Dream of a dead man in a coffin. The dreamer in the coffin. Stirred in his grave

Dreams often make you think. Sometimes the impressions of the things you see are not the most pleasant. Death and everything connected with it affects people negatively, because cemeteries, funerals and wreaths are associations with grief. But contrary to popular belief, such stories are not always bad sign for dreamers. With the help of information about the plot, emotions and facts from life, you can find out why you dream of coffins with the dead.

They say that It’s not without reason that you dream of dead people, and dreams are especially important, in which the dead are in a coffin. After such a development of events, as a rule, anxiety remains. Dead people in a dream are the threshold of all sorts of incidents and changes that soon await the dreamer. To determine as accurately as possible why coffins with dead people dream of open, closed, and also different sizes and flowers, you need to use dream details.

Characteristics of the coffin

Lid. For forecasts it is necessary to remember what the coffin lid looked like and where it was. An inverted lid dreams of protection and help, and if it was not like that, the dreamer will overcome difficulties on his own. According to some interpretations, the black lid promises insults and disappointments, other interpretations are more optimistic - a person immersed in sleep will maintain his position under any conditions.

If you happen to receive such an item as a gift from a friend, it means that this person will support you financially or morally. If in a dream the lid was in the dreamer’s entrance, he should expect material losses. The Chinese have a theory that a coffin lid is a harbinger of career growth for those who dream about it.

  • often such dreams symbolize the dreamer’s inner emptiness and mental heaviness;
  • for travelers, the coffin portends anxiety and risk;
  • open lid - to a long and blissful life;
  • closed empty coffin- for a date or a joyful meeting with friends;
  • if the box was covered with earth, it means that the sleeping person will be surprised by sudden sad news;
  • Seeing an empty coffin fall means avoiding trouble and helping the Universe.

A closed house can be interpreted as the completion of the current stage of life and a future responsible step. The dreamer needs rest and reflection on understanding his true path and further actions. It is advisable to take a vacation. After such a dream, a person can expect mystical events. For newlyweds, this is a promise of a prosperous life.

Sigmund Freud interpreted the rich coffin as a prophecy of a new addition to the family, and the poor closed box as a symbol of the low self-esteem of a person immersed in sleep. Nostradamus believed that a dilapidated house indicates infertility. According to the French dream book, the appearance of closed coffins in dreams is a sign of poverty in the near future.

Many esotericists are convinced that the empty box in which the dead are buried is a symbol of the dreamer’s spiritual emptiness and a lot of unrest. Opening a coffin in a dream means that in reality a person is burdened by some kind of secret. If the box had to be closed on its own, the dreamer wants to hide some episode from others or forget it forever.

Open box. Many followers of esotericism agree that such a dream is a warning that is important to heed. It is not recommended to take on new things; it is necessary to pay attention to all old problems, to what was started earlier. Sometimes such a development of events in a dream is the threshold of the death of relatives.

An open coffin is a signal of humiliation and poverty of the family, but the result will be successful if the box was closed. In some sources you can also find positive interpretations, namely success in your endeavors.

People are often interested not only in empty objects for funeral ceremonies, but also in why they dream of coffins with the dead. Many boxes, for example, can mean:

  • The need to take a short break and rethink life; focus on things that require effort and completion.
  • Life is full of turmoil and things that are abandoned halfway through.
  • Two, three or a mass of closed coffins, which are placed in strict sequence, indicate that memory needs to be freed from depressing memories.
  • If the boxes opened after they were pulled out of the ground, it means that the dreamer will face a lot of grief. You need to be careful and weigh every action.
  • If the objects were black, the sleeping person is surrounded by many enemies. Now is not the time for trust.
  • And also such dreams can mean “burying” problems and finding harmony.

Carry the coffin. Such active participation in a funeral procession is a sign of an ugly act that will cause trouble for the dreamer's relatives. It portends quick financial success, also unexpected if the coffin was brought into your own home.

The subconscious mind reports participation in an adventurous venture. Its ending will be negative, it is necessary to stop. If other people are carrying the dominion next to a person who is immersed in sleep, you will not have to be left with problems without support. The dreamer will probably take on other people's troubles or debts. Or he will be held responsible for the guilt of another person.

A small coffin is interpreted by most dream books as a bad sign, a harbinger of failure and danger to life, serious illnesses and conflicts with children. For women, such dreams promise family problems, and for men - difficulties in work.

If a child dreams of a small coffin, it means nervous shock. Freud interpreted such a dream as sexual dissatisfaction, the impossibility of realization and emancipation. A rare interpretation speaks of achievements in minor matters.

Dream heroes

The people seen are no less significant for explaining why strangers or relatives dream of dead people in coffins. These can also be dead, living or resurrected people.

The living dream of a blissful life. Unknown - to longevity. If you dreamed about an acquaintance, it means you need to stop hiding from difficulties and solve common problems. It is likely that you will soon learn about the achievements of this friend.

A living friend is a good sign for the dreamer and his friend: wealth awaits him and he will always be able to help. A conversation with a living person in a coffin informs about his impending illness or serious troubles. Only the person who had the dream can help.

Living dead. When a dead person rises from a coffin in a dream, it’s like becoming the hero of a horror movie. Such dreams are painful and indicate the following:

  • Soon uninvited guests will appear in the house.
  • If a loved one or a good friend comes to life, he lacks the dreamer’s attention. Give the person more time, demonstrate how dear and important he is.
  • Talking to a resurrected person is a negative sign that promises big trouble.

Strangers are a message from the subconscious about the relevance of reconsidering your social circle and crossing out people who interfere and pull you back. There will be minor disappointments that will not do much harm.

Close people. It's always scary to see loved ones in a burial box, dreams are no exception. Interpretations of dream books are contradictory. Psychology views such visions as the result of extreme concern for the person in the dream or the fear of losing him.

It happens that the subconscious is really capable of grasping upcoming disasters and predicting danger or illness to the dreamer’s loved one. In contrast, other interpretations promise luck and prosperity.

Deceased relatives. As a rule, seeing deceased relatives means sadness due to grief. But sometimes this is a warning about events:

  • relatives advise to be careful;
  • hugs mean upcoming changes;
  • kissing a dead person means getting rid of fears;
  • resurrected relatives who rose from the grave - to bad influence and lack of support from comrades;
  • if you dreamed of a brother, someone needs the dreamer’s help; kindness will pay off in spades;
  • receiving something as a gift from a deceased person means profit, giving something as a gift means losses.

Mother. The appearance of the most dear person in a dream for everyone indicates troubles in their personal life. You need to take a closer look at your chosen one, perhaps change your attitude towards this person. It is also a signal of a meeting with someone for whom the dreamer will experience maternal feelings. Difficulties with children are likely.

The father is dreamed of as a message that the devil will break his leg in matters that relate to money. It is recommended to put things in order and abandon risky endeavors, since they will not pay off. Ask for forgiveness if your conscience bothers you. It is possible that the family will face troubles; it is important to go hand in hand.

The resurrected pope is a sign of the visit of important guests. A long funeral procession following the coffin promises many pleasant events. A father's tears in a dream are a very sad occasion. For a woman, such dreams indicate that the road she has chosen is the wrong one.

Grandmother. Seeing a deceased grandmother can mean quick participation in resolving significant issues. Try to remember the words of your grandmother, if she said something. Her advice may be able to save you from misfortune. Hearing bells ringing during a funeral is very sad news. If the grandmother came to life and cried in a dream, this means conflicts in the family. A joyful granny who smiles at her grandson or granddaughter is a symbol of a successful end to things.

It is imperative to remember the deceased people after such a dream.

Interpretations by different dream books

Many dream interpreters offer different individual explanations of why dead people are unknown or familiar, alive, and so on. Among them, the interpretations of Loff, Miller and Grishina stand out.

Loff's Dream Book

The collection of this famous researcher and psychologist suggests interpreting the appearance of coffins and dead bodies as troubles for the person seen in a dream. Dreams with strangers or long-dead people are not worthy of attention. If the deceased stood up and walked towards the dreamer, he meant the guest. Seeing a skeleton in a box means financial profit. The lid of a house near a private house or entrance symbolizes spiritual poverty (in cases where a person immersed in sleep has not encountered mourning ceremonies for a long time).

Miller's Dream Interpreter

If you dreamed about someone close to you, this should be taken as a warning about trials. The fall of a box with a dead person is a good sign; it promises overcoming any dangers. Expect bad news if the deceased speaks. Hearing from a relative means news from relatives, a friend means news from a circle of acquaintances.

For older people, such a development of events, unfortunately, can be a literal prophecy: it is necessary to prepare for a serious illness or death. However, psychologist Gustav Miller adds that such dreams are often seen by pensioners due to thoughts about death, funeral costs, wills, and so on. Therefore, it is likely that the nature of the dream is not prophetic, but projection.

Grishina's interpretations

The coffin is a symbol of fear and melancholy in real life. Seeing yourself in the role of the deceased means obstacles in the implementation of the plan. Digging up a box with a dead person - a secret will be revealed. Burying a closed house with a deceased person indicates attempts to forget some episode that does not give the dreamer peace.

New family and gypsy dream books

A family dream interpreter interprets visions in which the sleeping person is a dead person as the threshold of a serious illness. The dreamer faces death if he does not consult a doctor in time. The second interpretation concerns problems in the family and at work. According to the gypsy dream book, being a dead person in a dream is a symbol of good health in the future.

Due to various superstitions, death and funeral paraphernalia in a dream are often perceived as an absolutely negative sign. Despite the despondency and hopelessness that such dreams leave behind, it is important to carefully and competently analyze all the details. This is the only way to get the right conclusions and even influence fate in some cases.

Dream interpretation of a living dead man

You didn’t read a thriller before going to bed, didn’t watch a horror movie, but dreamed of a dead man rising from the grave. Why do you dream of a living dead man? The interpretation of such dreams is not very favorable. A sharp deterioration in health, a short-term, fleeting illness is possible.

The main thing you need to remember in such dreams is who the living dead person is to you. I dreamed of a complete stranger - one interpretation, a relative or acquaintance - completely different.

Relative or friend

How to understand the meaning of dreams where the main characters were mother and father? Why see them dead if they are actually alive?

Seeing parents dead in a dream

To see in a dream how your now living acquaintance, brother, friend, father, other relative rises from the coffin at a funeral means for him a long life to a ripe old age, for you it means minor health problems.

It is much worse to see your chosen one in this role. Take this as a signal that it's time to change something in your relationship.. After such dreams, you need to add more communication, joy, and try to dispel doubts about fidelity.

  • Your late father spoke to you in a dream - wait interesting news. A deceased mother usually warns her child of impending disaster. If they complain about worn-out clothes, you need to remember them according to Christian custom and give alms to the poor.
  • A deceased relative, father or mother calls you to their place, and you agree - to death. If he tells you not to follow him, but to come back, you will live a long time.
  • The girl saw a vision of her late father, he was crying and upset - it’s worth thinking about your lifestyle and being more strict in choosing a gentleman.
  • The father hugs you - this means that the time has come to resolve a hidden conflict that has been brewing for a long time. Gives money - be careful, it warns of possible financial fraud. You can instantly lose everything you have earned with your sweat and blood.
  • A deceased close relative in a dream warns of impending danger, but is never a bad omen in itself, that’s why he is a relative.


In your life you have never seen this person, he is not familiar to you, you were not at his funeral, but according to the dream version you are sure that he died and then came to life. Depending on how he behaved after the resurrection, the interpretation of such dreams depends.

A dead man in a dream wants to get out of the coffin

  • If you dreamed of a dead man who asks you to help him get out of the coffin, a slander campaign has been launched against you, they want to completely discredit you in the eyes of others.
  • Seeing zombies in a dream means your deepest fears and complexes have come to life, you live in anticipation of stress. Someone is trying to influence you, to reprogram your psyche. Try to exclude such people from your circle of contacts and reduce their influence to zero.
  • Did you dream that you were attacked by zombies thirsting for your blood? The dream book warns of danger - expect troubles in your personal and public life.
  • Try not to enter into dialogue with the dead man. There is a belief that during a conversation he can steal your soul and you will die. Don’t give him anything, don’t give him anything - along with the gift you risk giving away your health.

Behavior of the living dead

The interpretation of dreams depends on the behavior and mood of a person who actually died a long time ago, and you saw him alive. How did he behave after the resurrection?

Emotions of the deceased

How did he react to your meeting? Are you happy or, on the contrary, sad? Or maybe he just ignored your attention?

Actions of the deceased

I happened to see in a dream various actions and manipulations that were not characteristic of a dead body. Seers give certain interpretations.

  • To see a dead person eating with appetite - the first signs of an insidious ailment make themselves felt. See a doctor so you don't regret it later.
  • If you dreamed that a dead man was crawling out of a coffin - expect uninvited but dear guests, he simply comes to life - you will receive news or a letter.
  • It moves, tries to turn around - you are in real danger. If you help him, then a relapse of the old disease will remind you of itself.
  • The dead man cried - a quarrel, a domestic conflict is inevitable. Try to control your emotions; you are often tormented by unreasonable fears.
  • At a funeral he rises from the coffin - the long-awaited changes in your life will not come.
  • The corpse smiled at you - you yourself do not suspect that you live in an atmosphere of deception. In time you will figure it all out. Sticking out your tongue - your happiness rests on deception and therefore will not last long.
  • Shakes his fist and swears - you will debunk all your romantic misconceptions.
  • A decomposed corpse enters the room - to gain peace of mind and calmness.

Other interpretations

The interpretation of dreams in which a dead person comes to life has a wide range - from a reminder of unfinished business and memories of youth to changes in the weather. In summer there is rain, thunderstorm, in winter there is a blizzard or just a sudden change in weather.

A corpse walks in its sleep

Loff's Dream Book

A resurrected corpse in a dream symbolizes the need to resolve a long-simmering conflict that you have always left “for later.”

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing in a dream how a lifeless body comes to life means that your plans and projects, which have taken a lot of strength and energy from you, will not bring the desired result and will turn out to be unprofitable.

Did you dream that several dead people were resurrected? Miller's dream book interprets this vision as a harbinger of great luck, especially if in the dream you did not panic, but rejoiced at meeting long-lost people.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If the deceased comes to life thanks to your actions, get ready for pleasant changes in your life.

Gypsy dream book

Dreaming of a living dead person - the patient will experience relief until complete healing.

Your mark:

Dreams play a huge role in people’s lives, and those who don’t dream of them most often simply forget them very quickly. Colored and black and white, joyful and sad - they are all a reflection of the dreams and aspirations of the sleeper and, perhaps, that is why they have always been tried to unravel them. What the dead man dreams about in a coffin is what we have to figure out today.

Dream interpretation

It must be said that in different dream books this dream is interpreted differently. Therefore, in any case, you need to rely on your intuition, pay attention to the emotions that were visiting at that moment, the environment and general little things and details.

