A composer with perfect pitch. Absolute ear for music refers to what abilities? General and special abilities

Online game"Absolute pitch"

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The game asks the first 33 questions from this list. The entire list of 55 questions (from 34 to 55 chips with a stave) is presented in full version of this game included in the program.

2. RE
3. MI
4. SI
5. LA
6. RE
7. MI
8. FA
9. LA
10. SI
11. SALT
12. MI
13. TO 1st octave
14. RE 1st octave
15. MI 2nd octave
16. FA small octave
17. 1st octave G
18. A 1st octave
19. SI small octave
20. TO small octave
21. RE small octave
22. MI large octave
23. FA 1st octave
24. SALT of small octave
25. A large octave
26. SI large octave
27. TO 2nd octave
28. RE 1st octave
29. MI 1st octave
30. FA 2nd octave
31. GR of the major octave
32. A small octave
33. SI 2nd octave
34. TO 1st octave + staff
35. GR small octave + stave
36. A major octave + staff
37. FA major octave + staff
38. RE major octave + staff
39. MI 1st octave + staff
40. TO 1st octave + staff
41. 1st octave G + stave
42. SI 1st octave + staff
43. RE 2nd octave + staff
44. MI 2nd octave + staff
45. FA 2nd octave + staff
46. ​​G of the 2nd octave + staff
47. SI 2nd octave + staff
48. TO 3rd octave + staff
49. TO 1st octave + staff
50. A small octave + staff
51. FA small octave + staff
52. RE small octave + staff
53. GR major octave + stave
54. MI large octave + staff
55. TO major octave + stave

Alexey Ustinov, 2011-12-30

Game updated 2013-11-30

Teacher's comment

Absolute ear for music - the ability to determine the pitch of a tone, regardless of other tones, i.e. without comparing sounds with each other and, as a result, assigning a note name to this sound. The nature of this phenomenon has not been sufficiently studied in musicological circles and, apparently, is therefore represented by different points of view. But it is even less familiar to practicing teachers. At the same time, the skill of “absolute musical ear” constantly remains the focus of both interest and controversy among almost all musicians. It is generally accepted that all string players (violinists, cellists) have such hearing, but this is not so! On the contrary, it seems that the pianist does not need it at all - however, those who master this skill say that it helps a lot, for example, when reading scores... Another often discussed question is whether it can be developed, or is it something... Is it innate?...

What to do with a child who easily picks out any melody and does not want to look at the sheet music at all? How to develop hearing for a student who knows musical notation well but can play false notes, memorizes them and the teacher cannot help him in any way?

One day, my second grade student asked me to play him Gennady Sasko’s play “Blues,” which was quite complex in rhythm, with a passage at the end. I played it three times... and at the next lesson he played the Blues without notes and at the same tempo as the piece was played. The case of this boy was for me an example of my incompetence in working with a gifted student with absolute pitch... I have not encountered many children with absolute pitch in my teaching practice. And most often such children did not finish music school. From the very beginning, they could remember and play the pieces by hand, “by ear,” but reading a complex text caused resistance in them and, as a result, they lost interest in learning.

In other words, the skill of “absolute pitch” is not something separate in the learning process, clearly positive or negative. Both its presence and absence require additional attention from the teacher and a special approach to the student. Still, this skill is extremely desirable!

To help my students, and to avoid repeating the mistakes of my youth, I am now using S.M. Maltsev’s method. - the author of a comprehensive methodology for teaching piano playing, as well as solfegging, synchronized with piano playing. This method helps me identify children with well-developed hearing already in the first year of education and constantly work with them by reading notes from a sheet.

For most students and those who want to master musical wisdom, it is easy to learn and play their favorite melodies on the piano or guitar, they still need to develop their hearing. And the game "Perfect Pitch" is an excellent tool for this. It is suitable for all ages.

Small children, who cannot even read, will guess the right answer from the pictures. (You just need to help them - first play the game NOTES - PICTURES so that the child gets acquainted with the notes hidden in in simple words: HOUSE, TURNIP. There, he will become acquainted with the sound of notes.).

Older children and adults, while playing, will discover that they HAVE absolute pitch and that this skill is developing - verified!

