Boar attack dream book. Dream interpretation of wild boars. Spring dream book Why do you dream of a Boar according to the dream book

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing a wild boar in the forest in a dream is a sign that your case in court will be considered in the most serious manner and you should not count on leniency. For those who are going on a trip, a dream about a wild boar predicts bad weather and other obstacles. A fat domestic hog in a dream foretells you that your enterprise will bring income, but to see a skinny boar, on the contrary, means losses and losses. If you dream that you are feeding pigs, then you will soon learn about the betrayal of people you trusted. Petting a pig in a dream is a sign that you are flattering a person who is unpleasant to you. Sometimes such a dream indicates that someone will repay you with ingratitude for a service or friendship rendered. Selling pigs in a dream means that you have to work hard to provide for your family. Nothing will come easy to you. Only through your labor can you provide yourself with a decent life. A dream in which you saw a hog or a pig with piglets is a sign that you will have a good income, success in business and prosperity in your home. The more piglets they have, the more profit this dream promises you. Seeing a wild boar running is a sign of danger; shooting him in a dream means that you will be able to cope with difficult situation, but you will incur losses. Catching a wild boar in a dream is a lucky chance.

Seeing a wild, dirty, skinny boar entering your house (or being in it) is a sign that soon a person will enter your house who will cause you a lot of harm. He will bring discord and tears into your home. Hearing the squeal of wild boars in a dream means bad news. This dream also predicts that you will have to work hard to make ends meet. A pig in a dream is a symbol of excitement and anxiety. Feeding him from your hands in a dream means that you should beware of the machinations of your enemies. Seeing it fried in a dream is a harbinger of illness and worries.

Suddenly meeting a pig in a dream foreshadows a meeting with a rude, impudent person who will bring you troubles and grief. In a dream, hearing a conversation about pigs means that your reputation is tarnished and you should think about correcting the current situation. If you dream that you are surrounded by pigs, then in fact you are in bad company, for which others will judge you.

A dream in which you saw that a pig attacked you warns you of danger. The dream indicates that excessive gullibility and promiscuity in relationships with people can harm your future.

Why do you dream of a wild boar according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Seeing a wild boar in a dream means you will meet a person who will cause you a lot of trouble and almost cause a split in your family. Running boar - you will be able to avoid many troubles. Hunt wild boars - soon you will have to make important decisions on your own. Kill a wild boar - you are in danger of an accident or illness. Buying a wild boar - in the near future you will be able to expand your business or acquire expensive property. Eating boar meat in a dream - to long journey.

Why do you dream of a wild boar according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a boar in the forest - bad things, experiences; boar in a pen - life without worries; boar in a trap - wish fulfillment; a boar attacks you in a dream - to obstacles; you escaped from a wild boar in a dream - be patient, luck will come, but later; feed a wild boar in a dream - you are moving towards fulfilling your goal; caught a wild boar in a dream - you will achieve your goal.

A wild boar in a dream is an ambiguous symbol and has many meanings: both positive and negative. The interpretation of a dream about this animal depends on the plot, actions and behavior of the boar, the situation, the emotions of the dreamer and other important details. A dream in which a sleeping woman sells, feeds or sees small wild boars with her mother is considered favorable. A skinny or sick artiodactyl promises misfortune and life difficulties.

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    Interpretation by various dream books

    Why do you dream of a boar:

    • Autumn dream book - to see a well-fed black boar in the forest - to the persecution of a sleeping woman by a very influential and unprincipled man.
    • Spring - to a meeting with an extremely unpleasant and selfish person.
    • Summer - watching artiodactyls running means abundance and a good harvest.
    • Female interpreter - a fat animal portends good trade and a profitable event. Selling these animals in a dream is a stunning success in business and significant financial profit. Skinny artiodactyls - such a dream promises causeless anxiety and nervous breakdowns. Seeing little wild boars and a female wild boar means the successful completion of the work started. Feeding wild artiodactyls in the forest means positive changes and prosperity in all areas of life.
    • Russian is a symbol of anger and aggression. If the dreamer is attacked by an animal with fangs, real life There will be a difficult and lengthy struggle with your enemies. If you dreamed of a wild boar biting the throat, then enemies will be able to significantly ruin a woman’s life, their insidious plans will lead to financial ruin and moral devastation of the young lady.
    • Ukrainian - an angry boar that bites in a dream - someone wishes the young lady death in real life. Catching a wild animal means unexpected troubles. Hunting these animals in a dream is a sign of a joyful event in the near future.
    • Freud's dream book is a symbol of excessive cruelty and sexual violence. Attacks - to dissatisfaction from intimate relationships with your partner in real life. If the dreamer fights with an angry artiodactyl in a dream, in reality she will have to sort things out with her lover. Killing a wild animal means breaking up with the man who is now nearby; There will be no trace of the old love feelings left, the couple will hate each other. Seeing someone running through the forest means a woman needs a change of scenery and proper rest, including sexual release.
    • Modern - if a young and unmarried person sees a well-fed artiodactyl - to a marriage proposal. For married woman such a dream promises accusations from the spouse and suspicions of infidelity.
    • Interpreter Smirnova - a sleeping woman is in great danger if the animal in the vision attacked and bit her. Hunting wild boars in a dream means exposing deceitful and hypocritical people in real life.
    • Gypsy - to betrayal of a business partner. Running away from a wild boar in a dream means hiding from persecution in real life. Hunting artiodactyls means hard and painstaking work that will bring neither moral nor material satisfaction. To kill is to rest on the laurels of your glory.
    • Small Velesov predictor - driving beyond the fence means imminent death. Catching a boar means a joyful and fun pastime. To kill is victory over your worst enemies.
    • Family dream book - seeing a fat cloven-hoofed animal in the forest means wealth. Skinny means poverty. Hearing a squeal means big trouble. To feed is to lull the vigilance of your enemies. To kill is to win in an unequal battle.
    • Dream book of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima - to a fatal mistake. Feeding is wasting money. Seeing a wild boar and a wolf fighting in the forest is a valuable loss. Hunt - to significant event. Seeing a wounded animal means a person who wishes harm to the dreamer will himself suffer from his own intrigues and gossip. Eating boar meat means serious illnesses.

Miller's Dream Book

Predicts you a revival in trading and business areas.

Skinny boars- predict anxiety and grief.

See a pig with offspring- promises a rich harvest for the peasants and success in business for others.

Hear the squealing of wild boars- means bad news. This dream predicts grief over someone's death or disappointment with a reward received for doing important work.

Feeding your own pigs in a dream- means an increase in your personal property in the future.

Trade boars- a sign that you will become the owner of significant property, but this must be preceded by great effort and vigorous activity.

Freud's Dream Book

Boar- the appearance of this symbol in your dream indicates violence and even cruelty that are present in your intimate life.

This dream indicates that in reality you are dissatisfied with your sex life and feel that you are fulfilling your partner’s wishes against your will.

It foretells that you will soon quarrel with your partner because of different views on intimate life. Reconciliation after a quarrel will be very stormy with strong passions.

Seeing a running boar in a dream- currently you are busy with your own affairs, so you do not have the time and opportunity to relax, your dream is evidence of this. You subconsciously feel a lack of sexual release, so leave everything and relax, you will feel like a completely different person.

Boar like a wild animal- symbolizes sexual intercourse, but as a relative of the pig it symbolizes fertility. Hence the ambiguity and complexity of the interpretation of this symbol.

If boars attacked a man- he fears the consequences of his promiscuity in choosing sexual partners.

If a man sees a herd of wild boars- he experiences, perhaps still implicit, homosexual aspirations.

If boars attacked a woman- she can't find the right man and is thinking about love relationships with women.

If a woman sees a herd of wild boars- she wants to have a child, maybe not her first, although she is aware that this will create additional difficulties in her relationship with her husband (or other sexual partner).

