What is Ksenia Sobchak doing now? Ksenia Sobchak: biography of the financial and personal success of a star


Ksenia Sobchak's father is the former mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak. Mother - historian, former member of the Federation Council Lyudmila Narusova.

During protest rallies in 2011, Ksenia met an oppositionist. The media wrote that a close relationship began between the young people, which lasted almost a year - until November 2012. Before the new year, 2013, Ksenia and Ilya separated, and on February 1, 2013, Sobchak married the actor Maxim Vitorgan- son of a Soviet actor Emmanuel Vitorgan.

Before meeting Yashin, the tabloids wrote about Sobchak’s relationship with the head of the Moscow Department of Culture Sergei Kapkov, businessman Oleg Malis and head of the radio station "Silver Rain" Dmitry Savitsky.


Ksenia Sobchak was born on November 5, 1981 in Leningrad. Ksenia's godfather was Father Gury, who was serving at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra at that time, and Lyudmila Narusova's university friend Natasha was her godmother.

She lived with her parents in house 21 on Kustodiev Street, then in a communal apartment on the embankment of the Moika River. As a child, Ksenia studied ballet at the Mariinsky Theater and painting at the Hermitage. In middle school I studied at secondary school No. 185 with in-depth study of the English language. She graduated from school at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen.

In 1998 she entered the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University. In 2000 she moved to Moscow and transferred to the Faculty of International Relations MGIMO. In 2002 she received a bachelor's degree, and in 2004 she graduated with honors from MGIMO's master's program in political science (theme of the diploma is " Comparative analysis institutions of the presidency in France and Russia"), subsequently abandoning his career as a diplomat.

"It would be petty for me, after graduating from MGIMO, to become the fifth assistant to the sixth attaché at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or to go to some country as an embassy. I'm not interested in this".

As a result, while still a student, Sobchak became one of the hosts of a reality show. "Dom-2" on the TNT channel. She also hosted such shows as “Who doesn’t want to become a millionaire” on TNT, “ The Last Hero-6" on Channel One, "Blonde in Chocolate" on Muz-TV.

She was one of the hosts of the show "Two Stars" on Channel One, entertainment program“Girls” on the Russia 1 TV channel. In 2008 and 2010, together with Ivan Urgant, she was the presenter of the award Muz-TV.

Many programs with Sobchak’s participation caused a lot of criticism: the TV presenter was reproached for the fact that she, having taken their name and connections from her parents, “began to exploit base human passions”, and uses the television time received at her disposal “for self-promotion and satisfying irrepressible vanity.”

“Chocolate Blonde” has been criticized for focusing on the “glamorous” life of Sobchak herself, who uses television to “promote her social superiority by engaging in ‘high-budget’ shopping in front of millions of viewers.” Her radio program was defined in the press as “an audio diary of Ksenia Sobchak, an analogue of the TV show “Blonde in Chocolate.”

The Dom-2 project caused particular dissatisfaction among members of the public. Speaking about the project, Sobchak herself admitted that there are people in it " moments both vulgar and even vulgar". At the same time, she emphasized that when she herself is in the frame, “this can be avoided.” It is important for me, in particular this project, pull people up to you, - Sobchak noted, - I... teach the guys. And I think that thanks to me they grow up".

Moscow City Duma deputies called the reality show immoral, and Sobchak was even accused of pandering and pimping. However, according to the TV presenter herself, this whole story with the deputies ended “as usual, with nothing.”

"It’s just that the deputies were clearly haunted by my popularity. So they decided to snatch a piece from her, but I defended my right to the glory I had won", she stated.

Ksenia Sobchak quickly became famous in the Moscow social circle, where she often appeared in the company of a Chechen businessman Umara Dzhabrailova, owner of capital real estate and former candidate for president of Russia.

At the beginning of February 2012, the MTV channel launched the program "State Department with Sobchak", where Ksenia became the host, but only one episode was aired. The program was supposed to be weekly, but MTV channel management decided to take it off the air. The program began to appear on the Internet portal of the Snob project, and then on air on the RBC TV channel, but under the name State Department-2.

From September 2012 to April 2013, Sobchak hosted her own talk show "State Department-3" on the TV channel "Rain".

Since February 2012, her program “Sobchak Live” has been broadcast on the Dozhd channel.

In May 2012, Ksenia became editor-in-chief of the glossy women's magazine SNC magazine publishing house ARTCOM Media.

Sobchak announced that a film adaptation of the novel will be released in 2015 Sergei Minaev "The Heifers", where Ksenia got one of the roles.

Speaks English, French and Spanish.


In May 2006, Sobchak announced the creation of a new youth movement “Everyone is Free!”, calling herself the leader of this created on own funds youth organization. " Fighting for rights can be fun. We want to conduct it freely and naturally", she said, explaining to journalists the goals of the movement. New organization, called in the media the “Party of Sobchak Fans”, caused a lot of speculation among both political scientists and representatives of the opposition, and they were unable to decide unequivocally why Sobchak did this. In the future, about the movement “Everyone is free!” The media didn't mention it.

After the elections to the State Duma on December 4, 2011, which she won, Sobchak supported protests against election fraud.

On December 10, she came to a rally at Bolotnaya Square, and on December 24 she spoke at a rally on Academician Sakharov Avenue.

