Pushnoy hosted the program. Alexander Pushnoy: My wife doesn’t like comedy shows! Television career

Who is Alexander Pushnoy?

Alexander Borisovich Pushnoy is a Russian TV presenter and actor, composer and musician, KVN performer and showman. The areas of art and show business in which Alexander Pushnoy achieved recognition and popularity can be listed for a long time! Alexander Pushnoy was born on May 16, 1975 in the famous Novosibirsk Akademgorodok.


No one in the Pushny family was involved in art, especially music. Alexander's father worked as a senior research fellow, and then head of the laboratory in the Siberian department Russian Academy Sciences (SB RAS), my mother worked as an economist. But this did not stop seven-year-old Sasha from being sent to music school learn to play the piano.

Alexander Pushnoy admits that all 5 years at the music school he attended classes through force. However, at the end of the “musical”, Sasha’s father gave him a classical seven-string guitar. It was then that the teenager developed a real interest in music. True, this time there were no music schools - he learned to play the guitar himself from a textbook.

After graduating from school, Alexander Pushnoy went to Novosibirsk State University to study physics. In 1996 he received a bachelor's degree and in 1998 a master's degree in physics. At NSU, Alexander joined the humorous club “Kvant,” opened by students of the Faculty of Physics. Here he wrote musical numbers for the skit boys and played on the university KVN team. In 1997, the NSU KVN team went to Moscow to perform in the KVN Major League, and Pushnoy also took part in that game, performing on stage the parody of Sting that made him famous. By the way, singer Pelageya also performed on the same team with Pushny.

Professional activity

A year after graduating from university, Pushnoy moved to Moscow to work in humorous program"BiS" on the TV-6 channel. For several years he has been collaborating with various television shows as a music author and screenwriter, and since 2002 has already been actively working as a TV presenter. Now Pushnoy hosts his own sports and educational show “Mad Sports” on the Match TV channel.

In parallel with television, the music career Pushny - he wrote intros for TV shows, created music for films and TV series (“Simple Truths”, “FM and the Guys”), voiced characters in foreign cartoons (Fixik of the New Generation in “Fixies”, Jonathan in “Monsters on Vacation”) and acted cameo roles in television series (“Happy Together”, “Give You Youth!”).

A television

After moving to the capital, Alexander Pushnoy continued to participate in KVN games. At first he found himself in the united team “Siberian Siberians”, which included the then-beginning “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” and several members of the NSU team. Then he joined the main cast of DLSH and began to appear more often both on the KVN stage and on television.

In 2002, Alexander Pushnoy met in Moscow another graduate of the Faculty of Physics of NSU - Andrei Bocharov. The then-famous showman invited Alexander to become the director of his humorous and culinary show “Always Cook!” on the TNT channel. In addition, Pushny is trusted to host the “Loser Poet” column, where he performs comic songs about food with a guitar.

Through Andrei Bocharov, Alexander Pushnoy met Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva, who at that time were producing the popular humorous program “O.S.P. Studio" and its predecessor sitcom "33 square meters" Alexander joins the O.S.P. team. almost before the show closes, but manages to make a parody of Rammstein that the audience loves.

In 2004, a new show of humorous fights was released on the STS TV channel. Good jokes", hosted by Shats and Lazareva. It is they who invite Alexander to join the creative tandem and be responsible for the musical part of the program. Despite the success of the program and stable ratings, the popularity of the show pales in comparison with the invented Fur Competition - “APOZH”.

According to the rules of the competition, one of the team members sings a song, then with the help of a special program it is turned backwards. The second participant must repeat what he hears as a result, and the resulting recording is turned over again. The one who recognizes the originally performed song wins.

After APOZh appeared on STS, people started playing it all over the country - at holidays, family gatherings, and even anniversaries and weddings! To make playing at home easier, Alexander even released apps of the same name for smartphones.

