Dream interpretation big boar. Dream Interpretation - Why do you dream of wild boars of unusual color and size? What details to pay attention to

Dream interpretation boar

The boar is a wild, freedom-loving animal. It is impossible to say for sure why a boar dreams. Since seeing a boar in a dream everywhere means certain changes, both in the family circle and in business sphere. This symbol quite multifaceted, it can bring success, but at the same time, promise grief. For full picture predictions, you need to remember the slightest details of the dream.

Dream Interpreters

Take any dream book, a wild boar will definitely be considered there. There are disagreements between different sources, but this only complements the overall image. And if you collect interpretations from different sources, you get the full picture.

Aesop's Dream Book

if you dreamed of a boar

This source believes that the boar is a symbol of ferocity, angry nature, bordering on cruelty.

Why do you dream of a boar - in reality you had a meeting with a cruel person. The subconscious either frees itself from the negative, forming it into such an image, or tries to give a hint and limit communication with this individual.

If you dreamed about a wild hog sharpening its fangs on a tree, you are in serious trouble.

Hog attacks - you will meet a bitter person who will try to harm your family or career.

You dream of resting boars - people who wish you harm are hiding before the decisive throw. Soon they will strike a crushing blow, and you will suffer greatly.

If you look for a positive interpretation of a dream in this dream book, then there are only two of them:

  1. Injuring a boar, seeing it wounded, means you can overcome your enemies and ruin their plans.
  2. Fight against a wild boar - you can confuse the cards for ill-wishers. This will greatly harm them and at the same time save your reputation.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

As always with Freud, the dream means the sexual sphere of life. A wild boar, a symbol of aggression, dreamed of a wild boar - you are not satisfied with your intimate life. Your partner, a despotic person, is doing something against his will.

Seeing a wild boar running in a dream means that you are too busy with work and have absolutely no time for entertainment and intimate life. It is not advisable to continue this way, let off steam.

Fighting the beast means there will be a quarrel with a loved one due to intimate disagreements, then a stormy reconciliation will follow.

Women's dream book

If you also dreamed about babies

Seeing a fattened wild boar is a sign of success in business and trade.

Selling a boar - thanks to your love of work and perseverance, you can get substantial capital.

Seeing a wild boar with offspring means success in business, and for farmers it means a good harvest.

An emaciated wild boar - grief, anxiety.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Borov means an evil, vile person prone to sadism.
  • Seeing a hog wallowed in mud is a sign of success for the business you have started.
  • Chasing you - trouble.
  • For a girl - a marriage proposal.
  • For a woman, her husband will be suspicious.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Why do you dream about a boar? The magician believed that this was something uncontrollable, beyond influence.

Seeing an animal in a dream means meeting a wayward person who does not take into account public opinion. Proving something to such a person is more expensive for yourself.

If you have dreams in which you yourself are a wild boar, it means that you keep your feelings and actions under control too much. Sometimes it can be helpful to let your emotions out.

If you dream that a hog is attacking, and you are trying to run away and hide - a quick quarrel with someone close and important to you. The quarrel will be serious and will greatly spoil the nerves of both halves. Perhaps you will no longer reach a truce.

Miller's Dream Book

Fat hog

In Miller's dream book, dreams about wild boars occupy a fairly large place:

  • a fat, seasoned hog - success in trade and business;
  • emaciated - anxiety, sadness;
  • with offspring - success in business;
  • hearing them squeal is not good news. According to Miller, the news is about the death of a loved one.

Other interpretations

Find full interpretation your dream in one dream book will not succeed, since such a dream is collective image. The interpretation of the dream will be influenced by many details.

What is a boar like?

We have already figured out that a well-fed and greyhound boar is a good dream. Opposite interpretation will have a dream with a skinny boar. It is also worth paying attention to the color and number of animals.

Black hog

A black animal in a dream is always unfavorable. You dream about a black hog when you are in danger of breaking up your family. The interpretation of the dream is as follows: you dream of a wild, black boar if an unfriendly person is going to interfere with your family soon. Most likely, he has had a grudge against you for a long time.

Another interpretation of the dream is that your plans are not destined to come true. No matter how much effort you put in, it will all fall into oblivion.

