A motivated assessment of a civil servant is an example. Business qualities of employees: what is their list


(name of institution)

1. Full name of the specialist –

2.Division –

3. Position to be filled –

5. Professional qualities:

5.1. Professional knowledge, abilities, skills

a) has solid knowledge. Professional skills and abilities provide the required level of competence in solving problems of a professional nature;

b) has professional knowledge, skills and abilities to solve problems of a professional nature at a sufficient level with outside help;

c) has superficial knowledge and finds it difficult to solve professional problems independently. In practice, constant monitoring is required.

5.2.Knowledge necessary documents regulating professional activities -

a) knows well the content of laws and regulations governing professional activities and is guided by them in practical activities;

c) knowledge of documents is superficial, allowing cases of gross violation of the requirements of governing documents.

5.3. Ability to accumulate and update professional experience

a) works effectively to improve and update professional experience, effectively engages in self-education;

b) professional experience is updated as necessary;

c) professional experience accumulates slowly, the results of professional activity are weak.

5.4. Degree of implementation of professional experience –

a) experience meets the requirements of the position, copes with job responsibilities with good quality;

b) meets the requirements of the position, but does not always cope with the job responsibilities with the required quality;

c) professional experience is insufficient, the required quality of performance job responsibilities not yet achieved.

6. Personal qualities:

6.1. Work ethics, communication style-

a) has a high level of cultural behavior, is democratic, shows concern for subordinates, is responsive, and treats colleagues and citizens with respect;

b) capable of showing respect;

c) exhibits elements disrespectful attitude Citizens are characterized by stiffness and callousness.

6.2. Discipline.

a) organization and composure in practical activities - (ability to plan);

b) responsibility and diligence;

c) independence of decisions and actions.

6.3. Organizational skills.

7. Results of professional performance:

7.1. Number and list (as an appendix) of the main documents developed;

7.2. Quality of the final result: the effectiveness of the implementation of developed documents, including the impact on the supervised areas of the industry.

Head of department signature transcript, date

It is important for every manager and business owner to have an objective idea of ​​the professionalism of their staff. Let's figure out how to get the most complete and truthful picture.


A motivated assessment of professional and personal qualities, an example of which will be discussed further in this article, is necessary in order to assess the contribution of each employee to the overall performance result and correct the “weak link” in the competencies of a particular employee.

If management has a clear understanding of the level of training of each team member, then it can competently form a personnel reserve for leadership positions, offer individual employees horizontal growth and development, or exclude outsiders.

Motivated assessment of professional and personal qualities is an important tool for employee management. With its help, you can create the necessary microenvironment, adjust the behavior of team members and bring it into line with corporate standards.

Specifics of the assessment

The phrase itself " motivated assessment professional, personal qualities”, an example of which is difficult to imagine in the form of one universal document, suggests that it is necessary to use several methods of analysis. For example, based on the results of a “360 degree” assessment, we find that employees consider their colleague uncommunicative and closed, but he sees himself as sociable and interaction-oriented, we can assume that:

  • the person being assessed is an outsider and distorts information about himself;
  • he feels uncomfortable in this particular group (mismatch professional interests, values).

Consequently, the more assessment methods are used, the more objective the result will be.

Assessment methods

1. Biographical: is a collection of information about an employee based on the work record book and educational documents.

2. Interview: can be conducted with both hiring and existing employees. This method allows you to identify an employee’s attitude to any situation, understand his current motivation, general mood, and determine the range of issues that concern him.

3. Test: a fairly accurate way to determine professional skills, personal characteristics, values.

4. Questionnaire: the employee is asked to fill out a questionnaire on a certain topic. The peculiarity of this method is that it can contain questions of a descriptive nature and involve the choice of clearly defined answer options. Further, employee profiles can be analyzed according to specified criteria and compared with each other.

5. Descriptive method: the evaluator is faced with the task of identifying and revealing the strengths and weaknesses employee. Typically, this assessment is carried out by the manager.

6. Observation: it is usually used by the immediate supervisor, both involuntarily and purposefully, both in informal and in work settings. Next, this method will be synthesized with the descriptive one.

7. “360 degrees”: involves assessing an employee by those with whom he communicates. Feedback is required to be given by the manager and colleagues. Middle managers can be evaluated by their subordinates. As a rule, this method is combined with criteria-based assessment.

8. Ranking: this method very simple to perform and process. Each employee fills out an assessment sheet, where he evaluates the degree of expression of a particular quality in a colleague.

9. Comparison in pairs: for this, they take employees of the same position and compare them with each other. Next, an assessment is carried out and it is determined who was the best how many times. The criteria must be clearly defined.

10. Comparison with a sample: can be carried out according to a specific list of tasks compiled on the basis job description. Each quality is assigned a specific rating. As a rule, a 5-point scale is used, where: 5 - highly expressed, 1 - low expressed.

11. Incident method: based on comparing the misconduct and achievements of employees. For more effective results, it should be used in conjunction with ranking.

12. Analysis of the quality of execution: assessed based on a comparison of the results obtained with the planned ones. This method has something in common with method 11, only here the object of evaluation will not be behavior, but the result of the activity.

