.


Hello. My name is Alexandra, our favorite cat lived with us, the fact is that I was pregnant, the time to give birth was approaching, we decided to castrate the cat, a veterinarian came and castrated our cat, after the procedure was done he became ill, he did not come to his senses and died on the 7th day , I didn’t wait a couple of days until I gave birth, and today I dreamed about him, only he was older and sick, in a dream he was brought by a kitten of the same color and all the kittens were the same color as our beloved pet, he just smiled, I told him you don’t want to look at the baby, he came up to the crib, looked and left!!!


I am going to take a shower. I take a shower often. Under the bathroom I saw a cat with kittens. I don’t have and never had pets, but I love kittens. I decided to wash them and took them with me to the shower. Cat - everything is fine. Kittens - as if they drowned. I shake them, but they... They still died, they don’t react. Apparently, they became ill from the water - which means they need to be dried by laying them out on a towel on the floor. But that didn't help either. I'm shocked. Coca too. She screamed “meow” terribly, and in her voice there was grief that I felt myself...


sat on the shore of the pond and caught fish with a fishing rod (the fish were actively caught, then she turned her head and saw a kitten, handed him a small fish and then next to her she saw several dead, decomposed tabby kittens


Somewhere through the grate, a small hole breaks through 5 or 6 black kittens, I hold the grate with my hands and try not to let them pass further, I call my brother and he pours boiling water on them and I see 2 dead black kittens


I dreamed that a dog was tearing a kochen in my hands, I was trying to pick up a kochen from the dog but I couldn’t


I dreamed that under the boards of a wooden floor I found a dead kitten, light-colored, then I looked further and saw another one, but half-dead, but not a tenant, then two more dead ones, all of them were light-colored, almost white. His wife was nearby.


Hello, I dreamed that I lived in some private house, in the dream I had a cat that brought kittens and there were quite a few of them, about 10 and different color. I remember that it started to rain, the kittens were in some strange way in a large bowl, like a saucepan, and stood in the garden, some of the kittens already had their eyes open, so I see this bowl with the kittens and so that they would not get wet during the rain, I covered them with a lid, in the morning after the rain I ran out to check on them and realized that they were dead, the only thing I still remember was that I went up to my mother and told her about it.


Dobryj den. Mne segodna prisnilis kotata, d dopolnenie kakie-to eshe jivotnye, tipa krolchata, shenata no pomnu tochno tolko kotat. Oni byli v ogromnom plastikovom konteinere. Ja ih ostavil v kvartire chjejto, mojet mojej. I zabyl pro nih, a kogda vernulsa uvidek strashnoe zrelishe, oni vse byli deadvy, mena srazu odolel strah chto ludi mena osudat za eto, pojavilis mysli chto nado srochno vynesti konteiner i pohoronit ih, no someone uje ego obnarujil. Konec cna.


We had a large pool in our yard and everyone loved to swim in it, and the cats too, and all the cats jumped into this pool and drowned one after another, then one swam out and started swimming, but then she drowned again and died like the other kittens


In general, I open the closet in my grandmother’s room / what about the top shelf /, and a cat jumps out from there and kittens start jumping out after her / I immediately thought in a dream that due to the fact that there was little space, they had no way to develop /, a lot There are very different colors of them, many of them are somehow strange, as if they were premature, or with Down syndrome... I think I collected them, probably those that were healthy and without deviations, took them to my room, went off to find a box for them , and when I arrived, it turned out that my cat had crushed them all, but several remained alive... Then I don’t remember what happened...
But that same night I dreamed that I was standing at the market near a huge cage without a top, and it was full of kittens, most of them red, and I was trying to give them to people, but I wasn’t very good at it.
Such nonsense, but I remember these dreams quite well...


I dreamed of kittens, newborns, I first found one kitten, then this kitten led me to dead kittens in my apartment.. I picked one up and he was like a rag.. what could this dream mean??


hello!!! I dreamed that I was running somewhere with an unfamiliar girl and at the same time looking at her and as if I knew her! I’m running and there’s a dead black kitten lying on the side of the road, I stumble and fall face down on it, the kitten’s hair remains on my face and we (for some reason this girl also had hair on her face) remove each other’s fur from our faces, but leave it on our hair! The truck is driving, it skids and it flies towards me and I woke up!!!????


