Personal growth of a person: what is it and why is it needed? Definition of Personal Growth: Features and Principles

Each of us, at least once in our lives, made a vow to ourselves about something: to start actively building a career, read all the books that interest us, or attend developmental trainings. But more often than not, it was at the active planning stage that everything ended, didn’t it? We were literally fired up by the idea itself, but were absolutely not ready for active action. But still, if a person is ready for changes in his life, then the first and logical question that arises is where to start personal growth? How to set priorities correctly to increase personal potential? This article will provide you with all the information you need.

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Personal growth - a brief description

Before you directly begin to study in detail the answer to the question: where to start personal growth, you need to understand many things. First of all, you need to come to an understanding of the term “personal growth” itself. At its core, it is an active, comprehensive development of personality, which is based on the initiative of the person himself. It happens active: constant, independent desire to learn new things, readiness to participate in all kinds of trainings, as well as other educational activities, as well as passive - almost complete lack of initiative on the part of the individual, most often self-development under duress.

– this is only his initiative, which must certainly come from himself. After all, if this condition is not met, then no modern and advanced techniques will bring desired result. Based on this case, behind the simple term lies a conscious choice of a certain lifestyle. You must stick to it until the very end.

It is necessary to clearly understand that in the first stages, failures will most likely await you. It is impossible to become a high-profile specialist in your chosen field of activity without getting a single bump in yourself. You just need to be prepared for such a turn of events, while perceiving it as a necessary and obligatory part of the formation of your own model of behavior.

Basic principles of human self-development

The main course of personal character development is studying and applying in practice the knowledge that has been acquired in various ways. In addition to all this, this knowledge should bring results and be the foundation, the basis for obtaining new ones. By studying various sciences, such as psychology and sociology, we were able to formulate six fundamental principles of self-improvement.

Receive pleasure from life itself - yes, it is the absolute observance of this principle that in the future you can be able to show the initiative necessary for human self-development. Because if it doesn’t exist, then training will not benefit you, but will only burden you and cause negative emotions.

Don't leave it for tomorrow, and, in principle, for later - this is one of the answers to the question: where to start personal growth - learn not to put it off until later, but to do everything here and now. After all, it is known that tomorrow will never come - there will always be reasons, various circumstances that will make it possible to postpone it until later. Make it a rule to ask yourself every day what I was able to do today, what I was able to achieve. This way, you can take control of the process, holding yourself accountable for trying to avoid tasks.

Professionalism, accounting and communication in the team!

Act like a professional your business - even if you are now only at the beginner stage. Confidence in yourself and your own strengths is an important component, the absence of which can easily nullify all your efforts. Don't think that you won't be able to complete the task; instead, look for possible options to solve it by analyzing your own and others’ experiences.

Notepad and pen always at hand - very often we are visited by ideas at a completely inopportune moment, which we are simply unable to remember after the lapse of time. To avoid such situations, write down everything that comes to your mind in the process of increasing your personal potential, be sure to return to them in the evening, when you have time to analyze them in detail.

Achievements chart– you must always note your achievements and failures, thus seeing possible progress and regression. This will help you during self-analysis, and it will also be much easier, if something happens, to find the error that has arisen in building the necessary model of behavior.

Carefully filter your social circle— it is necessary to intensify communication, first of all, with that category of people who will help increase your personal growth, spending time with whom will not be a waste of time.

By following these principles, which are simple in nature, you will greatly facilitate your path to self-development. Not only will you not lose the acquired knowledge and skills, but on the contrary, you will contribute to their increase. It is very important to bring their implementation to the level of automation, thus, in the future, this will allow you not to waste energy on their implementation.

Where to start personal growth?

It is fair to note that creating an algorithm of actions during self-development is purely personal and individual. Consider various factors, such as a person’s character, his personal characteristics and propensity to learn, since we are all individual and subjective.

