Dream interpretation of falling in an elevator. New family dream book. Elevator moving down

When figuring out why you dream about an elevator, first of all you need to remember all the nuances of what you saw. The condition of the cabin and the size, direction of movement and even the presence or absence of satellites are important.

Dream Interpretation: seeing an elevator in a dream

Miller's Dream Book interprets the rise as enrichment and a breakthrough in his career. Descent is a symbol of failure.

According to Vanga's dream book the meaning of the direction of movement is similar. Also, the Bulgarian prophetess interprets the plot when one dreams of an elevator with passengers stuck inside. Help them from the inside - loved ones will be in danger and support will be needed. The person sleeping inside should be more careful.

Esoteric dream book deciphers a fall in an elevator as the personification of problems with morality. If the cabin sways to the sides, routine chores do not allow you to engage in self-knowledge and rise above the bustle.

According to the dream book of Simeon Prozorov elevator shaft - a call for caution. Ill-wishers are preparing a trick that will be easy to fall into due to impulsiveness.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse also suggests that if you dream of an elevator, you need to beware of all sorts of difficulties.

According to Sigmund Freud elevator doors are a direct reflection of the female genital organ. For dreamers, the dream predicts secret intimate pleasures, but if the lift is broken, the secret will soon be revealed. For men, an elevator cabin indicates love.

Who dreamed of an elevator

When you dream about an elevator woman, and the plot does not evoke negative emotions, the interpretation promises increased interest from men.

Elevator girl about to get married, portends a very uneven family life, with a sharp change good times not the most rosy. If a young lady rides in a cabin with other people in a dream, in reality she may be a victim of harassment. Beware of potentially dangerous situations.

Meetings with girls are prophesied by the elevator guy. Communication will give you many pleasant impressions.

Elevator man symbolizes his passion for diversity in sexual relations. Although there is nothing wrong with this, such activity and the desire to try all positions can be very confusing for a partner.

Why do you dream of riding in an elevator?

Almost all sources, when interpreting a vision in which an elevator is dreamed, pay attention to the direction of movement. Even general meaning matches.

Take the elevator up- to successful problem resolution. True, you will need outside help.

If ride high in an elevator- to achieve peaks in life. The dream symbolizes great luck.

When you happen to ride an elevator in a dream in the company of a loved one, changes will occur in your relationship. Positive when moving up. Negative - when decreasing.

Ride on the elevator up and down - warning. There comes a period in life when joys and sorrows will sharply alternate.

Get down in the elevator - to trouble. Problems at work are likely: demotion or even dismissal. Relationships with others are far from ideal.

Actions with an elevator in a dream

Waiting for the cabin to arrive is the dreamer’s lack of initiative. Interpreting what dreams mean enter into the elevator, it is advisable to remember the situation inside it. Gryazny warns the dreamer about imminent danger and the wrong direction in life's path.

Stand in the elevator - a plot warning that trouble is imminent. Overcoming adversity will be difficult.

To decipher what I dreamed about get stuck in the elevator, you need to take into account whether this happened in the company or not. If the sleeper finds himself in a difficult situation alone, this plot portends stagnation in business sphere. Finding yourself in a stuck cabin with other passengers means reaching a dead end in your personal relationships. New acquaintances may disappoint, and old friends will also present a not very pleasant surprise.

A dream with a plot fall in the elevator he is in wait for trouble. You should beware of tricks from mechanisms.

What elevator did you see in your dream?

When you dream about an elevator, you should also decipher all the details of its appearance.

New an elevator in a dream symbolizes a change in social status. If it rose, it was undoubtedly in a positive direction.

However falling elevator with me, even if it is the most modern, means life's adversities.

Dreamed about acting old a retro-style elevator signals an attachment to one’s own past. The inability to influence the changes that have occurred leads to unnecessary sadness.

At the same time broken an elevator that has no floor warns of a serious threat to the dreamer’s life. This is not the time to act carelessly! A non-working lift is interpreted more favorably. The planned things will just go wrong.

Spacious big the elevator predicts opportunities for developing professional skills. The growth of one’s own skills will be accompanied by an increase wages and respect from colleagues.

So small elevator, that it is difficult to breathe - pushing for activity. In the current circumstances, business projects are cramped, and it’s time to develop.

Glass an elevator in a dream warns that it will be easy to ruin your reputation in the near future. You should beware of imprudent, and even more so, vile actions.

