Archive. General history of archives and leading archives of our time The most interesting archival institutions in the world

The first state act in Russia, the “General Regulations or Charter,” was signed.

This is the first national legal act in Russia, which determined the basis for organizing centralized archival affairs in the country. The General Regulations ordered central government institutions to transfer documents to archives, established mandatory accounting of state papers and introduced the public position of an actuary, who was supposed to “diligently collect letters, repair registers, and re-mark sheets.”

The reforms of Peter I marked the beginning of the activities of the State Archive Service of Russia. The archival service is called upon to convey to us the documentary and integral part of the historical cultural heritage peoples Russian Federation. The archives contain information necessary to ensure state sovereignty and national security of Russia, its foreign policy activities, and the effective functioning of all government agencies, development national science and culture.

IN Soviet times Archivists also had their own professional holiday, but it was celebrated on June 1. On this day in 1918, a decree was issued providing for the reorganization and centralization of archival affairs in the Soviet Union. The same document established the Main Directorate of Archival Affairs (GUAD) or the Main Archive, which became the first all-Russian archival management body. This institution is currently called the Federal Archival Agency of Russia (Rosarkhiv). Then, on March 5, 2003, the board of the Federal Archive Service issued a resolution moving the professional holiday of archivists to March 10. Workers in this field usually celebrate this holiday with various conversations and lectures, exhibitions, meetings with the public and the media.

The role of the archive today

Over the years of their activity, many generations of archivists have managed to develop the main directions of this profession. Their main responsibilities include ensuring the safety of documents, as well as their collection (completing) and scientific use. We can say that modern archives are witnesses to the history of formation and development Russian state. And the work of archive workers is interesting and even extraordinary.

On the day of our professional holiday, people around us think and say that they realize the importance of well-established and professional work archivists, only when they themselves are directly faced with the need to contact the district archive. After all, in modern world archives are repositories of the historical and social memory of humanity. Based on the documents stored in the archive, archival certificates or copies of documents are issued, on which the fate of a person sometimes depends: in some cases this gives the right to receive benefits, in others - the assignment of a pension, establishes work experience; also copies of issued documents help to establish ownership of real estate and land in justice institutions.

Every year the number of requests from individuals and legal entities socio-legal and thematic nature. So, for example, in comparison: in 2002, the number of requests completed by employees of the district archive was 338 certificates, in 2005 - 562, 2009 - 1358, and last year we completed 1133 requests, including 986 requests with a positive result, copies of documents were issued -418 on 574 sheets.

Archival workers in their daily work are faced with a number of difficulties that only at first glance seem “minor”, ​​but affect the quality of service to citizens. For example, some citizens who apply cannot formulate a request to the archive, and often when applicants lose work book and do not remember at all where and when they worked, so it can be difficult to determine the location of the documents named in the request due to administrative and territorial changes, reorganizations of enterprises, institutions, and their renaming. Therefore, in order to fulfill requests, it is necessary to remember information about all the changes that occurred with the institution, that is, information on the history of the fund founder.

I would also like to note that the work of archivists does not consist only of issuing copies of documents or archival references. Employees of our service also participate in publishing projects, they prepare interesting exhibitions based on documentary materials, conduct lectures, talks and excursions, as well as carry out publications and communications in the media, etc. Along with this, the archive provides methodological and practical assistance in maintaining records of institutions throughout the region; Some work is being done to search for photographic documents and materials related to the history of the area, enterprises, and organizations. Assistance is provided to local historians and schools in the region in scientific and historical research. All this helps to increase general culture population and interest in the past.

The archives are always visited by numerous researchers, because... you can find a lot of useful and even unique information in them.

It should be noted that archives or archival documents continuously and painstakingly replenished. So, if in 2002 the quantitative composition of archival storage units was 14,376 files, then in 2012 this figure increased to 32,860 storage units (including 10,000 storage units that were accepted for depository storage from the Pribaikalsky Employment Center).