I’m with someone I know, I don’t remember who. in the neighboring yard of the house where I live in this moment. they were going to do something and then, with my approval, he began to take out the kittens and twist their necks. but he twisted the neck of the last one, but he remained alive. comrade. I twisted his paws and repeated his neck. but the kitten became big and walked parallel to his friend with an unnatural gait; I walked a little ahead. end of the dream


I saw the end result, and not the birth of the kittens itself, as a result, several kittens were dead and three were alive and it felt like they were unusual in appearance. The living kittens were playing, the cat was next to them, and the dead ones were lying in a small box and I wanted to bury them, but for some reason I didn’t have time to do this. In my life, my cat has already given birth 4 times and probably in each litter there was at least one dead kitten and I constantly personally buried them somewhere in the yard...


I dreamed of dead, newly born Siamese kittens, I was walking along the road with my children and the kittens were lying all along the road, I wanted to pick them up, warm them and revive them


I hid dead kittens and was afraid that they would be found, and I also dreamed of a mother who died a little over three months ago, but I don’t remember what she did or said, I just dreamed about her


I dreamed of dead kittens, also that my mother had a temperature of 39 and she quarreled with my stepfather, and the house was also full of strange people.

[email protected]:

Hello! I dreamed of a big mansion or a castle, I can’t say more precisely! and in this mansion I saw thousands of white rabbits and the same number of newborn gray kittens, half of them dead and half alive. I had a bag in which I selected and put the living! what could this mean?


I dreamed that I came home and watched a picture: my young man was eating meat. to the question “what is this,” he replies that it is a kitten, I look at the table and see the corpses of kittens on display.


Today in a dream I dreamed that I entered the bathroom and in the bath there was a dead drowned black kitten with blue eyes, I quickly began to save him. I pulled him out of the water, and began to stroke him, and he came to life.


Hello, Tatyana. I dreamed of 3 gray kittens in my apartment, where a friend now lives. Then they began to get sick and died. Someone took out two kittens, and I asked my friend to take out the third kitten in a couple of days. That’s all in a nutshell. What could this mean?


I dreamed of little kittens and I put them in the sink and poured water, then after some time I came and wanted to pull them out, but they lay in the water and did not move, I called my husband to see if they were alive and that’s all.


I have a black cat, I love him very much, in general, I’m a cat lover, I’m standing in the hallway and I see him lying, only he’s small in a dream, smaller than an eve, I kneel down and take him in my hands and he’s already stiff, I realized he’s dead, it hurt so much, I woke up in the middle of the night I found him and hugged him, realized that he was alive, went to bed and in my dream I felt a vein


I have a black cat, I adore him and in general I’m a cat person, in my dreams I’m standing in the hallway and he’s lying in the corner, but he’s small, that is, smaller than in reality, I take him in my hand and he’s frozen, I’m terrified and I feel a vein, I wake up in fear, I’m looking for him I find, hug, make sure I’m alive and go to bed


I dreamed of many many small kittens of different colors... some were alive and others seemed to be already dead. I also had a conversation with a girl in the dream. (I’m a girl)


I water flowers in flowerpots outside from a plastic bottle. It’s over, I go to the tap to draw and as I pass I see that there are dead kittens lying on the asphalt and next to them a black cat is still alive. I understand that this is because there is no water... I run for water, I come and see that a woman has appeared who also wants drink, but I have a small half-liter bottle. I look at the cat who is still alive and at the woman and give the water to the woman. At this time the cat is also dying....I put both the kittens and the cat in bags and take them to the trash bin....Why this dream???


Hello! in a dream I returned home and there were a lot of kittens, it was as if I forgot about them that they were there, 2 were dead but light kittens and seemed to be sleeping but I knew that they were dead, the rest had lost weight, wanted to drink and were hungry, I started to give them water, and who he was with me and accidentally slammed the nightstand and squeezed another kitten, but he remained alive, sort of... a nightmare in general.


