Residents of Comedy Club. Comedy club, Stand up, Killer league Which young singers performed at the comedy club

What can bring us all together around the TV on a weekend? Of course Comedy Club! Residents of this club will help you recharge yourself with a dose of humor.

History of creation

Few people know that Comedy Club founded the KVN team “New Armenians” in 2003. Artashes Sargsyan conceived the idea of ​​​​founding a humorous show back in 2001, when he was in America and visited a comedy club there. The search began for people who were not deprived. Mostly these were people from KVN. “Comedy” appeared on the TNT channel only in 2005. The founder of the TV show did not stop at the achieved result and began to create new projects, since the Comedy Club had big income because of its colossal rating. The television show now has its own channel, “Comedy TV,” and new projects are constantly being released. The club is actively involved in production activities and has formed its own company - Comedy Club Production. Residents are recognized not only in Russia, but also in countries near and far abroad. This is probably why the Comedy Club is so popular. The composition changes periodically, with new residents appearing on the stage. In just a few years, the project has reached incredible heights. Every time they turn on the TV, viewers wait for the Comedy Club to start. Its composition has always amazed us with its diversity, and new stars are expected to appear in the future.


Garik Martirosyan is the main resident of the show, as he is the host. The Armenian accent gives all his performances a special reverent humor. As a child, all the teachers complained about the guy’s disgusting behavior, most likely, that’s why he received a diploma as a psychotherapist. He demonstrates all his talent for improvisation every time he goes on stage. Communication with club guests is the resident’s main feature. Garik Martirosyan and Pavel Volya, as a result of conversations with the stars, amuse the audience with selected jokes in their direction, but at the same time maintain high level communication.

Pavel Snezhok Volya

By education he is a teacher of Russian language and literature, but this does not mean that he is a calm and depressed person. in Penza, and he often mentions his hometown. Like most residents, Pasha used to play in KVN and was a member of the Valeon Dasson team. But, having played only one game, he was expelled from the club. This man came to Moscow and worked as an ordinary foreman, and before that he was a DJ on a radio channel in his city. After the first release of “Comedy Club” the popularity of “ glamorous scumbag” began to grow inexorably upward. Pavel Volya, in addition to performing on the stage of the Comedy Club, acts in films, and quite a few in serious films, which is worth only for his role in the film “Moms”. Sometimes the resident is compared to Mikhail Zadornov, but there are significant differences in their work, and their humor is aimed at different audiences. But, undoubtedly, his matches and comic greetings to club guests remain the most important feature. Comedy Club resident Pavel Volya, by the way, voiced the famous Masyanya. Of course, the supply of humor is not exhausted yet. Comedy Club resident Pavel Volya still remains business card club.


Garik Kharlamov is a man with a rubber face, his extraordinary comic timing will make even an inveterate pessimist laugh. For a long time, the resident lived in the USA, where he received his education at a theater school. Your career future star starts in the subway, passages and on Arbat, where he tells jokes and sings songs, thereby earning his first money. In Moscow, Garik Kharlamov goes to college, where he joins the KVN team of the Moscow national team (formerly known as the “Ungolden Youth”). Kharlamov quickly becomes the leader of the team, after which another participant appears - Timur Batrutdinov. As a result, two friends - Garik and Timur - end up on the stage of the Comedy Club, where the popularity of the residents begins to increase every day. Bulldog Kharlamov also performs with other equally talented comedians - Garik Martirosyan, Demis. He also acts in films; he already has enough large number roles. The first role was received in the well-known "Jumble". Most recently, Garik Bulldog Kharlamov married for the third time - he married Christina Asmus.

Vadim Galygin

A very famous resident of the club who participated in the first editions of the program. He was born into a military family and was himself an officer in the Belarusian armed forces. Again, Vadik Rambo Galygin was a member of the KVN team at the military school and, like most residents, got on the stage of the Comedy Club from there. Vadik has artistry and the ability to improvise. Mostly the performances were related to monologues. Now Galygin is a rare guest on the club stage, since his own business takes up too much time. But still, sometimes the resident comes and delights with his unique humor, performing with Kharlamov, Martirosyan, Batrutdinov and other participants. Needless to say, the best comedy show- this, of course, is the Comedy Club. The composition of the participants is further confirmation of this.