In 2009, during a break in the filming of “Good Jokes,” Mikhail Shats and Alexander Pushnoy came up with another show for STS - “Song of the Day.” In the program, three presenters already familiar from “Good Jokes” discuss the news of the day, and at the end they write and perform a song based on them. However, against the backdrop of the ratings-beating “ProjectorParisHilton,” which aired at that time on Channel One, the show by Shats and Pushnoy got lost and went off the air after the first season.

From 2007 to 2015, Alexander Pushnoy hosted another show on STS - “Galileo”. This time the program is of a scientific and educational nature and consists of short stories and studio experiments in physics and chemistry. This is where Alexander’s physics degree came in handy! The show is rapidly gaining popularity. However, not everything on the set goes smoothly - during the “Termite” experiment, Alexander, carried away by the experiment, severely burns his hand. Although, to some extent, even this failure has a positive effect on the popularity of the show.

During the existence of “Galileo”, 15 seasons were filmed and 1084 episodes were broadcast; in 2017, an additional season called “MegaGalileo” was filmed, consisting of 16 programs. For his work at Galileo, Alexander Pushnoy was nominated three times for the TEFI award as “best host of an entertainment program.”

Alexander Pushnoy also hosted the quiz “Who is smarter than a fifth grader?” with the participation of show business stars and “Creative Class” for graduates of Russian schools, both programs were broadcast on the STS TV channel.

Musical activities

While still in his first year at university, Pushnoy organized the rock band “Bear”. The rehearsal point was set up in the basement of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of NSU. The drum kit was borrowed from Alexander’s home school, the rest of the instruments were brought from home. The group existed for three years and did not gain much popularity, but on the website Pushnoy.ru you can still listen to music recordings made during that period.

Alexander Pushnoy's fame as a musician came after a series of excellent cover versions of Russian hits. Among them are “WWWalenki,” originally performed by Lidia Ruslanova, and the already forgotten Soviet song “Transfer me across the Maidan,” which is becoming unusually relevant in our time. Finally, “Du Taxi”, or “Green-Eyed Taxi” is a popular song in the 80s performed by Mikhail Boyarsky, translated into German and performed by Pushny in the style of Rammstein.

Among the songs written by Alexander himself, the most popular are the humorous “Lenin sent everyone on May Day” and “Why am I an idiot?”, as well as the lyrical composition “Gray-yellow Spring” from the latest album “As a rule - no rules!”, released by Pushny in 2017.


comedy, series

Role: hacker | Composer

parody, film

Eighteenth moment of spring

Role: Schutzman | Composer

comedy, series

FM and guys

Role: hunter | Composer

comedy, series

Happy together

Role: Musician

comedy, film

We are legends

Voiced by: Curtis


Voice acting: 6


Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Voiced by: Flint Lockwood

comedy, sketch show

Give us youth!

Role: Detainee (cameo)


Ronal the Barbarian

Voiced by: Albert


Monsters on vacation

Voiced by: Jonathan


Ernest and Celestine

Voiced by: Ernest


Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2

Voiced by: Flint Lockwood


Monsters on Vacation 2

Voiced by: Jonathan

comedy, series


Role: Animator – Santa Claus


Sinbad. Pirates of the Seven Storms

Credits song


Fixies: A big secret

Fixik of the New Generation

Personal life of Alexander Pushnoy

Also in student years Alexander Pushnoy met his future wife Tatyana. In 1998, the couple got married and have not separated since then. In their marriage, Alexander and Tatyana had three sons: Dmitry, Mikhail and Andrey.

The youngest son Andrei, born in 2016, not only transferred Alexander to the category of fathers of many children, but also inspired him to cover “Songs of the Lion Cub and the Turtle” in the heavy rock style characteristic of the artist. So before listening to the song, make sure that there are no small children, pregnant women or people with a weak heart near you.

Official VKontakte group -

Alexander Pushnoy is a multi-instrumentalist musician, singer, comedian, showman, TV presenter and actor. Alexander Pushnoy simultaneously became famous as the author of funny and poignant songs and covers, and as a TV presenter of entertainment and educational shows with scientific experiments and mind games.