Hello. I dreamed that I wanted to take a kitten in my arms, but there was a hole in front and around the ground that I didn’t want to step on so as not to get dirty, I began to walk around the hole and saw that parts of the kittens’ bodies were scattered everywhere, as if when plowing the ground they had fallen under the combine blades were plowed along with the ground.


I dreamed that a cat gave birth to premature kittens (even without hair), and for some reason I ate them. Then I started vomiting.


Hello, I have had the same dream more than once... I kill three kittens, I hit the head with a bat, they tear my mouth out, I am horrified by this dream, because I love animals...


I dreamed of a small, black, dead kitten... I ask my mother to throw her away


I dreamed that at first I was walking alone through a field with ankle-deep grass and on the trampled grass there were dead gray cats and kittens scattered on different sides, then I was walking with my children and husband also through this field with dead cats and so on three times. When I went to work that same morning, a dead crow lay on the grass.


Good afternoon, I don’t remember the whole dream, but a fragment remains in my memory, I saw small kittens, gray and the second one I can’t say what color, they seemed to have been abandoned, left by someone, and after a few seconds I see some kind of creature of one kitten swallows it and immediately spits it out, but already dead.


I dreamed that there was a black kitten hanging on the net on the window, clinging to its claws, I laughed, and then I discovered that he was dead


They committed a robbery and killed eyewitnesses in one garage area. At the exit from the garage I saw 2 dead kittens. I didn’t want to kill anyone in my dream; they were accomplices. Feelings of fear and remorse were present


I saw a half-dead kitten.. His entrails had fallen out of his tummy.. But he was still breathing.. It was as if he had been hit by a train.. I took him from the railway tracks.. I kind of understand that he can no longer live, and I don’t want him to suffer, I decide to bury him right away in order to stop this torment.. I make a hole in the snow with some kind of stick, lay it down and start burying it.. I just take the snow with my hands, for some reason it’s not cold at all.. I see how the kitten is still breathing.. I I feel so sorry for him, there are tears in my eyes.. I buried him, but someone immediately somehow gets him out.. Due to the fact that it was impossible to bury him in this place.. I take him and tell my mother, “I’ll take him.. What if he survives"
I really want to understand why I dreamed about this, I hope for an answer..


a dead kitten on the floor, my cat, then the dream switched as if I went to the city with my friend, we passed by the 5th floor there were guys sitting on a bench, one of them greeted me, I didn’t see his face, we went with my friend further, the guys were taken away after us, they started to get stuck there was a fight and I woke up


The dream was very gloomy, I was in a place similar to a market, there was mud on the ground (loggy earth), and on it there were many tiny, dead kittens.

Anastasia Tyulpnova:

Hello Tatiana. Today I had a dream in which I was an observer of the killing of kittens. There were 6 of them, someone (I didn’t see their face) first took their hair off, then started tearing off their muscles (while they were still alive), then one by one a big cat ate them. What scared me most was their scream, so to speak, which continued until the last one was eaten. Please help me interpret this terrible dream.


I dreamed that I ran after a kitten down the stairs, he fell down, and then flew for a long time, crashed... when I went down, he was dead in blood, and then he seemed to turn into a cockroach... and I took him somewhere like burying him and green brains came out of his head. this is such nonsense.


supposedly in some house there lives a woman who is a cat owner, but since it’s hard for her to keep them, her husband kills the kittens (he cuts the throat and then drowns them), and then the owner puts them on shelves, like souvenirs. There were a lot of kittens, more than 200 pieces - dead, some were already dry!


Hello, I dreamed that there was a lot of garbage, I sorted it out, it was all in the dirt and sand, I found a pack of cigarettes, I clearly remember 2 bulls in the pack, I took apart the box and threw everything out, I heard a squeak and meow, I saw half-dead kittens, about 2, I don’t remember whether I saved it or not, but they could barely breathe, but one was definitely sitting in my hands, and I tried to wash it. Unfortunately, I don’t remember how it ended.


the cat fell over and gave birth to a dead kitten, then it came to life and I was very happy and began to caress it, the kitten was white


I am walking along the road with my mother, and there are the bodies (2-3) of very small red kittens that were trampled by hooligans. A terrible sight...


Hello, I dreamed that I was cleaning my grandmother’s dacha, whom I don’t really like, and I found 3 kitten bodies. and then the girls of my best friends walked along the path along the site young man and both were pregnant and one with them was not pregnant. What could this mean?


