Why do you dream of stealing gold and gold jewelry? Why do you dream of gold, gold bars, gold jewelry - chains, rings, earrings: what does this mean? Gold chain dream, find a gold chain in a dream

Scientists have long been trying to unravel the phenomenon of dreams. Every year people learn new information about dreams, which scientists substantiate scientifically. It has already been proven that all people see dreams, but not everyone remembers them. If previously it was believed that people who do not remember their dreams have a strong psyche and are able to solve their problems, then at the moment proved otherwise.

What if you dream about gold being stolen?

Those who remember images of night dreams are distinguished by creative thinking and are quite emotional. In addition, scientists agreed that by correctly interpreting the title of the image seen, one can prevent difficulties or predict favorable events.

Many people often think about what gold means in dreams. In dream books you can find different interpretations, so it is impossible to give an unambiguous interpretation to the dream. To correctly understand the meaning, it is important to analyze in detail the image you see and compare it with reality.

If the meaning of the dream is positive, for example, gold symbolizes success, then you can believe in it, which will allow you to think positively. Scientists also admit that a dream is an image of an event that has already happened in a person’s life, which can be repeated if it is often remembered.

If a person saw gold in a dream, then most likely everyday life it is directly related to finance. Psychologists explain such a dream as a subconscious fear of making a mistake, which is formed against the backdrop of responsible execution. job responsibilities. For example, if you dreamed that gold coins or bars were stolen, then most likely in reality the person is afraid of losing his job due to an accidental mistake.

Many people are interested in what it means if gold is stolen in a dream. According to the interpretations of dream books, it is necessary to take into account the form in which gold was presented and who dreamed about it.

What does it portend?

Traditionally, a girl seeing gold rings in a dream means a wedding in reality. If a girl saw her ring with a stone in a dream, then this is for her wedding. Consequently, a dream about the theft of this jewelry foreshadows troubles, a possible cancellation of the celebration and parting with a loved one.

If a person saw in a dream that his friends had stolen gold, then in reality his comrades were keeping something secret from him, and soon everyone would know about it. In some dream books, it is believed that the dream, on the contrary, symbolizes the exposure of the dreamer, i.e., it foretells that his lies and secrets will soon be revealed.

If in a dream it was clear who stole the gold, then it is from this person that one should expect a moral blow in reality. In addition, stealing any gold jewelry in a dream may mean that health problems will arise in reality. It is possible that a person can become infected with some kind of viral disease in the most stupid way.

After analyzing the interpretation of dreams about stealing gold, there is no need to lose heart. It is worth mentally preparing for the possible consequences of exposure. In addition, you should not neglect your health; in the near future it is important to pay attention to the most minor symptoms.

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Gold is highly valued all over the world. Moreover, many cultures endow this noble metal with special qualities. Some peoples believe that gold jewelry in a dream is a good sign. They can be interpreted as purity of thoughts, well-being, a path to enrichment and career advancement. If you combine all the interpretations of such a dream, you will create a very attractive picture that positively paints the dreamer’s personal life.

Seeing gold jewelry in a dream is a favorable sign according to most dream books. To understand the essence of the image, it is worth getting acquainted with the meanings in more detail.

Why do you dream of gold jewelry according to Miller’s dream book?

Why do you dream of gold jewelry? The meaning of such an image according to Miller’s dream book may vary. Here a lot depends on the details of what you saw in the dream.

If someone gives a woman jewelry or coins made of this noble metal, then she will soon be proposed to in marriage. Most likely, she will become the wife of a rich, wealthy man. However, he will be very greedy and selfish.

When a person sees gold in his hands in a dream, then such an image promises him success in his work and good luck in any endeavors and projects.

Why do you dream of finding gold jewelry? According to Miller’s dream book, this is a sign foreshadowing the acquisition of financial stability, wealth, and recognition of the dreamer’s honor. Another interpretation of the dream may concern moving up the career ladder.

Finding a gold mine in a dream means performing an honorable deed. It will probably be difficult, but the dreamer will cope with it 100%.

If in a dream you lost gold jewelry, having lost them due to your own stupidity, then in real life Not the best is expected for you either better times. There is a high risk that the dreamer will not be able to hold onto luck by the tail and will miss the most important chance in his life to change something for the better.

Gold jewelry, according to Miller’s dream book, can portend other not-so-pleasant things. So, if you dream that a person is going to work in a gold mine, this is a negative sign. You should be more careful and careful. Perhaps you should rethink your intentions and actions a little. A dream often prophesies the emergence of bad conversations around the dreamer’s name, shame, intrigue and rumors.