Stages personal development, which are presented below, are templates that are suitable for everyone, which can be adjusted to suit you, without losing their effectiveness and efficiency. A short list of these stages:

1. Self-analysis;
2. Choice of priorities;
3. Cleansing on an emotional and mental level;
4. Development of necessary internal qualities;
5. Self-programming.

The main and first stage in the totality of these stages of personal growth is the stage of introspection. Actually, thanks to it, we can discover our problems, which in the normal rhythm of life we ​​would not even pay attention to. This stage is directly related to the principle of human self-development - enjoying life. We will never be able to enjoy all aspects of life if we do not diagnose the problem and find ways to neutralize it.

According to the second stage, we urgently need to correctly arrange life priorities, realize, as we see later own life in every detail. Roughly speaking, we make adjustments to our daily lifestyle: we clearly understand what we need to give up, and what, on the contrary, we need to add to our daily routine.

Thanks to this, we can confidently rely on our own strengths, without fear of being left in the cold.
In the third phase, a person must undergo mental cleansing - this is necessary to increase personal potential, because at this moment, everyone, in fact, “restarts” their own internal programs, deciding which of them are destructive and destructive.

The final stages of personal growth

We must launch for our internal use programs that will help us in self-improvement, but in no case in degradation. We must be able to independently find at the right time the answer to such a dilemma as where to start personal growth. It is also worth noting that it is necessary to repeat this stage in order to protect yourself from the accumulation of unnecessary things and clogging of consciousness.

During the execution of the fourth phase, the necessary foundations of life are created, including habits. There is a complete introduction of the desired behavior and its full implementation in daily life. Thus, a person automatically gains confidence in his own abilities.

The fifth and final stage is the development and further use of internal qualities. These qualities are necessary to further cultivate the positive in us. They directly affect a person’s personal growth.

It is also worth recalling that some adjustments are necessary when following these steps. Simply put, adapt the execution of this algorithm to yourself. This way, you will know where to start with personal growth and continue your own knowledge by cultivating the right habits. Such correction also depends on the goals the person sets for himself. Someone craves self-development for further successful communication with society, some strive for active advancement in career ladder and so on.

There is a high probability that a person can become so carried away by the process of acquiring knowledge and skills that he will lose the main goal, the one for which this whole process was started. In this case, you will need to go back to the very beginning. The method of deep introspection will help you find the stage at which you stopped striving for the desired result.

Possible errors may occur

Despite the fact that everyone has already understood for themselves where to start personal growth and decided on the tactics of their own actions, this still does not provide an absolute guarantee of success and the absence of failures. Many people who are strongly influenced by others initially choose a completely different type of activity that corresponds to the inner universe, making a huge mistake and dooming themselves to failure in advance. As has already been said many times, if you don’t have the heart for it, don’t try to force yourself by using arguments like: “it will be better this way,” “this is not a stupid thing to do,” and so on in the same spirit.

Don't forget about rest. The zeal for success and quick achievement of results is commendable, of course, but the rapid waste of one’s own energy not only does not contribute to increasing personal potential, but quite the opposite - it slows it down, creating the illusion of a complete lack of progress, which in the near future threatens you with a nervous breakdown.
Wrong setting of your own goals can also interfere with your personal development, which is guaranteed to lead you to a dead end in the future. The most important thing in this situation is not to panic, but simply change the course of your own activities. To be completely fair, this is not a mistake at all, but a very logical and possible outcome of events that should not be feared.

The key mistake is the desire to cover as much as possible various fields activities. In this situation, you are only dooming yourself to greater fatigue, as well as the relative surface of your own knowledge. Limit yourself to two or three areas of activity and begin to actively develop in the chosen direction. This will give you much more and, importantly, high-quality results. In the end, there was only one Caesar in the entire history of mankind.


If you have already understood yourself, now you need to start putting your knowledge and skills into practice. You should try several various options own activities.

But nevertheless, it is important that you listen to your own feelings, perhaps even intuition. If, after working for a certain amount of time in the chosen direction, you do not feel a burning interest or even passion for the work, but rather look for excuses for the lack of any initiative on your part, you need to resume internal introspection and understand what exactly you crave.

