Biography of Kolya Sergi personal read. Kolya Serga gave an interview to I want: about the project “Heads and Tails”, relations with Alina Astrovskaya and personal life (exclusive). Ukrainian "Star Factory"





Host of "Heads and Tails"

10.01.2020 21:28:07

It's time to take stock of the past year. The past year has been very important for me in large part because of the people I met and exchanged the keys to our hearts. @arnionelove Arnie, of course, I didn’t meet you this year, but only this year I realized WHO I met! I love! @mnogohoroshego_ Nastya, I admire you from A to Z. You are a woman whose letters are all in capitals. WOMAN. I love! @alonamakukh Alena, you are the most beautiful witch in the world! With equal dexterity you brew potions, rings and weld your eyes to yourself! I love! @ssoul77 You're a mixture of Batman and Joker in one person. I admire this balance in you! I love! @dema Katya, it feels like you take pictures with your heart, and you put the camera to your eye only so as not to embarrass those around you! I love! @dominicofrank Kirill, now I know that in difficult times I can come to you! After all, in difficult times you need a massage therapist. I love! @zolotaryovaa Dasha, if I need to warm my loved ones with love not only from the outside, but also from the inside, I know exactly into whose caring hands to transfer them! I love! @alina_lapa Alina, this year I dream of seeing you yell at someone. Please! I love! @slavifaichuk Slava, you are the embassy of my heart in Los Angeles! I didn't have an older brother before I met you! I love! @ivanfromrnd Vanya, you accidentally burst into my life. That's what you think. Hahah. But I know! I love! @nukivanlent Anuschka, you will not understand what I wrote here, but it’s not matter. I'm glad to meet you! My partner in crime! Love you! @ledocolpavlov Yura, I always communicate with you on pins and needles. And it's so relaxing! I love! @yuribatkin Yurchik, your kindness knows no bounds. And you yourself only found out about them two weeks ago, when you flew out of Ukraine for the first time in your life. I love! @alexey_t .b Lesha, I admire your ability to learn and hear! I love! @gerchanovskiy Dima, even before I met you, I knew that you get exclusive gifts. But the most precious gift is your exclusive mind and decency! I love! While I wrote out this list, I lived through each one again and realized how awesome this year was for me!!! I hold you all to my heart!!!

07.01.2020 13:40:42

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

Hello friends! Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. Perhaps because it contains official magic (religious events, after all, are, in fact, permitted magic). And what could be more exciting than talking about magic in the face of pragmatic cynics. Which, by the way, also celebrate this day. Secondly, from 5 to 13 years old - it was my highest grossing day of the year. Where, unlike even on my birthday, I could make so much cash that I had enough for all sorts of small needs for the next six months. I knew all the possible carols, came up with my own and even choreographed performances with costumes so that the shocked residents of the apartments I visited, appreciating the scale of the investment, would not even think about paying off with candy. And since there was such frankness, being overwhelmed with feelings, I decided to give you a Christmas freestyle! Merry Christmas! I hold it tightly to my heart!

30.12.2019 20:01:20

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

One day until the new year! I'm not a fan of summing things up, but this is a great opportunity. These will be the results associated with one cool project, which will be finally implemented in the winter-spring of 2020. 1. In the spring I was preparing the book “Inside Out” for publication. And in the process of editing the illustrations for it, the idea was born to write another book, where all the visualizations for the poems are described in text. That is, the reader himself draws an illustration in his imagination. 2. Over the summer, I wrote visualizations for each verse and after re-reading, I rewrote 70% of the book. 3. The other day I agreed with one well-known Ukrainian publication to print a book and after the New Year I will release the first edition. 4. Now I am recording an audiobook with my poems and illustrations. This is quite a large amount of work and I want to get everything done before the New Year. To do this you need to be in the studio non-stop. And so that my friend and sound engineer Arthur could smoke right in the studio without disturbing me with tobacco smoke, I gave him a myblu @blu_russia vape. Now I can lovingly squeeze the last juices out of him, for the sake of a great cause, and he instantly relieves stress by dousing me with streams of steam with a pleasant smell from an electronic evaporator (there are many different ones for every taste). Myblu is also 99% safer than regular cigarettes. Therefore, Arthur will stop harming himself and live to see my recording next book. Which makes me incredibly happy. Tell us, which of your plans for the past year surprised even you? #myblu #Nedymasmog #Cmogcmyblu #mybluchallenge #makemyblu #todocуmyblu