Dead kittens float down the river in a basket. I see it from the window and I can't do anything


I’m near the table where there’s a dead black cat and 3 kittens, also black and dead. A loved one is sitting in front of me. At first I looked at him and then I killed the 4th black kitten and put it next to him.

Why do you dream about a lot of small white mice?

Why do you dream of a dead cat and is it worth worrying about it? similar vision. Most people attach great importance to such negative dreams, but everything is not always as fatal as it seems.

Why do you dream of a dead cat and is it worth worrying about it? Many people who have had to deal with a similar vision wonder.

Why a dead cat dreams and what such a vision means should be understood in detail. If you manage to find an animal near your own home, it is possible that the closest relatives will give you unpleasant news. When you dream dead cat on the road, then this is a sign of obstacles to achieving your goal. You should take a closer look at your immediate environment, because it is possible that there are hypocritical individuals among them.

Many people want to know why they dream of dead cats that are in a person’s apartment or house, because this vision is confusing. Some sources interpret such a dream as a harbinger of problems and illnesses that a person will have to face. If the animals are scattered on the street and this picture can be quickly passed, then all difficulties can be solved.

If you manage to find an animal near your own home, it is possible that your closest relatives will give you unpleasant news

A cat in a dream is a good sign, if, of course, it is in good condition. When an animal is aggressive and begins to attack, and death occurs at the hands of the dreamer during the incident, this is a symbol of victory over ill-wishers or over one’s greatest fear.

If you dreamed about a dead cat being alive, this is most likely a subconscious signal that should be interpreted as the inability to let go of the past. When a person, under any circumstances, remembers some past events of his life and they do not give him peace, then in this way thoughts are reflected in dreams.

Contrary to popular belief, representatives of the cat family who dream of being dead do not at all foreshadow death

According to the Egyptian dream book, a black cat means well-being and protection from the outside. An animal of a dark color, graceful and calm - a harbinger of abundance and security. If the cat dies and the dream events leave a negative aftertaste, then the sign cannot be considered as good. More often than not, this spells trouble.

Why do you dream about a cat (video)

What else could a dream mean?

A dead black cat that is on the dreamer’s bed speaks of possible deception on the part of the other half. This indicates a lack of trust in the partner. Seeing a cat on the floor or accidentally stepping on it means forcing a person to take actions that are not consistent with his character.

If the cat died in the dreamer's arms, this indicates that the person feels extremely uncomfortable in the position in which he is now forced to be. Perhaps these are unrequited feelings or just some kind of discomfort.

If the animals are scattered on the street and this picture can be quickly passed, then all difficulties can be solved

A cat living with the dreamer, which feels great and is caressed, testifies to peace in its own home, comfort and well-being. Perhaps this is a sign of an imminent replenishment of the family. And that doesn't always mean a child. Maybe a life partner or just a close and faithful friend will appear.

A dreamed cat for a man is a symbol of finding female attention and support, of course, provided that she is alive. When the animal is dead, you will most likely have to face serious difficulties in relationships and solve some problems that require some effort.

A dead black cat, which is on the dreamer’s bed, speaks of possible deception on the part of the other half

Contrary to popular belief, representatives of the cat family who dream of being dead do not at all foreshadow death. Rather, it is an obstacle or an unpleasant event. However, if a person feels great after sleep, then the task will not be difficult for him. If the vision was difficult and emotional, it means you will have to work hard. The outcome of the case will depend entirely on the efforts of the person.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a red kitten seen in a dream foreshadows positive changes in your personal life. A lonely person will be able to meet his soulmate. With her he will be able to build a strong and lasting relationship. If a person already has a couple, it means that he will decide to legitimize his relationship. A wedding ceremony will take place in the near future. If a person is already married, then he should prepare for a new addition to the family. Most likely, a boy will be born. Seeing a red kitten in the mud means a big mess at work. It will arise due to misunderstandings and machinations of colleagues. If the kitten had a bow on it, it means that you will receive an invitation to attend an important event where you will be able to make useful contacts.