Crowded elevator is a double sign. Firstly, he prophesies the need to work hard as a team in order to achieve success. Secondly, this is a hint that you need to diversify your personal life and not be afraid of unusual dates.

Having interpreted what the elevator means in a dream, you should not be afraid of negative meanings. Thanks to prudence, you can avoid many troubles.

Dream interpretation elevator falls down

An elevator is a means of transportation between floors. To find out what it means to be in an elevator in a dream, it is important to remember which way it was moving, up or down.

I dreamed about an elevator cabin

Why do people use elevators? real life? For descending and ascending between floors. In fact, the same interpretation is given in the dream book. Falling while in an elevator means failures in life, rising means changes for the better.

I dreamed about falling

I dreamed of an elevator accident

The dreamer is not satisfied short definition that the fall threatens failures and troubles? Do you want to understand your night vision more clearly? This means you will have to dig deeper. The first step is to consider the main predictions provided by the most popular dream interpreters.

What will a 21st century interpreter say?

If the descent was too rapid, then things will not go well for the sleeping person. in the best possible way. In principle, the dreamer will not even be able to influence them. All you have to do is be patient and get through the difficult period.

True, the dream book believes that if the descent was not too rapid and did not cause you discomfort, then everything will be fine. The dreamer’s life is smooth, no storms or unexpected situations are expected.

Interpreters consider a dream in which a person gets stuck in an elevator to be worse than a fall. Such a dream means that in the past you committed a rash act and will soon be called to account for it.

Gustav Miller's prediction

Miller even calmly goes down the elevator - bad sign. Failures will come upon you suddenly, and you will be perplexed for a long time.

Exit the cabin in a dream and see it fall

Stepping out of the elevator and seeing it fly down means you will literally miraculously avoid trouble. Only with the passage of time will you be able to assess the scale of a possible tragedy.

Rommel's interpretation

Do you dream that you are riding an elevator down? You will have to say goodbye to your hopes that you had for a certain reason.

Fast movement, no matter in which direction, dreams of obstacles and obstacles that will stand in the way of a sleeping person in the work sphere.

The elevator suddenly stopped - you will be in a dangerous situation.

Fear of confined spaces

A dream in which an elevator car flies through the roof of a building or falls into a shaft can easily be called a nightmare. What if a person is claustrophobic, meaning they are afraid of enclosed spaces? Then simply being in an elevator, even in a nightly dream, is an unpleasant dream.

It is possible that in reality you have never noticed such a phobia, but in night vision the subconscious presents it as a hidden fear of loneliness. The dreamer is afraid to be left alone, to be misunderstood in society.

Other troubles associated with the elevator car

Why you dream of a falling elevator is more or less clear. But in a dream you can get stuck in it, not have time, fall into a mine. You never know what horrors a dreamer might dream about. Interpreters consider each individual situation.

Almost all sources believe that an elevator in dreams is associated with a person’s business activity. Obviously, the main meaning of the image is movement. Up - to success, down - to failure. But is such a multi-faceted symbol supposed to be viewed unambiguously? Like people who do not strive for career growth, interpret the elevator? The dream book will tell everyone. Shall we take a look?

About moving upward

It’s very good, almost all sources agree, to go up. After such an image, careerists can direct their dreams towards their desired goal. An elevator, the dream book is sure of this, speaks of the implementation of the most daring plans, naturally, if it moves upward. The faster the process goes in a dream, the closer the victory is. But even in the case of a leisurely glide of the elevator, you can prepare for joy. It will just be a little later, the dream book explains. An elevator rising jerkily foreshadows a similar movement along career ladder. That is, success will be replaced by stagnation, then again a breakthrough, again a stop. Also pay attention to what height the mechanism lifts you. The elevator, the dream book is adamant about this, will tell you the “bar” of your career dreams. The higher the floor is in night vision, the more serious your plans may be.

About the elevator ride

It's a different matter when you entered the mechanism that facilitates movement between floors and went down. This is a sign of destruction of career plans. After such a vision, you need to think hard about the state of affairs. Something escaped your attention. As the dream book explains, an elevator going down at high speed predicts a disaster. Most often, the situation will affect not only you, but also those around you. This vision occurs before such important negative events in work as bankruptcy, the loss of a serious customer or an important sponsor. A slowly descending elevator promises negative trends. The dream book foretells stagnation leading to decline. In this case, the prediction can only apply to a person who experienced such a “story” at night.