13. involves the formation of a group of independent appraisers who draw up profiles of an ideal and actual employee.

The listed methods allow you to obtain a motivated assessment of professional and personal qualities. Examples of positions will be discussed below.

How to get an objective picture

There are many assessment methods that allow you to understand what the professional level of an employee is and what the specifics of his personality are. All methods of analysis complement each other. Only their combination makes it possible to obtain a motivated assessment of the professional and personal qualities of an employee. Of course, it is impossible to use all of them, but to obtain an objective picture it is advisable to use at least three.

Manager: motivated assessment of professional and personal qualities

The example that will be discussed first requires a particularly careful approach.

Peculiarity labor activity CEO/President of the company is that the success of his goals and objectives depends greatly on how well he manages people.

The manager must be a leader in the team, capable of leading everyone towards a common goal, while not forgetting what he carries full responsibility for the result.

The quality of management of an organization depends on how competently its leader analyzes information, gives orders, and provides feedback.

The manager must also have a certain creative potential, which is necessary to find non-standard solutions, but at the same time be organized, consistent and practical.

To evaluate a manager, you can use the ranking method, which represents polar qualities to be assessed, for example:

This assessment method is usually included in a questionnaire consisting of open- and closed-ended questions asking to describe the strengths of a person and those that need to be worked on.

Also, to obtain an objective picture, a self-assessment sheet filled out by the manager himself can be used.

For a complete understanding, the founders of the company must analyze the financial results achieved by the CEO.

Middle manager

A motivated assessment of professional and personal qualities is an example or one of the examples that an organization takes personnel management seriously. The second most important persons whose activities affect the company's results are the heads of departments. They are the ones who convey to employees the goals and mission of the organization.

The 360 ​​degree method can be used to evaluate them.


Here you can also apply the method of self-analysis and assessment of the employee by those with whom he interacts (manager, colleagues).

A motivated assessment of the professional and personal qualities of a municipal employee may contain a “all-round” assessment of this official according to such parameters as goodwill, diligence, responsibility, and attention to detail.


The employee certification procedure can be supplemented by a motivated assessment of professional and personal qualities. The sample report presented in the article can be adapted for any enterprise. Based on the results obtained, decisions are made to dismiss, promote an employee, or send him to advanced training courses.

by specialty: Human Resources Management

by section of the curriculum: Assessment of professional, business and personal qualities of personnel.

Full name methodologist __________________________________

Option 3.

Personnel assessment methods.


1. Classification of personnel assessment methods.

2. Qualimetric approach to personnel assessment, assessment technology.

3. Expert assessment. Degree of reliability of expert opinion.

4. Self-esteem.

5. Professional psychological tests, questionnaires, interviews, study of written sources.

6. Domestic and foreign assessment experience.

The problem of people management is becoming more and more pressing, since ultimately the competitiveness of products, their low cost and high quality With all the energy available in production, it is the highly productive, high-quality work of workers of all categories that decides. To organize such work, it is necessary to find exactly the tool that will allow you to tie goals and results into one inextricable knot in order to practically implement powerful goal-oriented motivation for the work of personnel - managers, specialists, workers. Such a tool is the assessment of work activity, which, according to Western scientists and practitioners, is “not some additional measure, but the main link in personnel management.” Evaluation of a person, his activities, and his successes by the team is the most important incentive for work activity.

One of the main functions of personnel services at enterprises and institutions is to assist the administration in determining the business and moral qualities of workers with a view to their full mobilization in production and in the service sector. World practice has developed four main mechanisms for personnel assessment: remuneration, career, certification, individual competition. Personnel evaluation systems vary greatly in complexity. Arbitrary assessments by management are being replaced by a more balanced and comprehensive assessment of employees based on the results of interviews and their working documents. In the book “The Art of Managing,” B. Galambo analyzes two approaches to employee evaluation. The first is based on the tasks and requirements of scientific production management, focusing on personnel assessment using detailed description official duties, which, according to the administration, makes it possible to evaluate the achieved results in an objective manner. Moreover, if two employees give an assessment at the same time, then they must come to the same conclusion. An interview is not mandatory for this assessment. In practice, this approach reveals limited opportunities due to subjectivity. The second approach is based on the concept of “human relations”, following the principle that “a happy person is a productive worker”. In this case, interviews play decisive role, as they allow you to get to know the employee better, identify the difficulties he faces, and outline ways to eliminate them. But this approach reveals the inability of some managers to successfully conduct a conversation, so many bosses resort to the advice of specialists. In general, these two approaches complement each other.

IN work collective For the most objective assessment of behavior, it is advisable to use three types of assessment, differing in the number of indicators and the complexity of the analysis methods used. The simplest - quarterly, express assessment - is based on a minimum of indicators, a simple and accessible calculation system, and is used most of all for remuneration and summing up the results of individual competition. More complex look assessments - a comprehensive annual assessment, includes all indicators characterizing the type of behavior and relative simple ways their calculation. This assessment shall be used to summarize the results of the annual individual competition and to establish annual salary increments. The last, most complex and detailed type of assessment is an analytical assessment, which includes up to several dozen indicators and involves the widespread involvement of experts and the entire necessary set of economic and mathematical data processing methods. This assessment should be carried out once every 2-3 years, accompanied by the employee moving up (down) the job ladder or increasing (decreasing) the salary depending on the results of the assessment.

