Photos of Volgograd residents in the style of Murad and Natasha Osmann. Follow me! Photos of Volgograd residents in the style of Murad and Natasha Osmann What is follow me

The whole world follows them (Murad and Natasha have as many as two and a half million subscribers between them!) But many still wonder: who is this couple who talks about the most beautiful places ah planets, but doesn’t show their faces. PEOPLETALK decided to identify the creators of the Follow me project.

Murad Osmann (29)

@muradosmann - 2 million followers on Instagram

photographer, producer (production company Hype Production).

Natalya Zakharova (28)

@yourleo - 400 thousand followers on Instagram

TV presenter, editor-in-chief lifestyle website .

About everyday life:

Murad. Our day goes like this. I wake up, go for a run and exercise. And Natasha sleeps until lunchtime.
Natasha. This is not true!
Murad. Okay... I do good deeds. Every morning - good deed. And Natasha is preparing a giant breakfast.
Natasha. And here it is the real truth. It is very difficult for us to wake up early because we go to bed late. But we try to spend breakfast together, because our next meeting will take place only late in the evening.
Natasha. I absolutely love cooking. I’m also doing something called a power plate. And, of course, yoga.
Murad. And I love to swim.

About his popularity:

Murad. When people recognize us - and more often this happens abroad - Natasha gets more pleasure than I do. We take this calmly. The fact that our project from Russia is still positively perceived throughout the world is encouraging.
Natasha. There were no goals initially, since we did not plan to do something that everyone would like. We did this project for ourselves and now we are incredibly happy that millions of people began to like it. We are followed on Instagram by Michael Kors, Tommy Hilfiger, Ivanka Trump...

Favorite photo:

Murad. I love the photo of us by the pool with the inflatable duck. It was made two years ago in Singapore.
Natasha. And for me - a photo in New York from Times Square. Tiffany is nearby - beauty... And in general, I really love New York! I would like to live in America.
Murad. We recently took a photo straight from a helicopter. It turned out very extreme: they removed the doors and leaned out during the flight.

Funny incident:

Natasha. All funny things are connected with dressing up. There was such a case in the Amazon: we sailed on a special wooden boat. I had to change clothes in some terrible place - it wasn’t even a toilet, but some kind of shed standing between the Amazon and the jungle. I wore a tight evening dress with sequins. Locals were shocked. In general, we always make a strange impression: Murik has ten cameras around his neck, and I walk around the forests in chic dresses.

Development paths:

Murad. Asia is another new market for us. We need to move to China, Japan, Korea - they are absolutely crazy! If they are involved in something, including the media, it reaches the point of fanaticism, but positive. We are extremely interested creative projects. There were also good videos with Google and with Nike, where Levan (L’One) starred.

About difficulties:

Natasha. I have had dyslexia since childhood. So it was generally contraindicated for me to engage in journalism. But overcoming difficulties is great. And I can do it.

About love and relationships:

Natasha. I always knew that love is only love at first sight. There can be no other way. When Murad appeared, harmony appeared. Before Murad and I started dating, we just talked for six months. He is calm, but I am always very emotional. And this “saves” us.
Murad. I just flare up in a second like a match, and a moment later I’m kind again! I quickly forget negative situations.

About romance:

Natasha. Murad bought a ring and spent six months thinking about how to propose to me, how to surprise me. And when we were standing on some stunning cliff in Asia, I thought: “Now he’s going to propose to me!” But that didn’t happen... And he really surprised me. We came to my parents. We sit down to dinner, he drinks - for courage, apparently. He gets up and starts talking. And I’m sitting in a home sweater, chewing... And then it dawns on me - he’s proposing to me. I didn't expect this at all. Of course, she agreed immediately.

Recipe for success:

Murad. The most important advice for those who want to succeed in anything, including Instagram, is to do everything from the heart, from the bottom of your heart. The point is not to chase likes or subscribers. People love sincerity, even on social networks.
Natasha. It is important to understand that you make your life yourself, without looking up to anyone. And you don't need to be afraid of mistakes. In fact, the coolest thing is when someone writes: “This photo is now my favorite!”