Here are the main meanings of a dream in which there is a dead person in a coffin:

  • weather change;
  • serious illness;
  • long-awaited news from afar. Those who are interested in why they dream of a dead person in a living coffin should pay attention to this prediction, since in order for it to come true, the dead person must speak;
  • if the deceased gets up at the same time, but is silent or begins to shower those present with abuse and curses, then expect trouble;
  • a quarrel awaits the one whose deceased person cries in a dream;
  • seeing yourself in a coffin means that all things will go well and everything will be resolved successfully;
  • those who ask why they dream of a funeral and a dead man in a coffin who is sick in reality should expect his speedy recovery.
Other predictions

If in a dream the sleeping person puts together a box for the deceased, but in reality he will take off in career ladder. Those asking why they dream of an unknown dead person in a coffin should pay attention to whether the coffin was closed and whether the sleeping person himself covered it with earth. If this was the case, then in reality he is trying hard to forget and hide some unpleasant incident that haunts him. If in a dream a box with a dead man is taken out of the grave and opened, then in reality the secret will become apparent and everyone will know what the sleeping person was hiding.

In the gypsy dream book, when asked why a dead person dreams of being in a coffin and moving, you can find the answer that this is a sign of trouble. If the deceased rises from the coffin and stretches out his hands to the sleeping person, then in reality the latter will face some kind of danger. This omen is not good and should not be dismissed. In some dream books, great importance is attached to the gender of the deceased. If it is a man, then the interpretation of the dream is positive, and if it is a woman, then vice versa. But if a dead person persistently calls for him, then this is a sure harbinger of death. Carrying a coffin with a dead person means carrying the burden of one’s worries and there is no other reason for such a dream.

Many people are interested in why they dream of coffins with the dead, and there are many of them. If in a dream the dead crumble into dust, then in reality the sleeper will experience prosperity. If a deceased mother or father comes to a person in a dream, then it is necessary to listen to his words as carefully as possible. Our departed ancestors never disturb us for nothing, and if something prompted them to do this, then there was a serious reason. They always warn about something, try to protect them from rash actions and protect their loved ones.

If a person dies and is congratulated and honored in a dream, it means that in reality the sleeping person will commit a noble and honest act. In any case not You should be afraid of a bad omen, because each person is individual and what will mean negative for one will turn out to be beneficial and beneficial for another. It’s good if something similar has already been dreamed of and the person has a rough idea of ​​what to expect. Then such dreams can be considered prophetic and we can thank the creator for giving us the opportunity to try to prevent adverse consequences. But the lid of the coffin near the house most often does not carry any bad omen and can become a reflection of the emotions of the sleeping person who recently attended the funeral.


What does the coming dream prepare for us: why do we dream of coffins with the dead?

Very often in our dreams we meet our loved ones or acquaintances who have long left this mortal world. We can watch them, talk and even follow them... Another option for such a “grave” dream is coffins. Yes, friends, we often see them in a variety of interpretations: closed, open, empty, with dead people... In this article we are interested in the latest variation of such dreams. So, let's find out why we dream of coffins with the dead.

Dreams with the dead in coffins have completely different meanings. In some cases this is some kind of warning, and in others it is a solution to certain psychological problems. Let's look at this in more detail.

Why do you dream about coffins with dead people? Gustav Miller

Pictures like these frighten many of us. After such dreams, we begin to think that the dead have come for us. But, friends, this is complete nonsense! After all, this isn’t a zombie apocalypse with the walking dead! So, what does the scientist Miller tell us about this - why do we dream of coffins with the dead according to his dream book?

  1. If you saw your loved one in the coffin, then this dream- nothing more than a warning. Expect life's trials, try to endure certain troubles in the family and at work. Please note that the dream does not indicate human losses to us!
  2. If the dead man in the coffin suddenly speaks, then expect bad news. If you hear a deceased friend, the news will come from the corresponding circle of acquaintances, if a deceased relative - from your relatives, and so on.
  3. If in your dream a coffin with a deceased person unexpectedly falls, this is a pretty good sign. Any danger that threatens you will be overcome with a bang.
  4. If an elderly person dreams of a dead person in a coffin (it doesn’t matter who exactly), then this, unfortunately, is a literal prediction. Prepare for an impending serious illness or death... By the way, Miller gives this interpretation a completely justified comment. He says that such dreams very often haunt pensioners, since they often think about their death, about a will for relatives, about funeral expenses... That is why this dream can be called more projection than prophetic!

Why do you dream about coffins with dead people? David Loff

  1. A dead man in a coffin foreshadows troubles in the life of the person whom you, in fact, saw there. If a stranger or a person who has long since died in real life lies in a coffin, then Loff considers such a dream a “dummy.” Don't bother with this.
  2. If you see the skeleton of a deceased person in a wooden box, expect a replenishment of your financial reserves!
  3. If the deceased rose from the coffin and headed in your direction, do not be afraid! It’s not the walking dead who decided to have dinner with you, but just an ordinary guest from the outside who will visit you very soon.
  4. What do you think, why do you dream of a coffin lid standing near someone’s private home or in the entrance of a high-rise building? This dream is somewhat unusual, because there is no dead person in it as such! But there is an indirect hint that someone died in this house. In general, friends, according to David Loff, only those people who have recently attended a funeral see such dreams. But if this was seen by a person who has had nothing to do with mourning ceremonies for a long time, then the dream speaks of his spiritual poverty. Engage in self-development.


The dead man rises from the coffin

Dream Interpretation Dead man rises from the coffin dreamed of why in a dream a dead man rises from a coffin? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead man rise from the coffin in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Carrying a coffin is a profit.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and mental hardship.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Coffin - open coffin - death in the family. The coffin means a long and happy life. They say that when you dream of coffins in a cemetery, it’s bad. Seeing a coffin in a dream is an obstacle, lying in it is a cheerful celebration; they hide you in a coffin - an unexpected wedding. Empty - long and happy life; with a corpse - when the weather changes.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

We've arrived for the wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased (coffin)

Seeing your deceased father and talking to him means losses in business.

Be careful in your relationships with partners.

Seeing a deceased mother means losing money through friends.

To see a deceased person as alive, joyful and happy - bad influence from the outside will entail great losses.

Be more decisive, energetic and persistent in your plans.

Talking to a deceased relative asking you for a favor is a warning to heed the advice of a wise person.


Dead people in open coffins in a cemetery

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse.

The dream is favorable. Seeing a dead person means expect changes in fate. For unmarried girl seeing a male deceased means an imminent wedding. If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her. If he is young, he will find someone his own age. The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich. If you saw a deceased person in a nice expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy. If a married lady dreams of a deceased man, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep his distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreams of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision. Seeing a deceased woman in a dream means a long and happy life. Kissing a deceased woman on the forehead means recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person, decorated with flowers, and a mournful crowd around - means having fun in the company of friends. If you dreamed that a coffin with a deceased person was being carried to a cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends. If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands. Washing the deceased is a well-deserved pleasure. Dressing a deceased person for burial means good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the deceased is your acquaintance or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person whom you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures. If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of friends you will make a dizzying career or win a large inheritance. Closing the coffin with the deceased - you will succeed in relatively a short time make a decent fortune.

Imagine that you are putting flowers in the coffin of a deceased person. The deceased is dressed in a luxurious, expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. The coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones, is no less luxurious.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

We've arrived for the wedding.

Making a coffin - for an upcoming wedding, making a profit or promotion.

For lovers, such a dream for the upcoming wedding.

Seeing an open and empty coffin means danger.

A coffin floating on the water - to great wealth.

A coffin appears from the grave - fortunately.

Lying in a coffin in a dream, and then getting out of it, means a revival of strength, gaining peace of mind and confidence in one’s abilities.

Seeing the tomb means good luck and protection awaits you.

Being inside the coffin means disappointment and difficulties in business.

A hearse in a dream - to separation, changes in business

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

A cemetery is a harbinger of imminent well-being and prosperity. A dream about a rural cemetery is a sign that a pure childhood experience will again visit your soul. See yourself in a cemetery, see a pile of bones there; the dream is very unfavorable.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Carrying a coffin is a sign of success.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Opening the coffin and talking to the deceased is unlucky.

A dead person eats - illness.

The dead man rises from the coffin - a guest from the outside will arrive.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

If you dreamed of a funeral in a cemetery, then very soon you will find out which of your friends are real friends and who are using you. To make this happen, bury some old thing in the cemetery.

If you dreamed that you were walking through a cemetery among the graves, you are between life and death. To stay in this world, you need to drink a few drops of human blood (you can use your own, from a pricked finger).

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

What character traits were the deceased endowed with during their lifetime? (For example, Uncle John was a saint; Aunt Agnes was mean as a snake, etc.)


Why do you dream of a coffin?


Nadezhda Babushkina

Dream interpretation of those born from September to December

Coffin - If you see an empty coffin without a deceased person in a dream, this means purchasing real estate.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Coffin - Seeing a coffin with a deceased person in a dream means a funeral.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

"Coffin - Joy, success in business, profit, longevity wedding (for the young) // funeral (for the old), obstacles, bad; sleeping in it is fun // death (for the sick), obstacles; open - death; empty - long and happy life; with the deceased - to a change in the weather; a friend in the coffin - to hear about his success.

Dream interpreter. Dream interpretation

Coffin - Seen in a dream, marks a change in condition; sleeping in a coffin portends death for a sick person, and an obstacle in business for a healthy person.

Erotic dream book

Coffin - Seeing a coffin in a dream means sorrow and a quarrel with a loved one. For married couples, such a dream foreshadows a loss of harmony and perhaps even the death of one of the spouses. Seeing a moving coffin - will you experience shame? for their own behavior, as well as complete misunderstanding on the part of their partner.

Dream book of Tsvetkov. Dream interpretation

"Coffin - Open - success in business; a friend in a coffin - news about his successes; for young people - for a wedding; for family - for profit, financial success; in a coffin himself - completion of affairs."

Ukrainian dream book. Dream interpretation

"Coffin - An open coffin means death in the family. A coffin means a long and happy life. They say that when you dream of coffins in a cemetery, this is bad. Seeing a coffin in a dream is an obstacle, lying in it is a cheerful celebration; they hide you in a coffin - an unexpected wedding Empty - a long and happy life; with a corpse - for a change of weather."

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Coffin - The coffin is brought into the home. - There will be a promotion. The dead man rises from the coffin. - A guest from outside will arrive. You see a dead man in a coffin. - Foretells material gain. You open the coffin and talk to the dead man. - Unfortunately. You see a coffin floating on the water. - Portends great wealth.

Dream book of the 21st century. Dream interpretation

Coffin - Seeing a coffin in a dream or making one - for an upcoming wedding, making a profit or promotion, for lovers - for an upcoming wedding, seeing it open and empty means danger. Seeing a coffin floating on water is a sign of great wealth; if the coffin emerges from the grave itself, it is fortunate. Lying in a coffin in a dream, and then getting out of it, means reviving your strength, gaining peace of mind and confidence in your abilities. Seeing a tomb means good luck and protection awaits you; being inside it means disappointment and difficulties in business. Seeing a hearse in a dream means separation, changes in business.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Coffin - To a long life.

Dream Book of the Wanderer. Dream interpretation

“Coffin - Open with the deceased - completion of affairs; empty - danger, anxiety; in the coffin itself - success; happy marriage. Located in a closed coffin - illness, psychological impasse; glory or oblivion. "

French dream book

Coffin - If you dream of a coffin, poverty and humiliation await you. If the coffin is large and heavy, then fate will give you contentment and harmony in the house. Golden coffin - portends success that will come to you from afar. Making coffins in a dream means hard work that will yield great rewards. Buying coffins in a dream means prosperity and harmony in the house.

ABC of dream interpretation

Coffin - The coffin indicates that you have reached the end of some phase of life and can think about a new period. Seeing yourself in a coffin is a sign that you need to finish some business. An empty coffin is a warning of danger. Carrying a coffin means success.


Towards a long life. I read it in the dream book. So don't think about anything bad!

Walter the Wise

To money, and a change in skin color.

Dusya Petrova

Seeing a coffin in a dream foretells misfortune. Such a dream warns business people against incurring large debts, since it will be difficult to repay them. Seeing your own coffin in a dream means that fate is destined for you to fail both in business and in love. If you yourself are lying in a coffin, then your endeavors are not destined to be crowned with success. A dream in which you see a moving hearse, and at the same time you are sitting in a coffin, portends a serious illness. A moving coffin is a sign of illness and an unsuccessful marriage

Why do you dream that a dead person rises from the grave?


Ira Ira

It seems that soon you will again have to face a problem that you thought was solved long ago. The first thing you experience, as if returning to the past, is shock, reluctance to do anything; you just want to run away from the “living” difficulty. However, you need to overcome yourself and calmly, without panicking, find a solution.


Such dreams usually occur due to a change in the weather!!!

Marina Nord

An ex-friend approved of your choice


You are doing something wrong in your life. That loved ones suffer, and the dead rise from the grave. Your choice is wrong. Just change yourself into better side and misfortunes will leave you.
Good luck and happiness.


Unfortunately, your chosen one is not your destiny. Your deceased friend worries about you. Peace to you

The dead man fell out of the coffin

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

The coffin is most often a symbol of the female genital organs, the uterus.

An expensive and beautiful coffin symbolizes health and possible fertility.

A rotten or broken coffin symbolizes infertility.

A cheap coffin symbolizes an inferiority complex and speaks of the dreamer’s lack of self-esteem.

A zinc coffin symbolizes possible dangers and troubles for the dreamer, including in the sexual sphere.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

Seeing your son dead will be a joyful event with an addition.

Opening the coffin and talking to the deceased is unlucky.

A dead person eats - illness.

The dead man rises from the coffin - a guest from the outside will arrive.

A dead man comes to life - portends news, a letter.

The dead man is crying - foreshadows a squabble, a quarrel.

A dead man collapses with tears - portends prosperity.

A deceased person in a coffin - portends material gain.

A dead man who is standing portends great trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

You dream of an empty coffin - the dream foreshadows the premature death of a relative; V best case scenario- disease.

The coffin is in the church, it is strewn with flowers - you are crazy about your chosen one, but the marriage will be unsuccessful; an ill-wisher will tie a knot behind your back, and the lessons of the past will not benefit you; ask a friend to untie that knot.

You know that the coffin that is in front of you is for you - your family life is not expected better times; troubles will darken your peace.

You see yourself in a coffin or see yourself sitting astride a coffin - major troubles await you both in business and in your personal life; your guardian angel seems to have forgotten about you.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Poverty and humiliation await you. If the coffin is large and heavy, then fate will give you contentment and harmony in the house. A golden coffin portends success that will come to you from afar. Making coffins in a dream means hard work that will yield great rewards. Buying coffins in a dream means prosperity and harmony in the house.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

The coffin indicates that you have reached the end of some phase of life and can think about a new period.

Seeing yourself in a coffin is a sign that you need to finish some business.

An empty coffin is a warning of danger.

Carrying a coffin is a sign of success.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

According to the interpretation of the gypsies, seeing someone in a coffin means that you will live to see the time when the children grow up and start their own families.

Seeing yourself in a coffin means you will have excellent health all your life.

If you see someone in a coffin, a long life awaits you.

