I really want to cheat on my husband. Adultery. Why do women decide to cheat on their husbands?

What's in the article:

« I want to cheat on my husband! Why, how and whether it’s worth it – we’re discussing it today on the website Koshechka.ru.

Of course, this may be wrong, but the ideal marriage model does not suit everyone. Therefore, it is probably better not to read for highly moral girls who are satisfied with their chosen one in all respects.

Almost every third person in a marriage will have the thought of cheating. Let it be subconsciously or even as a joke. And sometimes it happens in all seriousness. And there may be several reasons for this.

Why do bitchy thoughts about cheating arise?

  1. There are not enough bright sensations in life, I want to take risks. This happens to those who are measured and calm family life not happy. But here you need to think - are you ready to put the whole ship of happiness on the line for the sake of one “pirate schooner”? If yes, go for it.
  2. Sex with my husband has become “insipid.” The site “studied” numerous women’s forums with reviews on the topic “I want to cheat on my husband” and letters from regular readers and came to the conclusion that for many it is easier to cheat for the sake of enjoying sex than to try to improve this aspect of the relationship with a spouse. Well, it's up to everyone. Although sometimes betrayal is really the only possible way out. For example, if your husband doesn’t like to do cunnilingus, but you, well, really want it.
  3. Some people just lack communication. Sex with my husband seems to be enough, but light flirting on the side seems harmless at first. At first you reassure yourself that just emotional conversations and common hobbies won’t hurt, but sooner or later all this develops into physical betrayal. Or sometimes even such women, after several weeks of communicating with a “friend,” create a topic on the forums “I want to cheat on my husband,” asking for feedback and advice on how best to do everything.

By the way, some people never go beyond virtual flirting. Or further correspondence on intimate topics. Here everyone judges in their own way whether this is considered treason. Or is this simply the realization of sexual fantasies, and should not be “lynched” too strictly? Of course, husbands are usually not aware of such virtual correspondence between their spouses. And rightly so: they know less, they sleep better.

From thoughts to actions

For some, the thought: “I want to cheat on my husband,” according to reviews, does not go further than fantasy. Because it’s one thing when it’s a lightning impulse - you succumbed to feelings and couldn’t resist. And it’s another thing when you think about it for a long time and can’t make up your mind.

But the proverb about striking while the iron is hot does not apply here. If you’ve already decided: “I want to cheat on my husband,” look at the reviews, they will be a little lower.

How to choose a “deputy prince”?

So, you decided not to get a divorce, but just to cheat? Therefore, your lover should be the “deputy” of your main “prince” in life, so that a situation does not arise, as at the end of the fairy tale about goldfish... Well, remember about the broken trough?..

So find someone who:

  • will understand that things will not go further than a love affair;
  • will be ready to fulfill your sexual fantasies;
  • will not bombard you with messages and calls;
  • will be cheerful and energetic;
  • definitely healthy.

Make sure your contraception is reliable! Agree, you don’t want to expose yourself to your husband. And even more so if the “traitors” turn out to be infections, serious illnesses or an unexpected pregnancy.

Do you want to cheat on your husband? Finding the right lover is not so easy!

And it is better that the person is not married. Otherwise, if his wife finds out, it is still unknown how she will react. It can disgrace you like that: it won’t seem like enough. And at the same time he will tell yours everything.

I want to cheat on my husband: reviews

  • I never thought that this would happen to me. She loved her madly. And then somehow everything became so boring and I was already communicating virtually with another man, then we even met a couple of times and kissed. It didn’t come to sex, but I already consider it cheating and blame myself. And now I’m still afraid that my husband will somehow find out. Serena.
  • I just asked a search engine the query “I want to change my husband’s reviews”, read it, and just started thinking about how best to do everything. And here he is like this the next day - nervous, angry. It turns out that he is monitoring my history!!! In general, it was necessary to encrypt even better. Otherwise, it wasn’t even possible to plan it - it was already presented. Bee.
  • Mine cheated on me, and I decided to take revenge on him. But I was so drawn in, I fell in love. Now I'm thinking about how to get a divorce. Otherwise I have married lover. And I’m afraid to ask if he’s ready to divorce his madam. Ninel.
  • Constant travel, business trips, hockey, volleyball, friends... And I’m alone with my child. I want to change it just out of anger at him, but I can’t. Where will I take the child?.. Larisa.