In January 2013, Sobchak was included in the top ten most influential Russian women, compiled by the radio station "Echo of Moscow" with the support of the agencies "Interfax", RIA Novosti and the magazine "Ogonyok".

After the presidential elections on March 4, 2012, which he won Vladimir Putin, Sobchak spoke at the rally “For Fair Elections” on Novy Arbat. On April 14, Sobchak spoke at a rally in Astrakhan in support of the ex-candidate for mayor of Astrakhan, who did not recognize the results of the mayoral elections.

In promotions "March of Millions" on Bolotnaya Square May 6 Sobchak deliberately did not take part, because, as she reported after the fact on May 7, she knew that the action would be aimed at increasing radicalization.

However, already on May 8 she came to the opposition camp on Chistoprudny Boulevard. After the oppositionists were ousted from Chistye Prudy they gathered on Pushkin Square, but already there Nikitsky Gate Ksenia Sobchak was detained along with her. After the arrest, Sobchak wrote on Twitter that she had changed her opinion about the radicalization of the protest. Immediately after her release at night, Sobchak arrived at Kudrinskaya Square, where the opposition gathered again.

In May, it became known that Sobchak was excluded from the list of presenters of the Muz-TV anniversary award (initially she was supposed to host it together with Maxim Galkin, Leroy Kudryavtseva and Andrey Malakhov), and was also excluded from the TEFI Award in the “Best Reporter” category. According to her own statement, this was done for political reasons.

In June 2012, the police conducted a search in Sobchak’s apartment, related, according to her lawyer Henry Resnick, with the assumption of the Investigative Committee that oppositionist Ilya Yashin actually lives in this apartment. The TV presenter expressed outrage that the investigators, “smiling,” read her personal letters out loud, and said: “I never thought that we would return to a country of such repression.”

Official Representative TFR stated that “in the apartment of Yashin and Sobchak, large sum money in European and American currencies, placed in more than 100 envelopes (at least 1 million euros)." Over the course of several days, investigators checked the seized currency and each banknote was individually tested for authenticity.

On June 15, reacting to this incident, one of the opposition leaders, a State Duma deputy, called on Ksenia to distance herself from participation in the organizational structures of the opposition movement. To do this during the investigation of the criminal case about the riots on Bolotnaya, so that the country, Ponomarev explained, does not concentrate on Sobchak’s millions, so as not to cast a shadow on the opposition and not to distract attention from the real activities of the protesters. Sobchak replied that she does not claim any leadership role in the protest movement.

On September 17, 2012, Sobchak nominated her candidacy for Coordination Council of the Russian Opposition. Among 11 opposition activists, she made a statement saying that “violent confrontation is growing between the authorities and society,” therefore a “large-scale political reform".

On October 22, 2012, in the elections of the Coordination Council of the opposition, she took fourth place on the general civil list, gaining 32.5 thousand votes, losing to Navalny, Bykov and. On the same day, the governor of the Bryansk region terminated the powers of Sobchak’s mother, Lyudmila Narusova, in the Federation Council.


According to the magazine Forbes, for the period from September 2008 to September 2009, Ksenia Sobchak’s income amounted to $1.2 million. In the Forbes star rating of 2010, she already took 4th place with a fortune of $2.3 million, in 2011 - eighth ($2.8 million). At the end of 2012, the magazine estimated her income at $1.4 million, placing her in 7th place in the ranking of the highest paid TV stars.

In February 2010, Sobchak acquired a minority (less than 0.1%) stake in a Russian cellular retailer "Euroset", having spent a little more than $1 million on it. In December 2012, it became known that she sold her stake in the retailer for $2.3 million. Thus, K. Sobchak’s income from Euroset shares amounted to $1.3 million.

In June 2010, Sobchak invested 17 million rubles in the creation of Tverskoy Boulevard in Moscow, the Bublik cafe (the TV presenter’s share in the project was more than 33%, like the other two investors - co-owners of the Ginza Project Dmitry Sergeev and Vadim Lapin). Six months later, Sobchak opened another joint restaurant with Ginza Project not far from Bublik - Tverbul.

Sobchak compared the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 2014 with the “demise of the Titanic”: “when the passengers of the Titanic collided with an iceberg, they shouted: “The iceberg is ours!”

In August-September 2014, public attention was focused on Ksenia’s public confrontation and widely famous director Nikita Mikhalkov. On the air of his author’s program “Besogon TV” on the “Russia 2” TV channel, Mikhalkov accused Sobchak of vulgarity and belonging to the “fifth column”. In response, Ksenia, in an open letter to Mikhalkov published on Snob, accused the director of “lordship” and opportunism and advised him to refuse foreign awards, including the Oscar.


On March 23, 2012, the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate opened a criminal case for an attack on two portal reporters Life News at the Tverbul restaurant on Tverskoy Boulevard. Participants in the conflict were Sobchak, Yashin, journalist Anton Krasovsky, oppositionist Anastasia Ogneva and others.

According to the victims, on March 12, Sobchak and her friends, noticing that they were being filmed, beat the journalists and broke their video camera. Sobchak and Yashin denied the attack, accusing the reporters of provocation. In September 2012, due to the reconciliation of the parties, the cases of “beatings” and “deliberate destruction or damage to property” against Ognevaya and Krasovsky were dropped.

