Is it possible to draw portraits of people? Why are portraits dangerous?

Why can't you draw from a photo? What's wrong with groups that criticize drawings?

Recently I was offered to create a group where everyone would post their work, and I criticized them. I became interested in this topic and decided to familiarize myself with existing similar public pages.

And I got the feeling that there aren’t many groups that criticize art and help artists with advice, but they still exist. So today we’ll talk about them, as well as why you can’t learn to draw from a photo.

What are these groups?

The idea is simple: you throw your drawings into the “suggestion”, and the admin prepares a post with criticism, and then publishes it. Comments are usually disabled, so criticizing criticism is not allowed. Or administrators, on the contrary, do not take part in criticism at all, but simply publish art. IN in this case comments are turned on and the work is criticized by subscribers, that is, by all and sundry.

Who are the admins?

I am extremely amazed by the sycophantic tone in the letters of people who direct their work. They apologize for everything they missed. They ask for forgiveness at the beginning, in the middle and, control, at the end. This seems like it should be very cute, but it’s not! Somehow the sugar makes my eyes stick together.

And it seems that after reading all these posts I have an overdose of the word “for” and other pompous syllables, for example: “I’m very grateful, if you please, I drew it just now.” Guys, if you are not sure that you can write without errors, then it is better to use a more familiar and simple writing style. After all, every style assumes appropriateness - you wouldn’t go out to buy bread in a ballgown or go to the beach in a tuxedo?

All this means is that in such a situation it is very easy for administrators to imagine themselves to be the navel of the earth. Despite the fact that administrators in such communities are anonymous. This means that they may be elementary school students, and in a professional sense, not represent anything of themselves. Not all admins who take on the burden of criticism can draw even at an elementary level. I'm not talking about everyone, but it's very common.

I saw how, in response to outright rudeness on the part of the admins, some subscribers wrote: “everything is correct, you need to be stricter with us, otherwise we’ll completely get away with it,” and by the way, among the subscribers there are many adults. Friends, you still need to respect yourself at least a little.

I also noticed that such communities compose multi-volume rules, in the manner of minutes of UN Security Council meetings. And they require subscribers not only to read them, but also to memorize them! Who even cares about the foot wraps of the rules in some VKontakte community?! Not me! There are generally accepted rules of behavior in any community, politeness, adequacy. This is quite enough. Everything else is just a reason for admins to assert themselves, their way to feel like a little big boss. I don’t even know what kind of golden content can keep me in such a group?

What kind of criticism awaits you?

If you decide to send your work for criticism, it’s better not to bother yourself, I will predict the comments you will receive directly through the monitor using special magic. “Not bad, but you need to learn anatomy, the eyes are different, work on the strokes and shadows, you can add more detail.” This is a typical comment, if you remove the ridicule and insults. And they repeat these patterns like a mantra from post to post; they won’t write anything else to you. I also noticed that critics write condescendingly and condescendingly in an ultimatum form: “You need to do this and that” instead of “I think this and that is missing.” In other words: “what I say is the truth, and not just my opinion.”

And what meaning does this criticism carry?

I saw how one girl tried to ask what was wrong with the shadows in the drawing and where were the errors in the construction, but she was simply ignored. The man flicked you on the nose and disappeared into the fog, it doesn’t matter to him to explain something, he’s not here for that.

Dear critics, if a person asks you to help with a drawing, then you can’t just tell him: “work on the drawing” - you need to be more specific, much more specific. Explaining is a gift, and if you have nothing to say, then don’t make a fuss. Empower yourself through your work rather than putting other people down.

I saw a comment: “Weak tonality, this means that you need to more clearly highlight the areas where shadows and penumbra should be located.” I think it was even the admin. In fact, tonality refers to the coloristic character of a work, as well as the saturation and contrast of colors and tones. That is, a complex set of characteristics that creates a general impression of the work, which gives it a certain sound, leaves a certain mood. The tone can be warm or cold, contrasting, gloomy. Tonality, tone and tonal relationships are not the same thing. That is, the admin misled the subscriber, and did it with a smart look, illiterately using professional jargon.

"Achieve it first"

I urge you not to create authority for yourself out of thin air and analyze the advice that you are given. Including mine. Criticize the critics! Ask more questions. If a person is arrogant and assertive, knows how to convince that he is right, and is sure that he is always right, this does not mean at all that his advice makes sense.

Anonymous can be anyone and have a lower skill level than you. Answer yourself honestly: will you listen to a person’s advice if his work is weak and has many errors? He will, of course, tell you that you don’t need to be a chef to evaluate a dish, that you can’t say “get it first,” etc. He can evaluate as much as he likes, but he is unlikely to give advice!

For me, the opinion of an anonymous person has practically no weight. I’ve seen too many times how absolutely worthless people, whose opinions no one takes into account in real life, go everywhere on the Internet with their opinions.

