Virgo woman: who is she and what kind of man does she need? Zodiac sign Virgo woman: characteristics and general information

The zodiac sign undoubtedly influences the character of the person who was born in the days of its influence. Virgo is no exception; this sign gives its “wards” a sharp mind, love of purity, prudence, seriousness and a desire for self-improvement.

Many are interested in the characteristics of the Virgo woman zodiac signs, and this is not in vain, since such representatives of the fairer sex are distinguished by natural beauty, gentleness of character, a certain romance, special tenderness and devotion. Only among representatives of this sign can one observe an organic combination of practicality and romantic nature.

Since women of the Virgo sign have a highly developed intellect, they will be critical of the people and events around them all their lives. But, if you look at this ability of theirs from the other side, the sharpness and logic of their mind, as well as a rare ability for in-depth analysis, combined with excellent observation, make these women indispensable advisers. Moreover, you need to remember that the Virgo woman can lend a helping hand even in very difficult and confusing situations.

A Virgo woman is a wonderful and sometimes irreplaceable employee. Everyone appreciates her punctuality, composure, accuracy in doing business, criticality and great hard work. With all this, she longs to achieve perfection, so she cannot be seen bored and sitting idle. Virgos take their work very seriously and responsibly and demand the same from other employees.

Virgo women are extremely irritated by unkempt and vulgar people with bad manners and swear words. Absolutely each of them, with great pleasure, would force everyone to learn by heart the famous expression of A.P. Chekhov, the essence of which is that absolutely everything in a person should be beautiful. In the event that in at least one of the points of ideality someone does not live up to her requirements, a woman under the sign of Virgo will immediately attack such an unlucky person with criticism. It is quite fair to say that sarcastic statements are quite common and normal for her.

Although Virgos can be considered very self-critical women. And at the same time, Virgos believe that a portion of self-criticism is quite enough for them, and therefore other people do not have the slightest right to criticize and condemn their shortcomings. Therefore, even the smallest remarks hit their pride hard, because Virgo is already constantly worried about the insufficiency of their own perfection.

Virgo is a zodiac sign that endows women with self-criticism and modesty. Its representatives cannot stand any extravagant antics, public speaking, and do not like public swearing or showdowns.

You can never expect scenes of jealousy from a Virgo Woman, and all because by their nature they are not at all jealous, and are also extremely secretive and will never allow hysterics in public. Virgo herself will never give her lover a reason to doubt her own devotion.

Zodiac sign Virgo woman hates gossip and gossips, and they are not afraid that someone will slander her behind her back. A woman of the Virgo sign can easily give birth to children without entering into official marriage, or initiate a divorce if he considers his marriage unsuccessful. Such actions for Virgos are not at all shocking or something out of the ordinary, but a completely normal continuation of a relationship in which the Virgo woman is sincere and open. Such openness and honesty in relationships for Virgos carries much more weight than someone else's gossip.

The Virgo woman can quite seriously be called an excellent wife and an excellent housewife. She knows how to create coziness and comfort in the house. Thanks to extreme frugality and practicality, women of this sign never spend money on luxury items and various useless trinkets. Although even the most ordinary items in their home are chosen with good taste. Their entire life is set up in such a way that things are convenient, useful and completely harmless to health.

Virgo women are true guardians of family health; they always take care of the well-being of their loved ones. They prepare only tasty and healthy food. In addition, women of this sign are well versed in beneficial properties herbs and immediately use them to prevent or treat diseases.

Virgo usually gives birth to one. or a maximum of two children who are always well-groomed and neat. Her children are usually well-mannered, hardworking and skillful. Which doesn’t really surprise others, since they take an example from their mother, who does her best to instill in them all the most valuable, from her point of view, qualities. Virgo mothers are demanding and strict, but their children never complain about a lack of love and care.

For a spouse, the savvy Virgo will always find good advice, and will also help to the best of his ability, and will do it very tactfully, so that the man’s pride does not suffer. Thanks to her sensitive guidance, her husband will never get into an adventure.

Violent, wild passions are alien to virgin women. They attract men with their extraordinary tenderness and affection. These are very sensual women who are quite sincerely offended if their tender impulses encounter a wall of coldness and misunderstanding. The anticipation of physical intimacy excites them very much and during sex they behave very relaxed, not listening to reason and do not have complexes at all.