If you hunt wild boars- you are ready to sacrifice your position, peace of mind and well-being for the sake of a new victory.

Aesop's Dream Book

Boar- is a symbol of ferocity, anger and cruelty.

So, if you saw a boar in a dream- then in real life you happened to encounter human evil, which was transformed in your subconscious into this cruel forest animal.

To dream of a boar sharpening its tusks on a tree- a dream warns you of serious danger. You can avoid it only if you calculate all your actions in advance.

If you dreamed that a boar was attacking you- this means that soon you will meet an evil, very cruel person who will try to harm your career and destroy your family life.

Seeing a wounded boar in a dream- a sign that in the near future you will be able to defeat your secret enemies and put an end to everything evil gossip that talk about you.

Fighting with an angry boar in a dream- means that you will be able to unravel the machinations of your enemies and prevent you from being drawn into a dubious undertaking that could bring not only financial ruin, but also dishonor.

Watching a resting boar in a dream- a bad omen. Such a dream means that your enemies are waiting for the right moment to deal you a strong, cruel blow from which you are unlikely to recover.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Wild boar in a dream- a sign that you are confused in your affairs and your well-being may be seriously shaken.

Home fattened boar- portends success from doing things that are not too easy, but can bring good income.

Seeing wild boars in the mud or feeding them- warning about possible conflicts related to money or household matters.

Slaughtering a wild boar or seeing it from the side- a sign that due to some kind of property dispute, your business may be seriously shaken.

Solomon's Dream Book

Boar- hard life, mental sorrow.

Dream book for a bitch

Boar- good luck in trading and other matters.

With piglets- a rich harvest and success in business endeavors.

Feeding a boar in a dream- acquisition of property or receipt of some kind of inheritance.

Sell ​​boar- your property will increase significantly if you put maximum effort and energy into it.

New family dream book

Fat, seasoned boar- dreams of revival in trade and business spheres, skinny- to anxiety and chagrin.

Boars squeal- portends unpleasant news, grief or disappointment.

Feeding a boar in a dream- get rich in real life.

Modern combined dream book

Boar- meeting a well-mannered, intelligent person

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Boar- an explanation with a person you hate.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Boar- a reflection of permissiveness and/or selfishness. A reminder of possible troubles due to “swine” behavior. The need to accept valuable human qualities, which seem unpleasant at first glance.

Seeing a fattened boar in a dream- to fat, well-fed cattle.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing a fat boar in a dream- to the persecution of you by the “new Russians”.

Boar- to an unpleasant person.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

wild boar- troubles; see someone running- avoid danger; shoot- a dangerous situation awaits you; catch- joy.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a wild boar in a dream as a wild boar- portends a meeting in reality with a person who should be feared and avoided, because from him comes great evil for you, as well as great troubles for your family.

If in a dream a boar runs away from you- in reality you will be able to avoid many troubles. Hunt boars- joy will come to your home. Kill a wild boar- you are at risk of an accident or illness during an epidemic.

Seeing wild boars in a dream as male domestic pigs- portends good progress in business financial affairs and trade. Huge, fat boar- promises a good harvest and successful preparation for winter for everyone involved in agriculture.

Hearing the loud squeal of wild boars in a dream- portends sad news, a message about someone’s death, or disappointment over meager payment for a large amount of work done.

A dream in which you feed domestic pigs- speaks of growing prosperity and expanding the scope of business interests. If in your dream someone suddenly turns into a boar in reality- this portends reckless rejection advantageous offers about marriage, which you will later regret more than once.

Seeing a boar wallowing in the mud- means that your enemies will attempt to harm you, taking advantage of the moment when you are completely defenseless.

Buying a boar in a dream- portends that you can acquire some property, subject to increased efforts and a number of concessions on your part in favor of competitors. Sell ​​live boar- in reality you will experience boundless happiness, sell boar meat- Beware of tricks from two-faced friends. Cooking boar meat- cause pain to your family and friends with your stupid antics. Eating boar meat in a dream- to a long journey.

Women's dream book

Seeing fat, seasoned boars in a dream- a harbinger of busy trade and business activity.

Sell ​​boars- a sign that you will become the owner of significant property, but for this you will have to work hard.

Skinny boars- dreams of anxiety and grief.

Pig with piglets- to a rich harvest or successful business management.

Feeding your own pigs in a dream- means a significant increase in prosperity in the future.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Boar- can be a symbol of permissiveness. It can also be an expression of selfishness. Do you feel like you didn't get your share or didn't share with those you should have shared with?

Also boar- can also symbolize untidiness.

Boar in life- a strong and intelligent animal, but people attribute to him negative qualities. Do you have, in your opinion, valuable qualities that seem unpleasant to others?

Dream book of the 21st century

Boar seen in a dream- a symbol of an irreconcilable enemy, an evil person.

Boar attacking or chasing you- dreams of trouble.

You dreamed of a hog covered in mud- a harbinger of success in the business started and the successful completion of all others.

A girl sees a boar in a dream- to a marriage proposal, married woman- to the husband's suspicions.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Boar- a symbol of something unbridled, not subject to any arguments of reason or decency.

If you saw a boar in a dream- this means that in the near future you will have to deal with an unbridled person. To explain to this Pig man your point of view on what is happening, you will need a lot of strength and patience. Most likely, we are talking about the feelings of one of your acquaintances, who will consider it unnecessary to hide his ardor. Be careful: no matter how much you would like to be harsh and tough, you cannot do this, because a ban can cause discontent and, as a result, the rage of an unrestrained person.

Seeing yourself in a dream as a boar- in reality you forbid yourself to do many things that are very important to you. Perhaps you have really good reasons and motives for such self-restraint, but don’t you think that such control over your own desires can lead to internal breakdown? Think again, and you will understand that it is better to loosen the reins at least a little.

To dream that a wild boar is rushing towards you in a rage, and you are in a panic trying to hide from it- means a quick quarrel with a person close and dear to you. The quarrel will turn out to be very long, and perhaps good relationship You will never get along with this person again.

Dream book of lovers

Boar- symbolizes cruelty in your intimate relationships.

A dream in which a boar attacks you- indicates that in your sexual life you do not like to fulfill your partner’s wishes, since you do not share them.

If you dream that you are fighting a boar- this means that you will soon quarrel with your partner, since your views on sex do not coincide. However, then you will make peace, which will be accompanied by a violent outburst of passion.

Running boar- symbolizes your desire to have sex, although currently you have too much to do and do not pay enough attention to your intimate life. You should give yourself a break - constant racing won't do you any good, you're not a machine.

Islamic dream book

If someone sees in a dream that a boar rushed at him- bad news about rebels and villains will reach him.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Boar- the embodiment of ferocity, anger and cruelty.

If you saw a boar in a dream- then in real life you probably had to deal with an evil person, which in your subconscious was transformed into the image of this cruel beast.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Wild boar- elementary and destructive phallic power. The archetypal male principle, the negative animus in a woman's dreams; however, the individual can counter the destructiveness of the animus by recognizing it (boar hunting).

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Seeing a boar in a dream- means a strong and cruel enemy; chase the boar and catch it- marks overcoming the enemy; kill a boar- marks a complete triumph over the enemy; get a boar's head from someone- portends triumph over a strong enemy; give someone a boar's head- means humiliation and grief.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Boar- destructive passion; danger.

Dream book of a gypsy

Boar- Beware of business partners.

If you dream that you are being chased by a boar- you will unexpectedly encounter a fierce enemy.

Hunt him- work in vain.

Kill a boar- defeat your enemies.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Boar see- peace with the enemy.

Scary dream about a boar- sudden and destructive world passions, the attack of the animal principle in you on the spiritual principle.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Boar (boar)- danger, enemy; drive over the fence- to death; wild (boar)- worries; catch a boar- joy.