In February 2015, a scandal involving Sobchak broke out on the set of the NTV program “Norkin’s List.” The invited guests, including Ksenia Sobchak and journalist Viktor Baranets, discussed rumors that regular units of the Russian Armed Forces were allegedly fighting in Donbass. As a result of the verbal brawl, Sobchak at first frightened Norkin for a long time that she would leave the air, but, apparently, given her low media presence in lately, Sobchak decided to endure the humiliation and stayed until the end of the program.

Blonde in chocolate Ksenia Sobchak, host of the degenerate show House 2 Ksenia Sobchak, socialite Ksenia Sobchak, sharp-tongued pseudo-intellectual interviewer Ksenia Sobchak and the sexy quasi-political figure - still the same Ksenia Sobchak. That's all - she, our heroine, is multifaceted in her images like no other.

Is it multifaceted though? All this - both as a woman concerned about the fate of the Motherland, and as a presenter of television programs clearly aimed against the future of the country - all this resembles typical manifestations of the liberal thinking of a not too deep personality (albeit not without a touch of education).

Ksenia Sobchak was born in the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) in 1981 on November 5 in a completely nomenklatura family. Father of Ksenia Sobchak– the late Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sobchak (the first mayor of St. Petersburg in the post-Soviet history of the country), the head of the future head Russian state a certain friend of Putin V.V. Thus, Ksenia Sobchak was well acquainted with this outstanding person even in her rose-colored childhood. Is it not because she so boldly opposes him from time to time from her liberal nest (in an embrace with the young Orangeman Ilya Yashin) that she has nothing special to fear?! Ksenia Sobchak's mother– Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova is still a member of the Federation Council.

Education of Ksenia Sobchak

WITH early childhood schedule Ksenia Sobchak was completely booked out. Young first Ksenia Sobchak visited art studio at the Hermitage, as well as Ksenia Sobchak I went to the ballet studio at the Mariinsky Theater. A little later (in middle school) young Sobchak studied at school at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, studied in depth English language at school No. 185.

Ksenia Sobchak successfully entered St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of International Relations in 1998.

http://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=BayL3dlU4x4

Later, having moved to Moscow, in 2001 Ksenia Sobchak transferred to MGIMO to the Faculty of International Relations. The following year she already had a bachelor's degree, after which Ms. Sobchak entered the MGIMO master's program at the Faculty of Political Science. Having completed higher education at the elite MGIMO, Ksenia Sobchak made grandiose plans for the future: she wanted to continue studying, participate in all sorts of, in general, goals Ksenia Sobchak became popular (sometimes of a very dubious nature).

Television in the life of Ksenia Sobchak

Having achieved his goal and burst onto television, Ksenia Sobchak She was a TV presenter of such reality shows as:

  • “Blonde in Chocolate” - on the Muz-TV channel
  • “Who doesn’t want to become a millionaire” - on TNT channel
  • “The Last Hero” - on Channel One
  • “Two Stars” (was one of the presenters) - on Channel One
  • Muz-TV Award in 2008 and 2010 (she was one of the presenters, co-host - Ivan Urgant)

Until recently (summer 2012) Ksenia Sobchak hosted the TV channel TNT, which fed up all of Russia, she is one of its presenters (leading Ksenia Sobchak, Ksenia Borodina, Olga Buzova).
She also hosts her own radio program, “Everyday Life of Barabaki,” on the “Silver Rain” radio.

Since April 2010 Ksenia Sobchak made it to Channel Five, now she is talk show host"Freedom of thought." Also in April 2010, she took the “post” of the TV presenter of the “Girls” program, which is broadcast on the Russia TV channel.

Secular society in the life of Ksenia Sobchak

In newspapers, on radio and television you can often hear the phrase “socialite” and immediately arise image of Ksenia Sobchak. This “title” was not given to her by chance, because she is the very personification of glamor and pathos, our heroine knows how to present herself favorably (sell herself - in the language of the liberal crowd), is smart, graceful, and sociable. All these qualities make it more and more popular and in demand.

Income of Ksenia Sobchak

For 1 year, from September 2008 to September 2009, her income was $1,200,000. In 2010, Ksenia bought a minority stake (less than 0.1%) in Euroset for $1,000,000.

Criticism of Ksenia Sobchak

Her projects and stage image are criticized at almost every turn, but despite this, she has enough fans and supporters of her position. Many journalists simply do not dare to slander her or in any way offend the “poor thing” Ksenia Sobchak. Official newspaper Russian Federation"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" in 2005 published an article about the beginning "talents" of Ms. Sobchak, where she rather cautiously and restrainedly reported that Ksenia was hopeless, because she became the host of the reality show “Dom-2,” which is positioned as youth-intimate, and then began hosting the “Star Boulevard” program.
Rossiyskaya Gazeta also wrote that Ksenia Sobchak became a TV presenter only because she can talk, but not sing and dance. The same article stated that Ksenia Sobchak even before its birth it was already a unique brand. There were also releases of “ Russian newspaper"in some of the issues for 2007 and 2008, which also contained unflattering

Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak. Born on November 5, 1981 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian television and radio presenter, journalist, actress, socialite, public figure.

She is known for the reality shows “Dom-2” (TNT), “Blonde in Chocolate” (Muz-TV), “The Last Hero” (Channel One), as well as the programs “State Department 2” (Snob) and “Sobchak Live” ( Rain), co-hosting the program “Barabaka and the Gray Wolf” on the radio station “Silver Rain”.