Who inspires:

Natasha. Basically, we subscribe to profiles that inspire and lift our spirits, thanks to which we can stock up on huge amounts of cool ideas. This is usually creative people, travelers, art figures, for example: @nois7, @humansofny, @juspa
Murad. We shot Versace Maison for Art Basel in Miami. We are also planning to launch a series of travel films soon.

How to get to know us:

Murad. This is quite easy to do. We always try to answer all letters and respond to interesting offers.

Natalya Aleksandrovna Zakharova, who is better known to many of us as Natalya Osmann, was born in Potsdam in September 1986. Some time after the birth of their daughter, the Zakharov family returned to Russia. It is known that Natalia Osmann’s parents now live in Izhevsk.

Since childhood, Natalya has been an active and creative person. From the age of 14 she tried her hand at journalism, and she really liked this activity. Therefore, after graduating from school, the girl received an appropriate education.

Natalya Osmann took an active part in the launch of various television projects and blogging portals. But after meeting with creative union two creative young people. As a result, a common project appeared called “Follow Me To”, the development of which Natalya is still working on today.


The creative biography of Natalia Osmann is closely connected with the “Follow Me” project, which became the main and favorite thing in her life. The “Follow Me To” project began with a random photo in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Natalia Murad Osmann's young man is interested in photographing beautiful places. He travels everywhere with a camera. This happened in that memorable 2011, when the couple arrived in Spain.

The girl wanted to see as many local sights as possible, but Murad habitually tinkered with the camera, setting it up and looking for a favorable angle. Natalya pulled his hand, and at that time an interesting photo was taken.

Upon arrival home, the young people, looking through the footage, saw this too unusual photo. It seemed to them that it might be interesting not only to them. Soon Murad and Natalya Osmann added similar ones to the Spanish photo, but from other countries.

Not much time passed, and the followers of the page of Natalia Osman and her young man became first tens of thousands, and then hundreds of thousands of people. Now there are already more than 4 million subscribers on their page.

As Natalya Osmann shared in one of her interviews, it only seems that she and Murad are doing nothing but carelessly traveling around the world. In fact, behind beautiful photographs there is a lot of work, grueling long flights and long preparation for the trip. You need to plan your route, find a colorful costume, and find a good guide. Natalya Osmann took on these responsibilities.

Often a couple, in search of a good shot, climbs into hard-to-reach places. Often they are prohibited for outsiders, and the police drive away uninvited guests. It happens that for the sake of a photo Natalya Osmann changes clothes in any weather. Or, as in Singapore, it is filmed in a swimming pool in winter. After all, at other times of the year this famous swimming pool on the roof of a skyscraper is full of visitors.

Among the #FollowMeTo pictures is a photo taken in a helicopter flying over Los Angeles. The doors had to be removed to take this photo. At the same time, shoot without insurance, at your own peril and risk.

Natalya Osmann and her partner continue to develop their favorite project. Recently, young people presented their first book called #FOLLOWMETO, where they not only posted a photo report about their travels, but also entertaining stories about them. The texts, as befits a real journalist, were written by Natalya Osmann.

In development of the first project, the couple presented a second one, for which they created another account on Instagram. Pictures are collected here interesting people, whom the couple met on their travels, as well as stories about them. In addition to the well-known photo project, Natalya Osmann is busy developing a new TV show about travel, in which she will appear as a freelance journalist.

Personal life

Natalya Zakharova met her future husband Murad on his initiative. One day, a photographer friend and friend of the girl told her that one of her colleagues wanted to take some pictures of her. She agreed. This is how a fragile blond girl and a handsome dark man with oriental eyes met. Their love flared up immediately. The couple never separated again. The common project in which both take part brought the young people together even stronger.

As it turned out after the meeting, the young people lived almost nearby, on Frunzenskaya Embankment. A year later, Natalya and Murad began to live together. In 2015 they got married. The wedding ceremony took place in the Moscow region and was very spectacular. Later, Natalya Osmann, when asked why the ceremony was held not on some exotic island, but in her country of residence, admitted that Russia is a place of power for her.

