Why see an explosion in a dream. Hear explosions. The explosion killed people

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Hearing an explosion in a dream is a sign of approaching danger and a big scandal that threatens your close friend or relative. If in a dream you were not afraid of him, then trouble will not affect you and you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences. The dream warns you that your frivolous behavior and rash actions can lead to serious consequences and your good name may suffer. To suffer from an explosion in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failure, wounded pride and gossip. If in a dream you also see devastating consequences explosion, then your loved ones will betray you. See bomb, sounds.

Why do you dream of an explosion according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

An explosion in a dream symbolizes the power of fate, which is useless to resist, but which can be avoided by building your life correctly and existing peacefully in the surrounding space.

Explosion on the horizon in a dream:
If you saw an explosion on the horizon in a dream, it means that your existence will soon be overshadowed by a sad event that could crush you if you do not turn to friends and relatives for help and support.

A house collapses from an explosion in a dream:
Seeing a house being destroyed by an explosion is a bad sign, which warns that you will have to experience all the vicissitudes that evil fate has in store for you.

Knocked down by a blast wave in a dream:
If you were knocked down by a blast wave in a dream, then such a dream predicts internal devastation, disappointment, depression associated with the realization that you spent most of your life aimlessly.

Rising after falling from a blast wave in a dream:
If you rise to your feet after a blow, this means that in reality you will be able to overcome adversity and regain strength.

Why do you dream of an explosion according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Witnessing an explosion in a dream means carelessly thrown words can cause a quarrel. An exploding lamp or other lighting device means friends and enemies will unite with the intention of harming you. An exploding grenade means you will miraculously escape danger. Seeing the victims of the explosion in very in serious condition- circumstances will turn against you. To be injured as a result of an explosion - petty quibbles will ruin your mood. Exploding something means trying to decisively sort out your affairs. Prepare for an explosion - a surprise awaits you from loved one.

Why do you dream of an explosion according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of an explosion, anxiety and trouble await you; Exploding yourself in a dream means an accident.

Modern family dream book according to Freud:

Dreams about explosions never bring anything good. Most often they dream of some kind of misfortune, although nothing seems to foretell such a thing.

If you dreamed of an explosion, be prepared for the fact that others will be unhappy with your behavior. The irritation that has been accumulating for a long time will burst out like a volcano and destroy everything in its path. However, if you manage to withstand this situation, then everything will calm down and fall into place. Although you will have to say goodbye to money.

Your presence at the explosion may mean deadlock for you, sometimes - illness; rarely - recognition of your merits.

Blackened faces are unfair accusations of something.

Explosions, during which you are thrown back by a blast wave, warn of the wrong actions of your friends, of abuse of your trust.

If in a dream you managed to very clearly see the phenomena accompanying the explosion (smoke, fire, fragments, etc.), then in reality you will not be able to fulfill your plans.

A dream in which you suffered from an explosion is also unfavorable. For example, if your face is mutilated, your enemies will begin to weave intrigues around you, right up to a trial; get ready for protracted trials.

If you dreamed that the clothes you were wearing or your body were engulfed in flames as a result of an explosion, this threatens an insult from someone close to you.

What do dreams mean? — new dream book Juno:

Seeing an explosion with a fiery glow is favorable under any conditions. Hearing an explosion is a deception. To singe your face is slander. If you are engulfed in flames in a dream, it means that someone is abusing your trust and may create problems for you.

Great dream interpreter based on Miller's dream book:

As a rule, a dream about explosions is a harbinger of an unexpected misfortune, which at first glance has no real basis.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing explosions foretells that the wrong actions of people around you will be the cause of your dissatisfaction. Your affairs will also upset you.

If you dream that your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated, this means that you will be unfairly accused of being a talkative person, and circumstances will be against you.

Seeing smoke and fragments means failure in business.

If in a dream you are engulfed in flames or thrown high up by a blast wave, the dream predicts that your unworthy friends will violate your rights and abuse your trust. Young women, having seen such a dream, should be careful when communicating with strangers.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

You will be highly appreciated.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Family dream book

Seeing explosions means that the actions of others will displease you. If you dream that your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated, then you will be unfairly accused of talkativeness, and circumstances will be against you.

Seeing smoke and fragments from an explosion means failure in business.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Explosion - unexpected changes in life.

Nuclear explosion - break in relationships; tragic case.

Thermo nuclear explosion- to parting with a loved one, the reason for which will be his physical betrayal.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing an explosion in a dream means that the wrong actions and actions of your loved ones will lead you to irritation, which will become an obstacle in business and relationships with colleagues.

If a lamp explodes in a dream, your friends will unite with your enemies, wanting to take revenge on you for the insult they caused.