Alexander Pushnoy was born in Novosibirsk. Alexander's parents are neither on stage nor creative professions had nothing to do with it. Dad Boris Mikhailovich worked in cybernetics, and mother Nina Dmitrievna worked as an economist. But the parents began to teach their son to music - they sent him to a music school, where Sasha studied piano for 5 years, and at the age of 12 they gave him a Russian seven-string guitar and a self-instruction book. Having mastered the instrument on his own, Pushnoy then learned to play the classic 6-string.

After graduation high school Alexander Pushnoy did not follow the path of music, but entered the prestigious Novosibirsk State University at the Faculty of Physics. Alexander managed to obtain a diploma, although Pushnoy spent much more time in student team KVN. For the team’s performances, the guy wrote funny songs, helped with the script, and later began to appear on stage himself.

In 1997, Pushnoy traveled with the NSU KVN team to Moscow, where, on air in the qualifying round of the Major League, he presented a parody of the singer to the audience. This number instantly makes Alexander Pushny famous. After graduating from university, the young man joins the KVN team “Siberian Siberians”, and then plays for the “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”. At the same time, Pushnoy’s promotion on television as a presenter began.


In 2004, Pushny was invited to the TV program “Good Jokes” as a co-host. The APOZH competition, invented by Alexander, became extremely popular, although the show itself was not the most high ratings.

After the closure of “Good Jokes,” Alexander Pushnoy began hosting the scientific and educational program “Galileo” on the STS channel. In total, over a thousand episodes were filmed. Moreover, the first programs were made at a Munich studio, and then filming was moved to Moscow. This show was very popular among viewers and attracted a large audience. During filming, Pushnoy performed various physical and chemical experiments in front of camera lenses. And it must be said that these spectacular experiments were not always safe. For example, during the “Termite” experiment, Alexander severely burned his hand.

In 2007, Alexander Pushnoy created new program“Who is smarter than a fifth grader?”, which combines both entertaining and educational components. In this program, guests most often domestic stars, had to answer questions from primary school. After the closure of this project, the TV presenter, together with Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva, made an improvisational show “Song of the Day”, in which they told, or rather sang, the latest world news to the accompaniment of a guitar to the tune famous hits previous years.

In addition, during his career as a TV presenter, Alexander Pushnoy appeared in this capacity in such programs as “Always Prepare!”, “Creative Class”, and in Lately on the Match TV channel he hosts the show “Crazy Sports”, in which he finds out who is “cooler” - ballerinas or gymnasts, football players or hockey players, and so on.


Professional musical biography Alexandra Pushnoy’s career began back in Novosibirsk, when he created the rock band “Bear,” which existed for 3 years, but managed to be noted for several songs of his own authorship, for example, “WWWalenki” and “Lenin sent everyone to May Day.”

After Pushnoy began playing in KVN, the musician’s career faded into the background. Only in 2004 did Alexander again begin to post his own compositions on his website, and concert activities resumed even later - in 2010. It was then that Pushny performed together with the group “Dzhankoy Brothers”, and with this composition the musician still tours the cities of Russia and Ukraine.

The guys also performed at the rock festival “Invasion” and in the TV show “Pair Run”, where their songs alternated with poems by Leonid Kaganov. On your channel in YouTube Alexander Pushnoy posts music videos on their songs, as well as review videos about guitars from different manufacturers. These video reviews are extremely popular even among specialists, and not only in the Russian segment - they are translated into English language and watched all over the world.

It should also be noted that Pushnoy, as a composer and singer, recorded songs for the television games “Thank God, you came!” and “Wall to Wall”, TV shows “Big Difference” and “Southern Butovo”, sketch show “Unreal Story” and “6 Frames”. Many films feature soundtracks written by Alexander - “Once Upon a Time in the Police,” “ Random connections", "Superheroes", "Traffic Light", "Scribblers", "Simple Truths" and many others. In some of them, Pushnoy appeared as an actor.

Alexander Pushnoy also lent his voice to several characters animated films. The TV presenter voiced Jonathan in the cartoons "Monsters on Vacation" and "Monsters on Vacation 2", Flint Lockwood in "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" and the sequel to this cartoon, and Ernest in the French-Belgian animated project "Ernest and Celestine: The Adventures" mouse and bear."

