Why do you dream about mountains of skulls? Why do you see a Skull in a dream? Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

Well, the skull is clearly a rare but apt guest of the dream. Can you remember how many times you dreamed about him? You won’t forget such a dream, but you will probably rush to look for the meaning in dream books. But we also took care of this dream and prepared for you from personal dream book-solyanka.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Indians who made human sacrifices South America The Mayans knew something about skulls and bones, which can be seen in dreams at night. And as usual, they gave two interpretations for everything.

Bad meaning: if you dreamed of a skull in the summer, then you may be robbed. Therefore, find the skull of the beast, put a stone in it and bury it at the entrance to the house.

Good meaning: I had a dream in winter - in the near future no dangers will threaten you. To make the period of calm last longer, boil the animal’s skull for several hours, after boiling, return it to the place where you took it and then pour the broth on the walls of the house.

Noble dream book by Grishina N.

  • The skull in general is a symbol of knowledge, which since ancient times novelists loved to describe in novels, and alchemists could not help but indicate on the pages of their treatises.
  • Why dream about a skull: you will come across an interesting idea that can have far-reaching consequences in the most pleasant and positive sense.
  • Finding a skull in a dream, digging it out of the ground: the answers to the questions of the present lie in the past.
  • Burying a skull in a dream: you will also be able to bury what misled you.
  • Seeing a skull on a table in a dream: your work on yourself and spiritual growth will receive strong invisible patrons.
  • A collection of skulls in a dream: you have many friends and significant connections.
  • Golden skull in a dream: you will meet a scientist.
  • from the skull: you will be visited more and more often interesting ideas or you will plunge headlong into religious ideas.
  • Dream Interpretation: pour water from the skull on yourself, wash from it: you set yourself moral ideal and confidently go to him. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: pour water from the skull onto the ground: spiritual strength is leaving you.
  • Dream interpretation: keeping money in the skull: you receive benefits from spiritual figures in the form of ideas, new thoughts, enlightenment. (cm. )
  • The dream of “breaking a skull with a hammer” predicts deception and ruin.
  • The dream of “carrying a skull on a stake” says that you have set out on a long journey towards a goal that is already difficult to achieve.
  • The dream of “praying on a skull” warns: you may inadvertently create an idol for yourself from ordinary person, overestimating his intelligence.
  • The dream of “kissing a skull in a dream” says that you yearn for the dead.
  • The dream of “throwing away the skull” reproaches you: you are giving up good principles and trying to start a different life.
  • The dream “skull of iron” warns: there is a malicious person nearby who is watching you, but does nothing.
  • The dream "skull with three eyes" says that in your environment there is really great man- magician, seer, healer.
  • The miniature skull dream says that you underestimate the power of your mind.
  • The dream "giant skull" says that you have too high an opinion of some authority.

New family dream book

  • Why do you dream about a skull: things will go downhill and quarrels at home cannot be avoided.
  • Have you seen your own skull? Your conscience is ready to dry you to the bone!

Eastern women's dream book

It happens that the skull grins. These are all family conflicts. And if you take it into your hands, then everything around will go awry and things will simply fall out of your hands. Seeing the skull of a familiar person: friendship will end because of his envy. See your own skull: tell the truth - why does your conscience give you no peace?

Miller's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a skull that grins - disagreements with relatives are not far off.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a friend’s skull - he will hurt you because in something or someone was chosen instead of him. (cm. )
  • The dream “a skull is in your hands, but it looks like your own” says that your conscience is haunting you and it’s time to decide on drastic measures.

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about human skulls? You are digging down to a meaning that is buried... But not buried at all! Drop the shovel and look around. Here it lies nearby - reach out and take it! Thus, your life is much simpler than you used to think, and you try to attach too much meaning to things that happen even without your participation in them.

Modern dream book

In a dream, it may happen that the skull is smiling at you. This means that there will be discord in the family. Taking a skull in your hands to examine it is tantamount to inviting trouble into your home: everything you pick up will simply fall out of your hands. See your own skull - get ready to repent.