If you see yourself in a coffin, you are in good health.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Coffin - Empty, closed - mysterious events. Open - fun. You are in a coffin - to longevity. Someone in a coffin - for fishing, picking mushrooms, berries, hunting.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Coffin - for the old - death - for the family - profit - for the young - wedding, - to see it - an obstacle - to lie in it - long life - with ropes - the case of death - to see how it is carried - sad circumstances and bad news - to dig a hole for coffin - reasonable marriage - buried coffin - illness - open - a cheerful celebration awaits.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin, hearse, funeral horns

Sad symbol. The appearance of a coffin in a dream can foreshadow heavy losses, the early death of a loved one. Seeing a coffin strewn with flowers in a church means an unsuccessful marriage. An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and mental hardship.


Dreaming of beating a dead man

Dream Interpretation Dreaming of beating a dead man dreamed of why you dream about beating a dead person in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream about beating a dead person by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dreaming of a beaten wife

portends bad things.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse.

The dream is favorable. Seeing a dead person means expect changes in fate. For an unmarried girl, seeing a male deceased means an imminent wedding. If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her. If he is young, he will find someone his own age. The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich. If you saw a deceased person in a nice expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy. If a married lady dreams of a deceased man, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep his distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreams of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision. Seeing a deceased woman in a dream means a long and happy life. Kissing a deceased woman on the forehead means recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person, decorated with flowers, and a mournful crowd around - means having fun in the company of friends. If you dreamed that a coffin with a deceased person was being carried to a cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends. If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands. Washing the deceased is a well-deserved pleasure. Dressing a deceased person for burial means good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the deceased is your acquaintance or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person whom you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures. If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of friends you will make a dizzying career or win a large inheritance. Closing the coffin with the deceased - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you are putting flowers in the coffin of a deceased person. The deceased is dressed in a luxurious, expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. The coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones, is no less luxurious.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

A dream in which you see your relatives dead foretells them many years of prosperous health, if they are actually alive; if they are already dead, such a dream foreshadows a change in your mood, which will depend either on the weather outside the window, or on what foot you got up from.

Seeing your lover dead foreshadows a sad parting with him. Seeing yourself dead means anxiety and disappointment, if you are buried modestly and hastily in a dream, or solemnly and with a lot of people, such a dream suggests that soon your circle of friends will expand significantly and you will become widely famous.

A dream in which a dead person has committed suicide portends betrayal on the part of your husband or lover.

A dead man executed as a criminal is a harbinger of insults and insults that will be inflicted by loved ones in a state of extreme excitement, according to the saying: “What is on the mind of a sober man is on the tongue of a drunken man.”

Seeing a drowned person or an accident victim means that you face a desperate struggle to preserve your property rights.

A dream in which you are surrounded by revived dead people who have turned into ghouls eager to drink your blood - such a nightmare foreshadows many annoying troubles in your personal life and a deterioration in your situation in society.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person in your apartment portends discord in the family due to alcohol abuse. A talking dead man who asks you to help him rise from the grave - to malicious slander and slander.

A dead person falling out of a coffin means injury or illness; if you fall on it, you will soon receive news of the death of someone close to you. Finding a dead person in your bed means success in an initially unpromising business. Washing and dressing the deceased means illness; burying them will return to you what you did not expect to get back.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

Seeing your son dead will be a joyful event with an addition.

Opening the coffin and talking to the deceased is unlucky.

A dead person eats - illness.

The dead man rises from the coffin - a guest from the outside will arrive.

A dead man comes to life - portends news, a letter.

The dead man is crying - foreshadows a squabble, a quarrel.

A dead man collapses with tears - portends prosperity.

A deceased person in a coffin - portends material gain.

A dead man who is standing portends great trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Beat

If someone hits you in a dream, this means family troubles. If your husband hits you, it means that the mistakes you have made will cause disorder and turmoil in the family, disagreements and condemnation of you from members of the household. Being beaten by friends is a sign of well-being. Seeing someone else being beaten means you will have to regret something. Feeling the desire to beat someone in a dream means you are waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on someone. Watching a fight in which both sides hit each other with equal success means you will have to act as a witness in court.

Beating yourself in a dream means fully achieving your goal in reality. Beating children means making serious mistakes in their upbringing. Beating animals means illness, sadness and loss. To defend yourself from dogs is fidelity, from a cat is treason, from a snake is victory.

Beating flies means peace in the family, harmony between spouses, happy love for single people. If you are beaten with a stick and you scream at the same time, this portends false rumors.

To beat someone with a stick - they will ask you for advice, for which they will later express gratitude. Breaking dishes - slander will not destroy your well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Hit someone

Unexpected guests. Beat stranger- to loss. Beating a subordinate means you will lose the respect of your colleagues; husband, wife - expect divorce due to infidelity; children - family troubles associated with distrust of you on the part of household members; stranger - you will soon learn about the death of a loved one whom you have not seen for a long time; enemy - luck has turned away from you; yourself - you are not destined to achieve what you want; defenseless person - you will cause failure or disaster in your life.

Beating an animal means sad events await you soon. Hitting a dog - irreconcilable differences will lead to a severance of relations with your best friend; hitting a cat - you will learn about betrayal that was hidden from you for many years; hitting a horse with a whip - a false conspiracy is being hatched against you at work.

Imagine hitting someone playfully: without malice, as if jokingly, lovingly. The main thing in this visualization is to get rid of anger and come to a state of joy and play.

Dream Interpretation - Hit, pound

To beat someone means to transfer your strength and potency to another.

Beating subordinates is their obedience.

The wife is her betrayal.

Beating your mother means worrying about her, thinking about her.

Beating the sick means their health.

Outsiders - their crime against you.

Pushing a passerby is a new thing.

Hitting someone without a break is a joy at work.

To give a slap means to quarrel with your wife.

To pinch is slander or wealth, depending on the dream.

Scratching is a loss.

To beat the mummers is a surprise.

Beating Jews is expensive.

Beat the husband - new friend, a find, a pleasant surprise.

Hitting with a stick means friendship.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

The dead in winter - to the snow.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

The following interpretation options are usually associated with the appearance of dead people in dreams: normal presence, resolution of issues, and condemnation.

Remembering a dream in which a deceased person visited you can be a little creepy, but its appearance itself does not carry much meaning for the entire dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, simply a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant character in your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of some event in which both the sleeping person and the deceased were once participants. It is likely that in a dream this way reveals hidden sadness and regret that the person who was dear to you is no longer around.

The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes central event unfolding plot. Perhaps you don't have what they need, or their behavior makes you feel certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, the action or inability to perform it is somehow connected with the resolution of the relationship. Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, there is a degree of condemnation or joy in such dreams.

“Judgmental” dreams show us dead people either simply dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings because we find ourselves unable to do anything to change the situation.

Did their behavior in the dream coincide with reality or was it contrary? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how others saw him.


A dead man asks to be saved

Dream Interpretation The dead man asks to save him dreamed of why in a dream a dead man asks to save him? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dead Man asking to save him in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse.

The dream is favorable. Seeing a dead person means expect changes in fate. For an unmarried girl, seeing a male deceased means an imminent wedding. If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her. If he is young, he will find someone his own age. The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich. If you saw a deceased person in a nice expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy. If a married lady dreams of a deceased man, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep his distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreams of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision. Seeing a deceased woman in a dream means a long and happy life. Kissing a deceased woman on the forehead means recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person, decorated with flowers, and a mournful crowd around - means having fun in the company of friends. If you dreamed that a coffin with a deceased person was being carried to a cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends. If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands. Washing the deceased is a well-deserved pleasure. Dressing a deceased person for burial means good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the deceased is your acquaintance or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person whom you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures. If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of friends you will make a dizzying career or win a large inheritance. Closing the coffin with the deceased - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you are putting flowers in the coffin of a deceased person. The deceased is dressed in a luxurious, expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. The coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones, is no less luxurious.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

A dream in which you see your relatives dead foretells them many years of prosperous health, if they are actually alive; if they are already dead, such a dream foreshadows a change in your mood, which will depend either on the weather outside the window, or on what foot you got up from.

Seeing your lover dead foreshadows a sad parting with him. Seeing yourself dead means anxiety and disappointment, if you are buried modestly and hastily in a dream, or solemnly and with a lot of people, such a dream suggests that soon your circle of friends will expand significantly and you will become widely famous.

A dream in which a dead person has committed suicide portends betrayal on the part of your husband or lover.

A dead man executed as a criminal is a harbinger of insults and insults that will be inflicted by loved ones in a state of extreme excitement, according to the saying: “What is on the mind of a sober man is on the tongue of a drunken man.”

Seeing a drowned person or an accident victim means that you face a desperate struggle to preserve your property rights.

A dream in which you are surrounded by revived dead people who have turned into ghouls eager to drink your blood - such a nightmare foreshadows many annoying troubles in your personal life and a deterioration in your situation in society.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person in your apartment portends discord in the family due to alcohol abuse. A talking dead man who asks you to help him rise from the grave - to malicious slander and slander.

A dead person falling out of a coffin means injury or illness; if you fall on it, you will soon receive news of the death of someone close to you. Finding a dead person in your bed means success in an initially unpromising business. Washing and dressing the deceased means illness; burying them will return to you what you did not expect to get back.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

Seeing your son dead will be a joyful event with an addition.

Opening the coffin and talking to the deceased is unlucky.

A dead person eats - illness.

The dead man rises from the coffin - a guest from the outside will arrive.

A dead man comes to life - portends news, a letter.

The dead man is crying - foreshadows a squabble, a quarrel.

A dead man collapses with tears - portends prosperity.

A deceased person in a coffin - portends material gain.

A dead man who is standing portends great trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Asking for clothes from a dead person

Poor sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Asking a dead person to move

Poor sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

To see a dead person means he is asking for the repose of his soul.

I saw a dead person - you need to light a candle in the church and give it for the repose.

Dreaming of dead people means bad weather.

Dreaming of dead people in the summer means rain.

The dead in winter - to the snow.

If a deceased person calls you to come and follow you, or says: “I’ll pick you up,” this is a very bad omen.

Dead parents - to death, your parents came for you.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

The following interpretation options are usually associated with the appearance of dead people in dreams: normal presence, resolution of issues, and condemnation.

Remembering a dream in which a deceased person visited you can be a little creepy, but its appearance itself does not carry much meaning for the entire dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, simply a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant character in your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of some event in which both the sleeping person and the deceased were once participants. It is likely that in a dream this way reveals hidden sadness and regret that the person who was dear to you is no longer around.

The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the central event of the unfolding plot. Perhaps you don't have what they need, or their behavior makes you feel certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, the action or inability to perform it is somehow connected with the resolution of the relationship. Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, there is a degree of condemnation or joy in such dreams.

“Judgmental” dreams show us dead people either simply dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings because we find ourselves unable to do anything to change the situation.

What character traits were the deceased endowed with during their lifetime? (For example, Uncle John was a saint; Aunt Agnes was mean as a snake, etc.)

Did their behavior in the dream coincide with reality or was it contrary? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how others saw him.

Dream Interpretation - Millet

Millet - dreams of millet - someone will ask for something; millet - request.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased (dead fathers)

Towards death, conversations, failure, changes in weather, they must be remembered; deceased mother - severe illness, grief; deceased - you will be sick, the duck will overcome, bad weather (rain, snow), quarrel, change of home, bad news, death (sick); to meet a dead person - for good, good luck // illness, death; man - success; woman - obstacles; the dead come to life - obstacles in business, loss; to be with the dead means to have enemies; seeing the dead alive - long years // a big nuisance, illness; to see a sick person dead - he will recover; hugging a dead person is a disease; kiss - longevity; giving him something is a loss, a loss; moving the deceased, moving - bad, sadness; congratulating is good; talk - interesting news // illness; calls with him - death.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dead man - tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. To see a living person as a dead person, either to the fear of loss, or to a hidden desire for death for this person. Seeing a dead person alive speaks of your feelings of guilt towards this person.


The dead man in the coffin opened

Dream Interpretation Dead man opened in a coffin dreamed of why in a dream a dead man opened a coffin? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead man in a coffin opened in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Seeing a coffin in a dream foretells obstacles; for the elderly - the imminent death or loss of a dear relative; for family people - profit and prosperity; for the young - a wedding and a long, comfortable life.

A coffin seen in a church means an unsuccessful marriage. An open coffin is a sign of a cheerful celebration. Strewn with flowers - to failures and illnesses. Seeing a friend in a coffin means receiving important news. Lying in a coffin means acquiring a calm occupation and a long life. Carrying a coffin in a dream is a harbinger of illness that will darken the upcoming celebration. Seeing others carry him is a sign of sad circumstances and bad news.

Lowering the coffin into the grave - tragic death. Digging a hole for a coffin is a happy marriage. Burying a coffin is a chronic disease. To nail up a coffin means to be very frightened.

Seeing yourself sitting on a coffin means quarrels followed by repentance and mutual forgiveness. Buying a coffin means incurring large expenses.

Seeing a tomb in a dream means receiving protection in reality, and through it finding good luck. Being locked in a tomb in a dream means disappointment and withdrawal from business.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

The coffin dreams of a bereavement. A coffin strewn with flowers in a church means an unsuccessful marriage.

A dream in which you see yourself in a coffin means quarrels and illness.

This is how Vanga interpreted dreams in which there is a coffin.

Let's say you dreamed of a funeral procession. You come closer and notice with horror that your name is written on the coffin. This dream means that you need to change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle.

An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and mental hardship.

If you dreamed that you were walking in a funeral procession and carrying a coffin, in reality you would commit an ugly act that would bring a lot of misfortune and trouble to someone close to you.

You forcefully hammer nails into the coffin lid - in real life you will do everything to get rid of your vices and weaknesses.

Seeing a fallen coffin in a dream is a good omen. Your guardian angel will help you avoid trouble.

A coffin covered with earth portends evil.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Coffin - melancholy, fear (the desire to hide from outside world), profit from labor / useless troubles / tragic revelation.

An open and empty coffin is a danger to the life of a loved one.

Making a coffin means a promotion.

Carrying a coffin is a profit.

Climbing into a coffin is a longing for knowledge.

From the outside, seeing yourself in a coffin is an obstacle to the implementation of plans.

Lying in a coffin is a sin to empathize / to yearn for childish naivety / the desire to hide from the world / to experience fear of a wide space.

Lying in a coffin and then getting out of it means a revival of strength, a renewal of the soul.

Falling into a coffin means harm from good fame.

Digging up the coffin means your secret will become clear.

Burying a coffin means trying to forget something.

Stealing coffin boards is dangerous.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Heralds relief from anxiety.

IN big hall there is a coffin - portends joy and peace.

The coffin is brought into the home - there will be a promotion.

Seeing a coffin floating on water promises great wealth.

A new coffin predicts relief from anxiety.

The coffin appears on its own from the grave - fortunately.

The dead man rises from the coffin - a guest from the outside will arrive.

Seeing a dead person in a coffin portends material gain.

Opening the coffin and talking to the deceased is unlucky.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

In a dream you saw a funeral procession in which a coffin was being carried. You come closer and notice with horror that your name is written on it - in reality this horrible dream means that you need to change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle, since a person must change with age.

An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and mental hardship.

If in a dream you walk in a funeral procession and carry a coffin, this means that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will bring a loved one a lot of troubles and troubles.

A dream in which you forcefully hammer nails into a coffin lid means that in real life you will do everything in your power to get rid of your vices and weaknesses.