Conquering a Woman under the sign of Virgo is not difficult. It is enough to have the slightest skills of etiquette, speak politely and not remain callous to the problems that concern her. This woman can become real guiding star for the man who loves her.

Virgo gives women who were born between mid-September and the 20th of October considerable femininity, tenderness, tact, intelligence and straightforwardness. These are faithful life partners, good mothers and caring daughters.

Virgo woman horoscope

Virgo woman: appearance

Virgo woman - behavior characteristics

Intellectual, owner logical thinking and a keen analytical mind, Virgo can become an excellent adviser to others. She is ready to help in situations when others give up. At the same time, such a woman does not try to shine in public - she is generally not inclined to stand out from the crowd. Public opinion and her mood are not a guide to action for her; she lives in accordance with her inner convictions, and does not like to pretend and be a hypocrite. Communicating with her is not always easy, because she is very demanding and critical. You have to be perfect so that she doesn’t make at least a couple of sarcastic remarks about you. As the horoscope assures, the Virgo woman especially does not like people who have bad manners, express themselves illiterately or use swear words, and do not take care of their appearance.

Zodiac sign Virgo - woman in work and career

Work is of great, if not paramount, importance for Virgo women. As a rule, in this regard, they are always given clear life goals. At the same time, they tend to underestimate themselves and suffer from an inferiority complex, which prevents them from finding positions that they deserve thanks to their brilliant intellect and many other advantages. The Virgo woman is an excellent worker because she is critical, including of herself, hardworking, concentrated, neat, punctual, and focused on better results. It is difficult to catch her idle; moreover, among women of this sign, real workaholics are more often found than others. One can only dream of such conscientious performers as the Virgo woman.

Virgo woman in love

Virgo's reason in the overwhelming majority of cases takes precedence over emotions - in any case, representatives of the sign strive for this. It is difficult for them to reveal their feelings in front of the stronger sex, so relationships are often complicated by mutual misunderstanding. Men like Virgos for their calmness, tenderness, femininity, and affection. They themselves, in turn, are often “strange little animals” for Virgo women, which must first be carefully studied, observed, and only then allowed in. Such a woman continues to remain secretive even after she develops feelings for someone. A man must have a number of undeniable advantages for a woman of this zodiac sign to choose him.

Virgo woman in sex

The Virgo woman’s temperament cannot be called ardent; it is difficult for her to relax in bed; she is afraid of losing control over herself, her behavior and over everything that happens. A representative of this zodiac sign will never allow a man to cross the line of what is permitted by her, and even the most unbridled passion will not force her to move this bar one iota. However, in sex, a Virgo woman can open up to her partner from an unexpected side. What in her opinion is appropriate and acceptable in bed, she can perform this “obligatory program” so masterfully that the man will receive great pleasure and only then will he understand that, in fact, there was nothing special. But if he thinks that next time he will be able to realize his wilder dreams in bed with a Virgo woman, then he is deeply mistaken.

Virgo woman in marriage

Among such women you can find many old maids, since their choice of a life partner is especially lengthy and scrupulous. But if Virgo chose someone over all other men and her own loneliness, she is able to make this person truly happy, giving herself to him alone with all her soul and body. She is able to flirt with men without going beyond certain limits, quite strict ones at that, she always condemns women who cheat on their husbands. Virgo “grounds” the spouse, does not allow him to get involved in any adventure, but at the same time encourages the desire to move up the professional and social ladder. In her person, the husband finds an excellent adviser, but, at the same time, a witty critic. Her other half will have no reason to be jealous, and it’s hard to imagine Virgo herself making such a scene. By nature, she is less jealous than representatives of many other signs and is also secretive.

Zodiac signs: Virgo woman - mistress of the house

She can be called an excellent housewife, in whose house constant cleanliness reigns. All things lie strictly in their designated places, which is why Virgo’s home sometimes gives the impression of being uninhabited. You can hardly find luxury items or beautiful trinkets in it, but such a woman can create a completely cozy interior even from the simplest and most ordinary items. In addition, she tries to arrange the family’s life so that everything is as convenient, useful, and does not cause harm to health. Virgo women tend to treat their own well-being and that of their household members with special trepidation, so they try to prepare not just tasty, but also healthy food. The house of a Virgo woman always smells pleasantly of cooked food, flowers, etc., and in general her home makes an extremely favorable impression.