Unlike civilized market-oriented countries, we do not have traditions of universal objective assessment of personnel. Used in Western countries Personnel assessment systems and methods have different names: annual personnel certification, performance-based assessment, assessment based on achieving set goals, etc. Theoretically, all these systems include the following elements: assessment of achieved results, annual interviews, consideration of annual results of work and professional training, certification for the year, determination of goals (tasks) and evaluation of the results obtained, management of the choice of goals, etc. Common to these personnel assessment systems is the need for periodic conversations between managers and subordinates. In this case, the interview should cover three main topics:

· determination (selection) of goals in the form individual plan work with subsequent control;

· professional adaptation of the employee in the workplace or mastery of the assigned task;

· the needs and prospects for professional growth of an employee, sometimes outside of his workplace.

Despite the shortcomings, employee evaluation depending on the achievement of set goals is effective method checks and allows you to better plan the organization’s activities. IN recent years New methods of personnel selection and assessment using scientific and technical methods are becoming widespread. These include psychological tests, graphology, “life scenario”, special questionnaires, study brain activity using a computer, etc. As a rule, tests are divided into three groups:

· psychomotor, the purpose of which is to analyze reflexes and dexterity;

· intellectual, through which the abilities for abstract thinking, analysis, determination of the essence of the problem, etc. are determined;

· personal, revealing the main character traits.

Adjacent to the psychological method is the graphological method of determining a person’s abilities by the nature of his handwriting. Analysis of handwriting and writing style allows us to determine the degree of intelligence, sociability and willpower of an employee. Graphological method in lately often used when hiring labor.

Assessment using a “life scenario”, i.e. through information about work history and family life collected during a conversation with a specially trained personnel service employee, is based on the fact that the “scenario” is a life plan predetermined by the genes of the parents, which received their support and was justified in the course of life events. This technique is auxiliary and cannot replace traditional assessment methods frames based on documents and in-depth interviews.

The method of assessing the professional suitability of workers through socio-biographical analysis has also become widespread. It is based on the idea that individuals with similar backgrounds achieve identical results when performing identical tasks under identical conditions. Assessing the potential capabilities of an individual consists of determining the maximum results achieved by him in the most favorable conditions and in relevant areas. Based on it, one can predict his development abilities. The manager receives the necessary autobiographical data, as well as information about communication skills, social and family roots, and mode of action during a conversation with the candidate. Regardless of the purpose of the assessment, the conversation is based on asking precise questions and analyzing the answers. Socio-biographical analysis allows not only to comprehensively and quickly study a person, but also to predict the results of his activities in various fields, determine the conditions for more fruitful work, the way to respond to the environment, assess the ability to acquire and use knowledge.

The modern methodological approach to assessing the complexity of the work of specialists of various functional categories is based on a qualimetric basis. This means that any complex phenomenon is decomposed into its main constituent factors (parts). Each of these factors has its own weight (or importance), expressed in shares of the whole in such a way that the sum of the shares is always equal to this whole. In this case, the number of factors does not matter - only the moment of their sum is important, which is always equal to the whole. The most convenient situation is when the whole is taken as a unit, and the added factors are expressed in fractions of a unit. The weight of each factor in fractions of one in socio-mathematical models is determined, as a rule, by experts using the social method of pairwise comparison. To decompose the complexity of labor into its component parts, the content of the work performed is analyzed and common factors are identified that are, to one degree or another, inherent in any type of work activity:

Work complexity factors Weight of factors Criteria for assessing factors Significance of criteria
1. Degree of creativity 0.30 Labor: -creative -formal-logical -technical 1.0 0.6 0.2
2. Degree of novelty 0.25 Work: -newly started -irregularly repeated -regularly, repeated within a quarter 1.0 0.5 0.2
3. Degree of independence of execution 0.20 Performing work: - completely independently - under the general guidance of the chief or in accordance with instructions - under the direct supervision of the chief 1.0 0.6 0.2
4. Degree of responsibility (through management scale) 0.15 Responsible: - for the team - for the work of the group (2 or more) - only for himself 1.0 0.6 0.3
5. Degree of specialization 0.10 Work: - heterogeneous across the entire range of tasks of the unit - heterogeneous across individual sections of a certain area - homogeneous, highly specialized 1.0 0.6 0.1
Etc. 1.00

An analysis of labor complexity factors and their criteria shows that their content is not universal and is not suitable for all categories of workers - managers, specialists, workers. Therefore, today a search is underway for a universal model for assessing the complexity of the work of workers in vocational professions, regardless of the sphere of labor - mental or physical.

To avoid wasting time and money testing new employees, companies sometimes evaluate them before hiring. There are even special personnel assessment centers created for this purpose. A list of assessment methods for those who prefer to do it themselves:

· Tests. This includes regular tests aptitude and aptitude tests, as well as personality and biographical tests.