Choose a role model for yourself, this way in the first stages you will prevent mistakes from occurring. But this method will only be effective up to a certain point. There is always a chance of realizing that your chosen role model is wrong. Do not forget that having reached the level of your idol, you will have to study your own “I”. Thus, identifying new horizons and goals for yourself.

Understand that the only and most faithful adviser in this is you yourself. Only you, no one else, can subtly feel your mood, capabilities and aspirations. And even if you use the services of leading psychotherapists, you will hear only one piece of advice - look inside yourself, turn to the inner aspect of your personality. Pay attention to how you feel while watching movies or reading books. In this way, you disassemble your self into separate fragments.

Greetings, dear blog readers. Today we will talk about how to find yourself and not stop there. In this article I will tell you where to start with personal growth and share interesting life hacks.

What is the connection between personal growth and responsibility?

The most popular answer goes something like this: Where do I get the time for this? Do I have nothing to do? I'd rather take a look new series“Games of Thrones” or go to the store for a snack to go with your strong drinks.

Of course, I described an extreme. However, I often notice that people are not ready to develop and work on themselves.

Personal growth is precisely work on yourself, for which you take responsibility.

It will help in personal growth:

  • Development of existing skills. Gain more experience and become an expert in your field.
  • Learning something radically new. This could be learning any skill that will help you earn extra money. Or is it just a hobby, passion, way of leisure.
  • Diving deeper into other sectors of the field in which you are located. For example, playing a different sport or dancing, new ways of knitting or creating websites.

There are plenty of options for what to do. But before you start the process of self-development, find yourself.

About the most effective methods You can read self-development in a previously published article. Here is the link: ".

How to find yourself?

Do you ever feel like you have neither the strength nor the desire to do anything? When you give up and want to run away into the dense forest away from outside world. Congratulations, you are on on the right track! This is the best state for rethinking the point you are at and working on yourself. Sometimes you need to be in this mood to remember why we live, what the mission is for each of us and what our purpose is.

To avoid immersing yourself in a philosophical state for a long period, reduce the distance from thought to action. Once you learn to settle down in time, you will feel a surge of energy and strength.

So, back to finding yourself.

Finding an area of ​​personal development is difficult if you have absolutely no ideas and, especially, a clear plan, like in school. But this is possible with:

  1. Doing what you love.
  2. Trial and error method.

I am what I do

If you know what you like to do, that's great! In this case, you just need to work with discipline and learn to regularly set aside time for personal growth.

Don’t be alarmed if this matter seems strange to everyone and no one is doing it. Look around you: someone is making a video about their life because they enjoy it. As a result, these video bloggers already appear on the radio, give interviews and even act in films. The advice they give to newbies:

“We have only advanced because we are not playing. This is our life. We love it: filming and showing off.”

Or you sit in the office and, having nothing to do, draw cartoons of your bosses. If it brings you pleasure, develop into it. in this direction, find parties of like-minded people and get positive emotions from communicating with them.

Try it - you won't go wrong

If nothing really bothers you, sit down and generate ideas about what, in principle, you would be interested in doing on an ongoing basis. Be sure to write everything down on a sheet.

It’s easier for girls in this matter, since almost everyone loves to lose weight, eat right, watch their figure or do handicrafts.

There is also one for guys win-win options in the form of sports, programming or repairs.

You come up with ideas, try to do them and observe your state: like/dislike, what you feel in the process, what thoughts arise, etc. If you understand that this is clearly not your thing, move on to the next activity from the list.

Remember the most important thing: development should be fun. Never force yourself to do something you don't like. This way you will develop complexes and diseases for yourself.

To think is to exist

Everyone knows the famous statement of Rene Descartes:

"I think, therefore I am"

Indeed, the ability to think is truly amazing! Did you know that with the help of thoughts you can build a new reality?

How are personal growth and visualization related? You ask. It is important to think in the direction in which you are developing. Analyze what has already been done, think about plans and prospects.

