Dream book online thief. Dream Interpretation: Thief

Sometimes dreams are more reminiscent not of the usual reality, but rather of some kind of plot of a film or detective novel.

In everyday life, the life of each person is more or less subject to its own laws. And everyone knows what to expect from her.

But in a dream, everything is different - absolutely nothing depends on the dreamer, whether you want it or not, but any, even the most incredible, “book” events can happen at any moment. And there is nothing to be surprised about!

You just have to understand that this is a dream. And it never accurately reflects the events (present or future) of everyday reality, reality. These plots are absolutely metaphorical and hint at various phenomena in the dreamer’s life that are worth paying attention to.

The word “thief”, “theft” and everything connected with it cannot in any way be associated with anything pleasant and bright. Agree, this is exactly what everyone avoids, fears or simply ignores. But one way or another, in reality, thieves exist, robbers commit crimes, and all this happens in reality.

What if you had to see a robber in your own dream world, become his victim, or even commit a crime yourself? How can one determine why one dreams of theft, and whether to expect bad consequences from the dream?

Take your time. The dream book will tell you everything, your task is only to remember the details of what you saw in your dreams and take them into account. Scenarios could be:

  • Something was stolen from you in your dreams - money, phone, whatever.
  • Stealing yourself in a dream.
  • Steal something from your own friend or acquaintance.
  • Buying a stolen item in a dream.
  • Rob an apartment, house, bank, etc.
  • See, catch a thief in own apartment.
  • A woman dreams of thieves.
  • I dream about my beloved husband robbing or stealing.
  • To be a thief, to run away, to hide from the authorities.
  • Chase the pickpocket and catch him.
  • Money was stolen in a dream.
  • I dreamed about the pickpocket.
  • In your dreams, you yourself can be a pickpocket, stealing money.
  • Thieves break into a house in a dream.
  • In your dreams, a valuable thing dear to you was stolen.
  • Find a previously stolen item in a dream.
  • Getting ready to rob, planning this crime.

Of course, such stories seem familiar to few people - rather, they surprise, and sometimes leave a lot strong emotions. Dreams with such events are quite multifaceted - they often promise something joyful, and sometimes they can warn, caution.

This is an ambiguous symbol. So it’s worth interpreting what a thief dreams about carefully.


So, you have experienced, albeit only in a dream, but still, an unpleasant event - money or valuables were stolen from you. Or maybe you yourself were in the role of a criminal? The dream book knows the answers to all such dreams, and will tell you in detail why the thief dreams.

1. If in a dream something was stolen from you, be it money or something else, the dream book promises that in reality your number of enemies and ill-wishers will soon noticeably decrease. At what cost - the interpreter is silent, but you can confidently believe that it will become much easier for you to live and carry out your activities.

2. If you yourself stole in a dream, this hints at a lack of funds. Here we are obviously talking about the present time - the dream does not promise poverty and misery, it is only a reflection of the fact that you are constantly stressed from lack of money.

The subconscious transforms these thoughts into dreams of this kind, that’s all. However, rather than think about this, it’s probably worth thinking practically about how to correct the situation, what to do to improve your finances.

3. If in strange dreams you stole something from a person who is familiar to you in reality, expect a new meeting. And, as the dream book promises, it will develop into a strong union. Friendly, business (partnership) or love - the interpreter is intriguingly silent. Time will show!

4. Buying stolen things in a dream is a good sign. In this case, the interpreter predicts someone’s favor, support and even patronage. This will help things get better, and life will probably become much better.

5. To rob in a dream - be it a bank or an apartment - is a sign of trouble. It can be avoided - just try not to take risks, not to get involved in all sorts of adventures, dishonest or dark affairs, and not to get involved with unworthy people.

6. Found a thief in your own apartment? This dream is serious - it hints to you that there is understatement and deception in the family. There is something for you to pay attention to. But don’t rush to accuse your family of lying for no reason, calmly figure it out. You need to be wiser so as not to spoil relationships with loved ones.

7. As the dream book says, a thief discovered by a woman in a dream promises her a suitor! Someone has been sighing for you for a long time, and secretly. But you are destined to soon discover, and quite unexpectedly, this secret. You will be surprised!

8.If a girl dreams that her beloved (or husband) is stealing or stealing, then the interpreter warns that those around you will condemn your union. Do not give in and do not listen to evil envious people!

