How to draw a human hand with a pencil. Learning to draw a human hand. Draw real finger contours

The man is considered one of the most complex models for drawing. Some might say that the face is the hardest thing to draw. But I will tell you that in reality, most artists just hate hands! Surprisingly, they are just terribly difficult and tedious to draw. But using this step-by-step guide, you can easily deal with this little problem.

First, understand that learning how to draw hands can be difficult. Secretly, many artists simply look for hand drawings and copy from them, which is very inconvenient in some cases. It may seem that drawing a human body or face is much more important, and in the case of hands, you can search the Internet for examples of work. But it will be much more useful and easier to just learn once.

The anatomy of the human hand is complex and amazing, its structure is one of the decisive factors that distinguishes us from other representatives of the animal kingdom.

In this tutorial you will learn how to draw hands. Brynn Mesenay shared with us his simple step by step instructions, which involves knowing how to make drawing easier by first breaking the drawing down into small shapes such as cylinders and balls. In the second part of the article, we have selected tips for you from Sten Prokopenko, where the anatomy of the hands is clearly shown - this way you can better understand the drawing.

So let's begin our step by step tutorial on how to draw hands.

What do we have inside?

Take a look at anatomical reference books to understand how it all works.

And inside we have bones, tendons, connective tissues, muscles and, sad to say, fat. Of course, it is useful to draw what it all looks like from the inside, but we must not forget that from the outside everything looks completely different.

However, if you impose internal image externally, then you can kill two birds with one stone. More about this in the second part of the article.

Disassemble into shapes

Simplifying the drawing will help you understand how to do all this.

Let's use the picture above to figure this out. It is more convenient to divide the hand into figures according to the skeleton drawing, and designate the palm with a rounded trapezoid, fingers with rectangles, and fingertips with teardrop-shaped circles.

So you will stop focusing on certain “ beautiful hands", and you can build a three-dimensional version of real hands.

Make it voluminous and analyze it

Watch the proportions of your fingers so that they look real.

Now start rounding the shapes so that the rectangular fingers turn into cylinders, and mark the joints with circles. This will make your hand look voluminous.

While you're working on the curves, keep an eye on the proportions. Interesting fact, which will be useful to you in your work: the length of the palm is usually approximately equal to the length of the middle finger. Also remember that fingers are rarely perfectly straight or the same length. As they say, our little imperfections make us human.

See those blue lines in the picture? These are the basic proportions for the hands, and if you follow them, the hand will become truly natural and neat.

Posture Study

At this stage, it would be best to use 3D finger models. You can mold them from plasticine or use large beads, for example.

Having taken apart the hand for more simple figures and having made it in 3D, you can move on to sketching your own poses. Don't worry about the details yet, it's more important for you to learn.

While sketching for this tutorial, I used my hands for a more natural look. I didn't go into too much detail, limiting myself to creating volume. Recently I noticed that when drawing hands I look less and less at my own, and at at the moment I can easily draw several poses without going into details. But you may not feel comfortable drawing from your own hand, so I advise you to draw the first few sketches using your friends or relatives. Art requires victims, even if they do not want to become its victims.

Don't detail the hands too much, especially the fingertips. Just draw the general shape.

Proportions, perspectives and volume await you!

Focus on detail.

Now that you have had enough practice with drawing poses, choose the one you like best and, using your hand, start sketching it as in step number 3. The drawing above shows lines showing the direction in which the fingers usually bend. I hope this helps you figure it out.

At this stage, softness and lightness of the drawing is important, so it is better to use a pencil.

Start drawing gestures and shapes

Use the previous sketches as a guide to determine the shape.

Since I'm drawing digitally, I won't be using previous sketches but will start straight away with the final drawing. If you are working traditionally, that is, on paper, gradually add volume, show light and shadow and apply the final lines only at the end of the process.

In the picture you can see that in some places I deviated from the pink line, but don't worry. A simplified view was drawn there, but we need a detailed one, so we give the hand a natural look.

Final detail

At this stage, you can no longer flatter your model and add wrinkles.

Now you need to start drawing the folds, nails, line pattern on the pads, and you realize that the previous tips helped you make it easier last stage drawing.

In this lesson, I suggest you draw a hand in its classic position - fingers open, palm down. You may want to draw a hand clenched into a fist or a hand palm up. Or draw connecting hands, as in the background picture. Either way, this tutorial will help you draw hands. Drawing a hand is very convenient because you draw with one hand and can draw with the other. First, carefully study your hand, pay attention to the length of the fingers, all proportions. You can even outline the hand if you are going to draw it at life size.

1. Marking the contour of the hand

Indeed, if you need draw a hand on the entire sheet of paper, it is easier to outline the outline of your hand, and then, using some tips from this lesson, just add small details. If you need to draw a hand on a smaller scale, then first put two dots for the wrist and five dots for the fingers. Please note that it is not the index finger, but the middle finger on the hand that is the longest.