What should you never send to such communities if you don’t want them to stuff you into a Panama hat?

  • Stroke

This is when people draw using extra layer transparency. They trace the contours of a drawing already created by someone.

  • Coating

This technique is used when they want to do something very realistic drawing from a photograph. There are several ways to do the coating, including using different tools in Photoshop. The easiest way is to move your finger around any photo with the tool.

In these cases (outlining, coating) you use minimal amount skills. The uniqueness of the drawing is zero. And you don't get any development.

  • Copy, sketch

Copying someone else's ready-made drawings, without using a stroke.

This type of work is bad only because the uniqueness of such a drawing is zero and you cannot sign it with your name. Plus you don't develop your own creative imagination. But there are also a lot of advantages to this kind of work.

Firstly, you transfer the drawing, albeit from two-dimensional space to two-dimensional space, but still using your own eye, which means you develop it. Secondly, you analyze the work of the author you like very deeply, studying the features of his style that may elude you during normal viewing. The main thing here is to be honest with yourself, not to pass off a copy of someone else’s drawing as your own, and to understand the purposes for which you copy other people’s work.

Don’t think that if you copy or smear it from some picture on the Internet, no one will know about it. How can they find out! And even if they don’t find the source, there are still many ways to determine that the work was copied.

  • Drawing from a photo

Some public places do not accept works drawn from photographs. And here we get to the main question...

Why is drawing from a photo bad?

Because you are learning. You need practices that develop maximum amount skills. When you learn, you shouldn’t succeed in everything the first time, you shouldn’t be comfortable. If you find it hard to work, know that you are on the right track. If it is no longer difficult for you, then the learning process has stopped and you need to complicate the task.

Drawing from a photo does not provide enough exercise for your eye and brain. Drawing from 3D life will involve a lot more thought processes in your head. I would even recommend sculpture from life. This will definitely give you the maximum boost.

In addition, when you draw from life, you learn to cut off the unimportant and leave the main thing. Work from the general to the specific and do not get hung up on details, which can ruin the integrity of your work. And it will be even more interesting for you if the nature is in motion and the time for drawing is 10 seconds, for example.

Another point is composition. The photo already has a ready-made composition that the photographer has chosen for you. By drawing from life, you solve the problems of arranging objects on a sheet for yourself. And here you also cut off the unimportant and choose the main thing, on which you focus your and the viewer’s attention. This means you work with accents and even meanings. This is the creative component.

Drawing from a photo will never improve your drafting skills as much as drawing from life will. Which path do you choose: exciting and interesting, which will definitely lead you to your goal, or boring and calm, which will lead you to an unknown destination? Don't waste your time, get out of your comfort zone.

But the argument that “copying from a photo and saying that you are an artist is the same as rewriting War and Peace and saying that you are a writer,” I consider, to put it mildly, incorrect. Not the same. Drawing from a photo requires much more skills, and not everyone who can hold a pencil in their hands can do it.

Moreover, they write about “War and Peace” under every dispute about drawing from photos. Friends, answer me - how much originality is there in your words? This is the simplest everyday skill - to express your opinion, to discuss. And you can’t even do this in your own words, you copy and paste everything. And you think that you have the right to judge those who draw from photos.

Why do I draw from photos?

All of the above is relevant for learning and staying in shape. When I solve other problems I use photography as an auxiliary tool. At the same time, the skills that I learned from nature help me a lot.

If you come to the public and ask for criticism, it is obvious that you are just learning. Administrators have their own point of view on training and do not want to help those who do not adhere to it. They think that you are wasting your time when you could be developing. Hence the irritation on their part, which is why they refuse to criticize photo works. In general, they have the right to do so.

But when they say “why do you need criticism? just look at the photo and correct your mistakes,” I think people are being a little disingenuous. Very often, even if they have a sample, people cannot find and analyze their mistakes.


There are some public pages with competent admins and a healthy atmosphere, but mostly the admins there are schoolboys, the atmosphere is boorish, everyone wants only one thing - to assert themselves at the expense of others. Remember, to criticize does not necessarily mean to humiliate the object of criticism. Criticized cool head without emotions, then criticism is useful. If you are not a masochist, then you do not need a public page with useless criticism.

If you are an admin or a subscriber of such a public, but at the same time quite adequate, don’t be rude, criticize to the point, then I wasn’t talking about you in this video and there’s simply no point in you being offended by me and writing angry comments.


Many of us have heard that some tribes prohibit photographing their fellow tribesmen, because they believe that the portrait contains a piece of the soul of the person depicted. It turns out that some world religions also share a similar opinion, for example, in Islam and Judaism it is forbidden to draw portraits. And there are some facts that confirm the correctness of this opinion, namely the sad fate of many sitters.