Only you have the right to decide, not those around you, whether you should be together or not - this is only your decision. Don’t let anyone impudently interfere in your private life, and if you are happy and sure that you want to stay together with your chosen one, let them say whatever they want.

9. Not only being a robber, but also hiding from the law, running away from the police so that they can’t catch you - this “action-packed” dream hints at the possibility of work conflicts and troubles. Nothing terrible is predicted - just minor troubles are possible.

Maybe the bosses will be out of sorts, and you will fall under the hot hand, or you will quarrel with your colleagues. In any case, the main thing is to try to be calmer.

10. Chasing a robber in your dreams, and even (especially) catching him is a rare wonderful sign. You will win - brilliant and triumphant. You will have to say goodbye to your enemies and to everyone who judged you poorly, and your problems will recede - your day of triumph is coming!

11. Did you steal money in a dream? The dream book advises: you need to soon show courage and great strength of character in order to defend your own convictions. You will have to fight in the near future for your views, ideas, and try to stand your ground - this will lead to success and victory.

12. A pickpocket is a symbol of the fact that you have to look for some information, and with considerable effort, too. This will be either at work or in the personal sphere, but you will have to work hard to find what you crave so much.

13. And if you yourself have been a pickpocket, then be careful. The interpreter warns that there is a risk of obtaining the necessary information dishonestly, even illegally.

There will be such a temptation and opportunity, but it is highly recommended to refuse this, because the consequences will be negative, and even the information received will not bring any benefit or joy. Think twice.

14. If something valuable and dear to you was stolen from you in a dream, this means that in reality you should take care of your spiritual values. Dignity, beliefs, education - all these are the very treasures that you must preserve, and not allow anyone or any circumstances to change or lose all of this.

15. A thief who climbed or sneaked into a house in a dream speaks of a mistake or mistake that you, if you haven’t made yet, are at risk of making. It is worth being smarter, more attentive, and mistakes made correct and smooth out, without leaving everything to chance.

16. Finding something that was stolen from you earlier in a dream is a wonderful sign. In reality, great luck, prosperity, and long-awaited prosperity are already looming before you. You just have to wait a little.

17. If you were just planning to commit a theft or robbery in a dream, thought through a plan, intended to do it - take care of your health in reality. It is worth paying more attention to the body, it is susceptible to illnesses now.

This is so ambiguous, diverse, interesting symbol– there are a lot of meanings, all are different. Find yours, and decide for yourself what to do with the prediction - apply it, listen to advice, wait for luck, or simply forget the dream. It's all up to you. Author: Vasilina Serova

Dream interpretation of thieves breaking into the apartment

Dreams in which thieves appear are unpleasant. Most often they come at a time when the dreamer is trying to make a decision in a difficult situation or resolve a protracted conflict. And if the dream was very vivid, then it is not surprising why the dreamer immediately tries to find a dream book, and in it - at least approximate calm.

Such night dreams have a strong psychological background - either a feeling of guilt or a painful feeling of incompleteness of life due to financial difficulties. Trying to solve them, the subconscious mind suggests the easiest way to gain additional cash– theft.

Not all dreams in which thefts occurred are dangerous. They do not at all warn about the importance of changing the locks and code for the main safe. Most often, such dreams are aimed at taking a closer look at your surroundings - there is definitely someone in it who wants to appropriate the ideas, reputation or position of the dreamer. Almost any popular dream book can be used for interpretation

To correctly understand the reasons why you dreamed of thieves in your apartment, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • did you have to see a situation where thieves were in the house;
  • did they try to get into the apartment through the window;
  • whether the attackers were caught red-handed at the crime scene.

What different interpretations say

If you dreamed of a thief

Every popular dream book claims that dreaming about intruders trying to take all valuables out of an apartment is not a prediction of possible financial losses.

For the subconscious, material values ​​are not so important. But it is through such pictures that the inner moral core tries to reach the dreamer’s mind - perhaps he did something bad earlier, and now everything needs to be corrected? Or too much strong desire getting rich can push the dreamer to commit an unseemly act? Each dream book tries to understand the very essence.

Dream-shifter - ancient Slavic Veles's dream book

This is one of the inverted dreams, says the dream book of the ancient Slavs. On the one hand this is good sign, because it promises well-being in those areas in which the dreamer was robbed. But on the other hand, this is an alarming warning, because seeing a thief walking around the yard at night means a fire.

  • Thieves are climbing through the window - gossip around the dreamer’s person is possible.
  • Everything that thieves stole from the house is multiplied several times.
  • Commit theft yourself - what you stole will never happen in life.
  • If a young girl dreams of a thief, it means she will soon get married (someone will steal her heart).