Exploded grenade - you will be able to avoid danger thanks to random luck.

Seeing explosion victims in a very serious condition in a dream means you will be accused of being too talkative, and circumstances will turn against you.

To see a building, car, plane, etc. flying into the air as a result of an explosion - you will suffer losses, luck will turn away from you.

If you are seriously injured as a result of an explosion, it means that you will expect a lot of nagging from your family members and envious rivals.

Exploding something in a dream means that in reality two-faced friends will encroach on your rights and abuse your trust. For a young girl, this dream should serve as a warning to be more careful and picky in relationships with men, especially many older than her.

Prepare an explosion, plant explosives - wait important event.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dreamed of an explosion - this means that someone around you will cause all sorts of troubles and losses; in addition, your business will decline.

If you dreamed that an explosion occurred near you and you were thrown back by the blast wave, know: your secret ill-wishers, taking advantage of your trust, are infringing on your rights.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Esoteric dream book

An explosion means a break in communication. The death of a loved one, a blow to a relationship.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing explosions in a dream foretells that the people around you will do something that will displease you. Smoke and flying fragments mean failure in business.

If, as a result of an explosion, you are engulfed in flames or thrown up by a blast wave, your trust may be abused by your loved ones.

A young woman who has such a dream should be careful with unfamiliar men.

A face blackened or mutilated by an explosion means that you may be unfairly accused of being talkative and it will be difficult for you to prove that you are right.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Hearing or seeing an explosion means illness.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Modern dream book

Seeing explosions in a dream foretells that someone from your environment will become the cause of your troubles and losses, in addition. Your business will decline.

Seeing your face or the faces of other people covered with soot or mutilated means that you will be accused of unworthy behavior and, although it will be unfair, circumstances will turn against you.

Seeing ruins smoking after an explosion in a dream means financial collapse and deterioration in relationships with people.

If a young woman dreams that a house is exploding before her eyes, she will be disappointed in love.

If you dream that you were thrown up by a blast wave or that you were engulfed in flames, false friends, taking advantage of your trust, will infringe on your rights. Having seen such a dream, girls should be especially careful about their acquaintances with men.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Eastern dream book

See explosions - bad sign, a warning that one of your loved ones will cause your troubles and losses. If you see your face or the faces of your friends covered with soot from an explosion or even mutilated, beware of unfair accusations that will be difficult to ward off. Seeing ruins smoking after an explosion in a dream means financial collapse and deterioration in relationships with others. For a young woman, a dream in which her house explodes before her eyes portends disappointment in love. A dream in which you were thrown up or thrown to the side by a blast wave means: one of your friends, posing as a friend, will take advantage of your trust and betray you. Having seen such a dream, girls should be especially careful about meeting men.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing an explosion with great fiery radiance is favorable under any circumstances.

An explosion with solid dark smoke is bad.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Explosion - fame, recognition; incredible news; displeasure.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Dream book of healer Akulina

Big news that could change your life dramatically. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream (you do not want any changes), imagine that the explosion occurred somewhere far away, no one was hurt and nothing was destroyed.

You dreamed of an Explosion - you see an explosion - this explosion in a dream means your dissatisfaction with real life; your loved ones will do something that will make you upset and reproach them. Another interpretation of the dream: enemies threaten you. You see in a dream that someone’s face or your face has been damaged by an explosion - get ready for the fact that circumstances will not be in your favor; you will be accused of fraud, best case scenario- in talkativeness; it will be unfair; you will feel that it is always much more difficult to justify yourself than to slander someone. You see smoke, hear the whistle of fragments - such a dream means failure in business; another interpretation: you lead a too independent lifestyle; you attach a lot of importance to your rights and often ignore your responsibilities; Because of this feature of yours, a scandal may break out. It’s as if you’re being hit by a blast wave - some unworthy people will try to gain your trust in order to take advantage of your capabilities. A young woman dreams of an explosion - in reality, let this woman not be too trusting; dishonest people they designated her as a sacrifice; She should especially be wary of communicating with unfamiliar men.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

Hear an explosion from afar. A dream on Monday night warns that you are about to commit a rash act that may have bad consequences; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - means that you will receive unexpected news; If you had a dream on the night of Saturday or Sunday, the dream means that you are remembered by people whom you have not seen for a long time and about whom you have almost forgotten. Seeing an explosion at close range A dream on Monday night means that you will receive a warning that is worth paying attention to; this dream, occurring on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, is a sign of great danger; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night means running around and troubles.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Psychoanalytic dream book

1. An explosion in a dream reflects the release of energy in a forceful way, which will allow changes in our self-expression. Usually, before the explosion, emotions are more negative, which are suppressed for some time. 2. A strong outburst of anger, fear or sexual release can bring cleansing. The dream is a safe place for this. 3. Explosion in spiritual sense implies some kind of disclosure.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