The universal dream book offers a very unpleasant interpretation of the dream. You will have to communicate with a deceitful, evil person, while avoiding communication, or somehow smooth out sharp corners It won't work. Your only choice is not to let him get too close, and not to give him a lot of information about you.

If the hog was friendly to you, it means that the enemies will go a different way. With the help of flattery, they will get everything they need from you and go home, leaving you with nothing.

Snow white hog

what color was it

Boar white, young people dream of marriage. For the rest, the dream book gives the following interpretation: your business will go uphill. How long the rise period will last depends on the behavior of the animal.

One or more

In general, the number of animals does not significantly affect the interpretation of sleep. The difference is that if they large number, then all predictions seem to double.

The modern dream book gives the following interpretation: a lot of animals means that you risk falling into bad company that will lead you down the wrong path.

Escape or attack

Not last role plays the behavior of the hog. It is important what happens in a dream: it is a wild boar hunt, or you met one on the street. Who is running away, you or the beast? Are you going to kill him? And, in the end, where exactly does the action take place, on the street, in the forest, at home?

Hog hunting in the forest

In general, if you dream of hunting a hog in the forest, it is a positive dream. Injure the beast - in the future your enemies will be defeated by you.

Kill an animal - you will succeed exactly as you planned. But to kill him and cook food from boar meat is a negative dream, no good will happen.

Eating meat means health problems, an SOS signal from your subconscious.

Why dream of a boar killed by you personally - you will be able to cope with an obstacle that has been troubling you for a long time.

If you dream of a boar that has already been killed, it means serious troubles at work or health problems.

Run away from the beast

The main interpretation is that if a boar runs away from you, it means that you will be able to cope with all difficulties. If you run away from him, then you do the same in reality, but troubles cannot be solved by themselves, you only aggravate the situation with your behavior.

Some dream books believe that running away from a hog means changes in life.

Size matters

When you dream of a small boar, it means that you will be bothered by minor troubles and minor misunderstandings.

A big boar is the worst enemy, a big obstacle.

If you correctly collect all the predictions of dream books and apply them to your specific vision, then you can get accurate and clear advice from higher powers. Interpretation will help you move in the right direction.

A wild boar in a dream is an ambiguous symbol and has many meanings: both positive and negative. The interpretation of a dream about this animal depends on the plot, actions and behavior of the boar, the situation, the emotions of the dreamer and other important details. A dream in which a sleeping woman sells, feeds or sees small wild boars with her mother is considered favorable. A skinny or sick artiodactyl promises misfortune and life difficulties.

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    Interpretation by various dream books

    Why do you dream of a boar:

    • Autumn dream book - to see a well-fed black boar in the forest - to the persecution of a sleeping woman by a very influential and unprincipled man.
    • Spring - to a meeting with an extremely unpleasant and selfish person.
    • Summer - watching artiodactyls running means abundance and a good harvest.
    • Female interpreter - a fat animal portends good trade and a profitable event. Selling these animals in a dream is a stunning success in business and significant financial profit. Skinny artiodactyls - such a dream promises causeless anxiety and nervous breakdowns. Seeing little wild boars and a female boar means the successful completion of the work started. Feeding wild artiodactyls in the forest means positive changes and prosperity in all areas of life.
    • Russian is a symbol of anger and aggression. If the dreamer is attacked by an animal with fangs, real life There will be a difficult and lengthy struggle with your enemies. If you dreamed of a wild boar biting the throat, then enemies will be able to pretty much ruin a woman’s life; their insidious plans will lead to financial ruin and moral devastation of the young lady.
    • Ukrainian - an angry boar that bites in a dream - someone wishes the young lady death in real life. Catching a wild animal means unexpected troubles. Hunting these animals in a dream is a sign of a joyful event in the near future.
    • Freud's dream book is a symbol of excessive cruelty and sexual violence. Attacks - to dissatisfaction from intimate relationships with your partner in real life. If the dreamer fights with an angry artiodactyl in a dream, in reality she will have to sort things out with her lover. Killing a wild animal means breaking up with the man who is now nearby; There will be no trace of the old love feelings left, the couple will hate each other. Seeing someone running through the forest means a woman needs a change of scenery and proper rest, including sexual release.
    • Modern - if a young and unmarried person sees a well-fed artiodactyl - to a marriage proposal. For a married woman, such a dream promises accusations from her husband and suspicions of infidelity.
    • Interpreter Smirnova - a sleeping woman is in great danger if the animal in the vision attacked and bit her. Hunting wild boars in a dream means exposing deceitful and hypocritical people in real life.
    • Gypsy - to betrayal of a business partner. Running away from a wild boar in a dream means hiding from persecution in real life. Hunting artiodactyls means hard and painstaking work that will bring neither moral nor material satisfaction. To kill is to rest on the laurels of your glory.
    • Small Velesov predictor - driving beyond the fence means imminent death. Catching a boar means a joyful and fun pastime. To kill is victory over your worst enemies.
    • Family dream book - seeing a fat cloven-hoofed animal in the forest means wealth. Skinny means poverty. Hearing a squeal means big trouble. To feed is to lull the vigilance of your enemies. To kill is to win in an unequal battle.
    • Dream book of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima - to a fatal mistake. Feeding is wasting money. Seeing a wild boar and a wolf fighting in the forest is a valuable loss. Hunt - to significant event. Seeing a wounded animal means a person who wishes harm to the dreamer will himself suffer from his own intrigues and gossip. Eating boar meat means serious illnesses.

