Why do you dream about fresh flowers? Extraordinary fresh flowers. Interpretation of dreams. Why do you dream of fresh flowers: interpretation

In the lives of each of us there have been moments of admiring living nature. Every girl loves to receive flowers as a gift, but why dream of fresh flowers? What does this dream symbolize?

Why do you dream of fresh flowers - the main interpretation

Live nature, like fresh flowers, mean harmony with yourself, harmony with the world around you. In the classical interpretation fresh flowers symbolize the rise of a person’s energy, which will allow him to achieve much more than what he expected. Beauty and success will come into his life. But when it comes to wildflowers- such a dream promises sorrows and troubles.

To a young girl great amount you may dream of fresh flowers, as a symbol that she hopes for the beginning of a new and very successful relationship. But it is worth assessing your strengths and not plunging into the world of illusions, so as not to miss your happiness in reality.

If the flowers are bright and colorful– a lot of emotions and impressions await you. You may also acquire something very useful in the near future. If you see a lot of flowers in the garden, a lot of pleasure awaits you; such a dream foreshadows a new meeting for you. If you were walking with someone in the garden, take a closer look at this person, perhaps feelings for you have arisen in him.

If the flowers fade and dry, a streak of troubles and losses has begun in your life;

White flowers - to sadness and disappointment;

Planting flowers - to wisdom and prudence;

If you pick fresh flowers in a dream, you will become wiser and more meaningful;

Weaving a wreath of fresh flowers means creating a family and great joy;

If you prick your hand on thorns, it’s time to think about the possibility of betrayal;

To see in a dream many different fresh flowers given to you - you will be in demand among the opposite sex.

Why do you dream of fresh flowers according to Velesov’s small dream book?

The small Veles dream book says:

Dreaming of fresh flowers means joy and celebration;

Seeing fresh flowers on the window means trouble;

If flowers bloom on the street, but at the wrong time of year - to illness, disappointment, waste of money;

Picking flowers means happiness and good luck;

Planting flowers means trouble;

Watering flowers means joy in the house;

Yellow flowers - to obstacles and difficulties;

Red - for wedding and prosperity;

Fading flowers - to danger;

Decorating your head with fresh flowers means success in business;

Seeing a fresh bouquet is a sign of joy and happiness;

Putting flowers in a bouquet means good news and news;

If there is dew on the flowers, the matter will end in failure.

It is also important to remember what emotions accompanied the dream, at what time of year you saw fresh flowers, and what feelings contact with them caused you. In some dreams, flowers talk. They talk a lot and ask questions. You shouldn’t be afraid of such dreams, they simply symbolize your desire to communicate and reveal your hidden blocks and fears.

Why do you dream about fresh flowers according to the esoteric dream book?

The esoteric dream book says why you dream of fresh flowers:

To great joy and love in your home;

If they begin to fade, the romance comes to an end;

If a girl is given several fresh flowers in one pot, she will stand in front of difficult choice;

If the flowers grew on unfertile soil, this means sadness and deception in love; optimism and a positive attitude will help cope with grief in this situation;

Blooming roses symbolize strong love and long-lasting family happiness;

If a girl cuts roses, she will be offered marriage;

Blooming poppies dream of lust and sexual pleasure;

Blooming daisies symbolize timid and innocent love;

Chrysanthemums in a dream symbolize the memory of past love;

Lilies in a dream speak of imminent separation;

If a young girl cuts lilies in a dream, such a dream may indicate the imminent death of her lover;

Blooming daisies symbolize happiness and harmony;

If the bouquet of daisies fades almost immediately, you will be disappointed in your other half;

Snowdrops are dreamed of as a symbol of the first true love and a symbol of mental torment;

The lotus is considered a sacred flower that opens the path to enlightenment.

Why do you dream of fresh flowers according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says why you dream about fresh flowers - you dream about them as a symbol of unfading love and energy-filled love relationships. Of course, it matters what kind of flowers appeared to you in a dream.

If a man dreams of a bush of red roses– in reality he will be tormented by women’s reproaches and jealousy. If a woman has such a dream, she will become a participant in a major scandal. If a young girl dreams of a snowdrop that has just broken through the snow, true, pure feelings await her.

Tulips in a dream, both men and women are promised strong and fulfilling relationships. For couples who were in a quarrel, they promise a truce. If tulips yellow color– a disagreement between partners is possible.

