How to ignite a girl's passion. Strong conspiracy for intimacy

Among men there are downright hypersensitive individuals. It happens that before intimacy with the girl they love, they are so worried and worried that they risk a fiasco. This quite effective and strong one will help you calm down and show your masculine qualities. intimacy spell with my beloved guy.

“On the island of Buyan, beyond the sea-ocean, there is an oak tree, that oak tree is a thousand years old. That oak tree has a thousand and one branches that do not bend from the wind, and do not break from the rain. So let the servant of God (name) have ninety-nine veins and one vein do not bend from a girl’s body, from a woman’s gaze, from malice, from an enviable thought. Amen".

This plot for a beloved boy is not read immediately before intimacy– the effect may be the opposite. This ritual is performed during the day, at noon; if there is an oak tree nearby, stand in front of it and say witchcraft spell words. You can take a leaf from the tree, take it home and store it under your mattress.

Not only representatives of the stronger half of humanity are in wait. Ladies also suffer disappointing failures. If you love your chosen one, but the desire for intimacy has disappeared somewhere, read the conspiracy on female desire. This is a powerful intimacy spell for women. Go early in the morning to the river, enter the water, splash on yourself and say: “Heaven is my father, Earth is my mother, tell the water to give woman’s strength.” Scoop up some river water and wash your face with it at home, saying the spell again.

Intimacy and passion go hand in hand.

  • There are periods in the lives of each of us when we are obsessed with love, that vibrant basic instinct, a manifestation of the bestiality in our nature.
  • Desire sometimes becomes an obsession.
  • The flame of passion does not warm - it burns.
  • You can find satisfaction by making a strong conspiracy for intimacy with a man, and getting what you have been missing.

Self-conspiracy to create passion during a casual acquaintance

“I dream of your kiss. I want to hug you and own you (name). Our meeting was not accidental, it was I who wanted to give you pleasure. You can't refuse my look. It attracts you and fills you with passion. Be mine, my random beauty, and say yes to me when I demand it.”

Arouse lust and passion

Read this free intimacy spell by an open fire.

Designed for both women and men.

“I light a fire of passion in the lower abdomen (name). I bring passion to my head. Let it intoxicate and intoxicate. Let the brain blow away and dominate the body. Passion burns in (name), blazes and torments. My legs are trembling, my lips are dry, my hands are reaching out to me. There is no way to extinguish this passion. There is no way to get rid of it. Only I can extinguish this passion, only I can direct this passion. Everything fits with me for (name). Everything is decided on me for him. I want (name) my body. I want it so much that my eyes go dark. I am (name)’s biggest dream. Let us be together in the heat of passion! Let us experience lust and lust! Burn, fire, and burn to the bones. Burn, fire, and support me! May my wish be fulfilled! Khantaa ular."

Although all women and men are completely different, there are several general directions, in which you can work to evoke passion and feelings in men. Which ones? Our article is dedicated to answering this question.

How to evoke passion: types of feelings

It is important to remember that for any man passion and love are completely different things, and the first does not always imply the second. Let's try to highlight several types of passion:

Passion - fantasy

The feeling, regardless of its depth, most likely will not be expressed. It could be passion directed towards his wife best friend, to the boss. Then the woman arouses passion in the man and appears as something like a goddess, and any hint of the possible development of a relationship, and even more so of love, is immediately and completely rejected by him.

Specific Passion

This time the man is drawn to the woman physically, at the level of instincts. She evokes animal passion in a man. He can analyze her mental capacity, or maybe not spend it at all on this, as it probably seems to him, nonsense. Its presence causes a man's hormones to react violently and his blood to boil, which is often expressed in a change in facial skin color - pallor and redness, twitching of the eyelids and nervous tics of the jaw

True Passion

It is expressed in the fact that the presence of a woman nearby provokes in a man the active activity of not only the gonads and organs, but also the brain cells. A man is active not only in bed, but also far from it.

All the passions indicated here (except, perhaps, the very first) are finite and can end as soon as they begin, although the opposite is also possible - they can last for months and years. True passion over time can develop into something much more, but if it is superficial and is caused only by a carnal feeling, then you can almost always forget about it - after its satisfaction, passion can fade away, and interest can weaken, or even completely abyss.