30.12.2019 12:10:30

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

Friends! There are only a few hours left until the New Year, and perhaps some of you just remembered that gifts are needed for the holidays. How I understand you in this and recognize myself. Especially for this occasion, I decided to make this selection of the coolest guys. And not only because they are my friends (although even that would be enough), but also because they produce very cool and unique things. 1. @alonamakukh .jewelry We can talk about this brilliant woman forever, but you just have to look at what she does and any words become superfluous. It is not simple jewelry, this is magic that gets you hooked on yourself. 2. @_play_bull_ Victoria sews leather bulls with cozy “bells”. I already have two of these - black and red. They are perfect as a gift for those men who, it would seem, can no longer be pleased with anything. If you don’t make them happy with this bull, then lose such boring people from your environment. 3. @onlyone_russia Nastya Batkina produces such beautiful and sexy underwear that even right after the holidays, your body will be seductive and desirable in it. 4. @tb .bags Tkachev and Batkin sew unique and high-quality leather goods. Bags, wallets, backpacks, car mats and more. Sometimes it seems that there is nothing in the world that these two masters cannot sew. The 3-D printer was created in their image and likeness. 5. @zacerkovnaya_clothes Tanya Zatserkovnaya is the fairy of outrageousness. The things she sews and draws are from space. I’ve never seen her paint, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I walked into her studio and saw her meditating in a chair and her brushes painting on their own. 6. If you carefully, with a master's eye, examine your festive table, you will notice that something is missing. And I will be happy to tell you what. Delicious dessert from @babka_bakery. For each of my apartments, I order 50-60 pieces and they sell like pies (although each bubka is ten times larger than a pie). This is delicious. You trust my taste, right? True, I haven’t talked about this with the guys yet, but if you call them and say that you came from me, they will give you a discount. The code word is “Kolya loves me.” Pressed to my heart!

28.12.2019 14:04:44

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

On December 22, I had an apartment in @loftprojectetagi in St. Petersburg. By the way, I was the first to perform there. We can say that he baptized the site. The brilliant @kkvazar helped sound the concert, arriving with his equipment 15 minutes before the start. And during the apartment party, moving around the hall like a ninja, @ksesha_kruglova took atmospheric photos. It was a spontaneous idea to organize an apartment building in just a couple of days. Admission was free. It was a surprise for those who came. But, since nothing happens for nothing, especially such cool events, we agreed with the viewer that everyone present should now do something beautiful for free to someone who will need his help in the next couple of days. In short, we started a chain of good deeds. Oh, what will happen now, what will happen! I pressed everyone to my heart!

23.12.2019 20:24:31

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

Portholes, like centrifuges, erase my traces in distant countries. I know that they are waiting for me today, And I will get off, both from the ramps and from the screens. I'm a squirt. I'm a flash. The mocker of boredom. I Fresh air for crowds and bedrooms. A long-awaited guest and even a friend to everyone, but a roommate and host to no one.

10.12.2019 17:36:58

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

Burst into Odessa @dema

01.12.2019 19:22:35

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

And by the way, I have an apartment in Kyiv 07.12 at @masterskayahub Write to them in direct message and sign up. I pressed everyone to my heart! Konovalets 44a Saturday.

24.11.2019 20:53:38

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

Airplanes airplanes airplanes Pilots stick their wings into the clouds. I am running away, propped up by the atmosphere, From someone, from something yesterday. Flights, changes, overdoses, Weightlessness with the tart taste of glucose, I will slowly lie down in a comfortable position Outside the window in the perfect frost. So I’ll fall asleep almost immediately, probably, I’ll completely dissolve in a huge white vein, and I’ll wake up in other airport walls. Planes, flights, changes. Somewhere there, oceans meet me, Cities and a new, foreign smell, I am comfortable and can easily settle right next to the planet evenly in my pockets.