Wildflowers dreamed by a girl- they say that she was confused before choosing between several gentlemen. She should take a closer look at the dream, perhaps she was walking with someone among the flowers in her dream. This person should become her chosen one.

If a girl dreams that a stranger gives her fresh flowers- such a dream opens up prospects for her to get a new relationship built on love and trust. If a girl sees a pot of fresh flowers on her windowsill, the relationship is holding her back, she cannot fully develop because of them. It is worth reconsidering your priorities and not giving preference to oppressive men, because freedom in relationships should be mutual.

Carnations that appeared in a dream is a symbol of undying devotion. It is worth considering the fact that similar interpretation only dreams about fresh flowers have, flowers cut in a dream have a different meaning.

If you give someone a fresh flower– you will give the person a chance to rehabilitate himself in your eyes. If your entire home is furnished with fresh flowers, you have enormous authority in it and bring only prosperity and financial success.

For a lonely woman, to see lilies in a dream– to prolonged loneliness and possible depression. If she dreams of chrysanthemums, she will begin to fade and will no longer be able to do what men previously liked. If a lonely woman dreams of a lotus flower, she will become pregnant from a man she doesn’t know well. It is worth listening to this prediction and deciding for yourself whether she is satisfied with this scenario. If a lonely woman dreams of cornflowers, she will soon meet a sweet and affectionate man who will give her unforgettable moments of happiness.

If a lonely man sees a blooming cactus- he will be able to restore the lost relationship quite quickly, and they can already develop into marriage. If you dream that a flower has bloomed that cannot bloom in reality, life will give you hope for resolution. difficult situation.

Why do you dream of fresh flowers according to other dream books?

In Medea's dream book It is said that fresh flowers appear in a dream when a person needs to sort out his feelings. Flowers that are bright and healthy in appearance represent strong and healthy relationships. If the flowers are broken, the spirit of the partners will also be broken. If you dream of a poppy, someone will greatly influence you, someone will impose their ideas on you. Lily of the valley promises the emergence of new feelings. A narcissist in a dream foreshadows an excessive ego, which will in every possible way hinder the emergence of a relationship.

Roses dream of successful love;

Daisies - for small joys;

Exotic flowers dream of a varied intimate life.

IN eastern dream book it is said that it is very important to remember who exactly you were with during your dream when fresh flowers appeared to you. If it was a person close and beloved to you, your relationship will become stronger. If your lover picks fresh flowers in a dream, you should expect disappointment in your relationship with him, since you initially have different life priorities. If your chosen one is full of strength and energetic, but wants to replant the flowers, colossal changes await you in your personal life. You won't change your partner, but the relationship itself will change.

If fresh flowers fade near you- someone was very jealous of you and now your family happiness is in danger. If you meet a stranger among fresh flowers, a new secret relationship awaits you. In any case, the interpretation of dreams in which fresh flowers appear is often positive. Of course, it is more pleasant to look at living plants and flowers, because they will delight the eye for a long time, and in a dream - fresh flowers represent a long and strong relationship.

Thanks to dream books, every person has the opportunity not only to come into contact with mysterious world dreams, but also to understand how to behave in reality, taking into account what you dreamed. Flowers occupy a special place among all symbols and signs. Dream experts say: in general, flowers are a very good sign. But don't rush to conclusions. Despite all positive characteristics, such a dream can warn of various dangers and troubles. We invite you to talk about why you dream about fresh flowers!

Nuances of the dream

It is extremely important to pay attention to details that at first glance seem insignificant. After all, it depends on them what the dream means. So, dreaming buds symbolize unexpected happiness that will fall on the dreamer. But wilted flowers are a sign of illness. What does a dream about fresh flowers in pots symbolize? In dream books you can find information that this is not the most best sign. It indicates your isolation and unsociability. You should communicate with people more often, start trusting others - this will only make life more enjoyable! To dream of a flower standing alone in a vase speaks of the dreamer’s fixation on one person.

Why do people give fresh flowers in bouquets in a dream? This is a wonderful sign! Mystics say: incredible happiness awaits you in love relationships, a long period of pleasure that will bring your loved one. If there is more than one bouquet, then you will be very surrounded good people. Pleasant new acquaintances are possible. Another interpretation option is a meeting with a member of the opposite sex, which will turn into courtship and, perhaps, over time, develop into something more. But withered flowers collected in a bouquet are a sure sign of a crisis in a relationship.