Esoteric dream book

  • Seeing a human skull in a dream: fear of death and suspiciousness can lead to troubles.
  • Dig up a skull: events will puzzle you and only the advice of a wise person will help you get out of a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation of the Magician Yu. Longo

Seeing a skull in a dream: a long-forgotten problem will make itself known again and this time you will have to solve it, and not forget it. But the problem has become more complicated: over time, the problem has acquired “bonuses” that will require more time and effort to solve. This situation will certainly serve as a lesson for you in the future so that you no longer put off pressing matters.

Danilova's erotic dream book

  • A skull in a dream speaks of illnesses of the spirit and body.
  • For men, sleep can instill fear of loss of masculine strength and inability to satisfy their woman.

Mythological dream book

The skull may come in the face of Death's Grim Reaper. Be that as it may, it means death, but not literally of a person. Perhaps old habits and principles will die in life, which nevertheless will give new perspectives.

Spring dream book

The skull dreams of illness and even death.

Summer dream book

The skull and bones in this case speaks on the contrary - about excellent health.

Autumn dream book

A depraved life, vices and evil will - you will discover all this in yourself, as soon as you dream of a skull.


No matter how ominous the skull you saw in a dream may seem to you with its gaping eye sockets, old yellowed teeth and the smell of decay and mold, for the most part it is a completely positive sign, which is more associated with wisdom, the spirit of a strong mind and a strong will. No wonder Hamlet, bending over the skull, asked the universal question “to be or not to be?”

If you see a skull grinning at you in a dream, it means. You cannot avoid family quarrels and disagreements. If you touch the skull with your hand, your business will decline. If you dream about your friend's skull, it means that he will beat you painfully in retaliation for the fact that you were preferred to him. If you dream about your own skull, it means that you will be tormented by remorse.

Modern dream book Skull

Seeing a skull grinning at you in a dream is a prediction of domestic quarrels and upheavals. If you touch the skull with your hand, then your affairs will go awry. Seeing a friend's skull in a dream means that your friend will offend and insult you because they chose you over him. If you dream about your own skull, then real life You will be tormented by strong remorse.

Intimate dream book Skull

Seeing a skull in a dream is a sign that you are trying to get to the bottom of deep meaning where it sometimes lies on the surface. Thus, in your mind, life often turns out to be more complicated than it actually is.

Esoteric dream book Skull

Seeing - your suspiciousness and fear of death can bring trouble. To dig up is to be puzzled. Events will lead you to a dead end, and only the advice of a wise man with a rich life experience can help you.

Dream Interpretation Longo Skull

Seeing a skull in a dream means that some long-forgotten problem will soon surface and you will have to look for ways to solve it. The trouble is that while it was on the back burner, its complexity has increased, and now you will have to spend much more time and effort on solving it than in the past, when it was timely. Let this serve as a lesson for you in the future, and you will learn to solve problems as they arise. If you come to an unfamiliar house in a dream and see a skull on the table, it means that you will soon meet a person who has wisdom and life experience. Chance will bring you together with this person. But, as you know, there are no accidents; in fact, this person was sent to you by heaven in order to help solve your problems.

Your personal dream book Skull

A grinning skull in a dream - to family conflicts. Taking a skull in your hands in a dream means that in real life everything will fall out of your hands. Seeing your friend's skull means that because of his envy, your friendship will cease to exist. Your own skull - to repentance.

Muslim dream book Skull

The money savings of the one who sees himself eating a skull will dry up.

The fact that you are trying to get to the bottom of the deep meaning where it sometimes lies on the surface. Thus, in your mind, life often turns out to be more complicated than it actually is.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Skull in a dream- this is a sign of fruitless or even destructive thoughts. Such dreams suggest that some of your ideas or ill-considered steps will not lead to anything good, or even lead you to disaster.

Dream book for a bitch

Scull- family problems and disagreements, lack of mutual understanding.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The skull is a symbol of knowledge or a valuable thing that you do not know how to use. Historical figure or an influential rival.