Only through thoughts can you assess the point you are at and decide which direction to move next. This is the process of personal growth.

Get the job done

There is nothing more powerful than action. It's like the joke:

- Dear God, please make me win a lottery ticket.

- I don’t mind, but you buy it first!

An old joke that very accurately shows how a person works. He wants to win without playing, lose weight without trying, and grow as a person without overexerting himself.

If you have chosen the path of self-development, have taken responsibility before the Universe and yourself, do not leave the distance. I will never stop saying that:

Only action will lead to results!

Thoughts, educational literature and personal growth trainings are just tools.

Throw out of your head the thought that someone will judge you and not understand you. On the contrary, know that you will definitely be judged and few will understand. Because not everyone is ready to pay for training in specially created personal development programs and move in this direction to the end. But if you want to be interesting for yourself and society, work on yourself!


That's all I wanted to tell you today. If you have anything to add, leave your comments. I am very interested in what thoughts and associations arose while reading my post. What other advice do you have for those who don’t believe in personal growth and think it’s a waste of time?

See you again on the blog pages. Subscribe to updates to stay updated on my new publications.

Throughout our lives, many of us strive to personal growth, self-development and professional development. And that's great. A person who strives for constant self-development carries within himself the strength, will and energy capable of demolishing everything in his path and achieving the desired result.Personal growth, or rather his development— the process is long and labor-intensive.

It requires both financial and time costs. But if these difficulties are not scary for you, then let's move on to the next point. Namely, where to start personal development.

Books on personal growth

From time immemorial, books have been one of the main sources of knowledge. A book is a powerful tool for personal self-improvement. That is why, a recommendation on the path to personal growth will be the selection of the necessary literature.

So many. And so that you don’t waste a single minute of extra time reading “useless books”, before you choose for yourself “the very ones” that will lead you to the right thoughts and actions, read our recommendations when choosing literature:

  1. Read reviews online, browse recommendation forums.
  2. Study at least the table of contents of the book, or better yet, go to a bookstore and leaf through its contents.
  3. Get to know the authors of the books (their lives, works, etc.). Perhaps you will choose a book based on the author you like.

Personal growth courses

Many people supplement their reading of literature by attending courses on personal growth. Indeed, the atmosphere that the training creates has magical power. It will fill you with strong motivation and energy, allow you to explore your strengths and weaknesses, introduce you to new “inspiring” people, reveal your potential and change your thinking towards personal development.

What should you consider when choosing a personal growth course?

  1. Personality of the trainer. Explore the trainer's personality social networks, groups or website. Interview friends who have already visited him. Or write to the people who left reviews about it.
  2. Purpose and topic of the training. Let it be a truly professional course, without any esoteric stuff.
  3. Course cost. Don’t be fooled by cheap seminars that promise you mountains of gold. But you shouldn’t leave huge sums - approach it wisely and don’t go into debt.

Self-education and self-improvement

This point is perhaps the most extensive, and includes studying books, courses, and obtaining new profession, and expanding the circle of people “targets”. Self-education can begin through self-improvement, and the following can be done in a variety of ways:

  1. Get rid of bad habits.
  2. Play sports, walk more.
  3. Go to proper nutrition and more.

These points are not required, but they will help in self-organization.
The main thing is to come to inner harmony. Understand what you want from life. And then the process of personal growth and self-development will not seem difficult to you, but on the contrary, very interesting.

Personal growth and development is the process of creating improvements in your physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social and financial well-being.

These processes are often initiated by important life event, which inspires you to improve and empower yourself, unlocking your full potential. The result is a more satisfactory and meaningful life, which manifests itself in your relationships, your place of work, your self-esteem and confidence, and your worldview.

Personal growth is necessary for health, happiness, ambition and achievement. As a human being, you have the amazing potential to continually take on and conquer new challenges that life presents to you.

There is a fork in the road and the right path is unclear - what will you do? For many people, this predicament seems difficult and impossible, but if you know exactly what you want from life, then the answer is obvious.