Father - Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sobchak, lawyer, mayor of St. Petersburg from 1991 to 1996.

Mother - Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova, historian.

Ksenia's godfather was Father Gury, who was serving at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra at that time, and Lyudmila Narusova's university friend Natasha was her godmother.

She lived with her parents in house 21 on Kustodiev Street, then in a communal apartment on the embankment of the Moika River. As a child, Ksenia studied ballet at the Mariinsky Theater and painting at the Hermitage.

In middle school I studied at secondary school No. 185 with in-depth study of the English language.

She graduated from school at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen.

In 1998 she entered the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University. In 2000, she moved to Moscow and transferred to the Faculty of International Relations at MGIMO.

In 2002 she received a bachelor's degree, and in 2004 she graduated with honors from MGIMO's master's program in political science (the topic of the diploma is “Comparative analysis of the institutions of the presidency in France and Russia”). Speaks English, French and Spanish.

After graduating from MGIMO, she planned to continue her studies and at the same time take part in a number of television and other projects.

According to Forbes magazine, for the period from September 2008 to September 2009, her income amounted to $1.2 million. In February 2010, Sobchak acquired a minority (less than 0.1%) stake in the Russian cellular retailer Euroset, spending on that's just over $1 million.

Since 2004 she has hosted a reality show "Dom-2" on the TNT channel together with (then joined them), but in the summer of 2012 she did not renew her contract with the television company and left the show.

She hosted such reality shows as “Who doesn’t want to become a millionaire” on TNT, “The Last Hero-6” on Channel One, “Blonde in Chocolate” on Muz-TV.

She was one of the hosts of the show “Two Stars” on Channel One.

She was parodied seven times in the TV show “Big Difference”: as the host of the reality show “Dom-2”, as a guest in the program “ Good night, kids!”, co-host of the “Two Stars” show, guest in the “Let Them Talk” program, host of the “Big Difference” Festival in Odessa. In one of the parodies, Ksenia Sobchak participated in the role of a waitress at a restaurant that Ksenia Sobchak visited (she herself was parodied by the troupe’s artist Maria Zykova). All parodies were performed by the troupe's artists Olga Medynich and.

Is one of the main characters of the television cartoon show "Cartoon Personality".

In 2013, Sobchak created the image of Oksana Sever and shot a video for the song “Native”, which received the RuTV award, and Ksenia for the image scandalous star chanson was nominated for the “TOP 50. Most famous people Petersburg" from the magazine "Sobaka.ru".

After the elections to the State Duma on December 4, 2011, which were won by “ United Russia“Sobchak supported protests against election fraud. On December 10, she came to a rally on Bolotnaya Square, and on December 24, she spoke at a rally on Academician Sakharov Avenue. In January, Sobchak was included in the top ten most influential Russian women, compiled by the Ekho Moskvy radio station with the support of the Interfax agency, RIA Novosti and Ogonyok magazine.

After the presidential elections on March 4, 2012, which she won, Sobchak spoke at the “For Fair Elections” rally on Novy Arbat on March 10. On April 14, Sobchak spoke at a rally in Astrakhan in support of ex-candidate for mayor of Astrakhan Oleg Shein, who did not recognize the results of the mayoral elections. Sobchak deliberately did not take part in the “March of Millions” action on Bolotnaya Square on May 6, because, as she reported after the fact on May 7, she knew that the action would be aimed at increasing radicalization.

However, already on May 8 she came to the opposition camp on Chistoprudny Boulevard. After the oppositionists were driven out of Chistye Prudy, they gathered on Pushkin Square, but already there, at the Nikitsky Gate, Ksenia Sobchak, along with Alexei Navalny, was detained. After the arrest, Sobchak wrote on Twitter that she had changed her opinion about the radicalization of the protest. Immediately after her release at night, Sobchak arrived at Kudrinskaya Square, where the opposition gathered again.

In May, it became known that Sobchak was excluded from the list of presenters of the anniversary Muz-TV Award (initially she was supposed to host it together with Maxim Galkin, Lera Kudryavtseva and Andrei Malakhov), and was also removed from the TEFI Award in the “Best Reporter” category. According to her own statement, this was done for political reasons.

On the eve of June 12, 2012, the police conducted a search in Sobchak’s apartment, which, according to her lawyer Henry Reznik, was connected with the assumption of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (ICR) that oppositionist Ilya Yashin actually lives in this apartment. The TV presenter expressed outrage that the investigators, “smirking,” read her personal letters out loud, and said: “I never thought that we would return to a country of such repression.”

An official representative of the Investigative Committee stated that “in the apartment of I. Yashin and K. Sobchak, a large amount of money was seized in European and American currency, placed in more than 100 envelopes (at least €1 million).” Over the course of several days, investigators checked the seized currency and each banknote was individually tested for authenticity.

On June 15, reacting to this incident, one of the opposition leaders, State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev called on Ksenia to distance herself from participation in the organizational structures of the opposition movement. To do this during the investigation of the criminal case about the riots on Bolotnaya, so that the country, Ponomarev explained, does not concentrate on Sobchak’s millions, so as not to cast a shadow on the opposition and not to distract attention from the real activities of the protesters. Sobchak replied that she does not claim any leadership role in the protest movement.

