Outline of a lesson in mathematics (preparatory group) on the topic: Summary of GCD on mathematical development in the preparatory group on the topic: “Solving simple arithmetic problems.” Summary of game nodes in mathematics for children of the preparatory group

Summary of GCD on mathematical development in the preparatory school group



    consolidate the ability to navigate on a plane;

    consolidate the ability to classify sets according to three properties: color, shape, size.


    develop the skill of numerical counting within 20;

    develop logical thinking, the ability to find similarities and differences;

    develop visual attention, gross and fine motor skills, creative imagination;

    encourage the child's desire to express his thoughts and judgments using precise, clear speech.


    maintain interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical content, show persistence, determination, imagination, intelligence, analytical perception, and mutual assistance.

Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale Geese-swans", conversation with the teacher, based on a fairy tale.


    multimedia equipment,

    tape recorder,

    three hoops (red, green, yellow),

    educational and game manual “Blocks of Dienesh”,

    diagrams of signs and symbols indicating the properties of objects;

    pictures of apples different forms both size and color,

    digital “Yes - no”,

    pictures (apple tree, river, hedgehog, stove),

    landscape sheet with dots numbered in ascending order for the game exercise “Connect the dots”,

    flat apples with examples for the game exercise “Collect apples”,

    LGEUBESDIY card,

    counting sticks,

  • checkered leaves, pencils.

GCD move:

1. Organizational moment:

Children enter the group together with the teacher, stand on the carpet around the teacher.

2. Motivational part

Educator:- Today we have a big journey ahead with adventures, with tasks for ingenuity and ingenuity. And a fairy tale will help us with this. You will find out its name if you read all the red letters first and then the black letters.

LGEUBESDII - “Geese-swans”

3. Main part

Educator:- I suggest you start your journey... Where does the fairy tale begin? How many swan geese were there? - Attention. Riddle in verse:

Two geese are flying above us,

Two geese behind the clouds.

Three went down the stream.

How many geese were there? (Seven)

Let's make up the number 7 from two smaller numbers, that's it possible options. 6 and 1; 5 and 2; 4 and Z; Z and 4; 2 and 5; 1 and 6.

Educator:- Let's go back to the fairy tale. A girl came running and looked - there was no brother. The girl ran to look for her brother, runs and sees... And what she saw, you will find out if you correctly connect the numbers from 1 to 12 (Children connect)

Educator:- That's right, STOVE. Stove, stove, tell me, where did the geese and swans fly?

Stove:- Take out the pies and count how many of them I have baked? And the game “Yes-No” will help me with this.

Rules of the game:

The teacher lays out cards with numbers 1-9 on the table in a row and thinks of a number.

Children guess it by asking questions that can be answered “Yes” or “No.”

Educator:- Now let’s imagine that there are a lot of pies and they are in the form geometric shapes.
Place the pies in three baskets (in the first basket - all round ones, in the second - all
yellow, in the third - large figures).

A game is played with “Dienesh Blocks”, children arrange the figures into three hoops.

Educator:- The stove showed the girl the way. And now I’ll show you the way, and you’ll remember
it, and then lay out the same road using counting sticks, taking into account the color and quantity.

    How many sticks are green?

    How much red?

    How many sticks should you take?

Educator:- The girl ran along the path and suddenly saw an APPLE TREE.

“Apple tree, apple tree, where did the geese and swans fly?” - asks the girl. Complete my task, then I will tell you.

Task: Collect apples in a basket according to the diagrams that are on the table. Children use the diagrams to find apple shapes and put them in a basket (on one apple there is an example, on the other there is an answer; you need to choose the apples correctly).


Hands raised and waved -

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shaken -

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands to the sides, smoothly -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We’ll also show you how they sit down:

The wings were folded back.

    River, river, where did the geese and swans fly? - asked the girl.

    I'll tell you when you draw the river bed. And graphic dictation will help with this.

From the point 3 cells down and 3 cells to the right, 2 cells down and 2 to the right, 4 down and 1
right, 1 up and 1 right, 1 up and 1 right, 2 up and 2 right, 2 up and 5 left.