About stopping the mechanism

Many people are afraid to ride in an elevator due to a “temporary loss of control over the situation.” A person gets lost when faced with an unplanned stop of a mechanism between floors. The dream book also considers such situations. Getting stuck in an elevator means a sudden obstacle. That is, all your plans will encounter an insurmountable obstacle. If the situation is not resolved in a dream, then in life you will have to strain all your strength, but there will be no point. When the movement is restored, the next events depend on its direction, the dream book explains. The elevator will crawl up - you will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation; down - if you cannot cope with the obstacle, you will crash. You should carefully analyze such a dream.

The elevator falls

A disaster should never be viewed one-sidedly. Everything matters in it - both circumstances and feelings. Therefore, if you dreamed about an elevator falling, then remember the details. If you are scared, then there is a reason to see a doctor and have your heart checked. In general, the fall of inter-floor transport in a dream threatens a serious disaster in reality. This is no longer a whisper, but a cry from the inner self. The mistake has already been made, there is a tiny chance to correct it, take advantage! This is exactly what the dream book thinks. Taking the elevator and suddenly experiencing a catastrophe means that your well-established, very promising business will be crossed out by your enemies. Envious people are already trying, creating obstacles to your plans, but this is not yet noticeable. The dream has come so that you stop “having your head in the clouds.” Take a realistic look at your situation, it is not as good as you think.

Separately about the beautiful elevator

A vision of interfloor transport sparkling with crystal and gold speaks of possible horizons. According to the dream book, riding in an elevator that resembles a work of art is a prediction of an incredible takeoff in social status. Often such a vision comes to girls before unequal marriage" Naturally, the groom will be rich and will take the potential bride through many steps to another social group. But only in the case when this masterpiece of engineering art lifted the charming woman upward. In the same case, when the crystal-golden mechanism lowered it to the ground, you will have to forget about your proud plans. Fate is not favorable to their fulfillment. Similar images promise approximately the same thing to all other people. Either sudden elevation or the far-fetched bitterness of defeat, based on unprecedented conceit, is predicted for the dreamer.

About the strange elevator

A vision in which a mechanism is missing a certain part or consists of strange parts indicates some uncertainty in your work situation. For example, an elevator without a floor is a hint from the subconscious that your business does not have a reliable foundation. You are in a situation called “building sand castles.” At the same time, the upward movement of this mechanism predicts great success. This is a fantastic, once-in-a-lifetime success. A completely unrealistic plan will be implemented one hundred percent. Its downward movement speaks of the disappointment that will befall the dreamer due to the inability to look at circumstances soberly. That is, blame yourself, storyteller! The absence of walls indicates that there is no real friend next to the dreamer. He either achieves what he wants or fails. He has no one to share his aspirations and sorrows with.

Fire in the elevator

Fire in a dream predicts passions. When it flares up in a moving mechanism, expect violent events in the service (most likely). Your business will not only go uphill (if the elevator is going up), but will cause a real stir in the environment. People will poke their noses into all the nuances of your actions, discussing and grinding out details. If the elevator did not slow down due to fire, then such the situation will go for your benefit. It's bad when a flaming mechanism falls down. This is a sign of a major disaster associated with the violation of confidential information. Activity " evil tongues"will cause the collapse of your dreams. It is almost impossible to prevent such a development of events. According to wise sources, the only way to avoid disaster is to stop things for a while. Seeing a standing elevator on fire means a stop in business, which will be complicated by unpleasant passions. A calm analysis is required.

Multi-part dream about an elevator

It happens that a dream is repeated with a certain regularity. If it's about an elevator, then you're in luck. You have found a way to communicate with your higher self. Now you need to determine the topic of the messages. Most often (but not always), they relate to career aspirations. Your subconscious has literally taken you under its wing. Every step and every decision is interpreted by him, and the result is presented “to the mountain” through night visions. Take the opportunity to adjust your life!