· Interview.

· Examination of the employee’s knowledge and skills.

· Role play or cases.

Role-playing will help you find out in practice whether the applicant is suitable for you. Simulate an everyday situation for his position and see how he copes. For example, evaluate his customer interaction skills. Let the buyer be your competent employee or yourself, and the applicant will show what he is capable of. You can set a goal for him to achieve during the game, or simply observe his working style. This method will tell you much more about the applicant than the “Personal Qualities” column on a resume.

When deciding on evaluation criteria, you can base your assessment on business qualities: punctuality, potential quantity and quality of work performed, experience and education, skills, etc. For greater efficiency, focus on the qualities required for the position for which the candidate being assessed is applying. To be confident in an employee, consider his personal qualities. You can conduct an assessment yourself in the form of a ranking of candidates, placing + and – according to certain criteria, distributing them by level or awarding points. Avoid assessment pitfalls such as bias or stereotyping, or placing too much weight on one criterion.

Personal qualities are innate or acquired characteristics of a person’s character. Some may change throughout life, especially under the influence of society, while others remain unchanged. There is a widespread belief among psychologists that many personal qualities are formed in the first five years of life, and subsequently they are only adjusted.

Innate personal qualities include different features character. For example, Cattell includes among them the level of intelligence, characteristics of perception and memory, talent for music, drawing, etc., as well as the fundamental characteristics of temperament.

Jung had a similar opinion on this issue and divided all people into eight main types according to their personal qualities: he divided extroverts and introverts into feeling, feeling, intuitive and thinking. It was this approach that was taken into account when creating the Myers-Briggs test, which is based on four components: introversion - extroversion, awareness - intuition, judgments - sensations, reflections - feelings.

The choice of profession for certain personal qualities deserves special mention. According to psychologists, a person who has an unsuitable character for a particular job will not succeed in it. Moreover, each profession has its own desirable and undesirable personal qualities, which is also important to take into account.

For example, a successful entrepreneur must have such qualities as independence, hard work, adequate self-esteem, responsibility, courage, initiative, communication skills, reliability, and stress resistance. At the same time, he should not be characterized by aggressiveness, tactlessness, or self-doubt. The teacher must be observant, demanding, tactful, balanced, attentive, able to explain the material well, but not withdrawn, prone to aggression, unpunctual, or irresponsible.

Assessment of staff business qualities

After carrying out activities to attract candidates to the organization, the process of their selection begins in order to leave the required number of potential employees who meet the requirements for the positions they plan to occupy.

Depending on the vacant specialty, the type of organization, its form of ownership, as well as the initiative shown by the recruiting manager, selection procedures can vary significantly. However, they all contain a number general provisions. The selection of candidates for a vacant position is made from among applicants for this position by assessing the business qualities of the candidates.

Definition. An assessment can be understood as the activity of persons authorized to carry it out (representatives of the administration, team, personnel services, specialized external organizations) to determine the degree of suitability of a person to fulfill the duties assigned to him, the successes achieved, the degree of expression of the qualities necessary for work.

Assessing the business qualities of employees is a purposeful process of establishing compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel (abilities, motivations, properties) with the requirements of a position or workplace. The personnel evaluation system is designed to improve the performance of all employees. The assessment process helps to identify both individual employee problems and general ones that are characteristic of the entire team. On the one hand, it helps to collect the necessary information for planning and organizing employee training, and on the other hand, it helps to increase their motivation, adjust the production behavior of employees and obtain grounds for their material incentives.

Business valuation is the most important stage personnel selection and development process. There are two main levels of assessment.

Assessing the business qualities of candidates for vacant positions.

Current assessment of staff business qualities.

Hiring requires an assessment of the personal qualities of the employee, as shown above, personnel certification requires assessment of labor results, and this requires other methodological assessment techniques.

Assessing the business qualities of employees allows you to solve the following problems:

1. Choosing a place in organizational structure and establishing the functional role of the employee being assessed.

2. Development of a development program for this employee.

3. Determining the degree of compliance with the specified criteria for remuneration and establishing its size.

4. Determining ways to externally motivate an employee.

5. Satisfying the employee’s need to evaluate his own work.

The process of preparing and implementing a business assessment must be technically and organizationally worked out. This process involves the mandatory implementation of the following activities:

1. Development of a personnel assessment methodology specifically for this organization.

2. Creation of an assessment commission with the participation of the head of the employee being assessed, specialists from different hierarchical levels, specialists from the personnel management service or specialized assessment centers.

3. Determining the time and place of the business assessment.

4. Establishing a procedure and form for summing up the assessment results.

5. Documentation, information and technical support for the business assessment process (creation of a complete set of documentation in accordance with the assessment methodology, software and so on).

6. Consulting of appraisers by the developer of the methodology, a specialist in the application of the methodology.

There are several stages of business assessment of personnel:

1. Collection of preliminary information on a non-generalized assessment of the employee by the appraiser.

2. Summarizing the information received.

3. Preparation of the manager (line) for an evaluation conversation with a subordinate, the employee being evaluated.

4. Conducting an assessment conversation and summarizing its results.

5. Formation by the manager of an expert opinion based on the results of the business assessment and its submission to the expert commission.