Characteristics of a Virgo woman - mother

The maternal instinct of the Virgo woman is not as developed as that of representatives of many other signs. Usually it is limited to the birth of one child, less often two, and treats upbringing with extreme responsibility. The character of the Virgo woman forces her to take parental responsibilities so seriously that she experiences constant anxiety, including about reasons that parents of other zodiac signs are not likely to worry about. Virgos focus on fostering hard work, good habits, on the intellectual What to give a Virgo woman

A Virgo woman will always have gifts such as Appliances(including small ones), various devices that make housekeeping easier and save time, for example, a multicooker, blender, electronic Notebook and so on. You can also give smaller things, but they must be useful, stylish and of very high quality, since people of this zodiac sign cannot be denied good taste. A branded pen, an originally designed flash card, a business card holder, an elegant mirror, a comfortable bag, a beautiful case for a mobile phone - such offerings may not be appreciated by representatives of other signs, but not by Virgo, who pays a lot of attention to any little things. A gift for a Virgo woman should be personalized, and if you intend to give something for your home, you need to be sure that the item will organically fit into the interior carefully thought out by the owner of the house.

From August 24 to September 23, the Sun is in the sign of Virgo, covering the period of “Indian summer”, a time of fertility and a generous autumn harvest. All these natural processes are also reflected in the character of Virgo women, endowing them with femininity, charm, practicality, and foresight. The fact that the representatives of this sign belong to the earth element gives them “groundedness” – solidity, stability, reliability.

Mercury is considered the patron planet of all Virgos. His influence endows this sign with high intelligence and extraordinary analytical abilities.

Talisman stones have an effect on Virgos depending on their date of birth:

  • Agate (femininity), carnelian (trust), lapis lazuli (calmness), rock crystal (power of suggestion) are ideal for Virgo women born between August 24 and September 2.
  • Amethyst (peace), chrysoprase (prosperity), onyx (determination), pearl (femininity) - from September 3 to 11.
  • Topaz (optimism), emerald (intuition), sapphire (wisdom) - from September 12 to 23.
Virgos are also favorably affected by:

– numbers: 3, 5 (all numbers divisible by 5), 6, 12 (all multiples of 12), 20, 27;
– day: Wednesday;
– colors: purple, green, white, blue;
– flowers: aster, poppies, coltsfoot.


The Virgo woman is one of the most complex and rich signs zodiac circle. They are like cats torn between fear and curiosity. On the one hand, they are characterized by caution, a tendency to foresee and calculate everything, think logically and predetermine the development of events. On the other hand, they are inquisitive, impressionable and conceal within themselves that same “pool” that no one will ever suspect of being “devils”. The combination of such contradictory qualities in one character makes Virgos interesting, attractive and mysterious to others. Virgo women are a mystery that you want to solve forever.


Among the main advantages of Virgo, it is worth noting high intelligence and a sharp mind. She is used to not relying on the opinion of the majority, but to drawing her own conclusions from the situation, based on experience and common sense. The Virgo woman is the personification of responsibility. She is also modest - she does not like to be in the public eye. This is not a bright leader, but a reliable and hardworking assistant, a reinforced concrete support in any endeavor.


Virgo is a sign of extremes, when the need for order develops into manic pedantry, petty hoarding into great collecting, and cleanliness reaches pathological sterility. Also, Virgo women often overestimate the criterion of “significance”: they exhaust themselves with perfection and do not forgive the shortcomings of those close to them. Among the qualities that irritate them most are uncleanliness, foul language, and indecisiveness. Excessively high living standards sometimes make them hermits, narrowing the already narrow circle of friends and people whom Virgo women are ready to trust.