So, although he wanders around social networks The common phrase that a woman does not cheat, but either fell in love with another, or takes revenge for betrayal, is difficult to unequivocally agree with. For example, there are situations when you love your spouse, but you want “strawberries” on the side. Well, not only men are “walkers”. Or, let’s say, the man didn’t cheat, but yes, you are taking revenge, but: for indifference, constant travel, offensive words... But only you can decide whether it is right in all these situations to firmly declare: “ I want to cheat on my husband»?

If you want to be happy in marriage, then you need to work on yourself and constantly improve. It's easy to tell your husband what to do in a certain situation, but sometimes it's difficult to force yourself to do anything. It’s worth special mentioning betrayal, because this problem is typical for many families.

Someone strives to do everything to remain faithful spouse, and someone knows in advance that they cannot be with one person all their lives. Women quite often, although rarely this fact becomes known to others. How to restrain yourself if you know for sure that this will not bring you happiness? How to save your family and not harm your loved one? You will learn about this in this article.

Why does a woman want to cheat?

First of all it is worth think about it about what this will give you in the end, and what such an action will lead to. Sometimes an intimate relationship on the side does not particularly affect the life of the husband and wife, but sometimes the marriage breaks up. If you really love a person, you need to foresee the possible consequences of your betrayal in advance. Why do women cheat?

To prove to my husband that she is no worse than him, and that she can find a partner at any moment. It could also be falling in love, which is dangerous for marriage. In any case, a woman can make a choice and decide for herself whether the game is worth the candle or not. If this is a casual relationship, then there is a high probability that it does not mean anything to you, and family happiness is something that is valuable and expensive.

But if the betrayal happened because falling in love, there is a high probability that such relationships will drag on for a long time. Difficulties often arise due to the fact that the woman has not resolved the issue with her husband, but has already entered into a relationship with another man. You will have to constantly cunning, deceiving and coming up with new excuses, and this is addictive and turns into a lifestyle.

How not to cheat on your spouse?

1. This betrayal is not the last. Surely you have heard that most often everything does not end with one, and the person again decides to have a relationship outside of marriage. You can console yourself with the fact that this is only one time, and you will not allow yourself to do this again. In fact, only the first time a person crosses a certain line is problematic.

Further change much easier, and the feeling of guilt gradually fades away. If you don't want to ruin your marriage, this will need to be thought about in advance. The first time it seems to you that this is very bad, that the action will negatively affect family happiness, and then you stop thinking about it. That is why you should not forget about this before you decide to betray the trust of your loved one. Relationships on the side drag on, but sometimes women think that this is stupidity and untrue.

2. Think about your husband. This recommendation often helps women who want to cheat on their beloved husband. Imagine how he will feel and what emotions he will experience if he finds out that you cheated on him. In many families, the relationship between spouses is quite normal, but one of the couple wants new sensations, or love has eclipsed old feelings.

Just try introduce no matter how bad it will be for your loved one, put yourself in his place. An excellent method would be to remember your pleasant moments. life together. Replay events in your head more often and there is a high probability that this will help you avoid mistakes.

3. Avoid dating someone you like. Perhaps this is yours new employee or even a boss, a neighbor or a friend from the company - it doesn’t matter at all, the most important thing is that you sympathize with him and feel the power of feelings. In order not to succumb to temptation, meet with this man less often. At work, ask to be transferred to another office, avoid tasks that involve communication with him. If this is a group of friends, then ask in advance whether this guy will be there or not. Better spend time with your friend in a cafe, sipping delicious cocktail and enjoying a delicious pie than in once again you will restrain yourself from wanting to have sex with the object of your adoration. As soon as you hear this person's name, change your plans and move on to other events. If you have consciously decided that you cannot cheat on your beloved husband, then approach the issue wisely and do not arouse physical desire in yourself once again.

4. Take up your hobby. Sometimes the desire to cheat appears because the wife has nothing to do, and she is looking for adventure and new experiences. So that your life is not boring and monotonous, find something you like or pay attention to your favorite hobby. Eventually, parachute, buy an exotic pet, or have extreme sex with your husband. Your hobby should bring maximum pleasure and distract you from stupid thoughts. Sometimes adrenaline allows a woman to avoid rash mistakes.

5. Improve your relationship with your husband. If you notice that you often have a desire to cheat on your man, urgently change something in your relationship with him. This is necessary so that you fall in love and understand that this person is really dear to you. Go out together more often, have sex and don't forget about regular communication. The desire to change does not appear just like that; most often it is a consequence of problems in your relationship with your husband. If you feel good with a man, you won't need another. In any case, think about what doesn’t suit you in your marriage and start making efforts to change something. Having sex with another man is not so difficult, but making sure the marriage is perfect is real work.