On September 27, the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation decided to return Sobchak by transferring to her accounts the money seized during the May search, namely: 1,108,420 euros, 522,392 US dollars and 485,325 rubles. A desk audit carried out on behalf of the investigation did not establish any evidence of tax evasion by Ksenia.

On September 17, 2012, she nominated herself for the Coordination Council of the Russian Opposition. Among 11 opposition activists, she made a statement saying that “violent confrontation is growing between the government and society,” therefore “large-scale political reform” is necessary. On October 22, 2012, in the elections of the Coordination Council of the opposition, she took fourth place on the general civil list, gaining 32.5 thousand votes, losing to A. Navalny, D. Bykov and. On October 19, 2013, the Coordination Council of the Russian Opposition ceased to exist.

In 2008, books by Ksenia Sobchak were published, dedicated to clothing style and cosmetics: “Stylish things by Ksenia Sobchak” and “Masks, glosses, curlers. The ABC of Beauty."

In 2009, a “practical guide” on a profitable marriage, “Marrying a Millionaire, or Marriage of the Highest Class,” appeared, written together with Oksana Robski.

In 2010, the Encyclopedia of the Sucker was published, a book that defines a sucker as “a person for whom self-presentation is above all else.” In an interview with Dmitry Bykov dedicated to the release of the book, Sobchak called the described phenomenon international, but noted that, thanks to the historical background of the destruction of the elite in 1917 and 1937 and modern social experiments, including the “rain of petrodollars,” Russia is “an ideal testing ground for observing scammers ”, to which Sobchak self-critically refers himself, as “a symbol of all-Russian fraud with the Dom-2 project.”

In the same year, a book written jointly by Ksenia Sokolova and Ksenia Sobchak appeared "Philosophy in the boudoir"- a collection of interviews compiled based on materials from the “Philosophy in the Boudoir with...” column of GQ magazine.

Sobchak is a successful investor. In December 2012, it became known that Ksenia received $2.3 million from the sale of her share of Euroset shares. Considering the initial investment of $1 million in 2010, Sobchak's income from the retailer's shares amounted to $1.3 million.

On May 28, 2012, she became editor-in-chief of the women's magazine SNC (formerly known as Sex and the City). In December 2014, she left this post.

From 2013 to 2014, she hosted the “Deal” program on the “Friday!” TV channel.

In October 2014, she became editor-in-chief of the fashion magazine L’Officiel.

In 2015, she was the host of the show “Battle of Restaurants” on the “Friday!” TV channel. Presenter of the Muz-TV award (2007-2008, 2010-2011, 2014-2017).

In October 2017, it became known about Ksenia Sobchak’s work on documentary film for the 80th anniversary of Anatoly Sobchak, among the interviewees was the President of the Russian Federation (and former political assistant).

Ksenia Sobchak - presidential candidate 2018

Since the beginning of September 2017, rumors began to spread about Ksenia Sobchak’s possible participation in the presidential elections with the consent of the presidential administration. Sobchak herself called this data an attempt to discredit her.

Sobchak’s possible participation in the elections was criticized by those who intended to run for president, who called her a caricatured liberal candidate and a “spoiler” with the cannibalistic views of a democrat of the early 90s. After this, the journalist accused him of leaderism, hypocrisy, calls for uncoordinated actions and splitting the opposition.

November 18, 2016 at the Lapino clinic near Moscow. Just before the New Year it was: Plato.

Since the end of 2018, information has appeared about discord in the family of Sobchak and Vitorgan. They took off their rings and stopped appearing together in public.

Since January 2019, rumors about Ksenia’s affair with the director began to actively appear in the media. Journalists caught the couple together at one of the events, where they did not hesitate to show their feelings and kiss.

On January 21, 2019, it was reported that Maxim Vitorgan beat Konstantin Bogomolov in a cafe. Security guards at the establishment witnessed a fight between men. The director returned to the cafe with a broken nose and a bloody face.

Filmography of Ksenia Sobchak:

2004 - Thieves and prostitutes. Prize - flight into space - journalist-psychologist
2007 - Mad - Margarita Lyamkina
2007 - Most best film- prostitute
2008 - Beauty requires... - Ilma Peterson
2008 - Nobody knows about sex 2: No sex - Arabella
2008 - Hitler is kaput! - Eva Braun
2008 - Europe-Asia - as herself
2009 - Artifact - swearing
2009 - Golden Key - Malvina
2009 - Moscow.Ru
2011 - Short course happy life- Aunt Nadya
2012 - Rzhevsky against Napoleon - Madame Ksyu-Ksyu
2012 - Entropy - Pasha
2013 - Romance with cocaine - Sonya
2013 - Doc Srok - as herself
2013 - Corporate party - prostitute
2013 - Odnoklassniki.ru: CLICK your luck
2015 - The Chicks

Anatoly Sobchak was born on August 10, 1937 in Chita, like many children born in the country of the Soviets, he absorbed a bunch of nationalities. My paternal grandfather was Polish, my grandmother was Czech; maternal grandfather is Russian, grandmother is Ukrainian. In addition to Anatoly, there were three more children in the family. Father worked as an engineer at railway, mother worked as an accountant.