Seeing a fallen coffin in a dream is a good omen. Your guardian angel will help you avoid a dangerous disaster.

A coffin covered with earth means the presence of terrible, incomparable evil.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

Coffin - open coffin - death in the family. The coffin means a long and happy life. They say that when you dream of coffins in a cemetery, it’s bad. Seeing a coffin in a dream is an obstacle, lying in it is a cheerful celebration; they hide you in a coffin - an unexpected wedding. Empty - long and happy life; with a corpse - when the weather changes.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

A coffin in a dream means an obstacle in business. If a coffin stands across the road in your dream, then changes in business await you (good or bad), but associated with great experiences. It all depends on where you were going in the dream and where you didn’t get to. If in a dream you never reached the place where you were going, then the dream predicts to you that in the future you will stop visiting it. Lying in a coffin in a dream means great experiences that will end happily. Seeing a coffin with ropes in a dream means that you will soon hear about the death of a loved one. An open coffin in a dream means an important event. Seeing a coffin being carried is a sign of receiving bad news. See interpretation: hearse, funeral, dead man.

Closing the lid of a coffin in a dream is a sign of the end of some unpleasant protracted business or dispute.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse.

The dream is favorable. Seeing a dead person means expect changes in fate. For an unmarried girl, seeing a male deceased means an imminent wedding. If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her. If he is young, he will find someone his own age. The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich. If you saw a deceased person in a nice expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy. If a married lady dreams of a deceased man, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep his distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreams of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision. Seeing a deceased woman in a dream means a long and happy life. Kissing a deceased woman on the forehead means recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person, decorated with flowers, and a mournful crowd around - means having fun in the company of friends. If you dreamed that a coffin with a deceased person was being carried to a cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends. If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands. Washing the deceased is a well-deserved pleasure. Dressing a deceased person for burial means good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the deceased is your acquaintance or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person whom you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures. If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of friends you will make a dizzying career or win a large inheritance. Closing the coffin with the deceased - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you are putting flowers in the coffin of a deceased person. The deceased is dressed in a luxurious, expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. The coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones, is no less luxurious.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin

We've arrived for the wedding.

Making a coffin - for an upcoming wedding, making a profit or promotion.

For lovers, such a dream for the upcoming wedding.

Seeing an open and empty coffin means danger.

A coffin floating on water means great wealth.

A coffin appears from the grave - fortunately.

Lying in a coffin in a dream, and then getting out of it, means a revival of strength, gaining peace of mind and confidence in one’s abilities.

Seeing the tomb means good luck and protection awaits you.

Being inside the coffin means disappointment and difficulties in business.

A hearse in a dream - to separation, changes in business

Dream Interpretation - Deceased (coffin)

Seeing your deceased father and talking to him means losses in business.

To determine the exact interpretation of a dream in which a coffin was seen, it is necessary to remember small details and the general atmosphere of the dream.

The coffin is a symbol of peace, stagnation and completion. A coffin in a dream is not always a harbinger of death; most often it signifies the end of some important stage in your life, and you need to rest and recover. He represents death and birth, i.e. from a religious point of view, the soul dies in order to rest and incarnate in a new bodily shell. If you dreamed of an empty coffin with the lid removed, then this is a bad sign, indicating that someone is calling you to the other world, perhaps even using dark magic.

If you see a dead person in a coffin in a dream, this means a change in the weather, but if you recognize him as your relative or friend, then perhaps they are facing some kind of trouble or danger - stagnation and deterioration in business, illness and even death. If you dreamed of a deceased relative, and in the dream you do not realize that he is no longer alive, then by doing so he wants to warn you about something, try to remember what he will say.

Dream Interpretation: coffin and various areas of life

In the love sphere, according to the dream book, the coffin speaks of stagnation in your relationship, as well as the possible fact of betrayal. To check if this is so, tie a night, a charmed red thread on right hand to your loved one, if he wakes up in the morning in a bad mood, then he has another one, if he is in good mood, then there is no danger. If you are pregnant, then this dream may foretell a miscarriage or the death of your baby in the womb; it would be a good idea to visit a doctor.

In the professional sphere, after sleeping with a coffin, stagnation is possible, that is, in the near future you should not think about moving up the career ladder, leave everything as it is, this is not your time. Also be careful about mistakes, your competitors are just waiting for you to stumble so they can push you down on your way to the pinnacle of success. If you are working on a project, then most likely it will be frozen in the near future, or it will fail.

In terms of health, you should also be vigilant. It is possible that there may be any hidden diseases and inflammations occurring in your body, depression, and depression due to nervous overload and the influence of bad habits. The coffin itself is an allegorical image of a hospital bed, especially if you see a white or black coffin.

Why do you dream of a closed coffin?

In rare cases, a dream of a closed coffin can mean a return to one’s roots, ethnic motives, memories of one’s deceased ancestors, restoration of one’s ancestry and family tree. It also denotes the influence of the other world, perhaps in this way one of the ancestors wants to contact you. In this case, pray for the departed, go to church.

  • Why do dead people dream of being alive?
  • Why do you dream of dead relatives alive?
  • Dreamed of a deceased or dying grandmother or grandfather
  • Why do you dream about a dead dog?
  • Why do you dream of dead parents (mother or father)

A visit to a funeral accessories store cannot be called a pleasant event. Ribbons, wreaths, purchasing a coffin. This purchase sometimes becomes so etched in your memory that it may appear in your nightly dream.

But we learn what this dream tells us from the interpretations of various dream books.

Unusual dreams

As dream books tell us, dreams warn a person about some possibly probable event.

This dream, although it is associated with a funeral theme, is not always a harbinger of misfortune.

Let's find out what the person in the dream is telling us about closed coffin.

See the coffin and know who is there

According to assumptions Women's dream book, see the coffin and know who is in it is located (relative, friend) - predicts misfortunes and serious illnesses to the one you see in the coffin. But the same dream suggests excellent health and longevity for you.

To see a coffin and a child in it in a dream is a harbinger of the complete collapse of all new plans and an abundance of various misfortunes.

Closed red coffin

According to interpretations dream book Magicum, this dream says that it is finished important stage in your life. The coffin is a symbol of his ending. The red color of the coffin may indicate that you will receive news about relatives. Not necessarily bad.

By Dream Book of the World- this is a symbol of a favorable start to new things, those that you have not dared to take on for a long time. A closed red coffin also promises the dreamer a long, comfortable life.

Dreamed empty

Such a dream has different meanings according to the interpretations of different dream books. Young people dream of a long life, families dream of a prosperous life, and for the elderly such a dream promises a quick, easy death. Gives such hints Azar's dream book.

According to the hint dream book of the moon- this is a symbol: for young people - weddings. For people living in marriage, it means receiving a quick, quite tangible profit and further prosperity in life.

A dead man comes to life in a coffin

In a dream, the deceased begins to speak or rises from the coffin. Such a dream says that you will become an eyewitness to an event that will greatly amaze you with its originality.

Listen to the words of the deceased, perhaps deciphering them will allow you to smooth out the bad ones. dream predictions. This interpretation of the dream is given to us by the Ancient Dream Book.

A dead person rising from the grave can be a symbol of your spiritual cleansing and restoration of vitality.

Coffin in the grave

To see a coffin lowered into a grave in your dream is a symbol of the forgotten causes of your family troubles and the beginning of a new stage in family relationships. The dream can also serve as a hint to the need to see a doctor and serves as advice to pay attention to your health.

A dead person rising from the coffin in the grave, according to the interpretation of the Chinese dream book, means the imminent arrival of guests. And the grave itself in this dream indicates the resolution of life’s problems.

In life, success and loss are always nearby. The dream has a double interpretation. It can mean both failure and profit.

Closed with a dead man

Closed coffin with a dead person says that you were undeservedly offended, they made you feel offended. In reality, you try to get rid of these memories. A closed coffin, according to the interpretation of the dream book of Fate, indicates that you are ready to forgive the person who has offended you.

According to the interpretation of Tsvetkov’s dream book, this same dream promises you success in business on the way to your intended goal.

Coffin in your home

A coffin in the house that you dreamed of could very likely become a harbinger of the collapse of your family relations. This same dream can be interpreted as a premonition of illness. This interpretation is given to us by a small dream book.

In a dream there are other funeral accessories - perhaps the illness will be very serious or even incurable.

See in the cemetery

Saw in a dream of being in a coffin in a cemetery is a very positive dream that promises you a promotion up the career ladder.

The dreamer is sick - the dream suggests a fairly quick recovery if the coffin is empty in the dream.

Seeing an empty coffin means a complete break with the person with whom communication is painful for you.

A coffin with a deceased person in a cemetery is a symbol that does not advise starting new things. There will be more losses than profits. The English dream book gives such interpretations to your dream.

Floating on the water

In a dream, a coffin floating on water is a symbol of receiving quick wealth. Perhaps receiving an inheritance from a long-vanished relative.

It can also mean a life rich in changing places of residence. A gold-colored coffin is a symbol of success that has come to you with the help of an outsider. This is how the French dream book tells about your dream.

See a lot of them arranged in a circle

You are a businessman and you have such a dream. This is a harbinger of your losses, which you cannot avoid. This prediction is given by Juno’s dream book. Almost all dream books interpret the vision of a moving coffin as a symbol of failure both in business and in love.

Have you read the probable interpretations of your dream according to different dream books. Which one is closer to you in terms of content and desired consequences is up to you to decide. But take your time. Analyze everything carefully and only then act. Perhaps you will be the one who will be able to change the course of fate.

According to Miller's dream book

Miller's Dream Book says that this is still an unpleasant sign. And he predicts:

  • Imminent loss of someone from your family;
  • For someone running his own business, it means loss of luck and financial losses;
  • Seeing a temple surrounded with flowers means an unhappy marriage;
  • The disease promises a dream in which you sit on a coffin.

According to Vanga's dream book

To dream of a funeral procession carrying a closed coffin with your name on it means urgently change your lifestyle and actions. Something is wrong in your life;

An empty coffin with a lid is a symbol of your emptiness of spirit and heavy thoughts and worries about your actions;

A dream where you nail a coffin with large nails is a symbol of your aspirations to eradicate bad habits;

If you saw a coffin falling to the ground in a dream, your guardian angel is protecting you. It will help you escape the danger that threatens you.

A coffin lid sprinkled with something is a sign of the presence of evil, which cannot be compared with anything.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book gives very extravagant interpretations of dreams with a coffin seen in them. According to Freud, the coffin is a symbol of the woman’s genitals. And in a dream, it means the following:

  • A skillfully decorated coffin means you are unusually fertile and your health is not in danger;
  • A broken coffin lid in a dream means your inability to bear children;
  • Rotten coffin - you value yourself low and hide your complexes;
  • If you dreamed of a zinc coffin, you are unsure of your sexual capabilities.

Many are afraid of fresh graves and the dead lying in a coffin. If you have such a dream, people get scared and think that something terrible will happen. In fact, the interpretation depends on other images. It is often positive or neutral.

Why do you dream of a dead man in a coffin?

If you saw in a dream a coffin with a corpse lying in it, this could mean news, a sudden change in the weather, or a visit from guests whom you have been persistently inviting for a long time, and are waiting for. A dream promises new clothes, a purchase household appliances, a short trip.

Interpretations by Shereminskaya, N. Grishina

Grishina claims that a coffin is dreamed of when a person is afraid of something or is sad. Did you carry the funeral box that contained the deceased? This is for profit. For those who put it together, the dream promises career.

If in a dream you climbed straight into a coffin and lay in it, it means you are reaching for knowledge. Perhaps you often remember college or school. In reality, you need some information. Seek advice from a competent person or learn what is needed.

According to N. Grishina, when you dreamed of some kind of closed coffin and it was being buried in the ground, it means that something bad happened in reality and you cannot forget that event. If you excavate a grave, you will reveal something secret and your surroundings will know about it.

Shereminskaya claims that if you saw a dead friend, then success awaits him in his work and personal affairs. If a girl who is dating a guy had such a dream, then she may marry him in the future. And for married ladies it means money and success. If you saw yourself as dead from the outside, then you will soon successfully finish the work you started.

What if you dream of a closed coffin

The dream can be interpreted in different ways. It all depends on what was nearby. This can predict a happy life in abundance or poverty with troubles. Take into account your emotions regarding the situation you imagined in your dream.

I dreamed of an open coffin with a dead person


When in a dream you saw some kind of open and empty coffin, then this is a formidable omen. It can predict the death of a family member. If you find yourself in a cemetery and there are a lot of funeral boxes without lids, then this is a sign of misfortune: major disasters, war, death of residents for some reason. Trouble will definitely happen and those who are destined to suffer will suffer, while others will remain alive and healthy.

Miller believes that if there was no lid on the box, then you will repent of bad deeds, you may quarrel with someone or get sick. It’s a good sign if in a dream you take the lid, close the box and hammer it in with nails. You will be able to get rid of vices.

Let go and live

The fact that the coffin was not closed shows bad memories tormenting you. Learn from past events and look forward to the future with optimism. When the deceased looks young, even if in reality he is elderly, this shows that the negative incident happened recently. Was the dead man old, with wrinkled skin? The event took place in the distant past.

Take a rest

If the coffin with the deceased was opened in a dream, this means an imminent celebration or significant celebration. For fishermen or hunters - a dream of rich catch. Those who have planned a trip to the forest to pick mushrooms or berries, or to go fishing, get together and relax with friends and family. If you saw a good friend die, you will soon learn something important.

You will find yourself in debt or get married

Did you notice that one of the living relatives is in the coffin? Call him and make him happy, he will earn a lot of money. And if the deceased was a friend, then in the future you will take from him a large sum on loan. For various reasons, you won’t be able to return it for a long time, your friend will worry and you will start calling and seeing each other less often. That friend is getting married soon.

Did you see yourself dead? You are a confident and calm person.

Who had the dream

The interpretation of the dream also depends on who exactly saw the deceased in the open coffin:

  • Elderly - to death after illness.
  • Family - will earn a lot of money.
  • A young man will marry (the girl will be taken as his wife) and live for a long time.
  • The farmer's livestock will get sick, and many crops will fail.
  • Entrepreneur - debts will appear.
  • A lover will be unhappy in family life.

What did you feel

If the coffin is made of wood and there is no lid on it, then finishing an important task requires a final effort. Remember your emotions about the burial of the deceased and interpret the images further.

Was there a feeling of joy in the dream? And in reality, success awaits you. And with fears and heaviness in the heart, the changes will be negative.

There's no need to rush

For those who had a terrible dream in their dreams with a deceased person lying uncovered, he predicts changes on the physical and mental level. The dreamer will be mentally prepared for them. Another interpretation of the vision promises career growth. If the deceased died recently, then this is a huge profit.

As for new things, don’t do anything yet. It won't be possible to implement it as planned. This is not something you should do.

Did you see in a nightmare that one of your relatives died? Don’t be alarmed, the interpretation of the vision is positive, you are a long-livers and you will still be able to communicate with your great-grandchildren.

The risen dead is a harbinger of unexpected guests from afar. If he talked to you while lying in a coffin box, then a dangerous situation is coming. Be careful on the roads. And if in a dream a tombstone was erected for the deceased, then your work will be appreciated.