Finding a skull means finding a trail, coming across an important idea.

To dig a skull out of the ground means to look for answers to something important in the past.

Burying the skull means eliminating what contributed to the delusion.

Keeping a skull on your table means receiving help in spiritual work.

A collection of skulls means significant connections, interesting friends.

The skull is framed in gold - a meeting with a scientist or getting to know him.

A skull in the form of a bowl or drinking from it - immerse yourself in the world of religious ideas, fruitful ideas in general.

Pouring water from a skull means striving for a moral ideal.

To pour water from it onto the ground means to lose spiritual strength.

Scooping a skull from a river means finding fruitful ideas in a fantasy world.

To store money in the skull means to receive benefits from spiritual figures.

Breaking a skull with a hammer means ruin, deception.

Wearing a skull on a pole means setting out on a journey for the wrong purpose.

To pray to a skull is to overestimate the role of the mind in life, to create an idol for yourself out of a certain person.

Kissing a skull means longing for the dead.

Throwing away the skull - trying in vain to start new life. To abandon good principles, to forget the deceased undeservedly.

Boil water in the skull - give in to crazy ideas, waste great things on trifles.

To see a giant skull is to have a false judgment of authority.

A skull that is too small means underestimating the capabilities of your mind.

Skull with three eyes - indicates a great person in your environment, a magician, etc.

Metal Skull – evil man.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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Seeing a Skull in a dream

If you see a skull grinning at you in a dream, it means. You cannot avoid family quarrels and disagreements. If you touch the skull with your hand, your business will decline.

If you dream about your friend's skull, it means that he will beat you painfully in retaliation for the fact that you were preferred to him.

If you dream about your own skull, it means that you will be tormented by remorse.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Skull mean?

Skull - See - your suspiciousness and fear of death can bring trouble. To dig up is to be puzzled. Events will baffle you, and only the advice of a wise person with rich life experience can help you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Seeing a Skull in a dream

Skull - Seeing a skull in a dream is a sign that you are trying to get to the bottom of the deeper meaning where it sometimes lies on the surface.

Thus, in your mind, life often turns out to be more complicated than it actually is.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

What do Skull dreams mean?

A skull seen in a dream predicts illness, both physical and spiritual. Be more selective in your relationships, as physical attraction can have serious consequences for you.

Sometimes a skull seen in a dream can symbolize some problems psychological nature, in one way or another related to sex - fear of entering into physical intimacy, fear of losing a loved one, the consequences of sexual harassment or rape.

For men, such a dream speaks of the fear of losing their male strength, not satisfying the woman you love sexually, fear of being deceived.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Skull

You dream of a grinning skull family quarrels and quarrels. Touching the skull with your hand means things will get worse. Your own skull portends you remorse.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Skull

Seeing a monster with a bare skull in a dream foretells that you will disgrace yourself so much that you will be forced to change your place of residence and job.

Holding a human skull in your hands - your promiscuity in love will lead to trouble. The skull of an animal is a sign of fragile marital happiness. A skull cut in half is a sign of mental illness and heartache due to unrequited love. A talking skull promises the fulfillment of a wish.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does the Skull predict in a dream?

In the hood with a scythe, a symbol of death, major changes; the death of something old in the life and consciousness of the sleeper and the emergence of new perspectives, states, and possibilities. Seeing a human skull is destructive, black magic knowledge. Sometimes the skull signifies wisdom (of the sleeper). See Add. "main dream book".

Interpretation of dreams from the Mythological Dream Book

What does it mean to see a Skull in a dream?

A human skull means sad news from afar. Perhaps you will learn about the death of one of your relatives. Skull of an animal (any) - domestic quarrels and turmoil. Your family happiness is in danger.

Imagine that the skull you saw is not real. It never belonged to a living being. This is just a training plastic dummy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of sleep Skull

If you see a grinning skull in a dream, you are unlikely to be able to avoid family quarrels and disagreements. And if you also touch the skull with your hand, then your business will decline.

