Sergei "Spider" Troitsky: the life and work of a scandalous rock star. Sergei “Spider” Troitsky: “The surgeons asked: “Why do you need a spine?” And they inserted an iron pipe into my back

EQUIPMENT: 1. 1-2 local strippers (so as not to bring from Moscow) or several chicks who drink and who are ready to dance on stage, well, then we will sort it all out ourselves. (VERY IMPORTANT POSITION!!!) 2.Trading Corrosion goods at the concert - your dealer gives him 15%. (In advance at convenient location organize a table, accept goods 1 hour before the concert and report immediately after the event). 3. Bring in a local keyboard player and backing vocalist (if possible). We will provide texts and soundtracks in advance. 4. The presence of one guard, you can skin it, to cut off left-handed people and prevent theft. WARNING position for Russia!!! presence of a paid cop car near the entrance. ROAD according to the situation: - 7 tickets for a compartment or, in extreme cases, a reserved seat in a whole block (small transfers - reserved seat or express or by bus) or by plane, if far away, delivery of tickets (round trip) before the concert. ACCOMMODATION and FOOD: 1. Hotel (simple rooms with shower) or apartment three rubles (6 muses + those people) for 7 snouts, directly from the train or from transport, + transport around the city. If the house has at least 2 separate rooms + a hall and a kitchen. If we come for half a day, we can have one big day hotel room or an apartment for several hours + ONE owner. With the possibility of cooking. To do this, you need to mobilize a housekeeper; she must partially prepare all the ingredients in advance (chemical food like DOSHERak is unacceptable). If we are going to the next city, preferably a bomber right after the concert and a buffet with the local crowd. Local attractions, in case of overnight stay - the presence of a “leisure” specialist and all related telephone numbers. 2. If the hotel is a hotel, then the meals at the Club itself are the usual set lunches or dinners, of standard European quality - such as a “business lunch”. If there is no food in the club, a cafe must be scouted in advance - normal quality food (there is soup, main course, etc.). If we eat at our own expense, then the price tag should not be the SAME as in the center of MOSCOW or LONDON for black caviar and lobster. Chinese and similar cuisine - no. BUCHLO: Before the concert - 3 battles of water, 4 battles of Crimean (0.7) wine or 3 battles of red vermouth (1 liter) + 1 battle of strong drink (vodka, whiskey, rum, balsam). Prepare in advance so we don’t have to run to the store. Beer is STRICTLY prohibited!!! 1. Crimean wine - white or red port, surozh, sherry or semi-sweet dry. The labels bear the inscription: produced in Crimea - Ukraine. Manufacturers - Koktebel, Inkerman, Masandara. 2. VERMOUTH - Of the cheap ones, only “Salvator” costs about 120 rubles or any that are produced in Spain or Italy. 3. The most expensive and high-quality LOCAL VODKA or herbal balm!!! Or something like that. Possibly the dumbest types of whiskey, tequila and rum. CARELESS PROMOTERS: There are cases that in some cities, a local organizer (for example, a rich man) attends concerts simply for personal pleasure, the main thing for them is to get drunk with the artist, hang out, etc. These people do not care about normal advertising and fans accidentally find out about the concert . For such cases, penalties are provided. If the organizer does not care about the gathering of people, he is obliged to issue 200 women's tickets (marked GIRLS) and distribute them at the local women's vocational school.

Sergei Troitsky, better known as Spider, is perhaps the most outrageous musician on the Russian rock scene. And if now his antics are perceived with a smile, then in the early 90s they shocked the public. For 30 years now, Spider has led the thrash metal band Corrosion of Metal, which created a real cultural revolution in the late 80s with its provocative songs and kitschy shows.

Musician career

Sergei Troitsky was born in Moscow on May 29, 1966. Like all teenagers in the 80s, he listened to Western rock music and dreamed of creating his own band. Sergei learned to play the guitar early. After graduating from school, he worked for some time in the printing house "Red Proletary", and then in the editorial office of the publication "Moscow News".