Not so long ago, archivists mostly used only pen and paper in their work. Since the beginning of the 2000s, computers, printers and scanners have appeared at their disposal. A modern archivist is not only a qualified specialist in his field, he also knows how to competently use achievements in his work information technologies. This profession currently requires deep knowledge not only of the specifics of archiving, but also historical knowledge, knowledge of many legal issues, and the ability to work with computer and copying equipment.

So, specialists from the District Archives for the period 2009-2012. entered into the Archival Fund software package - 21,957 storage units accounting documents on paper, documents of the Pribaikalsky district administration for 1992-2004 were digitized. And the documents of the Pribaikalsky District Executive Committee for the years 1941-1943 have been digitized and made available in electronic form at the disposal of the district library, where users can work with them without resorting to direct work with the documents, for which we do not yet have the conditions in the district archive due to the crowded conditions premises. We are now preparing for a housewarming, and in the near future we will move into a new building, which will have its own hall for users to work and hold events.

IN last years the role and significance of archives in public life

have changed. Interest in retrospective documentary information has increased significantly. Interest in the history of the fatherland, native village, family, and events of the past is growing. Therefore, one of the leading areas of activity is the use of archive documents. In this regard, on May 18, 2012, on the basis of the archive department of the Pribaikalsky district administration, a public organization was created - the Pribaikalsky branch All-Russian Society historians-archivists. And when creating it, we relied on the staff of teachers-historians, librarians, museum experts, as well as local historians.

I think that in every district, in every corner of our native Buryatia, there are many points of interest for our activities. The rich history of the Baikal region gives us the opportunity to find application for many enthusiastic researchers, and if these enthusiasts also have the necessary scientific knowledge, then success can be said to be half guaranteed.

In a word, local historians have a wide field of activity. Events appear in all their complexity only when we have information from various sources; they help to reconstruct more full picture past events. And our branch of the All-Russian Society of Historian-Archivists has set the task of not only collecting all possible documents related to the rich history of the region, but also instilling in people respect for our general history, respect for the material evidence of past eras, for the documents that accompanied them.

Today the archive contains a rich collection of documents about war participants and home front workers, which consists of photographs, biographies, memories of battles, military awards, and post-war life. In order to preserve the memory of the past and true events, material on the history of villages has been collected (memories of residents about the history of the creation of the village, about enterprises, about life and everyday life).

Working closely with organizations, enterprises, and residents of the area, we replenish the archive with new historical documents native land and use these documents in our work.

“...The archive is not only a trace of yesterday belonging to our predecessors, it is us ourselves in tomorrow, we are how our descendants will see us. I. Andronikov.”

“...And I ask you to remember one thing:

Recall the past vividly

There is only one way given -

Using the archive.

We'll stay like this until the end of days

In continuous burning

Work for your country

In the archival field"

Irina Nevmerzhitskaya

head of the archives department

district administration

Municipal municipality "Pribaikalsky district"

- the largest English-language archive on the Internet. Among thousands e-books and documents are easy to get lost, but with skillful use this site turns into a powerful tool in the work of an architect.

Pros. The archive is truly huge: 30,000 results in search results for the query “architecture” alone. Most publications can be downloaded without registration (we will talk about cases when it is still required below). Registration is simple, just enter your email address, login, password and confirm the data in the letter.

Minuses. It’s like in a real library - some books (they are marked with the “Borrow” button) cannot be taken away forever, but can be read for 14 days. If someone has already taken the publication you are interested in, you will be asked to sign up for a waiting list. When the book is available again, you will receive a notification by email. Bibliographer Jessamyn West associates the complex system with the peculiarities of American legislation and an attempt to maintain the culture of public libraries.