The dress that Natalia Osmann wore at the wedding ceremony was made in New York by the famous fashion designer. For the Russian customer, Wong even changed her sketch a little, which she does extremely rarely. There was also a second dress from the Russian designer Svetlana Kushnerova, sewn according to her sketch in Paris by tailors of the legendary Chanel brand.

Honeymoon the couple spent in the Maldives. But this happened after the second wedding, which took place in the groom’s homeland in Dagestan. Now the personal life of Natalia Osmann is her beloved husband and the expectation of the biggest miracle that every woman craves.

Volgograd residents gladly supported the famous Follow Me project. Look what they did!

Maria Bredneva, 31 years old, Andrey Brednev, 34 years old

How long in a relationship: We've been in a relationship for 9.5 years now.

Probably the most romantic memory can be called a vacation in the snow-capped mountains of the Elbrus region, where we spent a whole week not in a hotel, but in a well-equipped campsite, around a fire, in wooden houses... One morning I heard a song in English, it sounded clumsy and funny, but it was very sweet and pleasant, because Andrey English language I didn’t know and couldn’t know. And as it turned out, I had been learning some romantic song all week.

He spoils me more than I spoil him. He loves to cook for the two of us, gives me a massage whenever I ask, sometimes he himself shows a desire, buys me my favorite sweets/chocolates and does not refuse to buy me dresses... He also knows what kind of flowers I like, and not just flowers , but he also knows the color of his favorite flowers and, accordingly, from time to time he buys them for me just like that. Loves to have picnics and bubble baths.

And the support is This is the most important thing in our life, we can’t live without it. If something doesn’t work out for me, he will try to help me - with advice, action or just consolation. He will always sympathize with me, if I feel bad, if I’m sad, he’ll cheer me up, if I’m sick, he’ll heal me. He is my doctor, psychoanalyst, and universal assistant in all matters and endeavors. I try to answer him in kind, although he rarely needs my help, but I always take part in all his affairs in one way or another. And, naturally, the best doctor, cook and psychologist for him is me!

Favorite places to relax. We have several favorite places to relax, both in our city and beyond. For example, in the city we love to sit together under our tree across the Volga - we have one unique place, far from human eyes and city noise. We often visit the skating rink together and parks. It's nice to take a walk in the evening, inhaling the autumn scent of fallen leaves. We also love to relax in the Stavropol region, in the North Caucasus. The most favorite places are Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Yesentuki, Zheleznovodsk. And our favorite grotto named after Lermontov, Mount Mashuk.

To be honest, we rarely take just such shots, it was just interesting to experiment and try something new, quite popular destination in the field of photography.

Ksenia Ryaskova, 22 years old, Sergey Gaidamakin, 23 years old

How long in a relationship: We've been together for 4 years and 2 months.

Your most romantic memory.

Ksenia: My young man Sergei served in Anapa. I came to him on dates (they are captured in the photo), although they lasted 24 hours, but the happiness from the meetings was limitless. By the way, after my last trip he proposed to me. Wedding next summer.

How do you pamper and support each other? We love to eat delicious food, we always spoil each other with it.

Favorite places to relax. We love to relax on the banks of the Volga, since we both grew up in the Volga region.

Follow Me style photos for you are... dream come true.

Alina Golovacheva, 24 years old, Danil Golovachev, 25 years old

In a relationship: 5 years.

Your most romantic memory.

Alina: There were many romantic moments in our history, but the one that immediately comes to mind is when, the day after the wedding, we were riding a tram in Prague, and Danil called me his wife for the first time. It was somehow so new and unusual, but at the same time very warm.

How do you pamper and support each other? We pamper each other with our attention and never experience a lack of it from each other. This is probably the most pleasant thing that can happen in a relationship, especially for married people. Pleasant surprises are no exception, of course, but that’s not the main thing. Supporting each other in professional or personal moments is, of course, very important, but without a sense of humor there is no place here. Fortunately, we are on the same wavelength on this. We always try to strengthen each other’s faith in ourselves, and this really helps, we analyze each other’s actions and suggest how it would be better. From the outside it’s clearer.