I don’t think anyone needs to explain who a wild boar is. Even those people who have not met him in wildlife, and it seems to me that the majority have undoubtedly seen him in pictures, on TV, at worst, in a zoo or in a circus. A wild boar is not a little pig from old wives' tales; it is a ferocious and aggressive animal. Meeting him on a forest path does not bode well for a traveler, especially an unarmed one. What if this member of the pig family gets in your way in your dreams? Why do you have such a dream? What prophesies: a well-fed life or mortal danger? Interpreters interpret such images in different ways, depending on the details seen in the dream. If you dreamed of a wild boar, do not panic. Remember the details, look at the dream book, and it is quite possible that the interpretations will please you!

Look danger in the eyes...

To see a wild boar in a dream - in real life, be selective in your communication, you may fall under the influence of an aggressive person, because of whom you will get into trouble.

If you dreamed that a boar attacks you and bites you, take care of your health, accidents are possible in the near future, Vanga’s dream book suggests.

If you watch a wild boar chasing someone, your friend will need help that you can do.

To see a lot of wild boars fighting with each other - do not get into any disputes, otherwise you will not end up with problems.

Running away from the boar who is chasing you - soon you will have to use all your resourcefulness talents, otherwise you will have to face tedious and hopeless work.

Uniform disgusting

If you dreamed of a wild boar wallowing in the mud, your competitors will find themselves in a difficult situation, so in the near future they will have no time for you.

If you dream that a wild boar attacks you and knocks you into the mud - be careful, your enemies will try to harm you at a time when you are especially defenseless, the dream book warns.

Delicious game

Hunting for a cleaver in a dream means joy and fun will come to your home, the dream book promises.

If you dream that you are watching a hunt from the side and see how hunting dogs are driving a wild boar - in solving some of your problems you will need the help of an influential person.

Killing a lot of fat, well-fed boars in a dream means a successful trade or the conclusion of a successful deal, Miller’s dream book predicts.

Eating the meat of a killed boar means victory over enemies. Moreover, victory will be easy and unconditional.

Hearing a wild boar squeal in a dream means gossip and bad news, the dream book warns.

Buying wild boar meat is a sign of successfully acquiring something valuable in real life, but only if you give in to your competitors in something.

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Boar?

Boar - Seeing fat, seasoned boars in a dream is a harbinger of busy trade and business activity. Selling boars means you will become the owner of significant property, but for this you will have to work hard. Skinny boars dream of worry and grief. A pig with piglets - to a rich harvest or successful business management. Feeding your own pigs in a dream means a significant increase in prosperity in the future.