We spent several days in the archives and selected interesting books in five blocks, so that it is useful both at work and at home:

1. Bureau and architects

The Making of Zaha Hadid

FBI dossier

One day a designer came to Philip Johnson. He was busy renovating the interior, and at the same time he was recording conversations and the titles of books that the architect was reading. The designer was an FBI informant.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation became interested in Johnson because of his short-lived Nazi sympathies. An extensive dossier of 150 pages was compiled on him, which is now available to any user.

2. Details

Thousands of pages covering everything from typical construction to complex glass domes.

80 worked knots

The book Architectural Detailing: Function, Constructibility, Aesthetics - 300 pages of drawn details with simple, clear explanations (albeit in English) from a teacher at MIT, the best architectural school in the world.

Designing natural light

Daylighting Natural Light in Architecture is a 200-page work on the interaction between architecture and daylight. The main part is devoted to the specifics of natural lighting in offices, residential buildings, hospitals, etc. A separate, very first chapter talks about how this approach has changed over the centuries. One of the indisputable advantages of the book is the many examples of completed buildings.

They will also be useful

  • 400 pages of details: Building Construction Illustrated
  • Construction Basics: How Buildings Work
  • Masonry: Masonry Construction Manual
  • Tree: Detail. Timber Construction
  • Glazing: Glass Structures

3. Practice

Architectural Bible: Neufert

The most widely read book in the Folkscanomy: Architecture collection is the classic work of Ernst Neufert, an assistant to Walter Gropius. The work, known to Russian-speaking readers under the title “Building Design”, contains detailed diagrams, drawings and descriptions of ergonomic and construction standards.

Architect's handbook

If Neufert’s book examines specifics, the Architects’ Handbook gives a general idea of ​​the typology of various structures and the design features of each of them. The buildings are arranged alphabetically from A (Airports) to Z (Zoos and Aquariums).

Management in architecture

The author of Managing Quality in Architecture tried to answer the question: how to make architecture as high quality as possible, but without sacrificing relationships with colleagues and the customer. The book is structured into paragraphs depending on the stages of design and implementation. The text is diluted with comics.

4. Theory and history of architecture

In addition to the classic Vitruvius and Palladio (the latter in the original language), the site also contains modern books with an analysis of the past from architecture and structures.

Graphic history of architecture

The Graphic History of Architecture succinctly shows the forms and varieties of world architecture throughout human history. 115 pages contain plans of iconic buildings, the evolution of orders and brief descriptions of directions. The publication cannot be called exhaustive, but it is suitable for students of architectural universities as a cheat sheet. The book begins with buildings Ancient Egypt and ends with the twentieth century - the Kennedy Airport terminal and Frank Lloyd Wright's unrealized Key Project.

History of structures: Structure and Architecture

Author Structure and Architecture explains basic principles designs in architecture and how these designs are used in modern and historical buildings.

5. Inspiration

The archive contains quite a few books containing successful, but not the most famous examples. modern buildings. One of the obvious advantages is that in addition to photographs and descriptions, you often come across plans and drawings.

New approaches to reconstruction

The publication New concept in renovating contains examples of a creative approach to reconstruction without compromising the historical heritage.

Imagine what you need to prepare interesting presentation or you need to write a report for a seminar on the latest achievements in science and technology. Perhaps you have a desire to read ancient manuscripts? In any case, you will contact the library.

Here, the long-term funds contain not only books, manuscripts, but also various paintings, microfilms, transparencies, audio and video cassettes. Various electronic media are also becoming more widespread.

The largest libraries in the world are located in the USA. However, it’s nice to know that Ukraine also has something to be proud of! The largest libraries in the world are presented to your attention. Despite the development of e-books, hundreds and thousands of visitors come to these book temples every day.

Library of Congress, Washington, USA. Over the course of its two-hundred-year history, one of the largest libraries in the world suffered two devastating fires, but each time it was restored, and the remains of the library collection were replenished. A total of 740 books and only three geographic Maps America - this is the entire original collection of the Library of Congress.

