Testing "assessment of professional aptitudes". Professional interests, inclinations, orientation

  • 10-12 points - a pronounced professional inclination.
  • 7-9 points - a tendency towards a certain type of activity.
  • 4-6 points - weakly expressed professional inclination
  • 0-3 points - professional inclination is not expressed

Test results:

Points: . A penchant for working with people.

Professions related to management, training, education, services (household, medical, reference and information). People who are successful in professions of this group are distinguished by sociability, the ability to find a common language with different people, understand their mood and intentions.

Points: . Tendency to research (intellectual) work.

Professions related to scientific activities. In addition to special knowledge, such people are usually distinguished by rationality, independence of judgment, and an analytical mindset.

Points: . A penchant for practical activities.

The range of these professions is very wide: metal production and processing; assembly, installation of devices and mechanisms; repair, adjustment, maintenance of electronic and mechanical equipment; installation, repair of buildings, structures; transport management; manufacturing of products.

Points: . A penchant for aesthetic activities.

Professions creative nature, related to visual, musical, literary, artistic, acting and stage activities. People of creative professions except special abilities(musical, literary, acting) are distinguished by originality and independence.

Points: . Tendency to extreme activities.

Professions related to sports, travel, expeditionary work, security and operational-search activities, and military service. All of them place special demands on physical fitness, health, and strong-willed qualities.

Points: . Tendency towards planned economic activities.

Professions related to calculations and planning (accountant, economist); office work, text analysis and transformation (editor, translator, linguist); schematic representation of objects (draftsman, topographer). These professions require concentration and accuracy from a person.

Interpretation of test results

"Questionnaire of professional inclinations"

(L. Yovaishi modified by G.V. Rezapkina)

Processing the results.

1 - a penchant for working with people - 37,5%

(Novyukhov.A., Korneeva A., Semenova A.)
Professions related to management, training, education, services (household, medical, reference and information). People who are successful in professions of this group are distinguished by sociability, the ability to find a common language with different people, to understand their mood and intentions.

2 - propensity for research (intellectual) work . Professions related to scientific activities. In addition to special knowledge, such people are usually distinguished by rationality, independence of judgment, and an analytical mindset.

3 - penchant for practical activities - 37,5%

Lyapin A., Yarmolyuk A., Prokhorova A.)

The range of these professions is very wide: metal production and processing; assembly, installation of devices and mechanisms; repair, adjustment, maintenance of electronic and mechanical equipment; installation, repair of buildings, structures; transport management; manufacturing of products.

4 - penchant for aesthetic activities 12.5% ​​(Gordienko A.)

Creative professions related to visual, musical, literary, artistic, acting and stage activities. People of creative professions, in addition to special abilities (musical, literary, acting), are distinguished by originality and independence.

5 - tendency to extreme activities . Professions related to sports, travel, expeditionary work, security and operational-search activities, and military service. All of them place special demands on physical fitness, health, and strong-willed qualities.

6 - propensity for planned economic activities - 12.5% ​​(Petlin Yu.) Professions related to calculations and planning (accountant, economist); office work, text analysis and transformation (editor, translator, linguist); schematic representation of objects (draftsman, topographer). These professions require concentration and accuracy from a person.

Addiction is an attraction to an activity. In order to determine your professional inclinations, choose one of the three options for statements - “a”, “b” or “c” - and circle it on the form.

After answering all the statements, count the number of circled letters in each of the six columns and write these six numbers in the empty spaces on the bottom line.

1. I would like in my professional activity
a) communicate with a variety of people;
b) make films, write books, draw, perform on stage, etc.
c) do calculations; maintain documentation.

2. What attracts me most in a book or movie is
a) the opportunity to follow the author’s train of thought;
b) art form, the skill of a writer or director;
c) the plot, the actions of the characters.

3. I would be happier with the Nobel Prize
a) for social activities;
b) in the field of science;
c) in the field of art.

4. I would rather agree to become
a) chief mechanic;
b) the head of the expedition;
c) chief accountant.

5. People's future is determined
a) mutual understanding between people;
b) scientific discoveries;
c) development of production.

6. If I become a leader, the first thing I will do is
a) creating a friendly, cohesive team;
b) development of new teaching technologies;
c) working with documents.