Why do you dream about fresh flowers that you buy for yourself? Dream interpretation experts say: most likely, the dreamer is dishonest with his loved ones, and his conscience is not entirely clear. Such a dream should be taken as a hint to correct behavior!

A blooming garden is a symbol of various pleasures. And night visions, in which there are neat, lush flower beds, indicate an excessive focus on the external.

Caring for flowers, for example planting them in the ground or in a flower pot, is not the most favorable sign. There is a high probability of serious troubles and love dramas. Transplanting flowers from one place to another calls the dreamer to be careful, because there is likely to be a temptation to deceive loved one. In addition, such a dream may indicate betrayal that a person may commit. But caring for flowers is a dream that encourages you to do everything possible to achieve happiness. Cutting daisies, roses and peonies from flower beds is a sign of sincere joy.

And now we propose to talk about why fresh flowers are the most different types!


Summer dream book says - chamomile usually symbolizes colds. In the Old Russian Dream Book you can find information that this wild flower portends annoyance for men, and illness for women. Dreamed daisies have a different meaning in the 21st century Dream Book. Here it is a symbol of small and simple joys that can brighten up everyday life. And daisies are a harbinger of family happiness and family well-being. True, if you pick flowers, then most likely you will be disappointed.

In its turn Esoteric dream book to the question of why daisies are dreamed of, he answers - to hobby! It will bring joy, but it will be short-lived and cannot develop into love.


According to the Bible dream book, fresh flowers, such as chrysanthemums, dreamed of different time years, may have absolutely different meaning. So, in the spring, picking chrysanthemums in a dream means being prematurely confident in your success. In summer, the same night dreams can indicate a search for entertainment. Such a dream, which was seen in the fall, foreshadows pleasant surprises and pleasure, but a dream seen in winter speaks of the unfriendliness and mistrust that the dreamer will soon have to face.

Broken chrysanthemums are a symbol of boredom and bad mood or accidents due to which your wishes will not come true. If in a dream you put these flowers in a vase, a prosperous and calm life awaits you.

If you believe Women's dream book, Natural flowers white- a sign of sadness, loss and trouble. But chrysanthemums of any other color hint at pleasant activities. Compiled by Love dream book They say that chrysanthemums collected in a bouquet can be considered a harbinger of love, which the dreamer will lose due to his carelessness. Chrysanthemums are interpreted and how to receive news from distant acquaintances.


A lotus seen in night dreams symbolizes the beginning of a time extremely favorable for creativity. The astrological dream book interprets such dreams as comprehension of the laws of the world and the achievement of spiritual wisdom.

Why do you dream about fresh lotus flowers? It depends on what exactly you dreamed of. So, picking flowers means you will soon break the law. If the lotuses that you saw grow in the water, then most likely this can be interpreted as the fact that financial interests and spiritual growth in your life are inextricably linked. White lotuses - evidence true love, but red and yellow ones warn of danger - talkers and flatterers may appear on your way!

Girls who care for these flowers in a dream will get married early and divorce very quickly.


According to information from dream books, fresh violet flowers have different meanings if they are dreamed of by representatives of different sexes. So, women see them facing violence, which means that such a dream recommends being as attentive as possible to your own safety. A man who has such a dream should be more attentive to his soulmate: she is sorely lacking in care!

Violets received as a gift are a harbinger major quarrel, which can only be prevented by ignoring the bad mood of a loved one. Most likely, the reason for your partner’s dissatisfaction is hidden in small everyday problems or troubles at work. Therefore, this should be treated with understanding. If in a dream you are given a delicate bouquet of violets, real life you can safely respond to advances. Withered flowers speak of affectionate and tender feelings.


Fresh rose flowers seen in a dream are harbingers of joyful events. They can also be interpreted as the loyalty of your chosen one. But withered roses speak of approaching loneliness.

Seen in a dream rose bush, which has not yet blossomed - a sign material well-being. But a dried plant foreshadows the illness of relatives or other sad events that are about to happen in the dreamer’s life. Lushly blooming Red roses- a symbol of fulfilled hopes. The buds of scarlet roses with which a girl decorates her hair in a dream speak of deception and the destruction of hopes. Dreaming of armfuls of roses has a completely different meaning - they speak of incredible happiness after receiving a marriage proposal from a wonderful man. The scent of roses also predicts joy.