Why do you dream about an empty coffin?

A burial box is a kind of portal to the world of the dead. Astrologers interpret such dreams as the end of some activity and the beginning of a new stage in work, creativity, or personal relationships. After such a vision, the dreamer can do something that he would not have dared to do without a hint from the subconscious. Try to decipher not only this symbol, but the entire dream.

Was the coffin empty? You are now in bad shape and suffer from depression, there is increased anxiety. You may be grieving for a recently deceased friend or relative. This could be a visualization of your fears. Change your life, arrange it the way you dreamed.

The fact that the burial box is empty symbolizes your unfinished business. Think about unfulfilled promises. On the surface level you may forget, but the subconscious mind stores everything. Increased anxiety appeared due to the fact that you understand your misconceptions, but you cannot and do not want to quickly change the situation for the better.

A good sign of normal or high mood in a dream. It’s bad when you remain indifferent - this means losses in the family. Someone may die or a lot of money will be spent.

If you are running a business and are asked to borrow a decent amount, refuse. The contracts you are negotiating will be successfully signed.

Many people are worried about what it means to have a dream in which you approached an empty burial box, lay down in it and lay there for some time? Toward inner comprehension and rebirth, and in relationships with your soulmate - to marriage.

The interpretation of dreams in dream books is different. It’s bad when you know that this empty coffin was made especially for you. Prepare for various failures and if you are seriously ill, you may die soon. On the flip side, the vision shows that you are a long-liver. Remember other events in the dream, its images, with signs. Read their interpretation and draw your own conclusions.

Why do you dream of seeing yourself in a coffin?

Most often, a dream in which you see yourself from the outside lying in a coffin is interpreted negatively. In the future they expect: problematic situations, various quarrels and discontent. Life obstacles will prevent you from realizing your plans.

Circumstances will be such that you will definitely encounter these problems. The dream warned and there is time to prepare in order to soften the blows of fate and achieve what was planned.

In reality, try not to say or do anything you will regret. Adhere to moral standards, do not go beyond the limits in communication.

It’s a bad sign if they were lying in a coffin box and holding a cross in their hands. Negative events will occur due to the machinations of others. You will be accused of something and it will be difficult to prove your innocence. The tests will be difficult, but how well you can cope with them, judge by other events and dream images.

About sensations

Remember how you felt when you woke up and realized you were in a coffin:

  • When the funeral was going on, it was scary - you are having difficulties at work, you are afraid that you will be fired and there will be no permanent income.
  • Horror bordering on panic is a big problem both in your personal life and in business. You can't do it alone. It’s good if a loved one helps you get out of a crisis situation.
  • Remained calm - to the desire to retire and relax.
  • Satisfaction - exhausted and depressed about something.

Finish things, change your soul

You have been busy with something for a long time. It's time to finish it and do something else. The fact that they saw themselves as deceased, in reality - to new, fruitful activities. What you were into before doesn’t bother you, interesting hobbies have appeared and everything has changed in your soul.

Strive for openness

The dream is difficult for the psyche. You may have lost trust in people and experience uncertainty and fear when communicating. I want to hide and not see anyone. Change your perspective on the people you are talking to and the negative events that have happened in your life. Don't criticize yourself unnecessarily. Act according to the circumstances. You can’t stay in a kind of shell half the time.

Pay attention to your health. If you are sick, then in the near future you may become worse; if you are healthy, this means obstacles in various endeavors.

This nightmare causes panic upon awakening. Is it really a dream, does it really foretell real death? Don't worry: subconscious images rarely have a direct interpretation. Why do you dream of an open coffin with a dead person? Let's sort it out in order!

General interpretation of dreams about a coffin

The most common interpretation of the appearance of dead people in a dream is a simple warning about a change in weather. It doesn’t matter whether the deceased was in the coffin or not. Interpreters also believe: this dream promises pleasant changes. For example, the arrival of guests or the purchase of useful things for the house.

There can be several plots with the dead:

  • the deceased comes to life in a dream;
  • the deceased talks in his sleep;
  • the deceased moves/turns over in the coffin;
  • the dreamer attends the funeral;
  • there is a living person in the coffin;
  • the deceased is buried in church;
  • the dead man lies with with open eyes.

Funerals dream of changes in life. If a person was buried in sunny weather, positive changes are expected. A funeral in cloudy weather promises negative changes. If the dreamer carried a coffin with the body of a friend, he will soon commit betrayal.

See funeral of a living person portends him a long life. If you saw the funeral of your friend or acquaintance, in reality he will be able to provide you with significant help.

Dead man with open eyes dreams of a person from the past returning to your life. This dream also foreshadows a break with memories of past events that caused mental pain.

Funeral service for the deceased in church dreams of an unsuccessful marriage. If you are planning a wedding, it is better not to rush into marriage. Usually such a plot is dreamed of by a person who is unsure of his choice. Through this image, the subconscious mind advises not to tie oneself in marriage with the chosen person.

For a girl, a male deceased promises a meeting with her groom:

  • old man - the groom will be older in age;
  • a young deceased person - to a peer;
  • a poorly dressed dead man - to a poor groom;
  • a richly decorated coffin and clothes of the deceased - to a rich groom.

For a married woman, a dream foreshadows the appearance of an admirer. Men dream about the help of a friend, and the deceased - about a happy life. For a sick person to kiss the deceased - to a speedy recovery.

What does your own funeral mean?

Your own funeral promises a long, comfortable life. Also own funeral may mean getting rid of a tormenting problem - it will be buried. Seeing yourself rising from the coffin marks the beginning of a new happy period of life. You may be offered a promising job, and a young girl may be offered marriage.

Lie down in a coffin or fall into it- to sad events. This could be a trip that a friend sets up behind your back, or some other trouble. It will be very difficult to get out of an unpleasant situation. Seeing yourself in a coffin or sitting on top means big troubles, or the subconscious mind warns you to finish the job you started.

Revived dead man

What does it mean to dream in which the deceased rises from the grave? This creepy dream predicts profit if the coffin was in water. However, there is a small nuance. If the revived dead person was wealthy during his lifetime, he can convey his good luck through a dream. If the deceased lived in poverty, one should prepare for need.

Why else do you dream of a living dead man? If he's crying in his coffin, expect conflicts and quarrels. If wants to hit, pay attention to your sins. It is especially important to remember your relationship with the deceased during life - try to make amends. How to do it? Order a memorial service in the church, take the memorial to the grave.

If you give your things to the deceased in a dream, this is considered a harbinger of illness. However, if things are taken by the closest blood relatives - mother, grandmother, father - this dream brings positive changes in life. With things you get rid of your problems.

What does it mean to have a dream in which the dead man moves in the coffin? This dream predicts the loss of a loved one. However, this prophecy will come true if the coffin was in the dreamer's house. A dream in which the deceased calls to the coffin to come to him. A protracted illness is guaranteed.

The dream in which the deceased turns over in his grave, portends profit. Perhaps your old debt will soon be returned or your salary will simply be increased. If the deceased tries to say something, remember this information. The message concerns your future well-being.

It also has a positive meaning sexual contact with a living dead person. This portends success in life.

Interpretations of popular dream books

Miller's Dream Book interprets the image of a dead man to an unexpected ending love story. Seeing a child in a coffin means failure. Carrying a coffin with a deceased person means tragedy. A resurrected dead man means a change for the worse. A coffin with a deceased person in one’s own home means a conflict due to drunkenness. The deceased asks for food - light candles in the church. The deceased came to life at the funeral - good luck in any endeavor.

Vanga's Dream Book sees in the image of the deceased a symbol of serenity and tranquility. The living dead portends the receipt of news. A living dead person placed in a coffin portends trouble. Decayed houses with dead people inside dream of good luck and prosperity. Talking to the deceased is unfortunate; taking something from him is a good sign.

Other interpretations

  • Seeing a dead person means changes in life.
  • A coffin with flowers and a crowd of people - for a party with friends.
  • The coffin is being carried to the cemetery - a pleasure trip awaits.
  • Sitting next to the coffin is a trip to distant lands.
  • Participating in washing the body is a pleasure.
  • Several dead people in a row - to a dizzying career and wealth.
  • Closing the coffin means a great fortune.
  • Opening the coffin and talking to the deceased means trouble.
  • A dead person falling out of a coffin means unpleasant events.

A common interpretation of a dead man suddenly reviving in a coffin is a hint to resume an event or business that had been shelved.

A dead man in a coffin in a dream is an unfavorable sign, predicting obstacles and losses on the way to the goal. If he's already in the coffin dead person, familiar to the dreamer, then similar dream indicates that the deceased is trying to say something, to warn against something. Next, let’s take a closer look at why a dead man in a coffin dreams.

  • Interpretation according to different dream books
  • Deceased relatives
  • Revived dead man
  • Lots of dead people

Interpretation according to different dream books

  • Seeing a dead man in a coffin in a dream - this is the personification of the dreamer’s fear, melancholy and depression, his confused state of mind. Carrying the coffin in your arms (or shoulders) yourself portends profit and financial well-being. Putting together a coffin with your own hands speaks of advancement on the career ladder, success in education. Lying in a coffin means that a person misses getting an education, his student years. This also suggests that the dreamer does not have enough information to solve any problem. In this case, you should not be proud, but it is better to seek advice from a more knowledgeable, experienced person. To be a dead person in a dream, over whom friends and relatives cry, indicates the appearance of obstacles on the way to the intended goal. Seeing a closed coffin being buried in the ground means an incident that the dreamer is trying to forget, but cannot.

    Digging up someone else's grave in a dream, opening a coffin with a deceased person predicts the speedy disclosure of any secret, secret. The dreamer must remember that everything secret sooner or later becomes public property, so you will have to prepare for the disclosure of some of your secrets both morally and financially.

  • Seeing an iconic living person in a coffin as a deceased person, portends good luck to the dreamer and good relations with the dreamed subject. For young people in love, such a dream portends an imminent marriage. For married people the dream predicts success in business and receiving a profitable, advantageous offer. Being in the place of the deceased himself means that in reality the dreamer will be able to successfully complete the work he began long ago.
  • I dreamed of an unfamiliar dead man in a coffin - this is a harbinger of financial profit, improvement of financial situation. If a dead person in a coffin is crying, then this calls on the dreamer to be careful and careful, because events will soon happen that will pull the ground out from under his feet. Seeing an open coffin without a lid with a dead person means that great misfortunes await the dreamer in reality. Losing the coffin lid or breaking it means that a person’s plans will be successfully realized. Closed coffin indicates failure, the dreamer's hidden excitement. The living dead speaks of an unexpected, unplanned arrival of guests. It is also possible to increase a person’s income, receive a bonus or other monetary reward.

    If a dead person is in a dream came to life right in the coffin, this portends receiving positive emotions– meeting old friends, happy holiday and so on. Seeing a dead man turning over in his grave means the development of current affairs, receiving an unexpected surge of strength, inspiration in creative achievements.

    A large number of dead people in coffins indicates that soon the dreamer’s life will change dramatically, but in which direction is still unknown. Two coffins with the dead indicate a difficult choice between two options in reality. Perhaps such a choice is related to the sphere of romantic relationships.

    Carrying a coffin with a dead person yourself promises the sleeper success, successful completion of any undertaking. But nothing comes easy, and to achieve results you need to put in effort and time.

  • Seeing a coffin with a dead person in the house portends an unsuccessful marriage, family destruction, unhappy, even tragic love . See yourself in the place of a dead man warns of serious illnesses or a breakdown in relationships with loved ones, perhaps even a cessation of communication for many years. Carrying a coffin on your shoulders indicates that the dreamer is “driven” at work, that he is very tired due to many responsibilities and tasks. Such a work schedule can negatively affect the health of the sleeper.
  • Dreaming with a dead person in a coffin predicts a long life for a person and good health, prolongation of youth. A dead man revived in a coffin foreshadows the appearance of many troubles in the sleeper’s personal and family life.
  • Open coffin with a dead man portends great misfortunes, sorrows and sorrows in life. The dream book indicates that such troubles cannot be avoided and you will have to come to terms with your fate. Seeing a cheap, wooden, a poorly put together coffin indicates poverty, the plight of the dreamer. If the coffin is expensive, luxurious, made of gold, then this predicts success and wealth, a happy occasion that will “come” from another country.
  • Seeing a living dead person in a dream - this means that soon the dreamer will receive guests in his home. Also, such a dream indicates the dreamer’s imminent move, a change of scenery. Seeing a beautiful, luxurious coffin being buried in the ground means a calm, measured life, as well as making some kind of profit. Seeing a dead man rise from the coffin, start a conversation with the people present at the funeral, portends some misfortune, a black streak in life. In dreams, you should not start a conversation with the dead, otherwise you can incur numerous troubles and trials. Seeing yourself in the place of a dead man in a coffin means a happy outcome, and success in your personal life. Dead child in the coffin indicates an addition to the family, as well as an imminent wedding.
  • Seeing a dead man risen speaks of impending danger, of an insult inflicted on a vengeful person who will certainly strike back. The dreamer may also be in danger of getting into an accident or being attacked by criminals. The Crying Dead means an upcoming quarrel with relatives, a loud family scandal. The conflict will have many unpleasant consequences, even negatively affect the dreamer’s state of mind. A corpse with open eyes in a coffin predicts monetary profit from an unexpected direction- it will be a rather pleasant and profitable surprise. In addition, the dream indicates purchasing new things in the house or receiving expensive gifts from someone.

    Dead man falling out of a coffin indicates the dreamer's longing for loved ones who passed away early, due to the reluctance to let them go, to say goodbye to them.

Deceased relatives

A dream with a deceased relative has several meanings: on the one hand, the dream foreshadows troubles and problems, the loss of material resources, on the other hand, it is a warning about the impending danger to the life and health of the dreamer, on the third, it reflects the sleeper’s longing for the deceased, the reluctance to let go of the deceased person.

Grandparents dream before any important event in life, you should pay attention to the environment and financial side affairs. Seeing a deceased mother or deceased father in a dream warns of health problems– the dreamer needs to undergo a medical examination in the near future.

A deceased brother or sister in a dream indicates that a loved one in reality needs the support and help of the sleeping person. A dead friend or girlfriend means that the dreamer needs to listen to someone’s advice in reality and follow it.

In a dream, resurrecting a dead relative means that in reality some person has a bad, harmful influence on the dreamer. During this period of life, it is better for the sleeping person not to start any enterprises, not to enter into new romantic relationships and not to invest large sums of money in dubious matters.

A dream in which a dead relative lies in a coffin speaks of the injustice that the dreamer has encountered in his life. This also indicates possible deception, even fraud on the part of an acquaintance.

Kissing a dead person means parting with your fears and phobias, losing doubts and becoming more self-confident. Going somewhere for the deceased means depression, serious illness and even your own death. Seeing several dead relatives at once indicates instability of a person’s nervous system and the development of mental illness.

A dream in which the dreamer takes something from the hands of a deceased person portends a long life.

Revived dead man

A dead person rising from the coffin in a dream is a favorable sign, foreshadowing the receipt of money and the solution to many of the dreamer’s material problems. Seeing a coffin with a living dead floating on the water predicts receiving not just a large, but a huge amount of money.