Today, the US National Library contains a huge collection of 33.5 million books, photographs, maps, manuscripts and records in more than 460 languages. The library building is one of the oldest government institutions in the United States. The Citadel of Knowledge is a complex of three very large buildings. Like a castle, the largest library in the world is difficult to explore on your own in one day.

Apparently, this is why visitors are offered free walking tours of the library. In just one hour you can learn a lot of interesting things about the history of the building and the work of the National Library. Moreover, there is also a store where you can find various books, Gifts and souvenirs.

Harvard University Library, Cambridge, USA. Today, the Harvard University library consists of many structural units. In total, there are more than eighty centers different directions. These are libraries from Yale research centers, colleges, and museums such as the Loeb Music Library or the Oak James Orchid Library. The collections of these libraries are formed in accordance with the profile of each division. But still, the library is united - it is led by only one director. It is he who controls all services that work on common projects for all local centers.

In total, the library collection numbers more than 16 million printed publications. In addition to specialized literature, the library contains many ancient manuscripts. This collection includes several million items. Numerous European publications of the 16th-17th centuries are also collected there. However, access to the library is strictly limited. Are you not a Harvard student or university staff member? Nothing, because you still have the opportunity to work with the library archive. How? It's simple - via the Internet.

Boston Public Library, Boston, USA. Boston - paradise for students. It is here that the most extensive library network is located. Behind central library Only two buildings are secured. However, there are more than 25 branches. Every year the library hosts on average 50 different programs and hosts about 150 exhibitions. In this way, the library gives the public the opportunity to view books and documents that would normally only be available for scholarly research.

The Boston Public Library is one of the largest public libraries in the United States. Above the main entrance there is a sign: “Free for all.” This library was the first where it was allowed to borrow books and other materials at home. The institution contains more than 15 million volumes. In 1986, the library building was designated a National Historic Landmark, one of America's finest examples of neo-Renaissance architecture. Inside the building there are beautiful frescoes, collections rare books and manuscripts, maps and engravings. The library can also please with its developed infrastructure, represented by a restaurant and cafe, a quiet courtyard, and several conveniently and accessible Wi-Fi points.

British Library, London, UK. The British Library emerged from the merger of the British Museum library and a number of lesser collections in 1972. Since the time of King George II, it has held legal deposit rights to all books published within the UK. The library's collection includes more than 150 million items, including 310 thousand volumes of manuscripts, 60 million patents, more than 4 million maps, over 260 thousand journal titles, etc.

Every year, about 3 million new items are added to the archives of the world's largest library. The entire stock requires more than 625 kilometers of shelves, with an increase of 12 kilometers per year. The total area of ​​the library is more than 112 thousand square meters. The building has 14 floors, 5 of which are underground. The British Library serves business and industry, researchers, academics and students in the UK and around the world. More than 16,000 people visit the library every day, many of them access materials using the Internet.

Yale University Library, New Haven, USA. Yale University Library is one of the leading libraries in the world. It conducts various research, replenishes and stores its funds and, of course, provides access to unique sources of human thought and creativity. This institution supports teaching and Scientific research Yale University, as well as the scientific community around the world.

A distinctive feature of the library is its large volume of resources. We are talking about approximately 13 million volumes, ranging from ancient papyri to electronic databases. The library occupies 22 premises and has a large staff - over 600 employees. The pride of the university library is the Yale Center for British Art, which presents a collection of various paintings, sculptures, drawings, and rare books. It is also home to the Yale Collection of Babylonian Art, one of the five largest in the world.

New York Public Library, New York, USA. The New York Public Library was founded in 1884. Today it includes 87 divisions (including 77 district branches). Four scientific libraries do not allow lending books and materials at home. Subscription distribution is carried out at four other main centers. Among the departments there is also a library for people with disabilities.