Despite this diversity, Sobchak always considered himself Russian - “for me, to be Russian is to think and speak Russian, to be proud of my country and its contribution to world heritage and is ashamed of Chechen war, Chernobyl, abandoned collective farm fields and the poverty of the people, whose country owns countless natural resources. Remember the victims of Stalinist repressions and interethnic conflicts. But above all, it is about faith! Faith in peace, democracy and prosperity of Russia, which we must leave to our children and grandchildren.

Anatoly was one of four sons. When he was only two years old, the whole family moved to Uzbekistan. In 1941, Sobchak’s father went to the front, and all the burdens of supporting the family and raising children fell on the shoulders of his mother. This poverty and half-starvation had a great influence on the young Sobchak.

“When I was little, the most rare and precious thing was food. I had many friends, good parents and pets, but I never had enough to eat. I still remember this constant feeling of hunger. Our only salvation was our goat, since we could not afford to keep a cow. My brothers and I went every day to collect grass. One day someone hit our goat with a stick, she got sick and died. You know, I have never cried so much in my life as I did that day,” recalled Anatoly Alexandrovich.

He went through the hungry years and continued his studies, gaining authority and popularity among his peers. Even when he was a child, his peers gave him the nicknames “professor” and “judge” for his qualities, because he had a broad outlook and was fair in resolving disputes. During wartime, Leningrad University professors, actors and writers were evacuated to Uzbekistan. of them turned out to be Sobchak's neighbors. Stories about Leningrad and university life impressed the boy so much that he decided that he should definitely enter Leningrad State University.

Student time

After graduation high school, Sobchak entered the Faculty of Law at Tashkent University. He studied there for one year and then received a transfer to Leningrad State University. He loved to study and was very quickly awarded a Lenin scholarship. At the same time, he married Nonna Handzyuk, who also came to Leningrad to get an education. The young couple was very poor, but what they lacked in food or material goods they made up for in abundance. cultural life Leningrad, which Sobchak fell in love with hometown. After some time, Sobchak and his wife had a daughter, Maria, who later followed in her father’s footsteps and became a lawyer. However, the marriage was unsuccessful and ended in divorce in 1977.

After university, Sobchak was assigned to work as a lawyer in the Stavropol Territory. Sobchak worked there for three years, and three years later, in 1962, he returned to Leningrad to defend his Ph.D. thesis and continue working as a lawyer and teacher.

In 1973, he submitted a doctoral dissertation in which he put forward ideas for the liberalization of the socialist economy and closer links between the state economy and the private market. His ideas were considered quite risky and his thesis was rejected. Sobchak later learned that he had been blacklisted by the university because of his support for his former professor, who was fired after his daughter emigrated to Israel. Sobchak decided to postpone defending his doctorate. When he felt that the situation had changed, he wrote another dissertation, successfully defended it in Moscow and became a doctor of law in 1982.

At his alma mater, Sobchak founded and headed the first department of economic law in the USSR. He worked there until 1989, the time when he entered politics. Sobchak's knowledge, wisdom and teaching style made him very popular among students, and even when he later became the mayor of St. Petersburg, he continued to lecture at the university.

Companion Lyudmila Narusova

In 1975, Sobchak met Lyudmila Narusova, who was destined to become his second wife.

“I was divorced, and my husband did not want to give up the apartment that my parents paid for. It was difficult situation, and someone recommended a lawyer who taught at the university. I was told that he dealt with difficult cases and had an unconventional way of thinking. I went to the university to meet him and ended up having to wait a long time for him. Then I saw how, after the lecture, young attractive students huddled around him, asking him questions and trying to flirt with him, and I thought that he would not help me. At the time, I had no idea that he had also gone through a divorce and knew about it firsthand.

We went to a cafe to discuss my situation. I was so upset that I started telling him everything about myself and my life, and I cried all the time. He listened to me and decided that he needed to talk to my husband. He had the gift of persuasion, and as a result, my husband backed down.

To thank the lawyer for his help, I bought him a bouquet of chrysanthemums and prepared three hundred rubles in an envelope. It was money - the monthly salary of an assistant professor. He took the flowers and returned the money saying, “You’re so pale.” Why don't you go to the market and buy yourself some fruit. I was very offended by this. Three months later we met at some party and he didn't even remember me. And that was even worse. I did my best to make sure he never forgets me again! We started dating, but there was quite a big age gap between us—he was thirty-nine and I was only twenty-five. We dated for 5 years and he seemed in no hurry to propose. However, in 1980 we finally got married and a year later our daughter Ksenia,” recalls Lyudmila Borisovna.

It is unlikely that the happy father would have guessed that several decades later, his daughter would surpass him in popularity and would even be a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation. However, when he took her from the hospital, all he dreamed of was to live long enough to celebrate her eighteenth birthday and had no idea that he would die, just a couple of months after Ksenia Anatolyevna celebrated her 18th birthday.

This was his second marriage, and the late Sobchak adored his wife and admitted that he owed her his life. She became more than just a wife; she was his comrade-in-arms, fighting for her husband's cause and even his very existence. He later wrote that during his severe persecution, her devotion, courage and support won her great respect even from his enemies. Living and working so close to Sobchak, Lyudmila also joined politics, being elected to the State Duma for St. Petersburg in 1995.

From university life to politics

Meanwhile, Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the leader of the Soviet Union, resulting in a total reform of the country - perestroika, which marked the beginning of the democratization of power. In 1989, Sobchak was elected as a people's deputy of the USSR in the first democratic elections in the country.

