Book of Changes - interpretation of hexagrams. Fortune telling with hexagrams: concept, fortune telling technique, meaning and full interpretation

An important historical monument is the Book of Changes, which is a written canon of the I Ching that has come down to us from the times of Ancient China. Both previously and now, this ancient book with the hexograms contained in it is used to make predictions. Such fortune telling, thanks to centuries-old practice and positive reviews, is very relevant and very widespread. And today we decided to talk about the meaning of certain combinations of hexagrams and what their interpretation is.

I Ching fortune telling is considered quite reliable and truthful. However, in order to get an accurate answer to an exciting question, the fortuneteller needs to concentrate as much as possible in order to accurately carry out the ritual and interpret the combinations of hexagrams.

I Ching fortune telling goes back deeply to the reign of the Chinese ruler Fu Xi, who became the founder of fortune telling and making predictions based on hexagrams. This ancient Chinese ruler came up with different combinations of dashes through which one could read fate's clues regarding specific situations.

Looking at the image of all 64 hexagrams, you should find yours and complete the I Ching fortune telling. To do this, read the information that is offered for this ancient book Change.

The meaning of combinations from 1 to 64

    1. If the lines completely coincide with the combination forming the first cell, then you can count on the mercy of fate. This hexagram carries a positive meaning, and it can be associated with luck, the successful completion of the work begun. However, it is too early to relax, because being at the top makes you vulnerable.
    2. This cell is also with a positive value. The interpretation of these hexagrams should indicate the efforts that the fortuneteller must make to achieve his goal. Looking ahead, it is worth noting that the Book of Changes suggests the successful completion of the plan.
    3. Unlike the previous two hexagrams, this combination promises troubles and unfortunate events. With such a coincidence of lines, the fortuneteller should avoid any undertakings in the near future.
    4. Such a hexagram can carry a meaning that foreshadows imminent improvement. The interpretation of such a combination will help the fortuneteller understand that the advice of friends, loved ones, and relatives is the key to his success.
    5. This combination can be called encouraging. Its interpretation, based on the knowledge contained in the Book of Changes, allows a person to understand that soon things will get better and life will become easier. But such news should not push a person to take active action, because haste in this case will only get in the way.
    6. The meaning of this combination is intense. It promises future troubles. The I Ching in this case will indicate the upcoming danger. Therefore, if the fortuneteller was preparing to start some kind of business, then it was better for him to postpone this event for a while.
    7. By interpreting the combination, a person can understand that this period in his life is intended for solitude. Although the fortuneteller will be actively lucky, it is better to postpone what was planned for a while. This time is worth spending alone.
    8. Everything bad in the past is the meaning of this combination of the I Ching hexagram. In order for everything to be fine in the future, the fortuneteller must be patient and believe in his own strength.
    9. The interpretation of these lines contains a hint about upcoming changes for the better. All that remains is to survive the unfavorable period and wait for changes. However, keep in mind that ill-wishers will try to confuse you.
    10. For this combination, the Book of Changes also contains a good meaning. This is a sign to retire for a while. Even short-term loneliness will be beneficial.
    11. Do not be careless towards those who supported you during difficult times, remember your friends. Fate will immediately reward you for your reciprocity and sincerity.
    12. Please note that the interpretation of this hexagram foreshadows betrayal. You shouldn't be too sincere with someone who has recently appeared in your life.
    13. The favor of luck is on your side. As the Book of Changes shows, the fortuneteller is now in the most successful period of his life.
    14. Fortune telling using this hexagram will help a person find the right way. The main thing is to set priorities correctly and determine the most important goal.
    15. This combination of lines also has a favorable meaning. It says that in the near future you will experience improvement in all matters.
    16. An alarming meaning would be appropriate for this hexagram. Hobbies that will appear in the near future may seriously draw you in. Therefore, first try to activate your sense of proportion.
    17. Great time to look for like-minded people. At the same time, do not under any circumstances betray your ideals, but also do not swim against the tide. A major victory will soon be on the horizon.
    18. Perhaps in the near future you will become a very important person for someone. Guided by the most sincere and pure motives, a fortuneteller will be able to change someone’s life, directing it towards better side.
    19. As the Book of Changes says, this hexagram has a double meaning. Its interpretation can be understood as luck accompanying everything. However, you will have to pay for the goal achieved.
    20. Fortune telling of the I Ching using this hexagram will indicate trouble. You won’t be able to avoid them, but you can minimize the consequences if you show composure and prudence.
    21. The meaning of this combination is favorable, promising success at work. The experience of past years will help with this.
    22. Be prepared for hypocrisy. The Book of Changes indicates that there are traitors in your environment.
    23. This hexagram will tell you about the gossip going on behind your back. Even though someone slanders you, it will not stop you from fulfilling your desires.
    24. The confusion of this period will soon dissipate, and the fortuneteller will be able to breathe deeply again. I Ching's fortune telling this symbol there is a meaning of patience, which is worth starting to be guided by.
    25. The meaning of these lines is simplicity. Despite the first glance, you can solve any problem if you look at it from a different perspective.
    26. The interpretation of such a combination resembles a pause. That is, in order to be ready to conquer the peaks, you should rest a little and gain strength.
    27. The Book of Changes, as a guide for those who want to find answers to questions, suggests the excessive curiosity of the fortuneteller. It's better to get rid of it if you don't want to get into trouble.
    28. A happy period for those who know how to control their emotions. For others, this is a period of reassessment of values.
    29. This combination, which also has an ominous meaning, makes fortune telling an unfavorable prognosis. Most likely, the fortuneteller will face losses in the near future.
    30. The interpretation of this combination of lines according to the I Ching can also be twofold - these are either vain illusions or incredible success.
    31. Having acquired harmony, the fortuneteller will be able not only to experience peace, but also to find the meaning of life. In this case, fortune telling promises a person happy life, secure old age.
    32. You should not pursue several goals at once. Having decided on the main goal, arm yourself with the support of your loved ones, throw all your strength into realizing your plans.

Of all the hexagrams, this one indicates that a person is strongly advised to restrain himself. Perseverance in the current situation at the moment situations is not the best helper.

  1. Think about it: does the end justify the means? If loved ones suffer from your actions, this will cause a lot of negative consequences.
  2. Interpretation according to the Book of I Ching will demonstrate to the fortuneteller the right path. Perseverance and confidence will help you make significant progress towards your goal.
  3. The Book of Changes prophesies imminent changes. However, a fortuneteller should not be too self-confident.
  4. Do not lose hope, because among other hexagrams, this one carries a very favorable meaning. Believe that your dream will come true.
  5. Now is a difficult period for you, but if you do not show aggression, it will soon end with a positive result for you.
  6. Another ominous hexagram, the meaning of which is associated with the distant past. Some events will force you to go back and start over from scratch.
  7. The period of worry is over. Now you can relax and enjoy the fruits that you managed to achieve.
  8. The interpretation of such I Ching hexagrams means reciprocity. That is, the life of a fortuneteller will depend on what decisions he will make and how he will relate to others.
  9. This period is most favorable for creative people. The muse will accompany you. Fortune's favor will also be on your side.
  10. Wait for the changes that I Ching fortune-telling is preparing you for. Pay attention to details, especially in the material aspect.
  11. Pay attention to your shortcomings. Perhaps it is they who prevent you from experiencing harmony and finding the true meaning of life.
  12. According to the Book of Changes, this period promises the fortuneteller new acquaintances. However, among the new people in his life there will also be ill-wishers.
  13. The efforts and efforts expended will soon pay off handsomely. In addition, those thoughts that visit you in the present can become full-fledged promising projects.
  14. The last unfortunate combination of all hexagrams. Its interpretation promises long-term stagnation, a prolonged streak of bad luck.
  15. Despite your failures, help someone else. Fortune telling I Ching does not promise changes in the near future.
  16. An excellent time to implement promising ideas, as well as for gambling.
  17. The hexagram suggests that the fortuneteller will soon become a leader. In order not to let his followers down, he needs to carefully study all the details.
  18. According to the Book of Changes, these lines indicate that a rival is preventing the fulfillment of a dream. A short break will allow you to identify a competitor.
  19. Almost all areas of the fortuneteller’s activity will face stagnation. Don't try to panic, because everything will be resolved by itself. So relax and be patient with fate.
  20. You are actively moving forward, but you forget to look at your feet. The Book of Changes recommends taking your time so that you can stop in time.
  21. In the sphere of love, you should be careful, because many obstacles await you along the way. Your dreams won't come true any time soon, but that's no reason to be upset.
  22. The meaning of such a hexagram is fraught with success. This period is best suited for harvesting.
  23. Fortune telling hints that the secret of success lies in justice. You need to be able to combine the thirst for victory with the attention that should be paid to loved ones.
  24. The fortuneteller should not exaggerate. Better relax, try to hear your inner “I”.
  25. Success is already on the doorstep. In order not to frighten her away, be vigilant, do not spread gossip, and act fairly.
  26. Everything planned will soon become reality. Focus, perseverance, and leadership qualities will help with this.
  27. The interpretation of this hexagram indicates the time of active actions. To make your plans come true, make even more efforts.
  28. You need support and cooperation. Alone, a fortuneteller will not be able to comprehend the true path that fate has prepared for him.
  29. The fortuneteller will be disappointed. But I Ching fortune telling interprets this as an opportunity to devote oneself to a completely different area.
  30. A quarrel that arises soon will be a reason to renew outdated ties. The time to fulfill your dream has not yet come.
  31. It pays to be careful. A happy period is just around the corner, but this period is not suitable for active actions.

One of the most ancient and rightfully popular fortune telling is I Ching or fortune telling based on the Chinese Book of Changes. The process of fortune telling itself is easy, however, you need not only to know the meaning of hexagrams, but also to learn to read between the lines in their interpretation, making maximum use of intuitive and creative thinking.

How to tell fortunes using the Book of Changes is described, and below you can see 64 hexagrams and their detailed interpretation.

Interpretation of hexagrams

1. This symbol consists of six lines. Good, good sign. This hexagram is masculine and means the month of April and spring hopes. But be careful! Now you are on top of the mountain and You don't have the opportunity to go down yet. While at the top, be vigilant and judicious. Expect major changes no later than in six months. Time favors your endeavors. There is a certain uncertainty in your personal life, it is necessary to bring clarity to it. Your desire will certainly come true if it is reasonable and modest. Someone is opposing you, but if you are determined and adamant, success awaits you. The test you are put to, you will survive.

2. The gods awakened Mother Earth. You need to work hard and your efforts will be crowned with great success in two months. You are a cultured and knowledge-hungry person who treats even the smallest fruits of your labor with love. You are respectful and attached to your mother. Now do not think too much about material gain, do not give free rein to selfishness. Your wish will come true, although not immediately. It is not recommended to go on the road in the near future - not alone or with anyone. A person will soon appear in your circle who has a strong interest in you.