6. Seek help from a psychologist. In order to solve a problem of this magnitude, sometimes it is not enough own desire and aspirations. An experienced psychologist will help you switch your attention to something else and teach you to control your body and emotions. Many women are embarrassed to turn to professionals, but in fact there is nothing scary or unpleasant about it. You simply share your problem, and a professional will give practical advice.

How long has it been since you cried over relationship failures? When you suddenly have a desire or the question “I want to cheat on my husband,” just remember how difficult it was to create everything and glue everything from small pieces into a single whole.

Why does the desire to change appear and how to fix it?

If you are wondering why you want to cheat on your husband, you need to talk about everything as consistently as possible. The main reasons will be presented first:

  1. The love between people just disappeared. This happens, but very rarely. You shouldn’t draw hasty conclusions here, since everything may still work out for you, you may be able to restore your relationship, it’s not difficult.
  2. Tired of monotony. Many people don’t like the fact that the same thing awaits them every day. The problem is not so global, but many people pay very much attention to it.
  3. The desire to change appears when there is simply a person who outwardly attracts you very much.

How to prevent such desires? It is important to know about this, since actions not taken in time can lead to a divorce. You just need to remember the main points that will no longer make you think about cheating on your loved one:

  • Start spending more free time together, because then the question of why you want to cheat on your husband will simply be irrelevant. You won't have enough time for anyone else.
  • Try to experiment more, thereby you will make your life more diverse. The desire to be with someone else, when everything is fine with your loved one, will immediately disappear, and you will not have to worry about anything.

Consequences of betrayal

It is important to understand what the consequences will be. Have you lived for a long time without someone who will always support you in difficult times? It is unlikely that a man will be able to forgive you if you deliberately went to another person. You should think about your future. Seeing someone more attractive, you still shouldn’t give in to provocations. You need to remember that your boyfriend loves you, he will never forgive such a betrayal.

What to do if you want to cheat on your husband? An excellent option is to go to a highly qualified psychologist. This option is quite effective, but not everyone is ready to sincerely communicate with a specialist.

Are you still wondering whether you should cheat on your husband if you really want to? No, of course, the answer is negative. You must remember that there are always moments of weakness. You will soon forget about them and will be able to enjoy life with your loved one.

Cheating: is it acceptable at all?

Treason has always been considered very bad deed. What does such a concept convey? First of all, it betrays you, because by cheating on someone, you simply destroy people’s dreams and hearts. They fall in love, but when their other halves cheat on them, everything is simply given to different relatives. Even if you really want to change, be stronger and do not succumb to such provocations. Only then can you be a happy person.

Love between people is one of the most beautiful feelings. When it grows into something more, people create their own families, and during the wedding they make vows to each other eternal love. If you truly love your significant other, you will surely do the right thing.

According to statistics, women want to cheat on their partner no less often than men. Have you also thought about this, because your husband has become less attentive, doesn’t give compliments, doesn’t pay attention, all the tenderness has disappeared somewhere, and it’s better not to mention sexual relations at all? Yes, it’s unpleasant and painful, but you shouldn’t rush headlong into the pool, and we’ll tell you why. You will learn what can serve as a reason for betrayal, what consequences should be expected, what to do if desire prevents you from sleeping or eating.

Here are the most common reasons:

  1. Thirst for revenge. This is precisely the predictable reaction of a woman to her husband’s betrayal, the desire for revenge, resentment, and misunderstanding of the reasons for his action. But don’t rush (we’ll tell you why later).
  2. Lack of sex. If you are tired of your spouse's fatigue, constant refusal of intimate relationships, the nights he spends on the couch watching movies are annoying. Then self-doubt and anger at the partner appear.
  3. Behavior or bad habits. A sharp or gradual change in attitude towards you, manifestation of cruelty, lack of interest in you, compliments.
  4. Unjustified expectations. Each couple is individual, but there is always a routine in family life, lack of money, scandals, disharmony, change of hobbies, career growth one of the spouses, the unfulfillment of the other half. When there is no understanding or your expectations do not correspond to current events, thoughts of betrayal appear.
  5. Love has passed. This is the most terrible, but justified reason. You have been together for many years, you have a common cause, children, many other connections, a stable life. Boring consistency. In your spouse you see a friend, a respected, but not a beloved man.

Is it worth betraying if your husband cheated?