Duet named after Chekhov

The duet also includes Anton Lirnik. According to the Comedy Club tradition, both friends came from the Alaska KVN team. Miniatures brought fame to friends successful businessman and his blonde wife. But this does not mean that the repertoire of Minsk residents contains the same types of numbers. They successfully transform into traffic cops and drivers, realtors or boxers. Residents strictly write the scripts for their performances themselves. The audience always greets these people with applause.

Alexander Revva

Without exaggeration, this person can be called a master of transformation. Whom he has become throughout the history of his performances at the Comedy Club. He was Arthur Pirozhkov, Alexandra Kuzminishna, bodybuilder, street magician, fitness instructor, even Lord of the Rings. Revva was reincarnated many times during his entire work experience at the Comedy Club. The cast of the show thus received another great actor.

Revva began his humorous career in the KVN team “Burnt by the Sun.” The artist was born in Ukraine, in the city of Donetsk. Alexander Revva has good physical characteristics and facial expressions. It is worth noting that the resident acts in films and voices films. And he started his labor activity from the position of an electrician at a mine.

Alexander Nezlobin

Perhaps the only resident about whose life an entire series was filmed. Originally from the provincial town of Polevsky, Sverdlovsk region. Since childhood, I wanted to become a banker, but after working in a bank for only a couple of weeks, I realized that this was not for him and set off to conquer the stage. While studying at the university, he was a member of the KVN team. His first acquaintance with the Comedy Club took place in the Yekaterinburg club, where he worked part-time as a sound engineer. Having moved to Moscow, Nezlobin rents an apartment with his fellow countryman Svetlakov. Alexander’s main topic for himself is relationships with the fair sex. He ironically ridicules the behavior of girls, but does it in such a way that all his jokes do not turn into offense. Therefore, Alexander Nezlobin huge amount fans and females.

Semyon Slepakov

Slepakov's appearance on the stage of "Comedy" evokes a storm of applause. Because his songs with a guitar are filled with real humor, making people's faces light up with smiles. In the past, Semyon was the captain of the KVN team “Pyatigorsk Team”. Not everyone knows that Slepkov produces such TV series as “Univer” and “Interns” on TNT. From his songs, the whole country learned how the girl Lyuba became a YouTube star, etc. Undoubtedly, the appearance of such a talent as Semyon Slepakov lit another star on the show’s horizon.

Residents of the Comedy Club, whose names will long be remembered not only by the Russian audience, but also by fans from other countries, continue to delight us with their humor from the club stage. And we, in turn, are waiting for new nuggets of humor to appear on TV screens.

Garik Martirosyan

It is he who gives the show an Armenian flavor, being constantly on the air of the program. This is a person who confirms the saying that if he is talented, he is talented in everything.

One can only envy his education, erudition, resourcefulness and artistry. As a child, he had bad behavior and, probably, that’s why, for the purpose of self-education, he eventually trained to be a psychotherapist.

True, he now treats people with the help of humor, and not with the latest achievements of medical science. Although, probably, his medical education helps him communicate on stage with the United Sexy Boys group. At least he can diagnose each of its participants.

Look at their live, although it cannot be said that it is casual, live communication, selecting one of the programs in HD quality on our website to make sure of this.

But real finest hour Garika on the show is about her discovery and communication with guests. This is where his artistry and talent for improvisation are revealed.

By the way, the initial part of the program has changed a lot over time. The typical Western vulgarity in conversations with club guests has been removed and the level of communication has increased significantly.

This is largely thanks to. His constant partner in this friendly skirmish is.

Pavel Volya

The “Glamorous Scumbag” was born and raised in Penza, and came from the KVN team “Valeon Dasson” and became widely known in Moscow.

By the way, he is also talented not only in humor. Pavel, nicknamed “Snowball,” plays in films and records songs. He worked as a radio DJ for a long time.