7. I'll be more attracted to a tech show.
a) the internal structure of the exhibits;
b) their practical application;
V) appearance exhibits (color, shape).

8. What I value most in people is
a) friendliness and responsiveness;
b) courage and endurance;
c) commitment and accuracy.

9. In my free time I would like to
a) carry out various experiments;
b) write poetry, compose music or draw;
c) train.

10. I would be more interested in traveling abroad
a) the opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of another country;
b) extreme tourism (mountain climbing, windsurfing, alpine skiing);
c) business communication.

11. I find it more interesting to talk about
a) human relationships;
b) a new scientific hypothesis;
c) technical characteristics of a new model of car or computer.

12. If there were only three clubs at my school, I would choose
a) technical;
b) musical;
c) sports.

13. At school you should pay special attention to
a) improving mutual understanding between teachers and students;
b) maintaining the health of students, playing sports;
c) strengthening discipline.

14. I watch with great pleasure
a) popular science films;
b) programs about culture and art;
c) sports programs.

15. I would like to work
a) with children or peers;
b) with machines, mechanisms;
c) with natural objects.

16. The school must first of all
a) teach communication with other people;
b) give knowledge;
c) teach work skills.

17. The main thing in life
a) have the opportunity to engage in creativity;
b) lead healthy image life;
c) plan your affairs carefully.

18. The state must first of all take care of
a) protection of the interests and rights of citizens;
b) achievements in the field of science and technology;
c) the material well-being of citizens.

19. My favorite thing is the lessons.
a) labor;
b) physical education;
c) mathematics.

20. It would be more interesting for me
a) engage in the sale of goods;
b) manufacture products;
c) plan the production of goods.

21. I prefer to read articles about
a) outstanding scientists and their discoveries;
b) interesting inventions;
c) the life and work of writers, artists, musicians.

22. Free time I love
a) read, think, reason;
b) make something, sew, care for animals, plants;
c) go to exhibitions, concerts, museums.

23. I will be more interested in a message about
a) scientific discovery;
b) art exhibition;
c) the economic situation.

24. I would rather work
a) in a room where there are many people;
b) in unusual conditions;
c) in a regular office.

Count the number of circled letters in each of the six columns and write these six numbers in the empty spaces on the bottom line.

10-12 points – pronounced professional inclination -

7-9 points – inclination towards a certain type of activity (3 inclination – 8 points)
4-6 points – weakly expressed professional inclination (1 inclination - 6 points; 5.6 inclinations - 4 points)
0-3 points – professional inclination is not expressed (4 inclination – 2 points)

Six columns represent six types of activities. Pay attention to those activities that scored more points. Does your choice of profession match the results you received?

Answer form “Professional inclinations”


Pupils:Lyapin A., Novyukhov A., PetlinYu., Yarmolyuk A.

Educator:Kuvanaeva Z.S.








IN 1



AT 3


IN 1


AT 3



AT 4


AT 3


AT 3


AT 3



IN 1

AT 4





AT 3


AT 3




IN 1


IN 1




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AT 2

Sum of points

Lyapin A. - electrician,

Petlin Yu. - cook,

Novyukhov A. - gas-electric welder,

Yarmolyuk A. – car mechanic.

31.08.2013 Gender differences and the evolution of human emotions
Professor Helen Fisher is an anthropologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey who has become famous for her research into the behavior of people in love.
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30.08.2013 How to make a free online service bring money
The problem of monetizing web projects is still relevant, despite the fact that Internet business has existed for a long time and is successful. Together with users of the Quora service, we will try to answer the question of how to make money on a free online service.
Read in the source: www.towave.ru

Often, inclination is identified with a preference for a certain type of activity. It may seem that the profession was chosen according to inclination, but the quickly setting disappointment says otherwise. Preference is a socially determined choice of profession, which can be based on what is fashionable, prestigious, or guarantees high income or status.

If the learning process is incorrectly structured (due, for example, to its monotony, excessive demands placed on the student) or the preference for socially desirable activities outweighs the fact of natural inclinations, then a loss of inclination and purpose occurs.