The spider did not want to continue studying, and he soon got tired of the work. At the same time, he had the idea of ​​organizing a band that would play heavy metal. The opportunity presented itself in 1984, to

when Sergei met the guys who shared his ideas. The first line-up of the group, which was called "Corrosion of Metal", besides Spider, included guitarist Sergei Vysokosov (Borov), vocalist Alexander Petukhov (Schizophrenic), bass guitarist Vadim Mikhailov (Sax) and Vadim Krylov (Morg), who played the drums.

The group's first concert took place in 1985 in the basement of one of the housing offices. Naturally, he was illegal, so the police did not have to wait long. Law enforcement agencies regarded the performance of "Metal Corrosion" as hooliganism, but from this

At this time, Spider and other members of the group were closely watched.

In 1987, in an effort to legalize the thrash band, they joined the Moscow Rock Laboratory. At the same time, the first changes in the composition of “Metal Corrosion” took place. Borov became the vocalist, Alexander Bondarenko (Lizard) became the drummer, and Spider switched to bass guitar.

The first magnetic albums of the rock group "Russian Vodka" and "Order of Satan" were recorded and distributed illegally with the help of Stas Namin. It was impossible to officially publish such a product in the USSR. Only in 1991 did it appear

the torn legal record of the thrash band "Cannibal".

However, the real frenzy (by the way, “frenzy” is one of Spider’s favorite words) began back in 1989, when Troitsky founded the “Heavy Rock Corporation” - an informal association whose goal was to organize festivals and popularize metal music. At festivals, and especially at the band's solo concerts, entire kitschy performances were staged with extras in monster costumes, strippers and pyrotechnics. The crowning number of "Metal Corrosion" was a performance with a flying coffin. Also n

Rarely did band members drink alcoholic beverages (usually vodka) right on stage.

The main ideological inspirer and organizer of the performances was Sergei Troitsky. He also wrote the lyrics, the themes of which changed from album to album. Basically, it was black stuff: death, otherworldly forces, perversions. In the late 90s, the theme of the songs of “Metal Corrosion” began to lean towards the analysis of Nazism and the personality of Hitler, as a result of which it gained popularity among far-right youth, National Bolsheviks and skinheads. In 2002 there was a fight against Troitsky

o A criminal case has been initiated for inciting ethnic hatred. After examination at a psychiatric clinic, he was declared normal and released.

The Spider has gained great popularity among Internet users, where his memes are often used. For example, he regularly uses in his speech such words as “wildly”, “dragfully”, “for example”, “frenzy”. There is a version that the famous expression “trash, frenzy and sodomy” also belongs to Spider.

Social and political activities

Sergei Troitsky is also known for his political and social

enced activity. Back in the early 90s, he joined the Radical Party of Eduard Limonov, from which he ran for mayor of Moscow in 1993. In 1998, in the Lublin constituency, Pauk ran for State Duma and even won, but due to low voter turnout the elections were canceled.

Troitsky launched a wide election campaign in 2012, when he ran for mayor of Khimki. His election program was so absurd that it only made people laugh. However, the Spider said with complete seriousness that he would

bit the Khimki forest, since it is too dirty, will build a casino and generally turn Khimki into Las Vegas. He even stated that he had a project ready to create flying trolleybuses (!) that would run between Khimki and Moscow. Surprisingly, 2.5% of voters, either as a joke or completely consciously, cast their vote for Troitsky.

Spider was restless in his desire to become mayor. In 2013, he ran for mayor of the city of Zhukovsky. The elections were accompanied by scandals. In one interview, Troitsky confirmed rumors that he had bribed residents

th city for 500 rubles. He stated that he managed to bribe about 5 thousand people, which in fact turned out to be untrue, since most of the voters were never paid.