2. Straight contour lines of the fingers

The length of the fingers varies. They say very long fingers from musicians. The nobles believed that long and slender fingers emphasized aristocratic origin. Maybe, but we will be drawing a regular hand, so divide the segment where the little finger will be in half, and draw a line from it, parallel to the previously marked points. For the thumb, draw a rectangular outline.

3. Draw actual outlines of the fingers

At this stage, you only need to trace the straight contours of your fingers with a pencil and give them real shapes. Perhaps these preliminary contours turn out to be inaccurate, then the shape of each finger can be clarified separately.

4. General hand shape

At this step you can adjust the contours of the fingers. Make a deeper “angle” for the thumb, but you can leave the original contour, at your discretion. Mark the phalanges and remove unnecessary contour lines from the drawing.

5. The drawing is almost finished

First of all, paint your fingernails. Highlight the knuckles with a few strokes and you can say hand drawing finished. All that remains is to draw a few details in the next step.

6. How to draw a hand. Shadows

A person's hands have "wrinkles" or folds in the knuckles that stretch when the fingers are squeezed, make these areas darker. There is an area between the fingers that also needs to be highlighted. To make the hand look voluminous in the drawing, you can make some of the contour lines darker and thicker. In this case, decide which side the light source will be on. It may seem that draw a hand It's not difficult at all. Try to draw, and then compare your hand with the resulting drawing.

Let's try to draw a hockey player in motion, with a stick and a puck, step by step. You might even be able to draw your favorite hockey player or goalie.

This lesson is intended for those who already know how to draw well, since drawing a person is not easy. Draw a picture dancing ballerina especially difficult, since the drawing needs to convey not only the grace of human movements, but also the grace of ballet dance.

When drawing a person, you should see the entire future image from the expected lines and all you have to do is draw them. It is important not only to accurately “maintain” the proportions of these lines in the drawing, but to accurately draw the hands, eyes, and lips. They convey the mood and character of a person.

Portraits are the most complex look fine arts. Learn to draw a portrait, even with a simple pencil, requires not only time to learn, but also talent.

Human eyes are the most attractive and important part of a person's face. Since this element of the portrait attracts the most attention, it must be drawn very accurately. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a person's eyes with a pencil step by step.

Every person has a nose unique features, therefore, it is impossible to give precise advice on how to draw the nose of a girl, child or man. You can only make an abstract or, as they say, “academic” drawing of the nose. This is exactly the version of the nose that I suggest you draw.

In this tutorial we will look at drawing basics human hands .

Essentially, there is invisible line, which passes through the middle finger and through the center of the wrist. It should be perpendicular to the horizontal line crossing the wrist.

At the intersection of the lines, a circle is drawn around which the hand rotates freely.

Depending on the person’s hand, the location of the joints on the fingers also varies. However, to get an idea of ​​where the joints should be, you can draw two curved lines coming out of the thumbnail. If you add wrinkles in these places, your hands will look very natural.

Moving Parts

Now we will look at how the hand moves. Once you understand these basics, you will be able to draw realistic hands.

Each area of ​​the hand will be designated by a color, which will have corresponding text of the same color.

Inner side

This area moves towards itself, along with the four fingers.

External side

This area does not move - this is very important to remember.

This area moves with the thumb into the palm.

This area moves with the little finger, however, the movement is small.

Drawing hands

Let's draw the outline of an egg-shaped hand. The top of the egg will be the end of the middle finger. Next we will draw the extension of the hand, the wrist and the circle inside.

Now let's outline where it will be thumb, palm and four fingers. For convenience, you can draw a vertical line passing through the center of the palm.

Notice how the fingers are connected to each other and how they move.

Make the outline smooth and erase the auxiliary lines.

Size and proportions

The size and shape of the hand differs from person to person: wide palm, narrow palm, long fingers, short fingers. This list goes on - that's why there are rules in proportions when drawing a hand.

Basically, the length of the hands is approximately equal to the length of the middle finger, doubled.

The middle finger is usually the longest. The index and ring fingers are approximately equal, but sometimes the ring finger is longer. The little finger reaches the top joint of the ring finger.

Hand bones

In order to understand how muscles and skin move, consider a diagram of the bones of the hand.

Note that the bones of the index, middle, ring and little fingers are mostly connected and cannot move far apart. The thumb has much more wide circle movement.

Male and female hands

There is a big difference between a man's and a woman's hand. A person's hand looks more masculine if it is given a more angular shape, and more feminine if it is given a soft roundness.

The hand drawing with nails looks more realistic.

The average nail is about half the length from the tip of the finger to the first knuckle.

Women's nails are drawn more elongated and rounded, while men's nails are more square and angular.

Drawing a fist

Let's draw a circle that will correspond to the basic shape of the fist. Then we will add the lines of the thumb and wrist.

If you have trouble imagining where your thumb will be, just clench your hand into a fist and take a closer look at the position.

The back and top of the hand doesn't move, so you just have to pay attention to how the fingers are connected. Marking top part hands and four fingers are usually the same width.

As for the shadow, you can add it to create more realistic depth.

However, how detailed you draw the hand is up to you. Find your style that works best for you!