6. Decision-making by the expert commission on the merits of proposals contained in expert opinions.

1.2.1. Classification of evaluation criteria

During the assessment process, it is necessary to use a list of criteria and indicators that allow assessing the degree to which the applicant’s characteristics correspond to the requirements for the position established by the employer.

Let's explain the figure below.

1.1. Organization-wide criteria imply their applicability to the assessment of all categories of employees.

1.2. Specialized criteria are used to evaluate certain positions or categories of employees.

2.1. Quantitative criteria involve the assessment of characteristics that are measured quantitatively. Such indicators include employee performance, timeliness and completeness of implementation of established plans.

2.2. Qualitative criteria are used to determine the magnitude of characteristics that cannot be expressed in numbers. These evaluation criteria include some indicators of work quality, individual characteristics of employees (personal and business qualities, characteristics of work behavior, etc.).

3.1. Objective criteria include standards, quality and performance standards that can be used to evaluate any job.

It is advisable to classify the criteria for assessing the performance of personnel according to the following criteria (Fig. below).

Working classification of evaluation criteria

personnel activities

It is advisable to include characteristics whose value is established on the basis of the opinions and assessments of experts (for example, line managers) as subjective criteria.

1. Social and civic maturity (qualities - the ability to listen to criticism, be self-critical; subordinate personal interests to public ones; political literacy; participation in social activities and so on).

2. Attitude to work (responsibility, attentiveness, accuracy, efficiency, desire and ability to learn, hard work).

3. Level of knowledge and work experience (availability of appropriate qualifications, knowledge of production, work experience in this organization).

4. Organizational skills (the ability to organize one’s work, the ability to hold meetings, planning meetings, correct self-assessment of one’s capabilities).

5. The ability to work with people (the ability to work in a team, with subordinates, with management; the ability to create a team; the ability to select and train personnel; understanding the interests of employees).

6. Ability to work with documents and information (ability to clearly and clearly formulate goals and objectives; ability to formulate business letters and notes; knowledge of technology; ability to read documents).

7. The ability to make and implement decisions in a timely manner (the ability to ensure control over the implementation of decisions; the ability to untangle conflict situations; navigate the situation, self-control).

8. The ability to see and support the new, advanced, modern (the ability to distinguish between skeptics, passive ones, conservatives and innovators, enthusiasts; courage, perseverance and determination in supporting the new; the ability to take risks).

9. Moral and ethical character traits (decency, conscientiousness, integrity, poise, charm, simplicity and modesty, neatness, politeness).

Based on the existing list of criteria, the management of the organization’s personnel management service selects the most significant indicators for a specific position or group of employees and uses them to evaluate the characteristics of candidates for vacant positions or existing personnel. The degree to which the characteristics meet the evaluation criteria can be assessed in points. These levels depend on each employee's performance compared to their job description.

For criteria to truly work, they must be achievable, feasible, realistic, and relevant to the workplace. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between the qualities that a candidate must have when applying for a job and those that he needs to acquire by getting used to the job and adapting to it after occupying this position.

Recently, evaluation of the performance of managers has become important in companies. When assessing managers, it is necessary to develop criteria for assessing the activities of a manager that will take into account the specifics of this work. Here we can highlight the following significant parameters: leadership, decision making, interaction with subordinates.

Personnel assessment procedures are precisely designed to reflect the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees in specific figures. With all the variety of assessment indicators, they can be divided into several groups: labor results, work activity, personal qualities.

Indicators of labor activity are divided into factors of achieving labor results - the implementation of one’s managerial functions for the work performed and the organization of one’s work and indicators of directly professional behavior: they cover such aspects of activity as cooperation and collectivism, organization and independence in solving certain tasks, readiness to taking on additional responsibility.