Then Spider again tried to become mayor of Moscow in early elections, and in 2014 he applied for the post of head of Novosibirsk. And again an unpleasant thing happened to him. At the airport he was detained by the police for transporting prohibited liquids. When law enforcement agencies tried to seize it, Troitsky caused a scandal and damaged office equipment.

That's how he was

always – emotional, irreconcilable, with a sick fantasy. A real eccentric with his own special worldview, incomprehensible to anyone. However, it is thanks to him out-of-the-box thinking one of the most original and interesting Russian metal bands emerged. For 30 years now, “Corrosion of Metal” has been releasing albums and giving concerts, despite the fact that its composition has changed many times. The main thing is that the permanent leader of the group, Sergei Troitsky, feeds it with new ideas and inspires the musicians. And it looks like he's not going to stop there

“To the jubilation of the assembled audience, the permanent leader of the “Metal Corrosion” group, Sergei “Spider” Troitsky, performed with the “Spider Orchestra” program.

Two plates of borscht

The Spider was highly anticipated in Tula. The event was planned at the end of last year. However, just a few days before the trip to Tula, Sergei was hospitalized with a serious spinal injury. Almost immediately after the operation, he set the date for the concert in Tula - January 27.
The photographer and I arrived at M2 just during the sound check. Sergei looked cheerful. Having learned that the press wanted an interview, Sergei quickly approached me and carefully touched my elbow:
- You're not in a hurry, are you? Now we're fast. Let's finish here and have a snack. Please wait. Ten to fifteen minutes.

After the sound check, the musicians from the “Orchestra” and the people accompanying the Spider sat down at the table in the hall to eat borscht with mayonnaise. The artists really liked the borscht: some happily ate two plates, and some even three. Soon the club administrator came for us: “Let’s go to the dressing room.”

Thank you, Sergey, for example!

We stomp up the steps.
“Now, now,” Sergei nods to us. Two joyful young men suddenly appear behind us. In the hands of one is the vinyl “Metal Corrosion”.
- Guys, let's do it later! Now let's change clothes, and there will be autographs! - the musicians warn.
- We don’t need any photographs or anything! They contacted Sergei in January, when he was supposed to come to Tula! - the guys shout.
- Oh... - Spider sighs tiredly and goes to the fans. - Let's-let's-let's...
- It was December! - the young man hands Troitsky the record. - We just need to sign the record, and we don’t need anything else! Can you write: “Evgeniy and Mikhail”? Mikhail is my brother...

Now there will be a skit

According to the plan, the performance was to begin at 20:00. However, it’s almost nine o’clock in the evening and the stage is empty. Spectators crowded the bar.
In the dressing room there are plastic cups and a head of cabbage on the table. The organizer of Tula rock concerts and festivals, Nastya Asfandiyarova, who came to host the event, is trying to speed up the process:
- So. Let me go on stage and start pushing some carts.
- Hey, Evgenich, who is this? - one of Troitsky’s assistants, Konstantin Volkov, nods perplexedly at Nastya.
- This is Nastya, she used to do concerts. And now she has escaped from the medical laboratory,” the Spider answers, pulling out a comb from his backpack.
- I was 15 years old, you were 25! - Nastya says to Spider. - Remember, damn it, how you took me to your place (in the “Metal Corrosion” group - Editor’s note, site).
- So, then everything was possible? - Volkov does not let up.
“I can say absolutely honestly, and Seryoga won’t let me lie,” Nastya continues. - While I was in “Corrosion”, wandering around with them, there were so many concerts - no one touched me even once in my life.
- What, unsexy?! - Volkov bursts into laughter.
- Actually, just different relationships. Everything is human,” Nastya is unperturbed. - Friendly, correct team. Not once, no one, never. So, okay,” he turns to one of the assistants, “Let’s go to the stage.” Take this knife, take that cabbage. Now we will have cabbage soup.
“Nastya would like some more water,” suggests the Spider.
- No, I still have to work! - Nastya runs away.
From somewhere in the corner a question:
- Hey, Spider, do your singers already drink?
- Yes, maybe some champagne? - Troitsky addresses one of the vocalists.
“No, no, no, I have a headache after drinking champagne,” the girl refuses.
- Do you drink vodka? Will you? - The Spider turned to us.
We sigh.
And after 15 minutes Sergei Troitsky answers our questions.

