“New People” in the novel by G.N. Chernyshevsky “What to do? The essay “Who are the “new people” in the novel “What is to be done?” New people of Roman Chernyshevsky what to do

"New People" in the novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?" (2)

I wanted to portray ordinary decent people of the new generation.

The revolutionary-democrat Chernyshevsky, a follower of Belinsky, is near and dear to everyone honest people lands with their faith in a better future for working humanity, with their historical optimism. Chernyshevsky’s novel “What to do?” was a political testament addressed to revolutionary youth. The strength of the novel lies in the fact that it convinces of the truth, beauty and greatness of the new, advanced in life. It answers the most important question of the era: what should people do who do not want to live in the old way, who strive to bring a beautiful tomorrow closer to their Motherland and all humanity. Chernyshevsky's heroes are progressive people of Russia. They are convinced socialists, the ultimate goal of their activities is a people's revolution. They embody the character traits of the revolutionaries emerging in Russia with their unyielding will to fight, high moral nobility, and boundless devotion to the people and the Motherland. In the heroes of the novel - best features Chernyshevsky himself and his friends.

Lopukhov and Kirsanov are typical commoner democrats, who through their labor created the opportunity for themselves to receive an education. They are atheists and materialists in their worldview. Chernyshevsky’s “new people” not only destroy old world, but they themselves are building a new society. They recognize art, the aesthetic impact of the beauty of nature on a person, firmly believe in friendship and show a comradely attitude towards women. They give their whole lives to the people, work for their benefit, sparing no effort, and find great satisfaction in this. Chernyshevsky's heroes are even ready for people to condemn their behavior if this is necessary for the common good.

Chernyshevsky's heroes passionately defend their right to self-respect. This is their “benefit”, their “selfishness”. Like real revolutionaries, Lopukhov and Kirsanov want happiness, equality, brotherhood for all peoples. So Lopukhov, having arrived in America, is actively involved in the struggle for the liberation of blacks.

Chernyshevsky gave in his novel the image of “ new woman”, Vera Pavlovna, whom Lopukhov rescued from the “basement of bourgeois life.” Vera Pavlovna is a harmoniously developed person. She actively helps her comrades in all their endeavors. What is especially remarkable about her is her desire to improve - she decides to become a doctor in order to bring more great benefit to people.

We see that all the activities of Lopukhov, Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna are inspired by faith in the advent of a bright future. They are no longer alone, although their circle of like-minded people is still small. But it was precisely people like Kirsanov, Lopukhov, Vera Pavlovna and others that Russia needed at that time. Their images served as an example for shaping the worldview of the revolutionary generation.

Chernyshevsky realized that the people depicted in the novel were his dream. But this dream at the same time turned out to be a prophecy. “Years will pass,” says the author of the novel about the type of new person, “and he will be reborn in more numerous people.”

Chernyshevsky's work was continued by other people. They were ahead of him in many ways, but they proceeded from the foundations that he laid while living and working in feudal Russia.


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Chernyshevsky “What to do?” was consciously oriented towards the tradition of world utopian literature. The author consistently sets out his point of view on the socialist ideal. The utopia created by the author acts as a model. It is as if we have already completed an experiment that gives positive results. Among the famous utopian works, the novel stands out in that the author paints not only a picture of a bright future, but also ways to approach it. People who have achieved the ideal are also depicted. The very subtitle of the novel, “From Stories about New People,” indicates their exceptional role.

Chernyshevsky constantly emphasizes the typology of “new people” and talks about the whole group. “These people among others are as if among the Chinese there are several Europeans whom the Chinese cannot distinguish one from another.” Each hero has common traits for the group - courage, ability to get down to business, honesty.

It is extremely important for a writer to show the development of “new people”, their difference from the general mass. The only character whose past is examined in careful detail is Verochka. What allows her to free herself from the environment of “vulgar people”? According to Chernyshevsky, labor and education. “We are poor, but we are working people, we have healthy hands. If we are, knowledge will free us, if we work, labor will enrich us.” Vera is fluent in French and German languages, which gives her unlimited opportunities for self-education.

Heroes such as Kirsanov, Lopukhov and Mertsalov enter the novel as already established people. It is characteristic that doctors appear in the novel while writing a dissertation. Thus, work and education merge into one. In addition, the author makes it clear that if both Lopukhov and Kirsanov come from poor and humble families, then they probably have poverty and labor behind them, without which education is impossible. This early exposure hardly gives the "new person" an advantage over other people.