Which of these three types suits you best, only you yourself can say - we don’t know your “victim”. Accordingly, there are countless ways to evoke passion in a man. If you are not deprived of beauty, intelligence, or both.

Passion is a reverent feeling, impulse or desire that plays a huge role in the life of every person. Despite the fact that many experts consider this feeling to be a very important element of any relationship between a man and a woman, it has nothing to do with love, since it is aimed exclusively at achieving desired result.

Despite this, women who have the ability to evoke a feeling of passion in a man remain in their memory for a long time; they are the ones who incinerate and excite the male soul.

That is why many women around the world are interested in the question: how to arouse passion in a man in order to win his heart?

Many people have heard that “women love with their ears,” but at the same time, not everyone knows that for men the voice is also of great importance.

If you regularly hone your skill in controlling your voice, you can easily learn to hook a man to the quick.

One of the main conditions that will help arouse passion in any man is an appropriate wardrobe. Men go crazy over high heeled shoes, stockings, short skirts, blouses with a deep neckline that involuntarily attract men's gaze.

At the same time, you should choose your wardrobe very carefully and not overdo it, since excessive frankness can cause the opposite effect - in the subconscious of a man, provocatively dressed girls are associated with girls of easy virtue.

Without fail, any woman who wants to please a man, and especially to arouse a feeling of passion in him, must take good care of herself. The fact is that men are intrigued by women who manage to do everything around the house and look great at the same time. Moreover, many men say that they respect such women.

In order to conquer a man's heart and awaken passion in him, you can use various scents. The reason is that many men are very sensitive to odors, and given the fact that some scents can cause arousal, their use can be the key to your success in seduction desired man.

Among other things, we should also not forget that the way to the heart of any man lies primarily through the stomach. That is why, in order to conquer a man, you need to feed him well and tasty, after which he will be completely yours.

Of course, it is clear that in this article we did not give instructions “from A to Z” on how to arouse passion in a man, but we sincerely hope that this material can help you achieve your goal as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How to evoke feelings in a man


First, in order to evoke feelings and passion in a man, you need to determine how dear the young man is to you. For what purpose are you pursuing it? For a short flirtation or for strong and Serious relationships. You also need to understand whether the guy is worthy of you spending your precious time on him.

If you have decided on your candidacy and goals, then the time has come to look at yourself from the outside. How can you attract your chosen one? Any girl should have something that will make her stand out from everyone else, the so-called “zest” that will give you beauty and irresistibility.

You must take good care of yourself, remain fashionable and stylish under any circumstances if you decide to arouse feelings and passion in a man. You need to be sweet, cheerful, cheerful, smile more often and not be shy about attention from a man. A smile is very attractive to men.

If the dating stage, in your opinion, has already passed, and you were both satisfied with the conversation, then the time has come for you to take the initiative in communication and arouse passion. Let your chosen one become attached to you. Try to write him small messages every day for several days, then stop writing and tell him that there is something wrong with your phone. Look - his reaction to such actions on your part will not go unnoticed.

Finally, you managed to tie him to yourself a little. But don’t go too far, don’t impose yourself and don’t bother him. Give a man the opportunity to conquer himself, because this is the only way you can arouse feelings and passion in a man. Since by nature all men are hunters, and they are not at all interested in “easy prey.” Allow him to look after you: giving you flowers, inviting you to restaurants or somewhere else.

If you have quite strong feelings for your chosen one, do not show them to him, since he himself should fall in love with you, and not you with him. Let him know that you are a strong girl from whom you need to seek love. And only a worthy man will be next to you.

If you want to create passion so that your guy will be head over heels in love with you, then you need to find your sexuality. And the more you reveal yourself, the more beautiful you will look from the outside. And a pretty woman can leave an imprint on a man’s soul. We hope that our tips helped you answer the question: “how to arouse feelings and passion in a man.”

How to make a man feel love?

Love is a feeling that is simply impossible to force, but it is quite possible to increase the likelihood that men will begin to experience increased attention and strong feelings towards you.