According to Miller's dream book, a red kitten is great sign. So, if a person took such an animal to his home, then he thereby launched luck into his life. Now his existence on earth will change. Positive changes await him in all areas of his life. If in a dream a person saw a red kitten on the street, then this is a sign of meeting old acquaintances. It will take place in a warm environment. There will be a lot of positive impressions about her. If you saw a black kitten in a box, then this is before you receive news from your relatives who have long since moved to live in another country. If in a dream you saw a kitten slurping milk from a bowl, then you can fully expect a new addition to the family.

According to Loff's dream book, a red kitten that was on the street is an omen of negative changes in life. A dark period will come, along which the career will collapse. If a red kitten was on the threshold of his house in a dream, then this foreshadows the emergence of new acquaintances. This may also be an omen of the arrival of distant relatives, who, although they will stay for a short time, will be able to spend a pleasant time with them. Seeing a freshly washed kitten - before the onset of a new phase in a love relationship. It will last for many happy months.

According to the Wanderer's dream book, a red kitten foretells the emergence of new opportunities in life. If a person uses them, he will be able to improve his life and make it full of benefits and prosperity. Seeing a sick red kitten means before enemies and envious people appear at work. If the kitten was in the cemetery, then this is a sign of gossip from the neighbors. If the animal was at home, then this means a fight with a loved one. It will appear out of the blue, because of a trifle.

A person without conscience and honor will seek your approach for his own benefit. Dream book statistics Subscribe to news Interpretation of a dream - Bridge Interpretation of a dream - A bridge in your dream is: A long, intricately curved, dilapidated bridge, seen in a dream, portends the loss of something dear and deep sadness about this. If you dream of playful rabbits playing around you, it means that children will contribute to your joy. Kazuo Momma, CEO The statistics department of the Central Bank of Japan believes that the double-digit decline in GDP, which will probably be officially announced on February 16, will continue in the first quarter of this year 2009. Seeing films of a red kitten amulet in a dream and generally dealing with an amulet means that it remembers you. Scientists claim that it was developed by Pythagoras himself. Theoretical knowledge of numerology research how.

Fashionable bright colors, a variety of patterns and bindings, red kitten films and the uniqueness of golf lace elastic will allow you to be fashionable this season! Our assortment includes a wide range of Philippe Matignon golf socks.

You understand art and have an innate taste. Seeing yourself in underwear in a dream means that soon you may have to publicly admit to an indecent act. For three days in a row I have been having the same dream: as if at the crossroads of Raza streets. If you suddenly dream about someone’s throat with a strongly protruding Adam’s apple, it means that in reality you can expect improvements in your... Modern dream book Interpretation of the dream of poison - Dream Interpretation - interpretation of the dream of poison. Dumb, greedy and evil person will try to make friends with you. Take the egg and go to her grave. An esoteric dream interpreter does not simply contain symbolic interpretations of dreams, such as the films of Nostradamus or the films of Longo.

Why the hell is there a dream about a black and red kitten, according to the interpretation of the great fortune teller? Vanga's dream book explains that a red kitten is a personification of cunning, deception, betrayal, or betrayal of a loved one. According to Freud's dream book, such a sleep means amazing and unforgettable adventures in your personal life, new acquaintances and renovation of existing relationships.

Here, a black and red kitten is discovered and explained as if a stranger is a shard of your life, the inside out, the reverse eagle of your “I” - the subconscious. This is quite a three-story symbol, and it must be interpreted differently, depending on the situation. For example, shortly before the wedding, a girl dreams that she was playing with a kitten, and it scratched it - this means that the future Ceres will be quite unsuccessful: the mistress will turn out to be crazy and of a bad character.

Explaining why the hell the black and red kitten is dreaming, I want to draw some conclusions. In general, seeing a ginger kitten does not mean a find good friend, and cash receipts (this is facilitated by the “golden” Somon kitten), but again indicates that as if death were alive, a lot of undistorted Fumarole was found from a dead end. The main thing is that the dog did NOT meow here - this means treason.

For a young woman, a kitten should be thought to mean a fateful meeting with “her” person, but it could also mean future motherhood, although real rivals are allowed. Moreover, the darker the black-red color of the kitten’s fur, the more favorable the value of such a dream.

