Three things a real man should do in his life. What does the phrase “planted a tree, gave birth to a son, built a house” actually mean? The proverb “I planted a tree, gave birth to a son, built a house” - what does it mean?

Once upon a time there lived two teenagers in one small village.

When the children were still small, their mother died, and now their father. Like this

And two brothers, two orphans, were left alone. And they didn't have

No one in the whole wide world.

The eldest of the brothers, who turned sixteen, said to the youngest,

Thirteen: “Listen, brother. We were left alone without a mother and father. So nothing

They didn’t have time to teach us anything wise. Come on, I'll go to people to study

Wisdom so that we know how to live further. In the meantime, stay home and

Wait for me".

“Okay,” answered the younger brother, “just promise me to return home soon.”

They said goodbye and the older brother left.

Days... months... years passed. And there was no news from the older brother. He

Everyone walked from one village to another. From one city to another, learning

Wisdom from people. So over time he became a lonely old sage. And walked

From village to village, no longer learning from people, but teaching them. His people are like that

They called him the Sage. Once an old sage walked along the road that led him to

Native village.

“Oh, is my brother alive and where is he now?!” - thought the sage - I wandered so much

On the ground, that I didn’t even notice how quickly time flew by” - and with these thoughts

He approached his home. Knocked on the gate, impatiently

Waiting for the owners. Somebody with quick steps went up to the gate and opened it. It was

A gray-haired man, in whose features the wanderer immediately recognized his brother. They

The joyful ones hugged each other and entered the courtyard together.

“Sit down, brother, on the bench. You can relax in the shade of this apple tree. Drink fresh

Some water, fresh from the well. Try some fruit from our garden. I'll tell you now

To my wife, that dear guests came before us, and she will prepare something for us


Suddenly two amazing creatures ran out of the house with a cheerful laugh: a boy

And a girl, five or six years old. They were arguing about something and ran to their grandfather,

So that he can resolve their dispute. “Hey, guys, be more polite. What do you have there

What happened?... A dear guest has arrived to us. Come closer

Get to know each other." The children approached a safe distance and began

Considering an unfamiliar grandfather. "This is my brother, about whom I tell you a lot

He told me. So he finally returned home to teach me wisdom

Life,” said the grandfather meaningfully. The children looked at him with admiration.

They were waiting for this new grandfather to finally begin to teach their native

Grandfather of all the wisdom of life. The girl began to hurry him: “Come on,

Quickly tell me what the main wisdom you have learned.”

And the old sage began his story: “People say that a person should

Build a house, plant a tree and give birth to a son...And to accomplish this

Super-tasks, the Universe sends each person his soul mate. To

To recognize it, you just need to open your heart. And listen only to your heart. AND

You will feel an amazing, unearthly feeling - love. And this means that

You have found your soul mate, your goddess. And you will want to create for your beloved

Paradise love. You will begin to build a house and plant a garden with your own hands. A

She will help you in everything. Then you will have children - the fruits of your love

And you will raise them with love and wisdom. All my love and wisdom

Multiplying in them. Then grandchildren will appear and you will love them even more

Wisdom. And when you are satisfied with life, joyful and peaceful you will return to

Heavenly abode, Home."

“Oh, how wise you have become, my brother. Why didn’t it take you so long to return home?

I've been waiting for you for so long. I kept wanting to know how to live in wisdom. But I

Glad we're together again."

But then a boy intervened in the conversation. "We have nothing new from you, sage.

We heard. What you have now told us, our grandfather has known for a long time, and

We even know. We live by this wisdom."

The sage looked at the children, then at his brother and answered: “You know, brother. A

The boy is right. While I was wandering around the world and learning the wisdom of life from strangers

People, you received this wisdom from God and brought it to life. What about mine

Words?... Words without deeds are dead...”

Maria Mayor-Kilimann

Once upon a time there lived two teenagers in one small village.