Educator:- The river showed the way to Baba Yaga’s hut. Now, children, you have to help the girl Alyonushka take Ivanushka from home Baba Yaga. How can this be done?

Expected children's answers:

1. Scare Baba Yaga by dressing like her.

2. Cure from anger.

3. Invite someone to stay.

4. Invite her to become a person.

4. Final part

Alyonushka freed her brother, and they ran home. Parents came from the city, brought gifts to the children and to you for helping Alyonushka cope with all the tasks.

Target: Continue to form elementary mathematical concepts.


Educational: Improve counting skills within 10. Compare objects by length. Improve knowledge about geometric shapes. Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. Reinforce knowledge about the sequence of days of the week and parts of the day. Develop cooperation skills in the classroom, develop self-esteem skills.

Educational: To develop children's attention, logical thinking, imagination, curiosity, and mutual assistance.

Educational: Bring up cognitive interest to mathematics.

Integration of educational areas:Cognitive development,social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development.

Preliminary work with children:Guessing riddles individual lessons didactic game"Week" game exercise“Complete the drawing.”

Demo material:Petals of seven colors, trailers of different lengths, flower vases, flowers, a ball, a chest.

Handout:sets of geometric shapes, envelopes with a set of numbers, cards for graphic dictation, an envelope with a set of Tsvetikov-Semitsvetikov.

GCD move

Children and their teacher stand in a circle.

The sun rose a long time ago,

He looked into our window.

Gathered all the friends in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

We'll go right now

Now let's go left

Let's gather in the center of the circle,

And we will all return to our place.

Let's smile, wink,

Let's go travel.

Children perform exercises in accordance with the text.

Educator: Today I invite you to go on a journey. And the journey will not be simple, but magical. Far, far away there is fairyland, it grows there extraordinary flower, he can fulfill any wish. What kind of flower do you think this is?

Children: This is Tsvetik-Semitsvetik.

Educator: That's right, Tsvetik-Semitsvetik. One day a mischievous wind burst into that country and scattered the petals magic flower. Would you like to have such a flower? (Children's answers).

Let us then hit the road and collect all the petals of the magic flower. But the path will not be easy. Are you ready (children's answers)

I see that you are ready to travel.

We need to hit the road.

Gain some wisdom, some sense,

Find all the petals,

To make a wish.

And guess what we will go on - guess the riddle.

The brothers are ready to visit,

Caught on each other

And they rushed off on a long journey,

They just left the beep.

Children: This is a train.

Educator: That's right, it's a train. Let's get our train ready and hit the road. Here are the carriages in front of you, they need to be arranged from shortest to longest.

— How many cars does the train have?

- What is the order of blue?

— What color is the carriage between red and yellow?

- What is the order of the green carriage?

Educator: Well done, children! You completed the task. Now it's time to hit the road.

Look left and right

Name what you see!

Anything can happen along the way

You have to be careful.

We will succeed,

It will be great!

Educator: Oh, look, here is the first petal. What color is it?

Children: The petal is red.

The trailers are funny

They run, run, run.

Their round wheels

Everything is knock, yes, knock, yes.

Breathing exercises.Children make the sound - tu-tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Educator : Look what a beautiful flower meadow. I suggest you pick three flowers and put in vases the same number of flowers as the number written on the vase.

(Children collect flowers and put them in vases, notice an orange petal among the flowers)

Children: Look, here's another petal - orange.

Educator: Great guys, we already have two petals.

There's a swamp on the way

The guys can't get through here!

We need to build a bridge

So that we can get there.

Didactic game “Bridge of geometric shapes”

Children continue the logical chain of geometric shapes. Each person is given sets of geometric shapes that the children need to sort out. Children place their narrow bridges side by side to create a wide bridge. Each child has his own version of the logical chain.

Children build a bridge and find a third one - yellow petal.

Educator: Children, the wind is starting to blow again.

Wind, wind, blow harder to make it more fun

Come on, wind, don’t yawn, it’s better to play with us.

Ball game “Throw - catch, name quickly”

The teacher throws a ball to the children and asks a question.