Assessment of personal qualities is possible through long-term observation of an employee. A certain property of one person can be considered as the potential for him to achieve a high result, but for another it cannot be this. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight some block of the most important personal qualities that are assessed first. And decide on technologies for their assessment. The personal qualities that are important for an employee are traditionally called intelligence, activity, leadership qualities (for managers), and agreeableness. Without in any way detracting from the importance of these qualities, I would like to note that in terms of decision-making, they are all secondary to a group of three characteristics: controllability, learnability, and adequacy. Controllability. In the structure of the organization, each hired employee has his own boss who gives some orders and instructions. If an employee is unmanageable or difficult to manage, his prospects in this company are very doubtful. Uncontrollability manifests itself primarily in attempts to “mess with your regulations” and “show who’s in charge.” Some facts of his work history may also force you to take a closer look at the candidate’s manageability. “Risk factors” are: previous employment as a “free artist” (freelancing), managing your own business, occupying a position of a higher status than the one in question. In all these cases, the candidate will be forced to face a change in his social status, get more “fool bosses” than you had before. Uncontrollability is a serious contraindication for recommending a candidate for a position. In contrast to uncontrollability, “spinelessness” is a contraindication only for those vacancies where the candidate’s “inflexibility”, his ability to defend the interests of the company and “not succumb to provocations” will be primarily important. In other cases, such employees can work very successfully, since their superiors will value them for their responsiveness to overtime work and silent zeal. The higher the learning ability, the better the adaptive abilities of a person. A highly trained candidate can easily change his field of activity, master new industries, quickly learn new technologies and unfamiliar assortments. The higher the ability to learn, the easier it will be to adapt to the team. In addition, learning ability is the ability to learn useful lessons from one’s own and others’ mistakes. And finally, a fast-learning specialist will be able to bring long-awaited profits to the company faster than his “slow” colleague. The ability to learn is manifested primarily in cognitive activity. If a person attends language courses, he receives a second higher education and the like, then one can suspect the ability to learn in him. Regular professional development (participation in relevant trainings, seminars, reading specialized literature) also reveals a trained person. The same evidence may be the presence in work experience of sharp changes in the field of activity (with the obligatory success of subsequent work). During the interview process, learning ability can be explored by discussing with the candidate various aspects of his experience - what was difficult, what he was proud of, etc. Adequacy is probably the most obvious factor. Monitoring adequacy usually does not present any problems - if the candidate’s answers correspond to the questions asked, and behavior and emotional reactions are organic to the current situation, everything must be in order with adequacy. The importance of adequacy is also obvious: an adequate employee does what he is assigned, and not what he understands by it, reacts to surrounding reality, and not on his ideas about her, is more stable in the team, more emotionally stable.

To carry out the assessment, a commission is created, which may include the following representatives of the organization: the immediate supervisor, a representative of the personnel management service, a senior manager, and the employee’s colleagues from other departments. The latter's opinions should be treated with caution, since their assessments may be subjective. In general, the approach to the selection of assessment procedures and the form of their implementation is completely subordinate to the business objectives set in the organization. The information obtained should minimize financial risks in decision making and give maximum return on investment. Thus, the cost of estimation methods and their accuracy must be optimal in relation to the task at hand.

1.2.2. Methods for assessing the business qualities of employees

Let's consider the main methods for assessing the business qualities of employees.

We believe that methods for assessing the business qualities of employees can be divided into two groups:

Methods based on a formalized approach (questionnaires, testing, etc.);

Methods based on an informal approach (interview, group discussion, etc.).

The main methods for assessing the business qualities of potential employees are questionnaires, interviews, socionic typing, testing, certification, gaming method, situation modeling method, assessment center method, non-traditional methods. Let us consider in more detail each of the methods we have indicated for assessing the business qualities of employees.

1. Questionnaire. From the candidate’s answers to the questionnaire, we can conclude that he wants to get most from life in general and from a specific type of activity in particular. When conducting questionnaire candidate for a vacant position, it is advisable to find out not only highly specialized information on the candidate’s work activity, but also much more wide circle questions for the speedy adaptation of the employee. Also this information will allow us to determine his inclinations or the presence of complexes. To assess the business qualities of candidates for certain positions or specialists already working in the organization, the following methods are used:

1.1. An individual assessment (scoring method) is an assessment questionnaire, a standardized set of questions or descriptions. The evaluator notes the presence or absence of a certain trait in the employee being assessed and puts a mark next to its description. The overall rating is the sum of marks (points). Modification of the evaluation questionnaire - comparative questionnaire. A number of descriptions of right and wrong behavior in the workplace are offered. Raters rank these descriptions on a scale from “excellent” to “poor.” Persons assessing the work of specific performers note the most appropriate descriptions. The assessment of labor productivity is the sum of ratings for the marked descriptions.

1.2. Method expert assessments- collecting opinions of experts (specialists on certain issues), analyzing them and drawing up conclusions.

1.3. Behavioral Attitude Rating Scale. The form describes the decisive situations of professional activity. The rating form usually contains from six to ten specific characteristics of job performance, each of which is derived from five or six decisive situations describing the behavior. The person conducting the assessment notes the description that is to a greater extent corresponds to the qualifications of the employee being assessed. The type of situation is correlated with the score on the scale.

1.4. Group assessment methods allow you to compare the performance of employees within a group and compare them with each other.

1.5. Classification method. The person conducting the assessment must rank all employees one by one from best to worst according to any general criterion. If there are more than 20 employees, then difficulties arise with the use of this method. It is easier to identify the most successful or unsuccessful than to rank the average ones. You can use an alternative classification method: select the best and the worst, then select the next ones, etc.

1.6. Paired comparison method - comparison of each with each is carried out in specially grouped pairs. Then it is noted how many times the employee is the best in his pair, and based on this, an overall rating is built. Estimation may be difficult if the number of employees is too large.

1.7. Specified distribution method. The person conducting the rating must give the employees ratings within a predetermined (fixed) distribution of ratings. The expert is required to write down the names of employees on separate cards and distribute all those being assessed into groups in accordance with a given quota. Distribution can be carried out according to different criteria assessments.

2. An interview is a conversation aimed at collecting information about experience, level of knowledge, and assessing the professionally important qualities of the applicant. A job interview can provide in-depth information about a candidate, which, when compared with other assessment methods, can provide accurate and predictive information.