Today the New York Library is one of the most extensive libraries in the world. It serves more than 16 million readers every year. Access to library collections is free for everyone. In total, the New York Public Library archives contain more than 50 million items. Over 20 million are books, and the remaining 30 million are audio recordings, maps, paintings and drawings, films and newspaper clippings in dozens of languages. About 44.5 million items of the library collection are in the main collection and 8.7 million in branches. Every day the archives are replenished with 10 thousand new titles.

Interesting fact: The New York Public Library maintains a special unit - the library police. The tasks of special patrol officers include maintaining order and ensuring security. Moreover, these individuals are authorized to arrest violators. But, at the same time, some library branches use the services of various security agencies to ensure proper security.

National Library named after Vernadsky, Kyiv, Ukraine. The Vernadsky National Library is the main scientific and information center of Ukraine. It was founded in 1918. During those quiet years, the country found an opportunity to think about data collection and preservation. The library collections here amount to more than 15 million items. The library's information resources are used by about 500 thousand readers a year. Also, up to 5 million documents are issued annually for personal use.

The establishment has a large staff of more than 900 employees. The National Library carries out book exchange with similar organizations in 80 countries and with 1.5 thousand scientific institutions. The local archives house the largest collection Slavic writing and Jewish folklore. This is a unique collection. Since 1964, at the initiative of the UN, the National Library has been the custodian of UN documents and materials in Ukraine in Russian and English.

Deutsche Bibliothek, Berlin, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Germany. The National Library of Germany is the central archive and national center for the study of writing in this country. It appeared as a result of the merger of the libraries of Frankfurt and Leipzig, once central in Western and Eastern Germany. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the largest German book archives also merged with the music archive in Berlin.

The main task of a unique library is to collect, process and store various documentation and publications on German from all over the world. Processing of the accumulated archives began in 1913. The library contains local publications, foreign articles about Germany, translations of German works, as well as works by emigrants who left the country, dating from the period 1933-1945. Currently, more than 24 million items are stored in all three library branches (Leipzig - 14.3 million, Frankfurt am Main - 8.3 million and Berlin - 1.5 million items).

Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Library and Archives Canada collects and preserves Canada's cultural heritage. We are talking about texts, images related to the history, culture and politics of the country. Various materials come to the library and archives from government agencies, private donors, and also through the legal deposit system. The director of an institution is far from the last person for his country. He holds the rank of Deputy Minister and holds the title of Librarian and Archivist of Canada.

The library and archive contains about 350 thousand works of art. Including 16th-century paintings, drawings, 21.3 million photographs and over 71 thousand hours of full-length and short films since 1897. Moreover, the library collection contains an electronic database of over 3.18 million megabytes and the largest collection of Canadian folk music.

National Library of China, Beijing. The National Library of China has many statuses, among them - Scientific Library, National Bibliographic Center, National Center networks of library and information and scientific and technical libraries and the Development Center.

The library covers an area of ​​about 170 thousand square meters and has not only the largest collection of Chinese books in the world, but also the largest collection of materials on foreign languages in the country. Its collection includes more than 270 thousand volumes of rare books, as well as 1.6 million volumes of ancient books and manuscripts, 35 thousand parts of manuscripts and bones with writing.

Today the library occupies three buildings. The main building was built in 1987. The oldest building was built in 1931; it was previously the main building of the library. Today there is a rare book depository here. The third building opened in 2008, located north of the main building. It can accommodate up to 8 thousand visitors at the same time. Library all year round is open to the public, and via the Internet the library's resources are available 24 hours a day.

ARCHIVE ARCHIVE (Latin archivum, from Greek archeion - public place), an institution or part of it that stores documents; a set of documents formed as a result of the activities of institutions, enterprises and individuals. Modern large archives typically contain more than 1.5 million items. The largest archives in the world are the National Archives in Paris; National Archives and Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress in Washington; in Russia - Russian State Historical Archive in St. Petersburg, Russian state archive ancient acts in Moscow, etc.

Modern encyclopedia. 2000 .