Personal life

Few people know that Alexander Pushnoy suffers from a weak form of color blindness: the musician distinguishes colors, but from time to time the surrounding objects fade for him.

Alexander Pushnoy got married in August 1998. The musician’s chosen one was a girl named Tatyana. Pushnoy’s wife works as a designer and also runs a blog dedicated to handicrafts. Recently, Tatyana has been intensively making cards, albums and other gifts using the scrapbooking technique.

In 2004, the first-born Dmitry appeared in the family, and in 2009 Tatyana gave birth to her son’s younger brother, who was named Mikhail. In 2016, a third child was born into the family, also a boy named Andrei.

The family lived in Dolgoprudny for a long time and only in 2015 moved to Moscow.

Alexander Pushnoy now

On April 17, 2016, a trailer appeared on Pushnoy’s official YouTube channel. More than 100 thousand people have subscribed to the musician’s channel, and individual videos collect up to 11 million views.

Alexander Pushnoy creates funny covers and adaptations of popular songs, for example, Alexander once covered “Green-Eyed Taxi” in German in the style of the rock band “Rammstein”. Therefore, Pushnoy is not against the fact that his songs are also covered. The musician even records instructional videos in which he shows how to play the most popular compositions. In 2016 and 2017, Pushnoy added video instructions to the channel with the songs “Why am I an idiot?” and "Gray-yellow spring."

In March 2017, Pushnoy posted a cover of the song “Transfer me through the Maidan” on his YouTube channel with an 8-string guitar. In the video, the musician also tells the story of the release of such guitars. The video is positioned as a musical experiment that does not carry any political meaning and does not address Ukrainian events.

In May, Pushnoy appeared in a special episode of the music program “Behind the Scenes.” Alexander spoke about new songs that the musician plans to record not in the studio, but at the dacha, and about Balunov’s video, in the filming of which Alexander Pushnoy and his son participate.

In 2017, Alexander Pushnoy presented new album"As a rule - no rules!"


  • 2008 - Pushnoy.ru
  • 2012 - AL-BOM! folk songs
  • 2015 - #little joke
  • 2017 As a rule - no rules!


  • 2001 - The Eighteenth Moment of Spring
  • 2002 - Scribblers
  • 2010 - Happy together
  • 2010 - South Butovo
Pooh, real name - Pushnoy Alexander Borisovich. Born on May 16, 1975 in Akademgorodok in Novosibirsk. As a child, he was raised by his parents to such an extent that he agreed to go to a comprehensive school. There he was so well educated that he immediately entered the Faculty of Physics at NSU.

Around 1983, at the age of 7, under pain of death, his parents forced him into a music school. There, for 5 years, he randomly pressed the piano keys, after which he was released.

In 1993, during experiments with electricity, I instantly realized that Rock and Roll was dead. After which the rock group "Bear" was formed. In 1996, the group fell into indefinite hibernation.

In the same 1996, walking past the door of the KVANT club premises, he was drawn in by a draft. After that, he took an active part in skit parties, banquets, gatherings and meetings. He showed extraordinary oratorical abilities during public cleanup days.

In 1997, I discovered excessive Fun and Resourcefulness in myself and went to Moscow to look for a suitable Club. Having discovered the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, he pretended to be “Sting” as part of KVNNGU. That's how I remember it. In 1998, he returned from KVN NSU back to Physics.

In 1996, 1998 he defended his bachelor's (1996) and master's (1998) degrees in physics. No one attacked the diplomas anymore.

In 1998, he married his wife Tatyana, which was the result of a 2-year acquaintance. He was not noticed in connections that discredited himself. An excellent family man.

In 1999, he was urgently called to Moscow to voice the Spasskaya Tower, but after the audition he was sent to voice the humorous program BiS on TV-6.