Of course, someone might say that there are no halftones in the game (more precisely, a full chromatic scale). Yes, the game only includes white piano keys, i.e. in fact, we are in a major (C) or minor (LA) mode... Someone may note that the degrees of the mode and intervals play a role here... Absolutely right! But, start with simple tasks, achieve confident recognition of these notes, and you will take a big step in improving your musical ear. Believe me, you will get great pleasure from discovering that you can identify the name of a note by ear!

Krivopalova L.N.
Piano teacher, Palace of Children and Youth Creativity, Tomsk

The Virartek team expresses its gratitude to Lyubov Nikolaevna Krivopalova, who took an active part in the creation of this game and in its testing. THANK YOU! Good luck to you and your students!

It's hard to find a person who doesn't love music. At the same time, many not only listen to it, but also try to perform their favorite songs. Some people do it almost perfectly, while others are better off never doing it. Moreover, the quality of performance in most cases depends not only on the voice, but also on the musical ear that the singer has. However, how can one determine its presence?

What is absolute musical ear?

Essentially, this is a person’s ability to accurately recognize the pitch of a sound and determine which note it corresponds to, as well as recognize its other characteristics. Some musicians who have poor speech recognition hearing experience amazing ability distinguish sounds and reproduce them accurately. At the same time, any musician knows how to determine the presence of an ear for music. Thanks to this article and tips from the cover band Orange VINIL, you too will know.

Almost all music teachers believe that there are no people who have no ear for music at all, as well as the ability to develop it. It’s just that for most people, voice and hearing are not fully interconnected. At the same time, a true professional musician will differ from a person not associated with music not only in the ability to determine the pitch of a sound, but also in the ability to reproduce it. Although, sometimes even people who are not close to music have excellent inclinations.

Determination methods

To begin with, you can ask a friend to play some melody consisting of several notes. In this case, your task will be to repeat the combination as accurately as possible. It is not necessary to name the notes, because reproducing the exact intonation already says a lot.

If you fail, don't despair. After all, there may be several explanations for incorrect interpretation and recognition of sounds. For example, an acquaintance could perform a melody simply in an uncomfortable position for the examinee. As practice shows, many people without experience in music may not accurately determine pitches outside the range of their voice.

If a friend produces a sound on an instrument that you couldn’t reproduce, don’t worry. Most likely you have an ear for music, but it needs to be coordinated with your voice. A few exercises and the problem will be resolved. Having perfect musical ear initial stage is not a requirement.

If the subject was able to not only determine the pitch of the sound, but also find its musical notation, then this is absolute pitch. Some people are given this type of hearing from birth, while others develop it over the years. At the initial stage, it is even a little more difficult for those with such hearing in terms of recognizing chords, because they hear only a set of different sounds, and only after training “absolute students” can systematize the intonation of various musical chords. Our team has such a unique person, oddly enough, he is a drummer))

Hearing development

It is believed that only a few people have absolute pitch, while others believe that everyone can develop such hearing. The presence or absence of such hearing is not a criterion of a musician’s professionalism. After all, there are a lot wonderful composers, singers, instrumentalists and whole musical groups, who are not the lucky owners of absolute pitch, but this does not prevent them from filling the halls.

Like any human skill, ear for music develops! Try to play yourself the note C or any other note several times every day, and after a couple of months you will be able to identify it without any problems, and after a few more months you can freely play it with your voice. For “absoluteists” this is an innate feeling, but for ordinary people developed.

If you are unable to independently understand what your hearing is capable of, the musical group for a corporate party - Orange VINIL will try to give you some advice and help with this. The band's musicians have music education and will be able to easily determine your abilities and inclinations!

Absolute pitch is the ability not only to hear different sounds and distinguish notes, it is also a whole world inaccessible to the average person. There are not many creatures in nature that have such capabilities, and bats primarily belong to them.

Their absolute hearing helps them see even in pitch darkness through emission and reception, which, after traveling a certain distance, are reflected from objects and return back. This phenomenon has been scientifically defined as acoustic vision; it is the idea behind the film about the blind superhero Daredevil, who, having lost one of his senses, developed the rest.

Why is this necessary? Absolute pitch will give the one who owns it not only the ability to “see blindly,” but will also increase his sensory capabilities significantly. Such a person would be extremely accurate, fast and intelligent as a result of constant processing of auditory information. It's simple.