If you dreamed of your own skull, it means that you will be tormented by remorse. In addition, this dream means that you are trying to get to the bottom of the deeper meaning where it lies on the surface. This is why life seems more difficult to you than it really is.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Skull

A dream in which a skull is present foreshadows quarrels in the family, misunderstandings with friends, and a decline in business.

Most likely, you will be overcome by remorse and regret about the past, and a desire to return it.

Interpretation of dreams from

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about the Skull in a dream according to 19 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Skull” symbol from 19 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about the Skull in a dream according to the dream book?

Grinning Skull- dreams of family conflicts.

If in a dream you take a skull in your hands- this is a sign that everything will fall out of your hands.

See your friend's skull- this means your friendship will end because of his envy.

Seeing your own skull- to repentance.

Maly Velesov dream book

Skull - refusal.

Mythological dream book

Skull in a hood with a scythe- symbol of death, major changes; the death of something old in the life and consciousness of the sleeper and the emergence of new perspectives, states, possibilities.

See a human skull- destructive, black magic knowledge.

Sometimes a skull means wisdom (of the sleeper).

Family dream book

Seeing a grinning skull in a dream- you are unlikely to be able to avoid family quarrels and disagreements.

And if you also touch the skull with your hand- your business will decline.

If you dreamed of your own skull- it means you will be tormented by remorse.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Skull?

Seeing a skull grinning at you in a dream- prediction of domestic quarrels and upheavals.

If you touch the skull with your hand- Your affairs will go awry.

Seeing a friend's skull in a dream- means that a friend will offend and insult you because they preferred you over him.

If you dream about your own skull- in real life you will be tormented by strong remorse.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a skull in a dream- soon a certain long-forgotten problem will surface and you will have to look for ways to solve it. The trouble is that while it was on the back burner, its complexity has increased, and now you will have to spend much more time and effort on solving it than in the past, when it was timely. Let this serve as a lesson for you in the future, and you will learn to solve problems as they arise.

If in a dream you come to an unfamiliar house and see a skull on the table- this means that you will soon meet a person with wisdom and life experience. Chance will bring you together with this person. But, as you know, there are no accidents; in fact, this person was sent to you by heaven in order to help solve your problems.

Dream book for a bitch

Skull - family problems and disagreements, lack of mutual understanding.

Pick up a skull- business interruption due to unforeseen complications.

If you see a skull in a dream and know that it is your own, you will be tormented by remorse because of a mistake you made in relationships with loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A skull in a dream is a sign of fruitless or even destructive thoughts. Such dreams suggest that some of your ideas or ill-considered steps will not lead to anything good, or even lead you to disaster.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Skull - to death or a very long illness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Skull - to a depraved life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Skull - you are in excellent health.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

Skull - such a dream speaks of your desire to find out what your partner really is. You are not content with his stories about yourself and strive to learn as much as possible through your channels. However, do not think that he is deceiving you - everything is much simpler than you used to think.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Skull in a dream?

Seeing a monster with a bare skull in a dream- portends that you will disgrace yourself so much that you will be forced to change your place of residence and work.

Holding a human skull in your hands- your promiscuity in love will lead to trouble.

The skull of an animal is a sign of fragile marital happiness.

Skull split in half- a sign of mental illness and heartache due to unrequited love.

A talking skull promises the fulfillment of a wish.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Skull grinning at you- dreams of family quarrels and disagreements.

Touching the skull with your hand- to worsen matters.

Your own skull- portends you remorse.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a skull in a dream- to dismissal from work.

If you dreamed that you dug up a skull- you may learn something that makes you want to quit your job.

You dreamed of a man who had a skull instead of a face- to big troubles.

If you dreamed of a skull impaled on a stake- your boss will soon be in trouble.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a skull in a dream- a sign that you are trying to get to the bottom of the deep meaning where it sometimes lies on the surface. Thus, in your mind, life often turns out to be more complicated than it actually is.

Esoteric dream book

To see a skull - your suspiciousness and fear of death can bring trouble.