24.11.2019 09:30:48

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

Ufa, thank you! It was beautiful and warm!

17.11.2019 09:42:24

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

Moments #1 1. As a result of Kefir deceiving me and refusing to bring me a toy, which I threw at his request with all my love, my patience ran out. 2. My protest to business trainings that force you to move forward no matter what. “What if there is an abyss in front of me or Bogdan Titomir with open arms?” I mentally answer them, holding this sign in my hands. 3. This is my friend, Natasha, comforting Kefir, who had a hard time accepting the events taking place in the first photo. 4. Laughing Buddha drawn with chalk on a blackboard at the legendary Urth Caffe. 5. One of the spreads of the brilliant comic “My favorite thing is Monster” by Emil Ferris. I've already ordered three of these from Amazon. And I recommend it to you! I pressed everyone to my heart!

10.11.2019 22:22:37

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

My NYFA training is over. These were two bright months with so many impressions that I will still be raking them over for the same amount of time to understand what actually happened. A little later I will post several video interviews with my teachers and a couple of educational works. And tomorrow at around 11 am I plan to do a live broadcast, in which I will be happy to tell you in more detail about the training and will be happy to answer your questions. @newyorkfilmacademy @nyfalosangeles #NYFA #NYFALA #NewYorkFilmAcademy

02.11.2019 13:34:40

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

29.10.2019 08:44:50

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

Okay, if I didn’t know what would lead to what. But it is strange to think that the same actions will lead to a different result. And I think. I am like the guy from the joke who went to five sessions in a row, a film in which the girls undressed by the lake, and at the moment of complete nudity, a train appeared, blocking all eroticism from the viewer. He walked, hoping that at least once the train would be late. I am confused in my desires and am looking for a hint from the outside on how to untangle them. And these are my desires. And who else, besides me, should understand my desires. And desires are like a GPS navigator for actions. No wonder my legs are absurdly pressing each other in an attempt to get somewhere. I'm gaining knowledge. But I don't know how to use them. Now, instead of doing something, I can name fifty reasons why I didn’t do it... This Tree of Wisdom has a strange effect on me. We need to get up and get out of here before it completely blows up.

22.10.2019 07:24:46

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

Little by little our course is coming to an end and we are starting to film scenes and excerpts from plays that we have been rehearsing for two months. Yesterday we were taken to the backyard of Universal Studios, where we filmed an assignment on the subject “acting for film”. Universal Studios' Backyard is a set of template areas for filming. There is a street layout New York(to block a street in New York costs much more than to “revive” the scenery in the form of it), a model of a street with cottages, a model of a village with a small lake, a western town (which we got for filming) and many others. It's actually not very convenient to film there. Noisy. Since we worked together with the second year, there are a lot of them and everyone needs to fit their filming into a fairly compact area. Also, from time to time, tourist buses passed by and the guide shouted through the loudspeaker: “the NYFA Academy is currently filming training sessions here, take a photo, move on, we are not disturbing them at all.” At this point in the scene we paused and held it until the bus left. But overall the experience is cool and there are a lot of impressions. @newyorkfilmacademy @nyfalosangeles #NYFA #NYFALA #newyorkfilmacademy

18.10.2019 20:05:05

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

Friends, if you have questions about studying at the New York Film Academy, living in Los Angeles, completing documents for studying in America, living here and other things, write in the comments. And I will film the answers with visualization of the details and post a video. @nyfalosangeles @newyorkfilmacademy #NYFA #NYFALA #NewYorkFilmAcademy