A talented lawyer and professor, he was also talented in politics. He was appointed head of the parliamentary investigation into the shooting of peaceful demonstrators in Tbilisi in 1989 - his report exposed gross misconduct by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB against people. His direct questions during the cross-examination of then Soviet Premier Nikolai Ryzhkov regarding the orders and actions of all government officials were broadcast throughout the country, something unheard of just a few years ago.

Mayor of St. Petersburg

In 1990, Sobchak was elected chairman of the Leningrad City Council. The following year, in the general elections for the head of the city, he was elected the first mayor of Leningrad. On the same day a referendum was held on the return of Leningrad historical name Saint Petersburg.

Sobchak quickly assembled a strong team of young professionals who were also talented managers. Most of the people on his team now make up Russia's political elite. One of his assistants was former student Dmitry Medvedev, and the post of vice-mayor was Vladimir Putin. Sobchak sincerely loved St. Petersburg, sought to improve its image throughout the world and return it to the status of the cultural capital of Russia.

Meanwhile, the coup carried out by supporters of the Communist Party in August 1991 gave Sobchak the opportunity to make history. While Boris Yeltsin, the President of Russia, gathered and coordinated the opposition in Moscow, Sobchak did the same in St. Petersburg. He bravely confronted the security forces and convinced them not to send the army into the city.

The coup failed Soviet Union collapsed at the end of 1991, and Sobchak became second in popularity after Yeltsin political leader Russia. His legal education and experience allowed him to practically write the new Constitution of post-Soviet Russia. However, Sobchak was perhaps too soft a politician and could not use his immediate popularity after the coup to move to a more high level politics. Instead, he became caught up in the local politics of St. Petersburg and began to fall out of favor after failing to curb organized crime in the city. Soon, accusations of corruption and financial impropriety began to appear in the press.

From the peak of popularity to criminal prosecution

At the beginning of 1996, Sobchak's competitors launched a full campaign to discredit him; it was organized by his assistant Vladimir Yakovlev. Scandals involving Sobchak and his team appeared in the press; they were accused of mismanagement of city resources, which led to losses of hundreds of millions of dollars. Sobchak was accused of illegal privatization of property in prestigious areas of St. Petersburg. Some believed that Sobchak and his popularity were too inconvenient for Boris Yeltsin, whose second presidential term would have been in jeopardy if Sobchak had decided to run.

“I wouldn’t even want my enemies to experience what my family and I have experienced over the past four years. From a person with an unblemished reputation, I instantly turned into a corrupt official, I was persecuted and accused of all mortal sins,” Anatoly Sobchak later wrote in his book “A Dozen Knives in the Back.”

He lost the election by just over 1%, but the persecution did not stop. Sobchak had already had two heart attacks and felt very bad. In 1997, investigators from the prosecutor's office tried to forcibly bring him in for questioning - he was supposed to be a witness in a corruption case. His wife insisted that Sobchak was too ill to be questioned, but investigators did not believe her and tried to take him away by force. She called an ambulance, and doctors diagnosed Anatoly Alexandrovich with a third heart attack.

After the hospital in November 1997, Anatoly and his wife left for France. He lived in Paris for 2 years, underwent treatment, taught at the Sorbonne and worked with archives.


Sobchak returned to St. Petersburg in July 1999. His most ardent persecutors were either fired or arrested on criminal charges. In October 1999, Sobchak received an official notification from the Prosecutor General's Office that the criminal case against him was closed. All accusations published by the press were found to be unfounded. Sobchak restored his honor by winning cases against those who published defamatory materials about him.

In December 1999, Sobchak ran for State Duma. However decisive role lack of support played a role, and fierce competition with the city authorities - Sobchak lost, losing only 1.2%.

On December 31, 1999, Boris Yeltsin resigns; Vladimir Putin, Sobchak's former protégé, was appointed acting president until the March elections. In turn, Putin appointed Sobchak as his confidant in Kaliningrad, where he went on February 15.

Death and legacy

Five days later, on February 20, 2000, Sobchak was found dead. Immediately, the press voiced the opinion of Sobchak’s wife and relatives that it was a murder, but an autopsy established that the cause of death was acute heart failure.

Rumors about the murder appeared immediately, but the prosecutor's office of the Kaliningrad region opened a criminal case into murder (poisoning) only in May. An autopsy carried out in St. Petersburg showed the absence of both alcohol and poisoning. In August, prosecutors dropped the case. Although Anatoly’s brother Alexander Alexandrovich is still convinced that his brother was killed.

Sobchak was a representative of the generation that spent political stage both in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia. Having gained mass popularity during perestroika, he became one of the ideologists and political leader of capitalist reforms. In a sense, Sobchak's death, which coincided with the end of Yeltsin's presidency, closed the romantic period of Russia's democratization.

Ksenia Sobchak is a popular TV presenter, journalist, actress, writer, and public figure. Many viewers associate this girl with outrageousness.

She appeared on television as a presenter scandalous shows"Dom-2" and "Blonde in Chocolate". Over time, the blonde changed the vector of her activities and began to pay attention to more serious projects - politics and journalism. Nevertheless, she never gave up her extravagance in behavior, and even the Wikipedia article about Ksenia is more like a column in a scandalous magazine.