Gold jewelry according to Loff's dream book

Psychologist Loff interprets gold seen in a dream as something good. Gold jewelry in a dream is a symbol of wealth and purity. In order to correctly interpret what you saw, it is necessary to understand how the noble metal appeared in the dreamer. It could be:

  • find;
  • present;
  • conquest

If you see gold jewelry given by someone in a dream, then you should expect a favorable outcome of all affairs and projects.

Finding gold jewelry in a dream means quick unexpected joy or good news. Most likely, the dreamer will be brought pleasure and happiness by all the events that will occur in his life in the near future.

Gold jewelry according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

The esotericist Tsvetkov interprets the gold jewelry he saw in a dream completely differently. The meaning of such an image in his dream book comes down to falsehood, deception, and disappointment.

You should not trust even the closest and most beloved people. Such a dream prophesies bitter resentment from lies and deception coming from friends, lovers, relatives or friends.

The meaning of gold in Zedkiel's dream book

The English dream book identifies gold decoration, seen in night dreams, with something negative. The Briton Zadkiel prophesies to a man who saw jewelry in a dream:

  • disease;
  • misfortune;
  • sadness;
  • anxiety;
  • disappointments;
  • poverty.

If such a vision comes to an unmarried woman, then the interpretation of the dream is even sadder. She is not destined to tie the knot with her beloved man, or her family union with him will be unhappy.

How does the Mayan dream book interpret gold?

Seeing a noble metal in a dream, according to the Mayan dream book, is good. It is believed that gold jewelry and precious chervonets are a symbol of colossal changes only in a positive direction.

If you dreamed of gold jewelry, chervonets, then a lot will happen to you in the near future. good changes. Moreover, it is especially good to see a lot of golden things. This promises success in all matters, health, happiness in your personal life and career heights.

Why else do you dream of gold jewelry? Such a dream may also have a negative meaning according to the Mayan dream book.

Seeing unprocessed precious metal in a dream means the need for long, hard work, which in an instant may turn out to be beyond the dreamer’s strength.

Find gold jewelry in a dream according to Grishina’s dream book

Find gold jewelry in a dream noble dream book Grishina - this means that everything will turn out well. It is a sign of honor, success and mutual love. Seeing a lot of gold jewelry in a dream means hopes that may be slightly exaggerated, the dreamer’s innocence of what they are trying to accuse him of, purity of thoughts and actions. Also, the meaning of such an image can be interpreted as the presence of important matters.

Gold jewelry found in a dream promises joy or the revelation of a terrible secret in which the dreamer desperately needed the truth. Giving precious metal means improving your own financial situation.

Seeing a lot of gold jewelry in a dream is good. If it is money, then the interpretation of the dream changes dramatically. This image prophesies misfortune. Moreover, if a person hides them, counts them, then all the troubles will happen due to his own carelessness or oversight.

Seeing gold earrings in a dream - interpretation according to a women's dream book

Seeing gold jewelry in a dream, in particular earrings, is a sign of success. Such a picture, seen in night dreams, promises:

  • happiness in love;
  • good luck in any endeavor;
  • financial reward for work;
  • easy solution to any issues.

Gold jewelry, especially earrings, taken as a gift from someone is not a positive sign.

Gold earrings as a gift are a symbol of self-interest. Perhaps the girl is marrying for convenience, but this will cause her mental anguish and disappointment.

Finding gold jewelry in a dream: why do you dream about such an image? If these are earrings made of noble metal, then women's dream book prophesies an easy solution to all issues and real success in business.

Finding gold in a dream: what does it mean according to the new family dream book

Why do you dream of gold jewelry, especially if a person finds it? According to the new family dream book, this is an image financial well-being and wealth.

When you dream about jewelry that the dreamer has found, he will be able to move forward by leaps and bounds to wealth, fame, respect and honor. Probably, the dream prophesies his growth in the professional sphere thanks to his own merits.

If it’s clear why you dream about finding gold jewelry, then how can you explain gold things lost in a dream? Such an image can become a symbol of active actions that ultimately lead to nothing. However, more often the value similar dream, in which gold jewelry was dreamed, indicates missed prospects and opportunities.

Gold promises the dreamer pleasant things if a person finds it in a dream. Loss predicts trouble. A dream about acquiring gold predicts success and wealth, as well as great joy.

Gold can appear in dreams in different types. It can be gold money, gold products, gold bars. In essence, gold is a symbol of the highest value in human life.

All manipulations with him in a dream mean how a person can manage the inclinations and opportunities that life provides him. Even just holding something made of gold in your hands means success in your endeavors.