He moved to Moscow even before he became famous and received a residence permit at the Comedy Club; at first he worked here as a foreman.

By the way, he himself does not mention this in his speeches as often as the fact that he is educated as a teacher of Russian language and literature. It even becomes interesting what such a “Glamorous Scumbag” would teach children. At least their writings would definitely not be boring!

But since the airing of the first program, its popularity began to grow every day. Known for his cynical jokes (especially at the beginning of his career in Comedy), ridiculing show business figures.

This all happened while greeting guests and was said directly to their faces. That's why he became the "Glamour Scum".

Who hasn’t been forced to lie on the floor by his songs about the girl Lyuba, who became a YouTube star, about the Friday adventures of a middle manager, about the growing part of Anya Kuznetsova’s body (lucky all her namesakes in real life after this song).

His more than thirty songs have long been stolen into quotes. Their texts are always on the verge of what is permitted, which is why they are attractive to the listener. Their topics are always relevant, and the texts are full of humor.

In terms of compatibility, the famous bard produces. Which, apparently, he does very well, because the performances of the Comedy team are still becoming more and more popular. He also produces and participates as a director in such TV series as “Univer” and “Interns.”

Vadim Galygin

Another old shot who participated in the first issues of the Comedy Club, after which he took up own business, and now began to appear on program releases again.

Who would have thought that Vadik “Rambo” was the son of a military man and was himself a senior lieutenant in the Belarusian Armed Forces.

Apparently, strict military discipline was not to his liking and he rushed to where violations of it were most welcome. He rushed forward to hazing in “Kamedi” again through KVN, in whose teams he “showed up” since military school.

He started with stand-up, where he succeeded to such an extent that his performances were recorded on mobile phones and other recording devices. Vadik Galygin at that time was associated with the word “bag”.

In his current role, he shines in scenes with, and others.

He has many bright stage images, playing which he displays an extraordinary sense of humor and artistry. His ability to improvise was amazing even during his stand-up performances.

Demis Karibidis

This hot guy with an inexhaustible temperament was born in Tbilisi. He also became a star of “Comedy” after performing in KVN. In general, the Comedy Club has done well, having such a talent pool as a club of resourceful funny people.

As the name obliges, the club finds talents, and Comedy takes them on as residents. IN in this case the acquisition turned out to be very valuable, since ( real name stars) brought here new wave positive and energy.

He is full of charisma, and the performances with his participation really excite the audience.

The Comedy Club has many more residents who will not let the audience get bored. This is both a stand-up performer and the presenter of a separate section “Foreplay” Serge Gorely (in everyday life Sergei Gorelikov), and Viktor Vasiliev, who adds variety to club entertainment with photo idiocy.

Such stars as also perform here, and sometimes even SAM - V.V. is present. Putin. His role is played by.

Marina Kravets - Russian actress, singer, soloist musical groups"Nestroyband" and "NotNet", radio presenter, the only woman, who became a resident of the Comedy Club show.

Family and childhood of Marina Kravets

On May 18, 1984, a future star was born into a simple Leningrad family of a mechanic and a factory accountant. Her parents and two brothers doted on their youngest.

A pleasant melodic voice delighted the ears of her relatives, for whom the girl organized mini-concerts. And one day, when Marina was 4 years old, her parents made a tape recording of the song “Aurora”. The record was the pride of the family until one day it was lost.

Despite her talent, Marina did not go to music school. There were no seats there. But she took vocal classes as an elective. The star still remembers the teachers and is very grateful to them and continues to communicate with them.

Marina Kravets' school years were spent in gymnasium No. 524. The brothers met the girl from school and took care of her. At school, the girl became interested in writing scripts for the school KVN team together with her friend Anna.

Study of Marina Kravets

In 2001, Marina became a student at St. Petersburg state university. But studying at the philology department did not lead Marina to teaching. The specialty of teaching Russian to foreigners did not interest her, and her teaching career ended after a few lessons during her internship at the university.