To dig up is to be puzzled. Events will baffle you, and only the advice of a wise person with rich life experience can help you.

Erotic dream book

A skull seen in a dream predicts illness, both physical and spiritual. Be more selective in your relationships, as physical attraction can have serious consequences for you.

Sometimes a skull seen in a dream- may symbolize some psychological problems related to sex in one way or another - fear of entering into physical intimacy, fear of losing a loved one, the consequences of sexual harassment or rape.

For men such a dream- speaks of the fear of losing one’s masculine strength, not satisfying the woman one loves sexually, the fear of being deceived.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Skull according to the dream book?

Skull - you have to go through a period of quarrels in the family.

More interpretations

If you touched it, all your plans will have to be radically changed.

A dream in which your skull was- says that you will regret what you did.

He was held in his hands- you will suffer from the fact that you paid your attention to the wrong person.

If it was split- you have to grieve because of non-reciprocity in love.

Video: Why do you dream about the Skull?


Did you dream about a Skull, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Skull in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Hello. On the table in the house I was debating whether to buy or not, there was a skull. In the same dream, a man was killed in front of me, I didn’t see with what, he fell on me, and then my family and I hid the dead man along with the skull in the cellar. After some time I looked in and there was smoke coming from the cellar, as if ashes had been poured into it. In the same dream, in the same house, I washed the floor twice and ate a delicious meal in the next room from the room with the cellar.

    While digging for treasure in some small room, we came across the old burials of the owner of the treasure. They started to remove it all, but the treasure was not there. ours are on the surface just under the floor. it was a small box, it contained 6 small precious stones and cigarettes.

    We were in formation...like slaves coming home from work...along the banks of a small river...along right hand there were trees on the bank to the left.. we moved a little to the left.. and raising my head up, I saw that boys of 10-12 years old were sitting on the branches and picking apples.. having picked a couple of green apples, I gave them to them.. since they couldn’t I can reach them while sitting on a branch hanging almost to the ground... to which a guard walking nearby asked me if I was ready to serve and benefit my homeland?!))) I answered that I just wanted to help them and I don’t see anything wrong with that.. Then turning around and looking at the river, I saw a skull floating in the water... and I was very surprised at this since it was human... and no one noticed it... walking further I saw a couple more skulls floating in the river... one skull was missing the occipital part. .2 others white and quite large in size.. it was rather not an alarming dream, but rather a narrative one, and I either participated in it, and at times watched what was happening.. the choice was mine.. if I didn’t like the course of the event, then I participated.. if I was indifferent then I watched... something like this)))

    My young man is in reality sitting in prison under investigation, I dream of his photograph, only it’s not him, but his skull. In a dream, I go with her to a fortune teller and ask what it means. she tells me that you did something, that he will never change and will be in prison all his life

    I'm lying in dark room cold and one girl with fluffy hair sits next to me and I ask her where we are and what we are doing here, I’m cold, I tell her, and where I was lying there were no windows and she tells me and here are the toys and takes one in her hand and there a window appears and she flees, and I see square skulls on the tulle and am scared

    I dreamed of the devil, but for some reason only in the form of a skull with a red light instead of eyes and a mouth, he appeared everywhere, first in my glass of coffee, then everywhere behind me where reflections could be seen, he looked straight into my eyes, as if something was real then he waits and has something to say. I tried to save everyone from him, and I ran away myself, and yet they were saved.

    Hello Tatyana! I had a dream that near the entrance next to ours old apartment I saw a package, when I looked into it I saw bones with meat and next to it there was a round head without skin, I realized in a dream that it was a dismembered man without skin and I was very scared, I left him there and left to call the police and then I woke up thank you in advance

    I dreamed large number different skulls, children's, adults, and even some ridiculous ones (alien). they seemed to be stacked in a hill or a pyramid. There was also a feeling that all this happened during the war and the place where they lay was something like a concentration camp...