Seeing in a dream beautiful fresh flowers that are given to you in the spring means happiness, and in winter means futile waiting. If the dreamer himself gives roses to someone, most likely this can be interpreted as a long and strong mutual love. Picking roses in a dream means a quick marriage. The meaning of the dream also depends on what color of roses you dream about. So red flowers are a symbol of mutual passion, yellow ones speak of betrayal or fear, scarlet roses are a sure sign of the fulfillment of a cherished desire, and white ones - right choice second half.


A tulip seen during night dreams is a sure sign of your frivolity. Why does a woman dream that she is picking these flowers? It all depends on the time of year when such a dream was seen. For example, in the spring he talks about pleasures, in the summer - about spending time in the company of pleasant people. Picking flowers in a dream in the fall means good news from a loved one, but in winter it means curious and completely unexpected things that you will soon find out. A man who picks tulips in a dream seen in the spring will experience new experiences. The same dream seen in the summer is a sign of strange offers that will soon arrive. Plucked tulips dreamed of in the fall indicate a manifestation of excessive gullibility, and in winter - about participation in an unusual incident.

Planting flowers - symbol pleasant impressions, news that can dispel any sadness.


Lilies are often dreamed of by women who, at the subconscious level, feel guilty of something or have deserved punishment for an offense that caused great harm to loved ones. Therefore, if a girl sees a dream in which she collects lilies or admires them, most likely, deep sadness awaits her.

At the same time, white lilies are a sign of a faithful lily, while colored lilies urge you not to trust what you see. Taking care of these delicate flowers and growing them in your garden is a sign of early marriage, which will end in an equally hasty separation. If a woman buys fresh lily flowers in a dream, she will face loneliness and hopelessness.

Unusual flowers

Unusual flowers, which the dreamer looks at with admiration, are a symbol of fidelity that your soulmate will keep. Seeing unusual living flowers in a dream is a sign of your originality. You should find the qualities in yourself that distinguish you from other people and start developing them!

Flowers - classic version gift for any holiday that any woman is happy about. Why do you dream about fresh flowers?

Bright petals delight the eye with early spring until late autumn, are a symbol of warmth, joy and prosperity.

Potted plants decorate the home and tell us about a good housewife and a favorable atmosphere in the house.

Why do you dream about fresh flowers?? Let's figure it out.

In general, seeing fresh flowers in a dream is a good symbol; it speaks of upcoming joyful events, a long-awaited vacation or holidays, if the plants look good and grow in the garden or flowerbed.

For a girl a dream in which she is caring for a blooming flowerbed is an extremely favorable sign that speaks of her consciousness and concern for the future.

It’s also good to simply look at plants in lush color - in the near future the dreamer will have good luck and “ white stripe" in life. You should rejoice at such a dream, but do not forget to move in the same direction.

For a young man to see a lot of bright, living flowers means to be the life of the party, to meet the hopes of your family, and what is most likely: new romantic relationship, in which the dreamer will have the opportunity to get to know himself from a sensual sexual partner.

Picking flowers in the garden, collecting them in a bouquet for a gift- you will soon receive vivid impressions.

If the flowers have withered due to the onset of autumn, then the dream takes on a completely different meaning - autumn is a transitional stage, preparation for winter, and in life it will bring deliverance from everything unnecessary and experienced, in order to lead to a calm and measured course of events.

For a married woman to see a large number of beautiful flowers - renewal of feelings with your spouse, a sudden change for the better.

In the dreamer’s life, romantic dates will again appear, new emotions will appear, and a “rebirth” of marital relationships will appear.

It is necessary to be open to these changes, as they will bring their own pleasant adjustments to the established order of life. You shouldn’t resist them - it’s only for the better.

Receive a bouquet of fresh flowers as a gift- to unexpected and joyful events. The birth of a grandson or nephew is possible, as well as long-awaited trips and entertainment.

For a man, a dream about fresh flowers speaks about blossoming and fullness of strength, despite age. This is precisely the period when all worries will temporarily subside or become least significant for the dreamer.

So what does it mean - why do you dream of flowers? Women will pay attention to bachelors, among whom there will be exactly the one on whom they want to spend all their time. Married people will look at their spouse differently and appreciate her care and support.