Rembrandt, greatest master chiaroscuro, loved to draw his wife and children. His wife, Saskia, is depicted in many famous paintings: « », « Prodigal son in the tavern" and others. Saskia died after 8 years of marriage, and of the four children they had together, only one, Titus, was able to leave the cradle, although he only lived to be 27 years old. Rembrandt’s second wife, Hendricke Stoffelds, also often appeared in portraits (for example, “Flora”); needless to say, she also did not outlive the artist. A similar fate befell the relatives of another famous Dutch artist Peter Paul Rubens. His first wife Isabella and daughter often appeared in the painter’s canvases. Isabella did not live to see 35 years of age, and her daughter died at the age of 12.

Don’t think that such coincidences are a scourge Dutch painters their models. The sad fate of one of the Pre-Raphaelite’s favorite models, Elizabeth Siddal, is known. She especially often posed for Dante Rossetti; her most famous portrait is “Beatrice the Blessed”. Elizabeth died at age 32 from an overdose of laudanum. It is unknown whether this was suicide or an accident. Camille Doncieux’s tender relationship is also widely known; Monet’s sunny paintings dedicated to his wife are also known: “Camilla in a Japanese Dress”, “Lady in Green”, “Lady with an Umbrella”. There are portraits of Camille that belonged to the brushes of other impressionists, for example Renoir, Manet. Camille Manet died when she was 32, and her husband painted her posthumous portrait. Model for the most famous works Amadeo Modigliani was his student Jeanne Hebutien. She committed suicide at the age of 21 by jumping out of a window.

Similar sad facts occur in history. national painting. So, famous writer Vsevolod Garshin posed for I. Repin for his scandalous painting “Ivan the Terrible kills his son Ivan...”. It is known that the writer committed suicide by throwing himself down a flight of stairs, and this happened after posing for Repin. In general, I. Repin has developed a rather sad reputation as a portrait painter. At least 11 heroes of his portraits suffered premature death, shortly after the end of the artist’s work, including I. Pirogov, M. Mussorgsky, P. Stolypin. Three years after the completion of the portrait of Lopukhina, the work of V. Borovikov, the famous model died without any reason. And bad rumors circulated about this portrait for a long time. A sad fate befell many of the models of the Russian impressionist V. Serov. The model K. Somova (“Lady in Blue”) also died suddenly, and also his only love. There are known examples of the influence of portraits on viewers. So "

Killer Canvases

Alfred Higgins was 47 years old. He was one of the fifty richest people in the world. He had a beautiful wife and cute twin daughters. In the summer of 1996, Alfred commissioned a painting of him and his wife standing on the deck of their favorite yacht. The picture turned out to be colorful, but soon after finishing work on it, Alfred suffered a fatal cerebral hemorrhage. A week later, his wife was hospitalized with an attack of acute psychosis, and she soon died.

The Higgins couple died because Mark Quinn painted them. They said that the artist sold his soul to the devil - all the people depicted in the paintings died soon after posing. The Higginses were the first. The artist does not give interviews or comment on the tragic fates of his models. He periodically calls one or another wealthy person, whose face often appears in the newspapers: “You know, I’m planning to take your portrait...” And the mortally frightened millionaire pays a tidy sum just so that he doesn’t do it...

A portrait can change a person's fate, both good and bad. good side. Historians tend to focus on tragic cases because they are easier to record, although others are known.

From the dossier "S.G."

Historians know of many cases where people depicted in portraits died a premature or violent death.

Leonardo da Vinci agreed to paint for the Florentine citizen, Messire Francesco del Giocondo, a portrait of his wife Mona Lisa. Then she was 24 years old, she was immensely beautiful... Leonardo worked on the portrait for four years, but did not have time to complete it. In the small remote town of Langonero, Mona Lisa Gioconda died.

The wife of the great Rembrandt, Saskia (she was the model for his “Danae” and “Flora”), died at the age of thirty. Rembrandt painted a portrait of his children - three died in infancy, the fourth at 27 years old. Rembrandt's second wife, Hendricke Stoffels, depicted in many paintings, also did not live long.

Healing Canvases

Five-year-old Liza Kiseleva hit her knee. An x-ray revealed a bone fracture and a plaster cast was applied. The bone healed quickly. But soon Lisa again complained of pain in her leg... And again examinations, tears, pleas, uncertainty. In the fall, instead of going to school, Lisa entered the cancer center - lung cancer, multiple metastases, leaving no hope.

The parents, having come to terms with their grief, asked an artist they knew to paint a portrait of their daughter. Depict her as she was before her illness - with curly bright red hair, sparkling blue eyes and rosy cheeks. As a keepsake... The portrait turned out as if it were alive. A month later, doctors were surprised to discover that the tumor had stopped growing. Now Lisa is in the sixth grade - red-haired, blue-eyed, ruddy. Doctors called her recovery a miracle. And the parents are sure: the reason is in the portrait - it’s as if he forced Lisa to become like himself.

From the dossier "S.G."

Several examples of how portraits had a beneficial effect on the fate of the people depicted in them.