Favorite places to relax. Favorite places to relax depend rather on your mood. Sometimes it's ancient European cities, where you can see architecture, painting, visit exhibitions and galleries. Sometimes - the sea, the beach, a relaxed atmosphere around. Lately we began to like mountains and everything connected with them. In general, the place is not important, what matters is with whom!

Follow Me style photos for you are... hobby. Once in Italy it occurred to me to repeat the idea of ​​a famous photographer, since then we have not missed a single city.

Anastasia Skokshina, 20 years old, Alexey Davydov, 21 years old

In a relationship: 4 months.

How do you pamper and support each other?

Alexey: I like a real man I pamper my girlfriend with flowers and surprises, surround her with care and attention! And she, in turn, like a real lady, pleases me with affection and tender kisses! In order to support each other, first of all, you need to take care of your loved one, hug more often and say encouraging words!

Favorite places to relax. Our favorite vacation spots are nature, the sea and the beach.

Follow Me style photos for you are... it means that wherever she goes, wherever she calls me to follow her, I will follow her even to the ends of the earth.

Alena Eralieva-Bevz, 27 years old, Mark Eraliev-Bevz, 30 years old

In a relationship: 5 years together.

Your most romantic memory.

Alena: A trip to the Carpathians and a walk through the autumn forest.

How do you pamper and support each other? Now main support and help is raising a son. While dad walks with the baby along the embankment, mom has time to calmly drink tea and make something. For example, a unicorn made of cardboard.

Favorite places to relax. We are in love with Montenegro and dream of going there together.

Follow Me style photos for you are... to be honest, just an opportunity to take an interesting photo.

Anastasia Zheltova, 23 years old, Nikita Boyko, 23 years old

In a relationship: 2 years.

Your most romantic memory.

Anastasia: One day I was at home with my friend and parents, they rang our doorbell and gave us a box... It wasn’t me who opened the door, they had already brought it to my room, and we were just confused - what it was, where it came from, from whom... In general, We opened the box, and there was a bunch of newspapers, and in it was a book, some notes. In the end it turned out to be a quest. IN real life Hints were written on different pages about where to go and how to act step by step. All the questions concerned me primarily, and only I knew the answers to them; others would have broken their heads over such puzzles. We went out into the entrance, riddles, hints, codes were there too, then we went out into the street at night and went through everything final stages to solve the code. In the end, we solved the code, the doorbell rang again, and my Nikita was already standing there with a bouquet of roses and a gift. All this was done just to please me, and not in honor of any date.

Or there was a day when I was at another dance training session. Nikita came for me, and we ended up staying there until the morning, as we danced a lot. I taught him bachata, which is a very romantic dance. In our hall we had huge candles placed along the mirrors and walls; we always lit them with the team when we wanted to relax and listen to pleasant music or for stretching. And these candles came in handy for our decor. It was just a flower-candy period when we were just getting to know each other.

How do you pamper and support each other? He gives me flowers and sweets, pleasant little things. We often have dinner by candlelight, when I cook a super delicious dinner, we chat a lot and share what happened during the day, what worries us or, on the contrary, makes us happy. We love to travel around the city together, listen to the radio, sing and dance, and again talk a lot. We released lanterns into the sky and went to a cafe. Everything is banal.

Favorite places to relax. So far Adler, we really liked it there. In general, we love outdoor recreation – water parks and attractions.

Follow Me style photos for you are... general interesting project and the desire to show the whole world how you and your soul mate go through life, wherever fate takes you.

Valeria Kalmykova, 21 years old, Ruslan Barygin, 28 years old

In a relationship: 6 years old.

Your most romantic memory.

Valeria: Spontaneous weekend in Moscow at a Justin Timberlake concert.

How do you pamper and support each other? We both love to eat delicious food, and Ruslan is also great at delicious dishes, which he pampers us with. It's not that I can't cook, he's just better at it. Still more experience, at least 7 years. But by the time I’m 28, I’m thinking of surpassing him in the culinary standings! In the meantime, let him enjoy his championship.

Favorite places to relax. We are big fans of high-quality, interesting films, so the most best vacation and pastime for us is watching movies at home or in the cinema.

Follow Me style photos for you are... mainstream, which was impossible not to succumb to! Romance, of course, and some lack of originality.

