What style does Decla sing in? Decl's father spoke about his strained relationship with his son

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Biography, life story of DeCl

His real name is Kirill Tolmatsky, but this will hardly mean anything to most people, with the exception of his large army of fans. He is known to the general public under the stage name “Decl”. Far from being a new face of domestic hip-hop. The only rapper in the country whom absolutely everyone knows. His hit “Party” became the first rap hit in Russia, turning the idea of ​​Russian music culture upside down and proving that even in a huge country of bears and vodka, where a child, seeing a black man on the street, can easily burst into tears of fear, hip-hop can be popular.

Decl's first performance took place at the Adidas StreetBall Challenge festival in Moscow in front of an audience of thousands, where he was a resounding success. After this, the face of the young and talented star graced the cover of the November issue of PTUCH - this was the beginning of countless articles enlightening Decl.

Decl’s debut album “Who? you,” released in 2000, sold more than a million copies. For this disc, Decl received the Record 2000 award in the Debut of the Year category. Videos for songs from this disc (such as “Tears”, “Party”, “My Blood, Blood”) were in hot rotation on radio and television for a long time and for a long time occupied leading positions in all national charts.

It was at this time that Decl became the face of the new Pepsi advertising campaign, which was remembered by the public on long years thanks to the simple refrain “Pepsi, pager, MTV.” The slogan performed by Decl sounded from everywhere - from television screens, from radio broadcasts, and all the streets of the capital were plastered with the image of Decl with a pager and a bottle of Pepsi.

This advertising campaign was received with hostility by many, since at that time Decl was almost the only show business figure who showed himself in this way in advertising activities. The public was not slow to accuse Decl of the fact that his popularity was inflated, ensured only financial support his father and a huge amount broadcasts on TV and radio. Decl took all the accusations with dignity (that is, ignored them), and began recording a new album.


Decl's second album "Street Fighter" exceeded even the wildest forecasts in sales figures music critics. Decl himself admitted later that he did not expect such a return, nor circulation, nor the numerous awards that fell on him - for “Street Fighter” he received many prestigious awards, including the MUZ-TV music channel award, the UNESCO award (best cover of the year) , Stopudovoy's hit and the prestigious "MTV Music Awards" (Russian audience's choice).

However, despite the recognition of the broad masses, awards and millions of copies of discs sold, Decl still remains the most odious performer on the Russian music scene. He is a champion of the so-called “bad press” - no one receives so many negative reviews in the media. The income of his father, the famous producer Alexander Tolmatsky, also becomes a stumbling block - many believe that Decl, being nothing of himself as a person, owes his success only to the money of his “daddy.” All this could not but affect the personality of the young rapper and could not leave him indifferent. Decl stops touring and promotional activities and locks himself in his studio, where he works long and painstakingly on his new record.

Two years after the release of the album “Street Round”, Decl’s new creation is ready to see the light. On the cover of this disc you will not find the usual names - Decl no longer collaborates with his former studio partners (in particular, Vlad Valov). Kirill now writes all the lyrics himself, and among the composers on the album are A. Karlov, MC Beat, DJ Shooroop, Dj Tonic, Max Homich, Dj 108th, Dj La.

Decl himself again acted as the sound producer of the album.

That's why A.K.A. “LE TRUK” (that’s the name of the new record) is radically different from what Decl did before - his attitude towards what he does has changed. He no longer listens to other people’s opinions, does not read other people’s texts - making decisions on his own, Kirill is ready to answer for every word uttered in “A.K.A. LE TRUCK.”

The album contains a lot of live instruments, female vocals (Karina Serbina, Knara) and the appearance of a completely different character in Decl’s work. His songs became real and sincere, something that was not there before appeared in them - himself.

As for Decl’s poems today, we can say that he did not come up with new topics - like other rappers, he writes about social problems, about love and drugs. Decl is a man of his generation, and considers it his task to publicly raise the issues that concern his friends and himself.

Decl is one of the first Russian performers, which truly opened the rap style to a wide audience of Russians. He may not have been the first rap artist in the post-Soviet space, but he definitely became a pioneer of Russian commercial hip-hop. At the beginning of the 2000s, he was at the peak of his popularity, but the artist remained true to himself and chose creative development and self-realization over money and fame. Having broken off relations with his father-producer, Decl disappeared for some period from the general public, continuing to create under the pseudonyms Le Truk and Giuseppe Zhestko. In February 2019, he died of cardiac arrest.