In order to evoke feelings and passion in a man, it is enough to master a number of pretty simple techniques, which will not require a lot of time and large expenses from you. It should be noted that not everyone knows the principles of this technique, and, therefore, for many women it remains a mystery how to evoke feelings in a man.

In order to arouse passion in a man, it is necessary to have a number of shared vivid memories with him. Riding a roller coaster together or going to the cinema to watch creepy horror films that will make your blood run cold may be suitable for these purposes.

The fact is that during such an adventure there is a high probability that in the most critical moments you will hold hands, which is an indicator of trust and some intimacy.

At such moments, a woman becomes more attractive to a man, because he has a feeling that he can protect you. The main advice is that to evoke feelings in a man, you first need to show imagination, which will enable you to get a little closer.

Very important point which arouses interest and feelings in men for a woman is emotional dependence. In order to evoke feelings and passion in a man, you need to be interesting to a man.

It is advisable to be in good mood and also entertain your partner interesting conversations, on topics that interest him. Thus, you must force the man to constantly seek your company, and also certainly think about you.

Enough in an effective way to evoke passion and feelings in a man is to create a situation in which a man would feel like a significant person or a hero - a savior.

To do this, you can ask a man to perform simple services, and after that extol his real merits to the skies, especially in front of strangers. At the same time, praising his merits in public is a very important point, since for most men, the opinion of others, especially males, is of key importance.

If you follow these rules, you will not only be able to evoke strong feelings in a man, but also quite possibly find happiness with him for many years.

By using love spells You can achieve not only the purest feeling, but also induce passion. If you need to add some zest to a relationship, then you need to carry out a conspiracy for passion. The only problem is that such rituals do not last long. You don't need any special skills to carry them out. White magic has such conspiracies.

There is no specific time for carrying out such a ritual. The timing of the ceremony depends on what is specified in the conditions of the ceremony. Conspiracies of this kind are necessary in order to help spouses return to family life passion and desire.

Options for passion spells

There are conspiracy options a large number of. Below we will consider the main ones.

  1. Lungs. In such cases, no unusual ingredients are required. They are easy to do yourself at home.
  2. Complex. They are also called sexual attachment. The method of conducting such rituals is more complex, but they also last longer. Moreover, complex options can lead to negative consequences if their implementation turns out to be incorrect.

Passion rituals do not bring love into relationships. Their main purpose is passions. Many people say that a love spell is black magic and can bring negative results into life. But the matter is quite more complicated than it seems. For example, if you decide to take a man away from your family using a passion plot, then, of course, you should expect trouble. But, if you simply decided to strengthen the connection with your loved one in this way, and then work on the relationship on your own, then there is nothing wrong with this. More likely, Negative consequences they won't expect you.

Conspiracy in direct contact with an object

This method will suit you if its magic is aimed at attracting an unfamiliar man. Most often, it is carried out on dates or at the first meeting. It is necessary to step away from the person and read the necessary words.

“I haven’t known you (name) for long, but I wish that you (name) would kiss me. I wish to be in your arms. I want you to kiss me with fierce force. My desire is that you should be in my power. Our meeting was not an accident for us. All higher power have long defined us to each other. I want us to give each other amazing pleasure. Don't you dare refuse my body and lips. I promise you won't regret it. You can't say no to me. Let only “yes” sound from your lips to all my desires. Be mine forever and ever. Amen.

Rite of desire

An excellent option if the wife and husband have lost the fire in their relationship. For this plot you will need church candle. Light a candle and, looking at the fire, you need to read the following words:

“With these words of mine I want to ignite an irresistible fire in the soul of my husband, God’s servant (name). Let all this passion appear in your head and in your heart. Let your feelings for me intoxicate you and command you. So that you can never refuse me again, even if you want to. Your whole mind and heart should belong only to me and no one else. You cannot extinguish the passion directed towards me. All of you will belong only to me, the servant of God (name). I should be your boss. You can't escape from me. Your lips will dry without my kisses. Your arms will be twisted without my hugs. Only with me now can you satisfy all your desires. You will desire my body day and night until we see each other. Your mind will darken if you want to betray me. We must remove the feeling of passion together. Only together can we experience lust and lust. Let passion burn you to the ground for me. Amen".