Development of absolute pitch

There are several techniques through which you can develop these abilities, and now we will talk about one of them. Not long ago, the creator of the world of superheroes, Stan Lee, organized his own group to search for people with unusual abilities, he made a full-fledged film about it.

As it turns out, there are people who can bend metal objects without having huge muscles. A person who can be run over by a car without consequences. A samurai cutting a bullet from an air pistol in half with a sword, and many others. Among them also stood out a man who was blind from birth, but who saw the world around him no worse than any sighted person. He can drive a car and even ride a bicycle on a par with full-fledged people, just from time to time making clicking sounds reminiscent of clicks.

From this we can conclude that ordinary person is able to develop absolute pitch if he trains day after day and deprives himself of vision for several hours by wearing a regular blindfold. Thus, soon the body gets used to using our brain and learns to use no worse than visual images.

The bandage should be made of thick black fabric, preferably with special foam pads over the eyes. The ideal option would be to use a special sleep bandage. At first, do not try to perform too complex actions, just walk around the apartment or in the yard, identifying objects by echoes of sound. In order to make sounds, you will have to choose the best method for you: you can use a stick, a cane, or click your tongue, whichever is more convenient for you.

Development of musical hearing in children

By the way, the same technique will help develop in a child. If we exclude from it music lessons(be it a violin, piano or guitar) factor of vision, the child’s brain will begin to adapt to the conditions external environment, due to which not only musical ear will improve, but also auditory memory, as well as the accuracy of sensory sensations.

So, Andrey, are you planning to enter our music school? - Yes.

Do you have hearing? - Well, we’re somehow carrying on a dialogue...

absolute pitch as a personality quality – with the ability to accurately determine the pitch of sounds without correlating them with other heard or sung sounds that have a known pitch.

One day, an orchestral rehearsal was conducted by a young but overly arrogant conductor who wanted to show off his exceptional hearing and musicality. As soon as the orchestra finishes playing the piece to the middle, the conductor stops the musicians with a mannered gesture: “Second oboe, I ask you in tutti in the fifth number to play your phrase a little quieter and more coherently: ta-ta-ta... All over again!” We started again, got carried away, sped up - and the conductor again knocked on the music stand with his daddy: - Violas, attention, you have F-A notes in the sixth number. Play them with subtle accents!
The orchestra is playing - they stop him again. Finally, the musicians got tired of this, and the drummer, in a general pianissimo, hit the big drum as hard as he could. The maestro blinked his eyes in surprise and asked:- Who did this?

Absolute pitch is a rare personality quality. One in ten thousand people has it. This ability is more common among musicians: the ratio is approximately 1:100. Among famous musicians having absolute pitch - Mozart and Beethoven

TO characteristic features absolute pitch should be attributed to: its low prevalence; finding it in childhood; ease and secrecy from observing the process of its formation and development; the existence of two types of absolute hearing: passive and active; multiplicity and dispersion of the magnitude of errors in sound recognition; short duration of the sound recognition reaction; low pitch sensitivity; presence of 12 identification standards. Some of the features of absolute pitch were explained by the innate nature of this ability. The other remained without explanation.

— They say that your son has perfect pitch. - Yes, he can use the sounds of the keys of a mobile phone, intercom and ATM
identify any combination of numbers.

IN music conservatories In Japan, approximately 70% of musicians have perfect pitch. Perhaps such a large process is explained by the fact that absolute pitch is more common among people who grew up in an environment with tonal languages ​​(Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese). Absolute pitch is also more common in people who are born blind, have William's syndrome, or have autism.

It's dusk, the rain is pouring. Otters whistle along the surrounding streams. And Sergeich may be a novice in hunting, but he has an absolute ear for music. He began to whistle. Timidly at first. And when the otters began to respond, he went wild - just an alpha male. - Don't whistle! - the hunters advised gloomily. But he didn’t listen. The next morning we saw gutted backpacks. The otters ate all the butter. Everyone has. But only one backpack was crap. Sergeich...

Musician Georgy Baranov expresses an interesting idea: supposedlyabsolute hearing is a serious pathology. Typically found in pianists who are constantly locked to 440 Hz. If the adjusters work normally, this is an occupational disease that greatly complicates the life of its owner. Much more often, musicians simply “show off”: “You know, I have an absolute!” Some even reach the point of complete, absolute insanity, claiming that they have “innate absolute pitch”!