3. This hexagram represents one of the most unfortunate combinations. Everything will fall out of your hands, without yielding results, no matter what you undertake. There is nothing left to do but wait for a more favorable moment. Try to lead a secluded lifestyle for at least three months; this, of course, does not mean at all that during this period you should not carefully think through plans for the future. Be patient, listen to the woman’s advice. But now there can be no talk of luck, of success in business.

4. At present, everything around you seems to be covered with a veil; but this veil will soon fall, and the world will again acquire clarity for you. Now your nerves are very shaken, so try not to make hasty decisions. Everything will change soon. If you want to succeed, do not neglect the advice of friends and bosses, think about them. Spend more time communicating with your children. Don't be discouraged. New plans, new prospects are already emerging, but the time has not yet come for new love. Get your act together; and concentrate your will on the fulfillment of one single desire.

5. Now is the time to wait and gather your strength, you will soon need it, and very soon - when spring comes, the snow will melt, and the flowers will bloom again. Haste and impatience in actions now can only bring harm. You need to wait a little longer, about two months, until a certain person appears who will help you in a way you didn’t expect. And if you resolutely and energetically start planning further actions, then help and support will come even faster. You may feel attracted to someone who is older than you. Try not to show too much interest in him. If you act purposefully and carefully enough, your wish will come true.

6. You feel disharmony. Some kind of conflict is brewing. Try to behave with restraint. Don't answer the challenge thrown at you. Don't make too many demands; and don't go into any venture alone until circumstances favor you. Try to start working together with someone. Let everything go in its own order, and you will understand that life problems sometimes they can teach a lot, and not just cause grief.

7. The symbol of this hexagram is conscious solitude. Now you seem to be a commander who is considering the upcoming offensive. Luck favors you, but be careful and careful in choosing your allies. Let them be people who have good intentions. Perhaps an unexpected guest will visit you, or you will receive unexpected news. Although you have a rift with a loved one, you are still in a romantic state of mind. But you need to plan all future affairs more carefully and wisely.

8. Now the worst is over. But some difficult problems still remain unresolved. Success will accompany you only if you act in cooperation with other people, and therefore do not avoid common affairs, try to participate in them. There is no need to neglect your responsibilities. Be true to yourself, because mutual understanding and respect are just as necessary in relationships between people who love each other, as between a teacher and a student. Listen to the advice of your friends and your superiors; the fulfillment of your desires largely depends on this. This is not the right time to gamble.

9. Yes, now neither luck nor success accompanies you. But remember: the night is darkest before dawn. You are at a loss, you are not in control of the situation now, but this will soon pass. Events are already close that will change everything for the better. Now you just need to be patient and wait. Yes, you are used to being considered the darling of fate. You don’t need to waste yourself on petty quarrels now, try not to overwork yourself at work. In three months, success awaits you in money matters.

10. You need to now try to withdraw into yourself, retire and think about yourself, about your situation. Let your behavior be emphasized polite, reserved and friendly. It would be very good for you if in some way you show your respect for your superiors. An unexpected event that will happen soon will bring you great joy. The time is not quite suitable for love affairs. Women, be careful when choosing new acquaintances! Try not to make big demands on your life right now.

11. Don't forget your friends when happiness clearly favors you and your career moves forward. But at the same time, do not be frivolous and careless. If you want luck and success to accompany you as long as possible, try to back it up with success in other areas. Your wish will come true, but do not rush and do not try to artificially speed up the course of events. Now you seem to be inclined to waste money. Restrain yourself, do not overestimate your financial capabilities.

12. You are not indifferent to what is happening around you; much is unclear to you. People who are unworthy of you are drawn to you. Try to be vigilant and prudent; you should not start any serious business now. You are often misunderstood; a quarrel with one of your friends is possible, even without sufficient grounds. Most of your wishes will come true, but not right away. The state of affairs will soon change; try to listen to the advice of your superiors, but make decisions at your own discretion.

13. You will never find yourself in bad company, no matter where you go. Do not be afraid of high goals, boldly enter into the struggle; and you will be supported by those on whom you do not even count. You are now in some anxiety, and therefore somewhat confused and uncertain. But very soon your affairs will go smoothly. Your wish will come true if only you take the elders’ help offered to you seriously enough.

14. The sun is shining brightly. This means that you feel completely free. We can say that you are rich - both materially and spiritually. To succeed in business, you need to concentrate your will and desires on what is necessary at a given time. And don’t lose sight of the main goal, remember it, although now everything is going quite favorably for you. Don't spray yourself!

15. The fallen snow bent the tree branch down to the ground; but soon everything will change and she will straighten up again. Your circumstances are now moderately favorable. But you can become the master of the situation if you show restraint. Failures, including financial ones, give you anxiety. But there is no need to worry, everything will change for the better. And financial affairs will get better. If you do not neglect the help of others, your wish will come true.

16. Your sun is already rising; how long have you been waiting for luck, and now it is very close. Now is the time for different hobbies- don’t get carried away with them beyond measure. Success will come to you soon; be prepared for it. And in the implementation of your plans, and even in the game, you will be lucky. You cannot be petty and mercantile when following the path of success. But you don’t have to spend more than what you get. Wait a little - and your wishes will come true.

17. Now is not the time to attract supporters; you need to quickly strengthen your positions. And if suddenly even your goals change, do not deviate from your principles. Do not immediately chase great success and a major victory: be content with the small for now, and it will lead to the big. There is no need to swim against the current, and everything will be in order. It is very likely that your wish will come true, but be prepared for big life changes.

18. You need to analyze and evaluate events especially carefully: you can become a participant in changes in someone else’s personal life. You should be the master of the situation. This will be possible due to your present condition. It may happen that you lose a friend. The most unexpected actions can be expected from you soon. You need to clarify your relationships with others. They are not in order, and the problems that arise from this can interfere with the fulfillment of your desires.

19. Success awaits you in whatever you undertake now. And in the future, circumstances will be the more favorable for you, the more success you achieve. There is a time coming when success is possible in a variety of things. Be determined in achieving your goal, but do not forget about your friends: do not cause envy or resentment, be careful and prudent . Obviously, you will be forced to change your attitude towards one of the people close to you, whom you know very well.

20. You need to be prepared for possible and unexpected troubles. Try to calmly and judiciously think and analyze the situation. It is possible that you will need to change your place of residence and job. Try not to miss anything important; you need to be especially careful now. You can get help from where you least expect it; to do this, you just need to carefully think through all your actions. Your wishes will come true, perhaps not as quickly as you would like. You need to think carefully about the possibilities of implementing your plans. Well, if your business goes well, then don’t forget to help others.

21. Something is tormenting you, you feel unhappy. Try to take on some new business, and your affairs will go better, and gradually conscientious work will lead you to great success. You tend to consider yourself a victim of injustice. But if you constantly think about how this could happen, this will not help the matter. We all make a lot of mistakes; Obviously, you made a mistake in something too. But try not to lose heart and learn the right lesson from what happened. There is no need to despair, especially since right now circumstances are favorable to the fulfillment of your desire. Get your act together; remain calm and reasonable.

22. This hexagram can only be favorable for matters related to the theater. This means that you have a tendency to hide your true face, and the people around you also do not behave completely sincerely. Your love affairs are quite problematic now, but success in other areas is possible. Your wishes will come true, but not soon. We must try to accept life as it is and learn from it.

23. Big changes await you in the near future. Perhaps now someone is slandering you and spreading gossip. Therefore, you don’t need to take on any new business now, you shouldn’t get into an awkward position. Your wishes will come true a little later. Try to be cautious and careful when communicating with representatives of the other sex. And you don’t have to get lost if you suddenly find out that you can’t count on your friends’ help.

24. You are upset now because you think you are completely confused. But all this is not as difficult to overcome as you think, just be patient. Moreover, a certain very specific period will be decisive for you - seven days, or seven weeks, or seven months. You really are on the eve of big changes in fate. A little patience - and everything will work out. Try to save some money too. This will come in handy.

25. Unity of clarity and simplicity. It will benefit you if you implement worthy plans with worthy means. The time of supreme activity has not yet come. Have a little patience. Wait, and fate will soon smile on you. Sometimes you are too preoccupied with love affairs, there is no need to worry, all your desires will come true in due time.

26. There is a “pause” in your destiny, so don’t waste your energy. Do not relax in combat readiness, wait for it to end, but do not waste your energy on trifles; soon it will find a more pleasant and useful use. Your wishes will come true if the height of their bar is set correctly and not too high. Those who have faced problems similar to yours will help you. Be patient, do not try to force the pace of events, the result may be completely opposite.

27. Try to look at yourself from the outside; Don't you think you talk too much and eat too much? There is no need to gossip about others; by doing this you harm not only them, but most of all yourself. Stop complaining about fate. At this time, it would be a good idea for you to see a doctor. There will be changes in your life soon, be prepared for them.

28. You are happy, you feel your happiness. But try to pull yourself together; your temperament can harm others as well as yourself. Look at yourself critically and don't be overly confident; your judgments at the moment are far from the most correct. Don't try to achieve success through force. Time will change everything, you need to restrain yourself and think about the state of affairs. Your wish cannot come true quickly. Be correct and do not offend others with your ardor.

29. Don't be discouraged, but this is one of the four worst combinations. A time of loss and defeat has come in your life. The only thing that can be done is to reduce the number of blows of fate to the minimum possible. Be patient and wait until the goddess of happiness graces you with her gaze again. In two, at most - in five months, the situation will begin to change for the better. In the meantime, you have enough time to do scientific research, reading, just homework, which is usually plenty. Don't be nervous and stay calm. This is a period when introspection and a sober assessment of the situation are much more important than a desperate struggle with fate.

30. It seems to you that everything is fine, although in reality it is not. Rather, you are now deliberately deceiving yourself, being captive of illusions. Listen to your friend's advice. You are inclined to rely entirely on fortune, since fate is currently favoring you. This impression is deceptive, it can mislead and cause you serious harm. Your wishes will be fulfilled thanks to the intervention of a person older than you. Perhaps major success awaits you in matters related to writing and mediation. You should listen to what people say.

31. Luck and success should now accompany you thanks to the state of mind in which you are. You are now “on the wave” of success. Several unexpected events are about to happen, very favorable for you, almost every step you take will bring good luck. The results will be such that you cannot imagine now; it will bring peace and tranquility into your soul. However, after all the worries and worries, you will probably need to retire for a while and relax.

32. There is no need to chase two birds with one stone at once, literally tearing yourself apart. Keep your patience and everything will end well for you. Be patient and your wish will come true. Try now to thoroughly understand your intentions and plans for the future. However, the moment is not very suitable for new beginnings.

