Student KVN. Scenario for the performance of the KVN student team. Script for congratulating the KVN team on City Day

KVN script for Teacher's Day

"Friendly meeting of two generations"

Musical number_______________________________________________

1 presenter:

On an autumn day, when at the threshold
The cold has already begun to breathe,
The school celebrates teacher's day
A holiday of wisdom, knowledge, labor!

2 presenter:

Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
In these sounds that are dear to us.
Everything related to youth, childhood,
We owe it to the teachers.

1 presenter: Dear, dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holiday - Teacher's Day! But there is no teacher without students. This means that today is not only your holiday, but also that of everyone who has studied and is studying. Everyone studied at school: our grandparents, mothers and fathers. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday.

2nd presenter.
We don't go to school in vain:
It’s impossible without science.
You will enter life illiterate -
You'll be gone in a minute!

1 presenter:
To avoid mistakes,
You need to develop your mind.
And you can check it in the game -
Will it be easy or difficult?

We invite you now
Play for a fun time.

2nd presenter . Today in Lebyazhinskaya high school KVN “Friendly meeting of two generations”. The club of cheerful and resourceful people invites teams of teachers and students to the hall.


1 presenter:
Laughter is known to heal. And KVN is artistry, musicality, communication and, of course, humor, resourcefulness and intelligence!

2nd presenter:

Today we will cheer, but only for our native teams of teachers and students! We hope that there will be a lot of sparkling and original jokes, KVnov stars and pleasure from what you see! I wish the teams good luck, and the audience a sense of humor with a plus sign!

1 presenter: According to the good old tradition, the first competition is a greeting. And evaluate our competitive program there will be a respected jury …________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The first competition "Visiting Roller" (name and motto)

Team performance

2nd presenter:

The jury is given the floor. First marks for the “Visiting Roller” competition.

Team ……


Let's applaud the teams.

1 presenter:

Leading. What kind of mess is this?

Here they made a mess out of words!

I suggest you:

Put everything in its place!

The task is to find out the words.

Second competition "Yeralash"

^ Words (on cards)

– quinlyka (vacation);

– hand (lesson);

– akbtien (office);

- in advance (change);

– apprat (desk);

– oskad (board).

2nd presenter:

Third competition “My Ideal”

1 Presenter: What is he like - an ideal student?

2nd presenter: What qualities do our students want to see in teachers?

1st presenter: We will find out in our next competition “My Ideal”

2nd presenter: Exercise. You are given the alphabet. For each letter of the alphabet, indicate to students the quality of an ideal teacher, and to teachers - the quality of a student. Thinking time – 3 minutes.

Examples: A – accuracy; B – frugality; B – consistency; G – hospitality, humanity; D – friendliness; E – naturalness; F – cheerfulness; Z – shyness; I – sincerity; K – beauty; L – curiosity, love; M – mercy; N – spontaneity; O – optimism; P – obedience; R – joy; C – willpower; T – tact; U – zeal, intelligence; F – fanaticism; X - good specialist(student); C – determination; H – philanthropy; Ш – playfulness; Ш – generosity; E – energy; Yu - humor; I am brightness.

The jury evaluates the competition.

Let's applaud the teams and give a musical gift.

Musical number__ “Ditties”_

Fourth competition “New Schedule”

2nd presenter. Once upon a time he was assigned to one school new director. It was very unusual person, and so he decided to redo and change everything at school. And he began to redo everything with the names of school lessons: he was very tired of the old names. So in the school curriculum, instead of reading, letter composition appeared, and instead of drawing, smearing appeared. Help the cheerful director and come up with new names for the lessons.


- mathematics;

- music;

- physical training;

– labor;

– chemistry;

- foreign language.

The teams are given one or two minutes to think, after which the captains read out the answer options. The jury evaluates the competition.

Fifth competition "Musical Change".

1st presenter: It's time to relax, move around, namely dance, which, by the way, is good for your health!

Assignment: Various music will play, and we will tell the teams which part of the body needs to perform the movements. You have to navigate and come up with interesting moves.

So, let's count down: three, two, one - let's start!