What qualities should be developed

Many Virgo women lack lightness, passion and healthy adventurism. It seems impossible for them to develop this in themselves. But not everything is so hopeless. If Virgos are unable to change themselves, they should be taken on by friends who have the above qualities. Virgo women will absorb these traits into themselves if the main condition is met - competent persuasion. Unfortunately, the most difficult thing in communicating with them is to find arguments that Virgo’s deep analytical mind will not reject.

What does a Virgo woman love?

Order - in thoughts, in deeds, in the house. The Virgo woman’s home looks as if no one lives there - each thing is strictly assigned an individual place, and dust and dirt seem to bypass this house of exemplary order. If guests appear in it, which, by the way, most Virgos love to receive, then it is better for them not to violate the sterility, otherwise the Virgos are unlikely to call you again.

Virgos feel calm and balanced when everyone plays by their rules. They love to teach, mentor, correct and teach life. And they do it so talentedly that everyone either does not notice their delicate manipulations, or is so deeply imbued with respect for these intelligent scholars that they do not dare to contradict them. In any case, communicating with a Virgo woman of this type brings moral and aesthetic pleasure.

What the Virgo woman doesn't like

“Everything in a person should be beautiful!” - this is the main motto of Virgo women striving for perfection. They cannot tolerate sloppiness, vulgarity, profanity, gossip, bad taste, bad manners and especially stupidity. If such a “misunderstanding” comes into their field of contact with the outside world, Virgo will either arrogantly ignore it or mercilessly criticize it, since criticism is her true natural element, and not the Earth at all. Joke. It should be noted that although she is a strict, but fair judge. But it’s better not to criticize Virgo herself. She doesn't like it and won't allow it. Virgo women are well aware of their shortcomings and work diligently on them.

How to win a Virgo woman

Virgos are the most unpredictable sign in love. Their feelings are always on the verge between ice and fire, and one can never predict which of the elements she needs at this particular moment and from this particular partner. Virgo women are dual and contradictory. However, this is how Virgos are seen by men who do not want or are afraid to touch their depths. female soul. This is where the true paradise is. The coldness of many Virgo women is just a mask behind which they hide impressionability, unbridled passion and sexuality.

What prevents Virgos from finding female happiness is their penchant for analytics and excessive pickiness. Only a man who can captivate, intoxicate, and bewitch her, and thereby turn off a deep analysis of what is happening in her head, can catch a representative of this sign in his net.

This can be found among Capricorns, Taurus, Libra, Scorpios, Leo and Cancer. There is practically no chance for Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces to conquer the obstinate soul of the Virgo woman.

Love and marriage

Virgo women consider love to be a disease that the mind must cure. They are simply afraid of deep feelings, since they will have to let a man into the depths of their mind with all the vices lurking there, which the true Virgo herself fears. But the lucky one who still manages to remove the “armor” of such a lady will be the envy of even the most unshakable bachelors, because Virgos are the best of the best wives!

Passion and sex for Virgo women are also not an empty phrase, although they sometimes seem like prudes. But this does not apply to all representatives of the sign. Virgo lovers are divided into three categories. First: affectionate, gentle, caring cat. Second: passionate Lolita, dressed in monastic outfits. Third: “bluestocking” or “old maid”, even if she is not old. But there are Virgo women who miraculously combine all three characteristics, and which one will manifest itself depends on the man.

Work and career

Virgo women prepare for a thorough choice of profession from early youth. They believe that the main thing is what determines happy life- calling. If a woman finds herself in a profession and makes it her favorite pastime, she doesn’t have to worry about her future in any area of ​​life.

The desire for excellence, the ability to concentrate on little things, responsibility, a sharp mind, deep analysis and the ability to foresee the steps of people connected with Virgos through working relationships open up great opportunities for them.

Virgos are inherently loners, and in their work they also strive for positions in which they can be responsible for themselves, for their successes or for their failures. However, this does not exclude their ability to work in a team and find mutual language with employees. Virgo women are good in any working role. They are strict and fair with subordinates, correct with senior management, conscientious with partners and prudent with competitors.

Suitable profession

Virgo women are impeccable in any profession that they consider an extension of themselves. They reach great heights or simply feel in their place in professions related to medicine and helping people: pharmacists, nutritionists, social workers, psychologists, opticians. They make excellent accountants, archive workers, linguists, librarians, operators - professions where you need to sift through huge layers of information and prevent the loss of important data. A Virgo woman will be successful if she decides to move to a farm or open her own business.