    I dreamed of a transparent blue sea and at the bottom I see stone skulls with human forms and next to me I definitely don’t remember the animals, while I was standing as if on a pier with an abandoned building adjacent to it, after I looked at the skulls I walked up this building and then I woke up

    Hello! I saw people swimming in clear, blue water, and at the bottom there were several layers of skulls. Two people stood on the shore and periodically threw skulls into the water, and I realized that I couldn’t swim in this water and an unpleasant feeling arose….

    I'm driving along a road that I know very well, but suddenly a new intersection appears on the way and I turn right. Empty paths and narrow paths begin. I went somewhere and don’t know how to get there the right place. I meet three strange people, they have skulls instead of faces. Two left when I tried to ask them for directions, at the end of the lake road, there I meet a third person - this grandmother, also with a skull instead of a face. She agreed to help and entered her yard either to get a car or to get some kind of transport. While she’s gone, I start running away, my scooter won’t start, I’m running downhill, it’s very difficult. Then he started up and I left.

    I’m driving along the road I know well, but then a new intersection appears and I turn to the right. Knit stitches begin. I walk, turning around often. I was on my way, I didn’t get lost. According to the age of people, there were skulls instead of faces. Mostly old people. Two of those who had been in the crowd left when I hesitated to water the road for them. At the end of the road there was a lake, and there was a third person - a grandmother, also with a skull and old gray hair from her middle age. She wants to help me, and when I go to my yard using some kind of transport, I rush in. My scooter won’t start and I’m running downhill. It’s even more important to me, even more.
    Then the scooter started hovering and I rode to the last turn, which was where I was.

    Hello, at first my dream was not about turtles at all, I dreamed of a swamp or lake, in which, apparently, there was some kind of bunker and there (as it seemed to me in the dream) there was a UFO and a maniac was walking nearby, in the dream I felt terrible horror (although in life it’s hard to scare me), there were also ravines and a forest nearby, the forest in the distance also inspired horror, there was that lake or swamp nearby, I looked at it from afar, I also dreamed of houses, and it seemed like someone was with me (not I remember); I once crept up to the lake and saw a figure all in white, like a Ku Klux Klansman, although he didn’t have a cap, but rather a round something on his head (I didn’t see his face because I was looking from afar), also this figure during the dream seen several times from the side of the ravines; then suddenly I found myself at home, and in my fence I started digging and after digging about half a meter I found several skulls, then my mother gave me several skulls (she was digging in the garden nearby) and when I started dreaming about skulls, the dream suddenly became brighter, before that I had dreamed everything in darkish tones, and then the colors became brighter, and digging up the skulls, I thought that this was a historical find, I held them in my hands, turned them over, examined them, on one skull I saw preserved tissue, either leather or something else, remains; After some time, I collected all the skulls nearby, and then my father came in with his younger cousin and my brother wanted to break the skull, my father promised him, but I didn’t let him do it, he started shouting that these skulls were of historical value and in general my screams and screams helped to keep the skulls intact, then I thought it would be a good idea to make a box and put all the skulls there / help me determine what this dream means, in Internet dream books the interpretation is too ambiguous, thanks in advance

    Every day since July 20, 2015, I have been having dreams with skulls and devils of death. when I open my eyes I see the same thing. and every time I hear 95 years.3 months. and 4 days, but every day is 1 day less. And I quarreled with a friend yesterday and at night I heard you will make up in 10 days, but after that something will happen to her. and I see what will happen to her. I’m very scared for myself why I’m dreaming about all this.

    I was with a dog on the river. The dog was black and small. I went to the water, felt the bottom under my feet. When I turned around, I saw a skull, it seemed to me that it looked like a woman’s. Then I found myself near some kind of ditch, there was a slab. We stood on it .Then I crossed to the other side. Then I saw how the dog, looking at me, jumped down. She squealed very loudly, she began to choke. I wanted to run to her, but I could not climb onto this slab

    Island. A large rock, a hill. I go down it. From the cliff I see many human bones, skulls. They all float on top of the water. As if I were unwrapping a bundle of things, and I see human bones. Out of fear, I throw them into the water. A lot of gypsies. I run away, the sea around me is blue and clean. I fall into the depths of the sea and begin to sink to the bottom, as if I immediately emerge and swim, so easily. I swim, and then run through the water.