Universal conspiracy

This powerful spell is perfect for male and female use. To do this, you will need a photo of the desired object and a candle. Light a church candle and hold a photo above it. Now you can read the words of the conspiracy.

“I light the fire of our passion on a candle. White magic it helps me. Let the sparks that form ignite passion in the servant of God (name). Let your knees tremble, your lips become dry, and your hands become covered with goose bumps. Regardless of the time of day, let the desired object desire me. Come to me, and I promise to fulfill all your whims and desires. My bed will become your favorite, and my caresses will bring happiness. Amen".

Love spell with salt

Such a conspiracy to attract a man’s passion involves the use of salt. With its help, you can not only remove all negative energy, but also create passion in your relationship. The charmed salt must be poured into food while cooking for your husband.

“There is a huge mountain on which it rules white woman. The men try to get in with her, but only get bruises and wounds. This woman advised me some words. Now I will say these words, and I will be able to bewitch my husband. Let passion and love boil in our hearts. Let the servant of God dry up without my body, like a fish drying up on dry land. Let my beloved never be shy, never be afraid of gossip, and never pay attention to faith. He is allowed to commit fornication and satisfaction only with me. Amen".

Conspiracy for intimate problems

It’s not just men who experience intimate failures. In some cases, wives also experience such problems. If in your life there is a feeling that your partner is not attractive, then you can evoke this passion. In order to get rid of such a negative feeling, you need to go to the river at dawn. Get into the water and start dousing yourself with river water.

“I take the sky as my father, the earth is my mother. I ask you to ask for water so that she can give me feminine power. I want to wish for my husband. Amen".

When you are ready to go home, fill your bottle with river water. At home you need to wash your face again.

Ritual with clothes

Since ancient times, the most effective and powerful rituals were those performed on items of clothing or food. If you wear a shirt, it will become saturated with your energy. And if the owner of the item puts it on, he will be able to feel your energy for quite some time. big time. The result of the ritual appears very quickly, within a few days. Items of clothing or food direct all a person's thoughts to intimacy and a feeling of passion.

To carry out the ceremony, you need to wash the item of clothing of the desired person with your own hands. The ideal option is a shirt. While washing is being done, imagine intimacy with this person. And imagine everything in the smallest detail. You need to dry your laundry over an open fire. When you need to hang things up, recite the following spell:

Let's sum it up

Despite the fact that such rituals are quite easy to use, they have some obligations and features:

  • the result lasts no more than a year;
  • the power of the ritual, and its duration directly depends on the energy that was directed towards its implementation;
  • you should not expect that passion will awaken love over time - these are completely different love spells;
  • it is impossible to carry out a ritual on a person who treats you negatively, the result will not be achieved - before performing rituals you need to make sure that the desired object has positive feelings to you;
  • It is forbidden to carry out a large number of different rituals at once - this can lead to the opposite result, and as a result to mental disorders: the object you desire will become insatiable and preoccupied.

White magic has a number of features and nuances. Before carrying out a conspiracy for strong passion, you need to think carefully. It is quite possible that all your problems can be solved naturally, without resorting to magical influences. It is best to spend more time and achieve a person on your own than to resort to magic, because there are no guarantees that the result will be exactly what you need. Moreover, in order to carry out conspiracies, it is necessary to make sure positive attitude from the object's side towards you, because if the feelings are negative, then your energy will be wasted.

Conspiracies for passion allow you to kindle the sexual desire of one person for another - as a rule, by short term.

The short duration of their action is more of an advantage than a disadvantage.

You probably know one of the basic laws of practical magic: the faster the effect of a love spell wears out, the less risk occurrence of negative ones.

People who are not ready to settle for a few nights of hot sex should prefer an even stronger egillet (or).

Universal spell for men and women

The genital area of ​​the person photographed should be located closest to the fire. Say slowly and clearly:

“I, Servant of God (God) (name), light a fire below the belly of a dear friend (name), Messengers are flying from the fire, they want to set the whole body on fire. Trembling in the knees, goose bumps in the white hands, goose bumps in the mouth dryness. Day is noon, night is midnight, I can’t bear to wait. Come, I’ll lay you down on the feather bed, soften you and please you. My feather bed is cool, like snow, my caresses are pleasant!”