33. Try to restrain yourself a little; believe that you will only benefit from this. At the moment, persistence and perseverance will not bring any benefit. This hexagram is very favorable for interesting recreation and entertainment; Take this time to think about your plans for the future. However, do not rush to implement them until the current period of uncertainty ends. Better use it for meditation, quiet contemplation and reflection.

34. You are too assertive, too actively striving to get ahead; there is no need for this, it will only harm you. Think about the people around you. Remember that it is impossible to build your well-being on the failures of others. There is no need to sacrifice anyone or anything to your own ambition. Behave more modestly, more tactfully, and your wish will come true. Try to find the “golden mean” here.

35. Success is already close. It was not in vain that you counted on recognition and respect; they rightfully await you. In the future you will be rewarded even more than now. Step forward boldly and decisively, rely on your lucky star. Your wish will not come true right away, but don’t let this sadden you. You are waiting for a meeting with a person whom you have not seen for a very long time. Don’t waste money, be a little more economical; this will help you a lot in the future.

36. The situation will change very soon. Therefore, do not be overly self-confident, although luck is with you now. Do not embark on love adventures, try to act thoughtfully and prudently. You are used to being considered the darling of fate, so your actions can be interpreted incorrectly. But don’t worry, in the near future everything will change and fall into place. Don’t despair; but now your wishes will not come true. Be more frugal.

37. Luck and success await you exactly where your soul strives. Your hopes will come true, but not without outside help. Don’t make the mistake of leaving your land now, otherwise very soon it will become clear to you that this should not have been done. Look for calm and peace in your family life, in household chores, in communication with friends.

38. This hexagram says that now your life is devoid of harmony. It seems to you that everyone around you is picking on you and is aggressive. Even the most insignificant events drive you crazy. Pull yourself together, don't be nervous, the situation will change soon. It is difficult for you to find sympathetic people now. A certain woman is getting on your nerves. Control your words, actions, and do not take on anything new. Those events and things that are currently in your field of interests, in fact, do not correspond to your true desires at all.

39. Alas, this is one of the worst hexagrams. The more effort you make, the further you are thrown back. It's hard to say why exactly, but at the moment fortune is not interested in your fate. The best thing to do now is to immerse yourself in study, reading, scientific activity, just in the whirlpool of household chores, and find peace in them. It is possible that several of your friends will support you. Try to keep track of your expenses: during this unkind period you may be left without funds.

40. You have had to overcome a long period of worry and trouble. And now this period is over. Now you need to get together and start acting immediately, otherwise you may miss the opportunity to achieve brilliant results. Some old wish will come true, and a new one too, but a little later. You will make new friends. If you have a trip or trip planned, have a nice trip! They will only bring you pleasure. The period that has just begun is very favorable for making good money.

41. Be generous to people; after all, what you give to them today, tomorrow fate will return to you with interest. Perhaps now it seems to you that you are too wasteful; don't think about it, don't stoop to commercialism, and you will be richly rewarded. Time is conducive to thinking about plans and intellectual activity. Most of your wishes will come true, and you will reap much more than you sowed.

42. This time is favorable outstanding personalities. But it is also fruitful for other people. What you have planned will come true, what you have done will be paid for. And you will be able to help others. Some task entrusted to you will result in personal gain for you. You are also preparing to do advantageous offer. Your wish will come true, not without the help of a superior. There is an opportunity to significantly improve your financial affairs, and in the very near future.

43. You are lucky at the present time, but there is a possibility of making a mistake and alienating those who usually helped you, and all this is due to your own stubbornness. Be more tolerant in your relationships with them, and try to meet them halfway yourself. It is quite possible that during this period you will fall in love with a person whom you are not even thinking about right now. This will, of course, influence your future behavior. Don't gamble.

44. Take a look at yourself from the outside: are you sufficiently restrained, tactful, and tolerant? Be attentive to changes in your contacts with people and try to evaluate their actions less critically. One can hardly expect the fulfillment of desires and hopes. Be frugal. Prepare yourself internally for the fact that unexpected events will soon follow that do not promise you anything favorable.

45. This period is very favorable for you. All your affairs will be crowned with success. Some invisible force strengthens your relationships with people, helps you make new friends and acquaintances, establish contacts that in the future will one way or another prove beneficial for you. Past works and efforts will be rewarded as they deserve. A woman is pursuing you, she is trying to block your path, prevent you from realizing your intentions, and interfere in your life. Despite this, your wishes will come true.

46. What you have been striving for so much and to which you have given so much strength and energy will soon finally come true and give a positive result. There is very little left, gather your strength and work a little more, just as persistently and conscientiously as before. Now it is best for you to act decisively and boldly, rather than hide and wait passively. Rely on intuition and common sense, and then your wish will surely come true. Those thoughts and ideas that come to your mind now are likely to bring you success in your financial affairs.

47. Now is the time for you when you should not take on anything. This hexagram is one of the four worst. You need to wait a while, put your thoughts in order. It is very possible that a helping hand will be given to you by a person whom you know well and who cares enough high position; do not reject his advice. After all, now you have very little faith in your own strength. But circumstances will change for the better, and this period of bad luck will end.

48. It is possible that your affairs are not going entirely smoothly. But even if this is so, do not refuse to help another. You will see later that this is the only correct course of action. Don’t be upset, but now, apparently, you can hardly count on your abilities being appreciated and recognized by your superiors. Of course, you really want the circumstances to change, but this is hardly possible now. This applies only to your “global” desires and aspirations; less significant ones can be fulfilled even now. Despite everything, your money affairs are doing pretty well.

49. All the changes and rearrangements happening around you now will end; so lucky that the results will exceed all your expectations. You are now unsure of yourself, but new prospects are coming and you will regain faith in yourself. Perhaps your plans will change, and you will go somewhere you never intended to before. Now you are very lucky in the game.

50. This hexagram indicates that at this time there are all the prerequisites for you to decisively take on the role of leader in order to achieve positive results. There will be people who will be jealous of your success; don't pay attention to these people. Don't take on more than you can give, and don't promise more than you can deliver. The number three has a strong influence on you and your relationships with others. The business you have taken on, together with two like-minded people, will lead you to success. Your wish will come true, although not exactly in the way you originally intended. Pay attention to the fact that you spend too much on entertainment and hobbies.

51. Your success is close, but you have a rival who is making every effort to prevent you from achieving it. There is no need to be upset about this; with peace of mind give up your positions, because what you are striving to get as necessary for you will in fact turn out to be completely different, not what you thought. An unexpected and unpleasant event will happen in your environment in the near future, but it will not harm you in any way. Now you need to rest, get distracted, and try not to get nervous because circumstances are turning out this way and not otherwise. Don’t be discouraged, a little later fate will smile on you.

52. Currently, progress in business is very problematic. You need to wait for a while, and only then start working again; if you plan a trip or trip, it is better to refuse them. Try to come to terms with the circumstances and think carefully about your situation before taking on anything. Don’t be discouraged. You will overcome all the difficulties and intrigues of your ill-wishers, victory will be yours, and very soon. To make your wishes come true, your efforts must be especially persistent now.

53. Moving forward, carefully think through each step, and then luck will not change you in the future. If, without giving in to persuasion, you do not get ahead of events, happiness and success will be your companions. The tortoise has no less chance of reaching the finish line first than the hare. You are at the beginning of a long journey. Financial affairs will improve, and patience and prudence will ultimately be rewarded with the fulfillment of desires.

54. You need to always be careful in everything, especially in love affairs. Try to perceive everything that happens calmly and coolly, otherwise you may find yourself in a very unpleasant situation. The fulfillment of desires is delayed. Don't make a fuss. Now is the time for you when it is better to wait and think. And at the same time, this is a period when income exceeds expenses. A more positive stage is just around the corner, and the coming weeks should be devoted to preparing for it.

55. The symbol of this hexagram is the autumn harvest, the gathering of a rich harvest. This means that your lucky star is shining brightly on your path. Your business is going steadily and successfully. Perhaps they will do even better in the future. Remember that you always need to be aware of all events. Don’t forget about saving, try to save money little by little. This time is especially favorable for studying agriculture, as well as art. However, there is no certainty that your wishes will come true, although now you are clearly experiencing success.

56. Do you know that now there are all the prerequisites for success in business? If you are planning to travel abroad, then this too will be successful. You are too ambitious, so you need to behave very carefully so as not to spoil your relationships with friends and work colleagues. Let your claims not be too high - and your wish will come true. You are very worried and nervous about some unpleasant event. Don't think about it; forget and don't remember.

57. At the moment, it is not so easy for you to understand the state of affairs and rationally evaluate it. But you exaggerate too much when depicting events. Try to follow the path that a person who knows you well will show you; and it will be the best way out. In five months, your fate will change for the better. A woman will help you remove obstacles to the fulfillment of your desires. Under no circumstances should you allow yourself to be persuaded to take actions that you consider wrong and unnecessary.

58. Good luck is already rushing to you; and your depressed mood will disappear without a trace. This hexagram is related to everything related to the organs of speech. Beware of speaking badly about others, and do not ignore the good advice of a friend. Now is a very favorable period for everything related to singing and trading. Don't be nervous about what you can't change or fix. Keep calm; happiness, luck is already on the way.

59. Bright sun success is rising again after a long period of failure. Everything you strive for will become possible. It may very well be that a long journey awaits you. Try not to spend a lot of money. Your affairs will go well in all respects, and in the near future you will have an unexpected chance to become a leader. Your wish is now coming true. And if you are persistent and focused in your efforts, it will be completely fulfilled.

60. The time has come for action. But remember: all your efforts can go to waste if you are not careful enough. An offer will soon be made to you; don't rush to accept it. It may very well be that it is not at all as attractive as it seems at first glance. The same applies to your love affairs and friendships. Your real and reasonable desires will come true. This time is not suitable for long journeys and travel. And don’t forget the proverb: don’t dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself.

61. Now you need to work in collaboration with others, but not alone. You tend to overestimate your mental abilities; Beware of this, otherwise you may become simply impatient and arrogant and proud. And this may interfere with the implementation of your plans. Try to be more restrained and modest. Your wishes will come true only if they are reasonable and honest. In the very near future, your capabilities and abilities will be appreciated by your superiors; this will greatly help you move along the path of success.

62. You may be disappointed in the person you love, but you don’t have to take everything too tragically. I must say that you missed that happy and best chance that would help fulfill your desire. But a new one will appear soon. This period is not suitable for long trips, but there is an opportunity to significantly improve financial affairs. Don’t waste your time on trifles, don’t attach too much importance to them, it never benefits anyone.

63. If you suddenly quarrel with someone now, then it is better for you to turn to someone else who could act as a mediator between you. If you once achieved success, do not give in to the desire to repeat it again. Think about it: if you follow this advice, your reward will be the complete fulfillment of your desires. You shouldn’t throw all your energy into a new business now; it will not lead to success. What you dream about and what you strive for will come true, but over time, not immediately.