Alesya Kishieva, 26 years old, Timofey Kishiev, 1 year old

Your most romantic memory. The birth of a son!

How do you pamper and support each other? Timofey hugs and kisses me, and I allow him to play around. We have an ideal relationship!

Favorite places to relax. Recreation areas associated with water.

Follow Me style photos for you are... the opportunity to hold each other's hands.

Yulia Knyazeva, 26 years old, Evgeny Knyazev, 27 years old

In a relationship: 12 years old, married 4 years.

Your most romantic memory.

Julia: The most romantic memory is a marriage proposal in New Year's Eve to the chimes. My husband took our cat Peach as his assistant, put angel wings with a halo on him and placed a ring inside this halo, it was very touching.

How do you pamper and support each other? We always support each other, in any situation, we call kind words, my husband often cooks his own for me signature dish“Princeburger” (this is his invention).

Favorite places to relax. We really love a relaxing holiday with friends in nature (forest, camp site, dacha) and trips to the sea coast.

Follow Me style photos for you are... the opportunity, holding the hand of a loved one, to discover new places and enjoy the beauty of our planet together.

Sergey Afonin, 24 years old

How long in a relationship: without a pair.

Your most romantic memory. From the latter, for example, meeting a girl in St. Petersburg. She asked for directions to the metro, and I did, even though I was only in the city for the second day. As a result, we got to talking, and she was not left without portraits taken by me.

Favorite places to relax. Where we gather with friends.

Follow Me style photos for you are... a romantic direction that makes you intrigue and think about what is hidden behind the scenes: where the heroine in the foreground is leading.

Tatyana Ilyina, 24 years old

Photographed by Sasha Shatskikh. I love taking pictures, and Sasha takes pictures! I chatted for a long time at work that I really wanted beautiful photos, took selfies in all the work mirrors, and then over morning coffee one colleague enthusiastically announced her family ties with Alexander. That same evening I looked through all of his work. In the morning I received a message that I had been invited to play the role of muse. Photo shoot at sunset, and I couldn’t resist the newfangled trend and also wanted to be followed.

Follow Me style photos for you are... trust. The one who is ready to extend his hand has trusted, believed and follows you in the same direction.

Natalya Korotchenko, 27 years old, Yuri Kuzmenkov, 27 years old

In a relationship: 2 years, before that we were just friends for 10 years.

Your most romantic memory.

Bathing together naked in the river at night.

How do you pamper and support each other? Natalya: I cook something delicious, for us food is an integral part of life, because we play sports. In general, when one of us important event– We are always present, support and help each other prepare. And, of course, small unexpected surprises.

Yuri: We remember each other’s desires, small and big joys, and strive to fulfill them.

Favorite places to relax. Places where there is sea and mountains, where you can enjoy nature just by living in a tent.

Follow Me style photos for you are... a variety of themes and ideas, a kind of first-person perspective concept in photography and the conveyance of the original vision of the author.

Tatyana Levashova, 23 years old, Andrey Razinkin, 27 years old

In a relationship: 10 months and 23 days.

Your most romantic memory.

Tatyana: There are already a million of them. But the most at the moment is a marriage proposal.

How do you pamper and support each other? It all depends on my mood. Sometimes it’s delicious food, sometimes it’s a movie, sometimes it’s jokes and jokes, and there are times when it’s better to remain silent.

Favorite places to relax. We love new places. There is a wonderful expression: “Home is where the heart is.” This is about us. We feel comfortable anywhere on the planet as long as we are together.

Follow Me style photos for you are... usual situation. We always walk hand in hand and follow each other. But most often we have Andrei in the role of a scout.

Irina Lekontseva, 25 years old, Alexander Lekontsev, 25 years old

In a relationship: 6 years old.

Your most romantic memory.

Irina: Of course, a marriage proposal. It was New Year's Eve. As a gift, I received a large box containing a ring and a whole swarm of live butterflies!

How do you pamper and support each other? My husband supports my idea of ​​going on a diet: every evening he comes home from work with treats. I, in turn, pamper him with steamed cutlets.