The marriage of Vera Pavlovna is not an epilogue, but only the beginning of the novel. And this is very important. It is emphasized that in addition to the family, Verochka is capable of creating a broader association of people. Here the old utopian idea of ​​the commune appears - the phalanstery.

Work gives “new people”, first of all, personal independence, but in addition, it is also active help to other people. The author condemns any deviation from selfless service to work. Suffice it to remember the moment when Verochka is about to go after Lopukhov, leaving the workshop. Once upon a time, labor was necessary for “new people” to receive an education, but now the heroes are trying to educate people in the process of labor. Connected with this is another important philosophical idea of ​​the author in depicting the “new people” - their educational activities.

We know Lopukhov as an active promoter of new ideas among young people, public figure. Students call him "one of the best heads in St. Petersburg." Lopukhov himself considered work in the office at the plant to be very important. “The conversation (with the students) had a practical, useful goal - to promote the development of mental life, nobility and energy in my young friends,” Lopukhov writes to his wife. Naturally, such a person could not limit himself to learning to read and write. The author himself hints at revolutionary work at the factory among the workers.

The mention of Sunday workers' schools meant a lot to the readers of that time. The fact is that by a special government decree in the summer of 1862 they were closed. The government was afraid of the revolutionary work that was carried out in these schools for adults, workers, and revolutionary democrats. The original intention was to direct the work in these schools in a religious spirit. It was prescribed to study in them the Law of God, reading, writing and the beginnings of arithmetic. Each school had to have a priest to monitor the good intentions of the teachers.

It was precisely such a priest in the “Lyceum of all kinds of knowledge” of Vera Pavlovna that Mertsalov should have been, who, however, was preparing to read the forbidden Russian and general history. The literacy that Lopukhov and other “new people” were going to teach to the worker listeners was also unique. There are examples when progressively minded students explained in class the meaning of the words “liberal,” “revolution,” and “despotism.” Educational activities"new people" - a real approach to the future.

It is necessary to say something about the relationship between “new” and “vulgar” people. In Marya Alekveevna and Polozov, the author sees not only, in Dobrolyubov’s words, “tyrants,” but also practically gifted, active people who, under other circumstances, are capable of benefiting society. Therefore, you can find features of their similarities with children. Lopukhov very quickly gains confidence in Rozalskaya, she respects him business qualities(primarily the intention to marry a rich bride). However, the complete opposite of the aspirations, interests and views of the “new” and “vulgar” people is clearly visible. And the theory of rational egoism gives the “new people” an undeniable advantage.

The novel often talks about selfishness as an internal motivator of human actions. The author considers the most primitive thing to be the selfishness of Marya Alekseevna, who does no good to anyone without monetary payment. The selfishness of wealthy people is much more terrible. He grows on “fantastic” soil - on the desire for excess and idleness. An example of such egoism is Soloviev, who plays out his love for Katya Polozova because of her inheritance.

The selfishness of the “new people” is also based on the calculation and benefit of one person. “Everyone thinks most of all about himself,” says Lopukhov to Vera Pavlovna. But this is a fundamentally new moral code. The gist of it is this. that one person is inseparable from the happiness of other people. The benefit and happiness of a “reasonable egoist” depends on the state of his loved ones and society as a whole. Lopukhov frees Verochka from a forced marriage, and when he is convinced that she loves Kirsanov, he leaves the stage. Kirsanov helps Katya Polozova, Vera organizes a workshop. For heroes, following the theory of reasonable egoism means taking into account the interests of another person with every action. For the hero, the mind comes first; the person is forced to constantly turn to introspection and give an objective assessment of his feelings and position.

As you can see, the “reasonable egoism” of Chernyshevsky’s heroes has nothing to do with selfishness or self-interest. Why is this still a theory of “egoism”? The Latin root of this word “ego” - “I” indicates that Chernyshevsky places man at the center of his theory. In this case, the theory of rational egoism becomes the development of the anthropological principle that Chernyshevsky put at the basis of his philosophical idea.

In one of the conversations with Vera Pavlovna, the author says: “...I feel joy and happiness” - which means “I want all people to be happy” - humanly speaking, Verochka, these two thoughts are one and the same." Thus, Chernyshevsky states that the creation of favorable conditions for the life of an individual is inseparable from improving the existence of all people. This reflects the undoubted revolutionary nature of Chernyshevsky’s views.