In the summer of 2000, in the area of ​​Berdsk Bay, I collided with KVN DLSh head-on, having previously stuck chewing gum on it. As a result, he stuck and went with them to Jurmala. Member of the DLSH (Children of Lieutenant Schmidt) and "Siberian Siberians" teams.

At the beginning of 2001, we entered the new millennium.

For a long time he toured as part of the DLSh throughout the country. Until in 2002, at a turn near the village of Veseloe, he fell out of the Gazelle, which immediately significantly facilitated the touring activities of the DLSh. In the middle of the same year, A.N. Bocharov called Pushny, guessing his number by brute force.

Long-term collaboration with Andrey Bocharov forced me to become fluent in the AVID Xpress Pro program for video editing. After which, from 2002 to 2005, he tore off the heads of A.N. Bocharov and A.A. Tolokonnikov in the “Always Prepare!” program.

In 2004, at home around lunchtime, I completely accidentally wrote the phonogram for OSP. As a token of gratitude, Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats allowed us to play drums next to them, but not loudly. After playing the drums, he began to play songs backwards to front on the STS channel, also under the supervision of Tatyana and Mikhail. But he didn’t abandon the drums.

On December 14, 2004, I waited for my wife to go into labor. On December 15 he became the father of his son Dmitry. Why did I rejoice!

On December 29, I bought a DiMarzio Virtual Vintage"54 pickup and screwed it to the guitar. I was happy. And I bought 2 more such pickups, Virtual Vintage"54 and Virtual Vintage"54 Bridge...

Since about 2005, he has been masterfully playing the role of musical co-host together with Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats in the uniform TV disgrace “Good Jokes”

In 2006, he recorded the song “Thank God, you came” (words Alexander Bachilo, music Alexander Pushnoy) for the program of the same name on the STS channel.

2007 Host of the TV show "Who is smarter than a fifth grader." Also, he wrote all the musical intros for it and performed the title song “Who is smarter than a fifth grader” Lyrics of the song: Alexander Bachilo, music and everything else: Pushnoy A.B. TV show shown on STS channel

In the same year he became the host of the TV show "Galileo"

On the site "vkontakte" there is an excellent group dedicated to Alexander Pushny, as well as his colleagues - T. Lazareva and M. Shats. "Good Jokes with your favorite presenters" http://vkontakte.ru/club4670372 come, we will be very glad!

Pooh, real name - Pushnoy Alexander Borisovich. Born on May 16, 1975 in Akademgorodok near Novosibirsk.

As a child, he was raised by his parents to such an extent that he agreed to go to a comprehensive school. There he was so well educated that he immediately entered the Faculty of Physics at NSU.

Around 1983, at the age of 7, under pain of death, his parents forced him into a music school. There, for 5 years, he randomly pressed the piano keys, after which he was released.

In 1993, during experiments with electricity, I instantly realized that Rock and Roll was dead. After which the rock group “Bear” was formed. In 1996, the group fell into indefinite hibernation.

In the same 1996, walking past the door of the KVANT club premises, he was drawn in by a draft. After that, he took an active part in skit parties, banquets, gatherings and meetings. He showed extraordinary oratorical abilities during public cleanup days.

In 1997, I discovered excessive Fun and Resourcefulness in myself and went to Moscow to look for a suitable Club. Having discovered the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, he pretended to be “Sting” as part of KVNNGU. That's how I remember it. In 1998, he returned from KVN NSU back to Physics.

In 1996, 1998 he defended his bachelor's (1996) and master's (1998) degrees in physics. No one attacked the diplomas anymore.

In 1998, he married his wife Tatyana, which was the result of a 2-year acquaintance. He was not noticed in connections that discredited himself. An excellent family man.

In 1999, he was urgently called to Moscow to voice the Spasskaya Tower, but after the audition he was sent to voice the humorous program BiS on TV-6.

In the summer of 2000, in the area of ​​Berdsk Bay, I collided with KVN DLSh head-on, having previously stuck chewing gum on it. As a result, he stuck and went with them to Jurmala. Member of the DLSH (Children of Lieutenant Schmidt) and “Siberian Siberians” teams.