16.10.2019 07:55:08

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

This is Suzanne. She is seventy-four years old. She is my Comedy Improvisation teacher. Her sense of humor is excellent and her reaction speed is amazing. Suzanne says humor prolongs life. She was extended for forty years. And he adds: “Actually, I’m thirty-four, and humor threw this fucking forty at me.” Her subject is one of my favorites. This is where the magic happens. I dived to such depths of states and reactions during our improvisations that then I remained in a state of passion for several hours. This is the coolest therapy and entertainment at the same time. At the first lesson, Suzanne gave us an A4 sheet of paper with the basic rules of improvisation. I tried to translate for you as close to the text as possible: React and act as in real life. If you don't believe in the reality of what is happening, then why should the audience? The more extraordinary and incredible the nature of the situation, the more convincing you must be. Act using three options: PHYSICAL – create an image, a place and how your body works and interacts. VERBAL - this means not only the words themselves, but also the way you say what you say. Be careful - say only what you have to say. Show me the rest. Give the scene only what it asks for. Don't get bogged down in conversations. Don't delay. Let the next moment happen. When in doubt, shut up. EMOTIONAL – The most important. The way an actor communicates is very important for the life of the scene. Always look for the emotion and play it. Use not only pure emotions such as love, anger, happiness and sadness, but also mixed emotions such as nostalgia, enthusiasm, sexism and patriotism. Save your energy on high level even with the “low” energy levels of the scene and characters. Say yes all the time. When in doubt, cry. When in doubt, fall in love. When in doubt, hug someone. Talk is cheap. Explore and enhance as soon as the director tells you to. Don't play with the audience. Play for them. Let their energy charge you. Work with everyone on stage. You have to play as a team to win. Live best time In my life. @newyorkfilmacademy @nyfalosangeles #NYFA #NYFALA

02.10.2019 09:37:34

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

Everything will be fine. The main thing is to enjoy the moment. In a hurry and race - you are an ambassador. In the balance of the moment - the president. Time stands still, it is fear that flows, A smile without happiness is a sluggish grin. And the world. What about the world? He'll wait for you. I've been waiting since the birth of the galaxy. Geniuses @dema @alina_lapa

22.09.2019 08:52:40

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

Over the weekend, @slavifaichuk and I went to Vegas, where at a party with the guys from “work and travel” I read my first stand up. This is a new format for me. I was worried. In fact, I agreed to perform before the stand up was written. In the end, everything turned out more than cool. I'm currently translating the material to English language and I will read this stand up in one of the clubs Los Angeles for the American public. Let's bomb! (I wrote this proposal for the American intelligence services so that they would send a couple of their guys to my performance, who would carefully watch my performance and not be distracted) If you want, I will share this stand-up with you on IGTV.

17.09.2019 19:44:47

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

The longer you look at this photo, the more it seems to you that the guy’s face in it is somehow similar to yours. And after some time, it begins to seem to you that it is you who are lying there, on the Hoover Dam, relaxed, and enjoying the rays of the Nevada sun, especially gentle today. You can even feel the warmth of the concrete warming your back and a light breeze flowing around you from your left. You feel protected and safe, despite the fact that you are lying on the edge of a dam. A pleasant, light, comfortable feeling washes over you in waves from the tips of your toes to the crown of your feet and back, exactly as many times as you want. You allow yourself to enjoy this feeling and at the same time notice how worries and fussy thoughts leave you, and in their place comes a special state of strength and confidence in yourself and your actions. You enjoy this as much as you want, after which you take a deep breath and exhale, and notice that the guy’s face in the photo begins to take on the features of your friend, Kolya Sergi. Suddenly, barely noticeably, he lifts his glasses and winks at you. You smile and feel as if someone has lovingly pressed you to their heart.

17.09.2019 08:14:27

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

So what will the book look like? I'll tell you about the cover a little later. The verse will be printed on the left side of the page. And on the right is its visualization. This could be an illustration, animation, video, mini-play, or even a description of your adventure. Here, for example, is what a visualization for this verse looks like: Between the pages you notice a small brochure. It looks like a tourist brochure with hot deals on the first few pages. The only thing that surprises you is that the photographs of landscapes accompanying these tours clearly do not look like those on earth and the language in which the brochure is written is unlike anything you know. You flip through it and close it in surprise, after which you look at the cover. On it you see a pocket of blue jeans, into which a hand is stuck up to the thumb. Lianas climb out of the pocket, ferns and other vegetation stick out. A cloud froze near the wrist. On thumb A little monkey sits and tries to pull off a hangnail.