3. Another effective method of personnel assessment, which allows predicting the behavior of employees in a proactive mode, is socionics. Its main procedure is socionic typing, determining the socionic type of an employee. There are several ways to type people: testing by various tests, interviewing, behavior observation, physiognomy.

For socionic typing, tests such as the MBTI questionnaire, the BUNS test and others are used. There is a testing option that uses an assessment of the semantic differential, based on the text or story, typed on the basis of the words, phrases, handwriting used, storyline a conclusion is made about one or another sociotype. However, typing by tests does not give an accurate picture. The reliability of this method can be described as 50/50.

Observation of behavior is based on assessing the nature of gestures and movements. For a more accurate diagnosis, certain experience, observation and attention on the part of the typing specialist are required.

The interview method makes it possible to more accurately determine the socionic type of employees. This method is quite subjective, its results depend on the sociotype of the specialist conducting the diagnosis and his experience. Another method of socionic diagnostics is based on comparing the employee’s behavior with the description of the type in the literature. A combination of all of the above methods is rightly considered the most effective.

The integrated application of these methods made it possible to identify the following four groups: psychological types workers:

1. Sensor logic is a production area of ​​activity. They are characterized by a focus on results in the business field. Positive motivators for them are personal success, business career, power and influence. Negative - career failure and anarchy (lack of rights). Neutral motivators - social contacts, communication and social recognition.

2. Intuitive logic is a scientific field of activity. They are characterized by a process orientation in the business field. Positive motivators - interesting and useful work, creativity, diversity, negative - boring and useless work, dullness and monotony of work, neutral - specific help and relationships with other people.

3. Sensory ethics - social sphere activities. They are characterized by a focus on results in the human field. Positive motivators are help and relationships with other people, negative motivators are distrust and indifference on the part of other people, neutral motivators are interesting and useful work, its creativity and diversity.

4. Intuitive ethics is a humanitarian field of activity. They are characterized by a process orientation in the human field. Positive motivators are contacts, social communication, public recognition, negative ones are loneliness and lack of recognition, neutral ones are personal success, business career, power and influence.

Based on the identified sociotype, further work with the applicant for the position is built. First of all, the compatibility of his type with other members of the team is determined.

4. Tests are the most famous and widespread of assessment procedures. Also, a serious limitation in the use of tests is that they assess relatively simple psychological factors well - formal level of intelligence, emotional stability, communication skills. And they measure complex factors very poorly - leadership, innovation, openness to learning, result orientation. Therefore, tests are most often used to evaluate personnel in lower positions, for which there are few requirements and they are simply formalized. In the assessment of senior managers, tests are not used or are used only as auxiliary tools, since their assessment accuracy is not comparable with the required level of information reliability when making decisions management decisions at the highest level. For example, when selecting personnel at the highest level of management or when allocating a personnel reserve at the preliminary stage, tests can be used to immediately weed out candidates with a critically low level of intelligence and high emotional instability. And to assess complex management competencies, other methods are needed. In addition, the higher a person's intelligence level and psychological flexibility, which correlates with his status in the organization, the easier he can “cheat” the test. In order to adjust the test results in the direction you need, a temporary transformation is enough. You need to imagine the expectations of testing customers, get used to the image, imagine how the ideal respondent thinks, experiences and behaves, and answer the test questions based on this image.

5. Certification is the construction of a business portrait of a candidate using a specially developed personnel technology method. This method includes the development of a list of 80 professional, business and personal qualities in relation to a given management activities and assessment by a group of experts of all candidates for positions in accordance with this list of criteria. The certification method is not used for selection in pure form and supplemented with interviews and other testing methods.

6. The gaming method is a rather complex procedure. There are two game-technical approaches: based on the managerial concept of V.K. Tarasov with strictly structured game simulation procedures and based on organizational and activity games. Moreover, the latter method is implemented in the form of a marathon and is based on a systems-thinking methodology (working with the future, designing and programming future activities are programmed in the form of games).

7. The method of situational modeling is a technology focused on solving selection problems in conditions of socio-economic, political and socio-psychological instability.

8. The assessment center is an assessment of the competencies of participants by observing their actual behavior in business games. Outwardly, this method is very similar to training - participants are offered business games and tasks, but their goal is not the development of skills and abilities, but equal opportunities for everyone to demonstrate their strengths and weaknesses. In each task, each participant is assigned an expert. He in detail records the behavior of his ward, which relates to the observed competence. High accuracy of assessments in the assessment center is ensured by a whole system of procedures. Game tasks are precisely designed for specific competencies and, ideally, have undergone a validation procedure; several tasks are offered to assess each competency, which sharply reduces the participant’s chances of masking the real level of their development; each participant has different experts in different tasks, this reduces the effect of subjective factors. In addition, game situations are offered in different formats - group discussions, pair games, individual written assignments, so that conditions are created so that each participant has maximum opportunities to express themselves. A few more important details. The expert in his assessment relies on an observation form, which describes in detail how different levels this competence is manifested in a given task. In addition, after each task, the expert has a few minutes to ask the participant additional questions about how he performed in a given game situation and how this relates to his real work situations.