Decl's early years, beginning of his career

Kirill Tolmatsky was born on July 22, 1983 in Moscow, in the family of the famous producer Alexander Tolmatsky, who once produced Oleg Gazmanov and the Combination group, and his wife Irina.

To a large extent, it was the father’s occupation that predetermined all future fate performer. He grew up in a golden cage and never lacked for anything. Decl studied in Moscow, then studied in Switzerland.

According to legend, the singer’s love for rap music was awakened by his then roommate, the son of the President of Zambia. The music that the African listened to all day long simply drove Kirill crazy, and at some point he asked to move his neighbor to another room. The administration of the Swiss hostel met him halfway, however this fact For some reason the future singer was not pleased. Left without the music that had rather bored him, Decl suddenly realized that he could no longer live without it.

Returning to Moscow, Kirill began to disappear more and more often at various rap parties. He gave himself dreadlocks, and also began taking breakdancing classes and participating in various festivals. To some extent, all this left its mark on further creativity artist. He started reading poetry Russian classics to an energetic beat than in in a good way shocked my parents.

Music career

In those years, the hip-hop scene was already emerging in Russia. Its unofficial leader was Vlad Valov (aka Sheff) from Bad B. Alliance. He filmed Kirill in the video for Legalize’s song “Pack of Cigarettes,” where the teenager played a petty hooligan who stole cigarettes from a store.

Decl in the video for Legalize

Then Kirill begged his father to help film a video for the song “Tears” as a birthday present. It was included in the rotation of MTV, and soon bags of songs for Tolmatsky Jr. began to arrive at the television studio.

"Tears". Decl's first video

Then Decl recorded the song “Friday”, with which some time later he appeared before the audience of the Adidas StreetBall Challenge festival.

“Decl” in slang means something like “a little, a little bit.” So a sonorous nickname for a short 14-year-old boy was just right.

Decl graduated from the British International School, but even during his studies he devoted all his time to his career: in the morning he could wake up in one city, perform, then fly to the other end of the country. According to the performer’s mother Irina Tolmatskaya, his father insisted on this state of affairs, who saw enormous commercial potential in his son. “As a producer, he did the right thing, but not as a father...” she said in an interview. In her opinion, it was in those years that Alexander Tolmatsky lost his son, who turned into his next production product. The relationship between father and son remained strained for the rest of their lives. The parents' divorce also added fuel to the fire; Alexander went to new woman, almost the same age as Decl.

In 2000, his first album “Who? You” appeared on the shelves of music stores, released with the support of Sheff and Legalize. Soon the artist’s videos (the legendary “Party”, “My Blood, Blood”) also entered the hot rotation of Russian TV channels. Decl has become the most recognizable youth brand. He advertised Pepsi, notebooks with his images were sold in every bookstore, dreadlocks became perhaps the most popular hairstyle among the younger generation, Decl became the face of the MTV channel, appearing in popular shows like “12 Evil Spectators.” Tolmatsky Sr. did not hesitate to use even openly black PR, such as, for example, computer game“Kill Decl,” after which the young rapper’s mother insisted that he hire security.

Decl – Party

Decl gave the start to the career of the now popular rapper Timati: he was on Kirill’s backing vocals (the songs “Moscow - New York”, “We are resting”) and more than once “shone” in his videos. However, there was no special friendship between the guys, and subsequently their paths diverged in everything, including Political Views- in his work, Decl criticized the authorities, while Timati did exactly the opposite and made friends with Ramzan Kadyrov.

Decl's second studio album didn't take long to wait. It was released in 2001, also with the support of the creative association Bad B. Alliance, but this time most of the lyrics were written by Kirill personally. The subject matter of the lyrics touched on more adult topics, such as the increasingly popular Nazi skinhead movement (“Letter”). By the way, for this song Decl and singer Marusya Simanovskaya, who performed the female part, won the Golden Gramophone. A year later, Marusya died of a cancerous tumor.

Decl – Letter

In 2003 Decl starred in a reality show Last Hero"(Season 4). He, like Nikolai Drozdov, entered the Scorpio tribe. According to the recollections of the most famous zoologist in Russia, Kirill knew how to insist on his own, was very hard-working, and always preferred to do rather than talk.