Threat to reputation - Miller's dream book

If your apartment is robbed

Miller’s dream book, beloved by millions of Europeans, warns of the dangers of personal relationships if you dream of a thief. In general, theft can mean some difficulties in relationships, both personal and with friends.

  • To dream that an apartment has been robbed means you should not be too frank with people. All information received will be used against the dreamer. And it will be very difficult to regain your authority.
  • A thief is caught by the hand by the dreamer - your moral core and fortitude will help in the competition for the position that will be yours.
  • I dreamed about thieves breaking into an apartment through a window - an unpleasant situation in which the dreamer would have to prove his own point of view. And only persistence and self-confidence will help you do this.
  • Seeing that an apartment has been completely robbed, leaving practically nothing behind, is a good sign. The dreamer will receive new position and desired financial security.

Treason - Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book, compiled on the basis of psychoanalysis, says that thieves in an apartment are dishonest thoughts and actions. And theft, as such, is nothing more than the desire to gain intimacy with the other half of your best friend.

  • Thieves climb into the apartment through the window - your conscience is not clear. You need to remember when the unseemly act was committed and try to correct the situation as much as possible.
  • If you dreamed that your apartment was robbed, it means betrayal in marriage.
  • Deciding to steal yourself is an attempt to seduce a married lady.
  • A thief is caught leaving the apartment with the dreamer’s things - you will witness a fleeting affair with your other half.

Why the painful feeling

Any night vision can leave a heavy, painful feeling that some kind of trouble is bound to happen ahead. Anxious thoughts constantly creep into your head, but you don’t need to give in to them. First of all, you need to remember your own honesty with others.

Often the subconscious mind recalls past dishonest actions that could somehow influence the course of events in the fate of loved ones. In this case, thieves in a dream appear as the dreamer’s persona, which bad deed“stole” the opportunity to receive more benefits.

An ancient dream book often claims that if young people dream of a thief, then their heart will soon be “stolen.” And he believes that such dreams are happy sign imminent wedding.

Seeing intruders trying to break into someone else's apartment through a window is an alarming sign. The dreamer has long dreamed of intimacy with an unfree partner; even light flirting was present in the relationship. This dream is a warning that taking someone else’s is more expensive for yourself.

In any case, the dream does not call for more careful storage of financial assets. But about eternal values– loyalty, honesty, love – makes you think. They are the ones that need to be protected first.

A thief in a dream is the personification of the development of relationships between people and a warning of impending danger.

However, it is not always similar dream may carry a negative context, very often it can also carry good news, everything will depend on the details of the dream, images and the emotional component of the dream itself.

Let's try to understand in more detail why a thief dreams, and what such a dream can portend to a person.

What if you dream of a thief?

As mentioned above, the appearance of a thief in a dream is not always a negative phenomenon; most dream books interpret it as a good sign that helps the dreamer to be more prepared for future difficulties and to deal with his problems.

For a more accurate interpretation, try to remember the place where you met such a person and how this person behaved. Also great value will have the gender and age of the dreamer.

1. If a young girl dreams of thieves trying to break into her apartment, this is a warning that she needs to be more attentive and talk less about her personal life to outsiders. Otherwise, such excessive sincerity may negatively affect her relationship with her lover.

2. If you see yourself in the image of a thief, this is a sign of your negative and wicked thoughts towards another person. Such a dream warns that you should rethink your thoughts and actions and become more sedate, otherwise the consequences can be very unpleasant.

3. If you notice in a dream a burglar trying to break into your house through a window, this is a sign that your reputation in reality is under threat. a serious blow. If there were several thieves, expect problems at work; perhaps there is an unspoken cunning agreement among your employees, the purpose of which is to compromise you in the eyes of your boss.

4. If a young man sees in a dream robbers trying to break into your abode, this is a sign of a competitor coming your way who will fight with all his might for the desired position. Also, such a dream can mean a similar situation in your personal life, that is, your girlfriend may have a friend who will try with all his might to take your soulmate away from you.

5. If married woman saw robbers in her apartment - this is a warning dream that she should take a closer look at her friends who visit her home, perhaps some of them are spreading dirty rumors behind her back. Be careful, because if you ignore this sign, it is quite possible that your family life very soon serious difficulties will arise.