Ukrainian dream book

Dream about a boar- you are threatened by an evil person, an enemy.

Drive the boar out of the enclosure- to death.

Wild boar- troubles, catch him- joy.

Collection of dream books

Boar- pig's personality. Something boring.

Boar- symbolizes fearlessness, lust and gluttony.

If you dreamed of wild boars,- this means that in reality you have a merciless enemy that you are not aware of.

There is a wild boar in a dream- a harbinger of illness.

Hunt for a boar in a dream- danger sign.

Kill a boar in a dream- to the victory that you will win over your enemies.

Why do you dream about Boar?

American dream book

The boar is a pig's personality. Something boring.

Intimate dream book

Boar - the appearance of this symbol in your dream indicates violence and even cruelty that are present in your intimate life.

If you dreamed that a boar was attacking you, then this dream indicates that in reality you are dissatisfied with your sex life and feel that you are fulfilling your partner’s wishes against your will.

Fighting with an angry boar in a dream foretells that you will soon quarrel with your partner because of different views on intimate life. Reconciliation after a quarrel will be very stormy with strong passions.

Seeing a running boar in a dream means that you are currently busy with your own affairs, so you do not have the time and opportunity to relax, your dream is evidence of this. You subconsciously feel a lack of sexual release, so leave everything and relax, you will feel like a completely different person.

Maly Velesov dream book

Boar (boar) - danger, enemy; drive over the fence - to death; wild (boar) - worries; catching a boar is a joy.

Muslim dream book

If someone sees in a dream that a boar has rushed at him, bad news about rebels and villains will reach him.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why does the Boar dream?

Boar - an explanation with a person you hate.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Wild boar - elemental and destructive phallic power. The archetypal male principle, the negative animus in a woman's dreams; however, the individual can counter the destructiveness of the animus by recognizing it (boar hunting).

Russian folk dream book

The boar is the embodiment of ferocity, anger and cruelty.

If you saw a wild boar in a dream, then in real life you probably had to deal with an evil person who in your subconscious was transformed into the image of this cruel beast.

Family dream book

A fat, seasoned boar - dreams of revival in trade and business spheres, a skinny one - of anxiety and chagrin.

The squeal of wild boars portends unpleasant news, grief or disappointment.

Feeding a wild boar in a dream means getting rich in real life.

Dream Interpreter

Seeing a boar in a dream means a strong and cruel enemy; chasing a wild boar and catching it means overcoming the enemy; kill a boar - marks a perfect triumph over the enemy; to get a boar's head from someone - portends triumph over a strong enemy; giving someone a boar's head means humiliation and grief.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Boar?

Boar - meeting a well-mannered, intelligent person

Dream Interpretation 2012

Pig is a reflection of permissiveness and/or selfishness. A reminder of possible troubles due to “swine” behavior. The need to accept valuable human qualities that seem unpleasant at first glance.

Dream book of the 21st century

What did the Boar dream about in a dream?

A boar seen in a dream is a symbol of an irreconcilable enemy, an evil person.

A boar attacking or chasing you means trouble.

If you dreamed of a hog covered in mud, it is a harbinger of success in the business you have started and the successful completion of all others.

For a girl to see a boar in a dream - to a marriage proposal, for a married woman - to her husband’s suspicions.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

The boar is a symbol of something unbridled, not subject to any arguments of reason or decency.

If you saw a wild boar in a dream, it means that in the near future you will have to deal with an unbridled person. To explain to this Pig man your point of view on what is happening, you will need a lot of strength and patience. Most likely, we are talking about the feelings of one of your acquaintances, who will consider it unnecessary to hide his ardor. Be careful: no matter how much you would like to be harsh and tough, you cannot do this, because a ban can cause discontent and, as a result, the rage of an unrestrained person.

Seeing yourself in the form of a boar in a dream means that in reality you forbid yourself to do many things that are very important to you. Perhaps you have really good reasons and motives for such self-restraint, but do you think that such control over your own desires can lead to an internal breakdown? Think again, and you will understand that it is better to loosen the reins at least a little.

To dream that a wild boar is rushing towards you in a rage, and you are trying to hide from it in a panic, means a quick quarrel with someone close and dear to you. The quarrel will turn out to be very long, and perhaps you will never have a good relationship with this person again.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing a boar means peace with the enemy.

A frightening dream about a boar is a sudden and destructive world of passions, an attack of the animal nature in you on the spiritual principle.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Boar can be a symbol of permissiveness. It can also be an expression of selfishness. Do you feel like you didn't get your share or didn't share with those you should have shared with?

Also, a boar can symbolize untidiness.

In life, the boar is a strong and intelligent animal, but people attribute negative qualities to it. Do you have, in your opinion, valuable qualities that seem unpleasant to others?

Dream book for a bitch

Boar - good luck in trade and other matters.

With piglets - a rich harvest and success in business endeavors.

Feeding a wild boar in a dream means acquiring property or receiving some kind of inheritance.

Selling a boar - your property will increase significantly if you put maximum effort and energy into it.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A wild boar in a dream is a sign that you are confused in your affairs and your well-being may be seriously shaken.

A home-fed boar portends success from doing things that are not too easy, but can bring good income.

Seeing wild boars in the mud or feeding them is a warning about possible conflicts related to money or housekeeping.

Slaughtering a wild boar or seeing it from the outside is a sign that, due to some kind of property dispute, your business may be seriously shaken.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing a fat boar in a dream means that the “new Russians” will persecute you.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a fattened boar in a dream means fat, well-fed cattle.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Boar - to an unpleasant person.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

Boar - symbolizes cruelty in your intimate relationships.

A dream in which a boar attacks you means that in your sex life you do not like to fulfill your partner’s desires, since you do not share them.

If you dream that you are fighting with a boar, this means that you will soon quarrel with your partner, since your views on sex do not coincide. However, then you will make peace, which will be accompanied by a violent outburst of passion.

A running boar symbolizes your desire to have sex, although currently you have too much to do and do not pay enough attention to your intimate life. You should give yourself a break - constant racing won't do you any good, you're not a machine.

Dream book of the medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Boar in a dream?

Wild boar - troubles; to see someone running - to avoid danger; shoot - a dangerous situation awaits you; catching is a joy.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing fat, seasoned boars in a dream predicts revival in the trade and business spheres.

Skinny boars predict anxiety and grief.

Seeing a pig with offspring promises a rich harvest for the peasants and success in business for others.

Hearing wild boars squeal means bad news. This dream predicts grief over someone's death or disappointment with a reward received for doing important work.

Feeding your own pigs in a dream means increasing your personal property in the future.

Trading wild boars is a sign that you will become the owner of significant property, but this must be preceded by great effort and vigorous activity.

Dream book about animals

Boar - symbolizes fearlessness, lust and gluttony.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Boar in a dream?

Seeing a wild boar in a dream foretells a meeting in reality with a person whom you should fear and avoid, because from him comes great evil for you, as well as great troubles for your family.

If in a dream a wild boar runs away from you, in reality you will be able to avoid many troubles. Hunting wild boars means joy will come to your home. Kill a wild boar - you are in danger of an accident or illness during an epidemic.

Seeing wild boars in a dream as male domestic pigs foretells good progress in financial affairs and trade. A huge, fat boar promises a good harvest and successful preparation for winter for everyone involved in agriculture.

Hearing the loud squeal of wild boars in a dream foreshadows sad news, a message about someone's death, or disappointment over meager payment for a large amount of work done.

A dream in which you feed domestic pigs speaks of an increase in prosperity and an expansion of the sphere of business interests. If in your dream someone suddenly turns into a wild boar in reality, this portends a reckless rejection of lucrative marriage proposals, which you will later regret more than once.

Seeing a boar wallowing in the mud means that your enemies will attempt to harm you, taking advantage of the moment when you are completely defenseless.