Fight with the connecting rod bear

You were going to come to Tula with this program at the end of last year, but you were injured. What's happened?
- In the media there were the most left-wing carts that someone overeat something, had a fight with someone. But in fact the story was like this. Around the end of November, under the leadership of the Russian Geographical Society Let's go to Altai. To take the most fashionable photographs of the Ussuri tigers, which our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is wildly lobbying for, it is called. And, as you remember, last year all the trains were painted with Ussuri tigers. But instead of catching hares, the Ussuri tiger sat down in the bear's den, as they say. And when cats p...ut, they paw like that, whoop-whoosh. I pissed off the whole den, as they say. Woke up the connecting rod bear, they say. The bear ran out and began to catch young Ussuri tiger cubs. The FSB officers immediately went crazy. They say: “Spider, what should I do?” Naturally, I had to defend the tiger cubs and enter into a fight with the connecting rod bear, as they say.
First we had to give trumpeter, a local Altai balsam, 65 degrees. He waved, as they say, took a club, beat off the bear. Gave him several terrible blows. He also hit me with his paw - my spine was broken in half. But we were quickly taken by a helicopter from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to a military hospital near Moscow. Where are the great Russian surgeons, having watched the film “Terminator”, how it works, and immediately said: “Sergei Evgenievich, why do you need a spine at all? Let us supply you with an iron pipe. And you can with the bears as much as you want, as they say!” I agreed.

Dancing with the girls

How are you feeling now?
- I haven’t fully recovered yet, so to speak. Instead of a spine, like the Terminator, I have an iron pipe, they call it. Now I constantly call wildly at airports.
The operation took place in a military hospital near Moscow. Chief physician I was allowed to smoke because I couldn’t walk, so they say. I smoked right in the ward, it was great - I immediately began to recover. I thank Russian surgery, as they say, it put me back on my feet. Although, of course, I now have a special corset on, it’s called. But you see, I can even dance and dance with the girls.
What are the limitations with such an injury?
- I can lie down, walk and have sex only in a corset, so to speak. Otherwise, if I have sex without this special German corset, as they say, then the iron rod may not fuse with the bones.

The Complete Works of Spider

Your book “Back in the USSR” is incredibly popular - it is now nowhere to be found or bought in a printed version.
- A large circulation of “Return in the USSR” was made. But since I liked this book so much, the entire print run is sold out. Some time ago I accidentally found one copy at home. A lot of people contact us and want to buy. In the spring, in connection with the release of my new book “Escape from Montenegro”, dedicated to my stay in Montenegro, in an international prison, a number of my books will be republished, including “Back in the USSR”, “New Year’s UGAR”. But in at the moment these publications do not exist on the market.

“Corrosion” will arrive in Tula in the spring. If you want.

Fans of “Metal Corrosion” are waiting new album. When already?
- On March 30, the group “Metal Corrosion” will release a new album, it’s called. This will be a double album, which will include 14 killer compositions, plus 12 dance ones. Accordingly, on March 30 there will be a presentation in Moscow, as they say. If the administration of the “M2” club agrees, they say, “Metal Corrosion” will be happy to come again to the hero city of Tula in April or May.

Battle for South Korea

You brought with you some cool T-shirts with you for sale with the inscription “Battle for South Korea-2018". What is this about?
- Yes, today is the first day of sales of “Battle for South Korea 2018” T-shirts. I remember about 3 thousand years ago, when the first Olympics were held in Greece, people didn’t care..., whether a person ate wine or not, whether he ate meldonium or not. The most important thing is that he had to run forty kilometers, as they say. And all that stuff, they say. Now they have come up with a fake scheme to carry out all sorts of corruption...nudes. As a result, Russia is not allowed to compete under its flags in South Korea.
Therefore, the Heavy Rock Corporation is holding an action against the boycott of South Korea. There is no need to participate in the Olympics. You just need to occupy South Korea. And then each of us will receive 10 naked Korean girls. Support our flash mob, it's called: invasion, victory and occupation!