1st melody. Teams dance with one hand...

2nd melody. Teams dance so that there are as few feet on the floor as possible...

3rd melody. Teams must dance with their bellies...

4th melody. Teams dance only with their heads...

5th melody. Teams dance with only their feet...

6th melody. Teams dance with their shoulders...

7th melody. Teams dance with their eyes...

8th melody. But now all parts of the body are dancing!

The jury evaluates the competition.

Sixth Black Box Competition
2nd in riding . You don't know what's in this box. We give brief description this subject. Each team can ask 3 questions about the subject, to which we will answer: yes or no.


1. You can’t do without it. It's hanging on the wall. If I’m sick, my mother tells me: “Call Masha and find out...” It’s compiled by the head teacher. (Schedule of lessons.)

2. The “black box” contains an extraordinary treat: for the eyes, for the ear, for the tongue, and most of all – for the mind. (Book)

3. This is an item that depicts obedient and naughty, cheerful and a little capricious, girls and boys. They have different names. They have rest: in winter, spring, summer and autumn. This item holds good memories. (School photo)

4. He is always missing at school. Some people like to eat it. It makes you dirty. You can't do without it at the board. (Chalk.)

5. The sandpiper is not big,

He orders the whole hundred -

Then sit down and study,

Then get up and go away.

What is this? (Call)

6. This will teach you orderly movement. This will help you find a way out of any hopeless situation. And finally, it is simply a work of art. You can frame it, hang it on any wall of your apartment and admire it from morning to evening.(School evacuation plan)

The jury evaluates the competition.

Seventh competition “School podium on Mars”

This competition is for fashion designers. Teams need to develop and demonstrate models of school uniforms.

Demonstration of models accompanied by music.

The jury evaluates the competition.

Eighth competition “Professional Memory”

Two groups of nine people (from among the audience) line up on the stage. Each team is asked to look for a few seconds and remember in what order the spectators are standing. Then the guys scatter around the stage. It is necessary to gather “your” viewers and put them in the original order. The jury evaluates the competition.

Ninth competition "Intuition"

2nd presenter. It is important for a teacher to be able to determine the emotional state of his students, and students can easily determine the teacher’s mood. It’s good when both have a positive attitude every day. However, this does not always happen.

1st presenter One team shows facial expressions that indicate a person's emotional state, and the other tries to recognize that state.

The first team's task is to depict:

– shy joy;
– rigor;
- bad feeling.

The second team’s task is to depict:

- sadness;
- wild joy;
– indifference.

The jury evaluates the competition.

Musical number__________________________________________

Tenth competition “The poet’s soul cannot bear...”

This is a homework competition. The task is to write a poem with the suggested rhymes.

disciples are martyrs;
locker room - dump;
lesson - for future use;
teacher - ruler;
call - deadline;
mouth - sandwich;
chalk - blushed;
the diary drooped.

The jury evaluates the competition based on wit and the number of rhymes used.

Eleventh competition "Oh yes we are!"

1st presenter. Just recently, the first school bells rang in schools, thousands of children Once again sang the song “They teach at school.” We are all familiar with how first-graders perform this song. But how would popular performers perform this song?

The task is to perform the song “They teach at school” in the style of:

- ensemble " Golden ring»;
– group “Ivanushki International”.

The teams draw lots and perform a song. The jury evaluates the competition, then sums up the results of the entire game. Winner's reward ceremony. Congratulations to the teachers.

There is no more beautiful profession in the world -
You bring a source of knowledge to children.
And our teacher is our idol,
With whom we come to know the world.
And on this day we want to promise you,
That, having risen from school desks,
And we will be able to convey to people
Your work, warmth of hearts and passion for searching!
Beautiful at heart and very kind,
You are strong in talent and generous in heart.
All your ideas, dreams of beauty,
The lessons and undertakings will not be in vain!
You managed to find your way to the children,
May success await you on this path!

Musical number “School Anthem”_



We composed ditties

We tried really hard.

We only ask that you

They didn't take offense at us.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

We have come today for you.