Buying a wild boar in a dream foretells that you can acquire some property, subject to increased efforts and a number of concessions on your part in favor of competitors. Selling a live boar - in reality you will experience boundless happiness; selling boar meat - beware of tricks from two-faced friends. Cooking boar meat means causing pain to your family and friends with your stupid antics. Eating boar meat in a dream means a long journey.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing fat, seasoned boars in a dream is a harbinger of busy trade and business activity.

Selling boars is a sign that you will become the owner of significant property, but for this you will have to work hard.

Skinny boars - dream of worries and sorrows.

A pig with piglets - to a rich harvest or successful business management.

Feeding your own pigs in a dream means a significant increase in prosperity in the future.

Solomon's Dream Book

Pig - hard life, mental sorrow.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Boar according to the dream book?

Boar - destructive passion; danger.

Freud's Dream Book

The boar, like a wild animal, symbolizes sexual intercourse, but as a relative of the pig, it symbolizes fertility. Hence the ambiguity and complexity of the interpretation of this symbol.

If wild boars attack a man, he fears the consequences of his indiscriminate choice of sexual partners.

If a man sees a herd of wild boars, he experiences, perhaps, implicit homosexual aspirations.

If wild boars attacked a woman, she cannot find a suitable man and is thinking about love relationships with women.

If a woman sees a herd of wild boars, she wants to have a child, maybe not her first, although she is aware that this will create additional difficulties in her relationship with her husband (or other sexual partner).

If you hunt wild boars, you are ready to sacrifice your position, peace of mind and well-being for the sake of a new victory.

Aesop's Dream Book

The boar is a symbol of ferocity, anger and cruelty.

So, if you saw a wild boar in a dream, then in real life you had to encounter human evil, which was transformed in your subconscious into this cruel forest animal.

To see a boar sharpening its tusks on a tree in a dream - the dream warns you of a serious danger. You can avoid it only if you calculate all your actions in advance.

If you dreamed that a boar was attacking you, this means that you will soon meet an evil, very cruel person who will try to harm your career and destroy your family life.

Seeing a wounded boar in a dream is a sign that in the near future you will be able to defeat your secret enemies and put an end to all the evil gossip that is circulating about you.

Fighting with an angry boar in a dream means that you will be able to unravel the machinations of your enemies and prevent you from being drawn into a dubious undertaking that could bring not only financial ruin, but also dishonor.

Watching a resting boar in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream means that your enemies are waiting for the right moment to deal you a strong, cruel blow from which you are unlikely to recover.

French dream book

If you dreamed of wild boars, it means that in reality you have a merciless enemy that you are not aware of.

Eating a wild boar in a dream is a harbinger of illness.

In a dream, hunting for a wild boar is a sign of danger.

Killing a boar in a dream means the victory you will gain over your enemies.

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream of a wild boar, you are threatened by an evil person, an enemy.

To drive a boar out of the enclosure means death.

A wild boar is a hassle, but catching it is a joy.

Gypsy dream book

Boar - beware of business partners.

If you dream that you are being chased by a wild boar, you will unexpectedly encounter a fierce enemy.

To hunt him is to work in vain.

Kill a boar - defeat your enemies.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Boar according to the dream book?

I dreamed of a wild boar - expect a pleasant date with a well-mannered person.

If it is wild, the dream foretells you some kind of confusion related to your work, because of which your financial situation may even suffer slightly, and if it is tamed (domesticated), you will experience success in your work, although it will not be easy, but at the same time it will bring you good finances.

If you dream of a skinny boar, some experiences and disappointments await you.

Feeding him in a dream means that in reality some kind of wealth awaits you.

If you had to kill him, you will soon defeat your enemy, and if he attacked you or is pursuing you, the dream book promises you some difficulties and problems.

If you dream that you are selling it to someone, you can soon buy some real estate if you try hard.

Hunting wild boars in a dream promises you happiness in your family.

If you dreamed that you bought it, it means that if you compromise with your rivals, you can soon increase your property. Naturally, you will have to make considerable efforts for this.

Why do you dream about a boar?

The boar is a multifaceted symbol that can carry both positive and negative information. To get the truth and exact interpretation it is necessary to take into account all the details of the dream.

Why do you dream about a boar?

A large animal is a positive symbol that promises success in business. A thin boar predicts the occurrence of various kinds of experiences. Another dream book contains information that such a night vision is a sign of anger and cruelty. If you do not see, but hear the squeal of an animal, this is a negative symbol that predicts receiving bad news. The dream book interprets what a boar attack means in a dream as a meeting with bad person which may harm your work and family relations. If you fight off an angry animal, this is a symbol that you will be able to defeat your enemies and will not give them a chance to harm you. Domestic boar- This is a harbinger of success in work and business.

Why do you dream about a wild boar?

Such a dream means that in reality you are confused in your affairs, which can cause many problems. It could also be a harbinger of trouble. A dream in which a wild boar appeared is an indication that you may meet a person who can cause various problems.

Why do you dream about a black boar?

An animal of this color is an unfavorable sign, which warns that another person will soon interfere in your personal life. It may also be a symbol that your goals are not being realized, and you should also expect misunderstandings in family relationships.

Why do you dream of killing a boar?

Such a dream warns of an accident or the occurrence of an illness. This may also be an omen that you will be able to cope with your enemies.

Little boar

Dream Interpretation Little boar dreamed of why you dream of a Little boar? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Little Boar in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar, hog, pig

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Black boar

Dream Interpretation Black Boar dreamed of why the Black Boar is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Black Boar in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Meeting with a cruel, evil and ferocious enemy. To drive beyond the fence - the meeting carries mortal danger. A boar rushed at you - expect news of impending treachery against you. Fat, seasoned boar - your boss has taken up arms against you. A skinny, hungry boar - the enemies will not retreat until they see your complete defeat. The squeal of a boar means you will be put in a humiliating position. You turn into a boar - your cruelty and indifference will cause discord in your family.

Slaughtering a wild boar or observing the process from the side - due to a property dispute, your affairs will be seriously deteriorated. A boar sharpens its fangs on a tree - enemies will take advantage of your miscalculations in business. Sleeping boar - your enemies are hiding for the last decisive throw.

Imagine that the boar turns into an affectionate, flexible pig (see Pig).

Sleep is favorable for people doing business. A successful deal will bring good profit. Defeat the boar - you are able to overcome any obstacles. Chase and catch - you will be able to lead to clean water slanderer. Killing a boar is a perfect triumph over your enemies. Receive a boar's head from someone - the vacancy for which you applied will be offered to you. The boar is covered in dirt and blood - a successful completion of the work begun. Fight the boar and defeat it - you will unravel the machinations of your enemies and prevent you from being drawn into a dubious undertaking that could bring not only financial ruin, but also dishonor. Feed by hand - you will receive respect and trust from your superiors.

Imagine that you are feeding a boar acorns.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Seeing a boar in a dream as a wild boar foreshadows a waking meeting with a person whom you should fear and avoid, because from him comes great evil for you, as well as great troubles for your family. If in a dream a wild boar runs away from you, then in reality you will be able to avoid many troubles. Hunting wild boars means joy will come to your home. Kill a wild boar - you are in danger of an accident or illness during an epidemic.

Seeing wild boars as male domestic pigs in a dream foretells good progress in financial affairs and trade. A huge, fat boar promises a good harvest and successful preparation for winter for everyone involved in agriculture.

Hearing the loud squeal of wild boars in a dream foreshadows sad news, a message about someone's death, or disappointment over meager payment for a large amount of work done.

A dream in which you feed domestic pigs speaks of an increase in wealth and an expansion of the scope of business interests. If in your dream someone suddenly turns into a boar in reality, this portends a reckless rejection of lucrative marriage proposals, which you will later regret more than once.

Seeing a boar wallowing in the mud means that your enemies will attempt to harm you, taking advantage of the moment when you are completely defenseless.