Honeymoon at the local morgue

Does your first love, Katya, about whom you so romantically talk in the book “Back in the USSR,” know that she has become a literary heroine?
- It's hard to say. We have a lot of people in our party who are nearby, and then disappear, and there are no connections with them. Maybe she knows, maybe she doesn't. Or maybe she will find out when she becomes an old woman or a witch, as they say. Or it will end up on the table of Igor Morgu - a man who works as a pathologist in forensic medicine, called it, came with us. He will organize and promote sex tourism in different cities, including Tula. Because tourism needs to be developed.

What will it look like?
- For example, let’s say some young couple can come to Tula and honeymoon carried out at the local morgue, it is called. And have sex there, for example, in general. This is great, isn't it?

What other points will be included in this tourist program?
- But only this. Nothing else is needed, so to speak. Only sex tourism and eating Tula gingerbread, so called. What else good can you offer?

The best gift for Spider

On the first day of the new year 2018, Sergei Troitsky received best gift: On January 1 at 16:40, Sergei’s daughter Ekaterina Lahtinen, living in Helsinki, gave birth to a girl.
“Good news on the first day of the New Year! And what could be even better?! -


Sergei Troitsky is a descendant of an ancient Russian family. Sergei's father Evgeny Troitsky- a famous scientist, academician engaged in the study of the Russian nation. Sergei's ancestor, from whom Spider traces his ancestry, was a bell ringer during the Battle of Kulikovo, gathering people for the war. Great-grandfather-priest, grandfather-doctor, awarded the Order of Lenin. The list of patients saved by Spider’s grandfather from malaria in Ukraine contains the name Savenko. It so happened that Spider’s grandfather saved his mother (Savenko) from death.

Sergei Troitsky is divorced and has two daughters.


After graduating in 1983 high school worked in the printing house "Red Proletary" and in the editorial office of the newspaper "Moscow News".

In 1984 he created the thrash metal group "Corrosion of Metal", which in the late 1980s - early 1990s became one of the most popular in the country. During these years, Mr. Troitsky earned a reputation as one of the most scandalous rockers.

In 1985, the band's first concert was held illegally in the basement of Housing Office No. 2, where about 300 people from the Moscow metal scene gathered. After the fourth song, heavily armed policemen and KGB officers burst into the hall. People were kept all night and released in the morning. Rumors about this concert circulated for several years, and “Corrosion of Metal” became famous throughout the USSR.

Over the years of its existence, the group has released a lot of albums, held hundreds of concerts, and was the first to use sex shows at its concerts. During this time, many musicians played in “Corrosion”.

Since 1989, the composition of the group remained as follows for a long time: Sergey "Spider" Troitsky- bass; Sergey "Borov" Vysokosov- guitar, vocals; Roman "Crutch" Lebedev- guitar; Alexander "Lizard" Bondarenko- drums. For some fans, Corrosion will forever be remembered in this golden lineup.

In an effort to become legalized, “Corrosion” joined the Moscow Rock Laboratory in 1989, but its fame remained scandalous due to provocative performances in makeup and aggressive lyrics.

In 1989, two debut magnetic albums, “The Order of Satan” and “Russian Vodka,” were recorded and distributed illegally by pirates.

In 1989, Troitsky organized the Iron March festival, during which, for the first time in the USSR, five dozen female fans performed a collective striptease.

In 1989 he created the “Heavy Rock Corporation”, the goal of which was to unite all informal groups in Russia under one “roof”.