Before cheating on your boyfriend or husband, psychologists advise answering a few simple questions:

  • What is the purpose of betrayal: to return blow for blow so that he feels what you felt? If yes, then revenge is a bad thing.
  • What could be the consequences, satisfaction in the style: “I can do this too”? If yes, then, believe me, your soul will be scratched later.
  • Will you blame yourself after what happened? Just imagine if your husband sincerely repented, decided to start all over again, and you ruin everything!
  • Will the fact itself bring satisfaction? Everything here is purely individual, depending on upbringing and lifestyle. Maybe after this you will suffer more; your conscience will not let you sleep normally. To check the box, consider virtual infidelity.
  • Do you want purely physical sensations or something more? If the latter, then it is unlikely that anyone will give it to you, because rapprochement takes time. But without intimacy, intimacy can ruin everything, and then your soul will feel bad, as if you were being used, not you.

Have you ever thought that you want to change your spouse because this is simply not your soul mate? Here's an article that will help. You will be able to form the image of your chosen one and determine whether your partner fits these parameters.

Most cheating happens because the guy gets cold feet. Here . We shed light on the reasons for this phenomenon and told what to do in such a situation.

Have you decided to leave your husband and stay with your lover, but, alas, he is busy? Try it. This is not always right, but you need to fight for your happiness.

Why you shouldn't cuckold your husband

Treason is deception loved one. You will have to hide secret meetings, invent a reason for absence, and be afraid of exposure. A woman under constant stress becomes more distracted, embittered, and due to lack of time, stops taking care of herself, is in a hurry and makes mistakes. There is a high probability of dishonesty of the person with whom you want to cheat on your husband.

If you decide on a paid partner, then you should take into account the cost of services. You will need to find an additional source of cash income or allocate the necessary amount from the family budget. And not all girls can afford this!

Also, if you are not too careful, you can unexpectedly bring an STD into your home. This is how it will be a gift for my husband! Are you ready to take on such responsibility?

What consequences should you prepare for?

There are many options, the main ones are separation, indifference to what is happening or a truce. If your husband files for divorce, be prepared for independent life, both morally and financially. If a man provided for you, then you will no longer be able to afford much.

Minute desires can destroy a family. Perhaps this is your case. Are you ready to leave behind years of a happy, quiet life and start a new relationship? Are you able to forget what you did? Or you will suffer and worry about why you changed it...

Also, when you want to change, think that your friends and parents might find out about everything, and then they will constantly blame you for the collapse of the family. Do you need it?

Another option is that your lover is unlikely to want to contact you seriously, because who needs a woman who can betray.

What to do if you want to cheat on your husband

There are two options - get rid of this desire and fulfill it. If you decide on the first one, try to change yourself a little. Do new hairstyle, don’t wear old clothes at home, cook a romantic dinner or invite your spouse on a date, go to the cinema, theater or exhibition.

Have you been married for more than 10 years? This is a great occasion. You will learn how to do this through joint leisure, sex, sports, etc. Show a little attention and interest in his affairs, affection, and you will see how your loved one will change.

It is difficult for a working woman to manage household chores. Set your priorities. Read about the fly lady system. Very informative. Perform small amounts of work every day and the effect is guaranteed!

Are you convinced that betrayal is the way out of the situation? Find a suitable candidate, just not a mutual friend, housemate, colleague and ex-lover. You should also take care of the meeting place. This could be his or a rented apartment, a hotel, a dacha, the back seat of a car, an office, and, under suitable weather conditions, a river or sea bank, or the edge of a forest. Taboo – your apartment with your husband!!!

Come up with an “official version” of your absence from home, provide your rear. This could be a meeting with friends, classmates, colleagues or courses, playing sports or a knitting group. Don't forget about contraception. If, nevertheless, the husband finds out the whole truth, here. You will learn what to say and do, how to behave in order to maintain a relationship.

In this video, the girl sorts out the letters of her subscribers piece by piece and gives advice to girls on what to do, whether to cheat on their husband or not. After such advice, you certainly won’t want to “go left,” and that’s right!:

In your life, only you are responsible for your actions, so think 100 times before you decide to cheat!!! We hope our advice will help you make the only right decision.

There is hardly a woman who has not had the thought at least once in her life: “I want to cheat on my husband.”

This statement is especially relevant in moments of strong anger or resentment towards your significant other.

For many, this idea remains an unfounded idea, not reflected in reality. But there are women who are serious and have well-defined intentions.

Why do women cheat?

For many centuries, female infidelity was considered something unacceptable and offensive, bringing shame to the entire society.