— We sleep at night, and do exercises….(in the morning)

— The sun is shining during the day. And the moon... (at night)

— When do your moms and dads come home from work? (In the evening)

- We have dinner in the evening, and sleep... (at night)

— What day of the week is it today? (Wednesday)

— What day of the week was yesterday? (Tuesday)

— What is the name of the first working day? (Monday)

— What are the days off called? (Saturday, Sunday)

Educator: Children, look, while we were playing, the wind brought us another petal. What color is it?

Children: Green petal.

Educator: Oh, hear, someone is arguing. Yes, these are bunnies, each of them has a number and they need to stand in order. They can't figure it out.

Children, can you help them? (Children's answers)

Each child receives an envelope with a set of bunnies with numbers from 1 to 10 and they are laid out in order on the table.

Get to work, guys, quickly -

In one of the envelopes the children find another petal. blue color.

Educator: Children, who can count how many petals we have already found?

Children: We found five petals.

Educator: How many petals does Tsvetik - Seven-Tsvetik have?

Children: Tsvetik - Semitsvetik has only seven petals.

Educator: So how many more petals do we need to find?

Children: We need to find two more petals.

Educator: Let's go further to a magical land.

Look how fun it is in this clearing, how many animals, birds and insects there are.

There are ideas and tasks, games, jokes, everything for you!

We wish you good luck - good luck to your work!

Mathematical riddles.

With your nose in the air

The hare was carrying six carrots,

Stumbled and fell -

I lost two carrots.

How many carrots does the hare have left? (4)

Nine bees arrive in the garden

One of them sat down on the flowerbed,

Everyone else is through the garden

They hurry to their apiary.

So how many bees are flying out of the garden?

Three bunnies, five hedgehogs

They go together to kindergarten.

How many kids are there in the garden?(8)

Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother.

Five crows sat on the roof,

Two more flew to them,

Answer quickly and boldly:

How many of them arrived? (7)

Educator: And here is another petal. He flew to this clearing. What color is he?

Children: Blue petal.

Educator: Children, how many petals are we still missing?

Children: We are missing one petal, purple.

Educator: Children, look, there’s another chest here. How can we open it?

Children: You need to find the key and open the chest.

What a miracle, miracles:

One hand and two hands!

Here is the right palm,

Here is the left palm!

And I’ll tell you without hiding -

Everyone needs hands, friends.

Graphic dictation “Key”

8 cells to the right, 2 - up, 4 - right, 5 - down, 4 - left, 2 - up, 4 - left, 3 - down, 1 - left, 1 - up, 1 - left, 1 - down, 1 - left, 3 – up, 1 – left, 1 – up.

Educator: Now we have found the key, we can open the chest.

Children open the chest and find the last one there. purple petal.

They put all the petals together into Tsvetik - Seven Tsvetik.

Educator : So we found all the petals. Look, there’s another envelope in the chest here, what could it be there?

Children take out an envelope and find a magic flower for each child. Now each of you has a Tsvetik - Semitsvetik, you can make your deepest wishes.

Educator: Children, did you enjoy our trip? (Children's answers)

What did you enjoy most about your trip? (Children's answers)

What task was the most difficult for you? (Children's answers)

Thank you. You know so much, you were attentive, smart, and helped each other, which is why you coped so well with all the tasks that we encountered during the trip. I think you will always try so hard.

State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 9 of a combined type, Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

Summary of GCD

in mathematics in the preparatory group

« Fun math»

Compiled by:

Afanasyeva V.G.


Topic: Number 7 and its composition, orientation on a sheet of paper, orientation in time, logic problems with mathematical content, comparing two numbers.

Secure forward counting to 10, reverse counting from 10 to 0;
- consolidate ideas about the number series, be able to name the neighbors of the number, the next and previous number. -introduce the formation of the number 7; - strengthen decision-making skills simple examples for addition and subtraction;
- consolidate the ability to solve logical problems based on visually perceived information;
- consolidate knowledge about the days of the week, spring months;
- develop the ability to understand the task and solve it independently;
- be able to compare two numbers using signs. - develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Material: ICT, presentation, task cards, coin cards different colors, checkered sheets of paper, cards with numbers, musical accompaniment.

Lesson plan.