Different options for drawing a fist

This picture shows a hand clenched into a fist on the outside. The index finger is much higher than all the others.

In this drawing, three fingers are pressed into the palm, the thumb is pushed back, and the index finger is pointing to a point.

Please note that with shadows and wrinkles, index finger looks voluminous. The same applies to the fist, despite the fact that only some phalanges are drawn on the three fingers, a volume effect is created.

This picture shows a hand clenched into a fist with inside. The index finger is also higher than all the others.

There are various ways placement of wrinkles and shadows in order to create the effect of the volume of a fist.

Other Positions

Movement from open hand to squeeze it into a fist.

If you still find it difficult to draw fingers, imagine them as cylindrical elements that connect to each other to form fingers.

However, sometimes it is necessary to distort the fingers a little to give more depth.

For example, in the image, you see the index finger bent in an unnatural way, but it looks much more realistic than a straight look.

Translation: Prescilla

This material prepared for you by the site team

The human body has many parts. As we have already discussed with you here on the site, drawing the body and its individual parts correctly is not so easy. To do this, you need to study and know the basics of anatomy and physiology. Very often children draw parts of the body and the figures themselves in a very simplified, one might say amateurish way. We want to teach you how to draw elements of the human body correctly, first of all from an anatomical point of view. Arm yourself with a pencil and eraser, grab an album and start the lesson. By following our tips, you will gradually learn the basics of this wisdom.

Stage 1. Draw the caracal lines of the person’s hand. First we will teach you how to draw a person's hand from the elbow to the fingertips. We build a straight line.. On the upper part we mark a point from which we draw five segments, from which in turn we draw five more segments connected at an angle to the first. This is the basis of the future hand. Then, along the main straight line, we begin to outline the line of the elbow and the forearm of the hand (this is the part of the arm from the hand to the elbow). The forearm widens from the elbow bend, then thins and passes into the hand (the widened part). After this we begin to draw the fingers. First the little finger, then the ring finger. We draw them along those lines from point 1 of the same stage.

Stage 2. Now we draw the middle and index fingers of the hand. Along the auxiliary lines we give contours to the phalanges of the fingers. The hand is slightly bent, as if the person wants to take or hold something. Then we’ll draw the last, thumb. And one more thing. On the fingers and palms we will show irregularities in the skin, depressions and tubercles, skin folds.

Stage 4. Now let's try to draw a person's hand separately. We build additional initial frame lines like this. Select a point on a piece of paper. We draw three lines from it in different directions. At the end of the third line we put a point, and from it we draw segments connected to each other. It's like a skeleton of future fingers. We outline the hand itself with smooth lines around these straight lines to the finger area. The hand is bent down. Then. Let's draw the thumb. First, we will show its thickened part, then the phalanges of the finger itself and the line of connection with the index finger. Then we draw the index finger and middle finger of the hand, outlining the skeletal lines of the starting point of this drawing.

Stage 5. Finish drawing the ring finger and little finger. They are barely visible due to the front toes. We show folds on the skin, tubercles, bulges and irregularities on the hand. Then we delete all the sketch lines and leave only the necessary ones. We paint the hand, shading some areas (play of light and shadows). We hope you learned this lesson well and were able to draw human hands.

Hands are a personal and unique part of the body. They can often tell a story about a person's life through their shape and size. For many years people study their lines and structure, trying to read the future from the lines. Today we will learn draw hands with a simple pencil by using step by step lesson. Let's pay special attention their construction and application of shadows so that the drawing comes out as realistic as possible.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper;
  2. Eraser;
  3. Hard simple pencil;
  4. Two soft simple pencils.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. The picture will show two hands. One lies on top of the other. Let's start with the hand that will be on top. For construction we use a hard pencil. Let us denote the shape of the first hand with simple lines:

Photo 2. Place the second hand on the bottom left. It will be turned sideways. We are in no hurry to draw the fingers. Let’s just outline the wrist and hand:

Photo 3. On the left hand we will draw the fingers and folds on the bends. We don’t put pressure on the pencil in a stylish way; the pressure should be weak at the first stage. Otherwise, later the contours will not stand out naturally. The fingers are spaced slightly unevenly so that they peek out from behind each other. The small finger has the most folds because it is the most bent:

Photo 4. Now let's move on to the right hand. She lies on the top left. Add fingers and two parallel lines at the level of the bones, at the level of the bends. Thanks to this, it will be easier to navigate when building:

Photo 6. We continue to shade gradually adding more volume. Let's outline the outline a little and work it out right hand. The little finger and ring finger are on the curve, so we add more shadow to them than to the others:

Photo 7. Add folds and contour to the bends. Let's draw the details of the upper arm, and at the same time create volume on the lower arm:

Photo 8. Let's add more shadow, but try not to over-dark it. The strokes are applied gradually. This trick helps make hands look realistic:

Photo 9. Let's add more contrast. We continue adding shadow:

Photo 10. Let's refine the outline again, it will highlight the foreground. We leave the remaining places untouched.