KTR in different times was involved in organizing many festivals (such as: “Iron March”, “RussianMetalBallads”, “Rock Against Drugs”, “Rock Against AIDS”, “Hellish Abortion”, “Trash Your Mother”, “Trash Epidemic”, “Punk Revolution” , "Rap is feces"), the release of various collections ("Iron March", "RussianMetalBallads", "Punk Revolution", "Anthems of Football Hooligans", "Skinheads Are Coming"), and magazines ("Iron March", "Skinheads are coming", "Rock Sight", "Moscow Democrat").

During the existence of the organization, many informal rock bands of the 1990s passed through it, some of which gained wide popularity as a result.

One of the first KTR festivals in 1989 was “Rock Against AIDS”, where “naked girls” performed with the group. This got the audience so excited that they completely destroyed the MAI House of Culture. About 1,500 people crammed into the 1,000-seat hall. After the concert there was practically not a single living chair left. The administration canceled the remaining three shows. For this, the fans smashed all the doors and glass.

In 1991, “Corrosion of Metal” released its first legal record on Sintez Records – “Cannibal”, which sold more than 600 thousand copies in two weeks, and in subsequent years another 800 thousand cassettes, compacts and sheets.

After that, “Corrosion” traveled several times to Poland, Germany, Yugoslavia and Hungary, as well as throughout the USSR.

On June 1, 1992, the album “Sadism” was released, released by Moroz Records, which was presented at the “Hell Abortion” festival.

A special place in the work of “Metal Corrosion” was occupied by a sex show. Over 12 years, about 300 different bodies of different types passed through its ranks.

As the Spider said, “We never tried to recruit stupid, plastic Barbie Girls, like in the Dolls club, who do not evoke any emotions. Our dancers were ordinary girls and their semi-professional antics drove tens of thousands of fans crazy. Russian people love to feel naked with vodka and music joyful girls, we also enjoy it. Therefore, all the activities of the CM were built on giving more joy and excitement to the Russian people. During the years of the Yeltsin regime, the Russian people were completely robbed, humiliated and trampled. Raise people's spirits, self-confidence and a bright future and fight for the Russian National Revolution. Glory to Russia. Glory to Russian Metal! y!"

In 1992, “Corrosion” released its first video film on the market, as well as the video “Sadism”, and in 1993 the video “ComeToSabbath” and others.

In 1995, the most technically advanced album, “1. 966,” was recorded. Hitler-Shishkin was involved in the show, who performed the title hit "NichtKaputen, NikhtKapituleren". On tour, people went crazy about Hitler rising from hell.

In addition to concerts, “Corrosion” also participated in social and patriotic events. Over the course of several years, KM led such actions as “Down with Drugs”, “Rock Against Abortion”, “Rap is Poop”, “In Support of Russian Refugees”, concerts in support of patriotic figures, the army and the Russian fleet in Crimea.

In 1998, KM published an album of dance remixes of cult hits “Dance Heaven & Hell”, as well as solo album Spider "Antichrist".

In 2000, "Corrosion" released a collection of patriotic songs, "Beat the Devils - Save Russia!", and in 2002, the album " Pagan Gods". The album "Pagan Gods" is designed in the classic, wildly aggressive style of KM.

"New Year UGAR 2012" (2012); "It's good in the USSR" (2012).


In the mid-1990s, Spider began to devote a lot of time to politics, supporting the National Bolshevik Party of Eduard Limonov.

In the 1993 elections, he was nominated by the Radical Party of Eduard Limonov (now the Other Russia) for the post of mayor of Moscow. But the elections were canceled due to the October events.

In December 1998, Troitsky ran for by-elections to the Russian State Duma in the Lublin constituency and won greatest number votes, however, due to low voter turnout (less than 25%), the election results were canceled, and re-elections were not scheduled due to the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 1999.

In May 2002, a criminal case was opened against Troitsky under the article “Inciting national, racial or religious hatred.” The reason for initiating the case was Troitsky’s possible involvement in the release of audio tapes and the samizdat magazine “Skinheads Are Coming,” which contained overt calls for reprisals against representatives of national minorities, as well as the presence of signs of inciting ethnic hatred in Troitsky’s own songs.