I. Introductory part.

II. Main part.

D/i “The numbers are lost.”

Logical problem “Which figure is the odd one in the row?”

Logic problems are jokes.

Physical exercise.

Introduce the number 7. Learn to form the number 7 from two smaller numbers.

Solving examples on addition and subtraction.

Finger gymnastics.

Graphic dictation.

III. The final part.

Summing up the lesson.

Progress of the lesson.

Hello guys, let's stand in a circle and greet each other. Let's turn to the right and smile at the neighbor, and now turn to the left and smile at the neighbor on the left. Now let's all say it together


(1 slide. An image of Dunno appears on the ICT, who says:

“Dear guys, I went to school, and in order to study well at school, you need to know a lot, be able to, think, guess. And also solve unusual problems, perform tasks for ingenuity and ingenuity. They ask me so many things, but there is no one to help... Help me, please.”

Guys, let's help Dunno.

1 task. Answer the questions:

2 slide. Image of spring.

What time of year? (spring)

Name the spring months (March, April, May)

What month is it now? (March)

How many days are there in a week? (seven)

Name them;

What day of the week is it today? (Thursday)

What Thursday is it? (fourth)

What day of the week was yesterday? (Wednesday)

What day of the week will it be tomorrow? (Friday)

Task 2. - Guys, Dunno invites us to play the game “The Numbers Are Lost”

3 slide. The numbers are scattered...

Invite the children to come to the board and move the numbers into place...

Count in order, and now in reverse order.

Name the previous and next number, numbers 5,7,9,8,

compare numbers 5 and 3;

Compare the numbers 4 and 4;

What are the numbers? (even and odd)

You completed the task.

3 task. Solve the logical problem “Which figure is the odd one in the row?”

4 slide. Shown are 2 rows of geometric shapes)

Which figure is the odd one out, why do you think so?

You also completed this Dunno task.

4 task. “Friends, all the previous logical problems were serious, but there are also problems that are jokes. Be careful and you will definitely cope with them.”

5 slide. Game "Tasks - Traps".

The teacher reads the problems, the children answer and explain.

Here comes the bear

He leads his cubs.

How many animals are there in total?

Count it quickly! (3)

Here are the mushrooms on the lawn

They are wearing yellow caps.

2 mushrooms, 3 mushrooms.

How long will it be together?..? (5)

Eight squirrel tails were peeking out of the hollow. How many baby squirrels were sitting in the hollow? (8)

There were 5 apples and 3 pears hanging on the apple tree. How many fruits were hanging on the apple tree? (5 apples)

There are 3 tulips and 4 daffodils in a vase. How many tulips are in the vase? (3 tulips)

The long-awaited winter has arrived. First, 1 apple tree bloomed, and then 3 more plum trees. How many trees bloomed? (trees do not bloom in winter).

The chair has 4 legs. How many legs do 2 chairs have? (8 legs)

V. - Well done! Having solved all the problems...

Physical exercise. “Charging” on ICT sounds cheerful music

Once - bend over, straighten up.

Two - bend over, stretch.

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

Four means wider hands.

Five, six - sit down quietly.

Task 5. What is the composition of the number 7?

6 slide. Picture of a cinema.

To answer this question from Dunno, today we will get acquainted with the composition of the number 7.

Dunno needs to buy a ticket - it costs 7 coins. There are cards on the table with circles of two colors on them. - these are coins. Match the coins so that you have 7 coins. (Children work with cards and show the result)

Questions for children:

Lay out all the variations of the number seven in order on your tables.

Once the children have finished, ask them again to tell how the number seven can be made from two smaller numbers.

Well done! Thank you! From what two numbers can you get the number 7?

6+1, 5+2, 4+3 and 7 units)

Well done, now Dunno will definitely get into the movies!

Task 6. Solve examples

Slide 7 Examples are written on the board; ask students to solve the examples orally.

5+2=? 3+4=? 9+1=?

8-1=? 6-3+? 7-2=?

Finger gymnastics.

Somehow a little boa constrictor
I wanted to crawl under the closet
He stretched out under the closet,
And then he curled up into a ball.