More than two hundred years ago, various tricks in the form of “chastity belts,” designed to “curb” the ardor of unfaithful beauties, were considered commonplace.

A system of punishment was applied to harlots, which is still practiced in some countries.

However, according to psychologists, betrayal also has positive aspects. In some families, the infidelity of one of the spouses leads to strengthening of relationships, rethinking the reasons for what happened and realizing the mistakes made.

Cheating on your husband - a guide for beginners.

A long family life can dull old feelings and create an image of routine, which undoubtedly affects the intimate sphere. At this moment, thoughts of betrayal arise.

If a woman just wants to add spice to her feelings, so to speak, to unwind without destroying her marriage, then she must carefully think through all her steps.

Our advice will help you choose the best option on how to cheat on your husband so that he does not find out about your infidelity.

Every woman has the right to happiness and privacy, regardless of whether she is married or not. At the same time, we must not forget about the feelings of our spouse and family responsibilities.

Compliance with the most basic rules will allow you to gain new emotions and avoid a scandal, and maybe even a divorce from your husband.

Top main rules of cheating:

  1. There is no need to suddenly change your established daily routine.. Any deviation from the usual way of life may arouse suspicion. Adjustments to the regime should be introduced gradually. The spouse should know about upcoming visits to the beauty salon, in gym or a hairdresser. Of course, there is no need to tell him the addresses and telephone numbers of these institutions.
  2. No way you cannot share your thoughts about future or past betrayal with friends, acquaintances and relatives, no matter how much you trust them. The more people know about your plans, the more likely it is that your husband will know about it.
  3. You can sign up for training seminars and courses. By saying that classes are held several times a week, you will give yourself justifiable free time in the evenings. The main rule in this case is not to ignore your spouse’s calls during the “courses”.
  4. Preferably make friends with a reliable woman, which also has a connection on the side. In this case, you can easily back up each other at the right time. Among other things, an experienced friend will tell you best ways how to cheat on your partner more discreetly.
  5. Often the usual care and attention to the other half are capable of dulling his vigilance better than any tricks. At the same time, you can become a little jealous of your husband towards someone you know. After all, as you know, the best defense is an attack. Any man is flattered by his wife’s jealousy and attention, making him confident in her feelings.
  6. Traces of betrayal must always be eliminated. Even if your spouse is very respectable and will never allow himself to rummage through his beloved wife’s things. It’s better to play it safe and erase incriminating messages from your mobile phone or email, throw away your movie or theater tickets. Also, do not leave browser windows open.
  7. If your spouse suspects something, you should immediately suspend the relationship with your lover, take a time out. It is especially recommended for those women for whom family is more valuable and divorce is not in their immediate plans.

Finally, carefully study the most common pitfalls that await women who decide to cheat on their husbands.

Top main mistakes when cheating:

  • Failure to fulfill marital responsibilities. Constant excuses and reluctance to be intimate with your beloved will very soon lead to suspicions about outside relationships. It is better to show a more tender attitude towards your husband, do not skimp on affection.
  • Child. Sometimes even small children can tell loved ones something about your adventures. Therefore, do not meet your lover in their presence.
  • Updating your intimate wardrobe. A sharp change in external details, a change in image and even hairstyle often raise unnecessary questions. This also applies to intimate accessories. If your husband is used to seeing you in a classic nightgown or robe all the time, then adding sexy thongs and slips to your wardrobe is unlikely to go unnoticed.
  • Chance meeting. The risk of an unexpected collision with your spouse on the street, in your favorite cafe or other place is always present. Therefore, when meeting with your lover, it is recommended to choose more secluded areas, for example, rent an apartment or go out of town.
  • Contraception. You should never forget to use condoms. No matter how much you trust your lover, there is always a danger of contracting sexually transmitted infections. And if you also infect your spouse, then this is a direct path to divorce.
  • “Strange”, too happy facial expression. Unreasonable joy and a wandering gaze can undoubtedly arouse suspicion. Control your emotions, do not openly demonstrate your feelings.

Do you want to cheat on your husband without breaking family ties? Following all the above rules will help you avoid problems with marriage and get new sensations.

Vigilance and prudence will save your family, and betrayal will not become public knowledge.

Before you decide to cheat, think about why you want a relationship on the side. If you still want to save your family and husband, solve problems and issues within your existing relationship, rather than seek solace in the arms of someone else.

And remember: Cheating can only worsen family problems and create new ones. Do you really want to cheat on your husband for a moment of pleasure? And is it worth what you will think about yourself later?