64. Success is very close; your affairs go to her. But the time for active action has not yet come. Day by day, things will get better if you are careful enough. Your wish will come true in the near future. Just a little time left to wait - and a happy, successful period will begin in life.

The “Book of Changes I-Ching” or “Canons of Changes” consists of 64 hexagram symbols, each of which expresses one or another life situation in time from the point of view of its gradual development. The symbols consist of six strokes each; and these features indicate successive stages of development of a given situation. The six traits are made up of two trigrams.

The features of hexagrams are of two types: solid and interrupted in the middle. The first symbolize active state, light, tension, and the second - a passive state, darkness. That is, broken lines symbolize yin, continuous lines symbolize yang. Take a piece of paper and a pen. Take 3 identical coins.

Each of the trigrams has its own name, indicates a certain property and expresses a specific image:

1. QIAN (creativity), property - fortress, image - sky;
2. DUY (permission), joyfulness, pond;
3. LI (cohesion), clarity, fire;
4. ZHEN (excitement), mobility, thunder;
5. XUN (refinement), penetration, wind (wood);
6. KAN (immersion), danger, water;
7. GEN (stay), inviolability, mountain;
8. KUN (fulfillment), dedication, earth.

How to tell fortunes using the Book of Changes?

Focus on one thing that worries you most or make a wish... Are you ready? Then start tossing coins...

Take turns throwing coins (I throw three at once). This must be done six times to get six traits and make a hexagram. Draw lines from bottom to top, i.e. Draw the bottom line first and work your way up. If 2 or 3 coins land on heads, draw a solid line; if 2 or 3 coins land on tails, draw a broken line.

The sixth (top line) marks the completion of the development of the situation or its so-called overdevelopment, when it turns into its opposite. Fifth - maximum disclosure of the situation to the outside. Fourth - the beginning of manifestation internal process outside. The third is the crisis moment of transition of the situation from internal quality to the outside. The second position characterizes the apogee of the internal development of the situation. The first position (bottom line) characterizes only the emergence of a situation when its typicality has not yet been fully determined.

From the 6 lines you draw, a hexagram is formed, which will indicate to you the answer to the question.

To find the interpretation of your hexagram in the table, mentally divide your hexagram into two equal parts (trigrams): top and bottom. Then, at the intersection of these figures, you look for the number of your hexagram in the table. All that remains is to read the interpretation of the dropped symbol by clicking on the number and think about how correctly it describes your life situation.

Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we do not notice the simplest and most obvious solution to our problem.

There is no need to be upset if the meaning of the compiled hexagram touches upon facts that are unpleasant for you or simply does not reflect all your expectations. Just like life itself, fortune telling cannot contain only pleasant aspects: after all, fortune telling is a reflection of life, its mirror.

ATTENTION: You cannot turn to the Book if your plan can harm others or its implementation is associated with unworthy means. Also, don’t test the I Ching with questions like “What is the meaning of life?” or “What is 2x2?” Do not ask the Book of Changes the same question again, even if you are not satisfied with the answer, or it seems too gloomy to you. If you receive an unfavorable combination (especially hexagrams numbered 3, 29, 39 or 47), do not be upset under any circumstances, but take into account the recommendations that the Book gives you. Try to limit yourself to one question per session, and do not guess more than once a day.

Interpretation of hexagrams (modern)

01. Qian. Creation.

The symbol consists of six yang traits. Good sign. This is a masculine hexagram, meaning the month of April and spring hopes. But be careful! You are at the top of the mountain, and you have no way to go down. So be vigilant and smart while you're up there. In no later than six months, expect major changes. Time favors your endeavors. There is a certain amount of uncertainty in your personal life; it is necessary to clarify it. If your desire is reasonable and modest, it will certainly come true. Someone is opposing you, but if you are determined and adamant, success awaits you. You will pass the test.

02. Kun. Execution.

The gods awakened Mother Earth. Work hard, and in two months your efforts will be crowned with great success. You are a cultured and knowledge-hungry person; you treat even the smallest fruits of your labor with love. Very attached to mother. Now is not the time to give in to self-interest, so don't think too much about material gain. Your wish will come true, although not immediately. In the near future, it is not recommended to go on the road, either alone or with anyone. Soon a person will appear in your environment who has a strong interest in you.

03. Zhun. Initial difficulty.

One of the most unfortunate combinations. No matter what you undertake, everything will fall out of your hands, without yielding results. There is nothing left to do but wait for a more favorable time. Try to lead a secluded lifestyle for at least three months, which, of course, does not mean that during this period you should not try to think through plans for the future. Be patient and listen to the woman's advice. Luck and luck are out of the question at the moment.

04. Myn. Underdevelopment.

You see everything around you as if through some kind of veil, but it will soon subside and the world will regain clarity for you. However, since your nerves are currently very shaken, do not make hasty decisions. If you want to succeed, do not neglect the advice of your superiors, think about them; everything will change soon. Don't be discouraged. Spend more time communicating with your children. New plans, new prospects are already arising, but there is no new love even close. Concentrate your will on the fulfillment of one single desire.

05. Xu. Having to wait.

Wait and gather your strength, you will need it very soon - when spring comes, the snow melts and the flowers bloom again. Too hasty actions now can only bring harm. Be patient a little longer, about two months, until a certain person appears who will help you in a way you did not expect. If you now resolutely and energetically begin planning further actions, then help and support will come even faster. Your financial situation will suddenly improve. You may feel attracted to someone older than you. Try not to show your interest in him too much. Your wish will come true if you act purposefully and with sufficient caution.

06. Sun. Litigation.

You feel disharmony. A conflict is brewing. Behave modestly and reservedly; if someone throws a glove at you, don't pick it up. Try to moderate your demands; do not embark on any venture alone until circumstances change for the better. Instead, take part in working with someone else. Let everything go as it should, then peace and tranquility will come, and you will once again be convinced that life’s problems not only depress, but also teach.

07. Shi. Army.

This hexagram symbolizes conscious solitude. Your current state is like that of a general deciding when it is best to launch an offensive. Be careful, choose people with good intentions as your allies, and although luck is on your side at the moment, do not forget about precautions. You will receive unexpected news, or an unexpected visitor will visit you. The present time is full of romance for you, which, however, did not prevent the emergence of discord with a loved one. Plan all future affairs carefully and judiciously.

08. Bi. Approximation.

The worst is over, but some difficult problems still remain. Participate in common affairs; success awaits you in cooperation with others. Be faithful and do not neglect your responsibilities. Loving friend A friend needs mutual respect and understanding just as much as a teacher and student. The fulfillment of desires largely depends on how you use the advice of your superiors and friends. This is not the right time for gambling.

09. Xiao-chu. Raising children.

Luck and success are not very characteristic of your current situation, but you should keep in mind that the night is darkest just before dawn. The situation is not clear to you, you do not own it, but this is a transitional state. Events that will change it for the better are already on the way. In the meantime, be patient and wait. You are used to being considered a person to whom “money flows into your hands.” Be prudent, do not quarrel over trifles with friends and acquaintances, do not overdo it in your work, so as not to break yourself. After three months, the money will really start flowing to you.

10. Lee. Offensive.

Currently, your behavior should emphasize polite, friendly and reserved. Go inside yourself and think carefully about your situation. Show respect to your superiors in some way, now it will benefit you. An unexpected event will happen that will bring you great joy. This is not the right time for flirting. Ladies, when communicating with men they do not know well, should be especially careful. This is a period when claims to life should be reduced to a minimum.

11. Tai. Bloom.

Now that happiness favors you and your career is moving forward and upward, think about your friends right now. At the same time, do not be frivolous or careless. If you want luck and success to accompany you as long as possible, try to back them up with success in other areas. The wish will come true, but do not try to artificially speed up its implementation. At the moment you tend to waste money; restrain yourself, stay within your financial capabilities.

12. Pi. Decline.

Much is unclear to you and you are worried about problems. public life. People who are unworthy of you are drawn to you. Be vigilant and prudent, do not take on anything significant. Your environment does not understand you; you quarrel with one of your friends without sufficient reason. Eighty percent of your wishes will be fulfilled, but even then not immediately. Watch your wallet these days. Listen to the advice of your superiors, but make decisions at your own discretion. The situation will soon change.

13. Tong-ren. Relatives (Like-minded people).

Wherever you go, you will find yourself in good company. You can safely join the fight, pursuing high goals; you will be supported by a person whom you did not count on. Very soon your affairs will go smoothly. You are somewhat insecure and restless, this is a consequence of the mild stress in which you are. Nevertheless, your wish will come true, and as completely as you take the elders’ help offered to you seriously.

14. Yes-yu. Ownership of many.

The sun is shining brightly. This means that you feel especially free now; In addition, you are quite rich - both from material and spiritual points of view. Concentrate your will on fulfilling those desires, the implementation of which is necessary for success in business. Although this period is favorable for you, try not to overload yourself and keep your main goal in sight at all times. Don't waste your money!

15. Qian. Humility.

The tree branch bent all the way to the ground under the weight of the snow, but soon it would straighten out again and take its previous position. Your circumstances at the moment can only be called “moderately favorable.” If your behavior now is characterized by moderation and restraint, later you will become the master of the situation. Currently, for a number of reasons, including financial matters, you are experiencing some confusion and anxiety, but do not worry, things will soon change for the better. If you do not reject the help of others, your wish will come true. Financial affairs will improve in the future.

16. Yu. Liberty.

Your sun is about to rise, luck is on the way, you've waited long enough for it. Time favors all kinds of entertainment, the main thing is not to get carried away with it beyond measure. Get ready for the success that will soon follow. Happiness will accompany you in the implementation of new plans, as well as in the game. Walking along the path of success, do not forget to watch your step so as not to get bogged down in pettiness and commercialism. Your wishes will certainly come true, but you need to wait a little longer. Be careful not to spend more than you receive.

17. Sui. Follow-up.

The time is more suitable for strengthening leadership positions than for recruiting supporters. Be true to your principles even if your goals change. From now on, be content with small victories and successes for now; they will certainly entail larger ones. Swim with the flow, not against it, and then everything will be in order. Your wish will most likely come true, but be prepared for serious changes in life.

18. Gu. Correction.

You will become involved in a number of changes and transformations in the personal lives of others. Carefully analyze and evaluate events. You should be the master of the situation, which will gradually become possible by itself, thanks to your current condition. You may lose a friend. Soon you will do something that will stun your friends, and perhaps even yourself. Your relationships with others are not in order, the problems arising from this can interfere with the fulfillment of your desires, so the relationship needs to be clarified. Be careful! You're spending too much.