Task 7. And now Dunno has prepared a graphic dictation for you.

8 slide. Image of Dunno, he reads the task, and the children complete it while sitting in their seats.

Place a pencil on a dot and draw: seven cells to the right, three cells down, seven cells to the left, three cells up.

Look and compare your drawing with the sample

Slide 9 An image of a rectangle appears on the ICT

Educator: Well done, guys!

Reflection: -So you have completed all Dunno’s tasks. What new have we learned today? What tasks did you perform? (children's answers).

Abstract of educational activities for mathematical development in the preparatory school group “Sea Voyage”.

Educator: Samosudova T.V.

Tasks: Continue to develop constructive thinking in children, teach them to build complex geometric shapes according to a given pattern. Continue to practice counting within 20 in forward and reverse order, in the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 20. Consolidate children’s knowledge of the composition of numbers within 10 of two smaller numbers. To consolidate children's knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, seasons, months of the year. Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a square. Develop independence, the ability to understand and accept a learning task and carry it out independently. Cultivate interest in mathematical tasks.

Preliminary work: Guessing riddles, solving logical and constructive problems, observing the calendar, individual work with children on the development of mathematical concepts.

Demo material: Telegram, rebus, long rope, castle illustration, castle, chest with books, cup, glass, cereal.

Handout: Cards with tasks and number houses, envelopes with geometric shapes, cups, cereals, cords.


Org moment.

Educator: Guys, this morning we received a telegram from the Fairy from the Land of Mathematics: “Dear children, I invite you to travel across the sea to the island of wonders in search of treasures. They are waiting for you on the way interesting tasks. You will have to show your knowledge, skills, intelligence and ingenuity. I wish you good luck!”

Educator: Before traveling, you need to warm up.

Let's do a warm-up: If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair? (below the table).

If the road is wider than the path, then is it a path? (already roads).

If a ruler is longer than a pencil, then is it a pencil? (shorter than a ruler).

If a rope is thicker than a thread, then is it a thread? (thinner than a ruler).

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother? (younger than sister).

Educator: Well done! The team is ready. What are we going to sail on?

Children: We need to build a ship.

Educator: take the geometric shapes out of the envelopes.

How many geometric shapes do you have?

How many triangles do you have?

How many quadrilaterals do you have?

Educator: Let's start construction.

(Children work at tables. According to a given pattern, they assemble a ship from geometric shapes).

Educator: Well done! So the magic ship is ready. You turned out to be skilled builders, let's go. Prepare the control panels. Let's start the countdown.

(Children show and name numbers from 1 to 20 and back).

Educator: And now we are already at sea. (The phone rings. The teacher “accepts” the message).

Educator: Children, I received a message from another ship. Listen carefully:

“This is such a gimmick -

Our ship ran aground

And the sailors all week

Caramel ate aground"

The sailors need to eat something more nutritious for lunch, for example, porridge. But the trouble is, their scales are broken, and the cook cannot find out how much cereal to take. Help him. We have bags in which you need to pour two large glasses of cereal. But, unfortunately, there is only one large glass, but in front of each there is a small cup. Two such cups make a glass.

(The teacher demonstrates that 1 glass holds 2 small cups of cereal. Children complete the task independently).

Educator: Well done guys. Other ships are also rushing towards our ship. They will deliver the cereal to them. And we move on.

Oh, the fog of time has fallen on the sea. To get out of the fog, you need to answer the questions:

How many days were the sailors stranded? (7).

Why do you think so? (There are 7 days in a week).

What day of the week is today?

What day of the week was yesterday?

What day of the week will it be tomorrow?

What day of the week is between Monday and Wednesday?

Educator: I will name the day of the week, and you answer what it is (Thursday, Friday, Tuesday).

How many seasons do you know?

Physical exercise.

There are four seasons in a year, and they are all friendly.

Guys should know these four times!

The year begins in winter, everything is covered with snow.

In the spring it continues, leaves appear.

In summer the sun warms and the leaves turn green.

In autumn the foliage turns yellow, and the wind scatters it across the fields.

And after autumn, winter will continue again for a year.

Educator: How many months are there in each season? (Children's answers).