At the beginning of 2001, we entered the new millennium.

For a long time he toured as part of the DLSh throughout the country. Until in 2002, at a turn near the village of Veseloe, he fell out of the Gazelle, which immediately significantly facilitated the touring activities of the DLSh. In the middle of the same year, A.N. Bocharov called Pushny, guessing his number by brute force.

Long-term collaboration with Andrey Bocharov forced me to become fluent in the AVID Xpress Pro program for video editing. After which, from 2002 to 2005, he tore off the heads of A.N. Bocharov and A.A. Tolokonnikov in the “Always Prepare!” program.

In 2004, at home around lunchtime, I completely accidentally wrote the phonogram for OSP. As a token of gratitude, Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats allowed us to play drums next to them, but not loudly. After playing the drums, he began to play songs backwards to front on the STS channel, also under the supervision of Tatyana and Mikhail. But he didn’t abandon the drums.

On December 14, 2004, I waited for my wife to go into labor. On December 15 he became the father of his son Dmitry. Why did I rejoice!

On December 29, I bought a DiMarzio Virtual Vintage"54 pickup and screwed it to the guitar. I was happy. And I bought 2 more such pickups, Virtual Vintage"54 and Virtual Vintage"54 Bridge...

In order to earn a lot, jokingly, you need to forget about high art

In order to earn a lot, jokingly, you need to forget about high art

The host of the Galileo program and co-host of Good Jokes on STS, Alexander PUSHNOY, is famous for the fact that he can sort everything out and even talk about complex things in an accessible way. On the eve of April Fool's Day, we asked Sasha to reflect on humor as a business. After all, everyone is interested in finding out who, how and how much they earn while joking.

- Alexander, how do you think you can make a lot of money from humor?

If you produce a certain product and want to make a fortune from it, you must make something that will appeal to many people. For example, releasing Cell phones, you need to understand what features and design will attract the most buyers. The principle is the same in humor. Your jokes should be interesting and accessible to as many people as possible, then you will make money from it. The most important thing is to constantly keep in mind that you are working for the crowd, and treat the genre as a kind of mass product. We're not even talking about high art here. Alas, objects of art are not understandable to the majority of the world's population. But at the same time they do not cease to be objects of art.

- Is it possible to get rich by telling jokes without constantly being on TV?

It is not simple. Today, earnings are often denoted by a number called “rating.” If the rating is high, the earnings are high. And vice versa.

Broad strokes

In the humor industry, you can be in the shadows, but still feel good. At one time I was successfully engaged in musical voice acting comedy series. And now I’m back to it, I’m working in the TV series “Once Upon a Time in the Police.” This work does not require popularity. What's more important here is respect among the people you work with.

- Does this work take a lot of time?

Yes, but I really like her. When you take your work seriously and something starts to work out, it brings twice as much pleasure. But any failure causes twice as much stress. Now I create so-called musical illustrations for films. In the West they are used in rather broad strokes. The orchestra sits there and, looking at the screen, immediately plays music. I also take the guitar and start playing along to some action. Then, as needed, I add drums. In terms of the degree of impact on the viewer, the musical illustration works very well. Eat shining example- cartoon series "Tom and Jerry". This is a typical classic of such musical illustration.

- I heard that you wrote the intro for the program “Big Difference”?

Co-authored with Alexander Bachilo. Sasha wrote the lyrics, and I wrote the music. We have already done a lot of things with him. For example, a song for “Yuzhny Butovo”... And if we return to the topic of show business, I would like to note that it is undesirable to mix genres. If you, for example, are a singer, you should not host television programs; the viewer should clearly associate you with the person singing. It happens that a popular presenter suddenly starts singing, and then complains that his CDs are not selling.

Komsomol in a good way

Do you think our humor industry is keeping pace with the global one? Or are they copying in Russia what was popular in other countries many years ago?