Flowers will bring many new productive ideas to creative dreamers.– you shouldn’t grab everything at once, it’s better to write down and think about each step in order to achieve a good result.

However, the period of inspiration may be short, so you should not indulge in laziness.

Being among the bouquets in the flower pavilion- tendency towards polygamy. The dreamer's amorous affairs are going well, and the dream prophesies good luck in the future.

Children dream of fresh flowers, when the atmosphere in the family is most favorable, and in the future they will have good studies and a career.

Negative interpretation of a dream

Dream and reality are opposite things, and flowers may not always be a positive sign for the dreamer.

Withered petals promise illness and misfortune.

Drying flowers in a bouquet or in a flowerbed - bad sign who suffers the loss of a loved one. This is not necessarily an omen of death, but a serious quarrel and separation is possible.

You should also pay attention to your lifestyle, reconsider your habits and, as they say, get a grip on your head.

Dying plants dream of a series of failures and quarrels, depression and a feeling of powerlessness. The dreamer will have to expend a lot of moral strength to survive this period.

Children have wilted plants in their dreams symbolize discord in the house, nervous disorders and diseases that parents do not pay attention to.

  • Flowers in general (especially white and red) are joy and fun.
  • Planting flowers in a garden bed is something unpleasant.
  • Smelling flowers means loss.
  • Collecting is a joy.
  • Pick a flower - find a friend / take a step towards intimacy, get a kiss, get a date, etc. / secret pleasure to deprive or lose your innocence.
  • Seeing flower buds is good.
  • Wilted flowers are a disease.
  • A lonely flower in a vase is a desirable girl and what happens to her is connected with her.
  • A bouquet of flowers - joy / happiness in love.
  • Making and collecting bouquets are pleasant joys.
  • Many bouquets - a pleasant circle of acquaintances.
  • A faded bouquet means coldness in love or marriage.
  • Seeing flying flowers means some kind of fantastic state caused by dreams, drugs / waking dreams are waiting for you.
  • Flowers sucking blood - deceit on the part of a loved one / danger from excessive joy.
  • Seeing or receiving artificial flowers is a sad event / danger for your life or the life of a loved one.
  • To do them is to weave a lie.
  • Burning them means a desire to decisively break with previous relationships and start a new life.
  • Various plants and flowers in a dream:
  • Astra is a soul attracted to the mysterious, unearthly, otherworldly / something mystical.
  • Velvet flowers are a joy.
  • Black marigolds are a disappointment.
  • Belena is some kind of evil woman/witch.
  • Periwinkle – sincere love of friends / pure love.
  • Cornflower - a change in the soul.
  • Tearing it up means changes in business.
  • Blooming heather - the fulfillment of hopes.
  • Dried - life will require a lot of patience and endurance from you.
  • Hyacinth - pure, unexpected joy/ happiness in love.
  • Datura thickets - you are being deceived.
  • Jasmine – happiness in love / love date / voluptuous desires.
  • Larkspur – loyalty of friends / marriage / gratitude.
  • Irises - a pampered person / languid causeless sadness.
  • To see a lot of irises, iris fields - communication with beauty, life in art.
  • Bathing suit - seduced and deceived female soul/ woman's revenge.
  • Nettle – danger from crafty friends/disease.
  • Tearing it means driving the enemy out of the house/trouble.
  • Eating nettles means misfortune.
  • Planting nettles means associating yourself with a company of scammers.
  • Clover is happiness.
  • Reeds are joy.
  • Cacti in pots - your spiritual callousness, alienation.
  • There are a lot of prickly cacti - evil and bad thoughts prevent you from correctly perceiving reality.
  • Buttercups - treason / betrayal.
  • Collecting them means preparing treason / your thoughts and actions are secretly poisoned by the poison of vice.
  • Quinoa – compassion / poverty / mediocre life.
  • Burdocks - attention, love and affection from a person you dislike.
  • Lily of the valley - good feelings, affection.
  • Dry lily of the valley - you demand too much from life and from others and therefore you are always irritated and dissatisfied.
  • Dry lavender is the same as “dry lily of the valley.”
  • Picking mint means well-being.
  • Seeing poppy seeds, picking them, eating them is a joy.
  • Seeing moss means wealth, joy, success.
  • Forget-me-not is a romantic feeling.
  • To tear it down is a loss.
  • Narcissist – gossip / secret pleasures / proud person.
  • An orchid is something rare, amazing, unique.
  • Primrose – difficult circumstances in relationships with people, especially in love.
  • Sunflower is a great external success, which internally will seem insignificant.
  • Wormwood - sadness, crying.
  • Eating it means illness.
  • Peony - concentration, concentration on one’s condition, intoxication, and above all, intoxication with one’s love and happiness / a person too busy with himself.
  • To pick ferns, to decorate a room with them - to tempt someone, to seduce someone.
  • Fern thickets - gain secret power over a person.
  • Seeing it bloom is happiness, good luck, which imposes a huge responsibility on you.
  • Mignonette - something that has existed in your life for a long time will suddenly open up to you as something new.
  • Rhododendron is a new acquaintance that will quickly disappoint.
  • Chamomile – little joys that brighten up your everyday life / pay attention to your health.
  • Burdock is an obsessive person, he is a nuisance.
  • Lilac – erotic adventure / diseases associated with sexual life.
  • Seeing a tulip means damage from arrogance and swagger.
  • To have a tulip is to deal with an arrogant person / to fall in love without hope.
  • Picking a tulip means achieving a proud and beautiful woman.
  • Violets - fidelity in love / a modest girl / someone who deliberately hides his qualities / do not pass by events without attention.
  • Seeing a chrysanthemum means compassion, someone needs help.
  • Hops - profit, wealth.
  • Chicory is fun.