If a dead person jumps out of a coffin, then this is, on the contrary, portends poverty and decline social status . It is possible that the dreamer will lose his job or be left without a livelihood, so it is worth preparing for difficult times.

A crying dead man indicates troubles, quarrels and minor losses of money. If the risen dead man swears and curses those around him, this means that the sleeper feels some kind of guilt towards the deceased person for mistakes that he is no longer able to correct.

Seeing a dead person move but not rise from the coffin warns of the death of the dreamer himself or his loved one. If a dead person comes to life and turns over in his grave, this indicates the return of old debts and the fulfillment of promises.

The deceased talks to the dreamer in his sleep - this means that in reality the sleeper neglects any advice or information received. Perhaps the person is afraid to admit to himself the revealed truth.

Lots of dead people

Many dead people in coffins are a sign of the end of some phase in one’s life, in particular, romantic relationships. For the young free people such a plot means tying the knot. For married couples, the dream foretells a comfortable life, prosperity, and for older people - receiving news from relatives.

Dead people in coffins in a church mean obstacles and misfortunes, as well as getting into an accident, an accident. The dream also speaks of hard, but low-paid work that a person will have to do.

If many dead people from coffins unexpectedly come to life, this prophesies the arrival of distant relatives. See a large number of closed coffins - to tragic events in life.

Death invariably follows a person: loved ones, friends, neighbors pass away. The time will come for each of us to meet her. It is not surprising that after disturbing dreams the question arises: “Why do you dream of an open coffin with a dead person?” The dead evoke awe and fear. It is believed that the dead foretell bad things. However, there are also positive meanings for such dreams.

Talking to a dead person in a dream: interpretation

The living dead look creepy and unnatural. They appear in dreams to warn or convey a message from the other world. You should not attach importance to dreams about the dead if the dead behave calmly and do not show any interest in the dreamer. However, if they speak to the sleeping person, you should think about the meaning of such a vision.

  • Seeing a dead man talking in a dream portends danger when making new acquaintances. Failures in business are possible. Secret enemies become active at this time.
  • If the dreaming dead are the dreamer’s parents, then they came to warn about dangerous situations. A conversation with a deceased mother promises illness, and a conversation with a dead father promises problems in business and new endeavors.
  • Talking to a deceased grandfather foreshadows mental worries and complications. The dreamer may soon get sick or suffer psychological trauma.
  • A call from a deceased person in a dream predicts receiving important news. Hearing the voice of deceased friends from the phone is bad news.

Why do you dream of a man in a coffin?

It is not always possible to meet dead people in real life in a dream. Sometimes they appear before the dreamer in the form in which he was last seen before plunging into the cemetery ground. Meeting in a dream a still living person who died and was placed in a coffin is a good sign. A dead person in a dream, an acquaintance or relative, will live a long and successful life. Other dream books interpret the vision of a dead person as a sign of an imminent change in the weather.

  • A dead man in good condition symbolizes that the dreamer is haunted by unpleasant memories.
  • A withered corpse in a coffin speaks of the imminent relief of difficulties and the ability to move along life path further, leaving sorrows behind.
  • For a family man to see a dead person in a dream - auspicious symbol. Such a dream foretells a quick profit.
  • Laid in a coffin dear person or an acquaintance who has been ill for a long time speaks of the imminent death of the sufferer.

Dream books give contradictory interpretations of what it means to dream of an open coffin with a dead person. From time immemorial, death and the dead have remained a taboo topic and evoke mystical awe. The subconscious shows dead people in dreams in order to warn about future events, predict the receipt of good or bad news, longevity or an early death. Bad dreams You shouldn’t take things about the dead too seriously, because a person has the right to make efforts and change his own destiny. The dead are frightening by their mere existence, but in dreams they become harbingers not only of trouble, but also of good events.

Why do you dream of ghosts: interpretation of dreams about the spirits of the dead

Why do you dream about the death of a person who is alive?

Dreams in which we see death and the dead are always disturbing and unpleasant. It’s especially creepy after a dream in which you saw a deceased person in a coffin. Often the dreamer perceives such a dream as bad sign which promises trouble. In fact, the interpretations of dreams associated with the dead are mostly positive, and sometimes simply mean a change in the weather. Let's try to figure out why we dream of a dead man in a coffin and what does such a dream promise us?

Why do you dream of a coffin with a dead person according to Miller?

We often have frightening dreams that we don’t want to remember. But in order to correctly interpret the dream, you need to remember all the details of the night vision. According to Miller's dream book, sleep means the following:

  • Seeing a loved one in a coffin is a sign from above that life’s trials and adversities await you, which you will find the strength to cope with.
  • If the deceased spoke to you, wait for the news, it may be unpleasant.
  • The coffin with the deceased falling is a good sign; you will successfully overcome all life's troubles and obstacles.

Dead in a coffin - what does Loff’s dream book say?

Loff claims that dreams of the dead occur to those dreamers who have recently attended a mourning ceremony or thought about death. If a person has not been to a funeral for a long time, and he dreamed of a deceased person, this indicates the spiritual poverty of the dreamer, it is necessary to engage in self-development.

  • See a friend in a coffin or relative dead– this person will have trouble if he is unfamiliar to you – change.
  • A deceased person lying in a wooden box instead of a coffin - expect financial income!
  • A dead man coming to life in a coffin is a terrible dream, but with a positive interpretation - expect guests.

Dreams with a dead man in a coffin according to Grishina’s dream book

According to Grishina’s dream book, a coffin in a dream means melancholy and fear in reality.

  • Seeing yourself dead in a coffin promises problems and obstacles in realizing your plans.
  • A closed coffin with a deceased person, which you bury in the ground - in real life, you are trying to forget about some incident that torments and haunts you.
  • Unearth a coffin with a deceased person - your secret will be revealed.

Why do you dream of an unfamiliar dead person in a coffin?

If you dreamed of a coffin in which a stranger rests, the dream may mean the following:

  • A stranger in a coffin promises life changes. In the future, you will change your job, your field of activity, or break off your relationship with your partner.
  • If the dead man turns over in his grave, your business and any endeavors will go up, success awaits you. But you shouldn’t relax - the dream warns of ill-wishers who don’t want you to achieve success and are pulling you back. Review your social circle.
  • If you dreamed of a stranger dying in a coffin in your house, quarrels with loved ones await you in the near future.
  • The deceased with his eyes open in a coffin means major expenses.

What does it mean for a dead man to come to life in a coffin?

Seeing a living dead man in a coffin is a terrible dream; the dream book warns of difficulties and changes.

  • A dead man crying in a coffin - in reality, expect conflicts and quarrels with those close to you.
  • Aggressive dead man - it’s worth repenting of your sins. If in reality this person is no longer alive, order a memorial service for him.
  • If the deceased moves in the coffin, it means loss. It’s worse if he calls you with him - to protracted illnesses and difficulties.

Why do you dream of relatives in a coffin?

Seeing a loved one in a coffin is a terrible dream, but only in a dream. In reality, such a dream promises change.

  • Father in a coffin - pay attention to financial matters.
  • Mother in a coffin - troubles with a partner or children.
  • Grandmother in a coffin - you have to make an important decision in life. What she says in a dream are prophetic words, it’s worth listening to them.
  • Hugging a dead man in a coffin - they are coming big changes, kiss - get rid of fears.

An incredibly dark and creepy dream is to see yourself lying in a coffin. What do dream books say?

  • The dream indicates that you have many started but unfinished important things in real life.
  • Seeing a closed coffin and knowing that you are there is not the best time in your life; most likely you are experiencing depression or mental anguish. It's time to change your life for the better.
  • Climbing into a coffin in a dream means you lack impressions and emotions in your personal life.

A dream with a deceased person in a coffin should not be taken literally. It is worth considering the interpretation of the dream and drawing appropriate conclusions for yourself.

A dream in which a dead person dreams can frighten anyone. And if you dream of a dead man in a coffin, then you definitely feel uneasy. The death of a person, even in a dream, evokes sadness and sympathy. But there are dream books in which you can find the correct explanation of such dreams.

The dream book will help you understand the messages if the details of your dream are known: who you dreamed about, whether he is related to you, what the coffin looked like, whether it was with or without a lid, and so on. The feelings that you experienced in the dream are also important: sadness, joy, calmness and others. So, it’s worth remembering the whole dream, choosing the option that suits you best and finding out its meaning.

  • Why do you dream of closed coffins?
  • Why do you dream of an open coffin with a dead person inside?
  • How do dream books interpret the carrying of a coffin with a deceased person?

Why do you dream of closed coffins?

When people see a coffin in a dream, they immediately think about possible trouble with their loved ones. But you shouldn’t immediately remember everyone who recently complained to you about life or health and try to call them all to warn about misfortune.

Better remember all the details of the dream. If the lid was closed, then you can find the possible meaning of dreams among the following:

  • The phase of your current life is over, then you will discover a new world for yourself.
  • You have too much work or household chores. You need to take a break from everything. It’s better to take a vacation or at least change your surroundings for the next weekend. You need solitude in order to comprehend the current state of affairs and understand whether you have chosen the right path in life.
  • For a young couple, such a dream takes on the meaning of a comfortable life in the near future.
  • Nostradamus wrote that such a dream could mean the presence of a disease that leads to infertility.
  • The French dream book suggests financial losses soon.
  • In Freud's dream book, the sight of a richly decorated closed coffin suggests an imminent addition to the family. If the coffin is poor, then this means low self-esteem of the person who dreamed about it.
  • Esotericists believe that if a dreamed closed coffin turns out to be empty, then this means spiritual emptiness. Lately you have had a lot of bad events that you worry about every day.
  • If in a dream you have to close the coffin, then you want to hide something from everyone and never remember what you did again.
  • If you open the coffin, then you want to know the answer to a question that has been haunting you for a long time.

Why might you dream of an empty coffin?

In dreams where the coffin turns out to be empty, dream books suggest several interpretations:

  • For travelers, an empty coffin means danger on the next trip.
  • If the lid of the coffin is open and it is empty, then a happy life awaits you for many years.
  • Often such a dream speaks of how you feel. Your life at the moment is spent alone and your soul is somehow empty - there is no bright future. Therefore, something urgently needs to be changed, try to reach out to people, make new acquaintances.
  • If in a dream the coffin falls and turns out to be empty, this means that you will soon feel help from higher powers. And all troubles will bypass you.
  • An empty coffin is a dream for those who are planning to purchase real estate. There is no need to delay your purchase, it will be successful.

Why do you see a coffin lid in a dream?

To correctly decipher a dream, remember all the details. What the lid looked like, what color, where it was, etc. Below are the main meanings of such a dream:

  • The dark, black color of the lid speaks of your resentment or disappointment in a loved one.
  • If the lid turns out to be upside down, then difficulties await you in the near future, but they will help you solve them. If the lid is not upside down, then you can handle the difficulties yourself.
  • An open lid symbolizes your mild illness.
  • If you receive a coffin lid as a gift from a friend, then in the near future he will help you.
  • The Chinese suggest that the lid is a dream for those who will soon move up the career ladder.

Why do you dream of an open coffin with a dead person inside?

Such a dream is unpleasant, but it all depends on the circumstances in the dream:

  • You shouldn't take on new things. Complete the existing tasks first, otherwise you will not cope with them.
  • According to other dream books, this means that good luck awaits you in your immediate affairs.
  • Another option for the meaning of such a dream is the imminent bankruptcy of your business or family, but if the lid is eventually closed in the dream, then everything will work out.

Why do you dream about coffins with dead people?

A large number of coffins with the dead in a dream can mean the following:

  • At the moment you have many unresolved issues. Every day you start a new task without completing the previous one. Such a dream should warn you that for now you need to stop and deal with current affairs.
  • If the dream is dominated by black coffins, then you need to take a closer look at the people around you. Some of them want to harm you or have already done so.
  • In a dream you see coffins jumping out of the ground and opening - this is a bad sign. Trouble awaits you soon.
  • Such a dream implies that you have bad memories. You should switch to something else so that bad thoughts leave you.

Why might you dream of ordering a coffin?

Sometimes in the world of dreams we can see how it goes ordering a funeral procession. Such references may mean the following:

  • Prosperity and peace in relationships will soon come to the family.
  • You may soon be promoted, and your income will increase accordingly.
  • Sometimes such a dream means unexpected expenses.
  • For a married couple, such a dream means an improvement in a relationship that was not going well before.

What does a small coffin mean in a dream?

Most dream books give such a dream a gloomy look. The dream is a warning. Something bad might happen soon:

  • Serious quarrel with children.
  • Serious illness.
  • Failure in your business.
  • Freud's dream book suggests dissatisfaction with a partner's sexual life. You need to be more relaxed in relationships.
  • For a man, such a dream foreshadows difficulties in the workplace.
  • Women may quarrel with their family.
  • For children, such a dream means that they will soon quarrel or be very worried.

How do dream books interpret the carrying of a coffin with a deceased person?

Dreams in which you are a participant in the process and carry a coffin with a deceased person are warning of upcoming events:

  • You will soon achieve greater financial opportunities.
  • You are doing someone else's work. You need to stop, otherwise you will soon have to take someone else's blame upon yourself.
  • You will commit bad thing, for which your family will be ashamed
  • Your subconscious mind gives you a hint that it’s time to complete all dubious transactions or you will be engulfed in problems with the law.

What does it mean to dream where a living person lies in a coffin?

In this case, dream books give different explanations:

  • If the person is unfamiliar to you, then this is a positive dream. It means your longevity.
  • If this is your friend, then this is also a good omen. Your friend will live for a long time and, if necessary, will be able to provide you with financial assistance.
  • If in a dream your acquaintance is a living person, then it is worth remembering what connects you with him. Perhaps you have something to give him or have agreed to help him. If everything is in order, then your friend will succeed in the near future.
  • If in a dream you are having a conversation with a person in a coffin, then this is a bad sign. A serious illness awaits this person or he will soon have great difficulties. He can only get help from you.

What explanation does the dream book give if you see yourself in a grave in a dream?

Such a dream terrifies many people. Most often such dreams imply psychological disorders, which you don't notice, and could mean the following:

  • You are leading the wrong lifestyle, it's time to fix it.
  • If you are lying under a closed lid, then you are depressed and you need the help of a psychologist.
  • If in a dream you accidentally fell into a coffin, then you should change your outlook on life and behave more simply with the people around you.
  • Fun, a holiday or a wedding awaits you.
  • If you have been sick for a long time, you will soon get better.

What does it mean to dream about a deceased relative?

Such dreams come to people who have recently lost loved ones. To you need to get through this moment and move on. There are several meanings of such an event in the dream book:

  • The dead man in the coffin gives you good advice. Remember it, perhaps it will be useful soon.
  • If a deceased relative is resurrected in a dream, then you should beware of strangers. They can influence you badly and no one can help you.
  • If you accept a gift from a deceased person, you will soon make a profit.
  • A dream in which you hug a deceased relative signifies changes in your life.
  • Kiss dead relative indicates that you will soon part with your fear.
  • If in a dream you see your dead grandmother and she smiles at you, this means that prosperity awaits you.
  • The deceased father came in a dream. Warning of imminent misfortune or financial loss.
  • If you dreamed about a mother, then you should monitor your children more closely; perhaps they are experiencing difficulties, but you did not notice them.