The moral principles of the “new people” are revealed in their attitude to the problem of love and marriage. For them, a person, his freedom is the main thing life value. Love and humane friendship form the basis of the relationship between L. Pokhov and Vera Pavlovna. Even a declaration of love occurs during a discussion of Verochka’s position in her mother’s family and the search for a path to liberation. Thus, the feeling of love only adapts to the situation that has arisen. It should be noted that such a statement entered into controversy with many works of the XIX century.

The problem of women's emancipation is also being solved by the “new people” in a unique way. Although only church marriage is recognized, a woman must remain financially and spiritually independent of her husband during marriage. Starting a family is only one of the milestones on the way to approaching the ideal.

The theme of the rebirth of a fallen woman is also explored in the novel. The meeting with Kirsanov gives Nastya Kryukova the strength to rise from the bottom. Julie, who lives among “vulgar people,” does not have such an opportunity. In addition, a two-way connection is visible: people who are reborn thanks to the support of “new people” themselves join their ranks.

Only children make a woman happy, according to Chernyshevsky. It is with the upbringing of children and their future that the author connects Vera Pavlovna’s second marriage. It becomes a real bridge to the future.


In the novel by G.N. Chernyshevsky, a special place belongs to the so-called “new people”. They are in between ordinary people, immersed in their own selfish interests (Marya Alekseevna), and a special person of the new time - Rakhmetov.

Chernyshevsky’s “new people” no longer belong to the dark old world, but they have not yet entered another. Vera Pavlovna, Kirsanov, Lopukhov, and Mertsalovs found themselves at this intermediate stage. These heroes are already solving family and family problems in a different way. public life. They gradually discard the conventions of the old world and choose their own path of development. In order to decide on such a path of development, which consists of reading, observing life, “no sacrifices are required, no hardships are asked...” “Intermediate” heroes prefer a peaceful path intellectual development, awakening of the ordinary person, accessible to the majority. At the height at which Vera Pavlovna, Kirsanov, Lopukhov stand, “all people must stand, can stand.” And this can be achieved without sacrifice or hardship.

However, Chernyshevsky knows that, in addition to development, reading and observation of life, a heroic struggle against tyranny and despotism is needed, social inequality and exploitation. " Historical path“,” says G.N. Chernyshevsky, “not the sidewalk of Nevsky Prospekt; it goes entirely through fields, sometimes dusty, sometimes dirty, sometimes through swamps, sometimes through wilds. He who is afraid of being covered with dust and getting his boots dirty, do not take up social activities».

According to the author, not everyone is ready for such a struggle. Therefore, Chernyshevsky divides “new people” into “ordinary” (Lopukhov, Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna, Mertsalovs, Polozova) and “special” (Rakhmetov, “a lady in mourning”, “a man of about thirty”).

Identification of these two types among positive characters The novel has its own philosophical and socio-historical reasons. But the writer does not contrast “special” people with “ordinary” people, leaders revolutionary movement ordinary figures, but outlines the connection between them. So, Lopukhov saves Vera Pavlovna from unequal marriage, creates a family with her based on freedom, mutual understanding, and trust. The heroine herself does not want to go through life like her mother Marya Alekseevna. She does not want to live in constant lies, selfishness, and the struggle for existence by any means. Therefore, in Lopukhov she finds her salvation.

The heroes commit a fictitious marriage. They are organizing their economic activity. Vera Pavlovna starts a sewing workshop, hires seamstresses who live together. Describing in detail the activities of Vera Pavlovna in the workshop, G. N. Chernyshevsky emphasizes new character relations between workers and the mistress. They are not so much of an economic nature as they are based on achieving a common goal, mutual assistance, and good attitude towards each other.

The atmosphere in the workshop is reminiscent of a family. The writer emphasizes that Vera Pavlovna thus saved many of her charges from death and poverty (for example, Masha, who later became her maid). Here we see the enormous importance G.N. Chernyshevsky assigns to the role of labor. According to the writer, work ennobles a person, therefore “new people” should strive to direct their work for the benefit of others, thereby protecting them from the harmful influence of destructive passions. Chernyshevsky included in the sphere of activity of “ordinary” people educational work V Sunday schools ah (Kirsanov and Mertsalov’s teaching in a group of sewing workshop workers), among the advanced part of the student body (Lopukhov could spend hours talking with students), at factory enterprises (Lopukhov’s classes in the factory office).