To understand how ridiculous and ridiculous these statements are, it is enough to take into account just a couple of points: the historical moment - the note “A” 300 years ago sounded much lower, then it gradually rose; the geographical moment - in some countries there is a different standard “A” - 435 Hz, and in some halls in America - pianos are set on the contrary, they are tuned higher. Absolute pitch - develops as a result of binding the sound-pitch system to a certain frequency - for example, 440 Hz. These are unhappy people. When they find themselves in some school or club with an out-of-tune piano, they experience real physical torment. But, thank God, there are not so many such people. There are much more pontjars, following the lead of a common misconception, everywhere hastening to proudly declare - “I am an absoluteist.”

It's simple. A normal musician has relative hearing and is able to instantly build a pitch system from any “A” and feel comfortable in this system. That's it. The rest is from the evil one.

One man writes: “U I have one friend, he studies at music college, he has perfect pitch. This is a gift, and it really, to some extent, prevents him from perceiving not only music, but also other sounds compared to how other people perceive them. Because of what he knows musical notation, he perceives all sounds and music from the point of view of music theory. He immediately isolates notes, motives, phrases, etc. His brain, instead of enjoying the music, begins to analyze it, because of this, he cannot fully enjoy it. He hears on what note the steamship whistle blows, and how the mosquito squeaks at the beginning of the forest and at the end, hears on what note the cartridge creaks when a light bulb is screwed into it.”

Jokes on topic. YoungGeorgians enter the Tbilisi Conservatory. Everyone who needs money has already been given. He passes all exams successfully. Solfeggio remains. They tell him: “It’s quite simple.” We press a key on the piano and you guess. He turns away from the examiners, listens to the note he plays, then points his finger at one of the teachers:- You pressed!

A man gets a job at a conservatory. They listened to him - everything is fine! His command of the instrument is excellent, his pitch is perfect, he plays impressively, in general - the dream of any orchestra. They say: “Great, we’ll process you.” What's your last name? - Ivanov - Ivanov? Hmm... Strange... What about the name? - Ivan - Ivan?!! Amazing, incomprehensible... What about your middle name? — Moiseevich — Oh, how deep talent can be buried.

Entrance exams to the school named after. Gnessins... -So you came to enter the GNESSIN school with the last name IVANOV? - Yes. - Iraida Archibaldovna, write down - Ivanov. Write it down with a PENCIL! What's your name, young man? - Husein - HUSEIN? ! - That's what Husein - MODEST MUSORGSKY himself touched this music stand. MODEST, Huseyn, do you understand? Modest! Tsitsak von Mitsatsyan himself walked imposingly along these corridors! ..What do you want to play, Guseyn Ivanov? — On the cello. - On the violon-WHAT? Can you imagine, in organ hall Evelina Rudolfovna will announce: Franz Liszt, 13th suite, at the cello - Huseyn IVANOV?!!! Are you even gay? - No!! ! - (with feeling) What do you hope for, young man?!!! Well, never mind, let's give the boy one last chance. What's your middle name? - Appolinarievich! - THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE BOY! Where do you live, O son of the glorious Appolinarius? - In Khimki. - OUT! Get out of art! And pick up Evdoksia Markelovna in the corridor too...

Petr Kovalev 2015

Absolute pitch is a special way of perceiving sounds. A person with absolute pitch determines the frequency of a sound without comparing it with others, without singing them to himself. This quality distinguishes absolute pitch from relative hearing, in which a person identifies a sound by comparing it with others.

Absolute translated from the Latin absolutes means “unlimited”. There are passive and active absolute pitch.

With passive absolute pitch, a person easily determines the pitch of a musical sound, but is unable to reproduce it with his voice. Active absolute pitch does not have such a limitation; the owner of this quality can identify the sound and sing with his voice.

People with active absolute pitch - absolutes - differ from each other in the speed of identification, the frequency range of perception of sounds, and the ability to identify sounds of different sound timbres.

Features of the sound range

A person distinguishes sound vibrations in the frequency range from 16 Hz to 20,000 Hz. High frequency sounds in in full perceived in childhood; with age, the upper limit decreases.

A person with absolute pitch perceives sounds in the normal range, but has the ability to accurately distinguish sounds of different frequencies, not over the entire range of audible sound vibrations, but in a certain area.