Wish you great success,

So that they teach better than us.

Please, please explain,

Where is the north, where is the south,

Otherwise we’ll go to Africa -

We will all have a good time there.

How can we not confuse

Where is the Volga, where is the Nile.

You'll mix it up a little

A crocodile might eat it.

Teach to distinguish

Suffixes with prefixes,

Mom will give me

Yoghurts with additives.

Train our muscles

Temper them like steel

Relatives are surprised:

I became stronger and taller.

And our teacher

He loves silence very much.

Why doesn't he like to make noise?

Well, I just don’t understand.

And the director of our school

She issued the following decree:

Who gets one hundred fives?

She will give out prizes.

We sang ditties for you -

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

So that you clap for us.

One of the interesting forms of holding events are all kinds of competitions. KVN for Teacher's Day- these are jokes and songs, this humorous skits And funny stories on the same stage. Anyone who is ready to show creativity and knows how to improvise will be able to organize KVN.

When drawing up the script for this event, you need to know how KVN on Teacher’s Day differs from the same event held at other times. If you think that it’s nothing, then you’ve never held such a holiday before. In fact, KVN in honor of Teacher’s Day has its own distinctive features:

  • Several teams participate in the competition, but among them there must be a team of teachers. If you want to organize something unusual, organize a team of young teachers who have been working at the school for 1-3 years, invite a team of veterans to participate in the event.
  • The theme of KVN for Teacher's Day is necessarily related to school. It won't be boring. This approach will be relevant and fun. Will be able to look at school problems from the outside and see the attitude of both children and teachers towards them.
  • A festive greeting from teachers is required before the competition. Since everyone has gathered on the eve of such significant day then start holiday program should be solemn.

As for the rest, everything is as always: KVN for Teacher’s Day consists of the same competitions:

  1. Greetings
  2. Warm-up
  3. Homework
  4. Captains competition

We invite the attention of those who are to hold KVN on Teacher's Day to download several scenarios for free, which contain everything: from words of greeting to a solemn summing up. Of course, you may have your own ideas, then they can be included in the finished developments. Celebrate and have fun: this is allowed in KVN.

Original script "KVN for Teacher's Day"

Ask what is original in this script, which we offer to download for the competition of cheerful and resourceful people? In addition to traditional competitions, some very unusual ones related to the school theme are also included:

  • New schedule
  • Education news

Included in the script possible options holding all competitions. Even if you are not the organizer of the event, but a representative of the children’s or teachers’ team, be sure to familiarize yourself with the scenario.

KVN for Teacher’s Day as part of the “Suitcase of Wishes” campaign

This KVN has a rather interesting background: the students decided to first organize the “Suitcase of Wishes” event, and then have fun at the competition. You will learn how to carry it out from the ready-made script, which can be downloaded from the link. The development of the history teacher of the Chamerevskaya secondary school S. L. Konkova is presented.

The most fun KVN for Teacher's Day

There are 3 teams participating in KVN. Schoolchildren represent teams " Inveterate scammers" and " Truants ", and teachers will entertain the audience in the "Emergency Help" team. Take advantage ready-made script holiday and let everyone have fun on this autumn day.

Video: KVN for Teacher's Day

We decided to hold KVN at our school on Teacher’s Day, there is a good script, but you have no idea how it will all go? Now this issue will be resolved, because we bring to your attention a video of KVN for Teacher’s Day, which has already taken place on the stage of one of the lyceums. Pay attention to how the presenters behave, how at ease each participant feels. You can also see it in the video

The presenter and director of one of the most popular television programs, which has become a national game played in Israel, Japan, and Australia, is the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. The president international union KVN and the creative association "AMiK".


Decree of the President of the KVN MS on the ban on plus phonograms.

Decree of the President of the KVN MS “On participation in non-KVN television projects.”

Rules and instructions for the work of official MS KVN leagues

The KVN post office has ceased operations. You can use the temporary KVN Mail Archive to extract valuable information from your mailbox. The KVN Post Archive will cease operations on March 1, 2015.

Thank you for being with KVN Mail all this time.