The meaning of a dream about a Wild Pig (Russian folk dream book)

The boar is considered the embodiment of ferocity, cruelty, and anger. It may be unfair, but it is really better not to tease or anger this wild beast unnecessarily. Apparently, this is why when you dream of a boar, it is assumed that it symbolizes an evil and cruel person whom you had to face in reality. You probably suffered because of his difficult character, which is why the boar appeared. So your subconscious transformed this image. Draw conclusions.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about the Beast

Boar – The boar is a symbol of ferocity, anger and cruelty. So, if you saw a wild boar in a dream, then in reality you had to face human evil, which was transformed in your subconscious into this cruel forest animal. If you dream of a wild boar sharpening its tusks on a tree, the dream warns you of serious danger. You can avoid it only if you calculate all your actions in advance. Why do you dream that a boar is attacking you? This means that soon you will meet an evil, very cruel person who will try to harm your career and destroy your family life. Dreaming of a wounded boar - in the near future you will be able to defeat your secret enemies and put an end to everything evil gossip that talk about you. Fighting an angry boar in a dream means that you will be able to unravel the machinations of your enemies and prevent yourself from being drawn into a dubious undertaking that could bring not only financial ruin, but also dishonor. Watching a resting boar in a dream is a bad omen. The dream means that your enemies are waiting for the right moment to deal you a strong, cruel blow from which you are unlikely to recover.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of the dream in which the Boar dreamed

Boar - The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates violence and even cruelty that are present in your intimate life. Why do you dream that a boar is attacking you? This dream indicates that in reality you are dissatisfied with your sex life and feel that you are fulfilling your partner’s wishes against your will. Fighting with an angry boar in a dream foretells that you will soon quarrel with your partner because of different views on intimate life. Reconciliation after a quarrel will be very stormy with strong passions. Seeing a running boar in a dream means that you are currently busy with your own affairs, so you do not have the time or opportunity to relax, your dream is evidence of this. You subconsciously feel a lack of sexual release, so leave everything and relax, you will feel like a completely different person.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream of a Boar in a dream?

Boar - If you dream of a boar, it threatens you evil man, enemy. To drive a boar out of the enclosure means death. A wild boar is trouble, catching it is a joy.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a boar mean in a dream?

If you see a boar in a dream, you have an irreconcilable enemy with an evil character, whom you sincerely fear. A boar in a dream is his personification, his symbol. But if the dreamer turns out to be an unmarried young woman or girl, then she often dreams of a wild boar to receive a marriage proposal. When you see a boar in a dream married woman- this is a warning that her husband will suspect her of cheating and - not without reason. Thus, in both of these cases, the sexuality of the boar comes to the fore, it turns out to be the embodiment male power. Seeing that a wild boar is chasing you means major troubles await you, which will not be easy to cope with. And if in a dream you are pursued not by a boar, but by a hog, and even one rolled in the mud, this is good sign, promising you success in all your undertakings, both those that you have just started and those that are nearing completion.

Slavic dream book

What does a boar mean in a dream?

Boar - see - to mortal danger And strong enemy. Sun in Aries.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Boar in a dream

Pig - Sleep is favorable for people doing business. A successful deal will bring good profit. Imagine that you are feeding a boar acorns.

Big modern dream book/ Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Boar

I dreamed of a Boar - you dream of fattened large boars - your business will go quickly and easily - like a cart on a well-worn road; your business partners admit that they are helpless without you; They will base all their plans on the basis of your plans. You see thin or sick boars - do not expect anything from the future but grief; all your efforts over the next few days will lead to nothing. You hear the squealing of wild boars in a dream - the news will not be pleasant; another interpretation of the dream: you will finish and hand in the work, but the reward will not be as great as you expected - there will be great disappointment. You give food to the wild boars - good sleep; your successes will ensure an increase in your well-being; you will acquire more and more property, but do not forget that the main wealth is in your head. It is as if you are selling boars - this dream means the acquisition of very significant property; perhaps you will buy a house or an entire company; however, before this you will have to work hard; you will even deny yourself a lot.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see a Boar in a dream?

Boar - see also Animals and Pig. 1. One of the ways a sleeping entity draws our attention to something is a play on words or meanings. Since few people have seen a wild boar in their lives, its appearance in a dream usually means danger. 2. Since the boar is associated with a festival or feast, it is a symbol of lust and insatiability. 3. Excess, abundance and vitality. By association with mythology and children's stories, the boar can also represent evil.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Boars from your dream

The boar is a symbol of serious danger or destructive passion. However, often these two definitions are interconnected, one follows from the other. It is quite possible that you will meet a person for whom you will have an unexpected and almost uncontrollable feeling, which will entail a large number of problems and troubles. Especially if you are already in an established relationship or marriage. This is the meaning of the dream you are having.