6. If you met a robber in a dream, in whom you recognized someone you know, this is a sign that you should take a closer look at the people around you; it is quite possible that one of them is posing as the wrong person. who he really is. If a person you don’t know appears in the form of a thief, be more attentive to strangers in real life.

7. If you saw a thief in law, this dream warns people who are planning to start their own business soon. This dream notifies you that you need to be vigilant and think carefully before taking too much great deals about cooperation, which in fact may turn out to be an ordinary “scam”.

8. If a woman saw in a dream how a pickpocket took money out of her purse or pocket in public transport or in a crowded place - this is a sign that she may soon lose respect in the eyes of her man. To avoid such a turn of events, she needs to share less details of her personal life with others.

Interaction with the thief

People often have dreams in which they somehow come into contact with thieves. Let's look at the most common of them:

1) if you caught a robber in a dream, this is a good sign that promises you an easy way out of a difficult situation life situation. For men, such a dream may mean that you will see the betrayal of your soulmate with your own eyes;

2) if, in pursuit of a robber, you grab his hand - this is a sign that your struggle with ill-wishers will end successfully for you. For a girl who has been undeservedly offended by her boyfriend, such a dream means a quick reconciliation with her lover;

3) if a fight broke out between you and the thief and you recognized an acquaintance in the thief, this is a sign that very soon this particular person will help resolve your problems;

4) if you kill him in the heat of a fight with a thief, this is a sign that in reality you will be able to inflict unconditional defeat on your ill-wishers and eliminate all the problems that have burdened you all this time.

Why do you dream of a thief according to Miller's dream book?

    if you see yourself in the form of a thief, and the police are chasing you, this is a sign of problems in business and a deterioration in relationships with others;

    if you yourself pursue the robber and catch him, in reality you will be able to defeat all your ill-wishers;

    if in a dream you are being chased by night thieves, this is a sign strained relations with ill-wishers, such a dream recommends being more vigilant in dealing with them.

Why do you dream of a thief according to Vanga’s dream book?

    If you caught a burglar in a dream, you shouldn’t trust strangers too much in reality. Also, such a dream reminds you that you should not pay too much attention to material wealth, it’s time to think about spirituality;

    if you saw a thief in the process of his work, this is a sign of your strong character and unshakable spirit, which caused the appearance of large quantity ill-wishers. But don’t worry too much about it, these people are not capable of harming you, they are all just secretly jealous of you, since you are destined to become a real leader;

    seeing yourself in the image of a thief is a sign of disappointment. You want to get something in reality that you don’t really deserve. Be kinder and work more on yourself;

    if you punished a robber in a dream, this is a sign that in reality you should be more fair and not judge other people.

Why do you dream of a thief according to Freud's dream book?

Sigmund Freud interprets such a dream as the dreamer’s desire for intimacy with the girlfriend/wife of his friend or neighbor. Perhaps a person does not even realize it himself, but the subconscious reveals his hidden natural attractions.

Interpretation of sleep according to Hasse

According to Miss Hasse's dream book, a thief is not a very good sign, bringing problems, losses and dangers. Therefore, be vigilant, otherwise you may fall into the traps of ill-wishers.

    If you see yourself in the image of a thief, this is a sign that sadness and great financial difficulties await you in reality;

    if you find something missing in a dream, this is a sign that you should communicate more with your friends, otherwise they may turn away from you.

Why do you dream of a thief according to Longo’s dream book?

    Seeing a thief sneaking in a dream is a sign of success in business; inspiration will descend on you, and you will literally burn out at work. There will also be a critical moment at work that you will have to go through, but after it there will be enlightenment and successful advancement;

    If you see yourself in the image of a robber, it means that the time has come to get rid of the problem that is gnawing at you once and for all, using the unexpected advice of your friend. Therefore, be careful and listen to the opinions of other people, perhaps from them you will learn how to get out of this or that situation;

    If you managed to catch a robber, try not to make hasty decisions, because they may seem correct only externally, but in fact they will not bring you any benefit. It is quite possible that some situations can resolve themselves even without you taking active action;

    if in a dream you happened to help a thief trying to escape, this is a sign that you have a gentle character and try to see only the positive in any, even the most unfortunate situation. This character trait of yours cannot be called negative, but in some cases it can be detrimental to you, because other people can easily use your gentleness for their own purposes. Therefore, the dream book recommends removing “ rose-colored glasses"and look at the world more realistically.

Why do you dream that you managed to catch a thief in a dream? The dream book advises to interpret the vision literally. In real life, you will be able to prevent something unpleasant and even terrible.