Buying a boar in a dream foretells that you can acquire some property, subject to increased efforts and a number of concessions on your part in favor of competitors. Selling a live boar - in reality you will experience boundless happiness; selling boar meat - beware of tricks from two-faced friends. Cooking boar meat means causing pain to your family and friends with your stupid antics. Eating boar meat in a dream means a long journey.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

The boar is a symbol of ferocity, anger and cruelty. So, if you saw a wild boar in a dream, then in real life you had to encounter human evil, which was transformed in your subconscious into this cruel forest animal.

To see a boar sharpening its tusks on a tree in a dream - the dream warns you of a serious danger. You can avoid it only if you calculate all your actions in advance.

If you dreamed that a boar was attacking you, this means that you will soon meet an evil, very cruel person who will try to harm your career and destroy your family life.

Seeing a wounded boar in a dream is a sign that in the near future you will be able to defeat your secret enemies and put an end to all the evil gossip that is circulating about you.

Fighting with an angry boar in a dream means that you will be able to unravel the machinations of your enemies and prevent you from being drawn into a dubious undertaking that could bring not only financial ruin, but also dishonor.

Watching a resting boar in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream means that your enemies are waiting for the right moment to deal you a strong, cruel blow from which you are unlikely to be able to recover.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

A fat, seasoned boar dreams of revival in the trade and business spheres, a skinny one - of anxiety and chagrin.

The squealing of wild boars portends unpleasant news, grief or disappointment.

Feeding a wild boar in a dream means getting rich in real life.

If you dreamed that a boar was attacking you, then in reality you are clearly unhappy with your personal life. You may have to fulfill someone's wishes against their will.

If you fought with an angry boar in a dream, you will soon quarrel with your partner because of different views on intimate life. Reconciliation after a quarrel will be very stormy and passionate.

If you saw a running boar in a dream - in reality you are so busy with business that you do not have the time or opportunity to relax. Leave everything, relax, and you will feel like a completely different person.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Boar - dream of a boar - you are threatened by an evil person, an enemy. To drive a boar out of the enclosure means death. A wild boar is trouble, catching it is a joy.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Boar - The appearance of this symbol in your dream indicates violence and even cruelty that are present in your intimate life. - If you dreamed that a boar was attacking you, then this dream indicates that in reality you are dissatisfied with your sex life and feel that you are fulfilling your partner’s wishes against your will. Fighting with an angry boar in a dream foretells that you will soon quarrel with your partner because of different views on intimate life. Reconciliation after a quarrel will be very stormy with strong passions. Seeing a running boar in a dream means that you are currently busy with your own affairs, so you do not have the time and opportunity to relax, your dream is evidence of this. You subconsciously feel a lack of sexual release, so leave everything and relax, you will feel like a completely different person.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

This animal symbolizes cruelty in your intimate relationships.

A dream in which a boar attacks you suggests that in your sex life you do not like to fulfill your partner’s desires, since you do not share them.

If you dream that you are fighting with a boar, this means that you will soon quarrel with your partner, since your views on sex do not coincide, but then you will make peace, which will be accompanied by a violent outburst of passion.

A running boar symbolizes your desire to have sex, although at present you have too much to do and do not pay enough attention to your intimate life.

You should give yourself a break - constant racing won't do you any good, you're not a machine.

Dream Interpretation - Boar, hog, pig

Seeing him in the forest in a dream is a sign that your case in court will be considered in the most serious manner and you do not have to count on leniency. For those who are going on a trip, a dream about a wild boar predicts bad weather and other obstacles. A fat domestic hog in a dream foretells you that your enterprise will bring income, but to see a skinny boar, on the contrary, means losses and losses. If you dream that you are feeding pigs, then you will soon learn about the betrayal of people you trusted. Petting a pig in a dream is a sign that you are flattering a person who is unpleasant to you. Sometimes such a dream indicates that someone will repay you with ingratitude for a service or friendship rendered. Selling pigs in a dream means that you have to work hard to provide for your family. Nothing will come easy to you. Only through your labor can you provide yourself with a decent life. A dream in which you saw a hog or a pig with piglets is a sign that you will have a good income, success in business and prosperity in your home. The more piglets they have, the more profit this dream promises you. Seeing a wild boar running is a sign of danger; shooting him in a dream means that you will be able to cope with a difficult situation, but at the same time you will suffer losses. Catching a wild boar in a dream is a lucky chance.

Seeing a wild, dirty, skinny boar entering your house (or being in it) is a sign that soon a person will enter your house who will cause you a lot of harm. He will bring discord and tears into your home. Hearing the squeal of wild boars in a dream means bad news. This dream also predicts that you will have to work hard to make ends meet. A pig in a dream is a symbol of excitement and anxiety. Feeding him from your hands in a dream means that you should beware of the machinations of your enemies. Seeing it fried in a dream is a harbinger of illness and worries.

Suddenly meeting a pig in a dream foreshadows a meeting with a rude, impudent person who will bring you troubles and grief. In a dream, hearing a conversation about pigs means that your reputation is tarnished and you should think about correcting the current situation. If you dream that you are surrounded by pigs, then in fact you are in bad company, for which others will judge you.

A dream in which you saw that a pig attacked you warns you of danger. The dream indicates that excessive gullibility and promiscuity in relationships with people can harm your future.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Seeing fat, seasoned boars in a dream is a harbinger of busy trade and business activity. Selling boars is a sign that you will become the owner of significant property, but for this you will have to work hard.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Wild boar in a dream: a sign that you are confused in your affairs and your well-being may be seriously shaken.

Home-fed boar: portends success from doing things that are not too easy, but can bring good income.

Seeing wild boars in the mud or feeding them: a warning about possible conflicts related to money or housekeeping.

Slaughtering a wild boar or seeing it from the outside: a sign that, due to some kind of property dispute, your business may be seriously shaken.

Interpretations regarding the dream in which there were wild boars affect both business, family and friendly spheres of life. For example, if the animal you dreamed about was in the forest, then you should prepare for lengthy legal proceedings. The dream book promises strong experiences associated with this. Other options for why you dream about something like this are listed below.

Fleeing for his life

The modern dream book believes that if in a dream a wild boar runs away from you, then in reality all difficulties will be safely resolved. If you dreamed that a whole herd was running, then an incredibly prosperous time awaits you. Whatever you think will come true, and things will go quite smoothly.

Seeing a wild boar running in a dream means life changes. If the artiodactyl was skinny and old, then the changes will not be very beneficial. Seeing a fat and well-fed boar in a dream is a sign of happiness and joy.

If you dream that a running flock makes loud sounds, get ready to fight for your honor and dignity. Envious people and enemies will decide to get even with you and for this they will spread unkind rumors about your person. Women's dream book advises not to take what you hear to heart and remain calm and equanimous.

Skin color

A dream about a black boar foreshadows meanness on the part of a person you know. Universal dream book believes that you will not be able to avoid communicating with this enemy. Just try to give as little information as possible about yourself and the lives of your loved ones so that they cannot harm you.

If in a dream a black hog behaved friendly, beware of flatterers. With sweet speeches and friendly conversations, they will try to get what they need from you and disappear in an unknown direction.

Miller's dream book suggests that a black boar can symbolize the coming of times. Especially if you dream that he is exhausted or aggressive. In difficult times, you should unite with your loved ones and loved ones. They will help you resist adversity.

Did you dream about a white boar? Aesop's dream book foretells an imminent marriage. Also, the dream can promise a significant improvement in current affairs. Especially if the boar was extremely friendly towards you.

Attack and defense

If you dreamed that a wild boar was attacking you, then in real life you will have to face a very angry person. Communication with him will bring only negative things. Do you want to avoid such a meeting? This means that carefully choose your environment and strive for independence, so that you don’t have to maintain friendly ties with someone with whom you don’t really want to do this.