In KVN, everything happens differently from normal people. Although normal people have their own reasonable traditions. For example, textbooks are republished every year, corrected and supplemented each time.

This book has already gone through three reprints. And this is not the limit, comrades! After all, KVN changes along with our lives, which means the process of improvement is endless!

The most amazing thing is that KVN members continue to read this book, most of which was written six or seven years ago, and even claim that reading this still implies not only historical interest, but also practical benefit.

Our days

Today's KVN is just as different from the KVN of 50 years ago as the first television receivers with a lens are different from modern devices with a flat screen, dolby surround sound and other bells and whistles. But still. Where did it all start?


(From the warm-up) - We celebrate holidays very widely in Nyagan. Last year, for example, Mr. Credo came to the city day. What holidays do you have in your city? - Even in Nyagan, once every twenty years they celebrate an open door day, only on this day you can leave Nyagan.

The worst day is the second of January, the day when you drink again until the morning

Irkutsk policeman

Andryusha was prepared for camp by his mother and grandmother, so he wore clean clothes every day. And Seryozha was collected by his grandfather, so he went on the attack every day.

Benevolent Roman

(From warm-up)
- We celebrate holidays very widely in Nyagan. For example, Mr. Credo came to the city day. What holidays do you have in your city?
- The Dune group lives in Dolgoprudny, so every day we have “Greetings from a big hangover!”

Phystech team, Dolgoprudny

For the prostitute's birthday, a pimp with a sense of humor gave her a copy of her passport

Georgy Valentinich

To avoid misunderstandings, prostitutes are never given money for their birthday.

Ryazansky prospect, State University of Education

The shepherd could not get used to the loss and walked the minced meat for the third day.

Academy of National Economy

Vasya had a bad day since the very morning. Rain, slush... Also this shooting.

Name me

The Nizhny Novgorod society of those who have caught colds from drafts invites everyone to an open day.

“Gems” KGSAA, Kostroma

The guy had such a bad day that he even wi-fi router showed two stripes.

It is high time

The X-ray showed that Lena literally understood the phrase “Take two teaspoons a day.”

Donor Day was held in Hollywood; all the blood collected will go to Quentin Tarantino's new film.

Team of the Southern Moscow Region

The pedestrian who fell through the hatch was in no hurry to call for help, because it’s not every day that you get to take a selfie with a splinter.

It is high time

In Rus', guests were always greeted with bread and salt! On the third day, the guests begged for at least something to drink...

MGSU (Moscow)

For each of his birthdays, the son of a bus driver received a suspicious item or an ownerless item.

Young fathers

The therapist at the district clinic treated me so well in the morning that he didn’t see anyone for the whole day

The Ministry of Health warned, RNIMU

A homeless man with a very low pain threshold dines every day in the best restaurants in Moscow.

The birthday boy blew so hard on the cake that the next day the stripper woke up with a runny nose.

Detective agency "Moonlight"

Oleg never knew how to give hints, so for his grandmother’s birthday he gave a sample application for inheritance.

Detective agency "Moonlight"

The owner's cat gave birth to 7 kittens. And so as not to confuse them, she named one Murzik, and drowned the rest

“Women’s Day in the men’s bathhouse” (Ryazan)

The hostel janitor was absent for only 1 day, but the city's demographics increased by 20%

"That's how it's written"

Chechen hackers have been actively trying to register on Odnoklassniki for three days now.

"Team of the Chechen Republic"

– My girlfriend said that she wants to die with me on the same day. I asked: “What are you up to?”

Detective agency "Moonlight"

On police day, interrogations are conducted according to the “good, and already pretty policeman” scheme.

KVN team "Natural Composition" (SMU, Moscow)

We, like Daria Dontsova, have a new detective every day. - Well, golden-headed, meet the golden-toothed ones!!! - Nyagan organized pop group “Neotsedy”.

As a child, they bought me 100 grams of sweets every day. Now I have grown up and cannot live without 100 grams...

As a child, they bought me 100 grams of sweets every day. Now I have grown up and cannot live without 100 grams...