Le Truk

Despite the enormous success of the project, by this time Kirill’s relationship with his father had reached a boiling point. After the next conflict Decl left the recording studio of Alexander Tolmatsky with a scandal and started everything with clean slate. Now he was responsible for his creativity independently, without the help of old friends like Vlad Valov. The pseudonym has also become new - Detsl aka Le Truk. Under this name, the album “aka Le Truk” was released in 2004, symbolizing a new beginning. .

Soon, Kirill Tolmatsky, under the new pseudonym Le Truk, appeared in videos filmed for the songs “Let’s Potabachim”, “God Is”, “Legalize” (the latter, filmed in animated form, banned from being shown on television due to its hint of promoting recreational drugs).

In the mid-2000s, a scandal broke out over the use of the Decl brand, which belonged to the producer and father of the performer Alexander Tolmatsky. This question became especially relevant after the idea of ​​a smooth transition to the Le Truk pseudonym failed miserably. As a result, the performer added a hard sign to his pseudonym. .

In 2008, Decl released his fourth studio album “Mos Vegas 2012”, which included 19 compositions, including features with Smokey Mo, MC Molodoy, and the group Gunmakaz. A socially oriented album with a classic underground sound was recorded in collaboration with St. Petersburg musician Beat-Maker-Beat. It was well received in certain circles, but did not gain widespread popularity. The album was available for download on the Internet, but the disc on physical media was not put on mass sale; it could only be purchased at the singer’s concerts.

How Decl's style changed

2018 was marked by the release of the album “Acoustic” - these are Decl’s old songs, re-recorded together with the Animal Jazz group.

Personal life of Decl

In the first half of the 2000s, Decl married former Nizhny Novgorod model Yulia Kiseleva (now Tolmatskaya). On June 7, 2005, the couple had a son, Anthony (Tony). Decl himself delivered the baby, which took place in the pool.


On the morning of February 3, 2019, news publications reported the death of Decl. Soon the information was confirmed by his concert manager and wife. The rapper passed away on the night from Saturday to Sunday. The day before he played a concert. According to eyewitnesses, Kirill simply sat down in a chair and a few seconds later his heart stopped. Attempts at resuscitation did not lead to anything.

Doctors named the official cause of Decl’s death as cardiac arrest. He had not previously complained of health problems. There was a version on the Internet that the rapper could have used drugs, but his concert director denied this information. According to him, Lately musician promoted healthy image life.

The quarrel between the rapper has been going on for 13 years now. Kirill Tolmatsky(32), better known as Decl, and his father, producer Alexander Tolmatsky(55). Many years ago, Kirill fell in love with a young dancer Anna and left the family, breaking off all business and personal contacts. Alexander recently told the magazine Starhit about his relationship with his son.

Of course, the first thing the journalists did was ask how long ago Alexander had been in contact with Kirill. “Five years ago, when my mother died,” the producer admitted. “I called him: “Come, I’ll transfer my grandmother’s apartment to you.” He appeared. We completed the paperwork, and then he disappeared again. He didn’t even come back for the bag he forgot in my car. I had to return her through Irina, his mother. Then mutual friends told me that my son sold his grandmother’s apartment and spent the money. For what - I don’t know, this is his personal business. We didn’t see each other after that and didn’t talk on the phone.”

Correspondents also asked whether Alesandr communicates with his grandson Anatoly(9). "Unfortunately no. I saw him only once, when I was very young. Kirill suddenly had problems with his wife, he came to my office with the child, Tony was sleeping right on the table. Kirill asked for help, I helped. That's all. I have a photograph of Kirill at home, children (Alexander has an 8-year-old in his second marriage) Fedor and 5 year old Anfisa– approx. "StarHit") know that this is their brother. But I can’t explain to them why we don’t communicate. Kirill saw Fedya once when he was just born, but never saw Anfisa. Several years ago I suggested: “Come, let the children be friends,” but he does not make contact. Today I'm not so worried. I’ve been trying to make peace with him for 10 years – how long is that possible?”