And why do you dream of a red kitten according to the interpretation of the great fortuneteller? Vanga's dream book explains the red kitten as the personification of cunning, deception, betrayal, and betrayal of a loved one. According to Freud's dream book, such a dream means amazing and unforgettable adventures in your personal life, new acquaintances and renewal of existing relationships.

Here, a red kitten seen in a dream is interpreted as an unknown part of your life, its reverse side, the other side of your “I” - the subconscious. This is a rather complex symbol and can be interpreted differently, depending on the situation. For example, if shortly before the wedding a girl dreams that she was playing with a kitten and it scratched her, it means that the upcoming marriage will be unsuccessful: the man will have a bad and evil character.

Explaining why a red kitten dreams, I would like to draw some conclusions. In general, seeing a red kitten in a dream means both the acquisition of a good friend and cash receipts (this is facilitated by the “golden” color of the kitten), and also indicates that very soon the right way out of the impasse will be found. The main thing is that the animal does not meow in a dream - this means betrayal.

For a young woman, a kitten can mean a fateful meeting with “her” person, and possibly future motherhood, although the presence of a rival is allowed. Moreover, the darker the red shade of the kitten’s fur, the more favorable the meaning of such a dream.

If a ginger kitten meows in a dream, then you should expect disappointment in love. But it will not be so unpleasant, because the feeling was not real. The modern dream book has its own opinion about such a dream. So, a ginger kitten washing itself means an unexpected meeting. If a person strokes him, then in real life you should take a closer look at your friends, most likely someone is an enemy. Feeding a kitten in a dream means that it is high time to get down to business. If an animal bites, then this indicates the greed of the dream. It is possible that a person is simply accustomed to taking, but at the same time not giving anything in return. This is very bad quality. It is likely that such a dream means the impossibility of proving one’s own rightness. If in a dream a red cat is chasing a rat, then you should expect troubles that will occur due to the fault of your enemies.

Most likely, he cannot achieve his goals through his own deceit and betrayal. Therefore in in this case interpretation must be understood depending on the situation. If you dreamed about a kitten, or a cat, red or golden, then the interpretation can be varied. Therefore, this issue should be considered more seriously.

The color red has always been a symbol of cunning. It's worth even remembering main character all children's fairy tales - a fox. Her fur coat was red. What, then, to expect from a dream in which a person dreamed of a kitten with a golden hue of fur?

Therefore, first of all, you should be guided by the situation. Seeing a red kitten without a tail in a dream means that you need to be vigilant in life. Enemies are not asleep, you should be careful. Most likely, such a dream promises deprivation of the right to vote or independence.

A little kitten is a touching and magical creature that will not leave anyone indifferent. It is enough to stroke his delicate fur, listening to how sweetly this warm fluffy ball purrs under your gentle hand, and any problems and troubles will fade into the background.

Red is a color that symbolizes infidelity, insincerity, lies and changeability. This meaning is especially enhanced when you see a kitten in a dream that has similar fur. A cat or kitten in a dream is always a warning about some kind of trouble. if

Seeing kittens in a dream. If a girl or woman dreams of a good white kitten, then she needs to be careful, as her enemies will try to lure her into cunningly placed nets with lies. She needs to trust her intuition and common sense. If you dream of evil spirits,

A red kitten in a dream is a symbol of cunning, and foreshadows deception or intrigue started behind a person’s back. To understand why this picture is being dreamed about, you should carefully remember your dream, down to actions, emotions and the smallest details, compose what you saw into one meaningful image and correlate it with events occurring in real life. After which you should look for clues in the dream book.

For a girl who already long time meets a young man, the dream is a red kitten, foreshadows in the dream book the appearance of a strong rival on the horizon, capable of jeopardizing further life together with your chosen one. If the pet scratches or behaves unfriendly, then you should expect active actions from the enemy.

Since ancient times, the red color has been considered a symbol of duplicity, insincerity, lies and deceit. No wonder in folk tales cunning heroes had reddish hair or hair (for example, the cunning fox, the heroine of children's stories). However, the interpretation of this color has not only a negative meaning; it is believed that red-haired people with freckles are the favorites of the sun, so they are always blessed with good fortune.