Marina was looking for herself: she worked part-time as a promoter, distributed leaflets to passers-by in stores, then worked briefly as a secretary at a car service station. But Marina Kravets’s main hobby is student years became a game of student team KVN "Simps".

Marina Kravets and KVN

In 2007, the girl began her career in KVN, at the invitation of famous singer and her classmates Zhenya Kobich. Marina played for the team of the philological department of her university “Simples”, which did not advance further in its game last places finals. Although one day the guys went to the Sochi KVN Premier League festival and appeared on television with a parody of the TV show “Own Game”.

Then the composition of the “Simples” team broke up, everyone went their own way. Afterwards, Marina participated in several performances of other KVN teams in episodic roles.

Career of singer Marina Kravets

Marina sang in three groups: “NotNet”, “Mary & Band” and “NestroyBand”. The brightest and most significant thing for my future career was working in the latter - a young St. Petersburg group. They performed their own songs and remade already known ones.

Marina Kravets - song “Hop, trash can”

Thus, the most popular arrangement turned out to be the jazz version of “Trash Hop.” The lyrics of the song were also edited by the singer, as they contained a lot of profanity. Igor Meerson (Elvis), one of the founders of the group, offered to show a number with a written version of the song in the Comedy Club show, since he took part in a television project. The group was received without much enthusiasm, but the performance was filmed for a television version.

At the same time, Marina met the author of the song and producer of the Vorovayki group, Yuri Almazov. And in the fall of 2011, a girl in the “NestroyBand” sang on anniversary concert group "City 312", performing one of the songs together with soloist Svetlana Nazarenko.

Three years later, the girl shot a video for the song “Fallen” together with Sergei Kristovsky, the lead singer of the group “Uma2rman”.

Another popular composition was “Oil”, for which Marina shot a video together with DJ Smash, DJ Vengerov, Bobina.

Smash and Marina Kravets - “Oil”

In it, the singer played a glamorous girl with false hair, dressed up and speaking pathetically.

Marina Kravets' radio career

While working in the NotNet team, Marina met Ilya Pavlyuchenko. He played bass guitar in the group, and worked as a program director at ROX radio.

One day Ilya let it slip that the radio station needed a presenter. morning show"Full speed ahead." Marina was hired immediately, as her voice on the radio was already familiar. At this radio station, the girl raised the mood of listeners since 2007 for four years.

In July 2011, the St. Petersburg radio presenter moved to the capital. She passed an interview at the Mayak radio station. There's a girl there more than a year hosted an entertainment show on the night air together with famous Mikhail Fischer and Nikolai Serdotetsky. The show was called "First Squad".

In October 2012, together with the guys from the First Squad, Marina went to the new Comedy Radio. The radio station aired an entertainment and educational program “ Good morning, America!”, which can be heard on weekdays.

Marina Kravets' career on television

Marina once shared her memories that while playing in the KVN team “Simples” she was contacted by phone on behalf of Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan and invited to the project “Made in Woman” (now “Comedy Woman”). Marina agreed and starred in several programs. Vitya Vasiliev, Mitya Khrustalev, Taymaz Sharipov and Seva Moskvin also took part in them.

“Comedy Club”: Marina Kravets and Semyon Slepakov

After some time, together with NestroyBand, Marina performed in the Comedy Club show. She was invited to become a permanent resident of the show. The girl organically fit into the male team.

Film career of Marina Kravets

In 2012, Marina made her debut as an actress, starring in the serial film “Super Oleg”, playing a journalist, Oleg’s lover. In 2014, the star voiced one of the characters in the cartoon “Fly Your Wing,” working together with such stars as Alexei Vorobyov, Pelageya and Vadim Galygin.

Personal life of Marina Kravets

Marina met her husband Arkady Vodakhov while still a student at St. Petersburg University; they played together in the KVN team “Simps”. They lived in a civil marriage for 6 years, and then moved to Moscow together.

They still work together at Comedy Radio. In 2013, the couple got married. They don't have children yet.

Marina Kravets now

Kravets continues to perform on the Comedy Club stage with