Increased attention to detail, accuracy and the ability to concentrate allows Virgo women to work with precise mechanisms, chemicals and drugs. Virgos make excellent critics, proofreaders and reviewers. Sometimes the need of women of this sign for harmony and subtle interweaving with the energies of nature, the world and the Universe forces them to choose creative professions(for example: writer, actor, musician, artist, designer).


The health of Virgo women is far from ideal. They often feel unbalanced, tired, weak, and sick. Sometimes you can find Virgos with underdeveloped lungs and muscles with low tone. However main problem All representatives of this sign are intestines. Constipation, colitis, enterocolitis, appendicitis, dysentery, indigestion, poisoning are frequent “guests” in the body of a Virgo woman. But despite all this, she is the happy owner of a first-class nervous system, capable of balancing all internal processes.

Prolonged problems with the intestines often cause spasms, the origin of which may be associated with anxiety, worries, and worries. And this turns out to be a vicious circle in which the first generates the second and vice versa. If Virgos follow such preventive measures as good nutrition, timely rest, regular walks, giving up empty worries and stool control, you won’t have to worry too much about your health.

How to raise a Virgo girl child?

Girls of this sign rarely bring their parents big problems. They With early years They know how to organize their leisure time, they are neat, responsible, they love to learn and teach others. Virgo girls are endowed with curiosity and observation, they know how to look at things critically and question the stereotypes imposed by society. They love to fantasize and create inner worlds into which they are in no hurry to invite outsiders because they are afraid of criticism and misunderstanding. Unfortunately, this can cause them to become alienated and withdrawn.

A lot of attention should be paid to Virgo preschoolers. At this age they determine the quality outside world and his attitude towards them. It is better if already during this period of life the girl is familiar with various areas of children's activities and employment.

Interests and development of talents are the main core of little Virgos. Most of them have a subtle nature and a highly organized soul. They are drawn to beauty and demand vivid impressions from life. Often Virgo girls are overly impressionable and sensitive to the mood of others.

Rational and outwardly unapproachable Virgos are considered the embodiment of femininity. This zodiac sign is a symbol of purity and natural beauty. Who suits the Virgo woman's horoscope? What character traits predominate in representatives of this sign? Astrology helps to understand these issues.

Characteristics of the sign

A woman born under the auspices of Virgo is a modest person who deeply hides her emotions. At first glance it may seem that the lady is cold, but in fact a hurricane of passions is raging inside her.

Virgo women are wonderful housewives, faithful wives. However, ladies often get married at a more mature age. Despite the abundance of suitors, Virgos remain alone for a long time, carefully choosing their life partner. Most of them believe that marriages are made in heaven. That is, they rarely marry for convenience or based solely on sympathy. For them, marriage is a union of two sincerely loving hearts.

Who suits the Virgo woman's horoscope? Ladies born under the constellation Virgo prefer smart and interesting men with good manners. Loving and appreciating the truth, they will never tolerate lies, even the most harmless ones. Of all the 12 signs, Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer and Capricorn are most suitable for Virgo.


Charm stones for the 6th zodiac sign are selected according to the date of birth. From August 24 to September 2, Virgo is ruled by the Sun. Women born during this period are considered conservatives. They perceive any changes in life critically. Virgos whose date of birth falls in this time period are suitable for:

  • jasper;
  • cornelian;
  • agate;
  • rhinestone;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • Moonstone;
  • aventurine;
  • malachite;
  • amethyst;
  • nephritis.

The sign is ruled by Venus from 3.09 to 11.09. Virgo women whose birthday fell during this time period are characterized as secretive and meek individuals. The most important thing for them is integrity inner world. The following stones are suitable for Venusian Virgos:

  • chalcedony;
  • quartz;
  • heliotrope;
  • jade;
  • chrysoprase;
  • sardonyx;
  • onyx;
  • citrine;
  • pearl.