Many joyful and sad events in life are accompanied by flowers. A bouquet seen in a dream definitely foreshadows changes in life. But what they will be like, and in general, what flowers are meant for in dreams, depends on the details and symbolism of the dream.

Why does a woman dream of flowers - interpretation from dream books

Plants and inflorescences usually appear in people's dreams in spring and summer.

Flowers herald a splash vital energy, heightened feelings, the emergence of unusual desires.

Luxurious bouquets seen in a dream promise changes in financial terms. Perhaps you are waiting for a salary increase, winning the lottery, or a generous gift from a loved one. Modest, gentle compositions promise a quick start to a romantic relationship.

Flowers in dreams:

  • According to the Ayurvedic dream book. Success awaits you in all new endeavors. Even seemingly impossible dreams will come true easily and without special effort from your side. The dream promises great mood, increase in performance.
  • In Miller’s dream book, bright and juicy flowers promise a profitable purchase, a successful deal. White or pink buds predict mental confusion, uncertainty about the right choice, and tossing of the heart.
  • According to Loff's dream book, a cut flower means the secret jealousy of your other half. A plant growing in a pot symbolizes strong love and reliable friendship. If the bud is colored unusual color, which means that an unplanned trip or a memorable surprise awaits you soon.
  • According to Vanga's dream book. You are trying to make sense of the world, to re-evaluate norms and values. There is spiritual enrichment that brings peace and harmony to the heart.

If in a dream you were pricked by a thorn or stem of a rose, you will be subject to the machinations of enemies, gossip and intrigues of colleagues. Perhaps betrayal by a close friend or person you trust endlessly. The dream warns of the danger of concluding dubious transactions.

Seeing real, artificial flowers in a dream

Fresh flowers dream of joyful and good events associated with marriage, the birth of a child, promotion, or acquisition of property. Perhaps a new productive acquaintance awaits you, participation in interesting project or a pleasant business trip.

  • Fresh flowers in buds mean the appearance of an influential admirer, the resumption of a faded romantic relationship, or a marriage proposal.
  • Blooming flowers foreshadow the openness of your soulmate's intentions and loyalty in friendship.
  • Artificial flowers are a bad omen. In reality, sad news awaits you, which may affect your health or financial well-being you or your loved ones. The dream foreshadows the insincerity of colleagues, the lies of friends, the intrigues of enemies. Perhaps they are planning a bad deed against you.

A woman dreamed of a bouquet of flowers

Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream is a good sign.

Indicates the possibility of obtaining happy love or a pleasant acquaintance.

  • If the bouquet is tied with a bright ribbon, it means that in the near future you will experience a surge of feelings and a sea of ​​emotions. You will go on a romantic trip, spend an unforgettable vacation or visit an exotic country.
  • A lush bouquet symbolizes family wealth and comfort in the home. You will be surrounded by the attention and care of people close to you.
  • A modest bouquet in a dream warns of the possibility of being deceived in your own hopes. Don't trust your friends with secrets - it can play a cruel joke on you.