The daughter of a poor baker, Margherita Luti, nicknamed Fornarina (translated as baker), posed for the Italian painter Raphael Santi for the famous Sistine Madonna and some other paintings. After this, her fate turned out unexpectedly well for a representative of the poor class - she married a rich nobleman and lived a long, happy life.

The model for Rubens' magnificent Madonnas was his wife, the beautiful Elena Fourment. He continuously painted her portraits and as the heroine of many mythological stories- she became more and more beautiful, gave birth to many healthy children. She outlived her husband by a lot.

Experts' opinion

Art critic Natalya Sinelnikova, candidate of art history:

Yes, those who are closely connected with the world of art know well: creative communication with an artist does not pass without leaving a mark on the person being portrayed. Why?

A true artist, when creating a picture, puts his soul into it and imbues it with enormous energy. At this time, he is sure to be fueled by something - from a bar of chocolate to cosmic energy, whatever he can. Apparently, the influence of the creator on the people around him depends on the degree of this “connection to the power source.” Some artists are distinguished by colossal energy - they splash it out on the picture, and at the same time on their sitters, family and loved ones. Such was, for example, Rubens, next to whom all women flourished. Other artists, on the contrary, are like a sponge - they suck the energy from those around them in order to give it to the painting, so models and family members waste away right before our eyes, as was the case, for example, with Picasso. The mechanisms of such vampirism are unknown to us...

But this does not happen with artisans who paint those who want to in crowded squares - they do not put their soul into the image. A portrait that truly has internal energy is different from the rest - you look into its eyes and feel: just a moment more, and you will find yourself through the looking glass, behind the painting...

Head of the Astra Design Bureau at the Moscow Aviation Institute and the Kosmopoisk association Vadim Chernobrov:

Scientists worked on the mystery of “fateful paintings” different countries. In the New and Alte Pinakothek in Munich, in the Louvre in Paris, in art galleries In Brussels, special devices were installed to record viewers’ eye movements and the time spent in front of the painting. Researchers have discovered that a number of paintings clearly contain a certain energy, a soul. Using thermography, it was recorded: in a state of creative ecstasy, the artist’s brain receives great amount energy - he develops an altered state of consciousness.

At this time, the electroencephalogram shows special slow waves, characteristic of the active work of the subconscious, which do not occur in ordinary person. It is in this state that the artist is able to create a miracle.

At the same time, in a number of cases it was noted that when the artist’s energy increases, the sitter’s brain biopotentials sharply decrease. The artist “burns” his model and feeds on its energy.

At the same time, in some workshops, measurements showed that models’ brain biopotentials increased while posing. Apparently, in these cases, artists, on the contrary, give energy to those around them.

As a result of research, it was proven that the model is influenced by the creative energy of the artist and in most cases this is dangerous for the life of the person being portrayed. Moreover, a sad fact has been noted: when a person who is not close to him poses for an artist, he spends (and therefore vampirizes) less energy than when he paints his own children or wife.

Professional models, who pose for dozens of sketchers every day, usually do not suffer from their work - they do not “allow the artist into their soul.”

In any case, you should be very careful about posing. It is not without reason that people gifted with high sensitivity, such as Vanga, Edgar Cayce and others, refused artists’ offers.

She posed and was healed

At the beginning of the 20th century, eighteen-year-old Elena Dyakova came from Russia to be treated at a tuberculosis clinic in Switzerland. However, eminent doctors believed that it was no longer possible to help her. Meanwhile, Elena met the aspiring artist and poet Paul Eluard - he painted a lot of a thin, consumptive girl, and her illness subsided a little. Then Elena became friends with the surrealist Max Ernst, who also painted her. The doctors were amazed - a woman who should have died a long time ago was feeling quite well... At the age of forty, she married Salvador Dali, becoming a famous Gala. Dali painted his wife almost every day - young and beautiful, without wrinkles or gray hair. She died at the age of 88.

Death and life

Edgar Poe's story "Death and Life" tells the story of an artist who painted his wife. The story begins with the words: “She was a maiden of rare beauty...”, and ends with the artist putting the last dot on the portrait and exclaiming admiringly: “But this is life itself!”, then turns his gaze to his wife, and she is dead.

The Picture of Dorian Grey

The relationship between the portrait and the prototype is described in Oscar Wilde’s parable novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” - divine beauty the young man depicted on the canvas turned into a vile old man as his prototype, Dorian, decayed spiritually. “A portrait is like a conscience...” writes Wilde.

Why is it forbidden to depict people and animals in Islam?

Gulnara Karimova.

This is due to the mysterious influence of drawing on the human psyche.