In the fall of 2003, Troitsky was sent for compulsory examination to the Serbsky Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, where he spent three weeks, after which in November 2003 he was declared normal and released.

In an interview with the Kommersant newspaper, Troitsky said that psychiatrists recognized him as normal, but representatives of the clinic refused to comment on the situation, citing the secrecy of the investigation.

In 2007, Troitsky won the mayoral election in the village of Zaprudishche, Moscow region, but, due to the unpromising location of the village, he refused to rule.

In 2010, Sergei spoke out in favor of cutting down the Khimki forest, on the grounds that it was dirty.

In the spring of 2010, Troitsky signed the appeal of the Russian opposition “Putin must leave.”

In August 2012, he announced his intention to run for mayor of Khimki, and during the election campaign he distinguished himself with a number of provocative slogans.

On June 14, 2013, Sergei “Spider” Troitsky submitted documents as a self-nomination for the early elections of the mayor of Moscow, which took place on September 8, 2013, but was not allowed to participate in the elections, since he did not present the required number of signatures of residents of the region to the Moscow election commission, as well as his municipal deputies and heads of municipalities.

According to Troitsky himself, his signatures were burned.

Without giving up attempts to become the mayor of at least some city, on January 23, 2014, “Spider” submitted documents to be nominated as a candidate for the post of mayor of Novosibirsk. Nominated by the "Against All" party.

Rumors (scandals)

In 2008, he was beaten and robbed, according to him, of 30 thousand rubles at the GoldenPalace casino.

In 2010, he approved the cutting down of the Khimki forest, arguing that it was littered with garbage, there were always homeless people and drug addicts, rabid dogs and foxes attacking domestic animals (one villager’s fox destroyed more than 20 chickens).

The election of the mayor of the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow was marked by a scandal involving bribery of voters: Troitsky’s headquarters invited residents to become paid agitators and enter into contracts (500 rubles before the elections, 500 rubles after). Those who agreed received a card with the name of the candidate. However, a few days before the elections, the cards began to be exchanged for others, with the surname “Voytyuk” ( Andrey Voytyuk ultimately won the election). On voting day, all money issuing points were closed by the police.

In an interview with the BBC Russian Service, Sergei Troitsky said that he bribed about 5 thousand people, which is not entirely true, since most of the “bribed” never received the money, and they had nowhere to complain, due to the legal insolvency of the deal.

In January 2014, he was detained at the Novosibirsk airport. As stated in the transport police report, "during the pre-flight inspection, liquids prohibited for transportation in the aircraft cabin were found in the hand luggage of this citizen. To the proposals of aviation security officers to hand over containers with liquids to the luggage, the man, who was in a state of strong emotional arousal, reacted with rude obscene language, after why he damaged the airline's office equipment".

Sergei (Spider) Troitsky was sentenced in Montenegro to 10 months in prison in October 2016.

The rocker was accused of setting fire to the house where he was relaxing at the invitation of the owners, as well as escaping from the scene of the crime.

at the beginning of March 2017, Sergei Troitsky announced on his Facebook page that he escaped from prison with the help of the Turkish mafia and the Kurdistan army:

"The breakthrough from MONTENEGRO was accomplished. LET'S GO to the next level. Wild respect to everyone for facilitating the escape - money, sending letters. And especially to the army of Kurdistan! The Guantanamo-2 international prison is already in the past - a separate topic about it, ... after all less than 1,500 prisoners from Russia alone who are left to the mercy of fate. Super respect to the veterans of KOSOVO-99, without your participation this would not have happened.", - said the odious rocker.