See what “ARCHIVE” is in other dictionaries:

    - (lat. archivum). A place where completed cases are stored in a public place. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ARCHIVE lat. archivum. A storage place for completed cases of a public office... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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  • Archive, Ilya Shtemler. “In still waters there are devils,” says the proverb... Is it possible to imagine a more “quiet” institution than an archive? But the proverb is true! This is about this, hidden from prying eyes, life of the archive and...

Chronological framework of the existence of ancient Eastern civilizations. Features of the source base. The largest archaeological finds of archives in the countries Ancient East. Features of writing materials in the Ancient East (clay and wooden tablets, palm leaves, animal bones, stones, metal, etc.). Types of archival materials and methods of their storage. The role of the state in the Ancient world in preserving information about the historical past.

Ancient Mesopotamia. Features of the emergence and development of the state in Mesopotamia. An early form of government organization was the city-state. The largest archives of central (Ebla palace archive, palace archive of the kings of Mari, palace library-archive of Ashurbanipal), temple (in Lagash, Nippur and other cities), local authorities. Archives and written monuments in the states of Ugarit and Urartu. Private archives. General characteristics of the culture of Ancient Mesopotamia. The evolution of writing and the improvement of document storage. Methods of using written sources in ancient times. The fate of the archives of ancient Eastern states is the fate of the states themselves.

Hittite state. Periodization of the history of the Hittite state. Features of the ethnic basis and writing of the Hittite state. Palace archive of the Hittite state in Hattusas. The role of aggressive campaigns in replenishing archives and the position of the Hittite military power in the system of international relations in the region. Organization of archives and their fate during the period of decline and defeat of the Hittite state.

Assyrian power, Neo-Babylonian kingdom. Assyria in III- II thousand BC The importance of state archives in the Middle Assyrian and New Assyrian periods, the transformation of Assyria into a great power. Defeat of Assyria by Media and Babylonia. The fate of the archives of the conquered state. The Rise of Babylonia in the Neo-Babylonian Period. The evolution of writing. Reflection in documents of the social system of the Neo-Babylonian kingdom, internal and foreign policy. The social system of Assyria and the Hittite kingdom according to legal documents. The rise of the centralized state of Babylon (XX-XVII centuries BC). The government system of Babylon under Hammurabi. The role and place of the archives of the king, community and temples in management. Conquest of Babylonia by the Persians, destruction and removal of archives.

Ancient Egypt. Early and Ancient Kingdoms in Egypt. Periodization of the history of the state in Ancient Egypt. Early creation of a single centralized state (end of the 4th - beginning of the 3rd millennium BC). The economic function of the state and its influence on the formation of a special social structure countries. Organization of public administration and document storage. Papyrus and methods of recording information. Scribes and their functions. Formation of archives of priests and temples as centers of science (in Karnak, Luxor, Thebes). Archives-libraries (in Edfu).

Ancient India. Periodization of the history of the state in Ancient India. Information about Indian civilization according to the results of archaeological excavations - Mohenjo-Daro, Chanhu-Daro, Harappa. Features of Indian writing and storage methods. The role of natural and climatic features in the preservation of documents. The role of temples in the creation and storage of documents. The emergence of large hegemonic states (VI-IV centuries BC). Empire of the Mauryas (IV-II centuries BC), Nandas, Shungs, Kans. Written monuments of the state of Magadha.

Ancient China. Formation of statehood. State of Shang-Yin (XV-XI centuries BC), Western and Eastern Zhou. Socio-economic system, features of spiritual culture. Archives at the service of scientific knowledge. Confucius and his activities as custodian of the imperial archive of the Zhou dynasty. Document storage system in Ancient China. The reasons for the poor study by archeology of the history of archives in China. Influence on the preservation of documents from the era of the “Warring States” in China - Zhan Guo (V-III centuries BC). Excavations of the palace archive in the city of Anyang. The imperial period in the history of China - the Qin and Han dynasties (III century BC - III century AD). Invention of paper. Features of storage and use of documents.