The Koran does not recommend doing this due to the fact that a person begins to worship not Allah, but animals and people. Thus, the image of animals awakens animal instincts in us: on coats of arms, T-shirts, in the form of tattoos on the body - all this is an attempt to adopt their qualities. And the image of people (especially naked bodies) makes you forget about God and provokes madness.
Meanwhile, drawings of nature calm and increase admiration for its Creator.
There are many examples where paintings of people and animals caused mental disorders.
Thus, among the peoples of the far north and various islanders, the religious cult is shamanism, where figurines of animals and people are worshiped. During the existence of these cults, its priests - sorcerers learned to use magical power art of their depiction and to the detriment of man. The African cult of voodoo, European Druids and Magi in Rus' are notorious for this, who used various totems to harm people's health. For example, Americans noticed that some masks purchased in Africa or on the southern islands, where there is a voodoo cult, brought tragic fate their owners. Many of them suffered from serious mental illness or cancer. Although modern medicine does not directly connect this with masks, patients felt that this was so.
Interestingly, when America legally usurped the state, the enslaved country took revenge in this way.
There are paintings, including world masterpieces, with a strange fate: they bring misfortune to their owners for many centuries. Among them:
"La Gioconda" by Leonardo da Vinci. It is noticed that it deprives people of vitality. This was first noted by the writer Stendhal, who complained of a loss of strength after admiring her. Louvre workers claim that the absence of tourists makes the picture dull, but when they come, the colors become brighter and the smile becomes clearer.
“Venus at the Mirror” by Diego Velazquez brought ruin to all its owners.
“The Scream” by Edvard Munch, which depicts a screaming man, brought death to those who were somehow connected with it.
The painting “The Adoration of the Magi” by Pieter Bruegel the Elder is associated with infertility in the families of those who bought it.
The list can be continued among Russian paintings. The paintings “Portrait of Maria Lopukhina” by V. Borovikovsky and “Woman of the Rain” by S. Taurus have a similar effect.
What all the paintings have in common is that they depict people. And if it is impossible to prove their detrimental fate scientifically, then they do influence the psyche. People usually notice this, but he is never wrong.
There is also the opposite observation: people who were depicted in paintings do not live long. For example, Rembrandt outlived two wives and all his children. Saskia, familiar to everyone from “Danae” and “Flora,” died 8 years after the wedding. Rembrandt also painted children a lot - three of them died in infancy. The only survivor, Titus, died at age 27. The second wife, Hendrike Stoffels, the artist’s favorite model, also died quickly.
Rubens had his wife Isabella as the model for his famous Madonnas. She died at the age of 35. Daughter - at 12.
The Duchess of Alba posed for the most famous paintings of the Spaniard Goya - “Naked Macha” and “Dressed Macha”, who died three years later.
Ilya Repin idolized the writer Garshin. From it he drew the prince in famous painting about the murder of his son by Ivan the Terrible. Then he made a brilliant portrait of the writer. Soon Garshin rushed down the flight of stairs.
First artist last decades In Russia, Ilya Glazunov often painted his wife Nina. Nina Vinogradova-Benoit jumped out of the window.

Comments on the publication: 30

    I think that everything can be depicted according to modern principles, of course, if everything is normal in the photo, and not in a bad way.

    Hello, dear Raul Khabibullovich! Tell me, how should you feel about taking photographs? After all, we take photographs of our children from birth, then admire their images. Someone hangs portraits on the wall. Doesn’t this harm them? There is probably some opinion about this in Islam?

    No harm, no harm

    I think that if a girl/woman is photographed, she should have her head and shoulders covered, as required in Islam.

    Allah wanted to protect women from male aggression against them, so he wanted women to cover their bodies, the Koran was sent at a time when men did not consider women as people. newborn girls were buried alive if their parents did not need them. But modern women are no longer threatened by male sexual aggression; over the centuries they have weakened so much that they are already dying out, and everyone is puffing up. Modern woman more exposed and studied Arabic and read the Koran. Look at the statistics: how many men study and how many women study to read the Koran. I am very sorry that the Creation of Allah is man in an eternal search for who is stronger.

    Yesterday I brought my children to Ufa on an excursion. While they were hanging out in the Gostiny Dvor, I stopped by the Belaya Reka bookstore on Lenin Street. In the religious literature section I see two new thick books written by the Moscow mufti Ravil Gainutdin, and on both books there are his portraits. I saw the first issue from my sister, who lives in Ufa glossy magazine“Muslim”, and on the back of the first page is again his portrait. When I asked why there was a portrait of a man in a women’s magazine, she shrugged her shoulders and suddenly blushed, although I had no idea about any hints there...

    Explain why he hangs his portraits in women's magazines? Maybe the enemies of Islam are doing this on purpose to insult such an outstanding person?