Miller's assurances

Miller's dream book, for example, claims that catching a thief in a dream means eliminating enemies and ill-wishers.

Fix it immediately!

If you happen to see and catch a thief who is trying to rob your apartment, then in reality you will have to correct past mistakes. If you don't do this, you will create big problems.

Did you dream that you found thieves in your house? Subconsciously, you are waiting for someone’s aggression or trick from the outside.

Get ready!

Did you dream that you captured a criminal at the scene of a crime? This means that you prevented a mistake that threatened to develop into incredible trouble.

In a dream, catching up with robbers means serious life trials. Further events according to the dream book, the dream plot and competent interpretation of the dream will suggest.

Hurry up!

Why do you dream that you captured a thief? This means that the person you know is plotting and weaving intrigues in real life. But you will be able to expose her if you hurry.

If the woman managed to stop the thief, then the decoding is literal. A certain lady will encroach on your lover, but you will take action in time and the relationship will be saved.

Decoding characters

Why do you dream that you caught a thief in a dream? The dream book is sure that further interpretation depends on the personality of the robber.

  • A relative means prosperity.
  • Friend is help.
  • A stranger is an uninvited guest.
  • Pickpocket – minor damage.
  • One thief means danger, enmity.
  • A lot – acquisition, success.

If you yourself were a thief and you were caught in the act, then the dream book predicts short-term success, and then a whole series of troubles.

Take the chance!

What does it mean in a dream to catch a thief practically by the hand? The dream book is confident that you will wisely take advantage of this chance.

If in a dream you grabbed a robber by the hand and even beat him, then there is clearly progress in business.

Did you dream that you caught the hand of a dishonest person? The period has come when you are literally able to move mountains to achieve your desired goal.

Work hard!

Why do you dream that you were able to return what was stolen? Personal hard work and perseverance will lead to the speedy acquisition of the desired wealth and prosperity.

Did you dream that you found stolen property after the criminals fled? The dream book thinks that in real life you will get what you sorely missed.

If in a dream you managed to return what was stolen on your own, then some business will initially make you worry a lot, and then turn into a great success.


What does it mean if in a dream the detectives were able to return the stolen property after a long investigation?

A dream is one of the only signals for someone who wants to find out what awaits him in the future. Or a powerful hint for those who are lost or have lost their way in life. It often happens that we see not very positive dreams, which leave an unpleasant aftertaste in our souls for the whole day. However, you shouldn’t worry, but it’s better to turn to a dream book, which will tell you what to do if suddenly your dream turns out to be bad. For example, if you were attacked by a thief in a dream. Don’t rush to hide your savings in reality, but it’s better to just think sensibly about what fate has in store for you?

People's dream book

  • If you saw a thief in a dream, then the dream book suggests that you yourself do not inspire confidence in those around you. Remember, maybe something in the recent past gave rise to such an opinion? You should win over your loved ones, otherwise an unpleasant reputation may develop about you.
  • Although if such a dream is dreamed by a young person unmarried girl, then this should be considered a sign, since you have a secret admirer who will soon be able to woo you and make marriage proposals.

Miller's Dream Book

But Miller’s dream book interprets the dream “thief” as a negative sign. Be prepared for the fact that your performance may soon get worse. Also, be careful with your surroundings, do not lie and be sincere with your close social circle, otherwise you will not be able to avoid conflict in the near future.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

If you caught a thief in a dream, it means that in the future you will not miss your chance to catch your happiness. Know that it is near you now, on at the moment. It’s better for you not to hesitate and do everything possible to finally find your happiness. Simple advice - be careful!

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Have you seen a thief in your home? Know that this is your sign from the past! You did something wrong, and now you have to pay for it. The same thing means if you see a thief in your apartment. You should carefully look through time into the past and understand what was done wrong, otherwise your success in life will not end for a long time. (cm. )

Dream book for the whole family

  • Be careful if you dreamed that a thief stole a valuable item from you. Pay attention to your surroundings; there are people next to you who can betray you and see nothing wrong with it. You are simply being deceived by those you trust most, thereby putting your personal happiness at risk of failure. Do not give in to emotions, first of all and always think - should you reveal all your cards? Maybe you need to keep something for yourself?
  • The same applies to such a dream, if you saw a thief in your dream - a pickpocket - there is a person next to you who is deceiving you, and you don’t even pay attention to it, it’s worth thinking about. Do you trust your surroundings too much? If your money was stolen in a dream, then you should be careful about your expenses. Apparently you are not good at saving, and unplanned expenses await you, which will only cause you inconvenience in the future.