Elevator and love

For people burning with passion, interfloor transport can also say something in their dreams. Thus, his calm and measured upward movement predicts the harmonious development of an exciting situation. If the direction of sliding is exactly the opposite, get ready for discord in your relationship. Your loved one will soon lose interest in you. If he is really dear to you, then prepare a plan to save your passion in advance. Surround your beloved one with care, influence his “sensitive” points, captivate his imagination. In general, there is something to think about. When the mechanism stops, taking you captive, prepare for the fact that your loved one will dictate practically unacceptable conditions, even put forward ultimatums. In this case, it is up to you to decide whether to continue such a relationship. A vision in which the elevator doors close near your nose, leaving you on the landing, speaks of a desire for change. Is “beloved” so dear to you? Maybe it's time to reconsider your life plan? The dream does not indicate the need for radical conclusions, but it is no longer possible to leave everything as before. It is recommended to open up space for your innate imagination and intuition. The answer will definitely come! When you find yourself in front of the door of a broken elevator in a dream, there is nothing to be happy about. Your personal life will resemble a dark swamp for some time. Neither happiness nor interesting events, it is not recommended to expect any drive. Until you yourself show activity, you will continue to “vegetate.”

An elevator in a dream speaks of a person’s aspirations and hopes and describes in detail its prospects. It is important for those who strive for spiritual growth. You need to understand that moving down indicates obstacles in the business that is most important to you. Some other sources interpret such visions as the desire to “ride on someone else’s shoulders.” If you go up, it means that you will be able to curb the one you appointed as the “cab driver”. When the elevator rushes down, the cunning idea will not work. The “victim” will understand your plan and avoid an unenviable fate, and the dreamer will face shame.

First of all, a falling elevator is associated with some kind of subconscious fears that the dreamer himself is afraid to admit to himself. Very often, phobias manifest themselves in dreams, when the consciousness is dormant and cannot resist them.

What if you dream about a falling elevator?

Also, such a dream can reflect childhood fears if the dreamer had to get stuck in an elevator at a young age. This may mean that some problems stemming from childhood are preventing you from developing and achieving success in life. No matter how unpleasant it may be, you need to remember your teenage complexes and childhood problems, and try to get rid of them as quickly and effectively as possible. A dream about a falling elevator can be a continuation of real life in a dream if you watch thrillers and horror films too often at night, which can harm the psyche.

Most often, a falling elevator in a dream is a harbinger of some rather serious troubles in reality. Some dream books say that this dream foreshadows a person’s moral decline in real life, or the commission of an illegal act.

But if the dreamer managed not to enter the elevator and fell without it, then this is a foreshadowing that he will be able to avoid trouble and achieve what he wants. Most often, the elevator is the personification of the fact that in reality a person is constantly looking for easy ways to achieve his goals, which can significantly harm him. A dream about a falling elevator implies the collapse of hopes for too easy and undeserved success in life. Moreover, the higher the height of the fall, the greater the arrogance and gullibility of the dreamer. These are exactly the traits that need to be gotten rid of.

What does it portend?

Some dream books even threateningly interpret what a falling elevator means in a dream. But such interpretations should be avoided, because the omens of death and ruin are too illusory and depressing. In any case, if you dreamed of a falling elevator, it’s time to think about your affairs and problems. For people involved in risky financial transactions, this is a sign that they need to take a short break to avoid financial losses. For those who live beyond their means, this is a sign that it is time to think about your lifestyle and change it.

A falling elevator symbolizes the need for changes that have long been brewing in the dreamer’s life. Some people need to become more decisive, while others need to limit their love of unjustified risks. Everyone decides for themselves what needs to be changed in order to move towards success.

There is always a way out of any situation, even the most unpleasant one, and there will be more than one. Therefore, it is best to look for the positive in negative interpretations and boldly move forward to meet fate and new challenges and impressions in life.

Symbolizes the desire to rise in life, improve your status.

But unlike the stairs, the elevator tells you that you're not putting in enough effort to grow.

Riding the elevator up means there will be success, but not soon.

Going down means a decline in business.

Getting stuck in an elevator means an uncertain situation.

Dilapidated, falling apart elevator - something threatens your well-being.

An elevator in a dream means feeling the need to rise in life.

If the elevator rises or business declines.

If the elevator goes down.

However, it's an elevator ride.

In contrast to the ladder, it indicates that a person is not making enough of his own efforts to achieve success.

He hopes for someone's help.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Elevator

Taking the elevator up is a prediction of rapid advancement to wealth and fame.

If you go down, failures can destroy your life.

The elevator descends without you - in real life you will hardly avoid disappointment in some matter.

A stopped elevator means impending danger.

Getting stuck in an elevator means a misfortune will soon happen to you.

Interpretation of dreams from