19. Tench. Visit.

Whatever you undertake now, success awaits you. And what great results you achieve, the more successful the circumstances will be. A period is approaching during which major successes are possible in many matters and areas of activity at once. Be determined to achieve your goals, but be careful not to offend, anger or envy your friends. One of the people close to you, whom you know very well, will force you to change your attitude towards him.

20. Guan. Contemplation.

Be prepared for an unpleasant surprise. Try to understand the state of affairs judiciously and in detail; see them as they really are. You may have to change your place of work and residence. Now you need to be especially careful, do not let important things slip beyond your influence. Think through all your actions carefully and then get help from where you least expect it. Wishes come true, but not as quickly as you would like. Think carefully and analyze the possibilities of implementing your plans, and if things go well, do not forget to help others.

21. Shi-ho. Clenched teeth.

Something is tormenting you, you feel unhappy. Try to take on a new business, and your circumstances will improve. Conscientious work will gradually and steadily lead you to very great success. You consider yourself a victim of injustice. If you constantly think about how this could happen, it will not help the matter. Obviously, you made a mistake in some way, one of those that many others make. Take courage and learn the proper lesson from what happened. As for the fulfillment of your desire, right now someone is facilitating this. Remain reasonable and wait calmly, then very soon everything will change for the better for you.

22. Bi. Decoration.

This hexagram is favorable only for matters related to the theater. It means that you are hiding your true face and that the people around you are also not being completely sincere and honest. Love affairs are quite problematic at the moment. Some success in the field of show business is possible. The wish will come true after some delay. Accept life as it comes and learn from it.

23. Bo. Devastation.

Major changes await you in the near future. Now don’t take on any new business, you can’t get yourself into a stupid position. Perhaps someone is slandering you, spreading gossip. Your wishes will come true a little later. Don’t be shy if at some point it turns out that you can’t count on your friends’ help. Be careful when communicating with hypocritical representatives of the other sex.

24. Ugh. Return.

It seems to you that you are completely confused in the surrounding environment, and you are very nervous about this, but the interference is insignificant, and you will cope with it very quickly if you work diligently and conscientiously. A certain very definite period - seven days or seven weeks, or perhaps seven months - will gain you great value. In all likelihood, you yourself feel that you are on the verge of serious changes in your destiny, and this is indeed so. A little more and everything will work out. Gradually, coin by coin, accumulate money. You will resolutely and irresistibly rush towards a new path.

25. Wu-wan. Purity.

The unity of clarity and simplicity prevails, which will benefit you if you carry out worthy plans through worthy means. The time of supreme activity has not yet come. Fate will soon smile on you, but only if you know how to wait patiently. Sometimes you are too preoccupied with love affairs, but don’t worry, all your wishes will come true in due time.

26. Yes-chu. Raising greatness.

Don’t waste your energy, there is a “pause” in your destiny. Wait for it to end in full readiness, do not waste your energy on trifles, soon it will find a more pleasant and useful use. Your wishes will come true, but only if you don’t set the bar too high. Help will come from those who have faced problems similar to yours. Do not try to force things to happen; the result may be the opposite.

27. I. Nutrition.

You talk too much and eat too much. Don't gossip about others, as you harm not only them, but also yourself. The wish will come true, but somewhat differently than you wanted. Stop complaining about fate. It would be a good idea for you to see a doctor. Be prepared for quick changes in life.

28. Yep. Redevelopment of the great.

You feel very happy. It is advisable to take control of yourself, since your temper, if given free rein, can harm both others and yourself. Do not be overly self-confident; your judgments are by no means the most correct at the present time. Don't try to achieve success by force. Restrain yourself and reflect on the state of affairs. Time will change everything. Your wish cannot come true quickly. Be careful not to offend others with your ardor.

29. Si-kan. Repeated danger.

One of the four worst combinations. Your life is currently characterized by losses and defeats. The only thing you can do is to reduce the number of blows of fate to the minimum possible. Be patient and wait until the goddess of happiness graces you with her gaze again. You have a lot of time, do some scientific research. In two, or at most five months, the situation will begin to change for the better. Until then, stay calm and don't lose heart. This is a period when introspection and a sober assessment of the situation are much more important than a desperate struggle with fate.

30. Lee. Shine.

Outwardly everything is excellent, but in reality it is not so. You are in captivity of illusions, if not conscious self-deception. Listen to a friend's advice. Fate is favoring you at the moment, but this is a deceptive impression, it can be misleading and cause serious damage if you rely entirely on fortune. Your wish will come true thanks to the intervention of a person older than you. In matters related to writing and mediation, major successes are possible. Listen to what people say.

31. Xian. Interaction.

The state of mind you are in is usually accompanied by luck and success. You are in the mood for a good “wave”. Several unexpected and very beneficial events are approaching for you; almost every step you take will bring good luck. Real results will exceed even your wildest expectations, which will bring unprecedented peace to your soul. The only “negative” factor: after all the excitement, there is a need to retire for a while and relax.

32. Han. Consistency.

You are torn apart, trying to move in two directions at once. If you maintain endurance, everything will end in your favor. Don't strive for change. Your wish will come true if you are patient. It’s not a bad idea to now conduct an “internal inventory” and try to properly understand future plans and intentions. This is not the right time for new beginnings.

33. Dun. Escape.

You will only benefit if you restrain yourself a little. Being assertive at the moment will not bring any benefit. This hexagram is favorable for interesting recreation and entertainment, as well as for making plans for the future. Postpone your plans until the current period of uncertainty ends. Use it for meditation.

34. Da-zhuang. The power of the great.

You strive to the forefront too actively, more than is beneficial to you in given time. You are ready to trample those around you, which, to put it mildly, would not give them pleasure. There is nothing wrong with ambition, but it must certainly be accompanied by tact in dealing with people. Your wish will come true if you behave a little more modestly. Try to find a “golden mean” in this regard.

35. Jin. Sunrise.

Good luck is on the way. You will receive the respect and recognition that you rightfully count on. The rewards will be even higher in the future. Rely on your lucky star and boldly step forward, but don’t be sad that your wish will come true only with some delay. You will unexpectedly meet a person whom you have not seen for a very long time. Try to spend a little, in the future such frugality will reward you a hundredfold.

36. Min-i. Defeat of the world.

Luck is currently on your side, but don't be too overconfident, the situation will change soon. Act thoughtfully and prudently, do not get carried away by love adventures. From the outside, you give the impression of being a darling of fate, and therefore it is quite possible that those around you will interpret your actions incorrectly, but do not worry, in the near future everything will fall into place. Your wishes will not come true now. Be frugal.

37. Jia-ren. Homemade.

Your place is where your heart draws you, where your well-being awaits you. Hopes will be fulfilled with outside help. You may be thinking to yourself that the grass is greener somewhere, but believe me, if you leave your land now, you will very soon find out that you have made a mistake. Enjoy family life, communication with friends, peace in the house.

38. Kui. Discord.

This hexagram means that this period of your life is devoid of harmony. It seems to you that everyone around you is picking on you and is malicious. Even the smallest little things make you angry. Calm down, don't be nervous, the situation will improve soon. It is difficult for you to find companions now. A certain woman is getting on your nerves. Watch your words and don't try anything new. Your field of interest at the moment is a whole series things that are completely inconsistent with your true desires.

39. Jian. Let.

One of the worst hexagrams. The more effort you make, the further you are pushed back. It’s hard to say why exactly, but at the moment Fortune is not interested in your fate. It is best now to immerse yourself in study or scientific activity and find peace in them. It is quite possible that several of your friends will come to your aid and provide support. Keep track of your expenses: during this bad period, there is a real danger of being left without funds.

40. Jie. Permission.

You have gone through a long period of worry and trouble. This period has come to an end. There will be success in work again. Take action immediately, otherwise you will miss the opportunity to achieve great results. Some old wish of yours will come true, and a new one too, but a little later. You will make new friends. If you go on a trip, it will give you great pleasure. The period that has begun is favorable for making good money.

41. Sun. Decline.

What you give to others today, tomorrow fate will return to you with interest. Perhaps now it seems to you that you are too wasteful, giving too much to others, but this impression will soon pass and you will be generously rewarded. Time is conducive to thinking about plans and intellectual activity. Most of your wishes will come true, and you will reap even more than you sowed.

42. I. Multiplication.

Time favors outstanding personalities, but it is also fruitful for others. What you have planned will come true, what you have done will be paid for. You will be able to help others. Some business that your superiors will entrust to you will result in personal gain for you. Someone is preparing to make you a lucrative offer. The wish will be fulfilled with the help of a superior person. In the near future there is an opportunity to unexpectedly but significantly improve your financial affairs.

43. Guay. Exit.

At the present time you are lucky, but it can easily happen that due to your own stubbornness you will make a mistake and alienate those who usually helped you. Meet them halfway yourself and show more tolerance in your relationships with them. It is quite possible that during this period you will fall in love with a person with whom you have little sympathy, and this, of course, will have an impact on your behavior. Don't gamble.

44. Go. Crossing.

It’s good if restraint is a characteristic feature of your current behavior. Be attentive to changes in your contacts with people and try to evaluate their actions less critically. The fulfillment of desires and hopes is problematic. Be frugal. Prepare yourself internally for the fact that unexpected events will soon follow that do not promise you anything favorable.

45. Tsui. Reunion.

Everything you do during this period, whatever you undertake, will end in a successful result. Some invisible force will strengthen your relationships with people, help you establish new close contacts that will somehow become favorable for you. Past labors and efforts will be paid. A woman is stalking you; she is trying to block your path, prevent you from realizing your intentions, and interfere in your life. Despite this, your wishes will come true.

46. ​​Shen. Rise.

Something you have been working on for a long time finally produces a favorable result and will be paid for. You just need to work a little more, persistently and conscientiously, then you can soon count on high praise and recognition. Bold and decisive action is now much more favorable than inactive waiting. rely on your common sense and intuition, and then your wish will surely come true. The ideas you are currently thinking about will most likely bring success in a financial sense.

47. Kun. Exhaustion.

One of the four worst hexagrams. This is not the period when it would be worth taking on anything. Hide and wait. Your thoughts are not clear enough. Someone from your environment who occupies a high position will lend you a helping hand. Listen to this person's advice. Your self-confidence is very weak now. But do not take the events too tragically, because this negative period will pass and your circumstances will improve.

48. Jing. Well.

It's good if you lend a helping hand to others, even if things aren't going quite smoothly for you yourself. Subsequently, you will see that this course of action is very beneficial. During this period, you can hardly count on recognition of your abilities and achievements by your superiors, which, of course, is not pleasant. You passionately wish for circumstances to change, but the time is not conducive to this. Your modest wishes may come true now, but your big ones will not. Oddly enough, your current financial situation is not so bad.