During live broadcast A woman called Vladimir Putin and said that her husband did not want to have a second child. And the very next day my husband gave birth.

Here at KVN.

Performance by the KVN student team.

The first one comes out and reads the letter.

1st. To the village for grandfather... My dear grandfather, Konstantin Makarych! Your grandson Vanka Zhukov is writing to you. I’ve been studying at the university for the second year, and for the second year I’ve been praying to you tearfully: take me away! Everything would be fine, no one bothers you, and they give you sleep, but one thing is bad: the session is already twice a year. And then, dear grandfather, just drop everything and run wherever your eyes look: either exams, or tests, or whatever they come up with. I can’t bear to endure all this, I want to come to you on a warm stove. And yesterday I was beaten: they told me to go to KVN to play, sing and dance! But I’m all like you, dear grandfather, no hearing, no voice, so I refused. And the guys got angry, threatened to beat me, but the rector stood up, looked at me carefully and said that I was very suitable for KVN - funny. That’s what I wrote on my student ID: “Passed.”

The melody of the song “Border” sounds. Behind the scenes there is a cry: “Get in line! March to the stage!” The band members come out onto the stage like a train: some with a guitar, some with an accordion, some with suitcases and bags.

All (singing to the tune of the song “Border”). They took me, guys, right without the military registration and enlistment office,
They took it to KVN and gave it to me as a joke!
I'm sorry, grandpa, but I won't come to you,
After all, I have to play just like everyone else!

There is no limit for you here,
We have a place to fight!
Let's play in KVN
We are not for medals!
We will not play in KVN for medals -
So that the audience in the hall does not get tired of clapping.
The girl will come and cry from laughter,
He will say: “Cool, honey!”
It’s good that KVN came to our city -
Instead of cigarettes and beer instead.
We will play, KVN will begin,
Sing and dance, light up the hall.
Just like everyone else, rock KVN.
Just like everyone else!

Let's play in KVN,
It will be more fun.
There are no limits for you here!
Here are the students' faces!
2nd. The KVN team welcomes you... (name of the institute).
1st. Guys, we are students! And KVN started just like the military! (Sings.) The locomotive will rush straight to the border!
3rd. You don’t understand anything, it’s just a greeting. We must tell the jury and the audience about ourselves, about our university.
1st. And what did we tell with this song?
2nd. Well, at least the fact that our university has a military department and upon graduation we become reserve officers.
3rd. By the way, guys, do you know that there is no club for cheerful and resourceful people in the army?
1st. Why?
4th. Because the cheerful ones sit on the lips, and the resourceful ones stay at home.
2nd. By the way, being resourceful is great. Resourcefulness is always needed, especially for us students.

Musical beat.

All (they sing to the tune of the song “It’s cool you got on TV”). In a provincial town
Once upon a time we lived with you.
We left to study
Leaving home.
In our beloved town
Suddenly they opened a branch.
"Super! - we said together. -
You got it, and I got it!”

Cool we got you
To this university
And I am proud of my university!
Make your choice, don’t be shy,
Be brave!
There is no more beautiful university, believe me!
1st. Now your years are growing,
Here you are at 17.
Where should you study then?
What to do?
2nd. I want to be an economist.
3rd. And I am a great programmer.
4th. My dream is to be an engineer.
1st. I am in charge of affairs.
Together. All these specialties
Available at our university.
2nd. To our city from distant countries
Everyone is in a hurry to visit us at the university!

Chukchi, Negro and New Russian come out.

Chukchi(sings to the tune of the song “I’ll take you to the tundra”). I rode on reindeer for a long time
And I came here.
I want to study at university
We will be one family.
So that there are fewer jokes
They wrote about me
I will learn all the sciences,
Even though I am a Chukchi, friends!

Chorus. We will pass, we will rush through the outskirts and the center,
AND student life I, however, will live.
I'll go to the disco, attend concerts,
I’ll take the young city woman to my place in the tundra!
Black person(sings to the tune of the song “Chocolate Bunny”). I was a chocolate hare
But I wanted to study
And from Africa to your city
I just took it and flew.
I told you: "Happy New Year!"
"Go to hell!" - I said.
Your director laughed
And he took me on as a student.
And now I'm at the institute -
That's how great I am!
I will study well
I am an example and a model.
Of course there will be lectures
Visit very strictly
And then at recess
I will sing and dance.