The meaning of a dream where a child lies in a coffin

Such dreams are very scary, but dream books give different concepts:

  • If the child is yours and he is having a conversation with you, then it is worth checking his health.
  • Someone else's child means the failure of your new idea. It is better to refuse it.
  • Chinese dream book suggests a family quarrel.
  • According to Muslim beliefs, such a dream suggests quick joy.

Why might you dream of someone else's funeral?

Dream Interpretations such an event is interpreted differently, here are some options:

  • It is worth remembering the people around you. Perhaps you have offended someone, and now he is planning to take revenge on you.
  • Watching a funeral means a complication in your life, but you will cope with it.
  • If at someone else's funeral you grieve for the deceased, then peace of mind awaits you.
  • If there are a lot of people at the funeral process, then you will have problems. They will interfere with your business.
  • For young unmarried couples, such a dream symbolizes an imminent wedding.
  • During the funeral the sun shines - this means that your financial condition will soon change for the better.

One of the most ominous images in a dream is a coffin. Many people are interested in knowing the truth about why the coffin is dreamed of. Obviously, the first associations are not the most unpleasant, but do not rush to conclusions.

Everything connected with death: the dead, a cemetery, a funeral has a depressing effect. According to the dream book, although the coffin is associated with mourning, death, grief, a dream does not always promise something bad, and more often than not, even the opposite.

Such dreams may look like this: :

  • You see an open coffin in which a dead person lies.
  • You dreamed that he was being carried into the house.
  • You saw yourself in a coffin.
  • In a dream you are making a coffin - for yourself or just like that.
  • In a dream you are digging up or, conversely, burying a grave.
  • You are carrying a coffin with a deceased person.

Depending on the events and nuances of your dreams, you can draw a conclusion about what the coffin is about in your dreams and apply this knowledge in reality.

See and forget

As the dream book indicates, the coffin itself is often a symbol of the completion of a matter, the end of one period and the beginning of a new one, so it is not a dangerous symbol.

1.If you see an open but empty coffin with a lid next to it, this promises you longevity and health. If you are sick, know that you will get better soon and will live for many years. Old people sometimes dream of an empty coffin, meaning that death is still very far away.

2. If you saw it open in a dream, with a dead stranger inside, this is not a very favorable sign. Because meeting a dead person in a dream can be a warning: do not start a new business, the old one is not finished yet, and there will be no luck.

Deal with unfinished matters, rest, put things in order - and only then can you conceive a new business or event. Take your time.

3. The black coffin, strict and gloomy, symbolizes melancholy. The black lid from it symbolizes the same thing: disappointment, resentment and, as a result, lingering melancholy await you. You can avoid this by not expecting too much from others.

4. If you happen to see a lot of coffins in a dream, this indicates your anxiety, that you do not complete things and take on new ones.

This habit of not finishing everything can ruin your life if you don't change yourself. Think about it—you have too much to deal with.

5. A closed coffin symbolizes peace, pause, and philosophical reflection. You need to stop, take a vacation, maybe be alone, think about the meaning and true goals in your life today, about your future path.

6. The red coffin, bright and velvety, symbolizes joy. It is the red color that foreshadows that a new business awaits you - successful, pleasant, joyful, bringing profit and satisfaction. Maybe it's time to start something you've been dreaming about for a long time?

7. As the dream book says, a coffin strewn with flowers symbolizes an unsuccessful, unhappy marriage. If you are in a marriage or relationship, think about maybe ending it. Or you should gather your strength and figure out how to fix it, establish an alliance, and give the faded relationship a new life.

8. A revived dead man may shock you if you happen to see him in your dreams, but do not be alarmed. Meeting the living dead symbolizes the guest.

And if your friend, relative or child “comes to life”, you need to pay attention to him. You forget about this person too often in your daily routine, and he needs you.

9. Seeing yourself in a coffin in a dream is strange, but it means a successful and peaceful completion of affairs. Soon you will be ready to begin a new stage of life, take on a new business, and you will be successful. Just don't forget about rest.

10. If in a dream you had to see your friend in a coffin, this dream promises profit, success and happiness. Just don’t rush to tell your friend about the exact form and circumstances in which you saw him in your dream - he may get scared!

Actions performed in a dream

1. If in a dream you opened the lid of a coffin and began to calmly talk with a dead man who is alive in reality, this is a bad sign that promises illness or trouble for that person.

As the dream book says, the person in the coffin talking to you may get sick or be in trouble, but you are able to help - it’s not for nothing that you are dreaming about this. If it is your friend, relative, or especially a child who spoke to you from the grave, pay maximum attention to his health.

2. I wonder why you dream about the coffin you are carrying. Such a dream means profit, especially if you bring it into the house.

3. Do you have dreams in which for some reason you climb into a coffin? The dream book says that you lack new valuable knowledge and, possibly, fresh experiences and impressions.

4. But getting out of it is a symbol of restoration of strength, physical and mental recovery. A new stage is coming, for which you are almost ready.

5. Lying in a coffin in a dream as if nothing had happened symbolizes repentance for sin. You have done something and will soon regret it. Try to eliminate the consequences of your actions and learn from your mistakes if you dream about such things.

6. But if you made a coffin in your dreams, expect a promotion. will definitely await you new position, higher social status, and the joy associated with it. Get ready to become richer and more powerful!

7. If you fell into a coffin in a dream, this may mean that in life your excessive pride and “turned up nose” can harm you. You will not notice how you harm yourself and stumble. Be a little simpler and more careful.

8. If in your night dreams you dig up a grave in a cemetery, this is a symbol that in reality your secret will become known and you will be exposed . Try to play fair, be open, because otherwise you will be exposed, as they say, and then this can seriously damage your reputation.

9. But if, on the contrary, you bury a coffin in the ground in your dreams, it means that in reality you are trying with all your might to forget something, to completely throw it out of your head, but so far in vain.

You should let go of the past, turn your attention to the present and begin to actively build a happy future for yourself.

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A dream in which a dead person appeared in a coffin often causes panic or discomfort upon awakening, even if the plot was far from frightening.

Many people who are usually not interested in dream interpretation rush to dream books in search of the correct meaning of a night vision with a dead person in a coffin. The good news is that most compilers of dream books evaluate such dreams in a positive way; the main thing is to take into account all the details of the dream in order to interpret them correctly.

It is worth noting that any interpretations do not make sense for those people who recently lost someone close. In this case, dreams are part of feelings and longing for the departed, and in most cases cannot be interpreted as a special sign.

The plot of dreams with a dead person in a coffin is often warns sleeping people about something, and sometimes promises interesting events ahead. Sometimes the dream book interprets the meaning of “a coffin with a deceased person” as a quick change in the weather.

Funeral seen in a dream mark the offensive changes in life, and dreamed at that moment the weather gives a hint What will these changes lead to? Mainly cloudy- means troubles sunny- that means you'll be lucky.

A person may see sad or frightening episodes with the deceased in a dream at a funeral, at home, in church or under other circumstances, but it is important to take into account how exactly did the deceased appear? . Some see in a dream a living person in a funeral box, others see someone long gone. They may appear with eyes open, talking, rolling over or rising from a coffin- each of these meanings carries a certain sign.

If in a dream you dreamed of the funeral of a person living in reality , most interpreters assure that this promises him prosperity, and even help that will be provided to the dreamer by the hero of night vision in the near future.

Dreamed Liturgy for the deceased in church warns those people who are standing on the threshold the most important event in life that their choices may be wrong. This applies to brides and grooms, businessmen and creative people.

Carrying a coffin with a dead person in a dream can promise either financial success or betrayal by someone from the environment. The meanings vary depending on the chosen dream book.

If you dream that the dreamer is being buried

If the dreamer dreams his own funeral, where he lies in the coffin or rises from it , the dream promises success in all endeavors, both in your career and in your personal life. Interpreters claim that the sleeper subconsciously “buried” the reasons for not being happy, and now all doors are open to him.

According to Family dream book, seeing how the dreamer’s body is sent on its last journey - to quarrels and failures at work and in the family, or to the occurrence of diseases.

Gypsy dream book assures that seeing yourself as a dead person is not a bad sign. Such dreams promise long happy years life who saw a dream.

And here lie down in the last cradle in a dream yourself - to failures in real life, which can be set up by imaginary friends, or other troubles, the way out of which will be difficult to find.

Why do you dream of an open coffin with a dead person?

Dream interpreters do not agree on this plot, so it is worth starting from the details of the dream and your own emotions.

Often the emphasis is on the dreamer’s experiences, which manifest themselves in this way on a subconscious level. Dreams in which the lid of a funeral box is open help us understand ourselves or tell us what to fear and what to let go of.

Coffin with a dead person without a lid dream book Miller proposes to consider it a sign warning of the dreamer’s imminent repentance for his deeds. If dreamed of stabbing him , then it will be possible to smooth over the guilt.

An old English dream book open coffin with a dead person refers to predictions of imminent troubles that cannot be avoided, but can be accepted with dignity.

Why do you dream of an open coffin with a dead person in the house? This may be a sign of approaching problems that will arise due to the dreamer's fault. When you wake up, you should pay more attention to your actions and words in order to avoid the tension of the situation. If this happened, the sleeping person saw a dead man lying in someone else's house , then the owners of the house are in for trouble.

Why do you dream of a closed coffin with a dead person?

In addition to predictions for the near future, there is another popular version of the interpretation of this dream. A closed funeral box is a demonstration of the dreamer's inner emptiness. Therefore, having seen such a dream, interpreters advise taking a vacation or a break from business, and trying to find new meaning in life, redrawing plans for the future and saying goodbye to the current stage of life.

Seeing a closed coffin in a dream - a subconscious projection of difficult events that once happened to the sleeper.

Burying a closed burial box - let go of painful memories that haunt the dreamer for a long time.

Open closed lid The funeral box promises the imminent publication of previously unknown facts of a long-ago incident that the sleeping person would like to forget.

French dream book adheres to his version - a dream with a closed lid of a burial box promises financial difficulties.

The meaning of a dream with a revived dead man in a coffin

Most interpreters interpret this plot of night vision either as the approach of big troubles, or as a major success.

If you dream of a dead person with open eyes , the compilers of dream books are confident that the dreamer has subconsciously “let go” of traumatic memories, and is now ready to start living again. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the return of a person with whom the person who saw the dream was once close.

The deceased lying calmly in a funeral box with a wide with open eyes may promise untold material support from which the dreamer did not expect. Some dream interpreters claim that this dream promises a pleasant purchase for your home.

If you dreamed that the dead man in the coffin came to life , dream book of Zhou-gong promises the speedy arrival of dear guests, or profit.

I dreamed about it a dead man suddenly revived in a coffin ? Gypsy dream book interprets this as a sign of impending failure.

The deceased who has come to life and speaks to the dreamer promises a lot of troubles in real life. Talking to the dead in a dream is almost always a bad sign.

Why do you dream that the dead man reaching out to the dreamer rose from the coffin ? Modern dream book warns of danger awaiting the dreamer in the near future. Among the possible predictions are the revenge of a person whom the dreamer once offended, health difficulties or accidents related to cars.

Dead man crying in a burial box comes in a dream as a warning about an approaching large-scale scandal that will cut the ground from under the dreamer’s feet. Therefore, after such a dream you should be more restrained, and perhaps trouble will be avoided.

Body falling out of the coffin Dreaming of a dead person means a series of troubles.

Many people can be very frightened by a dream in which they dream of the deceased; there is nothing strange in this, since on a subconscious level, death does not evoke any positive emotions for many people. However, there are a huge number of interpretations and explanations for such disturbing images sent by the subconscious.

In order to correctly interpret this or that vision, it is important not only to remember the details of what is happening, but also to pay attention to the emotions experienced in the dream, the state of the dead, his personality, as well as many other important factors. If the dream really carries a bad sign, you can check the Lunar calendar to understand how high the probability of it coming true is.

We should not forget that if there were tragic events in a person’s life not so long ago, then the memory of this can directly affect dreams in the near future. Various dream books give their own definitions on this matter.

From bad to good

According to Grishina’s dream book, seeing a coffin in a dream or carrying it means a quick resolution of problems in the monetary sphere, well-being and gaining financial independence. Perhaps a sudden win or promotion.

To climb into a coffin of your own free will and take the place of the deceased, according to the Noble Dream Book, means an acute lack of knowledge. It's time to go to courses or start preparing to enter a university. If this is not possible, you can limit yourself to self-education in the area of ​​interest. If the dreamer himself is dead, this may be due to minor troubles that will not have much impact on the result, but can significantly fray the nerves.

Shereminskaya's dream book believes that a dead person in a dream is a good omen. If the deceased is a friend of the sleeping person in real life, this promises him success and the beginning of a white streak. If the dreamer is a young man or a young girl, such a dream means a quick wedding and happy marital relations. For married people - to resolve financial problems and gain stability in this area. If the deceased is the person who dreams about this, it means well-being and successful completion of the task.

According to the New family dream book, which dreams of a dead man in a coffin inside the house, means unhappy love or a too hasty decision to tie the knot due to pregnancy. Why is the sleeper himself a dead man in his dream? This is an omen of changes not for the better, which will affect all areas of life. It is worth preparing mentally and giving yourself time to rest so as not to become a hostage to your own feelings and emotions, which, as a rule, do not help, but only make it harder to recover after a serious shock or a series of failures.

The Gypsy dream book, on the contrary, believes that seeing yourself in a dream in the place of a dead person is a sign of great luck and long years of life. But if a dead person comes back to life, this is a bad sign, promising deprivation and various troubles. The dream book also warns that you should not talk to the dead in a dream.

The French dream book calls for remembering the details of what happened in the dream, and paying special attention to the coffin, since its appearance will have direct significance in the interpretation. A coffin made of gold or expensive materials, richly decorated, symbolizes success and joy, while an ugly coffin, made sloppily from ordinary boards, portends an unfortunate loss of funds, possible dismissal or loss. It is important to understand how to increase or at least preserve the accumulated and earned funds so as not to be left with nothing.

An old English dream book warns the dreamer about enormous dangers and failures in life that cannot be avoided. However, if the coffin is closed, then there is nothing to fear.

Zhou Gong and his Chinese dream book interpret what a dead man in a coffin dreams of as news of the imminent arrival of long-awaited guests or relatives, as well as success in business and finance. A coffin standing in a beautiful and decorated hall means prosperity and joy for the dreamer. However, if the deceased began to speak or came to life, this means terrible changes and great misfortunes. You should immediately stop talking with the dead and henceforth try not to enter into dialogues with the dead at all, so as not to invite trouble.

The modern dream book believes that seeing a dead man in a coffin come to life in a dream, standing up and stretching out his hands, can mean danger in real life. Trouble will most likely be caused by a person who has been plotting for a long time or wants revenge. You should avoid dark alleys in the near future and not enter into dialogue with strangers.

Deceased in a coffin

A dead man in tears, crying in his coffin, is often dreamed of before a serious quarrel or conflict. There is a possibility of suffering greatly psychologically, so it is worth preparing in advance to prevent emotions from overpowering reason. You should never respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A dead person in a coffin in a dream, lying with a smile on his lips or having a calm appearance, is an omen of good luck in the field of finances and work. If the deceased's eyes are open, this means joyful shopping and updating his wardrobe.