Name the autumn, winter, spring, summer months.

What time of year is it now? What month is it now?

Well done, we are moving forward quickly. We are already at the island. We must drop anchor. But it is not known whether the anchor chain is enough to hook the anchor to the bottom?

(Children receive cords of the same length, but different measurements are used to measure them. Each one has a card indicating the required number of measurements).

How many times did you measure the length of the chain? Why did it work out? different numbers? (Children answer).

Educator: Well done guys. Look, extraordinary flowers grow on the island. On each flower there is a task, riddles of the Fairy. Guys, let's solve the riddles:

    Grandmother Dasha has a granddaughter Masha,

Fluff the cat, Druzhok the dog.

How many grandchildren does grandma have? (1).

    There are 4 birds sitting on a tree: 2 sparrows, the rest are crows. How many crows? (2).

Educator: The Fairy's next task is to help the residents of Chislograd. The houses in this city are unusual: on each floor there are neighboring numbers, which add up to the number of the house. Populate the houses with numbers. (In the house of the number “6” there are pairs: 1 and 5, 2 and 4, 3 and 3).

Educator: We completed another Fairy task and found ourselves in front of the castle. Where should we look for treasures? After all, the castle is so big. The rebus will help us with this, let's decipher it. (rebus “PO 2 L” - basement).

That's right, guys, but the door to the basement is guarded by an invisible guard, we need to find out who this guard is and name him.

Mathematical dictation:

2- up 6- right 3- down

2- right 2- up 1- left 1- left

    up 1- right 3- up 3- down

    right 8- down 4- left 1- left

    up 1- left 3- down 6- up

    right 3- up 1- left 2- left

4- down 1- left 3- up

Educator: Who guards the castle? (Dog).

You coped with a difficult task because you were persistent, attentive, and friendly. I'm proud of you! All that remains is to open the door, but there is a lock on the door. We need to figure out the lock code. If you add 2 to the intended number, you get 8. What is the code for the door lock? (Number 6).

Bottom line.

Educator: Well done! We open the chest, and there are books on mathematics in it. These are very important books. Using them you will learn to solve problems and examples. We completed all the tasks and found the treasure. The fairy thanks you for good game. It's time for us to go to kindergarten. Take the controls and let's count down from 20 to 1. Close your eyes. So we returned to our group. Well done to all of you!

Summary of GCD on mathematical development in the preparatory group

On the topic: “Solving simple arithmetic problems"

Target: Formation of initial mathematical knowledge.

Training tasks:

  • Continue to learn how to compose simple arithmetic problems and write down their solutions using numbers.
  • Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, seasons, months of the year.
  • Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a square.
  • Strengthen the ability to compare numbers and arrange the right sign"more", "less", "equal"

Developmental tasks:

  • Create conditions for development logical thinking, intelligence, attention.
  • Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.
  • Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.

Educational tasks:

  • Develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently.
  • Cultivate interest in mathematical studies.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational point:

Q: Guys, we have guests today. Let's welcome them.

(The teacher and children stand in a circle)

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other

One palm, two palms

Three, four stomp your foot

We live together in a group

We are always waiting for all guests

ӀӀ. Psychological attitude

- Thanks, guys! Let's hope that the mood of our guests has improved, and they will be happy to watch our work and rejoice at your success.

IN . - Guys, we have a guest today, this is the funny Pinocchio

Malvina asked homework Pinocchio, but he doesn’t know how to deal with him. So he came to us for help. Do you agree to help him? D: Yes
IN: For each completed task, Pinocchio will give you a letter, from which you can then make a word.

IN: The first task is called “Think and Answer.” Now I will ask you questions, and you must try to answer them quickly.

How many days are there in a week?

How many seasons do you know?

What is the first month of the year?

How many months are there in a year?

How many angles are there in a square?(4)

How many tails do five cows have?(5)

How many paws do two geese have?(4)

How many ears do three mice have?

If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil?...(shorter than the ruler)

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair?...(Below the table)

IN: Well done! You all answered quickly and correctly. We completed the first task. And for this Pinocchio gives you the first letter. What is the name of this letter?

O.D: Letter "SH". (I put it on the board).