Our research has shown that the main requirement for assessment specialists is insight, professionalism in the use of techniques and the ability to distance themselves from subjective factors of perception in an assessment situation. Conducting a personnel assessment in an organization has direct and indirect results. The direct result is information in the form in which the customer wanted to receive it. The indirect result is an impulse for the professional self-development of all employees who were aware of the ongoing assessment activities. And direct participants in the assessment receive objective information about the level of development of their competencies. The professionalism of assessment consultants is a guarantee that information about the assessment results will actually have a developmental and not a stressful effect for the employee. Often, only conducting assessment procedures, during which managers receive objective information about themselves, truly becomes an incentive for them to develop professionally.

9. Unconventional methods. These include a polygraph (lie detector); alcohol and drug tests based on urine and blood tests; some types of psychoanalysis in order to identify the skills of candidates; others.

Employee certification is a basic event for the effective functioning of human resources management. Periodic monitoring of the professional suitability of the staff is prerequisite to obtain effective business results.

Identification of promising or incompetent certification participants contributes to the effective development of the enterprise as a whole. Monitoring of the professional activities of employees occurs in accordance with the rules generally established by the organization within a certain time frame.

A competently and reliably compiled testimonial for employee certification allows for an effective assessment. This is especially significant if employees of a large enterprise are undergoing the test.

IN in this case members of the certification commission do not have the opportunity to personally assess how well the personnel being tested perform their duties. When making a decision, inspectors rely specifically on this document.

Therefore, the review by the author of the testimonial should be extremely unbiased and cover reliable facts. To formulate a more correct certification, the opinions of colleagues, the results of tests of business skills by an expert commission and the employee’s self-assessment are taken into account.

The employee evaluation procedure is a way to improve his actual performance behavior and competence.

There is a whole certification system, the tasks of which are:

  • give an accurate assessment of the results of the employee’s professionalism;
  • conduct a study of the business and personal qualities of a certain employee;
  • determine the employee’s suitability for the position held;
  • determine the need for advanced training or the need for professional retraining of personnel;
  • discover the likely capabilities of an employee when performing the functions of a higher position.

Definition of concepts

The list of required documents when establishing the degree of compliance of an employee includes his characteristics. An assessment of professional activity within the framework of the position held, as well as the culture of behavior and business qualities of the employee, is provided by his immediate superior.

The line manager has the information base that is necessary for ongoing monitoring of the level of professional suitability of the employee. It is the direct supervisor who conducts the evaluation conversation with the person being certified.

External and internal

To fully understand the quality design of a specification, you need to know why it is needed.

Typically this document is requested for:

  • conducting employee certification studies;
  • assessment of professional qualities, both for granting a reward or encouragement, and for dismissal from a position;
  • characteristic for third party organizations: obtaining a bank loan, adopting a child, litigation, etc.

After drawing up a character reference for an employee, the author is obliged to provide it to the person being checked for review. The content of this document can have both positive and negative connotations. An objective positive assessment of an employee’s business and personal qualities may be required in case of promotion or promotion. Then the most stand out characteristic features, presenting the employee in the best light.

The characteristics for employee certification do not represent a single, generally established standard. Typically, the management of an organization presents its own specific list of requirements for the text of the document. If there are no special requests, then filling it out is guided by general office work standards.

The description should be written:

  • in an official business style of presentation, without expansiveness and verbal expression;
  • provide clear, concise and fair information;
  • without fragments colloquial speech and abbreviated terminology (the names of positions and the corresponding departments are spelled out in full);
  • have minimum quantity personal pronouns;
  • without language stamps and clichés;
  • when displaying the personal qualities of an employee, the text of the document should be dominated by verbs such as “recommended”, “discovered”, “achieved”, etc.

Filling procedure

The job description is usually drawn up on A4 sheets, preferably on company letterhead. This document must be certified by the seal of the organization and has the signature of the head.

Typically, the document structure is divided into:

Title part of the document (header) Contains company details, document title and date of preparation.
First section The employee’s personal information is indicated (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and education).
Second section Assessment of work activity (indicates the date of employment, stages of promotion and the most significant achievements).
Third section Information about incentives and penalties.
Fourth section Characteristics of the personal and business qualities of the person being certified (his character, level of his social status in the enterprise, culture of communication and interaction with colleagues, existing professional skills and degree of competence, efficiency, activity, ability to take responsibility are assessed).
Fifth section Indicate why it was compiled this characteristic(when submitting to third parties).

Sample performance characteristics for employee certification

Example of a positive characteristic:


On Sergei Ivanovich Petrov

Date, month and year of birth: 11/31/1979

Education: higher education in ecology

Position held: senior laboratory assistant – ecologist

Scientific degree, titles: candidate of environmental sciences

Responsible, executive and disciplined. Complies with internal labor regulations. Shows initiative in solving production problems. Approaches solving problems competently.

Relations with colleagues are smooth, the team respects and listens to, relationships with management are built correctly. Shows responsibility and diligence at work, and shows reasonable initiative when solving production problems.