When the children were still small, their mother died, and now their father. Like this

and two brothers, two orphans, were left alone. And they didn't have

no one in the whole wide world.

The eldest of the brothers, who turned sixteen, said to the youngest,

thirteen: “Listen brother. We were left alone without a mother and father. So nothing

They didn’t have time to teach us anything wise. Come on, I'll go to people to study

wisdom so that we know how to live further. In the meantime, stay home and

wait for me".

“Okay,” answered the younger brother, “just promise me to return home soon.”

They said goodbye and the older brother left.

Days... months... years passed. And there was no news from the older brother. He

everyone walked from one village to another. From one city to another, learning

wisdom among people. So over time he became a lonely old sage. And walked

from village to village, no longer learning from people, but teaching them. His people are like that

called the Sage. Once an old sage walked along the road that led him to

native village.

“Oh, is my brother alive and where is he now?!” - thought the sage - I wandered so much

on the ground, that I didn’t even notice how quickly time flew by” - and with these thoughts

he approached his home. Knocked on the gate, impatiently

waiting for the owners. Someone quickly walked up to the gate and opened it. It was

a gray-haired man, in whose features the wanderer immediately recognized his brother. They

The joyful ones hugged each other and entered the courtyard together.

“Sit down, brother, on the bench. You can relax in the shade of this apple tree. Drink fresh

some water, fresh from the well. Try some fruit from our garden. I'll tell you now

to my wife that dear guests came before us, and she will prepare something for us


Suddenly two amazing creatures ran out of the house with a cheerful laugh: a boy

and a girl, five or six years old. They were arguing about something and ran to their grandfather,

for him to resolve their dispute. “Hey, guys, be more polite. What do you have there

happened?... A dear guest has arrived to us. Come closer

introduce yourself." The children approached a safe distance and began

look at an unfamiliar grandfather. "This is my brother, about whom I tell you a lot

told. So he finally returned home to teach me wisdom

life,” said the grandfather meaningfully. The children looked at him with admiration.

They were waiting for this new grandfather to finally begin to teach their native

grandfather of all the wisdom of life. The girl began to hurry him: “Come on,

quickly tell me what the main wisdom you have learned.”

And the old sage began his story: “People say that a person should

build a house, plant a tree and give birth to a son...And to accomplish this

super-tasks, the Universe sends each person his soul mate. To

to recognize it, you just need to open your heart. And listen only to your heart. AND

you will feel an amazing, unearthly feeling - love. And this means that

you have found your soul mate, your goddess. And you will want to create for your beloved

paradise of love. You will begin to build a house and plant a garden with your own hands. A

she will help you in everything. Then you will have children - the fruits of your love

and you will raise them with love and wisdom. All my love and wisdom

multiplying in them. Then grandchildren will appear and you will love them even more

wisdom. And when you are satisfied with life, joyful and peaceful you will return to

Heavenly abode, Home."

“Oh, how wise you have become, my brother. Why didn’t it take you so long to return home?

I've been waiting for you for so long. I kept wanting to know how to live in wisdom. But I

I'm glad we're together again."

But then a boy intervened in the conversation. "We have nothing new from you, sage.

heard. What you have now told us, our grandfather has known for a long time, and

we even know. We live by this wisdom."

The sage looked at the children, then at his brother and answered: “You know, brother. A

the boy is right. While I was wandering around the world and learning the wisdom of life from strangers

people, you received this wisdom from God and brought it to life. What about mine

words?... Words without deeds are dead...”

What is the meaning of human life?

What does it take to be happy? Have you tried to answer these questions for yourself?

There is a definition: “A man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son.”

And many of us take this literally - they start a family and raise children. They are furnishing what they inherited from their parents or grandparents, or they are actually building or buying a house or apartment for themselves. They start a dacha or a garden where they plant and grow more than one tree. But they still happen, and very often, to be unhappy.

What is it to build a house?