The third decade of the sign is ruled by Mercury. Ladies born from September 13 to September 23 are considered shy and silent. The following stones are suitable for them:

  • topaz;
  • emerald;
  • pomegranate;
  • sapphire;
  • chrysolite.

with other signs

Who suits the Virgo woman's horoscope? Emotionally, Virgos are a little withdrawn and stingy with their feelings, which is why they choose partners like themselves. The excessive emotionality of Aries and Leo exhausts Virgos, and the talkativeness of Gemini irritates them.

A union with Aquarius, Libra and Pisces is doomed from the very beginning. Here Virgo will suffer, not understanding why men take advantage of her. Obeying the ability of the above signs to ingratiate themselves, Virgo temporarily stops thinking logically and succumbs to emotions. The result is disappointment in partners.

The relationship between two Virgos can only last for a long time in the form of friendship. A love relationship between two identical signs falls apart if at least one of them gets bored. Despite the fact that Virgo is considered one of the most calm and reasonable signs, she constantly strives to experience new emotions.

Who suits the Virgo woman's horoscope? The sign can create a strong union with Capricorn and Taurus.

Relationship between Virgo woman and Capricorn man

Capricorn men are prone to hysterics, and in Virgos they see a person who can help them overcome Negative influence own "I". For Capricorn, the Virgo woman is a psychologist who understands and accepts him for who he is. Emotionally, which sign suits the Virgo woman? The horoscope knows that this is Capricorn. Only in a relationship with him can Virgo take the reins of power into her own hands. She likes to gently guide him, and she feels his psychological dependence.

Relationship between a Virgo woman and a Taurus man

Who suits the Virgo woman according to the horoscope in material terms? Taurus is a fundamentalist. His prudence, thirst for accumulation and increase in material wealth brings the scrupulous Virgo to ecstasy. Subject to joint management household the couple will live in abundance.

Intimate life for both signs is considered a secondary point in the relationship. The main thing for them is the kinship of souls.

Relationship between Virgo woman and Cancer man

In Virgo, Cancer will see a caring mother, trying to please him in everything. The two of them will be calm and comfortable together. Virgo will become the leader in their relationship; she will guide the actions of Cancer. The latter, in turn, will not resist this and will trust Virgo to manage the family budget.

Relationship between Virgo woman and Scorpio man

Who suits the Virgo woman according to the horoscope exactly? He is handsome, charming and passionate lover Scorpion. Their attraction to each other is like magic, they are unable to resist it.

In her intimate life, Virgo will have to learn to liberate herself, otherwise she risks losing her lover. However, despite outward shyness and hypocrisy, Virgo can do whatever he wants (within reason) to satisfy her beloved man.

For Scorpio, Virgo is a quiet abode, a cozy fireplace that warms both the soul and the heart. His constant desire to protect the weak will be satisfied here. But for a harmonious union, Scorpio should learn to accept Virgo’s silence and detachment.

Virgo is considered an intellectual and practical sign. For beautiful representatives, an analytical mind and the ability to calculate everything in advance do not always bring happiness. Virgo woman loves order in all areas of her life. She's a fan of lists, plans and schedules. Not everyone is able to withstand such a pace, especially since Virgo is demanding not only of herself, but also of everyone around her.

Representatives of this zodiac sign have a rather modest character. They are not interested in relaxing in crowded places; they would prefer a quiet dinner with their family. The sign has a hard time getting along with people: a strong desire for justice, frankness and straightforwardness do not contribute to the appearance of many friends. But those who are ready to put up with Virgo’s demanding nature will find in her the most faithful friend.

Characteristics of a Virgo woman

This zodiac sign is not used to giving in to problems; his sharp mind finds a way out of any situation. Moreover, she is ready to try not only for herself, but also for other people. Of course, not selfishly. Virgo loves comfort, she has the character of a materialist who clearly understands that you have to pay for everything.

Virgo's complex character is explained by her inability to lie, play around and find a compromise. This zodiac sign is accustomed to telling the truth, even if it harms their career or relationships. The Virgo woman is very principled; it is unpleasant for her to communicate with boors, lazy people or dirty people.

Appearance and health

The modest Virgo exudes calm and confidence. Her appearance is always impeccable: there is not a stain on her clothes, perfectly styled hair and neat makeup. The Virgo girl does not like bright colors in her wardrobe, so she complements her outfit with expertly selected accessories. At first glance, the representative of this sign seems like a gray mouse. But if you look closely, you can easily discern royal chic and nobility in her.