According to Troitsky, who regularly takes part in political elections, Russia has long been awaiting Russian power in Europe:

“Let’s start all over again and soon our fleet will be in Budva and Bar. They are waiting for us as occupiers, but just in a different capacity than in 45, in Europe people are not idiots - no one will tolerate barbarism - only a joyful life. Only Victory! "

“According to our information, he was released from prison and on March 1 flew from Montenegro to Moscow.”, - stated the Russian diplomatic mission in Montenegro.

Heavy Rock Corporation presents a concert video for the song “Khimki Barber” - from the album of the group CORROSION OF METAL “666like 2014”. The song became one of the main features, concert program Corrosion. SPIDER says: - The general public became acquainted with the GRAND furniture salon in Khimki through Moskovsky Komsomolets, where a whole series from Khishtein was published. The essence of the publications was implicated in grandiose frauds around the object, related to the sale of expensive Italian furniture, but secretly produced in Belarus (one of the small couriers was the former KTR skinhead Borman - now on the run). Rich suckers and corrupt officials bought chairs and stools for 10,000 euros, but their cost was no more than a hundred dollars. The profit was crazy. There were monstrous showdowns, raider takeovers and interceptions. When I was a candidate for mayor of Khimki, a nondescript man with the slightest bearing came up to me and whispered in my ear: - Why is there nothing in your program about “The Barber of Khimki”? I was surprised, but soon I had the opportunity to drink with local big cops, two former fans Metal Corrosion group. After the fifth whiskey battle, I managed to get them to talk: 2003 - the FSB’s fight against werewolves in uniform. An honest investigator, nicknamed “POIRO”, is investigating murders and fraud at a furniture showroom at the local level. In retaliation, terrible accidents happen to his family, and the apartment burns to the ground. He is suspended, removed from the organoff and imprisoned for three years. Soon he returns the man with the chainsaw, but first, under someone else’s profile, he works at the private security company - GRANDA, as the head of the night security. Once he had studied everything, HC staged his first show. He turned off the cameras and burst into the main office, where they were counting the cash receipts received for a successful weekend. The chainsaw sprang into action. About 30 employees were subjected to hellish sawing. He tried to make furniture out of them. He attached his hands to the armrests with tape, stuffed his heads with open mouths into Spanish toilets. One of his know-haoos is a chair for fat merchants. The legs were attached to the Belarusian chair with a job, and then with an erect dick, everything was smeared dense layer klya Moment. It turned out to be a kind of embalming. Having boiled such a chair, the merchant's wife simultaneously watched the TV and fucked the half-dead man. After the eighth battle of Viskar, they told me another mountain of horrors about 77 victims - the Khimki Barber. But my question is: - Why isn’t this in the media? They said that the KGB had classified this case... One day, we were filming pre-election near GRAND, our video operator Misha was almost hit by Gletvagen. When he parked, an 11-year-old boy came out from behind the wheel, and then two fat cops (it was such a fashion for the police back then to put children behind the wheel - like, I don’t give a fuck, be afraid of my children or something). I was indignant, Misha stood all pale. With my peripheral vision, I saw that nondescript man who asked about “The Barber of Khimki,” he wrote something down in a notebook and disappeared into the crowd with lightning speed. The next day, I accidentally found out that in the back room of the salon, several people who arrived in Gleitwagen had been sawed with a chainsaw. Only then did I realize that that nondescript guy, the dragnet, was the local Robin Hood - THE BARBER OF KHIMKI. This story became the basis for the song of the group “Corrosion of Metal”. At the concert, Jack Sparrow performed with a chainsaw. The photos were covered up. Before the New Year 2015, I received a box with a parcel containing the newest Italian chainsaw and a postcard with a small note in red ink - fountain pen: Happy New Year! Good luck! Thanks for the song. Signed: Khimki Barber! Now, when together with Vanya we prepare winter firewood and prepare for the New Year celebration, I always boast: - You see, Vanya, this same saw, now it brings warmth and joy to our home! Upcoming shows with the participation of SPIDER, the group METAL CORROSION and chainsaw: December 15 - “PREC-NEW YEAR’S FAST”. TOMSK