The meaning of the dream about Borov (Muslim dream book)

According to Holy Quran and Sunnah, when in a dream you see a wild boar attacking you, this turns out to be a sign of some kind of social upheaval, which you will soon learn about. If someone dreams that a boar rushed at him, the dreamer can expect that soon news will reach him about rebels and villains, as well as about the atrocities they commit. It is possible that we will be talking about the areas in which your relatives live.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Boar

Boar - Boar is a symbol of something unbridled, not subject to any arguments of reason or decency. You saw a boar, which means that in the near future you will have to deal with an unbridled person. To explain to this Pig man your point of view on what is happening, you will need a lot of strength and patience. Most likely, we are talking about the feelings of one of your acquaintances, who will consider it unnecessary to hide his ardor. Be careful: no matter how much you would like to be harsh and tough, you cannot do this, because a ban can cause discontent and, as a result, the rage of an unrestrained person. Seeing yourself in the form of a boar in a dream means that in reality you forbid yourself to do many things that are very important to you. Perhaps you have really good reasons and motives for such self-restraint, but don’t you think that such control over your your own desires can lead to internal breakdown? Think again, and you will understand that it is better to loosen the reins at least a little. If you dream that a wild boar is rushing towards you in a rage, and you are trying to hide from it in a panic, it means an imminent quarrel with a person close and dear to you. The quarrel will turn out to be very long, and perhaps good relationship you will never get along with this person again, this is how you decipher what you are dreaming about.

The meaning of the dream about Boars (Modern dream book)

According to modern interpretations, a dream in which you see a boar wearing positive character. If you dream of a boar, it symbolizes an intelligent and very well-mannered person whom you will soon meet. For an unmarried woman, seeing a wild boar very often predicts that she will soon receive a marriage proposal, which should be seriously considered. When a man dreams of a wild boar, the dream can promise him a reliable and trusted business partner.

Maly Velesov dream book

Boar in a dream

Boar (boar) – Danger, enemy; drive over the fence - to death; wild (boar) care; catching a boar is a joy.

Boar - Seeing in a dream means a strong and cruel enemy; chasing a boar and catching it marks overcoming the enemy; killing a boar marks a perfect triumph over the enemy; to receive a boar's head from someone foreshadows triumph over a strong enemy; Giving someone a boar's head means humiliation and grief, in the following interpreter you can find out what this dream means.

Ancient French dream book

Boar - interpretation of a dream

If you dream about a boar, it is often a warning about that. that in reality you have a very serious opponent, an evil and merciless enemy, the existence of which you are not yet aware of. If for some reason your business goes poorly, well-laid plans are frustrated. last moment, these are the machinations of that very enemy that the boar is trying to tell you about in your night vision. Eating wild boar meat in a dream portends a long and serious illness.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a Pig mean, taking into account the date of birth?

In the spring, what does a boar dream about - To an unpleasant person.

In the summer, what does a fat boar mean in a dream - a fat, well-fed cattle - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

In the fall, why did you dream of a fat boar - to the pursuit of you by the new Russians.

In winter, why dream of hunting for a wild boar is a sign of danger. Killing a boar in a dream means the victory you will gain over your enemies.

Our subconscious can draw a variety of images in the scenes of our night dreams. The dream book will tell you what they mean.

Boar, how very frequent guest dreams, in interpretation has a very ambiguous meaning. What such an animal means for the dreamer in a dream picture can be found out in this article. To draw up a plausible interpretation of what a boar dreams about, you should pay attention to the details. It is very important to remember what a living creature looked like, as well as its actions in a dream.

Basic meanings for dreams

What does a dream in which a boar dream promises? The main meaning of such a plot can be both positive and negative (or warning). First of all, such wild animals are dreamed of as a metaphorical image of aggressiveness, which the subconscious draws.