49. Ge. Change.

Everything around you is in motion now, everything is changing, but in the end good results will exceed even your wildest expectations. At the moment you do not feel confident, but soon it will return to you again along with new prospects, circumstances will change for the better. You will change your recent plans and go where you never intended to go before. In the game you are now lucky.

50. Dean. Altar.

This hexagram has a positive meaning for you if you decisively take on the role of a leader. Some people are not happy about your success, but do not pay attention to these people. Beware of taking on or promising more than you can deliver. The number three has a strong influence on you and your relationships with people. The business you take on together with two like-minded people will lead to success. Your wish will come true, although not quite in the way you originally intended. You spend too much on entertainment and hobbies.

51. Zhen. Lightning.

You are close to success, but someone is trying to prevent you from achieving it. Don't feel bad about this. What you sought to obtain as necessary for you will in fact turn out to be completely different, not what you imagined, so you can safely and with a calm soul give it up to your opponent. Soon something unexpected and unpleasant will happen in your environment, however, this event will not harm you in any way. The period is favorable for rest. Don't be nervous because circumstances turn out this way and not otherwise. A little later, fate will smile on you.

52. Gen. Concentration.

Currently, progress in business is problematic. Obviously, you should wait a little and only then start working again. It is better to cancel a planned trip or trip. Consider your circumstances and think carefully about your situation before taking on anything. Heads up! Victory over difficulties and the machinations of ill-wishers will be yours, and very soon. There can be no question of fulfilling your desires without persistent efforts on your part.

53. Jian. Flow.

If you move forward, carefully thinking through every step, success and luck will not change you in the future. Happiness will continue to be your companion if, without giving in to persuasion, you do not get ahead of events. The tortoise has no less chance of reaching the finish line first than the hare. You are at the beginning of a long journey. The wish will eventually come true. Financial affairs will improve significantly.

54. Gui-mei. Bride.

Always be careful in everything, especially in love affairs. Take what is happening calmly and calmly, otherwise you may find yourself in a very unpleasant situation. The fulfillment of desire is delayed. This is the period when it is better to wait and think. At the same time, this is the period when income exceeds expenses. The coming weeks are very favorable for preparing for the next, more positive period.

55. Fen. Abundance.

This hexagram symbolizes the autumn harvest, the gathering of a rich harvest and means that your lucky star brightly illuminates all your affairs. They are going successfully and smoothly, and in the future, perhaps, they will go even more successfully and smoothly. Remember that it is very important for you to always be well informed and that a certain part of the money you earn should be saved. This period is especially favorable for matters related to agriculture, art and show business. However, although success is accompanying you now, there is no complete certainty that your deeds will be fulfilled.

56. Lu. Wandering.

There are all the prerequisites for success in business. A foreign scientific trip, if one is planned, will also be successful. You are very ambitious, be careful not to spoil your relationships with friends and work colleagues. The desire will be fulfilled if your demands are not too high and you do not expect too much. You are very nervous about some unpleasant event. This is not reasonable, forget and don’t remember.

57. Sun. Penetration.

Your situation is confusing, and at the moment it is not so easy to understand and evaluate it. You tend to portray events too gloomily. Follow the path that the people around you show you and make sure that this is the best way out. In five months, your essence will change for the better. Something is preventing you from fulfilling your desires; a woman will help you eliminate the obstacles. During this period, under no circumstances allow yourself to be persuaded to take actions that you consider inappropriate and erroneous.

58. Blow. Joy.

Happiness is already on its way to you, it will dispel the current depressed mood. This hexagram relates to everything related to the organs of speech. Do not neglect the good advice of a friend and beware of speaking ill of others. A very favorable period for everything related to singing and trading. Don't be nervous about things you can't change anyway. Keep calm happiness, luck is on the way.

59. Huan. Fragmentation.

After a long period of failure, the sun of success is rising again. It will bring you everything you desire. You may have a long journey ahead of you. Don't spend a lot of money. As for your scientific, industrial and love affairs, they will go brilliantly. In the near future, you will have an unexpected chance to take a leadership position. Your desire is already being fulfilled and will be fully fulfilled if you continue to make persistent and focused efforts for this.

60. Jie. Limitation.

Your time has come, actively get down to business, but, of course, remembering the necessary forethought, otherwise all efforts will go to waste. Do not accept too hastily an offer that has just been made to you or is about to be made. It is quite possible that it is much less beneficial to you than it seems at first glance. The same applies to your new love affairs and friendships. Reasonable and realistic wishes will come true. This is not a good time for travel or long trips. Remember the proverb: don’t dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself.

61. Zhong-fu. Inner truth.

Working not alone, but in collaboration with others is most beneficial for you now. Beware of overestimating your mental abilities, lest you become arrogant and impatient. This could jeopardize your plans. Try to be more modest and restrained. Only in this case, if your desires are reasonable and honest, will they come true. In the near future, your superiors will pay attention to your abilities and capabilities and appreciate them, which, naturally, will greatly help you move along the path of success.

62. Xiao-guo. Redevelopment of small things.

You may be disappointed in the one you love, but don't take it too tragically. You missed the best chance, which more than any other contributed to the fulfillment of your desire. But a new one will appear soon. This period is marked by opportunities for good earnings, but is not suitable for long trips. Currently, you attach too much importance to little things and thereby waste and humiliate yourself.

63. Ji-ji. It's already over.

If you have a quarrel with someone, urgently contact a third party with a request to act as a mediator between you. Resist the urge to repeat the success you once achieved. If you carefully consider this advice and follow it, your reward will be the complete fulfillment of your desires. At the moment, do not throw all your energy into a new endeavor, it will not lead to success. The specific wish you make will be fulfilled with some delay.

64. Wei-ji. It's not over yet!

Luck, when it marks all your deeds, is on the threshold. But it’s too early to act. If you move forward cautiously enough, things will get better day by day. The wish will come true soon. A happy period of life is approaching, there is very little time left to wait.

You can learn more about fortune telling and see more detailed interpretations on the website

1. The symbol consists of six Yang traits. This is a good sign. This is a male hexagram, it means April and spring hopes. You are standing at the top of a mountain and you have no way to get down. Be vigilant and decisive! Within six months, major changes will occur in your life. The time is favorable for new beginnings. There is some uncertainty in your personal life, bring clarity to it. Your wish will certainly come true if it is reasonable and modest. Someone is opposing you, but if you are determined and adamant, then success awaits you. A test awaits you. But you will endure it.

2. The gods awakened mother earth from sleep. If you are diligent and patient, then success will await you in two months. You cultured person, who thirsts for knowledge, you love everything you do. Don't think too much about material gain, now is not the time for that. Your wish will come true, but not right away. In the near future, it is not recommended to go on the road - not alone, not with anyone at all. Soon a person will appear in your environment who has a strong interest in you.

3. This is one of the most unfortunate combinations. No matter what you undertake, everything will fall out of your hands, without yielding results. You need to wait for a more favorable period. Try to live a measured life for three months. Quiet image life, and, as they say, “keep your head down.” Take advantage of the respite to think carefully about your plans for the future. Be patient and listen to the woman's advice. There can be no talk of luck in business yet.

4. You see the world around you as if through a veil. Relax. Soon it will subside, and clarity will come in your affairs. Do not make hasty decisions, because your nerves are shattered. If you want to succeed, listen to the advice of your superiors - soon everything will change for the better. Spend more time communicating with your children. New prospects and new plans are already emerging, but new love is not yet in sight. Concentrate on one desire, and do not waste your energy on a little of everything.

5. Wait and gather your strength, you will need it soon. Spring will come soon, the snow will melt and the flowers will bloom. Be reasonable, too hasty actions now can only bring harm. Be patient a little, in two months your life will appear important person. Help will come from him that you could never even dream of. If you resolutely begin planning your next actions, then support will come even faster. Your financial situation will improve. You may feel attracted to someone older than you. Try not to reveal your interest in him. Your wish will come true if you act purposefully and carefully enough.

6. You feel disharmonious. A conflict is brewing. Behave with restraint if a gauntlet is thrown at you - do not pick it up, grit your teeth, but endure it! Try to moderate your demands, and do not embark on any activities alone. Circumstances are not very favorable for you, but soon everything will change for the better. Take part in working together with anyone. Let everything take its course, then peace and quiet will come. You will see that life's problems not only depress you, but also teach you, helping you become stronger.

7. This hexagram symbolizes solitude. Your current state, mood, is like that of a general deciding when to launch an attack on the enemy. Luck is on your side at the moment, but you should not relax. Choose only trusted people with good intentions as your allies. Unexpected news or an unexpected visitor awaits you. Present tense wears for you romantic character, but at the same time you managed to quarrel with someone close and dear to you. Plan your future affairs carefully and judiciously, do not rush headlong into the pool.

8. You have certain problems, but you can breathe freely - the worst is already behind you. Cooperation with others will bring you success; try to actively participate in public affairs. Be loyal to your loved ones and do not neglect your direct responsibilities. Any relationship needs understanding and mutual respect, both between lovers, and between colleagues, and between a student and a teacher... The fulfillment of your desires largely depends on how you take the advice of friends and superiors. But there are some good ideas among them. About gambling Forget it for now, the time is completely inappropriate for them.

9. Luck and success are not very characteristic of your current situation. But we should not forget - the night is darkest just before dawn. The situation is unclear to you, you do not control it, but this is a temporary state. Events are already approaching that will change your life for the better. Be patient and just wait. People around you are accustomed to considering you a person to whom money flows into his hands. Be prudent, be smart. Don't quarrel over trifles with your friends, and don't overdo it at work, so as not to cause health problems. In three months, money will really flow to you like a river.

10. During this period, you should behave in a reserved and friendly manner. Look inside yourself, analyze your situation. Emphasize your respect for your superiors, this will benefit you. However, remember that now is an unfavorable period for flirting. Women need to be careful when communicating with unfamiliar men. Grit your teeth and don’t complain about your difficult life. An unexpected event will happen soon that will make you happy.

11. Career ladder leads you upward, luck accompanies you. It's time to think about your friends - pay attention to them, but don't be too frivolous and careless. Don’t waste your money in vain, control yourself. If you want luck to accompany you as long as possible, try to strengthen it with success in other areas. Your wish will come true, but do not try to artificially speed up the course of events. Everything has its time.

12. Your life is a mess. People who are unworthy of you are drawn to you. Be careful! Don't get involved in serious matters, watch your wallet. Your environment does not understand you, you quarrel with your friends over trifles. Listen to the advice of your superiors, but do not obey them blindly, make decisions at your own discretion. Soon your situation will change, but eighty percent of your wishes will be fulfilled, and even then not immediately.