    Dear Ildar! I don't think we should get hung up on such little things. You see for yourself what our pop elite gets up to. The things they say about themselves are just disgusting, so I personally haven’t watched TV for a long time, but I follow the news via the Internet. Today, the Muslim Church elite are not some kind of saints, but completely normal politicians. They have nothing to do with Islam, because Islam without politics is a completely different religion, Religion with a capital R and stands for “restoring connections.” The word "Re" in Greek means "restoration" and the word "lygos" means connection. The question is, who will restore the connection? Answer: “With God, with Allah, naturally.” Back in the 8th century, Hazrat Hasan Basri (died in 782) to the question: “What is Islam, who is a Muslim?”, answered: “Islam is in books, and a Muslim is in the grave.” (See “Tazkirat al-Auliyya, or Tales of the Saints,” by Farid ad-din Attar - a star on the spiritual horizon.) “The fact that the Muslim community is still unable to take the place in the world that was assigned to it Allah Himself only serves as proof that she chose a path different from that indicated in the Koran. She will not be able to fulfill her task in the world until she again shows her readiness to obediently accept the guidance of Allah.”

    Respect to you, Raul, for your answer to Ildar! Reading it, I remembered the joke: March 8th. There are people in the hall, in the presidium there are shock workers, the collective farm workers are drunk as hell. The presenter congratulates the editorialists, rewards them with certificates... “Here is Maryivanovna, he says, an excellent milkmaid, a house, her own farmstead thanks to the Soviet regime. And who was she before the revolution? That’s right, comrades women, a rolling need... Take Matryona Vasilievna, also former poverty, bread I haven’t eaten enough, and now I’m a pig farmer, living as a godfather to the king, and as a matchmaker for the minister. Throughout the conversation, the chairman of the collective farm, holding the leader by the front of his jacket, whispers: “Tell me about me, about me... The leader continues to talk in the same spirit. about the editorials, and the chairman pesters him and pesters him, the audience hears and quietly chuckles. Finally, the presenter gets tired of all this and says: “Or take our Vanvanych. Who was he before the revolution? That’s right - a fool, but now who is the Chairman of the collective farm? ...

    To the question of the artist, who said that he makes a living by making images of people, the initiate replied: “Whoever creates (any) image (of any creature in which there is a spirit) Allah will subject him to torture until he will not breathe spirit into him, and he will never (be able to do this). But if you definitely want to continue doing this, then you should (depict) trees and everything that has no spirit.”

    Asia answered all the questions with one phrase!)))

    I've been looking for this information for a long time, thank you.

    Is it possible to take photos? My sister doesn’t even take pictures in a hijab.

    Or maybe if it were possible to draw people and animals, the world would recognize many others - Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Serov among the Islamic world. Maybe then there would be more goodness and civilization in the world, and not anger and revenge!

    I want to draw people, people, but I know that in Islam you can’t draw... Still, I drew knowing!? But I didn't have those...

    Islam is an ancient religion, and many of its provisions contradict common sense modern man. Nowadays, few people would think of drawing a frog and worshiping it as an idol. Allah cannot forbid drawing. But it is forbidden to worship idols that obscure faith in Allah.

    The other day I was asked a question: Why is it forbidden to depict people in Islam? People are created in the likeness of God, but he cannot be seen, and therefore cannot be depicted. The ban did not prevent people from being depicted in historical chronicles and paintings.

    In Islam it is forbidden to depict prophets, angels, generals or scientists. How can we preserve their memory for future generations? What should be the veneration of truly great people?

    In his affairs, in books, in memory.

    I was drawing animals... then I found out that I can’t... what should I do now with these drawings?((

    Alaikum assalaam, Amina! Don't do anything. Allah judges a person by intention; if you did not know about the prohibition on this topic, then your violation was unconscious, and this is a completely different degree of guilt. This is not a malicious violation. In this case, it is enough to read the dua and ask for forgiveness from the Almighty. Here's something else you need to know. In Islam, the prohibition on depicting living beings - people, animals - is due to the fact that the artist always draws their eyes, with which he tries to revive the drawing, and according to religious canons, this is subject only to Allah. Therefore, by doing this, the artist, as it were, begins to compete with God in an attempt to endow inanimate things with a soul. There is a hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) says that such people will go to Hell for competing with the Creator, and there they will be forced to revive their works. They will not be able to do this and will be punished for it. In general, they will suffer for this. Here's the story. Therefore, in Islam it is customary to decorate things - carpets, dishes, mosques - with patterns of geometric shapes. And depict nature in the paintings. The Jews, who also have a ban on this kind of painting, came out of the situation differently: they came up with abstract art. All this suggests that God has given man only the ability to express a thought, which can also be conveyed in the form of a drawing. That is, with the help of lines, shapes, colors. Apparently, this is the purpose of painting from the point of view of Islam. Symbolism stimulates the imagination and opens the gates to spiritual world. And from there, according to Allah’s plan, a person was supposed to download his discoveries. After all, discovery is what is revealed to us by God from His Heavenly Tablet. The invisible leads to the invisible, therefore the thought presented in the form of symbols, mere hints, leads us to the divine source of knowledge. And the thought expressed apparently, on the contrary, closes the eyes of the mind, stopping thinking on the visible. Therefore, such painting refers to self-delusion and does not lead to good. And in your case, it doesn’t make sense to destroy your drawings, as someone might think; you need to make it your intention to change the shape of the image of your thoughts on the canvas. Artists call it seeing differently.