16.09.2019 07:48:41

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

I'm almost finished writing the book. The book will have a very interesting and unusual format. These will be poems with illustrations. But the illustrations will be described in words. That is, the artist is your imagination. I describe what you can see, and you see it in your own special way. Feeling everything you want to feel. And experiencing what they would like to experience. I’ll try to post something for you one of these days so that you can share with me the anticipation and admiration for this work. Right now I’m sitting on the balcony of my room in Vegas and editing one of the sections of the book. I press it to my heart.

15.09.2019 09:40:44

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

It's difficult here, but very interesting. Language is only a problem as long as you think about it seriously. As soon as you start playing at being an American, imitating the accent of those around you, the language barrier is removed and you begin to not only understand everything, but also formulate your thoughts in a new way. On the way to school and back, I turn on the news radio and just try to follow the presenters with their intonations, accents and speech patterns. The exercise is more than effective. Starting next week I want to take additional courses in Comedy Improvisation. I went to their show a week ago and was very impressed. One of the teachers, who was at the origins of the careers of Adam Sandler and Chris Rock, said in one of the first classes that he saw me on the Stand Up Comedy stage and invited me to organize a performance. I agreed. I’m writing my first stand-up. Also in English. So my head is bursting with the amount of new information. I came home from school and decided to fool around a little with the guitar. I pressed everyone to my heart!

10.09.2019 08:42:34

09.09.2019 20:33:13

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

The brilliant jeweler and sorceress @alonamakukh made a ring for me before I left. Inspired by her gift, I wrote a fairy tale for the ring: This happened many, many years ago, no one knows for sure, and if anyone knows, he won’t tell, because the one who knows such secrets is unlikely to talk about it. There lived then a prince with a pomegranate heart. It was amazing. When he was born, the grandmother who delivered him, picking him up and listening to the beating of his heart, which was practically inaudible, said that the boy would not live long. Although he lived for quite a long time. They learned that his heart was made of stone only after his death. Although many suspected it during their lifetime. After all, he was rude, cruel and terribly selfish. He almost never smiled, and if he did, it was like a grin. If someone managed to get close enough to him, he heard a very strange sound coming from his chest. It was not like the beating of an ordinary heart, rather, as if someone from within was beating intermittently and desperately, trying with all their might to get out. No one knew why the prince died. Maybe I met some wild animal. They found his body in the forest. He lay on his back and looked at the sky. His chest was opened and his heart was visible there. Heart made of pure gemstone- grenade. People looked at this beautiful stone and they couldn’t take their eyes off how charmingly he played in the sun. It seemed that there was something inside the stone, because from time to time scratching sounds or a sad groan could be heard from it. People were afraid to come closer to him, remembering how cruel and rude the prince was. The stone was basking in the sun, the sounds coming from it became increasingly loud and eerie. People, in fear, wanted to burn the body along with the stone, thinking that the devil himself had climbed there. But suddenly, a little girl ran up to the body and pleadingly said: “You don’t need that! This is love, it’s there like a prisoner and she really wants to get out!” As she spoke, tears flowed from her eyes. She was a very sensitive, and despite her young age, wise girl. When her tear fell on a stone hot from the sun, her heart cracked and love really came out of there. *****continuation in comments*****