Why does a dead person fall out of the coffin? This is often a warning of longing for the deceased or of suffering associated with the breakdown of a love relationship.

A white coffin in a dream means that a sick relative will soon recover, and the illness will not make itself felt for a long time or will go away forever.

A deceased man in a dream is a sign of great success in real life, while a woman, on the contrary, dreams of future obstacles on the way to the implementation of her plans. The dream book recommends activating your full potential and making every effort to achieve your goal.

Why do you dream of a dead person who is familiar to the sleeper in real life and has health problems? He will soon recover and be completely cured.

When the dead persistently call to themselves, this is a very terrible sign that one dreams of before death in real life. If you dreamed about this, you should use the Lunar calendar to understand the likelihood of the dream coming true.

Some dream books believe that a deceased person in a coffin can be an omen of a funeral in reality. However, if there really was a funeral in your life recently, then most likely the dream was inspired by emotions and memories.

Why dream of a closed coffin that is in motion? This could mean serious damage to one's reputation or great shame. There may be a disagreement with a loved one or a huge quarrel.

Seeing yourself dead in a coffin and then coming back to life is a sign of rebirth. Most likely, now is the time to reconsider your life plans in order to gain confidence in your abilities, which will help you easily cope with the task.

Why do you dream of a living dead person? According to some dream books, a dream may mean that the dreamer has been putting off business and tasks for a long time. It's time to deal with old problems and finish unfinished business, otherwise they will not allow you to move forward, and the dreamer will get stuck in one place.

Vanga's Dream Book

In a dream, you saw a funeral procession in which a coffin is being carried, you come closer and notice with horror that your name is written on it - in reality this terrible dream means that you need to change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle, since With age, a person must change.

Empty coffin

If in a dream you are walking in a funeral procession and carrying a coffin- this means that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will bring a loved one a lot of troubles and troubles.

Seeing a fallen coffin in a dream- a good omen. Your guardian angel will help you avoid a dangerous disaster.

Coffin covered with earth- means the presence of a terrible, incomparable evil.

Dream book of lovers

A coffin standing in a church and covered with flowers- promises an unsuccessful marriage. For lovers, a coffin seen in a dream- foreshadows separation.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing a coffin in a dream- a sign that some difficult memories or old feelings are bothering you, which it’s high time to get rid of. The dream encourages you to say goodbye to your past, come to terms and live in the present, otherwise new losses will be inevitable.

If the deceased in the coffin looks young- this means that your memory of something painful is still too fresh, but you should still rid yourself of the negativity.

To bury a dead person in a dream, giving him the last respects- portends imminent relief in your life.

Jewish dream book

Coffin for the old- death, for families- profit, for young people- longevity.

Solomon's Dream Book

Coffin for the elderly- death; for families- profit; for young people- wedding, happy family life; buy- dignity; do- profit.

New family dream book

Coffin- dreams of bereavement.

A coffin strewn with flowers in a church- to an unsuccessful marriage.

A dream in which you see yourself in a coffin- to quarrels, illness.

Modern combined dream book

Coffin for the old- death; for families- profit; for young people- wedding, long life; for old families- they will die in one day. This dream foreshadows misfortune.

If you are a farmer- crop failures and loss of livestock await you. Business people have such a dream- predicts large debts. A dream like this for lovers- prophesies an unhappy marriage or the death of one of them.

If in a dream you see your own coffin- business failures and family troubles will inevitably follow.

Seeing a moving coffin in a dream- means illness and unsuccessful marriage; sadness and pleasure will replace each other. This dream could be a harbinger of death.

See yourself in a coffin- means the collapse of all your endeavors.

If you are sitting in a coffin that is resting on a moving hearse- your soul will be filled with despair because of your serious illness or the illness of your loved ones.

Eastern women's dream book

See your coffin- to changes in yourself, in your habits, in your outlook on life.

Empty coffin- symbolizes inner emptiness and mental hardship.

See a fallen coffin- a good omen: your guardian angel will help you avoid great danger.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Coffin- to a long and happy life. To financial success.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Coffin- a reflection of the completion of something. Showing idle curiosity. Attaching an unpleasant meaning to any duties.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

See a zinc coffin- receive undeserved offense and fear the consequences.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person in a dream- to the funeral.

coffin lid- to the new coffin.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Coffin- there will be a danger to life.

Cover it- to the end of all the problems that have been bothering you lately.

Zinc coffin- to sorrow and suffering.

Carry a coffin on your shoulders- to recovery and long life.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Coffin- obstacle; lie in it- long life; with ropes- case of death; see how they carry- sad circumstances and bad news; dig a hole for the coffin- reasonable marriage; buried coffin- disease; open- a cheerful celebration awaits.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a coffin in a dream- foreshadows obstacles; for the elderly- imminent death or loss of a dear relative; for family people- profit and prosperity; for young people- a wedding and a long, comfortable life.

Coffin seen in church- to an unsuccessful marriage.

Open coffin- to a cheerful celebration. Strewn with flowers- to failures and illnesses.

Seeing a friend in a coffin- receive important news. Lying in a coffin- to acquire a quiet occupation, a long life.

Carry a coffin in a dream- a harbinger of illness that will overshadow the upcoming celebration. Seeing others carry him- sad circumstances and bad news.

Lowering the coffin into the grave- tragic death.

Digging a hole for a coffin- happy marriage.

Bury the coffin- chronic illness.

Nail up the coffin- be very scared.

See yourself sitting on a coffin- to quarrels followed by repentance and mutual forgiveness.

Buy a coffin- incur large expenses.

Women's dream book

Coffin, hearse, funeral cart- a sad symbol.

The appearance of a coffin in a dream- may portend heavy losses, the early death of a loved one.

Seeing a coffin covered with flowers in a church- means an unsuccessful marriage.

Empty coffin- symbolizes inner emptiness and mental hardship.

If you dream that you are lying in a coffin or sitting on it- quarrels, serious illness, remorse for actions await you.

Funeral procession with a coffin with your name written on it- means that the time has come to change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle.

If in a dream you yourself walk in a funeral procession and carry a coffin- in reality you will commit an ugly act that will bring a loved one a lot of troubles and troubles.

A dream in which you forcefully hammer nails into a coffin lid- means that in real life you will do everything in your power to get rid of your vices and weaknesses.

General dream book

You dreamed of a coffin- you will get to the wedding of one of your friends.

If you dreamed that you were making a coffin- one of your loved ones will leave soon.

You're watching someone make a coffin- soon you will be separated from your beloved (beloved).

Pallbearer- You yourself will bring trouble on yourself with your careless act.

A dream in which you watch someone carry a coffin- troubles will fall on you.

Order a coffin- to an unpleasant meeting.

If you dreamed that you were lying in a coffin- one of your relatives will have a child.

In a dream you see one of your relatives lying in a coffin- in the near future, this person’s family will not need anything.

You dreamed that you saw one of your friends lying in a coffin- this person will lend you a large sum of money.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Coffin- can symbolize completeness, the outcome of a situation, and possibly the end of a relationship.

Dream book of the 21st century

Coffin- making a profit or promotion, for lovers- for the upcoming wedding, open and empty to see- to danger.

Seeing a coffin floating on water- to great wealth, if the coffin emerges from the grave itself- fortunately.

In a dream, lie in a coffin, and then get out of it- to revive strength, gain peace of mind and self-confidence.

See the tomb- good luck and protection await you, be inside her- to disappointment, difficulties in business.

Seeing a hearse in a dream- to separation, changes in business.

English dream book

Coffin- That bad dream, it foretells the death of a loved one. For a long time you will not be able to come to terms with this loss.

In addition to private troubles- such a dream can be a harbinger of a great misfortune, as a result of which many people will die.

Lunar dream book

Coffins for the young- wedding; for families- big profit.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

An open but empty coffin in a dream- means understanding that a certain process that has been going on for some time has been completed, that the time has come to completely get rid of the information that has owned you for a long time. The emotions that arise in a dream at the sight of a coffin are fear of death, depression from hopelessness and anxiety for oneself. They are the ones who need to be buried. The dream does not demonstrate submission to these emotions, but a state of understanding that it is no longer possible to exist with them.

The coffin is open- ready to accept what has long been painful and now only gets in the way. The dream is interpreted favorably: success in business and relationships, health without damage at this stage, although in the past buried emotions caused damage to the spleen, lungs and kidneys. They should be taken care of.

Chinese dream book

The coffin is brought into the home- there will be a promotion.

The dead man rises from the coffin- a guest from outside will arrive.

You see a dead man in a coffin- portends material profit.

You open the coffin and talk to the dead man- Unfortunately.

Do you see a coffin floating on the water?- portends great wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Buy a coffin- dignity; do it- honor, profit.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Seeing a coffin in a dream- marks a change of state, a sick person sleeps in a coffin- portends death, and an obstacle in business for a healthy person.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Open coffin with deceased- completion of affairs; empty- danger, anxiety; himself in a coffin- success; happy marriage.

Located in a closed coffin- illness, psychological impasse; glory or oblivion.

Dream book of a gypsy

According to the interpretation of the gypsies, to see someone in a coffin- means that you will live to see the time when your children grow up and start their own families.

See yourself in a coffin- you will have excellent health all your life.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Danilova's erotic dream book

Seeing a coffin in a dream- to sorrows and a quarrel with a loved one. Married couples have such a dream- portends a loss of harmony and perhaps even the death of one of the spouses.

Seeing a moving coffin- you will have to experience shame because of your own behavior, as well as complete misunderstanding on the part of your partner.

Esoteric dream book

The coffin is empty, closed- mysterious events.

Someone in a coffin- for fishing, picking mushrooms, berries, hunting.

Ukrainian dream book

Open coffin- death in the family.

They say how you dream of coffins in a cemetery- this is bad.

Seeing a coffin in a dream- obstacle, lie in it- a cheerful celebration; they hide you in a coffin- unexpected wedding.

Empty- long and happy life; with a corpse- to change the weather.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Open coffin- success in business; friend in a coffin- news about his successes; for young people- for the wedding; for families- to profit, monetary success; himself in a coffin- completion of affairs.

Collection of dream books

Empty coffin- to longevity; with a dead man- troubles, especially for those who are going to start some new business (it is better to abandon it - big losses are inevitable)

Coffin- to the imminent loss of a loved one.

If you see in a dream an empty coffin without a dead person- this is for purchasing real estate.

coffin lid- dreams of illness.

Zinc coffin- receive terrible news.

The coffin is empty- success in the criminal business.

Coffin- is often considered only a bad sign, foreshadowing death, failure and illness.

If you dream of a coffin- Poverty and humiliation await you.

If the coffin is large and heavy- fate will give you contentment and harmony in the house.

Golden coffin- portends success that will come to you from afar.

Making coffins in a dream- means hard work that will give great reward.

Buying coffins in a dream- to prosperity and harmony in the home.

When do dreams come true?

Will your dream come true?- It depends on what day it is today. lunar day. You can find out from ours.

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

How else can you find out if your dream is prophetic?

If this happens, it is very likely that your dream is prophetic!

Interpretation of dreams using Tarot cards?

These two original layouts will help you understand what is hidden behind the images from your dream.

Since ancient times, dreams have been considered a unique opportunity. human brain. Even ancient civilizations perceived dreams as messages from the other world. A dream is a kind of encrypted message, which is considered to be a warning about the future. Many scientists for a long time were skeptical about statements of this kind, but already at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, they approached this topic from a different direction. It has been proven that humans are capable of seeing prophetic dreams. In the subconscious of everyone, a possible reality is formed, taking into account what is happening around, and the brain transmits information that carries a semantic load with the help of images.

But not all dreams are prophetic, basically this is 20% of all dreams seen. Don’t panic right away if you have a nightmare, this does not mean that everything will happen in the future. Most likely, this will not happen, and the meaning of such a dream may not be so terrible. The question arises, why do you dream of a dead man lying in a coffin? First, you need to try to remember all the accompanying details, every little thing may turn out to be important, and then you should open the dream book about why you dream of a dead man in a coffin.

Revived dead man in a coffin

Why do you dream of a revived dead man in a coffin? Often such a dream foreshadows changes in the weather. But sometimes, with various details, it can convey a deeper meaning; if a living person from a close circle dreams of a deceased person, most likely the sleeper feels guilty for actions that have brought or will bring trouble to this person.

Why do you dream of a dead person in a coffin, an unknown person? Most likely, such a dream foreshadows minor troubles of an insignificant nature.

Why dream of a dead man in a coffin, alive - this dream most likely carries a hidden threat. A person who has such a dream is in for serious trouble in the form of bad news. If the dead person just stands there and doesn’t move, then there will be trouble.

Why do you dream of a dead person, a relative in a coffin? Most likely, the person simply misses the deceased. The subconscious, thus, tries to compensate for the feeling of loss and, at least for a moment, reproduce a familiar image. In such a dream, people often have conversations with the deceased. But if the deceased somehow tries to take the sleeping person with him, this may portend illness, and in often cases the death of a loved one or the sleeping person himself.

There are many reasons why we dream of dead people in coffins - often such a dream becomes a warning about the danger brewing around a person. The sleeper will soon have ill-wishers who will ruin his life in every possible way; it is worth taking a closer look at those around you and being extremely careful.

If a dead person moves - if a dead person moves in a dream, then this is always not good; most likely, troubles and misfortunes await the person. Only a peaceful dead person dreams of something good. If the deceased shows aggression, screams or tries to fight, you can expect major scandals.

Dead man in an open coffin

Why do you dream of a dead man in an open coffin? If the dead man is in a peaceful state, then this dream foreshadows the transfer of life achievements from the deceased to the sleeping one. For example, if the deceased was rich during his lifetime, material profit should be expected soon. If, on the contrary, he was poor, then losses await the sleeping person.

Why dream of a dead man in a coffin, the funeral of a sleeping person - seeing your funeral in a dream means finding long-awaited happiness and finding a natural balance with yourself. Such a dream always means good news or the arrival of a long-awaited guest.

Why dream of seeing a dead person crying in a coffin - in this case, the tears of a dead person are often not good. In real life, a person who sees a dead man sobbing in a dream is in for quarrels that will entail painful consequences; they can be resolved after a long time.

Dead man - if a dead man dreams in a dream, this means that you should expect success in your endeavors. Everything that the sleeper is going to undertake certainly promises benefits and good luck. If you dream of a deceased woman, this always means troubles associated with completing assigned tasks. It is worth paying more attention to those around you and completely controlling the process so as not to miss a single detail, which could later turn into a global unsolvable problem.

If a dead person turns over

Why do you dream of a dead man in a coffin turning over - most likely, the person will soon receive material benefits and stability in financial matters. There may be a salary increase or an unexpected bonus, but don’t flatter yourself, these incomes will most likely cause the envy of someone close to you.


Each dream conveys certain experiences and does not always predict the future. You should not focus your attention on the negative feelings that a dream leaves, because an emotional state is not a prediction. Most likely, this is just an attempt by the subconscious to attract attention to inner world and just need emotional relief. Sometimes dreams carry completely opposite information, so you should first tune in to positive emotions, because all our emotions influence dreams and dreams.