IN: To complete the second task, I suggest going to the tables.

IN: Guys, there are checkered sheets of paper in front of you.

Now we will write a graphic dictation with you. And you will see who will succeed when you complete the task.

IN: Place a pencil on the red dot. From the red dot to the right 2 cells, 4 cells down, 1 cell to the right, 2 cells up, 1 cell to the right, 1 cell up, 4 cells to the right, 1 cell down, 1 cell to the right, 3 cells down, 1 cell to left, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 4 cells left, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 1 cell left, 3 cells up, 1 cell left, 2 cells up .

IN: What did you get?

O.D: We got a turtle. What was the turtle's name?

IN: Well done. And we helped Buratino cope with this task. For this task you receive the next letter. What is the name of this letter?

O,.D: This is the letter “K”.

IN: In the next task, Pinocchio asks us to compose and solve a problem.

IN: How many bullfinches are sitting on a branch?

O,D: 4 bullfinches are sitting on a branch.

IN: More bullfinches flew to them. (Exhibiting)

How many bullfinches arrived?

O.D: 3 more bullfinches arrived.

IN: Pinocchio asks you to create a problem about bullfinches. What is the condition of the problem?

O.D: There were 4 bullfinches sitting on a branch and 3 more bullfinches flew to them.

IN: Have a question for the problem?

O.D: How many bullfinches were on the branch?

IN: Well done! Tanya, repeat the completed task again.

IN: Solve the problem using counting sticks of two colors

(Post the task yourself)

IN: How many sticks will we put in at the beginning? Why?

O,D: 4 . Because there were 4 bullfinches sitting on a branch.

IN: And then how many sticks did you put in? Why?

O.D: 3. Because so many bullfinches flew to them.

IN: Are there more or fewer bullfinches on the branch?

O.D: More.

IN: Why? How did you decide?

O.D: 4+3=7

IN: So what is the answer to the problem?

O.V: 7 bullfinches sat on a branch

V. Well done! Vitya, go to the board and solve this problem using numbers. The problem was solved. For this, Pinocchio gives us another letter. What is this letter called?

O.D: letter “O”,

IN: You did a good job. And now I suggest you rest a little.

Fizminutka “Come on, don’t be lazy!”

Hands up and hands down.
Come on, don't be lazy!

Make your swings clearer, sharper,
Train your shoulders better.
Body to the right, body to the left –
We need to stretch our backs.
We will make turns
And help with your hands.
I stand on one leg
And I’ll fit the other one,
And now alternately
I'll raise my knees.
Relaxed and refreshed
And they sat down again.

IN: To get another letter you need to complete the following task. Be careful! Pinocchio suggests comparing the numbers and putting the correct sign.

Q: You have cards on the tables, you need to put the signs “more than”, “less than”, “equals”. You complete this task yourself

Q: And Igor and Lera will decide numeric expressions at the blackboard. Then we will compare them. Let's start the task.

5…6 10…9 5…9
6…6 2…8 10…3 (work at a table)

IN: You see Pinocchio, how smart our children are, it’s not for nothing that you turned to us for help. Well done! for this Pinocchio gives you another letter. What letter is it?

O.D: Letter “L”

IN: To get the last letter we must complete the “Geometric Dictation”

IN: Everyone has a geometric figure on their table.

IN : Now you yourself choose a place for your figure on the flannelgraph. At the same time, naming the size and color of your figure and the place where you will leave it

IN: Which place do you choose Nikita?

R: Upper left corner.

IN: Where do you want to place your figure Tanya.

R: In the middle of the sheet.

(If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher suggests: “Maybe your figure will take place in the middle of the bottom edge”)

IN: Well done! Pinocchio gives us the last letter. What is the name of this letter?

O.D: Letter “A”

So we helped Pinocchio complete all the tasks. What word did you get? SCHOOL. Well done. Re

IN: Buratino thanks us for our help with his homework.

Do you remember what tasks you performed? Which task did you like the most? How well Lera and Igor did at the board. Masha answered clearly and correctly

I also say thank you. You guys did a very good job today. And for this Pinocchio gives you these badges.

Look what is written here? (wise men and women)