Psychological dream book

If you managed to kill a thief in a dream, it means that you were able to cope with your negative that was sitting inside you. This is a kind of your opponent in life who prevents you from realizing your plans and achieving your goal. If you killed a thief with a cold weapon, then you need to think about your psychological state. There is some kind of struggle going on inside of you that is preventing you from moving on in life without an extra burden on your shoulders. Try to get rid of this burden as soon as possible, so that your life becomes easy and relaxed.

Esoteric dream book

  • If you learned the name of a thief in a dream, then you should remember it. Because what you dreamed about was not accidental. This name can influence your destiny; it will be associated with some events that will happen to you in the near future.
  • For young girls, this may be a sign that you have learned the name of your future chosen one. Don't be confused when you soon see a young man with the name from your dream.
  • A very interesting dream if you saw your friend in the face of a thief. This says one thing - your friend needs your support. Now he is on difficult life path. Help him. Call and find out, because if you had this dream, then only you can solve any of your friend’s problems.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

A bad sign for those who saw in a dream a thief climbing through a window. This means that trouble hangs over your reputation. Beware of backbiting people and beware of dishonest people. Besides, think about your life yourself. Perhaps you yourself gave a reason for this. If there were several of them, it means that you need to wait for some kind of catch at work. If you have enemies at work, know that they are doing everything possible to desecrate you in front of the entire team. Be extremely careful with such people, otherwise they may go too far. (cm. )

Egyptian dream book

  • If you dreamed about driving away a thief, it means that you are too fixated on the opinions of the people around you. Once upon a time, some hurtful words from one person sank deep into your soul, and torment you to this day. You still can't get rid of it and continue to torment yourself. You will have to stop doing this, otherwise in the future you will not live, you will simply exist, with huge problems on your shoulders. Let go of this situation, forget all the words spoken to you that are ruining your life.
  • However, there is also not a very good sign if in a dream you are catching up with a thief. Because you are running towards your problems, don’t do this, if in the future you dream about the same thing, then you should change the route, otherwise there will be only one way out - to go through all life’s difficulties that you could bypass.

Dream book of the 21st century

It’s a good sign if you dreamed that you were running away from a thief. This means that you managed to avoid all the life difficulties that you recently encountered. Know that you can now breathe a sigh of relief, but not relax. Otherwise, you will be consumed by a failure in life that you will not be able to cope with. Always be on the alert and try to make mistakes as little as possible, otherwise it will turn out that you may soon become disappointed in almost everything that surrounds you.

English dream book

If you dreamed about how you beat a thief, you should know that in general, if you beat in a dream, it means that you are giving your strength and energy to another. Perhaps you are doing this to benefit your enemies. It’s better to worry about your inner state than to waste your emotions on so-called psychological vampires. Think for yourself, why do you need them? What good will come from you giving your vital energy to those who, in your opinion, simply do not deserve it. (see or)

Loff's Dream Book

  • If a thief stole your bag, then according to Loff’s dream book this indicates that someone will capture your attention.
  • If an unmarried girl had such a dream, then everything is simple here - a young man will be able to mercilessly steal the heart of a beautiful person.
  • But for older people you should be careful. This means that your health is now in a precarious position.
  • If your bag was stolen in a dream, it means that someone wants your weak mood in order to take advantage of the moment. However, if you managed to return what was stolen, it means that soon you will find these ill-wishers and get even. Just don’t use physical force, you will look unsuitable. To do this, it is better to choose an intellectual war; there is a greater chance of winning. If the thief himself returned to you what he stole, it means that soon these ill-wishers themselves will admit their defeat.

Modern dream book

  • A very interesting dream will be the one who dreams of a thief in law. In general, people who enjoy authority in any circles and appear in dreams mean that some official person is watching you. He is somehow your patron.
  • But if this thief in law in your dream ends up in prison, then the patron is in a difficult situation. Perhaps because it cannot unravel your essence. So, it’s worth being easier towards the people around you, but what if your destiny is somewhere among them?


A dream in which a thief is present must be interpreted based on the details, because they play a key role, like clues left for us. And in general, I would like to note that it is even good when thieves appear only in a dream. In reality it’s better not to meet with them, otherwise Bad mood will be not only throughout the day, but also for a long time.