Virgo's health is negatively affected by her self-criticism. Nervousness has a bad effect on the digestive and cardiovascular systems of representatives of the zodiac sign. They often have headaches and may develop pulmonary diseases. They are simply obsessed with cleanliness, hygiene and disease prevention. Sometimes this reaches the point of obsessive states, which a psychologist can help cope with. Virgo usually retains her attractive appearance and slender figure for a long time.

Attitude to work and career

The character of Virgo makes representatives of the sign one of the most hardworking and disciplined workers. They are result-oriented and always know what they want and how to achieve it. Virgo is suitable for professions related to large volumes information, databases and documents. She is not late, does everything on time and very efficiently.

Virgo according to the zodiac sign could fly to the top in a few years career ladder. But excessive self-criticism and perfectionism become a hindrance. Virgo – good performer, but as a boss she tortures herself and her subordinates with checks and overtime. Employers adore employees with this zodiac sign: they are ready to work around the clock for the success of their business.

Behavior in love

How does Virgo’s complex character manifest itself in love? Representatives of this zodiac sign are very feminine and affectionate, but despite this it is difficult for them to find a common language with men. In love, these women are very careful, always trying to keep their feelings under the control of their minds. They do not show emotions, they do not like to talk about what they feel, so it is not easy for a man to understand his beloved.

A girl born under the sign of Virgo is endowed with a soft, kind, vulnerable character. She is sensitive, gentle, looking for her prince, always focusing on the ideal, knowing specifically what her man should be like. Virgo is inclined to write poems about love, dream of kisses under the moon, walks under the stars. A dreamer, she looks at the world through the eyes of a child, a little girl. Expects protection, security and comfort from a man.

In love, this zodiac sign is overly picky. Such exactingness often leads to Virgo not finding a mate or getting married several times. You need to be the perfect man to win the love of a Virgo woman. But even in this case, she is in no hurry to admit her feelings. A Virgo in love, even in sex, remains herself: strict, secretive and honest.

Virgo's reserved character does not allow her to liberate herself in love and sex. The constant desire to control everything and the fear of making a mistake often prevent representatives of this zodiac sign from enjoying intimate relationships. But what does not contradict Virgo’s principles, she will do “excellently”. It’s the same in love: its manifestations will not violate the moral standards and personal beliefs of Virgo. In sex, the sign rather fulfills a duty, so a man will have to try hard to awaken a woman in Virgo.

Family behavior

As in love, in marriage Virgo often has many problems communicating with her partner. It's hard for her to choose ideal man, and the other simply won’t suit such a practical sign. But loving wife Virgo will be a real reward for her husband. The devoted character of the representative of this zodiac sign and integrity in all areas of life make her a faithful friend, adviser and support to her loved one.

In order not to miss an important component family life Virgo needs to add romance and love to her daily communication with her husband. The sign has another huge plus: Virgos are practically not jealous and do not make scenes. Another one positive characteristic sign - loyalty and devotion to your family.

Virgo is a wonderful housewife; her house is always clean and cozy. The sign strives for a comfortable life, so it chooses comfortable housing, high-quality furniture and appliances. Virgo mother teaches her children and husband to maintain cleanliness and adhere to family traditions.

Women of this zodiac sign can be called mother hens, vigilantly guarding their chicks. The Virgo mother is very responsible about upbringing, so she does not dare to give birth to many children. Her family has one, maximum two children. But from birth they receive all the best. True, the sign requires much more from them than the mothers of other zodiac signs.

Virgo mother’s upbringing focuses on the formation of healthy habits and the children receiving a quality education. Virgo is worried about proper nutrition, about grades and good behavior. But she is very stingy in showing emotions. The child often feels unloved, lacks maternal affection and kind words. During adolescence, this can lead to conflicts with parents.

Virgo is sometimes overly protective of her children. They always have the cleanest hands and are vaccinated on time. For her child, the representative of this zodiac sign is ready to destroy the whole world into dust. She protects the child from everything in the world, while limiting his personal space. Virgo does not allow even mature children to make their own decisions.