Home is a place where love, kindness, understanding, mercy, help, care, tenderness, joy, and happiness live. Home is the entire space of your life. Home is your homeland. Home is everything that is dear and dear to you, it is where you feel good.

You can also call yourself your home - a home or temple for your soul. That is, first of all, each person must become a home for the soul. So that his soul blossoms and sings, and this song of the soul pours out into the world, making it better.

What do we actually do - we build mansions for the body, do European-quality renovations, buy expensive carpets, furniture, dishes. But this does not make our homes better - there is no warmth in them, no love. Yes, there is no time for the soul - continuous worries.

There is something to think about, isn’t it?

What about “plant a tree”? What does this mean? Of course, and a literal tree. Each of us should take care of nature. Must love and preserve her. In their dacha or garden, everyone takes care of their own seedlings and seedlings, their own flowers and berries. He tries to water them, weed them, and remove excess dirt. And in nature, when you go on a picnic or pick mushrooms, or go fishing. How many of you pick up trash after yourself? How many of you put out the fires on which you cooked your kebab? Our forests and parks, and even just courtyard areas, have turned into a dump of garbage and dirt. And what is the use of the fact that everything at your dacha is sparkling clean, but near your entrance or house there is garbage and dirt?

But there is also another meaning to “plant a tree.” This is to enable a new generation to grow and become a new tree of life, the Tree of Life. Your parents are the roots, you (family - spouses) are the trunk, your children are the branches, your grandchildren are the twigs, your great-grandchildren are the leaves. But every branch and twig, every leaf must grow its own Tree. This is how the ancestral grove grows - the clan.

What does it mean to “start a family”? It’s not easy to meet a person, fall in love, have a wedding, give birth to a child, feed him, send him to be raised first in a nursery, kindergarten, school, institute, etc. This is a very responsible work, and first of all, with yourself. Everyone must find those ways and compromises that will make communication in the family comfortable, calm and joyful, full of warmth and love. Everyone should try very hard to raise their children to be reasonable and kind.

What is really happening today? Two young people meet who do not have the right morals in their relations with each other, since all means mass media today they talk about open relationship, not about morality, but about immorality. Young people do not understand and do not know what it is to love. And so-called falling in love, a sensual relationship, arises. And, these two really want to escape from the care of their parents, or one of the two is thinking about their own benefit (money, apartment, etc.), or it’s just the “last hope” to start a family, or it just so happens that new person should be born soon. This is how a “family” is created. And today it is even called “marriage”.

Where is the love? Where in relationships with each other is trust, understanding, kindness, desire to help, tenderness. Usually there are none. There is either an attachment (habit) or some kind of obligation (the same marriage contract), or “held” by small children. But the attitude towards our children is purely everyday - to feed, clothe, educate on time, and the school, the institute should be responsible for education, but not ourselves, we already spend a lot of money to provide our children with textbooks, a computer, clothes, food ; “so that they do not need anything,” or are “no worse than others.”

Where is the love for the child? Not cooing and indulging in whims, not excessive care, but love?

It is mom and dad who should be the first educators and teachers. It is mom and dad who should be the first comrades and friends.

It is the mother and father who must show their child the world into which he has come. It is you who must teach your child to love.

But how can you teach to love if you don’t know how?

Love is a very deep feeling that must be kept in balance. Remember that “from love to hate there is one step.” Hatred comes from disappointment, from unfulfilled hopes.

What have you done to make all your hopes come true, to make your dream come true?

Love needs to be cultivated. Moreover, even just respect or deep affection can grow into great love. I can tell you this for sure. I went through this myself.

But for this you need to really love yourself and see in your partner, first of all, a person who has something to love for.

This is the kind of love that lasts long years. It’s like in fairy tales: “They lived happily ever after and died on the same day.”

You need to try not to change another person with your moral teachings, but to change yourself. Understand what is important in life for you and for him. Find compromises, and such that both you and your other half feel calm and comfortable. So that in your relationship there are no omissions or even small deceptions. And this is a job for two spouses.