If in a dream a wild boar attacks and tries to leave its bite on your body, you need to change your tactics of communicating with others. Shereminskaya's dream book believes that a number of your actions have turned some people against you. A sincere desire to change something will help improve the situation.

If a very small boar attacks in a dream, beware of quarrels and conflicts. Do you dream of an aggressive female boar defending her little pig? Aesop predicts a serious conflict with relatives or a loved one. How it ends is up to you to decide.

If a boar bites painfully in a dream, expect trouble. If you dreamed of a successful wild boar hunt, then all your wishes will come true and your goals will be achieved.

Various interpretations

Dreaming of killing a wild boar promises victory over an opponent. The universal dream book is convinced that with the help of experience and solid calculation it will be possible to eliminate a competitor.

Miller's dream book believes that killing a wild pig in your dreams means an accident or illness. Moreover, the disease will take you by surprise.

Did you dream that you were eating boar meat? The coming months will help improve your financial situation and even increase your capital. Feel free to invest yours cash in any matter. You can greatly increase them. Especially if you dream of fresh and tasty meat.

In a dream, seeing a boar's head means the need to take important decision. Don't rush into thinking about your answer. Events may turn in a direction that is not very favorable for you. Insure yourself in advance and enlist the support of a person more experienced in these matters.

Why do you dream about a boar? What does it mean to dream in which you see a wild boar?

As you know, in a dream you can see people, a wide variety of objects, and unexpected events. What if the hero of your vision was none other than a boar? Should we expect similar dream a well-fed and prosperous life, or it makes sense to be careful so as not to end up in festive table? So, today we invite you to find out why a boar dreams. To do this, let us turn for help to several of the most complete and popular collections of dream interpretations today.

Dream book of Gustav Miller: if you dreamed of a wild boar

According to information from this collection, if you dreamed of a seasoned and fat hog, then you should expect a revival in trade and business in the near future. Skinny and sickly-looking boars promise grief and anxiety. If you dreamed of a whole family of pigs (father-boar, mother-pig and their children), then people involved in agriculture can count on a rich harvest, and everyone else can count on success in business. The squeal of a boar acts as a prophecy of very unpleasant news. It could be like death loved one, as well as receiving a paltry reward for your hard work. If you dreamed that you were feeding your pigs, you will soon have the opportunity to increase your property. Seeing a boar in a dream that you are trying to sell at the market means gaining great wealth. However, in order to achieve it, you will have to put in a lot of effort and energetically move towards your goal.

Freud's dream book: hog in a dream

This collection of dream interpretations claims that the presence of this animal in a dream is a reflection of the presence of violence and, possibly, cruelty in your intimate life. Why do you dream of a wild boar attacking you? Such a vision may indicate your dissatisfaction with your own sex life. It is likely that the reason for this lies in the fact that you feel unable to satisfy all the desires of your partner. If you dreamed that you were fighting an angry boar, then you soon run the risk of having a fight with your loved one because of a difference in views on intimate life. However, after some time, a very passionate and stormy reconciliation will occur. The dream in which you saw a running boar is a reflection of a situation in real life in which you devote all your time to work, and therefore do not have the opportunity to relax at least a little. Also, most likely, you lack sexual release. Try to take some time to relax, otherwise such a busy schedule may eventually lead to mental illness.

If you dreamed of a wild boar: Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

If you dreamed that a boar was running away from you in a dream, then in reality events will turn out very well and will help you avoid serious danger. A large and wild animal portends numerous troubles. Killing a wild boar in a dream means you are likely to become a victim of an accident.

Ancient French dream book: why do you dream of a hog?

According to the compilers of this collection, a boar seen in a dream warns that in reality you have a very dangerous and cruel enemy, the existence of which you, however, do not even suspect. Eating wild boar meat means a serious illness. Why do you dream about the boar you are hunting? Such a dream is considered a harbinger of serious danger that may even threaten your life. Killing a wild hog means complete victory over all your enemies.

Hog in a dream: Ukrainian dream book

The wild boar is considered by the compilers of this collection of interpretations as a symbol of the threat from a dangerous and cruel enemy. A dream in which you are trying to drive a boar out of the yard is considered a very bad sign, foreshadowing a serious illness or even death. Catching a fat and large hog is a sign of joy and fun.

Aesop's Dream Book: boar in a dream

This beast is considered by the compilers of this collection of interpretations as a symbol of anger, ferocity and cruelty. Therefore, a dream in which a boar appears indicates that in real life you are faced with human evil, which has been transformed in the subconscious into the image of a dangerous large animal. Why do you dream of a boar sharpening its tusks on a tree? Such a vision acts as a warning about the serious danger that threatens you. However, if you are very careful about your own actions and actions, then perhaps you will be able to avoid trouble. If you dreamed that a wild hog was attacking you, then in the near future you will meet a bad person who will do everything possible to harm both your career or business, and your personal life. A wounded boar symbolizes victory over enemies and ill-wishers. A dream in which you entered into a fight with a huge wild boar predicts that you will be able to unravel all the secret plans of your enemies and take the necessary measures that will allow you to avoid both financial losses and dishonor. Bad sign It is considered a dream in which you see a sleeping boar. It is likely that the enemies are hiding and waiting for the right moment to deal you a heavy blow from which you may not be able to recover.

Hog in a dream: Gypsy dream book

A wild boar, according to the compilers of this collection, serves as a warning about the need to be wary of your business partners or work colleagues. If you dreamed that a huge hog was chasing you, then in reality you risk unexpectedly encountering a very cruel enemy. Hunting a wild boar means wasted effort and labor. Killing this beast means victory over your enemies.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: dream about a boar

If you dreamed of a wild boar or boar, then you will meet a very dangerous and evil person. Try your best to stay away from him as he has the potential to cause serious harm to both you and your family. Why do you dream of a boar running away from you? Such a vision predicts a successful resolution of all difficult situations. You will also be able to avoid serious danger. Hunting a wild boar is a great joy at home. The killing of a wild boar portends the likelihood of falling ill during an epidemic or becoming a victim of an accident. Domestic boars surrounded by pigs and piglets promise the dreamer financial well-being and success in business. A massive fat hog predicts a rich harvest for all people involved in agriculture. A loud boar squeal is a sign of bad news associated with the death of a loved one or a meager reward for hard work. If you feed a domestic boar, then a promotion or a successful deal awaits you. A dream in which a representative of the fairer sex saw that one of her acquaintances had turned into a boar warns her of a rash rejection of a marriage proposal, which she will bitterly regret in the future. Grunts wallowing in the mud predict that your enemies are hiding and patiently waiting for the right opportunity to take advantage of your weakness or defenselessness to achieve their goals. Buying a hog in a dream means increasing your wealth, but only on the condition that you work hard. Selling a live boar is a great blessing. Cooking boar meat means the dissatisfaction of family and friends with your behavior; eating it means going on a long journey; selling it means betrayal by a loved one.

Dream Interpretation Wild Boar

Why do you dream of a wild boar in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about wild boars is a harbinger of complications in business and serious financial problems. Seeing a killed wild boar in a dream means victory over difficult situation, its resolution is in your favor..

What did you do with the wild boar in your dream? Where did you see a wild boar in a dream? What did the wild boar do in the dream?

What did you do with the wild boar in your dream?

Why do you dream of killing a wild boar?

If you dreamed that you were killing a wild boar, you should expect a quick victory over your competitor. Using cold calculation, self-confidence and experience, you can eliminate any opponent from the path and emerge victorious from the situation.

Where did you see a wild boar in a dream?

Seeing a wild boar in the forest in a dream

If a sleeping person dreams of a wild boar in the forest, the dream book warns of upcoming litigation, which can be protracted and time-consuming.

What did the wild boar do in the dream?

Why do you dream about a wild boar attack?