The biography of Ksenia Sobchak would in any case be of interest to the public, even if the journalist had not become a celebrity. The thing is that the girl was born in 1981 into a family known to every Russian.

Ksenia Sobchak's father, Anatoly Alexandrovich, headed the cultural capital of Russia in the post-Soviet period. Until now, the death of the mayor of St. Petersburg Sobchak is shrouded in mystery; most researchers of his case believe that he was killed, but everything was masked by heart disease. Ksenia Sobchak's mother, Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova, - former MP State Duma.

Since childhood, the girl was distinguished by obstinacy and rebellion. Perhaps this is why Ksenia changed several schools. She often clashed with her parents and friends, actively defending her point of view in disputes. As a child, Sobchak studied ballet and attended art school Hermitage. The girl has higher education in the specialty "International Relations", which she began to receive in St. Petersburg state university, and graduated from MGIMO.

Already from adolescence, Ksenia Sobchak sought to attract attention to herself; her biography is replete with acute events. Despite her young age, at the age of 16 the girl became famous thanks to the media, whose headlines were full of reports about her abduction and upcoming wedding. Whether these were journalists’ conjectures, or whether the socialite herself transmitted information to magazines and newspapers – the origin of these rumors is still unclear.

In 2004, a new television project was launched on TNT, the viewing ratings of which immediately began to go off scale. Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak and Ksenia Borodina were appointed project leaders. The Dom-2 project attracts millions of viewers, it has both crowds of fans and a lot of ill-wishers. Naturally, interest is also increasing in the personality of Ksenia, who often conducted heated interviews with participants and provoked scandals and conflicts between the characters.

Many channels are beginning to understand the advantages of a presenter like Sobchak. Intelligence and outrageousness create an explosive mixture that the modern viewer likes so much. The girl receives many offers to work in other projects. Ksenia was the presenter of the following programs:

  • "Blonde in chocolate."
  • "The Last Hero"
  • "Circus with the Stars"
  • "Two stars."
  • "Freedom of thought."
  • "Top Model in Russian."
  • "Girls".

She is invited to host an award ceremony for musicians on Muz-TV and is appointed host of the radio show “Everyday Life of Barabaki”. Ksenia also manages to try on the role of an actress and singer, with Timati helping her with this. Together they shoot a video for the song “Dance with Me,” which will later become a hit on the Russian charts.

Ksenia is invited to appear in films. The most popular are the following:

  • "The best movie ever."
  • "A short course for a happy life."
  • "A Romance with Cocaine"
  • "Term".
  • "Corporate"

Advertising with the participation of the journalist has always shocked the viewer: videos where Ksenia rams a Euroset window with a car or checks the quality and convenience of the interior of a new car after the action of the Lady Prelox drug have become popular and discussed on the Internet.

Sobchak also managed to realize herself as a successful businesswoman. She owns part of the shares of Euroset, and she is also a co-owner of the Moscow cafe Bublik. The journalist has written several books about beauty and personal success. Her latest creation was the collection “Philosophy in the Boudoir”.

2006 was the start of participation in the journalistic political activity. She created the “Everyone is Free!” movement, calling on people to boldly declare their rights, regardless of nationality, gender and age. After 5 years, she began to actively participate in opposition demonstrations and call for fair elections. Sobchak was the host of political programs, of which the most famous to viewers is “Sobchak Live.”

Personal life

Ksenia Sobchak also attracted increased attention with her novels; the news of her personal life surprised the public more and more each time. Men always admired the girl and sought to win her attention, so it’s difficult to say how many relationships Ksenia really had. Serious relationship The journalist had a meeting with businessman Alexander Shusterovich, with politicians Sergei Kapkov and Ilya Yashin.

A string of short-lived unions ended in 2013. In February, the wedding of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan took place. The wedding was an unexpected surprise even for close friends and relatives of celebrities - the newlyweds invited their loved ones to the premiere of the film with Vitorgan's participation, and in the end the guests attended the wedding. For a long time, the personal lives of lovers were carefully hidden.

Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan met at a rally, but the romance between them began only a few years later. The actor was attracted to future wife desire for self-development, Ksyusha was impressed by the man’s nobility. Many noticed how the spouses improved each other: Maxim began to look better, and Ksyusha became softer and more tolerant. The public has been waiting for scandals and intrigues around for a long time star couple, however, Ksenia Sobchak and her husband have still not given a reason for this.

Sobchak has long said that children are not her goal and that she is impressed by the “childfree” ideology, but already in November 2013 a child appeared in the family, and Maxim became a father for the third time. For a long time the pregnancy was hidden, and only later the celebrity admitted to the public about her interesting position at the Muz-TV awards. Ksenia Sobchak’s husband seemed to be with her every day, providing support and indulging his wife’s every whim.

The son of Ksenia Sobchak was named Plato, and this is almost all the information that is known to the public. The family's personal life is carefully hidden. On Instagram, you won’t find any home photos of stars hugging a baby. This secrecy is most likely due to the fear of gossip from the “yellow” publications. The house where Ksenia Sobchak lives is carefully guarded, and her life remains inaccessible to prying eyes.

After the birth of the child, Ksenia Sobchak quickly joined the work, latest news they report that she actively continues her career as a journalist and presenter, often flies on business to other countries and cities with her husband and son, successfully combining work and personal life. Author: Ekaterina Lipatova