In most cases, the events that took place were associated with injustice to the dreamer, and this collision was transformed into the image of a wild boar. Here important factor is appearance beast.

To see a large and scary creature in a dream - in reality, you can expect improvement in all areas of activity. If an unmarried lady dreams of a huge black boar, this image can be associated with a rich suitor who will soon appear in the dreamer’s life.

The boar - a pet in the dream plot speaks of a successful period for any endeavors. If you had to see a wild boar tamed in a dream, it means that the most optimal time has come to carry out your plans.

As for the nature of the actions of the hero and the wild boar in the dream, they also add meaning to the plot. So, for example, hunting a boar in the forest in night vision means in reality you will achieve an improvement in your financial situation.

If you dream of clashes with a forest animal that attacks the hero, this phenomenon can be perceived as a loss of mutual understanding. To prevent quarrels between partners against this background, everyone should show restraint.

Fighting a boar and killing it means risking danger. To minimize the consequences of an unplanned event, you should not forget about vigilance. As a possible sign of illness, a person dreams of killing a wild animal in a dream.

In dreams where you see a boar being sold or sell it yourself, there is a different meaning. Such stories promise the acquisition of new property of large size. However, such investments will require great effort from the dreamer.

When considering versions of why you dream of a wild boar or several animals resting in a clearing in the forest, you need to be wary of ill-wishers. It is likely that in the near future there will be people around you who will secretly make attempts to desecrate your reputation.

An important role in deciphering dreams in which a wild boar appears is played by the color of its skin. Thus, the image of a black beast is associated with a vile person. To prevent him from harming you in real life, try to minimize communication with unfamiliar people.

At the same time, a dream of a hog with a black skin is also considered a symbol of flatterers. Having gained your trust, they will try to use you to implement their own plans, after which they will disappear from sight.

When you see an animal with a white skin in the picture of your night dreams, in reality the dreamer can count on favorable changes. For a man, this beast in a dream brings news about improving financial affairs. For women, a friendly white boar that does not attack is the personification of a person with whom they will soon connect their destiny.

When clarifying why a wild boar is dreamed of in a night picture, one should be wary of the sight of an attacking animal. If a wild boar attacks in a forest in a dream, it means that the dreamer faces a meeting in an unfamiliar environment with a very unpleasant person. The negativity that this personality carries can have a detrimental effect on all areas of the hero’s activity. To avoid such consequences, the dream book recommends being as independent and independent as possible.

A dream in which an animal not only attacks, but also leaves its bite on the dreamer’s body can also be considered a warning. This phenomenon is interpreted by the dream book as a situation provoked by you, which will not bring you any benefit. Take the advice and do not take actions that others could perceive as a provocation.

At the same time, the fight with the beast, which ends with its death in a dream, means a search for options for solving the problem “hanging” over the dreamer. Therefore, to see in the plot how one manages to kill a boar is to achieve the desired goals in real life.

Other dream books

Explanations of why a boar dreams are offered different dream books. Versions of the most popular interpreters are given below.

In Miller's dream book, the phenomenon of dreaming of a wild boar can be interpreted as an upcoming joyful event. For example, a fat boar promises a person to receive a good profit in reality. A wild boar or pig surrounded by offspring is a symbol of prosperity. Killing such an animal means good luck.

However, if you see a screeching boar in a dream, then this will be a warning. Most likely, such a plot in a dream means receiving not very good news. At the same time, trading in boars or selling a wild pig is a sign of a successful acquisition.

According to Aesop's dream book, an aggressive animal represents an impending danger. Depending on the dreamer’s reaction to the current circumstances, it will be possible to minimize negative consequences or avoid them altogether. To see in the plot of your dream how an animal wounded by you runs away into the forest - in reality you will defeat your enemies.

Freud's interpreter views the same plot with the boar as a reflection of the dreamer's sexual dissatisfaction. Accordingly, the dream of an angry boar is identified with the hero’s indignation against the background of intimate disagreements, and the peace-loving boar demonstrates the need for sexual release.

Thus, a harsh and terrible forest dweller can be a very positive sign for the person in whose dream it will appear. Therefore, if you dream of a wild boar, do not rush to panic, but look into the dream book to find out the explanation of such a dream.