Indoor flowers in pots

The dream symbolizes receiving an expensive gift, strengthening relationships within the family, or a pleasant surprise from a lover. Perhaps you will cure a chronic disease, acquire real estate or move permanently to another city.

Beautiful fresh flowers in pots signify a strong relationship that is cherished by both parties.

A romantic period in love awaits you, which will end with a wedding.

A sluggish plant symbolizes the collapse of hopes, failures in professional affairs, and problems with the distribution of finances. You will miss a happy opportunity, lose contact with a close friend. But this can be avoided if you pay attention to the little things and don’t fall for adventures.

The meaning of sleep depending on the type of flowers

The type of flowers that appeared in the dream is of great importance. Behind this there are a number of signs and symbols that indicate specific changes in the path of life.

  • Lilies. They symbolize pure and tender love and the onset of pregnancy. The flower warns that your parents need care and attention from you. Gather your family at the family table, call distant relatives, visit friends.
  • Roses. Passion will burst into your life, a storm of love emotions. A wave of desire will overwhelm you. Perhaps you will lose your head over a romantic relationship that will take a primary place in your life.
  • Daisies. They symbolize a person’s indecision in business and matters of the heart. Try to be bolder in making decisions, do not be led by the opinions of other people.
  • Lilac. Minor troubles at work, misunderstandings between friends, squabbles with colleagues await you. Curb your emotions, do not express feelings in a negative way.
  • Wildflowers mean the absence of worries and sorrows in your life. Forbs symbolize the harmony of the spiritual and physical basis of human existence.
  • A wreath of herbs predicts an imminent marriage.

What was the color of the petals in the dream?

If you dreamed of torn petals, it means that you will lose your favorite thing. Withered petals symbolize childhood fears that will affect your life. Dried buds light color warn of imminent separation from a loved one.

  • White color indicates purity of thoughts and actions. Those around you do not hold a stone in their bosom and do not wish you harm.
  • Shiny petals dream of good luck. You will be successful in business, but you will also find envious colleagues. Be careful with new acquaintances, do not trust those who let you down once.
  • Yellow is a symbol of frivolity and inconstancy. Perhaps they are trying to deceive you. Don't let people stop you from making life-changing decisions.
  • Green symbolizes reliability, loyalty and devotion. You are focused on long-term relationships and avoid casual relationships and adventures. Sorrows and adversities will bypass your family.
  • Red petals indicate dramatic changes in fate. You get married or get a divorce, give birth to a child, or change jobs. In any case, you will not regret the decisions you make.

One or many colors

Seeing a bright flower meadow in a dream is fortunate. If you walk through a flowering meadow, it means that a joyful event awaits you. Possible victory in a competition, promotion or an unexpected gift.

If flowers are planted in a bed or trench, then you should beware of dubious offers. Be vigilant and do not sign documents that you have not carefully read.

Lush bouquets symbolize wealth and glory. Bright floral arrangements foreshadow emotional changes in your life.

A single flower seen in a dream promises marriage or a long-term romantic relationship. Your chosen one is faithful to you, there are no deceptions or secrets between you.

To plant flowers

Planting a flower in a flowerbed foreshadows a family celebration.

  • If you are planting a plant in a forested area, then be prepared to go on a journey.
  • A flower planted in a field means that a prominent guest will visit your home.
  • If in a dream you plant flowers in a cemetery, then expect sad events. Difficult times may come when you will need the support of family and friends.

Sowing flower seeds portends a change in lifestyle.

This could be a new addition to the family, purchasing a pet, or changing your place of residence.

If you pick planted flowers, it means that your dreams are not destined to come true. Do not harbor vain illusions and unjustified expectations - they will be shattered in moments of harsh reality.

Give or receive flowers

  • A dream in which you are given flowers portends fidelity in love and friendship. A single-color bouquet symbolizes the constancy of relationships. The variegated colors of the petals indicate a bright, rich life, full of fun adventures and surprises.
  • If in a dream you refused to accept flowers, then expect the loss of an item or theft. If a bouquet is taken away from you, it means that you will soon lose a bonus or award.
  • Giving flowers in a dream is a positive sign. Soon new feelings will come to you, you will find happiness in your personal life.

Flowers are included in all dream books and dream interpreters. Try to remember all the details of the dream, so that later you can decipher the vision and understand the sign sent to you from above