Seeing an Atomic Explosion in a Dream - If in a dream you witnessed an atomic explosion, then in reality you will receive news that can change your understanding of some people you know. Moreover, after such a dream, some large-scale events may contribute to a change in your worldview. If you not only saw a nuclear explosion, but also became one of its victims, then new benefits await you. Perhaps, as a result of a reassessment of values, you will realize that you have good things in your life that you did not notice before. If you dream that atomic explosion passed without a trace for you, then the course of life will continue to flow as before, although you were given the chance to change a lot in it for the better. If you dream that the explosion passed without a trace for you, then the course of your life will flow as before, although you were given a chance to change a lot in it for the better.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Women's dream book

Explosion – Seeing explosions in your dream foretells that the people around you will do something that will displease you. Smoke and flying fragments mean failure in business.

If, as a result of an explosion, you are engulfed in flames or thrown up by a blast wave, your trust may be abused by your loved ones. A young woman who has such a dream should be careful with unfamiliar men.

A blackened or blast-damaged face means you may be unfairly accused of being a talker and will have a hard time proving your case.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Explosion - anger; fear. Seeing explosions - people’s actions cause anxiety and anger; your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated - an unfair accusation; seeing smoke and fragments means failure in business; to be engulfed in flames or tossed by a blast wave - one’s own aggressiveness will lead to mental suffering.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Online dream book

I dreamed of an explosion - you are haunted by discord in family life, or depression.

If you dream about how you undermine something, some hypocritical friends will encroach on your work or take advantage of your trust for selfish purposes.

If you dream of an atomic charge exploding, you will soon part with your soulmate, or some misfortune will happen to you.

If you see debris and a smoke screen, you will fail at work.

If in a dream you dream of a grenade that explodes, you will escape from trouble because of fortune suddenly turning towards you.

Seeing in a dream how buildings, cars, ships, etc. fly into pieces. - spending awaits you in reality, and fortune will leave you.

If you dreamed that you suffered greatly due to an explosion, your relatives will soon start clinging to you and competitors will appear who are very jealous of you.

If in a dream you blow up something yourself, the dream book promises you some fateful event in the near future.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

American dream book

An explosion is a crisis of personality, especially in the area of ​​relationships.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Dream book of lovers

If a young woman or girl sees in a dream a blast wave that throws her up, this means that she should be careful when making acquaintances with men.

Why do you dream about an explosion?

Women's dream book

If you dream that your own house is exploding before your eyes, then in reality expect a complete collapse of your hopes. This is especially true love relationship- complete disappointments await you. If in a dream you were thrown aside by a blast wave, expect betrayal from friends who skillfully used your trust. Please pay special attention on the men around you, it is quite possible that one of them will turn out to be a real Judas.

The nightmare that is most common in dreams is associated with a partner’s betrayal. Such dreams are explained by the fact that a person is subconsciously afraid of being alone, but not by low self-esteem. Therefore, even absolutely not jealous spouses can dream about it.

Dream or reality?

Did you know that the human brain does not distinguish between dreams and reality? It sounds incredible, but when we dream, the brain perceives our dreams as reality.

What is the danger of colored dreams?

Vivid, colorful dreams may indicate serious mental disorders or that in at the moment the person is in a severe psychotraumatic situation. This is why every intrusive dream should be worked through with a psychologist.

Why do you dream about Explosion?

Explosion in a modern dream book

Watching an explosion in a dream, in reality you will find yourself in a hopeless, dead-end situation. In particular, a young lady should be especially careful; gullibility can turn her into a victim. The sound of an explosion heard in a dream predicts obvious danger, a threat to your relative. If in a dream you are not bothered by the feeling of fear, it means that the troubles of your relatives will not affect you. Otherwise, circumstances may take a serious turn, and your reputation will be damaged. If the explosion caused you injuries or mutilations, in reality your failures will come to the attention of ill-wishers. You will painfully experience not only your failures, but also the gossip of your ill-wishers. Betrayal is symbolized by a dream in which you see the consequences of an explosion: destruction, ruins. To see your own or someone else's face damaged by an explosion in a dream means in reality to be accused of cheating and loquaciousness. The whistling sound of fragments heard in a dream foretells failure and indicates your irresponsible behavior. The feeling of being hit by a blast wave signifies communication with unworthy people. They will try to win you over so they can use you for their own purposes.