Why do you dream of finding gold?

This dream suggests that you will soon advance life path to honors and wealth. However, you should pay attention to your dreams when you saw gold. If you have experienced joy and satisfaction, then you will be pleased with the upcoming changes in life. You will receive the reward you deserve, earned through honest work and nobility.

If finding gold causes you grief or anxiety, then in real life honor and prosperity will not bring you the desired satisfaction with yourself. It is possible that you will achieve honors at the expense of others or by misleading those who trusted you.

It is also worth remembering what the gold you found looked like. If it was clean and shining, then expect joy. In the same case, when the gold looks dull or it is dirty, you will be disappointed in what you considered extremely important to yourself.

Losing gold in a dream means that, due to your carelessness and shortsightedness, you will miss the great opportunity that fate will provide you.

What does it mean to steal gold in a dream?

The theft of gold promises the dreamer that he will understand the discrepancy between his position in society and what he desires. Such a dream seems to tell a person that in life he is taking someone else’s place, taking those benefits that are not rightfully due to him. It is possible that he is wishful thinking, which is why he himself will soon suffer.

If gold was stolen from you in a dream, then expect unpleasant surprises. You cannot find your place in life, you are trying to conform to what is alien to you. However, all your efforts will be in vain. Such a dream suggests that you should rethink your life position and views on the surrounding reality.

You need to base your own actions on your inclinations and needs. There is no need to try to adapt to the conditions dictated by society; you should look for your own ways for self-realization. Otherwise, you can lose something very valuable and significant.

A lot of gold in a dream

Such a dream speaks of a “golden” time in life. You will find new opportunities to solve your problems. What you didn’t even count on will be given to you by fate. But remember your own feelings during this dream.

Joy and admiration indicate that these changes will be favorable for you, you will feel like a fish in water in your new status. Sadness and depression promise disappointment. Despite success and new opportunities, you will feel lost and begin to yearn for the past.

Gold ring in a dream

Gold rings in a dream predict a quick marriage. If you suddenly lose a ring in a dream, then expect to part with your loved one. If you want to buy a gold ring, then this dream is a harbinger of new acquaintances and relationships with the opposite sex.

If you are given a gold ring in a dream, but you doubt whether to accept it, it means that the time for your wedding has not yet come. Even if in reality you are offered marriage, it is better to refuse it.

If a gold ring in a dream is not your size, too big or small, it means that the partner you are with now is not the person destined for you. Have a happy life it won't work with him.

Why do you dream about a gold chain?

A gold chain worn on you means joyful events if you like it. If the chain is ugly and bothers you, then perhaps you have taken on too many obligations that you cannot cope with in order to look good in the eyes of people.

Literally, the chain symbolizes cause-and-effect relationships, a chain of events. This is especially true if the chain had clearly visible links. The length of the chain indicates the degree of importance of these events to you.

If you dreamed of a chain with damaged links, then some process in your life will be interrupted. This dream predicts the fading of passionate feelings, conflicts, and some obstacles in achieving your desired goal.

However, if in real life you are really looking forward to the occurrence of some event, then a broken chain predicts fast execution your desire. Your wait will end soon, maybe it will happen suddenly, unexpectedly for you.

If the chain in your dream has different links, but they are all connected, then your life will be full of various events. In the same case, when the chain is connected with threads or some other material, this shows that in some process there will be difficulties that can at any time lead to a break and stop. For example, some difficult relationships may end if you do not make an effort to maintain them.

When you dream that you are tearing or chopping yourself gold chain, then this means that in reality you will give up something that was very valuable to you. A chain found in a dream predicts the start of a new business or relationship.

If in a dream a girl receives a gold chain as a gift from stranger, then she will marry a rich and selfish man.

Dream Interpretation - gold bars

Gold bars in a dream are predicted long trips, a letter that has been long awaited. It is possible that the dreamer will get a new well-paid job. A found bar of gold predicts that hard work and perseverance will lead to wealth. The efforts will not be made in vain; they will bring success and a change in circumstances for the better.

If in a dream you found a gold mine, then in reality you will be entrusted with a very difficult, but very honorable task. It could also mean that you will soon find a new good friend.

There is often an opinion that gold seen in a dream is a sign of luxury and prosperity. The book of dreams can tell you whether this is so and why you really dream about it.

Gold is an ancient noble metal. Seen in a dream, it will not always mean an increase in material wealth. More often such dreams are associated with inner world the dreamer, with the upcoming changes in his personal life.