    What if I drew a person’s head, but he was ugly and not very realistic, although I knew a little bit that drawing people is not recommended, but I didn’t know that it was a sin and forbidden. What should I do with the drawing? Should I erase it, throw it away, tear it up, or is it too late?

    Help me please. Since early childhood, I have been living with the dream of drawing and working as an airbrush artist! I went towards my goal, spent a lot of money and time, got married, converted to Islam and found out... that drawing is a sin! I love drawing animals because I admire them as a creation The Almighty, their beauty and grace. Now I am in deep depression... I lived with this all my life, and now I can’t do it? I feel very bad...

    Just bring this art to new level understanding. As far as we know, airbrushing is a fantasy style. But this is also accepted in Islam. Just remember the fairy tales “A Thousand and One Nights”, with their cyclops, roc birds, and other fantastic animals... A true artist always draws the invisible, then he makes discoveries, and his paintings become great. Take for example a picture Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai’s “In the Depths of Kanagawa,” which journalists in the 20th century dubbed “The Great Wave off Kanagawa.” The painting depicts a huge wave looming over a boat near Kanagawa Prefecture. Back in the 18th century, Hokusai depicted it a rare event nature: each fragment of a wave (splash, drop) in the picture repeats the outlines of the entire giant wave. At first, modern physicists protested, saying that such a phenomenon does not exist, but then they discovered that it does happen! He looked at her just once, imprinted it in his brain, and figuratively conveyed scientific discovery as an artist. This is what we should strive for - to see something new. This is what distinguishes real works of art from handicrafts. This general principle for everyone who wants to draw, no matter what they draw.

    In Islam it’s like this: Allah judges a person according to his intentions (wonderful judgment!). Therefore, first enter the intended picture into the rank of intention, abstract, understand what you really want to draw, and all the pros and cons of your work will immediately be revealed to you, and at the same time it will become clear what the Almighty wants from you. Proceed from the fact that all prohibitions in Islam have their meaning. For Allah wants to make our life easier, not harder. He wants to teach us how to do things right. And better. It is not for nothing that Muslim paintings are based on ornaments. If you want, this is mathematics in painting, its formulas encoded in geometric shapes, the scientific basis itself visual arts. But you don’t have to do everything the same way, that is, convey the design with an ornament. Simply by understanding the very principle of what you want to display, you can do it in more graceful, smooth and natural forms. Sometimes it is enough to convey the idea itself with color and line. Perhaps this is what Islam seeks to teach us by introducing restrictions on something? And perhaps, following them, you will open a new direction of painting, or even the new kind her. This is how Allah teaches us to think. We hope that we were clear and helped you.

    Thank you very much for your answer. But airbrush is not exactly fantasy. These are images of what the customer wants. They can also ask you to draw nature, an animal or a person. I’m depressed because when I draw, my soul filled with light and warmth, I want to do good, selfless deeds. And without this, I feel worthless, incapable of anything. best work, me I plan to sell it at the annual fair, and use all the proceeds for the treatment of sick children, a drop in the ocean, but still. Animals are my best, but I definitely want to grow, I want to paint landscapes and invent something. But for now I can only draw with photos, I’m gaining experience... I’m starting to read literature with anatomy, perspective, etc. in order to draw from my head. I definitely won’t be able to draw ornaments, because it requires a certain precision. And about intentions, the Almighty knows that in my heart and soul...that every time I take in hands pencil, me I thank him for giving me such talent. I admire the beauty of everything he created. After all, he gave me this opportunity for a reason?

    I sometimes do wood carving. I didn’t even know that it was forbidden to create images of people and animals in wood. But the last image “Keeper of the Hearth” came the image of a pregnant woman, without a face, I always liked drawing out the beautiful structure of wood. You can Is there an image without a face? It's like mannequins.

    Yakov wrote: “To be honest, the article is completely unconvincing. Considering that there are hundreds of thousands of artists, any selection can be made. There will definitely be a dozen who have lived only a short time; a dozen of those from whom luck has turned away; and a dozen of those who posed for pictures and did not achieve happiness. What about the rest of us who were successful and happy drawing people and posing? If there were at least some kind of pattern that said that artists all, as one, receive misfortune as punishment from God, then no one would paint anymore. It seems so to me".

    But this is a classic, Yakov. That is, the example of the more famous and “successful” shows how such people end up. The rest, less famous in this field, only repeat to some extent the fate of these people. There are no people who live a completely cloudless life. Why do you think? The reason for this is stated in the Quran:

    And We did not send before you any messenger or prophet without him, lest, when he dreamed, Satan would throw something into his dreams. Allah erases what Satan throws in, then Allah examines His signs. For Allah is Knowing, Wise! (22:52).