Explosion in Miller's dream book

An explosion that appears in your dream predicts a decline in business activity and dissatisfaction with the mistakes of others. Unfair charges will be brought against the dreamer who stained his face during the explosion or who saw the injuries of others. Smoke and fragments signify bad luck, the failure of the undertaking. A dream in which you were injured by an explosion or blast wave indicates the unworthy behavior of your friend, who will bring you disappointment, infringe on your rights, and abuse your trust.

Explosion in Vanga's dream book

A dreamed explosion is a fate that is impossible to resist, but by being prudent, you can avoid it. A dreamer who sees a distant explosion stands in reality on the threshold of alarming events. In order not to be completely destroyed by the misfortune that has befallen, it is necessary to enlist the support of relatives and friends. Seeing the destruction of a house after an explosion in a dream means experiencing the vicissitudes of fate in reality. A dream in which you were defeated by a blast wave predicts depression, sadness, and the awareness that your life is aimless. If in a dream you found the strength to rise, then in reality you will be able to fill your life with meaning.

Sleep is a third human life, and this is the most beautiful third of it.

Is there any reason for concern for a person who saw an explosion in a dream? What does such a vision warn about? The interpretation depends on the details that the dreamer must remember.

Explosion in a dream: Miller's dream book

What explanation does Miller offer? What does it mean to see an explosion in a dream? In reality, the sleeper will experience dissatisfaction, the reason for which will be the actions of someone from his immediate environment. If you dreamed that your face turned black as a result of an explosion, this promises conflicts. A person can be accused without reason of being excessively talkative or spreading gossip.

Shards, smoke - such a plot predicts failure in business. In the coming days, you should refrain from signing contracts. If in a dream a person is thrown upward by a blast wave, in reality he will be surrounded by unworthy people. Soon one of his false friends will take advantage of his trust for selfish purposes.

If a young woman dreams of an explosion, in reality she should beware of casual acquaintances.

Dream book of Heinrich Rommel

If the sleeper is present at the explosion, in reality he should be wary of getting into a dead end situation. Also, such dreams can predict an illness that will require long-term treatment. In some cases, such a plot promises a person long-awaited recognition of his merits.

What else does an explosion mean in a dream? If you dreamed of blackened faces, unfair accusations. The sleeper may be attributed to actions that he did not actually commit, as a result of which his loved ones will turn away from him.

House explosion

Sometimes people watch their houses explode in their nightmares. Often such a plot hints that a person is on the threshold important decision. The correctness of his choice determines how effectively and quickly the problem will be solved.

What else does such a dream tell? Exploding a house can be a dream for someone who is preparing to make a fatal mistake. If a person does not come to his senses in time, his career will be at risk. Therefore, you should not make responsible decisions rashly; it is better to leave yourself enough time to think.

Aesop's Dream Book

The nightmare involving the explosion should be taken as a warning. In the near future, a person may become a victim of an accident, for example, suffer in a car accident.

Aesop's Dream Book advises paying maximum attention to issues of your own safety. It is advisable to refrain from driving a car for some time and not to get involved in extreme sports. Also, you should not show yourself in dangerous places.

Airplane, car explosion

An airplane explosion is a dream that people also often see. Such a plot promises a person a nervous breakdown. It can be provoked difficult situation in the family or at work. The dreamer needs to take a break, break out of the shackles of routine. The optimal time has come to go on a trip and remember an old hobby. It is important to avoid conflicts that negatively affect the mental state.

What does a nightmare in which a car explodes warn about? Soon the dreamer realizes that his goal is unattainable. This will make him experience disappointment and regret the time spent in vain.

Hear an explosion

A sleeper can not only see an explosion in a dream with his own eyes, but also hear it. Such a plot predicts changes in one or another area of ​​life. A person will have a desire to expand, change jobs, and acquire new hobbies. He can also leave behind negative habits, replacing them with useful ones.

Some dream books claim that such a nightmare is dreamed by a person who is about to experience passion. In the near future, he will plunge headlong into his romantic experiences, and it will be difficult to keep his feelings under control.

Various stories

What other subjects are discussed in dream books? If a person dreams that he has become a victim of an explosion, in reality he will experience changes. An event will occur that will make him look at familiar things in a new way. The dreamer will abandon old life values, he will have new guidelines.

What does an explosion mean in a dream if it leads to a fire? Such a plot suggests that a person has or is about to have problems at work. If he does not take control of the situation in a timely manner, the matter may end in dismissal or demotion. Some dream books claim that a fire that occurs as a result of an explosion symbolizes changes for the better.

In their dreams, people sometimes have to run away from the place where an explosion has occurred or is about to occur. This predicts protracted conflicts that will happen within the family. For example, the owner of a dream can break up with his other half, take a long-term relationship. It’s great if a person in a dream survives an explosion and remains unharmed. In reality, it will not be difficult for him to overcome unexpected obstacles, his dreams will definitely come true.