In any case, revealing the veiled meaning of the dream, it is necessary to understand what the source of the gold seen is. Was it a gift, a find, or perhaps an acquisition. It will be possible to interpret a dream more accurately if you know its details and character.

Why do you dream of gold?

In a dream, holding gold in your hands means expecting extraordinary success in all your endeavors.

If a girl dreamed that she was given a lot of coins and gold jewelry as a gift, then in the near future she will have a wedding with a wealthy, handsome man. But his big drawback will be self-interest.

Finding gold in a dream means moving up the stairs material well-being, thanks to the personal qualities of the dreamer.

Seeing a lot of gold in a dream means that hard times will soon come, and the dreamer’s family faces poverty and lack. It is recommended to take a closer look at the people around you: it is quite possible that next to the person seeing the dream there are envious people and ill-wishers.

Losing gold in a dream speaks of a lost opportunity to improve your condition. The dreamer may be threatened by separation from someone dear to him.

Changing gold for something else is a warning about the possible loss of your profits. You need to be more careful.

Seeing that some parts of your own body are cast from this precious metal is a warning about empty dreams, which should still be abandoned.

Gold utensils in a dream foreshadow universal honors and praise. A table set with gold will tell you the same thing.

If you find gold ore in a dream, you should prepare for hard work. But this work will be necessary to achieve something important. Such a dream foreshadows great opportunities for the sleeping person. The dreamer will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task. This kind of opportunity doesn't come around very often. You should definitely try not to miss your chance.

Working with gold in a dream yourself or seeing another person doing this is a warning of danger. Perhaps the person wants to quickly get rich at someone else’s expense. You need to overcome this desire within yourself.

Why do you dream of stealing gold?

Unlike reality, stealing gold in a dream is considered a very auspicious sign. Only if the person who stole it was not caught. If the stolen gold turns out to be counterfeit, this is a warning that the dreamer may take part in a rather dubious business. You need to be careful.

If the theft is a fake ring, you should avoid affairs and promiscuous sex. This lifestyle can end sadly. To find someone else's gold and at the same time keep it means to appropriate someone else's merits.

Buy gold in a dream

Buying gold in a dream promises little trouble for the dreamer. Seeing gilding means deception, betrayal, falsehood.

Seeing blackened gold in a dream means disappointment in a loved one.

Looking for gold is a manifestation of opportunities, ideas, goals. In reality they need to be used.

The interpretation of any dream depends on a clear construction of the whole picture, on the mood and emotions of the dreamer associated with the dream. Do not despair if you receive a negative warning. Dreams warn, but a person still makes decisions on his own.

Well, if you don’t abuse heavy food at night and go to bed at good mood, then night visions will only delight you.

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(See interpretation: money)

Seeing gold utensils in a dream, eating or drinking from it means honors and wealth. The same thing means a dream where you will see a richly decorated table and many expensive gold objects.

See interpretation: jewelry and objects by name.

To see a dream about gold chains, icons, and headdresses is a harbinger of deception, flattery, a warning about possible betrayal or betrayal that will plunge you into poverty and deprive you of peace of mind.

For a woman to receive gold trinkets as a gift in a dream, it means that her life will be comfortable and prosperous.

If objects made of gold are lost or broken in a dream, then you will experience a break in relationships, loss, humiliation, and poverty.

If you dream that some parts of your body are made of pure gold, then do not build castles in the air. It's better to have a bird in a cage than a pie in the sky.

Losing gold is a sign that you have missed a brilliant opportunity to improve your situation. Sometimes such a dream predicts a break in your relationship with dear person.

Finding gold in a dream is a warning that you should not miss your chance.

Exchange gold for something else - you may miss out on benefits. See interpretation: statue, jewelry, dishes.

Holding gold in your hands is a sign of prosperity and prosperity.

Finding a gold mine in a dream means great opportunities and hard work.

Working with gold in a dream yourself or seeing others doing such work is a sign of danger due to your excessive desire to easily get rich. This dream also warns you that you should be more careful to avoid shame.

Seeing a golden crown on your head in a dream is a sign of poverty and ruin. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: crown.

Carrying gold on your hump or back is a sign of a heavy burden. Goldfish catching or holding in your hands in a dream means extraordinary changes in life.

If the fish dies or jumps out (if you don’t hold it), then you will miss your chance. See interpretation: fairy tale.

Buying gold in a dream means trouble. Seeing a lot of gold metal in a dream means poverty and lack in the family.

Gilding in a dream is a sign of deception, falsehood, treason, betrayal. See interpretation: money, buy.

Interpretation of dreams from