Some professions require the coincidence of several types of inclinations, i.e., personality orientation. This creates difficulties in determining your true calling. For example, the profession of a pediatrician requires a penchant for medicine and for working with young children. The profession of a teacher requires an aptitude for teaching and a specialized subject.

Therefore, when choosing a profession, all factors must be taken into account: inclinations, skills, desires, features of the chosen field of activity, its relevance and relevance.

Methods for determining professional inclination

To know yourself you need to study:

  1. 1. Your health- for example, can you work as a police officer in the criminal investigation department or will you be better suited to working with documents without unnecessary risk?
  2. 2. Interests and inclinations- what the soul is about.
  3. 3. Abilities, knowledge and skills.

One of the methods of knowing yourself and your abilities is psychological diagnostics using test methods.

The most well-known technique designed to identify a person’s propensity for certain types of professions is the Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire (DQ) by E.A. Klimov. The author identified 5 types of professional orientation ():

  1. 1. Man is nature(professions related to human participation in processes occurring in living and inanimate nature: biophysicists, chemists, ecologists, etc.)
  2. 2. Man - technology(engineers, crane operators, car mechanics)
  3. 3. Man is a sign system(operators, accountants - that is, professions that require various forms of information processing)
  4. 4. Man is an artistic image(actors, designers, art critics)
  5. 5. Man - man(lawyers, psychologists, translators - professions where it is necessary to establish and maintain contact).

No less famous is the psychological theory of professional choice by psychologist J. Holland. The author believes that all people are divided into six types, each of which is characterized by: certain character traits and mentality, abilities for certain types of activities, preferences for certain types of activities, the content of hobbies and professional opportunities. Each personality type corresponds to a certain type of profession:

    1. Realistic type (R-type)- non-social, stable, present-oriented, deals with specific objects (things, animals, machines) and their practical use.

    R-type professions: mechanic, electrician, carpenter, cartographer, farmer, engineer, pilot, veterinarian, driver, welder.

    2. Research type- lack of focus on communication, interest in abstract problems and intellectual activity, research work, learning new things.

    I-type professions: professional choice usually concerns mathematical and natural science disciplines - physicist, astronomer, programmer.

    3. Artistic type (A-type)- feminine, sensitive, feeling the need for self-expression, avoiding monotonous and physical work.

    A-type professions: professional choice is focused on activities in the field of art and culture - musician, artist, photographer, actor, director, designer, etc.

    4. Social type (C-type)- socially active, feeling the need to interact with other people, socially responsible, possessing verbal abilities.

    C-type professions: in his professional choice he is focused on working with people - doctor, teacher, psychologist, social worker.

    5. Entrepreneurial type (P-type)- self-confident, competitive, avoiding unambiguous situations and monotonous mental work, striving to lead and organize.

    P-type professions: different types entrepreneurial activity, businessman, marketer, manager, director, manager, journalist, reporter, diplomat, lawyer, politician, etc.

    6. Conventional type (K-type)- preferring structured activities, working with signs, avoiding uncertain and tense situations, values ​​financial situation, social status, prefers traditional, conservative values.

    K-type professions: bank employees, accountants, financiers, economists.

Another method is to audit your abilities, goals and desires. This service is provided by professional counseling specialists.

Practical task

  1. 1. Write down 5 professions that you associate yourself with and that you like. Note in each profession what attracts you most.
  2. 2. Rate your strengths (abilities) based on the chosen professions on a 5-point scale (1-not expressed, 5-very expressed, average values, respectively).

Essential factors in the professionalization of a teenager are his interests, inclinations, and abilities at the stage of preliminary self-determination. The absence of any expressed interests and inclinations entails delaying and postponing the professional self-determination of adolescents. Their choice often turns out to be random, not corresponding to internal needs, made under the influence of external circumstances or as an attempt to imitate parents and peers. This is especially true for eighth-graders, who are a potential population for vocational schools. This leads to dissatisfaction with the chosen profession and, in the future, to a change in professional activity. Therefore, in career guidance activities, special attention must be paid to the targeted formation of the motivational basis for choosing a profession, taking into account the interests and inclinations of adolescents.

It seems important in career guidance work to form an optimal combination of so-called substantive (interest in the profession) and adaptive (prestige of the profession, salary, etc.) motives for activity (Kudryavtsev, Sukharev, 1985).