@tiasko_photo @dema @tiasko_photo

16.08.2019 12:10:21

Official Instagram account of Nikolay Sergi

My creator sits on the mountain Fictional characters are neatly placed in my head. His legs are folded, his hands are collected, his eyes are closed, his thoughts are in all directions. He is a look frozen over ideas, High, so as to see everything at once. Seeing their funny formations Helps them unite. He is the passion that digs into the sketches of texts, Strengthening their veins, muscles and bones. Framing and filling their codes, And they move on at their own pace. He is the force that compresses space. And liquefying it back. For chaos it is a reverent decoration; for order it is exquisite negligence. My creator sits high on the mountain. He is wired within himself and extremely sober. He is in the balance of dreams and bodily bonds, And at the feet below the forest whispers something... (Everything above is crossed out by swirling clouds, and then in light handwriting and another pen) No! My creator is sitting in a kennel And ideas are pouring into his butt And deadlines are biting as quickly as possible, Exciting dances of absurd ideas in him. He lies with his eyes fixed on the ceiling, and from there a stream of allegories flows into him. And then he turns on his stomach, and it’s as if he’s rowing in chaos rivers. He's a mysterious guy, this creator. He is a child today and a father tomorrow. He drags the moment onto the ziggurat, To bury a treasure of meaning in the future. (Romantic. And philosophical. But lacking nerve, it’s somehow flat. Put in brackets. Just in case. If it doesn’t work out better.) My creator is a scoundrel, his pen is in a holster. He removes other people's forms, mastering them quickly. Modernizes little by little, making it cooler than the original. He pulls it to his own ardor, to his own taste, building himself on the bones of other people's muses. My creator is Mephistopheles and a manipulator, He is shameless, unprincipled and cursed a hundredfold. He sews together other people's talents with a needle, And with a crooked smile he leads the parade. (Comment. No, this is rude and not frank. These lines give off a bad odor. And while I’m trying to figure it out, something important slips through my fingers.) My creator... My creator. Although, most likely... No, it’s not mine at all. It's me. He is a form beyond forms, a vector shift, He molds fiction from the puzzles of reality, And while I am trying to write out a poem for them, He changes beyond recognition. Photo by genius @tiasko_photo

Account: thekolya

Occupation: Ukrainian and Russian TV presenter, musician, singer

Kolya Serga is an unstable Instagram user, he can post several photos a day, and it also happens that he disappears for a whole month. But this does not push away fans, but on the contrary, their number is increasing every day. After all, if Kolya does not appear online for a long time, it means that he will soon present something interesting to the public.

Kolya Sergi’s Instagram is bright, diverse and covers all areas of the man’s activity: music, filming in TV shows, interviews, concerts, fan meetings, behind the scenes of filming a video and much more related to creativity. That is, Kolya does not hide from the curious public at all; he flaunts almost every interesting point your life without fear of criticism or condemnation. Such a feeling as modesty is alien to him; he is a completely open, sincere and cheerful man who, even despite his fame, will forever remain simple guy from Cherkassy. Kolya’s feed often contains photos from rehearsals, interesting meetings or public appearances, he is a popular and interesting person not only in his native Ukraine, but also in all CIS countries.

Kolya Serga always signs photos from Instagram with comments that cheer him up, because he himself is always positive, so he charges all his fans with the same. A man’s profile never displays unloved advertisements, only beautiful and interesting pictures from his public and private life.

Biography of Kolya Sergi

Kolya Serga biography - basic facts:

  • He was born on March 23, 1989 in the city of Cherkassy, ​​Ukraine.
  • He spent his entire childhood in Odessa and was always a very active child: he was involved in dancing, singing, boxing, and karate.
  • After graduating from school, he entered the Odessa Ecological University.
  • At the beginning of 2011, fate brought him to the KVN team, and soon the first wave of popularity covered Kolya.
  • In 2009 he took third place in television show''Star Factory".
  • Since 2014, Kolya has been the host of the educational television program “Heads and Tails.”
  • In 2016, he left the television project and actively began developing his musical career.

The biography of Kolya Sergi is developing rapidly, he is still so young, but he has already achieved a lot, thanks to self-confidence, hard work and talent, everything is working out for him, and will continue to work out, all peaks will be achieved, and the public will be won over. It's only begining!

Participant name: Kolya Serga

Age (birthday): 23.03.1989

City: Cherkasy

Family: not married

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Many viewers know Kolya Serga only as the host of one of the seasons of the educational travel show “Heads or Tails,” but he is also famous musician and comedian. The future idol of teenage girls was born in Cherkassy, ​​but soon the family moved closer to the Black Sea - to Odessa.

This city gave the world great amount comedians, writers, actors, clowns and showmen, so the boy had someone to imitate.