The name of Kirsanov is associated with the plot of a clash between a common doctor and the “aces” of a St. Petersburg private practice - in an episode of the treatment of Katya Polozova, as well as the theme scientific activity. His experiments on the artificial production of protein are welcomed by Lopukhov as “a complete revolution in the whole question of food, the whole life of mankind.”

These scenes reflected the writer's socialist views. Although time has shown that in many ways they turned out to be utopian and naive. The author of the novel himself deeply believed in their progressive role. At that time, the opening of Sunday schools, reading rooms, and hospitals for the poor was widespread among progressive youth.

Thus, G.N. Chernyshevsky accurately noticed and reflected the new positive trends of the era using the example of Vera Pavlovna’s workshop. The “new people” in his novel resolve their personal, intra-family conflicts differently. Although outwardly their family seems prosperous, friendly, and quite successful, in reality everything is different. Vera Pavlovna respected her husband very much, but never felt anything more for him. Unexpectedly for herself, the heroine realized this when she met best friend her husband - Kirsanov. Together they took care of Lopukhov during his illness.

Vera Pavlovna has completely different feelings for Kirsanov. comes to her real love, which plunges her into absolute confusion. But in this episode the key role is not played by love story between Kirsanov and Vera Pavlovna, and Lopukhov’s act. He does not want to interfere with his wife’s happiness; he cannot build a family on a lie. So he's like true man modern time, withdraws himself, stages suicide.

Lopukhov does this a brave deed, because he doesn’t want to cause his wife unhappiness or be the cause of her moral torment. Vera Pavlovna was inconsolable for a long time. Only Rakhmetov managed to revive her to life. There were no obstacles to the development of love for Kirsanov. As a result, Chernyshevsky’s heroes create a real family, based not only on mutual respect, but also on deep feeling.

The life of a new person, according to G.N. Chernyshevsky, should be harmonious in social and personal terms. Therefore, Lopukhov is not left alone either. He saves Mertsalova from death and marries her. And in this marriage he finds well-deserved happiness. Moreover, G. N. Chernyshevsky goes further, depicting ideal relationship between people, without mutual enmity, anger, hatred. At the end of the novel we see two happy families: Kirsanovs and Lopukhovs, who are friends with each other.

Describing the life of “new people,” the writer focuses our attention on the economic and personal side of the heroes’ lives. With their help, he proves that the unjust, inhumane principles of life of the old world are outdated, and in society there is a desire for renewal, new relationships between people.

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Chernyshevsky wrote his novel “What is to be done?” in quite difficult time. This was 1863, when any wrong word could lead to conviction and a long prison sentence. So, first of all, it is worth noting the skill of the writer. He designed the work in such a way that it passed muster, but every reader could see the author's true message.

One of the main features of the novel is critical realism and revolutionary romanticism.

They connected and presented completely a new style. Chernyshevsky showed real picture peace. He predicted a revolution. However, the novel does not consist of one socialist idea, although the latter occupies a central place in it. In addition to utopian dreams of the future, the novel also contains a rather serious analysis of the present.

The novel is mostly dedicated to “new people”. Because the author cares about them. On the opposite side are the “old people”. Throughout all the pages, the writer pits them against each other, compares their goals, vision, life positions. There are also the author’s conclusions. But the important thing is that we ourselves can draw our own conclusions.

In what main conflict? Young people are always ready to change something, but old people do not want to leave their homes. It is difficult to overestimate the relevance of the topic here.

In analyzing these two groups of people, we will begin with the question of happiness. The generation of fathers cares only about themselves. They don't tend to worry about others. Other people's defeats do not affect their hearts. The happiness of the new generation lies in something completely different. They understand the essence of society, they understand how important it is to be together and help others. This is their strength. The previous regulations do not allow them to open up normally.

Chernyshevsky completely agrees with the new people.

Chernyshevsky never defended egoism in its literal sense.

The “reasonable egoism” of Chernyshevsky’s heroes has nothing to do with selfishness, self-interest, or individualism. Its goal is the benefit of the entire society. Vivid examples people who move according to this principle can be called Mertsalovs, Kirsanovs, Lopukhovs, etc.