I'll be a student here
Cool intellectual
One hundred percent beautiful! Ooo!
Ah, dear Africa,
I miss you,
But I feel good here! Ooo!
New Russian (sings to the tune of the song “If I were a Sultan”). "If I were a Sultan" -
I once sang.
I became a new Russian -
Cooler than the Sultan!
I have a villa
I have two companies
But I decided it was time
Learn for me.

To your university specifically, keep in mind,
I will come to study various sciences.
1st. Students are different.
2nd. So now you can’t go anywhere without education! And not only young people understand this, but also our grandmothers.

New Russian grandmothers are coming out.

Flower (shouting). But who wants hot pies with apples and cabbage?
Matryona. Why, Flower, have you gone into trade or something?
Flower. Where to go? We bought a computer for our grandson - how much money it costs! I gave away all my savings. But now everything is there: the sprinter, the motor, that is, the monitor, and the mouse.
Matryona (jumps). How's the mouse? Oh, fathers, did you bring it with you?
Flower. White mouse from the computer, darkness! I have no time to talk to you, I need to feed my grandson. I ran away in the morning and didn’t have breakfast.
Matryona (sarcastically). So what does our two-meter baby eat? What's his menu for today?
Flower. Yes, as usual, nothing special. A saucepan of cabbage soup, about seven cutlets, a bowl of salad, pancakes, three liters of compote, twelve kilograms of watermelon.
Matryona. With such an appetite, you can only learn culinary skills and try everything cooked. Why did you choose this institute?
Flower. He chose his granddaughters himself, and how he chose is a separate story.

The 5th comes out and sings to the tune “How My Mother Wanted Me.”

5th. How my mother wanted me
To teach giving in vocational schools.
But I'm afraid, brothers,
Go to vocational school.
Oh, don't give me away, mother!

How my mother wanted me
Send to the polytechnic,
So that later I like
I was at the machine plant.
Oh, don't give me away, mother!

How my mother wanted me
Send it to medical school.
I'm still from school,
Oh, I'm afraid of injections.
Oh, don't give me away, mother!

How my mother wanted me
Give it to an agricultural technical school,
So that I'm the first
A guy in the village.
Oh, don't give me away, mother!

My mother was tormented with me,
We have lost peace.
Okay, there is a university!
I'll be a great engineer!
Oh, give me away mother!
3rd. And we continue our speech and now we’ll talk about what worries our youth.
4th. Like what? Our studies, profession, our future.

Verka Serduchka and Glucose appear on stage.

Serduchka (points finger towards student). And this is your choice, daughter? Nightmare! Oh, these modern youth, and especially your youth fashion!
(Sings to the tune of the song “I wanted a groom.”) I've told you this many times:
What do you wear to the disco?
It's just an attack!
Well, what kind of jeans, what kind of T-shirt,
What a stupid idea!
Nice guy from you
I swear he will run away!
He will run away, he will run away. You're just a fool!
Glucose. You are behind fashion, mom,
For almost a thousand years!
And I'm so stylish -
One for the entire faculty.
And I'm dressed very cool,
Don't talk nonsense!
And I’m a great guy,
Of course I will find it.
I'll find it - doo-doo, I already know it!
Together. I wanted a groom!
Glucose. So I got dressed up
Together. I wanted a groom!
Serduchka. So I was stunned
1st. Complete misunderstanding!
2nd. Eternal problem fathers and children!
3rd(corrects). Daughters and mothers!
4th. What's the difference! Parents just forget that they were children too. We ran through puddles, got bad marks, disappeared at dances and, of course, played...
All. In KVN!
5th. Come on, Aunt Vera!
Serduchka (sings to the tune of the song “Over the Four Seas”). I remember I played KVN!
And many years have passed since then.
Now play too, student!
I believe everything will be fine with us.