In addition, Alexander shared why, in his opinion, he has never been able to make peace with his son: “Everything is mixed up here - both the burden of past glory and problems in his own family. And I wouldn’t forget about drugs: he started dabbling with weed at the age of 17. Otherwise, why would there be such nerves? He is already old enough to understand: in life it happens that men and women break up. Leaving for Anya, I did for ex-wife and Kirill everything he could. He shared his property and money. But Ira, as far as I understand, is still angry with me. Perhaps our relationship with Kirill is her doing. Although, during our infrequent meetings with her, she says, they say, you and your son should make peace... Previously, I could find out news from my son’s life on social networks. He himself added me to his friends list. And then he deleted it himself. This happened after the New Year: Anya, I and the children were on vacation in Thailand, I posted several photos. Kirill wrote some pretty nasty comments. I correctly asked not to speak like that about my family. And literally the next day he blocked me.”

We hope that in the future Kirill and Alexander will still be able to improve their relationship.

all slides

Childhood and period of study Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, Kirill Tolmatsky, better known as Decl, Le Truk, Giuseppe Hard first saw the light on July 22, 1983. There are many versions of the story why Decl chose the rap style, but the most popular remains the following assumption: in early years, when the future performer, sent by his father to study in Switzerland, lived in the same room with the son of the African president of Zambia. It was then that he first heard an unusual direction of style in music, which won his heart and decided his future fate.


The future rapper’s first steps were helped by his father, producer Alexander Tolmatsky. Kirill recorded his debut track “Friday”, and after performing with him at the Adidas festival, his career began its rapid rise.

Decl - Friday (1999)

The rapper released his first album entitled “Who? Are You” in 2000, and in less than 6 months became incredibly popular. Kirill subsequently received an award from Record 2000 in the Debut of the Year category. Then Adidas decided to sign a contract with Decl. The young man’s success became even greater after the release of his second album, “Street Fighter,” in which the performer spoke out against representatives youth subculture- skinheads.

Decl - Letter (2001)

In 2003, he took part in the fourth season of the reality show “The Last Hero,” which was broadcast on Channel One. Being at the height of his popularity, Kirill quarreled with his father, who was also a producer, and left to build his own career. In the 2004 album, the rapper presented a new stage name Le Truk. The album was also very successful, but did not repeat the achievements of the previous ones. The release had enough live instrumentals and female melodies. Such compositions as “Let’s Potabachim”, “Legalize” and “God Is” gained popular love.

Decl - Let's Potabachim (2003)

After problems with the rights to the stage name "Decl", the young man is renamed to "Decl". In 2008, the artist’s 4th album “MosVegas 2012” was released. The album did not gain much popularity due to its underground sound. Such performers as Dj Nik One, Knara, Gunmakaz, Oleg Gruz took part in the recording of the album.

Smokey Mo - Sweet Fog feat. Le Truk (2007)

The year 2010 is marked by the release of the collection “Here and Now”, which contains collaborations with such performers as D.Masta, Smokey Mo and others. Then the hero of our biography becomes frequent guest at various hip-hop events.

Kirill Tolmatsky a.k.a. Le Truk - Tired of it (2010)

In 2013 and 2014, he took part in the re-recording of tracks and videos “Party” and “Letter” for the program “”, adding a humorous component to them.

Detsl aka Le Truk - Letter (2014)

Since 2014, Tolmatsky has been releasing records from the Decillion trilogy: the first is called “Dancehall Mania” and is made in the style of reggae-dancehall; the second is the English-language hip-hop album "MXXXIII"; the third is a Russian-language album. The first two parts were released in 2014, and the final one (“Favela Funk”) was recorded after a trip to Brazil and was released in 2016.

Detsl aka Le Truk - My own song (2015)

It is worth noting the conflict between Decl and Basta, which arose in August 2016 for the reason that the festival performers, under the auspices of Gazgolder, were unable to finish their performances before the allotted time. As a result, Kirill published a number of unpleasant statements on Twitter addressed to Basta, who did not remain silent and wrote: “Decl is a shaggy schmuck.” The result of this was a trial where charges were brought against Vasily. The court ordered Vasily to pay Kirill 50 thousand rubles in compensation for moral damage. But the conflict was not resolved: the rappers continued, whenever possible, to troll each other with or without reason. In July 2018, the artist released a record called “Acoustic”. This is an album where all the old hits were collected and released in a new version. Animal Jazz, Last Tanks in Paris and DJ Worm were the ones who helped the artist give new life compositions known to all.

Detsl aka Le Truk - Favela Funk (2017)

The fall of 2018 (November) was marked by the presentation of an album called “It doesn’t matter who’s at the helm.” 11 audio tracks in which the rapper criticizes modern approach to the creation of rap music and analyzes the past years. Thanks to the fact that the performer took a responsible approach to recording the tracks, at the end he received a worthy assessment of the work done.