Favorite places to relax. My favorite place to relax is my parents’ dacha. Calmness and tranquility - on the one hand, and noisy and cheerful gatherings of all relatives - on the other.

Follow Me style photos for you are... A great way to convey the beauty of a backless dress.

Oksana Luneva, 30 years old, Alexander Lunev, 28 years old

In a relationship: 5 years together, 3 years of them married.

The most romantic memory.

Alexander: Honeymoon spent on the island of Rhodes in Greece.

Oksana: The day we went to the central registry office, dressed in jeans and T-shirts with the inscription LO and VE, and signed our names.

How do you pamper and support each other?

Alexander: The most important thing is to give in to each other - today she’s going fishing with me, and tomorrow I’m going shopping with her.

Oksana: It is very important to give each other sweet surprises, regardless of the date on the calendar, just when you want.

Favorite places to relax.

Alexander: Hiking holiday with tents.

Oksana: It’s heaven in the hut with my dear one, as they say, so we feel good everywhere.

Follow Me style photos for you are...

Alexander: Great idea, known throughout the world and invented by a Russian married couple.

Oksana: One of the options is to make a memorable shot. This photo, for example, was taken in Kamchatka, Lake Ketachan.

Young creative photographer Murad Osmann Dagestan origin became famous for his famous photo project “Follow me”. He and his girlfriend Natalya travel around the world and record their travels from an unusual perspective - the girl leads the guy by the hand around the planet...

The early years of Murad Osmann

Murad Osmann was born on May 15, 1985 in the Dagestan city of Kaspiysk. Carrying out children's and early years on the shores of the Caspian Sea, contemplating beautiful natural views, Murad early learned to look at the world creatively. Mountain landscapes and virgin nature always attracted Haussmann, he always sought to capture them.

When Murad was 5 years old, the family moved to Moscow. There's talent here young artist opened up to its full potential. Haussmann discovered the magic of photography. In his youth, he experimented a lot with the camera. After graduating from a Moscow school, his parents sent their son to study in London. There Murad entered the Imperial College to study as a civil engineer.

Professional activities of Murad Osmann

Possessing a creative mind, the idea of ​​working in Murad’s specialty did not appeal to him. So he picked up the camera again and began to create. However, despite the abundance of photo sessions and millions of frames captured, Murad Osmann still does not call himself a professional photographer. He considers photography more of a hobby than a job.

After returning from the UK to Russia, in 2011 Murad opened his own production company in Moscow called “Hype Production”.

"Hype Production" is a young company of creative professionals that works in the field of television, creating commercials and music videos. In the company's assets huge amount various projects in the field of media production. "Hype Production" cooperates with both local and international customers. Nike, Beeline, Martini, McDonalds, Huawei, Rostelecom, Baileys, Yota, Visa, PSBank, Lego, KFC, Orion Express - these and many other companies are customers of Hype Production.

Also, the professionals of the Hype Production team have shot many videos for such performers as Dima Bilan, Timati, Sensei, Mumiy Troll, Vlad Sokolovsky, MakSim, Noggano, Max Korzh, Lumen and others. “Hype Production” also has a lot of professional advertising photo shoots with the participation of stars.

In addition, the company does not stand still and is engaged in producing young directors and searching for new talents. Now such producers and directors as Egor Abramenko, Oleg Trofim, Ilya Naishuler, Mikhail Lokshin, Roman Zhirnikh and others work together in a team with Osmann.

Murad Osmann and the “Follow Me” project

The point of the project is that Osmann films the back of his girlfriend Natalia, who travels around the world. Behind her are various landscapes of world attractions of various countries.

The first image was taken in Barcelona, ​​Spain in the fall of 2011. As Murad said, completely by accident: during one of the excursions, he photographed the surrounding landscapes. The girl Natalya, who accompanied him on the trip, got tired of waiting for the always busy young man and she pulled him by the hand. However, even then Murad did not give up and continued to take photographs. So, the first photo from a wonderful series appeared. While looking through the pictures, Murad and Natalya “caught” the idea of ​​​​creating an interesting photo project. Since the guys love to travel a lot, very soon their collection of photographs grew to the size of almost a photo exhibition.