The highest accuracy of sound recognition corresponds to the middle register, decreasing towards the edges of the frequency range.

The middle register includes the small, first, and second octaves. The speech range also lies in the middle register, the middle part of the range is the first octave.

Sound standard

In 1939, at the International Conference in London, a standard for tuning was adopted musical instruments all over the world. The standard of sound, by which all musicians in the world still compare their actions today, is the sound of the note “A”, corresponding to a frequency of 440 Hz.

Pseudo-absolute, harmonic, inner hearing

In addition to absolute pitch, there is pseudo-absolute pitch. In this method of sound recognition, a person compares external sound with the sound of his own voice. The reference for determining the sound can be the highest or lowest sound of your own voice.

Another feature of people with absolute pitch is the ability to recognize sounds when they sound simultaneously. This kind of hearing is called harmonic. Absolutists accurately name the number of sounds in a harmonic chord and recognize each of them.

It is important for a musician to have not only good absolute and relative perception of sounds, but also developed internal hearing.

This quality is based on musical experience, the ability to think in musical images, to imagine the harmony of a musical work as a whole.

Inner hearing is based on musical talent and improves throughout life. Such famous composers, like Beethoven, Smetana, who suffered from deafness at the end of their lives, wrote music using exclusively their inner hearing.

Absolute pitch and musical ability

The absolute ability to recognize sound frequencies is always innate, but in order for it to manifest itself, a person must first hear sounds. The frequency of a heard sound is stored in memory without changes throughout life. W. A. ​​Mozart is considered the first known absolutist.

With age, absolute pitch is not lost, but according to some data, it improves. The innate ability of absolute recognition of sounds occurs with an average frequency of 1: 10,000. Among professional musicians, this ability is noted more often, in approximately one in several dozen people.

The number of absolutes is higher among peoples with tonal languages. These languages ​​include Japanese and Vietnamese.

The inhabitants of these countries are musical, love and understand music. However, the number of composers in these countries is on average no higher than in European countries.

The fact is that absolute pitch is not a guarantee of musical talent. By analogy with literature, it is not enough to recognize colors to draw, or to know letters to become a writer.

Is it possible to achieve absolute pitch through training?

An absolute speaker differs from a person with a relative ear for music in the ability to retain the frequency of sound in memory. The external sound entering the auditory analyzer is compared with the frequencies available in the absolute memory and the closest value is selected.

Absolutely perfect external sound is difficult to achieve. In fact, even the standard note “A” is not reproduced at a frequency of 440 Hz, but with a slight error. The error range or pitch zone is 435-445 Hz.

With special training, an ordinary person, if desired, can get as close as possible to the ability to distinguish sounds with absolute accuracy.

Perhaps not everyone will be able to achieve the speed of recognition and accuracy of sound determination characteristic of absolute pitch, but everyone can bring their musical ear closer to the desired ideal.

A prerequisite for starting classes must be the presence of a relative ear for music. This method of sound recognition can be developed to perfection and correspond to the level of absolute sound recognition.

There are special programs - Ear Power, Earope - that allow you to improve your hearing on your own. Those wishing to improve their absolute pitch are offered courses where, under the guidance of a trainer, they learn step by step the skill of recognizing musical sounds.

Known large number successful, outstanding composers who did not have absolute pitch from birth and honed their skills in professional activities.

Disadvantages of absolute pitch

Outstanding qualities do not always bring only one benefit to the owner. Absolute pitch in ordinary life even creates some inconvenience.

Thus, absolutes hear any false note. Dissonance hurts the ear, distracts, and brings a hint of displeasure to classes. Absolute pitch detects false notes in the sound of an orchestra at a concert, church singing in a temple, and the sounds of ordinary singing in karaoke cause shock.

In addition, pure absolute pitch without developed relative pitch will allow a person to sight-play complex musical works, ideal for tuning instruments, but will not allow you to write music. A person with absolute pitch but undeveloped relative pitch perceives musical sounds separately, does not feel their mutual attraction and harmony.

Absolute pitch is discovered when playing music, trains and develops throughout life, and does not weaken with age. Musical ability Human skills consist of the ability to accurately distinguish the pitch of a sound, the ability to determine the timbre, duration, relative height and intensity of sounds.