A dream in which a wild boar attacks you does not bode well in real life. You may expect to meet an evil person, communication or contact with whom will have negative consequences.

Hunting boar

Dream Interpretation Hunting boar dreamed of why you dream of a boar hunt? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a boar hunt in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Dream Interpretation - Boar, hog, pig

Seeing him in the forest in a dream is a sign that your case in court will be considered in the most serious manner and you do not have to count on leniency. For those who are going on a trip, a dream about a wild boar predicts bad weather and other obstacles. A fat domestic hog in a dream foretells you that your enterprise will bring income, but to see a skinny boar, on the contrary, means losses and losses. If you dream that you are feeding pigs, then you will soon learn about the betrayal of people you trusted. Petting a pig in a dream is a sign that you are flattering a person who is unpleasant to you. Sometimes such a dream indicates that someone will repay you with ingratitude for a service or friendship rendered. Selling pigs in a dream means that you have to work hard to provide for your family. Nothing will come easy to you. Only through your labor can you provide yourself with a decent life. A dream in which you saw a hog or a pig with piglets is a sign that you will have a good income, success in business and prosperity in your home. The more piglets they have, the more profit this dream promises you. Seeing a wild boar running is a sign of danger; shooting him in a dream means that you will be able to cope with a difficult situation, but at the same time you will suffer losses. Catching a wild boar in a dream is a lucky chance.

Seeing a wild, dirty, skinny boar entering your house (or being in it) is a sign that soon a person will enter your house who will cause you a lot of harm. He will bring discord and tears into your home. Hearing the squeal of wild boars in a dream means bad news. This dream also predicts that you will have to work hard to make ends meet. A pig in a dream is a symbol of excitement and anxiety. Feeding him from your hands in a dream means that you should beware of the machinations of your enemies. Seeing it fried in a dream is a harbinger of illness and worries.

Suddenly meeting a pig in a dream foreshadows a meeting with a rude, impudent person who will bring you troubles and grief. In a dream, hearing a conversation about pigs means that your reputation is tarnished and you should think about correcting the current situation. If you dream that you are surrounded by pigs, then in fact you are in bad company, for which others will judge you.

A dream in which you saw that a pig attacked you warns you of danger. The dream indicates that excessive gullibility and promiscuity in relationships with people can harm your future.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Seeing fat, seasoned boars in a dream is a harbinger of busy trade and business activity. Selling boars is a sign that you will become the owner of significant property, but for this you will have to work hard.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Wild boar in a dream: a sign that you are confused in your affairs and your well-being may be seriously shaken.

Home-fed boar: portends success from doing things that are not too easy, but can bring good income.

Seeing wild boars in the mud or feeding them: a warning about possible conflicts related to money or housekeeping.

Slaughtering a wild boar or seeing it from the outside: a sign that, due to some kind of property dispute, your business may be seriously shaken.

Wild boar

Dream Interpretation Wild boar dreamed of why you dream about a wild boar? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Wild Boar in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Wild boar

Wild boar - troubles - seeing one running - avoiding danger - shooting - a dangerous situation awaits you - catching - joy.

Dream Interpretation - Wild boar

Elementary and destructive phallic power.

The archetypal masculine principle, the negative animus in a woman's dreams; however, the individual can counter the destructiveness of the animus by recognizing it (boar hunting).

Dream Interpretation - Pig or wild boar

Symbolism of the earth.


Dream Interpretation - Boar

Meeting with a cruel, evil and ferocious enemy. To drive beyond the fence - the meeting carries mortal danger. A boar rushed at you - expect news of impending treachery against you. Fat, seasoned boar - your boss has taken up arms against you. A skinny, hungry boar - the enemies will not retreat until they see your complete defeat. The squeal of a boar means you will be put in a humiliating position. You turn into a boar - your cruelty and indifference will cause discord in your family.

Slaughtering a wild boar or observing the process from the side - due to a property dispute, your affairs will be seriously deteriorated. A boar sharpens its fangs on a tree - enemies will take advantage of your miscalculations in business. Sleeping boar - your enemies are hiding for the last decisive throw.

Imagine that the boar turns into an affectionate, flexible pig (see Pig).

Sleep is favorable for people doing business. A successful deal will bring good profits. Defeat the boar - you are able to overcome any obstacles. Pursue and catch - you will be able to expose the slanderer. Killing a boar is a perfect triumph over your enemies. Receive a boar's head from someone - the vacancy for which you applied will be offered to you. The boar is covered in dirt and blood - a successful completion of the work begun. Fight the boar and defeat it - you will unravel the machinations of your enemies and prevent you from being drawn into a dubious undertaking that could bring not only financial ruin, but also dishonor. Feed by hand - you will receive respect and trust from your superiors.

Imagine that you are feeding a boar acorns.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Seeing a boar in a dream as a wild boar foreshadows a waking meeting with a person whom you should fear and avoid, because from him comes great evil for you, as well as great troubles for your family. If in a dream a wild boar runs away from you, then in reality you will be able to avoid many troubles. Hunting wild boars means joy will come to your home. Kill a wild boar - you are in danger of an accident or illness during an epidemic.

Seeing wild boars as male domestic pigs in a dream foretells good progress in financial affairs and trade. A huge, fat boar promises a good harvest and successful preparation for winter for everyone involved in agriculture.

Hearing the loud squeal of wild boars in a dream foreshadows sad news, a message about someone's death, or disappointment over meager payment for a large amount of work done.

A dream in which you feed domestic pigs speaks of an increase in wealth and an expansion of the scope of business interests. If in your dream someone suddenly turns into a boar in reality, this portends a reckless rejection of lucrative marriage proposals, which you will later regret more than once.

Seeing a boar wallowing in the mud means that your enemies will attempt to harm you, taking advantage of the moment when you are completely defenseless.

Buying a boar in a dream foretells that you can acquire some property, subject to increased efforts and a number of concessions on your part in favor of competitors. Selling a live boar - in reality you will experience boundless happiness; selling boar meat - beware of tricks from two-faced friends. Cooking boar meat means causing pain to your family and friends with your stupid antics. Eating boar meat in a dream means a long journey.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

The boar is a symbol of ferocity, anger and cruelty. So, if you saw a wild boar in a dream, then in real life you had to encounter human evil, which was transformed in your subconscious into this cruel forest animal.

To see a boar sharpening its tusks on a tree in a dream - the dream warns you of a serious danger. You can avoid it only if you calculate all your actions in advance.

If you dreamed that a boar was attacking you, this means that you will soon meet an evil, very cruel person who will try to harm your career and destroy your family life.

Seeing a wounded boar in a dream is a sign that in the near future you will be able to defeat your secret enemies and put an end to all the evil gossip that is circulating about you.

Fighting with an angry boar in a dream means that you will be able to unravel the machinations of your enemies and prevent you from being drawn into a dubious undertaking that could bring not only financial ruin, but also dishonor.

Watching a resting boar in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream means that your enemies are waiting for the right moment to deal you a strong, cruel blow from which you are unlikely to be able to recover.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

A fat, seasoned boar dreams of revival in the trade and business spheres, a skinny one - of anxiety and chagrin.

The squealing of wild boars portends unpleasant news, grief or disappointment.

Feeding a wild boar in a dream means getting rich in real life.

If you dreamed that a boar was attacking you, then in reality you are clearly unhappy with your personal life. You may have to fulfill someone's wishes against their will.

If you fought with an angry boar in a dream, you will soon quarrel with your partner because of different views on intimate life. Reconciliation after a quarrel will be very stormy and passionate.