IN school years the guy showed extraordinary acting skills, he liked to participate in amateur performances. But he spent more time working out in the gym. Thai boxing, Athletics and acrobatics were and remain his passions in sports.

Since mom and dad were pure “techies” who were in love with mathematics, physics and probability theory, it was a kind of rebellion younger generation. And an unsuccessful rebellion is fraught with serious punishment.

With a certificate of secondary education, Kolya went not to the theater school or the Institute of Physical Education, but to the Odessa Ecological University. This was the parents' decision. The young man’s father believed that you couldn’t make a living from acting, and professional sports had dangerous consequences.

Serga entered without any problems, choosing to study as a human resources manager. But according to the profession recorded in the diploma higher education, haven't worked a day.

The desire to perform on stage and entertain the audience led him to student KVN. After training with Odessa residents, Serga created a team for himself and went with it to take the main prizes of the regional KVN and First Ukrainian League leagues. It turned out to be too crowded for him in Ukraine, and Serga decided to conquer Moscow.

In Belokamennaya he became a participant in the show “Laughter without Rules”, choosing for himself the pseudonym “Coach Kolya”. In the image of a physical education teacher who could not only do push-ups, but also sing excerpts of well-known and unfamiliar songs, both the jury and the public liked him. Serga even became the winner of the eighth season of the comedy show, which opened the way for him to a more venerable “ Slaughter League" There he also proved himself to be good.

Parodies of famous songs revealed another facet of Kola’s talent – ​​vocal abilities. Serga participated in one of the seasons of the Ukrainian “Star Factory”, where he took third place. In 2011, the singer represented his country at the New Wave festival as part of the project “The Kolya Serga”.

Both the audience and the panel of judges liked the charismatic frontman of the group, but the victory was given to another participant. Feeling much more confident, the group and its leader played several solo concerts and filmed many interesting music videos.

With a song through life

Despite the huge number of fans, Kolya Serga remains eligible bachelor. He prefers not to talk about the secrets of his heart, puffing off journalists with jokes and jokes. Fortunately, the experience of a kaven artist and comedian allows him to make such “excuses” non-standard and funny.

Sometimes the musician mentions that he has a girlfriend in his life. who he is dating long time. I’m not planning to start a family yet, I think that you can only have a cat, but in marriage you need to build serious relationships.

This article is often read with:

Kolya Serga continues to be interested in martial arts and keeps himself in excellent condition. physical fitness. IN free time listens a lot modern music, his idols are Paul McCartney and the rock band Genesis. Trying not to stay long in in social networks, so as not to “become the catch of other social fishermen.”

Kolya Serga's role brought him to the top of popularity travel show host"Heads or tails", in which the comedian and musician appeared at the end of 2013. His partner in the project was Regina Todorenko. At first, the public accepted this duet with irony, but Kolya, with his humor and charm, won over even fans of the Badoevs, and.

After not even working on the project for a year, Serga left the TV show, citing the fact that the project took up a lot of his time. Later it turned out that Kolya was fired for being late for the filming of one of the episodes. The organizers of the project and the loser host did not swear and blame each other, which allowed Kolya Serge to once again play the role of host in the 10th (anniversary) season of “Heads or Tails” in 2015.

The musician continues to write songs and performs on stage, sincerely believing that all his work is real art. He is not going to continue the humorous line yet and is putting off his acting skills for later.

Kolya Serga is a famous Ukrainian musician, comedian and TV presenter, familiar to many from the educational TV show “Heads and Tails.” He was born in Cherkassy on March 23, 1989. Later the family moved to Odessa, where Kolya lives today. “Pearl by the Sea” has always been famous for its actors, comedians and showmen; soft Odessa humor accompanied the entire childhood and youth of the future TV presenter and musician.

Already at school, the boy showed considerable creative abilities and participated in amateur performances. In 2006, after graduating from school, Serga entered the specialty of HR manager at Odessa State Ecological University. However, I never had to work in my profession.