But what I like most is that they do not lose their uniqueness. They are bright personalities, despite the fact that they are driven by ideas for the benefit of society. They work to overcome their shortcomings. And the more difficult this work is, the happier they are later. “Reasonable selfishness” is also self-care, but it does not harm anyone, but only helps people become better.

The women's issue cannot be overlooked. Its essence here is in understanding the role of women in society and family. Chernyshevsky emphasizes the strength of a woman, her intelligence. She can be successful not only in the family, but also at work.

She now has the right to individuality, education, dreams and success. Chernyshevsky reconsiders the place of women both in society and in the family.

"What to do?" - this is an eternal question for many people. Chernyshevsky gave us not just artistic history with meaning. This is a serious philosophical, psychological and social work. It opens inner world of people. I think not everyone great psychologist or a philosopher could so clearly and truthfully show the realities of our days.

Updated: 2017-01-16

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The “new people” that Chernyshevsky wrote about in his novel were representatives of a new phase in the development of society at that time. The world of these people was formed in the struggle against the old regime, which had outlived its usefulness, but continued to dominate. The heroes of the novel at almost every step encountered difficulties and adversities of the old order and overcame them. The “new people” in the work are commoners. They were determined, had a purpose in life, knew what they should do, and were united by common ideas and aspirations. “Their main desire is to

The people were free, happy, and lived in contentment.” The “new people” believed in their people, saw them as decisive, powerful, and capable of fighting. But in order for him to achieve his goal, he must be taught, inspired and united.

The commoners, who are the heroes of Chernyshevsky’s novel, have a developed sense of self-esteem, pride, and the ability to stand up for themselves. The author writes: “Each of them is a courageous person, who does not hesitate, who does not yield, who knows how to take up a task, and if he takes it up, then he grasps it tightly, so that it does not slip out of his hands. This is one side of their properties; on the other hand, each of them is an impeccable person

Honesty, such that the question does not even occur to you: can you rely on this person in everything, unconditionally? This is as clear as the fact that he is breathing through his chest; as long as this chest breathes, it is hot and unchanging, feel free to lay your head on it...” Chernyshevsky was able to show their common, typical features, but also the characteristics of each of them.

Lopukhov and Kirsanov always relied only on themselves, worked together in the name of high goal- develop and improve science, selfless, help those who need help and who deserve it. They did not seek profit in treating the sick. But Dmitry Sergeevich is calmer, Alexander Matveevich is an emotional and artistic person.

It was difficult for Vera Pavlovna to live in own home due to the constant oppression and reproaches of her mother, but she did not break under oppression, did not surrender to the mercy of the old order. This heroine was strong by nature, with early age had her own views on life, she always wanted freedom and life without lies. It was not her habit to be disingenuous in front of people and, most importantly, in front of herself. She could not build her happiness on the misfortune of others, and did not tolerate being treated like a thing. Vera Pavlovna tried to understand the rational structure of society, so she created a sewing workshop with fair procedures and conditions. She is not interested in money, she wants to see the process itself. By doing good for oneself, one does good for others. Vera Pavlovna, creating a workshop, sets out to educate “new people”. She thinks that good people a lot, but they need help, and they will help others, there will be more “new people”. Vera Pavlovna is a different character than Katerina Polozova.

Rakhmetov - special person, of all the others he is the most active. Understands that the fight is for new world It will be life or death. By all possible means he prepares himself for it. This hero is “the salt of the earth, the engine of engines.” He renounced his personal interests for the sake of one goal. Has enormous energy, endurance, clarity of thoughts and behavior. As Chernyshevsky writes: “Rakhmetov is an ebullient person, he was a master of business, he was a great psychologist.”

“And Lopukhov, and Kirsanov, and Vera Pavlovna, and Polozova, and Rakhmetov are people strong passions, great experiences, rich temperament. But at the same time, they can control their feelings, subordinate their behavior to the great tasks of the common cause.” “New people” are people of high ideals. Activity for them was the implementation of these ideals. All “new people” lived according to the “theory of rational egoism.” By doing things for themselves and in their own name, they also benefit others. According to Chernyshevsky, “new people” behave the same in all situations: they remain human under any circumstances. “New people” are not two-faced. The heroes of Chernyshevsky’s novel respect their loved one, do everything to make his life better, and treat each other as equals. That is why their love is pure and noble.