Personal life

The rap artist was married to Nizhny Novgorod model Yulia Kiseleva. The result of love was the son Anthony, who was born in June 2005.


On the night of February 3, 2019, after a performance at the Izhevsk cafe "Posh", Decl became ill in the dressing room. The ambulance, which was immediately called, only stated death from cardiac arrest. It is known that in 2007, in an interview with the same Izhevsk publication “Fanlife”, Kirill said that he plans to fake his death when he turns 35 years old. The rapper's last post on Instagram was his personal drawing with the inscription "RIP GB", and in the caption there was an explanation: conspiracy theory collection.

Preview: YouTube
: Social media(Found on vk.com)
: Channel One, still images
: youtube.com, still images
: facebook.com/detslakaletruk
: instagram.com/juzeppejostko
Stills from music videos Decl, Le Truk on YouTube
Personal archive of Kirill Tolmatsky

When using any information from this biography of Decl, please be sure to leave a link to it. Also check out. Hope for your understanding.

The article was prepared by the resource "How Celebrities Changed"

The rapper under the pseudonym Decl (real name Kirill Tolmatsky) was one of the most famous musicians in Russia in 2000-2002. The song "Party" was played on the radio and in nightclubs, seemingly non-stop. The singer's first debut album sold a record number of copies - more than 1 million copies.

Reasons for the decline in popularity

Kirill was born into a wealthy family. His father is the famous former producer Alexander Tolmatsky.

Photo: Instagram @annatolmatskaya

It was he who actively “promoted” his son to Russian stage, and achieved excellent results. Everyone started talking about the young rapper.

Decl at the beginning of his career

As journalists suggest, there was a conflict between them. The rapper himself said that he stopped working with his father because they started “pointing fingers” at him.

After this confession young singer They began to humiliate me, calling me “daddy’s boy”: “It was hard for me to hear that. Everywhere they giggled and whispered, looking at me. Somehow I couldn’t stand it and broke the contract.”

At the peak of popularity

The young musician began working under the pseudonym Le Truk, then Giuseppe Tough came. There was no success, and the rapper returned to his previous stage name, adding an Old Church Slavonic letter at the end - Decl.

Tolmatsky released 5 studio albums, but only the first two became truly successful. He may not have had the same fame, but Kirill said that he “manages his own life.” He was very happy about this: “I am responsible for my every word and action. There is no one behind me."

What did Decl do?

The musician began to build his own career. He wrote and performed only what he wanted. Kirill preferred philosophical rap. The singer, together with foreign musicians, worked on several albums at once. One of them became multilingual, and contained tunes in English, Spanish, French and Japanese.

Kirill staged theatrical performances. Good feedback His work “Here and Now” received critical praise. Kirill read poetry and at the same time communicated with the audience. The performance turned out to be interesting.

Kirill's team

In recent years, the rapper's name has been associated with scandal. Kirill filed a lawsuit against his colleague, a singer under the pseudonym Basta.

Decl and Basta: the conflict went to court

He wrote obscene statements about Decl on his Facebook. There were many lawsuits and hearings, but in the end, Basta was ordered to pay moral compensation.

Personal life

Kirill, along with his wife Yulia and son Tony, lived in a well-equipped apartment in Moscow. The family has two executive cars. Kirill noted that they “don’t make a splash,” but they had enough money to live on. Periodically he toured Russia and European countries.

Kirill with his wife and son

Several years ago, the singer signed a contract with a Western writing community. Tolmatsky wrote tracks together with foreign musicians; they are sold on the iTunes and Bandcamp channels.

The rapper's wife Julia is a former model. Now the girl works as a designer.

Wife Julia: model and designer

Kirill Tolmatsky noted that he deliberately “went underground”; he created rap that “removes aggression from people.”

I remove aggression from people

“I want to write tracks that, after listening to them, people would take to the streets, not to fight, but to dance. This is what music was created for – to help clarify relationships through dance and song, without breaking the law.”

What happened to Decl

On the night of February 3, 2019, Decl passed away. After a concert in Izhevsk, the musician’s heart stopped. As the rapper’s wife said on her Instagram: “God took away his loved one... Kirill died of cardiac arrest.” Official reason The death of the performer is not yet known, an investigation is underway. Fans and musicians are mourning the unexpected death of the singer and friend.