Now the couple thinks through the composition of all new photographs together. Murad and Natalya have already visited and photographed places such as Venice, Tokyo, Paris, Bali, London, Singapore and many others. All places in the photographs are easily recognizable.

Follow me - Murad Osmann

Over time, Murad Osmann began posting photographs on the Internet. In particular, in 2013, his Instagram account gathered several tens of thousands of subscribers, and the name of its owner became known throughout the world. Now Osmann has more than 250 thousand subscribers and fans of his work around the world. Each new frame posted on the Internet is instantly “pulled away” into social networks and receives thousands of enthusiastic comments and high ratings. In addition, Murad has a lot of followers who take pictures in this way. Thus, a photo project that was not even planned became a global mainstream.

Personal life of Murad Osmann

Murad is not married, but he has a girlfriend, Natalya Zakharova. She is a journalist and editor-in-chief of the website She is present in all the photographs of the “Follow Me” project. True, her face is almost never visible, always only her back.

In July 2014, Murad proposed to his girlfriend as part of his famous Follow Me project by posting a photo of his engagement. In an hour, he received 100 thousand likes. The girl agreed.

Murad Osmann today

Now Murad is preparing another Internet photo project. His goal: to once again show the beauty of our planet and the people who live on it - all are different, but each is interesting in its own way.

07/22/14 technovoin

The permanent photogenic person who appears in all the photographs invites you to “follow her” art project “Follow me”. In all the photographs taken by Murad Osmann, we see Natalia Zakharova from the back, who holds “her viewer” by the hand, inviting her to exciting journey. There are so many thematic productions in so many corners of the world, well-designed by the fashion designer, cameraman and the heroine of the photo shoot herself.

Versacci Mansion in Miami

What is the secret of the success of the performance, why do others try to repeat it, competing, say, in photo competitions? Perhaps the reason for success is chewing gum for weight loss, and as a consequence beautiful figure and a charming image? Perhaps an idea? Of course, the latter played a key role in the success of the project among fans, and simply among those people who love to enjoy creative photographs and enjoy exotic corners of our planet. But still, it was the image and atmosphere that did their job, penetrating deeply into the depths of the aesthetic principles of the contrite viewer. Obviously, the idea cannot be called new, but damn, how deliciously presented it is! Charming Natalie (the wife of photographer Murad Osmann) victoriously attracts the attention of an ever-increasing audience, and the repeating subjects of the performance with changing landscapes do not annoy at all, but on the contrary, inspire.

Miami Beach

How did it all begin? The young couple went on vacation to Barcelona, ​​where the idea of ​​creating a series of photographs was spontaneously born. Then the project “” appeared. Now Natalya Zakharova and Murad Osmann regularly travel around the world, taking fresh pictures and posting them on Instagram. The number of subscribers to Murad Osmann's account has already exceeded one and a half million people.

Exhibition in Hong Kong - “1600 Pandas” (China)

According to star couple, the project has no commercial component. Everything is done solely for the sake of art. Part-time, Murad and Natasha are involved in charity work, advertising watches from the new charity collection of designer Michael Kors. In the future, the couple plans to publish a book with their photographs.

Crystal Palace in Madrid, Spain

The most significant places for our heroes were Singapore, Spain and New York. Singapore, because they drowned two phones with photographs and reports, Spain, because I remembered what I bought national costume for Natasha, and New York, because I had to inflate a hundred balloons.

The project continues, I’m sure we will return to it again soon...

London, UK

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Monaco, France

Platform 9¾ at King's Cross Station, London

Blue Mosque, Istanbul

Proposal by Murad Osmann, made in the style of the “Follow Me” project

Benidorm, Spain

Rooftop of Praktik Hotel, Madrid

Street art street in Miami, USA

Alhambra Palace in Spain

Istanbul, Türkiye

In the library of New York (USA)

St. Mary's Hospital. A few hours before the birth of Kate Middleton's son

Eiffel Tower in Paris, France

Piazza Doumo in Milan, Italy

Barcelona, ​​Spain

In the Moscow Gorky Park of Culture

Brooklyn Bridge in New York, USA

On hot air balloon through the lands of Jordan