    I dreamed that I was with old friends and suddenly my skull appeared in my hand (I don’t remember how it happened, but it seems that the skull came out of my head) and here I am holding it and feeling a little fear as if this had happened more than once , and so I start trying to put on this skull, at first I didn’t put it on right side but then he pulled it out and put it back on with the correct one through the hole that was there.

    I was in the village, and I took out a deer skull from a pond (the skull had antlers, and in a dream I thought it was a deer skull). Having taken it out, I began to guess on it, as if on coffee grounds, somehow threw coffee into the skull and poured it out, and he gave me a drawing of a deer skull (skull with antlers) with three eyes. I was also a witch and I bit off the head of a living vorna.

    I'm in an unfamiliar house. Some unpleasant things are happening there. There are bad people. Suddenly, a skull seemed to float out from the surface of the table. It is small, 10-15 centimeters in size. He doesn't scare me, but I grab a brush with a wooden handle and stick it in his forehead. He starts to disappear.

    I dreamed that my mother took me into some kind of barn. and there are many pillars and on them crucified skeletons of people, some in rags, but some with decorations. the skulls were all with their mouths open, as if they had screamed for help before and died in agony. I asked this since the time of the Inquisition. They answered me “sort of yes.”

    a skeleton was brought from somewhere ex-friend(he was buried in December 2015) in a small box. All the bones of the skeleton were separate from each other. The room where they brought the public one is not home. And my friends and relatives and I were preparing for the funeral. I took the skull and put it in a box resembling a coffin, but the skull kept changing position, either rolling down or turning. All other activities related to arranging the skeleton bones and preparing for the funeral were done by friends and relatives

    Hello, I had a dream about a rat scratching me and biting my hands in a dream, then I threw it out of the balcony, and then, while swimming in the pool, a whole flock of rats attacked me underwater, biting my legs and scratching my heels, my toes. legs. I also dreamed of a large skull stretching its arms out of the wall, pulling the wall towards itself, and I touched the eye socket of this skull, supposedly to see the future. Then I dreamed that when I picked up a broken bottle in my palms there were a bunch of small sharp fragments that left a lot of blood, the fragments were like drifts in my hands. What's the point of all this, help me, I'm scared. Thanks in advance.

    I dream that I am running away from a motorcyclist in a helmet who was chasing me, I run to a car wash, there was a motorcycle there, I sit on it and ride: first on the ground, and then the motorcycle begins to soar through the air and the motorcyclist, who was also chasing on his motorcycle, begins to chase me through the air. Then I land, get up from the motorcycle and look with relief that the motorcyclist lands later and didn’t catch up with me... He takes off his helmet and instead of his face there is a skull with a malicious smile... and I woke up in horror. Tell me what this means. .Last year I had three funerals in 7 months - my father, 3 months later - my mother and 4 months later - my grandmother... and I started having terrible dreams... then my parents come calling me somewhere, but I don’t go with them , then these are the dreams with skulls ..

    Good evening.
    Today at work at lunchtime I dreamed that I saw my work colleague in the locker room and half of his face was in the form of a skull, then he took off his skull like a mask and gave it to me. I held it in my hands and for a few seconds put this skull on myself like a mask. then he took it off and realized that in the other hand there was a second skull of a curved shape of some creature. I put the first one I put on on the table and it was a human skull, an ordinary one.
    After that, I immediately dreamed that I was driving my car, in my city, stopped at a traffic light, some guy was crossing the road in the wrong place and stopped in the middle of the road, then I turned to the green to the right and right in my lane, in my direction, A woman was walking with a stroller in which there was a little girl. They did not cross, but walked along the road straight towards me. I almost ran over them, honked my horn, drove around them, and began to get indignant, so they supposedly were walking along the road and might run them over. and they looked at me like I was a fool, saying we were going the right way. and when I passed them, signals were heard from behind other cars.
    These are the dreams...