There are few, if any, things you can't achieve if you really want to achieve them. The key is to want to achieve them enough to motivate yourself to take action.

Many people hinder their personal growth by refusing to take action. They come up with a lot of excuses. If you don't want to be like them, you must develop an individual approach to your personal growth. Personal growth not only allows you to solve new problems, you learn to actively seek out those solutions.

Finding the right path

When you make this decision to begin your own journey of personal growth and development, you take the first step towards to a better and brighter future. While your journey is yours alone, there are tools to help you make the most of your life.

Inspirational, useful videos, the list of movies and books contained therein can help improve your relationships, your job, and much more. Each day of the training consists of a theoretical and practical part. Total training price 200 rub., and the course on the 1st day you can get it for free by filling out the form below.

Although some “experts” may tell you that developing personal growth requires intense mental preparation, in practice this is not the case. Everything you really need, is an open mind, a desire to try new things, and the knowledge that you can improve your performance through commitment and effort.

Why does a person need personal growth?

People want to grow and develop because they are unhappy with their life and the direction it is heading. To change your course and create a satisfying life, you must go through process of personal growth and development.

When you begin the process of personal growth, the results will be endless. You will also find a purpose within yourself that was not there before. Life goals will become possible. You will use your full potential to benefit yourself and others. New skills and talents will be discovered. Old relationships will be strengthened, and new ones will begin to form easily. All this will give you an impetus to increasing your self-esteem and self-confidence.

Each path to personal growth and development is an individual journey. A person must understand which path belongs to him and where it leads. However, there are many questions that can help you choose the direction of your own path:

  • What is your current state?
  • Assess your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your good and bad habits.
  • What is your desired state?
  • Understand what exactly you want to improve about yourself and why it is important for you to improve these characteristics.
  • What do you need for this?
  • Determine what knowledge and experience you need to get you closer to your desired self. Find resources that are helpful in achieving this desired state. A good example is “7-day personal improvement training”, which promotes growth and development of social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual qualities.

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  1. Understand yourself

  2. This is the first and perhaps the most difficult step. What are you good at? What is your weakness? What are the areas of your life that are really holding you back from living your dreams?

    Understanding yourself and what you want in life is the first and perhaps the hardest step to improving and developing personal growth. But it is also the most valuable.

  3. Set your goals

  4. Setting a goal and working towards it every day can give you new confidence and zest for life. What do you really want in life? Do you want to lose weight and have more energy? Do you want to be more successful in your career? Do you want to improve your personal relationships?

  5. Create a plan

  6. Personal growth is a lifelong journey, and like any journey, you need to create a plan to help you get to your destination.

    Based on your goals, understand how you can turn into that person who will reach them? You may need to learn more about and Brush your teeth twice a day and you will make dental visits less frequent. every month, and over time you will be able to create a beautiful little start to your own business . Develop your personal growth every day, and every month and year, you will be able to look back knowing that you are becoming the best version my previous self.

    And if you do this with a specific plan to improve your strengths and strengthen your weaknesses, you will be able to achieve great success in the areas of your life that you focus on.

  7. Get out of your comfort zone

  8. Seek out and connect with people you may not have spent time with before. Approach these conversations with open mind, and you will learn new things and formulate your own views. This will help refresh your life and stimulate your creativity and sense of adventure.

They are the main components of success. Without them, it is impossible to move forward and achieve your goals. A person who does not care about his development will remain in sad stability without the opportunity to provide himself best conditions existence. Personal growth is very important for successful people. Thanks to him, they reach ever greater heights.

Where to start?

Many people who have embarked on this path wonder where to begin personal development. You need to start freeing yourself from the burden of the past, which can slow down your approach to success. It is necessary to mentally analyze what hinders self-development. These could be negative parental attitudes.

Self-confidence can be increased through motivation. You need to repeat to yourself 3 times a day about your success, that there are no obstacles on the way to your goal. Any intention will definitely be realized if it does not have a negative final goal.