Kolya Serga: KVN and humor

Serga’s excellent sense of humor and talent for public speaking led her to student KVN. Kolya’s first team was the humorous quartet “Laughing Out,” but later, realizing that he was capable of more, the artist created a team “named after himself,” consisting of him alone, and called it “And many others.” Sparkling humorous performances brought the aspiring comedian victory in the First Ukrainian KVN League, as well as in the Sevastopol League.

Feeling confident in his own abilities, Kolya Serga decided not to waste time on trifles and, at the age of nineteen, set off to conquer Moscow. There, the comedian took part in Pavel Volya and Vladimir Turchinsky’s TV show “Laughter without Rules,” where he performed under the pseudonym “Coach Kolya.” The image of the physical education teacher, constantly humming excerpts of popular songs, fell in love with the audience, and Kolya Serga became the winner in the eighth season of the show.

In the same role, the artist performed in Odessa Comedy Club. At the same time, Serga discovered his musical calling: starting with parodies of famous pop hits, he gradually began to write his own music and lyrics. This hobby subsequently determined the further paths of the artist’s creative development.

Kolya Serga: music

Since Kolya Serga mostly came to music from KVN, he focused specifically on the comic component of his performances. So, in 2011, together with Masha Sobko, he had the honor of representing Ukraine at music festival "New wave" in Jurmala, Latvia. The performance of the project "The Kolya Serga" was remembered by the audience for its stunning self-irony and bright charisma of the group's frontman. However, despite the thunderous applause and general approval auditorium, the jury awarded him eighth place.

Best of the day

A year earlier, Kolya took part in the Ukrainian “Star Factory-3”. The artist took third place in this competition, largely due to his brilliant ability to improvise and non-trivial creative solutions in their speeches.

After performing at the New Wave, the group "The Kolya" gained numerous fans. Thus, the song “IdiVZhNaPMZH” became a kind of Internet meme; the compositions “Moccasins”, “Butts of Married Women” and others also gained great popularity. To consolidate their success, the guys shot several music videos. The videos “Batmen Need Some Caress Too” and “Moccasins” have gained a huge number of views on the Internet due to their humorous lyrics and plots.

“The Kolya” also released several romantic video clips: “A-ah-ah”, “Such secrets” and “To the one who will kiss you later”. Together with TV presenter Andrei Domansky, Kolya Serga recorded a humorous track “About Real Men”

First solo concert group took place in November 2013 in the Kiev club "Caribbean Club", where it brought together a full hall and was widely covered by the capital's media.

Kolya Serga: "Heads and tails"

At the end of 2013, Kolya Serga successfully passed the casting for the role of the host of the popular entertainment travel show “Heads or Tails,” which he hosted for seven months together with his fellow countryman, TV presenter Regina Todorenko. Serga replaced Andrei Bednyakov, who hosted the program for the previous six seasons. At first, the audience of the program was reluctant to accept the new presenter, but over time, Serga, thanks to his Odessa humor and charm, won the audience’s sympathy.

The essence of the TV show was that at the beginning of each program, the hosts went to a new country for the weekend and flipped a coin there. One received at his disposal a “golden” card and the opportunity to live in grand style for these two days, without denying himself anything. The owner of the “non-winning” side of the coin tried to spend the weekend within the amount equal to one hundred dollars. Kolya himself admits that he was more attracted to the “economical” weekend option, since in this case the excitement was involved, and overcoming obstacles, according to the boxing artist, is always beneficial.

Seven months later, Kolya Serga left the project, citing that working on a TV show took up too much time that the artist would like to spend on music. Director Evgeny Sinelnikov became the new presenter of “Heads and Tails”.

In 2015, the organizers of the show gave a gift to all viewers of the “Heads and Tails” project. In the 10th anniversary season, all the presenters of the project appeared, including Kolya Serga.

Kolya Serga: personal life

The artist does not like to talk about issues not related to creativity, preferring to laugh it off - which he does very well, given his extensive experience in KVN. However, despite the fact that Kolya Sergi’s personal life is not particularly covered in the media, it is known that the artist has a regular girlfriend named Yulia, with whom he has a long-term relationship.