The simplest thing is to say that he (she) himself does not want to change, that you are already doing a lot for peace family life that you are already tired of adjusting and giving in.

And this is how many families live. And children in such families grow up the same way - ignorant of happiness - there was no one to learn from.

So much for “A man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son.”

It turns out that each of us must first educate ourselves. Understand yourself. Accept yourself. Learn to love, learn to give and receive love.

It's difficult, but anyone can do it!

After all, this is exactly why we came to this earth - to learn to love.

And I’m talking about love not as a relationship or feelings for another person, but about selfless, unconditional, boundless and pure love. This is love for yourself - as the temple of the soul, this is love for the world in which you live, this is love for the people who surround you, this is love for your roots - all your ancestors, this is love for God, as the Creator of everything and everyone, this is love for the person who is your soul mate, this is love for your children, an extension of yourself, this is love for all living things.

But how to learn to Love?!

Start changing yourself: “Change yourself, and the world will change around you!”

It is not simple beautiful words. This is a rule that each of us must follow if we want to live in better world.

Russian sayings and proverbs carry a deep and very specific meaning. Let's consider what is meant in this well-known proverb

The proverb “I planted a tree, gave birth to a son, built a house” - what does it mean?

Russian sayings and proverbs carry a deep and very specific meaning. Let's consider what is meant in this well-known proverb.

Build a house

A home is a space that has clear boundaries and structure. At its core, a “house” is a kind of system where various Subjects can interact, and where things can happen. various processes.

In the literal sense, the expression “build a house” meant creating a safe place for your family, procreation, a place for protection, a place where you can gain strength, a place where the hearth burned, the fire in which was lit from the fire of Perun’s lightning, and this fire should be kept unquenchable...

Currently, when most people are no longer directly involved in building a place to live, when with the development of transport and the Internet All more people do not see the need to settle down and can and want to travel, and the fire in the hearth is replaced by electricity, the expression “build a house”, however, has not lost its meaning.

But the meaning of the video has changed.

Now “home” is no longer just something material.“Building a house” means creating a clear and specific structure, a system. This is often a business that runs like clockwork.

Also, a “house” can be an organized system of relationships between people. By the way, as one of my coach friends put it, a marriage proposal “structures the relationship between a man and a woman.”

An information structure, such as a work of art, can also be called a “house.” It happens that an invented character turns out to be so bright that it seems to begin to live independent life. Arises great amount copies, imitations, according to the principle of genetic replication in biology.

This phenomenon has already been studied from various points of view. And in fiction described, for example, in the novels The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Blade of Sleep, and The Fog.

Also included in the category of “immaterial houses” are such phenomena as fashion and cinema in general., as well as such phenomena as the Marwel Universe.

Thus, “building a house” means “creating a system of behavioral reactions, relationships between people and structuring the processes occurring in this system.”

It's quite a difficult task, but the result is worth it.

Give birth to (raise) a son

According to genetic research, The DNA of people on earth is almost similar, the differences are only about 0.01%. That is, only one hundredth of a percent of the genetic information of our body remains unique. This fact speaks volumes about the importance of uniqueness.

And everything about the transfer of genetic information is very interesting. The fact is that mothers pass on genetic information only to their daughters. But men lack information transmitted only from mothers.Besides, The health of the child depends on the paternal DNA.

Well interesting point: 40% of any person’s DNA consists of the DNA of viruses experienced by their ancestors. By the way, a virus, acting on a cell, causes it to mutate, and the vast majority of mutations are caused by natural selection are not viable, and only a small part is inherently conducive to evolutionary development.

And this same 40% is a fairly significant part genetic code, are essentially the encoded experience of survival of thousands of generations of ancestors.

Expensive information, isn't it?

From the above it follows that the expression “give birth to (raise) a son” is in one way or another connected with development (evolution) and means the transfer of hereditary information.

And this small piece of information has value, just a hundredth of a percent. Indeed, from the point of view of nature, what is important is not the selection of the strongest and best genes, but their unique combination.