Are you hinting at the Comedy Club? Yes, the guys work in the stand-up show genre, which came to us from the West. But everything that falls on our soil still takes on a Russian connotation. This is not to say that we are simply stupidly borrowing. This also applies to TV series that undergo so-called localization, or adaptation for domestic viewers. By the way, some fantastically successful projects in the West, localized according to all the rules, did not have any success here. We also have our own great ideas. The same KVN, which is not found anywhere in the world.

- Do you agree that all current humorous television came out of KVN? Is it good or bad?

Amazing! KVN is such a powerful “Komsomol”, in a good way.

- Maybe it’s worth creating a new industry that would give birth to TV stars?

If it is created - for God's sake. We state what happened, and do not say whether it will be good or bad in the future.

We conducted a survey on the Express Newspaper website to find out which program seems funniest to viewers. The program "ProjectorParisHilton" won.

This is a funny, well-thought-out, well-written program that brings together the best representatives of the genre. I am confident that this area will be improved and developed.

- Could a situation arise when one day people get “satiated” with humor and this genre fades away?

This is impossible. On the contrary, the amount of information is growing year by year, and humanity can no longer take it seriously. Therefore, the creators of this information unwittingly mix entertainment into it, so that a person not only learns something new, but also gets pleasure and rests his soul.

- New “Good Jokes” await viewers on April Fool’s broadcast. What surprises have you prepared?

It will be a regular program with unusual guests. Everything turned out perfect because the KVN team members came “ Ural dumplings"and the actors of the series "Give You Youth!" Every time we communicate with “dumplings,” we receive an incredible charge of energy. I am sure that the audience will also feel this energy.

- Which comedy shows do your wife and children watch?

My wife doesn't like any of this at all. And children are too young to watch comedy programs.

- Are you wondering how to instill in your kids a taste for good jokes?

I think we should raise children simply good people, and the taste will take root on its own. The main indicator of “bad” and “good” humor is a wide smile. If it's funny, it's good humor, not funny - bad.

Everything is very simple. Take your hair with both hands and rub it into your head. After that they will stick around for a while. In addition, my hairstyle allows me not to monitor either the length of my hair or the quality of my hair washing. Agree, this saves time. And time, as you know, is money.


* Graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Novosibirsk state university.

* Played in the KVN team of NSU, then in the teams “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” and “Siberian Siberians”.

* On television since 1995. He edited and voiced the humorous programs “BiS” and “Always Prepare!”, then he was invited as a co-host of the program “Good Jokes” and “Galileo”. Hosted the program “Who is smarter than a fifth grader?”

Earnings of Khokhmachi in 2009:

* Maxim Galkin - $3 million.

* Ivan Urgant - $2 million.

* Alexander Tsekalo - $1.4 million.

According to Forbes magazine.

By the way

TV presenters Ivan Urgant, Vladimir Solovyov, Nikolai Drozdov, Ilya Oleinikov tried their hand at the musical field. But the songs performed by them did not gain wide popularity.

Fur's personal file

* Alexander met his wife Tatyana in 1996 at a punk festival in Novosibirsk. The girl (she is two years younger than the showman) was in charge of the visual design of the event, and Pushna was in charge of sound installation.

* In 2002, they became real Muscovites, buying an apartment in Dolgoprudny near Moscow.

* Two years later, the couple had their first child, son Dmitry. Last year there was an addition to the family - a second son, Misha, was born.

From KVN to TV stars:

* Tatyana Lazareva (NSU team “Girls from Jazz”)

* Mikhail Shats (CIS KVN team)

* Sergey Svetlakov (“Park of the current period”, “Ural dumplings”)

* Dmitry Brekotkin, Andrey Rozhkov (“Ural dumplings”)

* Valdis Pelsh (MSU team)

* Alexander Gurevich, Leonid Yakubovich (MISI team)

* Garik Martirosyan (“New Armenians”, Yerevan)

* “Residents” of the “Comedy Club” - Timur Batrutdinov (“Ungolden Youth”), Garik Kharlamov (“Moscow Team”, “Ungolden Youth”), Pavel Volya (“Valeon Dasson”), Timur Rodriguez (“Valeon Dasson”)