13. You stand at a crossroads, but wherever you go, you will find yourself in a good and worthy society. Do not be afraid of anything, boldly enter into the struggle to achieve what you want - you will be supported by a person whose help you did not expect. Your affairs will improve. You are overcome by some uncertainty and anxiety, but this is the result of mild stress. Get over the problems in your head. The fulfillment of your desire largely depends on how seriously you take it. Do not disdain the help of your elders, be more confident - and you will see for yourself what heights you can achieve.

14. The sun is shining brightly, you are free and rich. This period is favorable for you, however, do not waste money and do not waste yourself on trifles. Concentrate your will and attention on those desires, the implementation of which is necessary for success in business. Don't be distracted from your main goal!

15. Under the weight of the snow, the tree branch bent towards the ground itself, but soon it will straighten again and take its previous position. Circumstances are moderately favorable. Be patient, be restrained, and soon you will become the master of the situation. Anxiety and confusion reign in your soul, but do not worry in vain, everything will soon change for the better. Do not refuse the help offered to you, and your wish will come true. Financial affairs will improve.

16. The sun is about to rise, the luck you have been waiting for is on its way. The time is favorable for entertainment, but do not get carried away with it beyond measure. Be prepared for the success that will soon fall upon you. Good luck will accompany you in new endeavors and in the game. But walking along the path of happiness. Don't forget to watch your step so you don't get bogged down or trip. Wait a little longer and all your dreams will come true. But remember - don't spend more than you get.

17. The time is most favorable for strengthening positions, and not for recruiting new supporters. Stay true to your principles, even though your goals may change. Be content with small victories; they will certainly lead to big successes. Go with the flow, don't row against it. Your wish will most likely come true, but be prepared for serious changes in life.

18. Changes are taking place in the lives of those around you, and you are a direct participant in these changes. Carefully evaluate and analyze events, you may lose a friend. You have certain problems in relationships with others. They need to be clarified, since the problems arising from this can interfere with the fulfillment of your desires. You're spending too much money, come to your senses! Soon you will do something that will stun both you and those you know. You should take control of the situation and not wait for it to happen.

19. Whatever you undertake now, success awaits you. The more results you achieve, the more successful your circumstances will be. A period is approaching during which success is possible in a variety of matters and areas of activity. Be determined to achieve your goals, but be careful not to offend your friends, anger them, or make them jealous. Your attitude towards a loved one or a person you know well will change.

20. Be prepared for an unpleasant surprise. Try to understand the situation without emotions. You may have to change your job or place of residence. Be attentive and focused, do not let important things slip away from your attention. Think carefully about your actions, help may come from where you don’t expect it. Your wishes will come true, but not as quickly as you would like. When things are going well, don't forget to help others.

21. Something is tormenting you, you feel unhappy. You consider yourself a victim of injustice. You made a mistake somewhere, but take courage and learn from what happened. Stop feeling sorry for yourself! Try to take on a new business, and circumstances will improve. Conscientious work will gradually lead you to success. Someone is helping to make your wish come true right now. Be prudent, calmly wait for changes, and very soon everything will change for the better.

22. This hexagram is favorable only for matters related to the theater. In other cases, it means that you are hiding your true face, and that the people around you are not completely sincere with you. Love affairs are problematic at this time. Some success in show business is possible. Your wish will come true with some delay. Accept life as it comes and learn from it.

23. Major changes await you in the near future. Do not start new things, there is a high probability of ending up in a stupid position, and this cannot be allowed. Your wishes will come true, but a little later. Perhaps someone is slandering you behind your back. Do not be timid and do not lose heart if it turns out that you cannot count on the help of your friends. Be careful when communicating with representatives of the other sex, you may meet a hypocrite.

24. You feel confused and are very nervous about it. But the obstacles are actually insignificant; you will soon overcome them if you work conscientiously and diligently. You yourself feel that you are on the verge of serious changes. You are tormented by the question - when will everything get better? It is impossible to give exact dates. Maybe seven weeks, maybe seven months. Be patient a little longer, everything will work out in your destiny. Save your money, you will need it!

25. The unity of clarity and simplicity prevails. If you carry out worthy plans in worthy ways, you will benefit. Fate favors those who are patient, so learn to wait. The time of highest activity has not yet come. Sometimes you are too preoccupied with love affairs, but don't worry. Everything will be fulfilled in due time.

26. There has been a lull in your destiny. Don't waste your energy. Don’t waste your energy on trifles, save it, don’t relax and get ready for active action. Your wishes will come true if you have not set the bar too high for yourself. You will receive help from those who have faced problems similar to yours. Do not try to force things to happen; there is a high chance that the result will be the opposite.

27. You talk too much and eat too much. Don't spread gossip about others, you can harm both them and yourself. Your wish will come true, but a little later. Now you need to stop complaining about fate and whining over trifles. See a doctor. Be prepared for quick changes in life.

28. You feel absolutely happy. This is good, but pull yourself together and moderate your ardor! Your temperament and overconfidence can harm you and you can offend and anger others. Your judgments are not entirely correct right now. Try to restrain yourself. Time will put everything in its place. Your wish cannot come true quickly.

29. This is one of the worst combinations. Now you are characterized by defeat and disappointment. The only thing you can do now is to reduce the number of blows of fate to a minimum. Be patient and wait for the goddess of fortune to grace you with her gaze again. You have a lot of time, do some scientific research. No earlier than in two months, but no later than in five, your situation will begin to change for the better. Until then, stay calm and don't lose heart. Self-analysis is important for you now, and not a meaningless struggle with fate.

30. Outwardly everything looks great, but in reality it is not so. You are in captivity of illusions, in the grip of self-deception. Listen to your friends' advice. Fate favors you, but you should not blindly rely on fortune - sloppiness can lead to serious damage. Your wish will come true thanks to the intervention of an older person. Major successes are possible in matters related to writing and mediation. Listen to what people say.

31. You are in that state of mind that is conducive to success and well-being. You are in the mood for a good wave. Unexpected and very beneficial events for you are approaching. Almost every action you take brings good luck. The results will exceed your wildest hopes. However, after all the excitement, there will be a need for rest and peace, for which you will have to retire for a while.

32. You feel torn apart trying to move in two directions at once. If you keep your composure, good luck awaits you. Don't strive for change. Your wish will come true if you are patient. Focus on internal introspection, figure out what you want, make plans for the future. The moment is not very suitable for new beginnings.

33. This hexagram is favorable for relaxation and entertainment, making plans for the future. Uncertainty reigns now, and assertiveness will not bring any benefit. You need to be a little more reserved. Put off future plans.

34. You strive too actively to come to the fore. You are ready to trample those around you in order to achieve your goals, which, of course, would not give them pleasure. There is nothing wrong with ambition, but it must certainly be accompanied by tact in dealing with people, which is something you cannot boast of. Your wish will come true if you behave a little more modestly. Don't neglect people. Try to find the “golden mean”.

35. Good luck is on the way. You will receive the respect and recognition that you rightfully expect. In the future the reward will be even higher. Step forward boldly, rely on your lucky star. Do not be sad that your wish will come true with some delay. You will meet a person you have not seen for a long time. Try not to spend too much, it will pay off for you later.

36. Luck is with you at the moment, but don’t be too arrogant, the situation will change soon. Act prudently, do not get carried away by love adventures. From the outside, you give the impression of being a darling of fate; it is likely that those around you will interpret your actions incorrectly. Soon everything will fall into place. Your wishes will not come true now. Be frugal.

37. Your place is there. where your heart calls you. Success awaits you there too. Hopes will be fulfilled with outside help. You may be thinking about that. To change your place of residence, but better not do it. If you leave your land, you will soon realize that you have made a mistake. Enjoy what you have: family life, communication with friends, peace in your home.

38. Your life is devoid of harmony. It seems to you that they are deliberately picking on you, you are angry and hostile. Even small things irritate you. A certain woman drives you crazy, there are no like-minded people, or very few of them. You should calm down and not be unnecessarily nervous, everything will change soon. Watch your words, don’t take on new things, better deal with old ones. There is a whole range of activities that do not correspond to your true desires.

39. Bad hexagram. The more effort you put in, the further away from your desired goal you end up. It’s hard to say why, but fortune is not interested in your fate now. Try to find peace in your studies or scientific activities. Perhaps several of your friends will come to your rescue and provide support. Keep track of your expenses; during this unfavorable period, there is a high probability of being left without a livelihood.

40. You have experienced a long period of troubles and unrest. This period has come to an end. There will be success in work again. Take action immediately, otherwise you may miss the opportunity to achieve a brilliant result. Your old wish will come true, and your new one too, but later. You will make new friends. If you go on a trip. Have great fun. The period that has begun is favorable for making good money.

41. What you give to others today will return to you tomorrow with interest. It may seem to you that you are too wasteful and give too much to others, but soon this impression will pass. You will be richly rewarded. The time is favorable for intellectual activity and thinking about plans for the future. Most of your desires will come true, and you will reap even more than you sowed.

42. Time favors outstanding personalities, and in general is fruitful for everyone who has this hexagram. What you plan will come true, what you do will be rewarded. You will be able to help others. The task that your superiors entrust to you will result in personal gain for you. Someone is preparing to make you a lucrative offer. Your wish will be fulfilled with the help of a superior. In the near future, you can significantly improve your financial affairs.

43. Luck is favoring you at the moment. However, it may happen that, due to your own stubbornness, you make a mistake that will alienate those who helped you from you. Show more tolerance in your relationships with people, meet them halfway. There is a chance that you will fall in love with a person you have little sympathy for, and this will have a significant impact on your behavior. Don't get involved in gambling.

44. It will be good if main feature your current behavior will become reserved. Pay attention to changes in contacts with people, try to evaluate their actions less critically. Fulfillment of desires is problematic. Be frugal. Prepare yourself internally for the fact that events will soon follow that do not promise you anything good.

45. Everything you do during this period will end in success. Your relationships with people become stronger, new close contacts are established that are beneficial for you. Past labors and efforts will be paid. You are being pursued by a woman who wants to block your path and prevent the implementation of your plans. But despite this, your wishes will come true.

46. ​​What you have been working on for a long time will finally bear fruit and be paid for. You need to work a little more conscientiously, and then, soon, you can count on recognition. What is needed now is bold and decisive action, not wait-and-see. Rely on common sense and intuition, then your wish will surely come true. The ideas you are considering now are likely to bring success in a financial sense.

47. One of the four worst hexagrams. You should lie low and wait, without taking on anything significant. Someone from your circle, a person holding a high position, will lend you a helping hand. Listen to advice. Your self-confidence is weak now. Don't take events too personally. This negative period will pass, your circumstances will improve.

48. It’s good if you lend a helping hand to others, despite the fact that things are not going well for yourself. in the best possible way. You will later be convinced that such behavior is beneficial for you. During this period, you can hardly count on recognition of your abilities by your superiors, which, of course, is not pleasant. You want a change in circumstances, but now is an unfavorable period for this. Your modest wishes may come true, but your big ones will not. Oddly enough, your financial situation is not as bad as it could be.