If you saw a running boar in a dream - in reality you are so busy with business that you do not have the time or opportunity to relax. Leave everything, relax, and you will feel like a completely different person.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Boar - dream of a boar - you are threatened by an evil person, an enemy. To drive a boar out of the enclosure means death. A wild boar is trouble, catching it is a joy.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Boar - The appearance of this symbol in your dream indicates violence and even cruelty that are present in your intimate life. - If you dreamed that a boar was attacking you, then this dream indicates that in reality you are dissatisfied with your sex life and feel that you are fulfilling your partner’s wishes against your will. Fighting with an angry boar in a dream foretells that you will soon quarrel with your partner because of different views on intimate life. Reconciliation after a quarrel will be very stormy with strong passions. Seeing a running boar in a dream means that you are currently busy with your own affairs, so you do not have the time and opportunity to relax, your dream is evidence of this. You subconsciously feel a lack of sexual release, so leave everything and relax, you will feel like a completely different person.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

This animal symbolizes cruelty in your intimate relationships.

A dream in which a boar attacks you suggests that in your sex life you do not like to fulfill your partner’s desires, since you do not share them.

If you dream that you are fighting with a boar, this means that you will soon quarrel with your partner, since your views on sex do not coincide, but then you will make peace, which will be accompanied by a violent outburst of passion.

A running boar symbolizes your desire to have sex, although at present you have too much to do and do not pay enough attention to your intimate life.

You should give yourself a break - constant racing won't do you any good, you're not a machine.

Wild boar

Dream Interpretation - Wild animals

Wild animals symbolize sexual intercourse, but not a simple one. They are symbols of raw passions and strong sensual desires. The appearance of wild animals in your dream may also indicate your strong sensual arousal.

If animals attack a man, then he fears the consequences of his promiscuity in sexual contacts.

If animals attacked a woman, then she has masochistic tendencies and wants a very (!) temperamental lover. But perhaps she simply overestimates her desires and capabilities.

If you hunt wild animals, then you are promiscuous in your numerous sexual contacts, and are proud of your new victories.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

If someone sees in a dream that a boar has rushed at him, bad news about rebels and villains will reach him.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

The boar is the embodiment of ferocity, anger and cruelty. If you saw a boar in a dream, then in real life you probably had to deal with an evil person who in your subconscious was transformed into the image of this cruel beast.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

A boar seen in a dream means a strong and cruel enemy. Killing a boar marks triumph over an enemy.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

A symbol of an implacable enemy, an evil person.

For a girl for a marriage proposal.

For a married woman to be suspicious of her husband.

A boar attacking or chasing you means trouble.

A hog covered in mud is a harbinger of success in the business started and the successful completion of all others.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Domestic pigs and wild boars, calm and well-fed, dream of success in business and enrichment.

It’s also good if you dream of pigs with piglets, feeding pigs or trading them.

Hearing pigs squeal is very unpleasant news.

The wild forest boar is a symbol of a dangerous enemy.

It is necessary to avoid meeting such a person.

Chase and kill a boar - defeat your enemy.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Seeing a boar means peace with the enemy.

A fantastic, frightening dream about a boar - a sudden and destructive world of passions, an attack of the animal nature in you on the spiritual principle.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

A pig or wild boar turns into a human - there will be a government matter, a situation related to officials.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Boars or wild boars are a symbol of a dangerous, evil and ruthless enemy.

Hunting or catching a boar in a dream means struggle and triumph over an enemy who has a wild disposition.

Receiving a boar's head as a gift, freshly caught on a hunt, predicts triumph over the strongest of one's enemies.

A pig means people who are lazy, idle and idle, living at the expense of others.

Sometimes the pig symbolizes misers, completely useless in life, who enrich their heirs with their death.

Dream Interpretation - Wild

Wild boar in bed

Dream Interpretation - Bed

If a girl or woman dreams that she is making her bed, this foretells the appearance of a new admirer with whom she will have a pleasant time. If you dream that your loved one is lying on the bed and his face is unusually pale, this means that there will be understatement in your relationship. Perhaps you are not satisfied with the current state of affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Bed

A clean and white bed foreshadows the inevitable cessation of worries and worries. If a woman makes her bed in a dream, she will soon have a new friend.

Dream Interpretation - Wild

Seeing uninhabited space in a wild place is a long journey.

A wild duck flies into the house - portends great misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Wild animals

Wild animals - see - beware of ambush - be in danger from them - mortal danger- feed - you will be disappointed.

Dream Interpretation - Wild People

Wild people are anxiety and danger.

Dream Interpretation - Wild Mountains

Fire burns in the wild mountains - you will make a career, become famous.

Dream Interpretation - Bed

Seeing yourself sick in bed in a dream means being healthy.

Dream Interpretation - Bed

Making the bed in a dream means hiding something from your family.

Dream Interpretation - Boar

Fat, seasoned - revival in trade and business spheres;
skinny - anxiety, grief;
a pig with offspring - a rich harvest (for peasants), success in business (for others);
hearing a squeal - unpleasant news, grief over someone's death, or disappointment with a reward received for doing important work;
feeding pigs - increasing personal property;
trade them - you will become the owner of significant property, but this must be preceded by great effort and vigorous activity.
Also see Pig.

Dream Interpretation - Boar (boar)

Danger, enemy; drive over the fence - to death; wild (boar) – worries; catching a boar is a joy.

Interpretations regarding the dream in which there were wild boars affect both business, family and friendly spheres of life. For example, if the animal you dreamed about was in the forest, then you should prepare for lengthy legal proceedings. The dream book promises strong experiences associated with this. Other options for why you dream about something like this are listed below.

Fleeing for his life

The modern dream book believes that if in a dream a wild boar runs away from you, then in reality all difficulties will be safely resolved. If you dreamed that a whole herd was running, then an incredibly prosperous time awaits you. Whatever you think will come true, and things will go quite smoothly.

Seeing a wild boar running in a dream means life changes. If the artiodactyl was skinny and old, then the changes will not be very beneficial. Seeing a fat and well-fed boar in a dream is a sign of happiness and joy.

If you dream that a running flock makes loud sounds, get ready to fight for your honor and dignity. Envious people and enemies will decide to get even with you and for this they will spread unkind rumors about your person. The women's dream book advises not to take what you hear to heart and to remain calm and equanimous.

Skin color

A dream about a black boar foreshadows meanness on the part of a person you know. The universal dream book believes that you will not be able to avoid communicating with this enemy. Just try to give as little information as possible about yourself and the lives of your loved ones so that they cannot harm you.

If in a dream a black hog behaved friendly, beware of flatterers. With sweet speeches and friendly conversations, they will try to get what they need from you and disappear in an unknown direction.

Miller's dream book suggests that a black boar can symbolize the coming of times. Especially if you dream that he is exhausted or aggressive. In difficult times, you should unite with your loved ones and loved ones. They will help you resist adversity.

Did you dream about a white boar? Aesop's dream book foretells an imminent marriage. Also, the dream can promise a significant improvement in current affairs. Especially if the boar was extremely friendly towards you.

Attack and defense

If you dreamed that a wild boar was attacking you, then in real life you will have to face a very angry person. Communication with him will bring only negative things. Do you want to avoid such a meeting? This means that carefully choose your environment and strive for independence, so that you don’t have to maintain friendly ties with someone with whom you don’t really want to do this.

If in a dream a wild boar attacks and tries to leave its bite on your body, you need to change your tactics of communicating with others. Shereminskaya's dream book believes that a number of your actions have turned some people against you. A sincere desire to change something will help improve the situation.

If a very small boar attacks in a dream, beware of quarrels and conflicts. Do you dream of an aggressive female boar defending her little pig? Aesop predicts a serious conflict with relatives or a loved one. How it ends is up to you to decide.

If a boar bites painfully in a dream, expect trouble. If you dreamed of a successful wild boar hunt, then all your wishes will come true and your goals will be achieved.

Various interpretations

Dreaming of killing a wild boar promises victory over an opponent. The universal dream book is convinced that with the help of experience and solid calculation it will be possible to eliminate a competitor.