    That is, when a person is doing well, and there is a reason to dream, he begins to transgress the limits of what is permitted by God. Only everyone is in their own field, and this is psychologically familiar to everyone. And then God punishes the person. Hence troubles, failures and even death, depending on the degree of guilt. This verse is the same classic. For here the situation is illustrated by the example of the prophets - that is, the best of people. But they also suffered from deviations in behavior, although later, turning to Allah, they “erased” their crafty fantasies. And then they began to see the meaning of their mistakes and began to understand what they could lead to. This is what should have been done if you went in the wrong direction, because man is weak. Man was created to live in Paradise, but lives in Hell only because he transgresses the boundaries of morality established for him by God.

    By analogy with the verse, we have given such data, but using the example of the best of artists. As if we took a special case of what was said in the verse. The result is also a classic example, but for artists. And if we take a sample from the lives of other painters, we will see that they will only be smaller copies of their idols. That is, they will exactly repeat their fates, but in a minimized version. In other words, to be more convincing, a separate sociological study is needed.

    Assalyamu alaikum! I have one question, please answer it... I love to draw, especially people, I depicted eyes a lot... A lot... When people said that you should not depict eyes, I thought that this was just another sign of people and didn't pay attention. I am afraid of Hell... And sinful acts, because because of them I will not see the face of Allah... I know that I will meet Allah... And I am afraid of the answer before Him...

    For the sake of Allah, give a fatwa on these drawings, what should I do with them? If you tell me to burn them, I will burn them for the sake of the Almighty... Throw them away?! I will do it for the sake of Allah! I will leave this act for His sake... But what should I do with those that have already been drawn?!

    I really want to see the face of Allah in Firdavs... But if this act leads me to Hell... Then I will not be able to see the face of my Beloved... Then I will not be able to see the face of my Almighty...

    Thank you for your attention... I will wait for your answer to my question

    Valeikum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Niginabonu khanum. Alhamdulillah, we are happy for you that you are so sincerely worried about what you previously committed out of ignorance and want to correct the situation. Allah Almighty forgives those who repent sincerely. I would like to give you a few hadiths to support you:

    Hadiths about sins and repentance

    Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “People, repent before your Lord! I, truly, [not because I sin, but for edification and as an example to you] ask forgiveness from God [saying “astaghfiru-lah” (“forgive me, Allah”)] and return to Him (I repent before Him) for more than seventy once a day".

    There is no need to sin in order to pray to the Lord of the worlds for forgiveness and to repent before Him. Saying “astagfiru-la” (“forgive me, Lord”), a believer tries to be closer to God and remember Him more often.

    If a believer has committed a sin, stumbled, forgotten, then he should certainly repent, intend not to repeat this again and, what is very important, not drag the emotional weight of sin with him throughout life, and this is what some newcomers to matters of faith and religiosity do. Let me remind you of the words conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him): “Satan said to the Lord: “I swear by Your power and greatness! I will not cease to mislead [encourage to sin] Your servants (people) until their souls leave their bodies [until the last moments of life]!” The Lord of the Worlds replied: “I swear by My power and greatness! I will not stop forgiving them (people) [sins and misdeeds committed intentionally] as long as they ask Me for forgiveness [repent of what they did and have no intention of repeating it in the future].”

    The companion of the Prophet Muhammad Ibn Mas'ud once said: “Truly, a believer (mu'min) sees his sins like one who sits under a huge rock and is afraid that it is about to fall on him. The feeling of sin by a vicious person is like a fly brushing his nose as it flies past.”

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “He who has repented of a sin [irrevocably abandoned it, done everything possible not to repeat it in the future] is like one who does not have [this] sin [as if he had never committed this sin . If Allah loves someone [for his good deeds and aspirations, for his obligation to Him and people], then sin [after sincere repentance] will not harm him.” Then he quoted a verse from the Koran: “Verily, Allah loves those who sincerely repent and loves those who purify themselves [attentive to maintaining spiritual and physical cleanliness].” The Prophet was asked: “What is the sign of repentance?” He replied: “Regret.”

    As for issuing fatwas, we are not authorized to do so. We give general direction thoughts, how to understand the Koran, hadiths. The main thing is that you repented and obeyed the hadith of the prophet (pbuh), stopped drawing unlawful images and do not intend to do this in the future. And what to do with what has already been drawn - decide for yourself, using the intelligence given by Allah, make dua and ask Him to tell you. With sincere respect and kind prayers, Timur Hazrat Imaev, employee of the Nur Research Center. [email protected]

    Is it possible to draw someone but without eyes?

    Assalyamu alaikum!

    I have a question: is it possible to draw cartoon characters?

    Which is similar to real people but they differ in eyes, nose, face shape, etc.