In a patriarchal society, the topic of inheritance is inextricably linked with the transfer of material values(“houses” and acquired property and other “structures”).

IN modern conditions the situation is changing. And the point is not only in feminism, which approved women’s rights to inheritance and other social bonuses, but also in the fact that with the development of science, the need for two parents to transmit genetic information to human offspring has disappeared.

IN in a broad sense the expression means leaving behind an heir to material assets, a carrier of the genome, and leaving a unique information trail.

To plant a tree

Among the Slavs (and not only) the tree is a symbol of the Family. And this is again about the system, because the Rod consists of men and women, often not directly related by blood ties, but connected by common goals, ideas, values, traditions and rituals, patriotism, cultural and historical past.

The branches of the tree are the younger generations, reach for the sky and the sun, while the roots (ancestors) have grown into the ground.The ancient Russians called their homeland Mother, and when traveling they wore an amulet around their necks - a bag with a handful of native land, since it was believed that in this way one could obtain protection far from one’s homeland.

And now the expressions “Mother Earth”, “Mother Earth” are known. The sky and the sun were associated with male deities. Thus, a tree is not only a symbol of family, but also a symbol of the spiritual union of the masculine and feminine principles into a completely tangible and living one.

If the house is artificially created material structure, then a tree is a living, born structure. It is not enough to give birth and raise a son; it is important to be part of the clan (information) system. It is also important to become a founder, a starting point for new growth, a bifurcation point.

The tree symbolizes fractality, the endless repetition of signs in living nature.

All three parts of the old Russian proverb are interconnected and mean the importance and value of the manifestation of human creative nature, without denying the animal nature, in connection with nature and the world.

The ability to be creative is one of the characteristics that distinguishes us from animals. The ability to consciously interact with information, to create entire information structures that are independent and independent - isn’t this a value?

© Evelina Gaevskaya

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Everyone knows the saying that a real man In his life he must have time to plant a tree, raise a son and build a house. Having a house, a garden and a son are traditional criteria for a man’s success. But is it necessary? to the modern man strive for these three cherished goals or does success today lie in something else?

The simplest task, at first glance, seems to be the task “Raise a son" Many men have sons, but not all of them raise them, that is, care for and educate them. Unfortunately, many fathers do not pay enough attention to their sons and sometimes do not even love them. But it is the father who is the boy’s role model!

The most effective education is education by example. Therefore, the task “Raising a son”, in fact, implies the ability to begin with becoming a real man, one from whom the son will take an example and, based on this example, grow up as a worthy person.

But in order to raise a son, caring only about the formation of his personality is not enough; you need to think about the external, material well-being. It is unlikely that a child will be happy if the family lives in poverty. Hence the second task of a man - “Build a house”.

Of course, it is not necessary to build a house yourself and it is not at all necessary that it be a house. It is enough to have an apartment, the main thing is that it is your own!

A successful man these days can buy an apartment in the city or a house outside the city. If buy land plot in a cottage village , you can build your house yourself, with your own hands. And then the second task will certainly be completed 100%!

The meaning of the task “ To plant a tree” is perhaps the deepest. What trees are usually planted? Fruit! Those from which you can harvest, those that later grow into a large garden. This means that a man must be able to find a direction of development, work and business from which he can receive constant profit.

The “tree” that feeds will help the man both maintain the house he has built and provide everything necessary for his entire family.

But even if we take the third task literally, it does not become less significant for life. By planting trees, people save the planet, and therefore themselves. Everyone today wants to live in an ecologically clean area, everyone loves to relax in nature and many would like to live in the country.

Ideally, if you have an apartment in a metropolis, for example, in Moscow, you can buy a summer cottage not far from the city, where you can go to relax from the bustle of the city and breathe fresh air.

So, all three tasks are still relevant in our time. And these days, having a garden, a house and a son are the criteria for the success of a real man.