For the emergence and development of interests, a certain set of internal and external conditions is necessary. Interest is often formed under the influence of the situation in the presence of corresponding internal attitudes of the individual. The love for “thrills” associated with self-affirmation often leads to the formation of an active interest in sports.

How to choose the right profession. Interview with a psychologist and professional consultant

A special role in the formation and development of interests is played by educational activities, as well as classes. various types extracurricular and extracurricular activities. However, even early identification of professional interests and inclinations does not guarantee successful professional self-determination. Behind the content side future profession a teenager often does not see the real conditions in which his chosen activity takes place, being carried away by the work process itself, he forgets, for example, that sailors are not at home for a very long time, the work of a doctor is associated with irregular working hours, workers in the service sector must not only do well do your job, but also be able to establish and maintain contacts with people.

At subsequent stages of professional self-determination, in the process of a person mastering a chosen specialty, the personal factor begins to play an increasingly important role, that is, on the one hand, the need to match a person’s psychological characteristics with the requirements that the profession places on him, and on the other hand, the degree of realization of the basic needs of the individual in activity.

At the final stage of the diagnostic examination, the psychologist draws up a conclusion and recommendation on the choice of specialty within the educational institution. The basis for the analysis and assessment of the professional orientation of the subject is the modular principle of establishing relationships between personal characteristics (types, personality traits) and modes, conditions, types of activity.

The use of modular structures will allow us to identify the most preferable working conditions and modes for a particular teenager. The conclusion is based on knowledge about the relationship between personality traits and the considered activity parameters. The use of modular structures for selecting a future profession will be described in more detail in the book “Diagnostics in the work of an educational psychologist,” which is currently being prepared for publication.

At the fourth stage analysis of the obtained data is carried out. The psychologist makes a conclusion about the professional orientation of each applicant, and also notes the presence of a tendency to various types of deviant behavior. All materials are entered into psychological and pedagogical support cards. A map of psychological and pedagogical support may look like this.

Card of psychological and pedagogical support Full name (cipher)
group_________________ specialty

Socio-psychological characteristics and research methods

Examination stages

Professional diagnostics “at the entrance”

Professional diagnostics at the output"

Psychological and pedagogical

1. Cognitive sphere:

  1. memory
  2. attention
  3. thinking

2. Personal characteristics:

  1. character accentuations;
  2. personality traits (Cattell questionnaire);
  3. self-esteem;
  4. characterological personality traits (Eysenck questionnaire)

3. Adaptive potential:

  1. anxiety level;
  2. aggressiveness;
  3. tendency to deviant forms of behavior

4. Motivational sphere, professional orientation:

  1. professional preferences (PPO);
  2. motives for choosing a profession;
  3. motivation to learn

5. Interpersonal interaction:

  1. sociometric status;
  2. need for communication

6. Projective techniques:

  1. tree

7. Participation in group classes, trainings (type of classes, topics, problem areas, effectiveness)

8. Individual counseling (brief request, methods of influence, effectiveness)

9. Family counseling (essence of the request, methods of influence, possible changes)

Career guidance for schoolchildren. Training - part 2

Note. The specialist can independently select the methods necessary for diagnosis.

Thus, already at the initial stage we can conditionally identify the so-called “high attention group” with which more in-depth work will be carried out.

The specialist conveys the data of the psychological examination in a generalized form to his colleagues at the pedagogical council. It is advisable to submit a joint report with a social educator and a medical professional. The main provisions of the report may be as follows.

Medical worker

  • students' health status, recommendations on physical, educational and work loads.


  • professional orientation of students (frequency of random choice of profession, negative attitude towards the educational institution, etc.);
  • psychological characteristics of students (personality characteristics, the most common character accentuations, tendency to various types of deviant behavior).

Social teacher (deputy director for educational work)

  • social origin, economic status, characteristics of family upbringing.

Thus, career guidance work in an institution of primary vocational education includes 4 components:

  1. Educational and propaganda work.
  2. Activities of the admissions committee.
  3. Actually a psychological examination.
  4. Analysis of the obtained data.

The main components of career guidance work are presented schematically in Fig. 4.

Rice. 4. Career guidance work

Professional interests, inclinations, orientation.

E. V. Fedosenko

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