49. Everything around you is moving, everything is changing, and the results will exceed even your wildest expectations. You don't feel confident, but soon it will return to you along with new prospects. Circumstances will change for the better. You will change your plans and go where you never intended. Good luck awaits you in the game.

50. This hexagram has a positive meaning for you if you take on the role of a leader. Not everyone is happy with your successes, but don’t pay attention to envious people. Don't promise more than you can deliver. The number 3 has a strong influence on you and the people with whom you communicate. A business that you undertake with two like-minded people will lead to success. The wish will come true, but not quite as you planned. You spend too much on hobbies and entertainment. Be more thrifty.

51. You are close to success, but someone is making efforts to stop you. Don't feel bad about this. What you were trying to get as something you needed will in fact turn out to be completely different, not what you imagined. Feel free to give this to your opponent. Soon something unpleasant and unexpected will happen in your environment, but it will not harm you in any way. The period is favorable for rest. Don't be upset that everything turns out exactly this way and not otherwise. Soon fate will smile on you too.

52. There is no progress in your affairs. Wait a moment and then start working again. Cancel a planned trip or trip. Make peace with the circumstances, think over your situation before taking on anything. Heads up! Very soon you will prevail over your ill-wishers and overcome difficulties. Your wishes will come true only if you make every possible effort to achieve this.

53. Success and luck will accompany you if you carefully think through your every step. Do not give in to persuasion, do not get ahead of events, and happiness will not turn away from you. The tortoise has no less chance of reaching the finish line first than the hare. You are at the beginning of a long journey. Your wish will eventually come true. Financial affairs will improve significantly.

54. Be careful in everything, especially in love affairs. Take what is happening to you calmly and calmly, otherwise you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. The fulfillment of desire is delayed. The best thing to do now is to wait and think. Revenues exceed expenses. A more favorable period will come soon.

55. This hexagram symbolizes the autumn harvest, the collection of a rich harvest. A lucky star has risen above you. Things are going smoothly and successfully, and perhaps in the near future they will go even better. It is important for you to be well informed. Save some of the money you earn. The time is favorable for agriculture, art and show business. However, although success accompanies you, there is no firm certainty that your desires will come true.

56. There are all the prerequisites for success in business. A business trip abroad, if one is planned, will also be successful. You are very ambitious, so be careful. Don't ruin your relationships with work colleagues and friends. The wish will come true if you do not expect too much and if your demands are not too high. You are worried about some unpleasant event that happened to you. Try to forget about it as quickly as possible and not remember it again.

57. Your situation is confusing, assessing it and understanding it is not at all easy. You tend to perceive events too gloomily. Follow the path that the person around you shows you, this is the best way out. In five months, your destiny will change for the better. Something is preventing you from fulfilling your desires; a woman will help you eliminate the obstacles. Under no circumstances should you be persuaded into doing anything that you consider inappropriate or wrong.

58. Happiness is on its way to you, it will soon dispel your depressed mood. This hexagram is directly related to everything related to the organs of speech. Do not neglect the advice of friends, do not speak ill of others. Now is a very favorable period for singing and trading. Don't worry about things you can't change.

59. After a long period of failure, good luck comes your way again. You will get everything you strive for. You may have a long journey ahead of you. Don't waste your money. Your scientific, industrial and love affairs will go brilliantly. In the near future you will have a chance to take a leading position. Your desire is already coming true, and will come true entirely if you are purposeful and persistent.

60. Get down to business actively, your time has come! But remember to be careful, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain. Do not agree too hastily to an offer that has recently been made to you or is about to be made. It may not be as profitable as it seems at first glance. The same applies to new friendships and love relationships. Your reasonable wishes will soon come true. The time is not suitable for long trips and travel. And also, remember the proverb: don’t dig a hole for someone else, you yourself will fall into it.

61. It is most beneficial for you now to collaborate with others rather than work alone. Do not overestimate your mental abilities, otherwise you may be considered arrogant and unrestrained: this will jeopardize the implementation of your plans. Try to be more modest. In this case, your wishes will come true if they are reasonable and honest. Soon your bosses will pay attention to you, and you will move up the career ladder.

62. You may be disappointed in the one you love, but don’t take it too tragically. You missed a great chance that could help fulfill your desire, but a new one will appear soon. During this period you can earn good money, however, you should not travel. You attach too much importance to little things. Don't humiliate yourself.

63. If you quarrel with someone, urgently contact a third party with a request to act as a mediator between you. Resist the urge to repeat the success you once achieved. Move forward. Think about the future. If you carefully consider this advice, your reward will be the complete fulfillment of your desires. You should not throw all your energy into a new business - it will not lead to success. The specific wish you make will be fulfilled with some delay.

64. Luck is at your doorstep, and it patronizes all your affairs. However, there is no need to act actively yet. Move forward carefully, take your time, and then circumstances will develop better day by day. Your wish will come true in the very near future.

In all eras and centuries, people have been interested in the secrets of the present and future. And if in Ancient Egypt they used Tarot cards for these purposes, then in China they used the “Book of Changes” (“I Ching”, “Zhou Yi”, “Canon of Changes”). This is a whole fortune-telling system consisting of 64 hexagrams. Each of them in full describes a certain situation and its further development. Moreover, for each hexagram an explanation of all moving lines is given. In the standard translated fortune-telling “Book of Changes” you can find 228 different interpretations and illustrations for them.

What is this

Fortune telling with hexagrams is one of the most simple ways find out your future and understand this or that situation. Its purpose is to calculate the development process. This is one of the few fortune-telling in which philosophical theory is manifested ancient China. This is a classic system, recognized as one of the most important back in those days.

In 215 BC. e. China was ruled by Emperor Qin Shi Huang. He knew that by eradicating learning, it would be much easier to control people, and for some time he actually managed to keep his subjects in a state of ignorance and obedience. He destroyed all philosophical works and canons, and also killed all famous scientists. The only book he left behind was the I Ching. It was from this that he predicted his future. In addition, fortune telling with hexagrams helped him in his reign. So, the book has survived to this day, and now anyone can use it.

Basics of fortune telling

The entire prediction process is divided into three stages:

  1. Taking gua (receiving a hexagram).
  2. Interpretation of the image.
  3. Calculation of the situation.

Previously, for the first stage of fortune telling on hexagrams, 50 yarrow stems were used. At the same time, one was placed in a jug - this was a kind of image of the state of Tai Chi. And the fortune telling itself was performed using 49 stems.

But what to do if this method is not available to the fortuneteller? In 20 AD e. Jing Fanom created a divination method that involved the use of three Chinese bronze coins. You can use others, it is only important that they are yellow.

Preparing for fortune telling

Before you start making predictions, you need to know that coins should be stored in a separate, secluded place. Residents of the Middle Kingdom used a case for these purposes, and inside it was red silk fabric. It was in it that the coins were kept. Before fortune telling, you need to leave all thoughts and worries. Imagine that you are a conductor between Heaven and Earth. Now you will gain very important knowledge. Now put a piece of paper and a pen next to you and focus on the issue that worries you.

The coins and the book itself with the interpretation of hexagrams should be treated with great respect. Even if the result of fortune telling does not suit you, you should not be angry. If the fortune telling technique was performed correctly, then the interpretation should be accurate.

Taking gua

In order to get a hexagram, you must throw coins 6 times. In this case, the result is recorded from bottom to top - from Earth to Heaven. Now let's find out how to write the result:

  • if two heads appear, this position is called “tea” and is designated as a straight line (yang) 7;
  • if there are two eagles - the “tribute” position, broken line (yin) 8;
  • three heads is “zhong”. It denotes old yang and goes into yin 6;
  • three eagles (jiao) - old yin turning into yang 9.

So, if you throw coins 6 times, you will get a certain hexagram. Its meaning will be the answer to your question. If the situation is quite complex, and the result obtained does not fully reveal its essence, then you can get two more gua.

Advanced divination using hexagrams

To get a more detailed answer, we will need 2 more gua. You can get them as follows. We select the second, third and fourth yao (line) this will be the internal trigram (first). The third, fourth and fifth lines are the outer trigram. An example can be seen at next photo:

This will be the first additional hexagram. The second is found with the help of moving gua. So, 2, 3 and 4 are moving lines. They should be replaced. The second line is intermittent, and the third and fourth are straight. The rest should be left unchanged and written down in the same order.

Interpretation of the image

In order to begin the second stage of fortune telling using the hexagram, it is also necessary to determine the numbers of the main and additional guas. For the main one - 60, for the first additional - 27, and for the second additional - 49.

  1. The main hexagram means current situation business
  2. The first additional one shows the development of events.
  3. The second additional gua reveals hidden aspects of the situation and the outcome.

The search for the required hexagram is carried out using a special table. The top is 6, 5 and 4 lines, and the bottom is 3, 2, 1. Finding the necessary trigrams horizontally and vertically, you need to add up your gua.

Calculation of the situation

Last stage in fortune telling using the “Book of Changes” - interpretation of hexagrams. Of course, you should start with the main one. In our example, this is number 60. It is called “Constraint”. The hexagram itself indicates that moderation is needed in everything. In addition, there are 6 more meanings that are associated with moving gua. For example, if the initial nine in fortune telling means that external activity is contraindicated for the person. The second nine indicates that one cannot remain idle. etc.

But in in this case The 60th hexagram is the main one. And therefore it shows that the situation arose precisely because of inaction. Of course, the advice in this case would be to be more active.

What else can the Hexagram (additional), which has number 27, tell about, is called “Feeding”. It indicates an increase in income. Since the first additional gua shows the development of events, then most likely the person will experience success in financial matters. Especially if he listens to the first hexagram and acts more decisively.

The meaning of the hexagram in fortune telling is not always easy to understand. This is why there are moving lines that form a second additional gua. It will show the result of events. In our case, this is the 49th hexagram. It's called "Change". Gua shows that things will indeed improve, but for this you need to take active action. What else does fortune telling from the Book of Changes give a person? The meaning of hexagrams not only shows events that will happen in the future, but rather suggests what to do in a given situation.

“The Book of Permen” is a philosophical work that should be perceived not as a dogmatic teaching, but as help in solving everyday issues. In addition, it should be understood that the modern interpretation of hexagrams may be slightly distorted, and understanding the essence of Chinese works in the original is not so easy.

The I Ching system is in many ways similar to Tarot cards. In most books, an image is added to each hexagram that most accurately reflects the essence of the gua itself.

To summarize, we can say that the Chinese fortune-telling “I Ching” is a unique work that has absorbed all the wisdom of the Celestial Empire. By learning to perform fortune telling correctly, you can get real help in many everyday situations.