Fortune telling on a man's passion

Usually, the need to warm up bed relationships arises among married ladies - a long life together burdens the light delights of the intimate sphere, and banal addiction, alas, plays its fatal role.

We can recommend to such women, thanks to whom husband begins to want a wife again, and in addition - several more spells that can be directed at any individual a man in general, not necessarily to the legal spouse.

Ritual on a scarlet ribbon

If you want to engage in witchcraft because you are afraid of the imminent termination of an existing but fragile intimate relationship, try reading the conspiracy on the tape.

It should be satin or silk and certainly scarlet in color. It should be cut by eye to a length that will correspond to the size of your man’s genital organ in working condition.

Before sex, discreetly place a ribbon under the sheet, and then, when your lover is satisfied and falls asleep, take it out and tie seven knots on it. For each next one, whisper the words:

"For lustful passion, for female power. Fastened strong, Servant of God ( full name beloved) before me sculpting. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!"

Spell on salt

The text is pronounced over salt. Then this salt is added to the man’s food as needed.

The plot is like this:

“There is a white throne on the mountain, the first wife is sitting on the throne. Men are climbing the mountain, tearing off the skin, tearing the veins. The first wife gave me her cherished words. I will say the words, my dear, I will bewitch. Boil, white passion, ardent passion. Even without a body My Lord’s Servant (name) will be sick of the Fish on the dry shore. Let him not be afraid of the Lord, not be ashamed of rumors, be merciful to me, embrace me, and commit fornication with me. Amen!”

In this article:

A conspiracy or ritual for passion is a special form of love spell, which, however, does not evoke love, but is aimed solely at kindling passion in a person’s heart. This ritual can also be used to return the spark to the spouses’ relationship and save the marriage.

When talking about love spells, you should always remember the moral side this issue. Of course, many will say that any love spell is bad and sinful, but in reality everything is much more complicated.

If you want to take your husband away from your family, then you are not doing the best thing and should be prepared for possible negative consequences.

But if the purpose of a love spell is only to attract the attention of a lover in order to independently achieve his love and honestly build a relationship, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

How to conduct the ceremony correctly

Rituals are not tied to a specific time of day. They can be performed at any time, day or evening, unless required by a specific ritual. You can read conspiracies at home, but it is advisable to stand by the window and look at the sun or moon.

Words must be pronounced loudly and clearly, with self-confidence and faith that the ritual will give the desired result.

Conspiracy upon contact with an object

This magical ritual is suitable if you want to arouse passion in a stranger, for example, on a first date or during a chance meeting. Move a little away from the purpose of the ritual and read the words of the conspiracy in a whisper:

“I, the servant of God (name), dream of your kiss, servant of God (name). I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to own you, servant of God (name). Our meeting was not accidental; we were destined for each other by fate. I want to give you pleasure, and for you to give me pleasure. You will not be able to refuse my gaze, my touch, my lips. I will beckon you, I will fill your heart with passion. You will be mine, servant of God (name), you will tell me “yes” when I wish it. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual for lust

“I, servant of God (name), kindle a fire of passion in the belly of the servant of God (name). I will raise passion in your heart, in your head. Let thoughts of me intoxicate you, let them intoxicate you, let them dominate your thoughts and command you.

Passion will burn in your body, servant of God (name), and will torment you. Your legs and hands will tremble, your lips will dry out for me, you will reach out to me, come to me, look for me. You can’t extinguish the passion in your body, you can’t forget about me.

You can't get rid of thoughts about me. Only I can quench your thirst and hunger, only I know how to satisfy your passion. Everything is on me, the servant of God (name) for you, the servant of God (name) converges, everything is done on me. You want my body, you want it so much that it becomes dark in your eyes.

I am your dream, I am your desire. We will be with you in the heat of passion. We will experience lust and lust. Burn, fire, in the heart of God’s servant (name), burn him to the very bones.”